This is my take on Rasputin, trying to keep as close as thematically possible with the originally tactics. This stresses more of his tenuous hold on life, and plays on his seemingly miraculous ability to return from the dead. Rasputin is shifting between the spirit and the flesh, clawing his way back to life as many times as he can. Of course with the formless adept archetype and formless body class ability, this increases the difficulty of killing Rasputin and with the reanimated medium archetype, he can even become something of a reoccurring villain after the Reign of Winter.
Grigori Rasputin CR 17
XP 102,400
Male middle-aged human medium (reanimated medium) 3/psychic (formless adept) 15 (Occult Adventures)
NE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +23
----- Defense ----- AC 26, touch 19, flat-footed 25 (+6 armor, +4 deflection, +1 Dex, +4 insight, +1 natural)
hp 177 (18 HD; 15d6+3d8+108)
Fort +16, Ref +12, Will +20; +2 bonus vs. mind-affecting or +4 if possession
Defensive Abilities stitched-soul
Weaknesses influence penalty
----- Offense ----- Speed 30 ft.
Ranged mwk nagant m1895 revolver +11/+6 (1d8/×4)
Special Attacks phrenic amplifications (dispelling pulse, mimic metamagic, subordinate spell), phrenic pool (15 points), seance boon (trickster), shared seance, spirit (Trickster, 3 influence)
Psychic Spell-Like Abilities (CL 15th; concentration +19)
. . 1/day—detect thoughts (DC 19), telepathic bond Medium (Reanimated Medium) Spells Known (CL 3rd; concentration +11)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, grave words, guidance, mage hand Psychic (Formless Adept) Spells Known (CL 15th; concentration +19)
. . 7th (4/day)—finger of death (formless body only) (DC 21), reverse gravity, telekinetic sphere (formless body only) (DC 21), waves of ecstasy (DC 21)
. . 6th (6/day)—antilife shell, blade barrier (DC 20), disintegrate (formless body only) (DC 20), enemy hammer (formless body only) (DC 20), ethereal jaunt
. . 5th (6/day)—contact other plane, dominate person (formless body only) (DC 19), greater forbid action (DC 19), synapse overload (formless body only) (DC 19), true seeing, wall of ectoplasm (DC 19)
. . 4th (7/day)—freedom of movement, scrying (DC 18), sending, shadow step (formless body only), telekinesis (formless body only), terrible remorse (DC 18)
. . 3rd (7/day)—clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, gaseous form (formless body only), mental barrier II, thought shield II, vampiric touch (formless body only)
. . 2nd (7/day)—enthrall (DC 16), hold person (DC 16), levitate (formless body only), minor image (DC 16), silence (DC 16), spectral hand, stricken heart (formless body only)
. . 1st (7/day)—chill touch (formless body only) (DC 15), command (DC 15), entropic shield, expeditious retreat (formless body only), mind thrust I (DC 15), murderous command (DC 15), unseen servant
. . 0 (at will)—bleed (DC 14), detect poison, detect psychic significance, ghost sound (DC 14), read magic, resistance, stabilize, telekinetic projectile, virtue
----- Tactics ----- Before Combat
Within the Thrice-Tenth presbytery, Rasputin enjoys the benefits of the Worlds Engine's unholy aura and insight bonus to his AC. When faced with combat, Rasputin will activate his formless body and cast entropic shield, freedom of movement, levitate, and true seeing. Once enemies are in sight, he casts antilife shell and spectral hand to use touch attacks beyond the field's perimeter.
During Combat
Under the protection of his antilife shell, Rasputin attempts to hinder opponents with reverse gravity and waves of ecstasy and turn foes against each other with terrible remorse and murderous command, before laying waste with such deadly spells as blade barrier and enemy hammer. Rasputin will also attempt to possess the strongest combatants, turning them against their allies. He will use subordinate spell to link simple spells like command or hold person to blade barrier and antilife shell. He relies on his talisman's to provide healing in this battle.
Morale On the precipice of claiming his mother’s mythic power, Rasputin relies on his stitched soul to preserve his life, and fights to the death again and again until slain permanently.
