Villamar Koth

Raul "Wulfgars" Moura da Silva's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 151 posts (234 including aliases). No reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 16 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.

Grand Lodge

As the title says, I would like to cancel my Pathfinder RPG (Adventure Path ) subscription. I do not want the next AP. Thank you.

Grand Lodge 4/5


We will be runing this at the end of the month here in Portugal at a CON , and since this an "old Scenario" , i´m wondering if anyone has already any "gaming helps" for this?

Monster stats , skill checks table, gaming aids , visual presentations for the Overseer ( much like those done of this year´s special) , etc...

This , and nay tips/advices would be greatly appreciated to help the experience be better for the players and easier for the GM´s.

Thanks in advance .

Grand Lodge 4/5

Please Welcome the new Venture-Lieutenant from Portugal - Gaia : Miguel Gonçalves.

In the continuous effort we are going thru to implement PATHFINDER , and especially PFS , in Portugal, I´m in condition to announce a new VL for Portugal , in this case for the Gaia City/Region.

Miguel is a Portuguese player, and he is one of my trusted GM´s .

He is an experienced GM ,and has been playing RPG´s for some years, and PATHFINDER in particular .

I´ll let Miguel say a few more words and introduce himself....

Grand Lodge


I´ve already sent you guys 2 mails about this order , and as I said , it´s very urgent , and i need an answer from you guys.


Grand Lodge 4/5

PPCON´14 : PATHFINDER PORTO ´14 – Porto , Portugal

Next April 12 and 13th , the PATHFINDER LODGE PORTUGAL will be organizing the PPCON´14 : PATHFINDER PORTO ´14.

This is a National CON on it´s 1th edition. This is an Official and sponsored Event by PAIZO. We will play Scenarios and Modules from the Organized Play , PATHFINDER SOCIETY .

We have big expectations for it , and have already a lot of confirmations , but we want more , so we are calling out to players from our country but also from other countries to come to our Event. We will have tables with Spanish, Russian , Greek and English GM´s , so there won´t be any language problem. We also have a lot of surprises prepared and some exclusive Scenarios to be played that can only be run in Sponsored Events .

There is no entrance fee , but to help us manage the tables , there is a GOOGLE DOC to register in: JMRXlTV2wwelE#gid=1

For those that don´t know Porto , it´s a wonderful city to visit ,that has an International Airport with flights for all over the world and low-cost carriers operating from it. It has good weather , excellent food , magnificent wine and monuments and landscapes that will stay in your memory long after you leave the country. It´s a very peaceful City , with a highly cultural activity but a low –cost lifestyle . So a wonderful place to come with your family and let them enjoy the city while you play with us.
The Event will held in Crystal Park Shopping , at the Tropical Burger Shop, that is near one of the City´s Parks , Palácio de Cristal.
Come join us.

For more information and booking , please contact :

Grand Lodge 4/5

Please Welcome the new Venture-Lieutenant from Portugal - Aveiro : David Foley.

In the continuous effort we are going thru to implement PATHFINDER , and especially PFS , in Portugal, I´m in condition to announce a new VL for Portugal , in this case for the Aveiro City/Region.

David Foley is an Irishman living in Portugal, and he is one of my trusted GM´s .

He is a very experienced GM ,and has been playing RPG´s for a lot of years, and PATHFINDER in particular . In fact , he was one of the first that showed PATHFINDER to me some years ago.

He is starting this month a regular monthly public event in Aveiro. And has the will to make it grow.

The Aveiro city/region is 70 Km´s from Porto , and thus is expensive to the players and GM to go from one region to the other regularly ,so this will help us get into an area that has lot of potential , having already some PFS players and being a region with interested Rpg ´s foreigners , Universities , and a thriving and young gaming community.

I´ll let David say a few more words and introduce himself....

Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I would like to try something.....

Can we organize, if it´s possible, a compilation of old Scenarios , of Tier 1-3 , that can be easily "integrated" into the Season 5 Thematic and/or General Region ?

I´m not talking of "adaptation" of those , i´m talking of Scenarios , played as they are , minus the Season 5 Faction Goals , that could work for this. Like 2-08 , that is played in this general Area ,but unfortunetely it´s Tier 7-11.

Can anyone organize/do/give ideas?
I think it would be an awesome help to the GM´s trying to Organize tables/slots with the Season 5 only in mind ( thus not having to explain further more regions , motivations , etc , and still having a "feel" of the "General Flavour" of the Year of the Demon), and that could thru this, mitigate the possible lack of low Tier scenarios in their Regions/Store/whatever...

I´ve played a lot of old scenarios already , but i must confess , i don´t remember many that could serve the purpose....

Grand Lodge

Any news on when this will become available for purchase in the store?!

Go to Pathfinder Special # 1.

Grand Lodge 4/5

INVICTACON 2013 – Porto , Portugal

Next October , days 4, 5 and 6 , the PATHFINDER LODGE PORTUGAL will be co-organizing the INVICTACON 2013.

This is a National CON on it´s 7th edition. It has been mainly a Boardgames Convention , but in the last years , the RPG community has been participating in it , being the culmination of this growing partnership , this year´s edition, where we will be hosting inside the INVICTACON , the 1st NATIONAL PATHFINDER SOCIETY EVENT.

This is an Official and sponsored Event by PAIZO. We will have Scenarios form the Organized Play , PATHFINDER SOCIETY , but also Modules , Kid´s Track and GM 101 and some more things still to announce.