----- Statistics ----- Str 10, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 26
Base Atk +9; CMB +9; CMD 28
Feats Combat Casting, Craft Wondrous Item, Diehard, Eclectic, Fast Learner, Great Fortitude, Iron Will, Persuasive, Spirit Sense, Toughness
Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +25, Diplomacy +30, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal +23, Intimidate +25, Knowledge (arcana) +15, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +20, Perception +23, Ride +2, Sense Motive +16, Spellcraft +16, Stealth +2, Survival +8, Use Magic Device +25
Languages Celestial, Common, Church Slavonic, Daemonic, Russian
SQ channel self, channeled spirit (trickster), detect thoughts, dowsing (survival), ease passage, faith healing (heal), formless body: blurred body, formless body: gasous body, formless body: incorporeal, formless spell, hypnotism (diplomacy), manifestation points, ability scores, phrenology (knowledge [arcana]), prognostication (sense motive), psychic possession, read aura (perception), spirit bonus (+1 on Dexterity checks, skill checks, and Reflex saves), spirit surge +1d6, telepathic bond, trickster's edge (Knowledge (nobility), Knowledge (planes), +3 ranks)
Combat Gearring of foe focus; Other Gear metal cartridge (21), mwk nagant m1895 revolver, +6 bracers of armor, belt of physical perfection +2, cloak of the yeti, headband of mental prowess +4 (Int, Cha), talisman of healing power, lesser (3), talisman of life's breath, greater
----- Ecology ----- contest mentions this was to be included, but this part is for monsters. This build of Rasputin is still very much still a NPC, but just in case.. Environment NPC found on in Russia on Earth, or within a demiplane.
Organization NPC with allies
Treasure see gear above
----- Special Abilities ----- Channel Self (Su) Base influence is 3, max is 6 and reverse influence effects for most abilities.
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Detect Thoughts (Sp) Cast detect thoughts, or expend 1st or higher spell slot to do so.
Diehard You are stable and can choose how to act when at negative Hp.
Dispelling Pulse (Ex) 1 pool: target of spell is affected by targeted dispel magic.
Dowsing (Survival, 1/day) You can produce mysterious writing that pertains to the immediate future.
Ease Passage (Su) Raise dead imposes only 1 negative level.
Faith Healing (Heal, 1/day) Temporarily suspend or remove curses, diseases, and ability damage.
Formless Body: Blurred Body (11 minutes/day) (Su) You can act under the effect of a blur spell.
Formless Body: Gasous Body (11 minutes/day) (Su) You can act under the effect of a gaseous form spell.
Formless Body: Incorporeal (11 rounds/day) (Su) You can act become incorporeal
Formless Spell (Su) 1 pool: Cast standard-action spell as part of action to assume formless body.
Hypnotism (Diplomacy, 1/day) Use power of suggestion to alter subject's mind or recover memories.
Manifestation Points, Ability Scores ([none], 37/psychic duel) Every combatant begins a psychic duel with a pool of MP equal to the combatant’s HD + the average of her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores.
Mimic Metamagic (Ectoplasmic Spell, Quicken Spell) (Ex) Spend points from your pool to apply selected metamagics.
Phrenic Pool (15/day) (Su) Pool of points you can use to modify psychic spells as they're cast.
Phrenology (Knowledge [Arcana], 1/day) Examine a creature's skull to learn it's psychological attributes.
Prognostication (Sense Motive, 1/day) You are skilled in means of folk divination.
Psychic Possession (DC 21) (Su) You can attempt to possess a creature while using incorporeal body.
Read Aura (Perception, 1/day) Read the psychic impressions left on objects or in places.
Shared Seance (Su) Can share the Seance bonus with others.
Spell Resistance (25 vs. good) You have Spell Resistance.
Spirit Bonus +1 (Su) Gain a bonus based on the type of spirit you host.
Spirit Sense +5 bon on chks to notice haunts. When tar inc crea with cor spl or eff, have 75% of aff targ.
Spirit Surge +1d6 (1/round) (Su) Add a die to a failed check modified by spirit bonus, which can change it to success.
Stitched-Soul (Su) Rasputin’s soul is stitched to his body with threads of fate, and he clings tenaciously to life. He gains Diehard as a bonus feat. In addition, when first reduced to a number of negative hit points equal to or greater than his current Con score, Rasputin dies, but he springs back to life 1d4 rounds later as if the target of a resurrection spell. If killed a second time, the Mad Monk again comes back to life 1d6 rounds later, as if the target of a raise dead spell (upon his return, he loses 50% of his remaining unused spell slots as if they had been used to cast spells). Only after Rasputin is slain for a third time do his soul’s stitches finally unravel from his corpse, releasing his malignant spirit into the ether.
Subordinate Spell (Ex) 1+spell level to cast second spell at same time. (Max level -5)
Talisman of healing power, lesser (1 uses) Reduced to half hp or less, regain 4d8+7 hit points automatically.
Talisman of life's breath, greater First time wearer dies, breath of life effect.
Telepathic Bond (Sp) Cast telepathic bond, or expend 4th or higher spell slot to do so.
I kept him at a 20 point build, but as a human took the alternate trait of dual talent and added +2 to charisma and constitution. I pushed the boundaries on the items he had crafted, and realize that some of these items he might have had help creating or had received from his sister in aiding her with her plan.
This harkens back to all of our first stories from Appendix N, adventures from the Brothers Grimm. And after backing Rise of the Drow and receiving such a phenomenal product, I can't wait for this one!
Happy Birthday Scott, and a Happy Un-birthday to us!
I really enjoyed the Incantations in Theory and Practice and Incantatons from the Other Side, and would like to see more products in this line for Pathfinder - maybe something fleshing out high magic (enochian magic) or and a take on more classic ritual spells from the standard spell list. I could also see using it in a Magic School setting - this way all the PCs could be any class but all have access to magic.
And I can dig some high level love too.
Without using Dragonlance 3.5 materials, I would take a look at the Tome or Magic or the 3PP Secrets of Pact Magic & Villians of Pact Magic by Dario Nardi. The is even conversion notes to Pathfinder for the 3PP stuff. I would make Fistandantilus an aspect/spirit/vestige, hence the master of past and present - then allow a mortal spellcaster (most likely a soul weaver) named Fistandantilus to bind the vestige Fistandantilus to him for the day. This allows Fistandantilus as a mortal spellcaster to be only 18th level but have a lot more omph! compared to an average spellcaster. It also allows Raistlin to bind the vestige Fistandantilus at the same time. Just a rough idea.
@Rannald: I'm ok with the feat, but expect that you're going to play a character that has "reformed." I do not recommend an adolescent. There are going to be a couple areas including the start where people are going to be concerned about putting an adolescent at risk.
Ah yes another Thrune who has sold his soul... I realize that the feat lists it as a lawful evil outsider (implying devils). I was looking for something outside of the standard devils - my thoughts run to the Kyton as a lawful evil outsider but with ties to the Plane of Shadows. My other idea is that its not an lawful evil outsider - but some other type of outsider. And with the whole adolescent bit - I was going as the opposite of Jo. He has been trapped/static at the same age for awhile now, but not to impossible long. I was figuring he was somewhere around his late teens. So think Peter Pan, Claudia of Interview w/a Vampire.
Concept wise, I'm looking at starting with a dip in Bard (to flesh out skills and such) and then Conjurer with the subschool of teleportation. And thinking celebrity archetype for Bard - giving him a reputation of a daredevil or "human fly". And I'm looking to re-skin the trait Cliff Jumper into Traceur – a practitioner of parkour or free running.
I also noticed a certain mistake Aberian Arvanxi is appointed mayor in 4689 AR supposedly by Abrogail II, who doesn't take the throne until 4607 AR. I would suggest that he be appointed by Infrexus, Abrogail's cousin and predecessor.
This is the background I worked up (Warning it's a bit long). Any comments, criticisms, questions are welcome, and if you find this agreeable I will start on an profile.
Everyone makes mistakes. Some of those mistakes can be forgiven or corrected, but others are with you for the rest of your life or longer...
Most would assume I was talking about my father, Tatius Thrune; who had supported a botched attempt on Emperor Infrenxus' life and our family's inevitable exile to Westcrown. Or maybe they would assume, I meant my mother Sabine Thrune; whom after my father's untimely disappearance, agreed to be courted by a one Alexius Marsh, who robbed the last of our family's fortune sinking us into abject poverty. But for those who know me, can guess that I refer to myself. Some mistakes can never be forgiven or corrected...