We have big expectations for it , and have already a lot of confirmations , but we want more , so we are calling out to players from our country but also from other countries to come to our Event. We will have tables with Spanish, Russian and English GM´s , so there won´t be any language problem. We also have a lot of surprises prepared and some exclusive Scenarios to be played that can only be run in Sponsored Events .

There is no entrance fee , but to help us manage the tables , there is a GOOGLE DOC to register in:

Go to Registration InvictaCon 2013.

For those that don´t know Porto , it´s a wonderful city to visit ,that has an International Airport with flights for all over the world and low-cost carriers operating from it. It has good weather , excellent food , magnificent wine and monuments and landscapes that will stay in your memory long after you leave the country. It´s a very peaceful City , with a highly cultural activity but a low –cost lifestyle . So a wonderful place to come with your family and let them enjoy the city while you play with us.
The Event will held in one of the Town´s Library , Biblioteca Municipal Almeida Garrett, that is built inside one of the City´s Parks , Palácio de Cristal.
Come join us.

For more information and booking , please contact :



Go to Pathfinder Lodge Portugal.

Grand Lodge


I´m from Portugal , and i´m trying to find retailers that might be interested in registering at PAIZO . It´s being hard , and when confronted with their questions , i really don´t know what to answer them...

What i want to know , is what are the current ( if any) Rewards for a Retailer that do sign up?

Does he get anything for the store ?( other companies give them posters , promotional material , access to rare material , etc). If he allows to play there does he get anything in return?

Please help me "sell" this to shop owners.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I´m starting this thread , so that we can have a place to "honor" all of the fallen Heroes that died in the service of the PATHFINDER SOCIETY.
Since death is a part of the life of a Pathfinder Agent , this will only serve to honor those that had a more significant role in the Society , thus , only Level 2 (and up) Agents should be mentioned here.

"Although the Decemvirate sometimes seems oblivious to the the fate of their Pathfinders Agents , we , the Venture-Officers , Faction Leaders and fellow Pathfinders, are not!"

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hi , just needed some advise/ideas for a subject.

We all know that death is part of PFS , and it´s all natural that some PC´s are going to die.

Nevertheless , it´s always sad to see PC´s disappear in "the line of duty" , without some kind of recognition from the Society ( in game , and in real life).

Does any one have a kind of "memorial " ( mail , drawing of a badge , etc) that they give special PC´s that died ?( let´s say level 3 up , for instance)

I would like to do something to my players ( recently we had a LVL 3/4 party TPK ) to make them feel "special" and encourage them to bring new Charater´s , knowing that their "good work" will be appreciated.

Maybe just creating a thread in Pathfinder Society Lodge forums for this , or , if PFS want to make it official , maybe give a small boon to the player who lost is PC´s , or make a sticky thread in a forum for this ( maybe only after a certain level)....


Grand Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Thanks for your words Mike.

Grand Lodge

Hi , i´m the GM of a player that currently plays a Elf Ranger ( archer style).

The thing is , he is currently a litle "sad" that his character only "get´s in position and fire with full round action two arrows", and asked me for advise on how to make his PC more "exciting" to play, with some "tweaks/flavour", like "headshots" , "twin arrows", "crippling shots" , etc , and with a description of his PC as a "Wood Ranger with good markmanship and good skills to contribute to a team ".

Of course , i said to him that somethings have to come up from him , and his "roleplay" , but he wants to know how to better do this "mechanically" ( traits, skills , feats , archetypes , etc).

Let me just say that his character is leveling up to LVL 2 now , and we play in PFS.

Grand Lodge

Just wanted to show a part of my "storing facility ".
I love to paint and colect minis , but i also love to do Dioremas , and since i needed somewhere to have all my miniature easily displayed to be picked up for games, i came up with this....

Go to Big Picture.

Go to Diorema 1.

Go to Diorema 2 A.

Go to Diorema 2 B.

Go to Diorema 2 C.

Go to Diorema 3 A.

Go to Diorema 3 B.

Grand Lodge 4/5

I want to announce the assignament of a new Venture-Lieutenant for Portugal, specifically the city and surrounding areas of Lisboa . I will let Bruno Sequeira introduce himself, locations where PFS will be played in Lisboa and surrounding areas ,and any other information he wishes to share.

Welcome Bruno!

PS: Now, both my VL are named Bruno! I guess i´ll have to make that a requirement for future ones ;-)

Grand Lodge 4/5

I´m the VC from Porto ,Portugal , and i´m starting this thread , as a rally point to all the players in Portugal.
We´ll be announcing in here some of our events , and hopefully , the players can use this information to join.
We are from Porto , but will help players all over the country , and schedule events with , or for them.
Besides that , we have a public venue, where we play every week , at saturdays morning and afternoon , and we are starting a monthly "Begginners Day" , besides the regular sessions of PFS ( free to appear and play).

The first "Begginners Day" event will be on December 15th at 14.00h.

Our venue adress is:
Centro Comercial Crystal Park
Tropical Burger
Rua Dom Manuel II, 81
Porto, Porto 4050-345

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hi to all.

I am delighted to introduce Bruno Tamames as Portugal's first VL. Bruno was my teacher into the DM arts , and tabletop roleplay in general and he is going to be my right hand man in making PFS play a reality around here.
He is one of the most knowned GM in the country , and is playing D&D for more than 20 years.
Ruleswise and storywise , he is our "encyclopedia" , so i know he´ll help anyone with questions.