I was born in the capital city of Cheliax, Egorian, and being a Thrune meant I had been born into the lap of luxury. I would have been educated by the finest tutors, attended all the right social functions, and served with distinction in the government or perhaps in the clergy. In otherwords a good pawn. Instead, from the age six on we lived in the Parego Regicona of Westcrown, at Vira Coniecto Donum. The place was old and neglected, a place to banish undesirable family members to. The slips here were ancient, the children and grandchildren long ago sold off, and were let to doter around the place. I spend my early years exploring that old place as well as the rest of the Rego Corna. I was small for my age, but nimble and quick, with a knack for climbing. I explored any where I could get into, I climb the sea walls and ran across rooftops. Heights held a fascination for me, an ability to escape and look down upon the world around me. At the age of nine my father disappeared, and a year after that my mother had been tarnished by Marsh. The last of the slips had been sold, and my mother and I were left to dwell in decaying finery and forgotten glory at Vira Coniecto Donum. My mother sank into a fugue, and I was left to my own devices. Soon I was lifting little trinkets in the Miratanza, sell kick-knacks I swiped from various vaneo's I visited or broke into, and about once a month I could manage to bribe my way to the Dusk Market.
At the Dusk Market I met Maius Maxius, he was in search of information on one of the fallen Wiscrani families. He needed a guide, someone familiar with the Parego Regicona. I was hired, and I was fascinated with his stories about his travels. Of course I didn't realize he was a member of the pathfinder society at the time. After he was gone though, I found the wayfinder laying on my window sill. I was thrilled at the prospect of being a pathfinder and leaving behind everything here in Westcrown. I knew a life of adventure and travel, exotic sites and thrilling dangers awaited for me. And I was in too much of a rush to seize it. I went to the Dusk Market when ever I could, to spend what ever coin I had on pathfinder journals or other exotic lore. And I dallied too long at the Dusk Market, and was caught out after curfew. Of course not by the guards but by what ever stalks the streets at night. I ran as fast as I could, but they were everywhere. And the strange snake-like shadows lashed out at me, and I burned cold. My legs too heavy too move, my hands clumsy to climb, and more and more of them. I stumbled to the ground and couldn't get up, couldn't move. I just curled up and cried as I waited for the end. In desperation I called out, at first for my mother but another name crossed my lips, Perderabo. I screamed that name, and I awoke in my own bed three days later screaming that name. I had been found on the lawn at Vira Coniecto Donum, delirious with fever. I had no idea how I reached home, but I was grateful.
I should have worried about what had happened, but I put that all behind me. My mother had recovered some of her wherewithal during my sickness. It was several weeks before I could leave my bed, but I eventually made a full recovery. Or at least I thought it was a full recovery. Somehow my mother had managed to acquire a tutor for me, a conjurer. I was to learn magic, luckily conjuration seem to come easily for me, not so much with the rest of my studies. My penmanship was terrible, my concentration abysmal, and after learning a few spell I seemed to hit a wall. It was during this time I would catch my shadow moving of its own accord. At first it seemed like a trick of the light, my shadow seemed to be one step behind me or sometimes one step ahead. If I watched it, nothing; but out the corner of my eye I could catch it at times. No one else seemed to notice, or at least mention it. Over time bits and pieces of that one night filtered back thru my dreams. As I caught bits and pieces, I would awake in strange places with no memory on how I came to be there. The worst was on the day after the death of Infrexus, I awoke on that morning atop Aberian's Folly flying a banner proclaiming “the king is dead, long live the queen!”. I became a bit of a celebrity with that one. I've gotten a reputation as a bit of a daredevil, someone without a fear of heights and a willingness to take risks. And things seem to have changed for the better but I realize now I had made a deal with an outsider, but no devil I've ever heard of has the name Perderabo. Of course, since that fateful night I haven't changed. Look at my face and hands, my size; listen to my voice – I don't look like a man about to enter his majority. I haven't aged a day in the last five years and I never get sick. Some mistakes you can't correct or be forgiven...
As a side note, I could see "hiring" Jo as a bodyguard to protect/defend me. Especially since we both has underworld background/ties and the opposite situtations.
I was interested in this 3rd party feat, pactbound soul. I'm also interested in the possibility of using the young template. The idea of him being an adolescent, like an Artemis Fowl.
#3 A Living City - Your Part
This AP is about bringing Westcrown to life. I expect you to contribute to that experience. So, I’m requesting that you each create two locations and two NPCs in Westcrown that your character has ties to at the start of the campaign. The NPCs do not need to be statted out. Please post these to me with spoilers. I will be building a Westcrown Guide for all players, so you'll all get to see our collective creativity - perhaps minus a few individual spoilers.
So what do you think about a Thrune blacksheep wizard?
I this this idea is great and I'ld like to take a stab at this:
Lady Clease:
Lady Clease, The Vitriolic Baroness
Appearance: At first, she could pass as human but as she comes into the light her mauve skin-tone and flashing onxy eyes betray her lower planes origins. Tall, statuesque beauty, but not of the seductive kind – the Lady Clease was made to rule. Cruel, arogant, and a tongue like acid – she never the less manages to command small armies of devoted servants.
Lady Clease, The Vitriolic Baroness
Domains: nobility and protection (defense)
Demon Summoner (Broodmaster, Master Summoner) 5
CE Medium outsider (chaotic, demon, evil, extraplanar)
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +20
AC 33, touch 15, flat-footed 18 (10 +5 Dex +18 Natural Armor Bonus)
hp (15d8 + 5d8); fast healing 1
Fort +10, Ref +15, Will +11 +4 resistance bonus to all saves
Defensive Abilities evasion, improved evasion, devotion; DR 5/lawful; Immune acid, electricity, poison; Resistance acid 10, cold 10, fire 10
Speed 30 ft
2 claws +20 (1d6+6 plus 1d6 Acid)
1 bite +20 (1d6+6 plus 1d6 Acid)
Special Attacks
Spell-like Abilities (CL 15th, concentration +17)
at will inspiring command [6 allies]
aura of protection [15 rounds] (+2 deflection bonus to AC, resistance 10)
3/day Acidic Tongue – breath acid in 60 ft line
3/day bless, shield
3/day enthrall, barkskin
3/day prayer, protection from energy
3/day discern lies, spell immunity
3/day greater command, spell resistance
3/day brilliant inspiration, antimagic field
3/day repulsion, deflection
3/day demand, mind blank
1/day Deflection Aura
Spells Known (CL 5th, concentration +14)
2nd (5/day) – Summon Eidolon, Lesser Restore Eidolon, Lesser Evolution Surge
1st (7/day) – Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon, Corrosive Touch, Ray of Sickening, Reduce Person
0 (at will) – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Detect Magic, Guidance, Message, Read Magic
Evolutions 26 Evolution Pool
Charisma Increase [8]: Increase Charisma score +8
Breath Weapon [6]: 3/day Breath Acid 60 ft line: Reflex for ½ damage (DC 17+Con mod)
Fast Healing [4]: Fast Healing 1
Damage Reduction [3]: DR 5/Lawful
Energy Attacks [2]: Acid +1d6 to attacks
Immunity [2]: Immune to Acid
Improved Damge [1]: Claws 1d6
Bite [1]: Bite 1d6
Eidolon Abilities
maximum of 7 natural attacks
STR 21, DEX 20, CON 10, INT 12, WIS 15, CHA 28
Base Atk +17, CMB +22, CMD 37/FL 32
Feats Allied Cohort (Rite Publishing), Antagonize, Augument Summoning B, Craft Wondrous Creature (Open Design), Extra Evolution, Leadership D, Multi-attack D, Provoke (Open Design), Resilient Eidolon, Simple Weapon Proficiency, Spell Focus (Conjuration), Summoner's Call
[D – Domain, B – Bonus]
Traits Natural-Born Leader, Diabolical Dabbler
Skills bluff [+27/15], diplomacy [+27/15], intimidate [+27/15], knowledge (arcane) [+10/6], knowledge (nature) [+10/6], knowledge (religion) [+10/6], knowledge (arcane) [+10/6], perception [+20/15], sense motive [+20/15], spellcraft [+10/6], use magic device [+27/15]
Languages abyssal, celestial, common, and draconic; Telepathy 100 ft
SQ Lesser Eidolon Brood, Brood Link, Summoning Mastery, Augment Summoning, Summon Monster II, summon Monster III
Eidolon 1
CE Small outsider
Init +X; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +X
Speed 30 ft
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 natural, +2 Dex, +1 size +1)
hp (1d8)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft
Melee 1 claw +4 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 acid)
STR 12, DEX 15, CON 11, INT 7, WIS 10, CHA 11
Base Attack +1; CMB +2; CMD 13/12 FL
Feat none
Skills bluff +4, intimidate +4, perception +4, use magic device +4, stealth +6
Languages abyssal, celestial, draconic
SQ evasion
Eidolon 2
CE Small outsider
Init +X; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Perception +X
Speed 30 ft
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 14 (+3 natural, +2 Dex, +1 size)
hp (1d8)
Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +0
Speed 30 ft
Melee 2 claws +5 (1d4+1 plus 1d6 acid)
STR 13, DEX 14, CON 11, INT 7, WIS 10, CHA 11
Base Attack +1; CMB +2; CMD 13/12 FL
Feat Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike/Claws)
Skills bluff +4, intimidate +4, perception +4, use magic device +4, stealth +6
Languages abyssal, celestial, draconic
Her Eidolon's look like small versions of herself. And for the two cohorts I was wondering about a Half-Fiend Neirid (CR 13)and Entropic Fiendish Neirid (CR 12), or is their a different plan for cohorts?
I know I still need to spend my 12,000 gp, but would greatly appreciate any feedback, thank you.
Well, I've hopefully finished with both concepts and hope they are ready to go. Not sure if I managed to get all my thoughts across, but I can be contacted by email reginald.littleATyahooDOTcom
Regor the Godling:
Regor, the Godling of Magic CR 12
NG Male Fiendish Half-Celestial Human (Shoanti) Wizard (Scrollmaster/Blood of Magic) 10
Medium Outsider ((Humanoid), Human, Native)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision (60 ft); Perception +9
AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 15 (+1 Dex, +1 natural, +5 armor)
hp 92 (10d6+40)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6
DR 10/good, 5/magic; Immune disease; Resist acid 10, cold 15, electricity 10, fire 15; SR 23
Speed 35 ft., Flight (70 ft, Good)
Melee Scrollblade (4th level spell) +12 melee (1d6+6/19-20/x2)
Scrollshield (4th level spell) +5 melee (1d3+4)
Special Attacks Smite Evil (1/day), Smite Good (1/day), Spell Rune (with Blast Rune)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
3/day Protection from Evil
1/day Aid, Bless, Cure Serious Wounds, Detect Evil, Dispel Evil, Holy Smite, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease
Domain Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
13/day Blast Rune
Divine Power Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
3/day Detect Undead
2/day Twilight Knife
1/day Snake Staff
At Will Seer I
Power Witch – Occult Patron
Divine Pool: 2 + 5 (½ level for favored class)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 10th, concentration +16)
5th - three
4th - four
3rd - five
2nd - six
1st - six
0 - four
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 24/30, Wis 9, Cha 16
Base Attack +5, CMB +9, CMD 20 (19 Fl)
Feats Craft Magic Arms and Armor 7, Craft Wondrous Item 5, Eldritch Heritage – Arcane H, Extra Talent – Sigil-Marked 1, Improved Scroll Casting W, Inscribe Rune 9, Rugged Northerner B, Scribe Scroll D, Shield Focus 3, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Arcana)B, Throw Anything W, Totem Spirit (Tamiir-Quah)B, Weapon Focus (shortsword) W,
[B – background, D – domain, H – human bonus, W – wizard bonus, # – level gained]
Traits Courageous, Dangerously Curious, Explorer
Skills Acrobatics [+3]Climb [1/+5], Escape Artist [1/+5], Handle Animal [5/+8], Knowledge: Arcane [10/+26]; Knowledge: Nature [10/+20], Knowledge: Religion [10/+20], Knowledge: the Planes [10/+20], Perception [10/+9], Ride [5/+6], Spellcraft [10/+20], Stealth [4/+5], Survival [10/+13], Swim [1/+5], Use Magic Device [10/+17]
Languages Aklo, Common, Giant, Hallit, Shoanti, Skald, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ Scroll Blade, Scroll Shield
Gear +4 Armored Kilt; Fallen Star Ioun Stone; x2 scroll of black tentacles, x9 scroll of scorching ray; Other Gear 65 gold, Blessed Book, Ioun Stones (Dark blue rhomboid; Pearly white spindle, cracked; x3 Crimson Sphere, cracked)
Blessed Book 12500 GP + 3825 GP +2980 GP = 19305 GP
Preparation Ritual
Improved Eyes of Rul Thaven (Su) This improved boon allows you to see invisible creatures. You can activate the boon’s effect as a swift action to gain the effects of see invisibility for up to 10 rounds. The rounds need not be consecutive, but you must spend a swift action each time you activate the boon’s effect. The boon’s effect is only spent when all 10 rounds of see invisibility are used up, or the next time you prepare wizard spells.
9th – unavailable Rune [teleportation circle]
8th – unavailable Rune [symbol of death]
7th – unavailable Rune [instant summons]
6th – unavailable Rune [greater glyph of warding]
5th – Rune [Lesser Planar Binding]; Break Enchantment, Secret Chest, Contact Other Plane, Prying Eyes, Symbol of Scrying, Symbol of Sleep, Interposing Hand, Sonic thrust, Wall of Sound, Lesser Astral Projection, Symbol of Pain, Rapid Repair, Permanency
4th – Rune [Explosive Runes]; Globe of Lesser Invulnerability, Stoneskin, Black Tentacles, Solid Fog, Touch of Slime, Arcane Eye, Locate Creature, Scrying, Symbol of Revelation, Shout, Symbol of Slowing
3rd – Rune [Glyph of Warding]; Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Sleet Storm, Arcane Sight, Unravel Destiny, Deep Slumber, Blacklight, Distracting Cacophony, Force Punch, Countless Eyes, Greater Magic Weapon, Bone Tattoo (RP: 101-3)
2nd – Rune [Secret Page]; Dust of Twilight, Fog Cloud, Stone Call, Blood Transcription, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Hideous Laughter, Burning Gaze, Scorching Ray, Hypnotic Pattern, Mad Hallucination, Codespeak, Hidden Knowledge, Make Whole, Whispering Wind, Lesser Arcane Seal (RP: 101-2)
1st – Rune [Erase]; Alarm, Icicle Dagger, Obscuring Mist, Comprehend Languages, Identify, True Strike, Hypnotism, Sleep, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shocking Grasp, Ray of Enfeeblement, Dancing Lantern, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Excavation, Magic Weapon, Stone Fist
Lesser Ward (RP: 101-1), Animate Tattoo (RP: 101-1)
Cantrips – Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Bleed, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Daze, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Drench, Flare, Ghost Sound, Jolt, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Penumbra, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Root, Spark, Scoop, Slaping Hand (RP: 101-0), Touch of Fatigue
Blast Rune (Sp): As a standard action, you can create a blast rune in any adjacent square. Any creature entering this square takes 1d6 points of damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. This rune deals either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, decided when you create the rune. The rune is invisible and lasts a number of rounds equal to your cleric level or until discharged. You cannot create a blast rune in a square occupied by another creature. This rune counts as a 1st-level spell for the purposes of dispelling. It can be discovered with a DC 26 Perception skill check and disarmed with a DC 26 Disable Device skill check. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
Spell Rune (Sp): At 8th level, you can attach another spell that you cast to one of your blast runes, causing that spell to affect the creature that triggers the rune, in addition to the damage. This spell must be of at least one level lower than the highest-level cleric spell you can cast and it must target one or more creatures. Regardless of the number of targets the spell can normally affect, it only affects the creature that triggers the rune.
Sigil-marked: The godling’s skin covered in marks, which may be tattoos, brands, birthmarks, or ritual scars. Once per day, the godling may absorb a scroll or potion into her skin, creating a new mark. (If a scroll is absorbed, it may only have spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less.) The godling may then use the scroll or potion as a standard action at any time in the future, causing the marks that represented them to be erased. Only the godling may be the target of a potion she has absorbed in this way. If the godling could not normally use the scroll, she makes a special Use Magic Device check (against the normal DC to use the scroll), with a bonus of 3 + her godling class level + her spellcasting attribute modifier.
Seer I: As a standard action the godling can attempt to gain knowledge and learn rumors about a given topic. This functions as the gather information function of the Diplomacy skill (expect for the reduced time taken) and the godling gets a special check to determine success. The check is 1d20 + (level x 1.5) + the godling’s spellcasting attribute modifier. The godling may only make a single check for a given topic, and cannot make a new check until she has gained another godling level. If the godling casts a divination spell with a percentage chance of gaining information (such as augury or divination), the godling adds her spellcasting attribute modifier to the chance of success.
Divine Power I (Sp): The godling selects one school of magic, domain, or sorcerous bloodline. The godling gains one 1st level spell of his choice from the specified source. The godling may cast this spell once per day as a spell‑like ability. He may ignore arcane spell failure and material components with no gp cost, but must meet all priced material component and focus requirements normally.
Divine Power II (Sp): The godling may now cast the 1st-level spell gained from Divine Power I twice per day. Also, the godling gains one 2nd- or 3rd-level spell of his choice from the same spell source. He may cast this spell once per day using the same rules as Divine Power I.
Divine Power III (Sp): The godling may now cast the 1st-level spell gained from Divine Power I three times per day, and the 2nd- or 3rd-level spell gained from Divine Power II twice per day. Also, the godling gains a 4thor 5th-level spell from the same spell source. He may cast this spell once per day using the same rules as Divine Power I.
Lineage Domain: As a result of their divine bloodline, adept and eldritch godlings gain access to the powers and spells of a cleric domain. Once these domains are selected they cannot be changed. (While the player selects these domains, the godling character gains these as inherent powers with no choice or effort required). Lineage domains need not be the ones the godling’s divine parent grants to clerics—not all godlings have powers related to their parent’s realm of authority. The godling uses her class level for her effective cleric level. A godling uses her spellcasting attribute modifier (rather than her Wisdom modifier) to determine save DCs and uses/day of all her lineage domain powers. A multiclass cleric/godling who has the same domain from both classes adds the two classes together when determining what granted powers and spells the character has and their effectiveness.
Divine Traits: Divine traits are special powers a godling gains through her divine heritage. Players may select any divine traits for a godling character, regardless of the godling’s divine parentage. Each divine trait has 4 degrees—listed from I to IV—though some of the upper degrees may be limited to only adept or eldritch godlings. A godling gains the benefit of all the degrees of a trait she possesses (though in some cases higher degrees make lower degrees superfluous). A godling gains divine trait ranks at 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels. The number of ranks gained increases each time, 1 rank at 3rd level, 2 ranks at 7th, and so on. Each time a godling gains divine trait ranks, she may spend them on one or more traits. Raising a trait up one degree costs a number of ranks equal to its new degree, but the godling must buy each degree separately. Thus taking a new trait at degree I costs 1 divine trait rank, while taking a trait a godling already has at degree I to degree III costs 5 ranks (2 ranks to bring it from degree I to degree II, and 3 more ranks to bring it from degree II to degree III). A godling may save unspent ranks if she wishes, but can only spend them when she gains a new level. Once ranks are spent, the trait chosen is permanent and the ranks cannot be regained.
Some wizards trade their knowledge of magic and craft to improve their combat prowess.
Gain: Bonus feat list (as fighter, bonus feats gained at 1st level and every five levels as a wizard).
Lose: Scribe Scroll, wizard bonus feat list.
WIZARD ARCHETYPE – Genius Guide to Arcane Archetypes, Genius Guide to Mystic Godlings
Blood of Magic : Some Eldritch Godlings direct their magic thru study and contemplation versus developing by sheer force of will. These godlings follow the path of the wizard.
Gain: Domain Lineage (at 2nd level), Divine Trait Pool (at levels 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th). Treated as a godling for all purposes regarding Traits, Feats, and Spells.
Lose: Arcane School, Arcane Bond
Scrollmaster : To some wizards, a scroll is not just a written form of a spell, it is a physical weapon meant to be used in combat like a sword or a shield. These strange wizards enter battle armed with scrolls, often one in each in each hand, practicing combat techniques resembling some monk martial arts.
Gain: Scroll Blade (1st level), Scroll Shield (3rd level), Improved Scroll Casting (10th level)
Lose: Arcane Bond, Bonus feat at level 10
Fallen Star Ioun Stone:
This is my attempt at making a “falling” star that would orbit some one's head until combat time, where it would act like a super charged flubber ball slamming into some.
So I started with an Orc Shotput (10 gp, thrown weapon dmg 2d6/19-20/x3, Range 10 ft), turned it into an intelligent magic weapon
Cost of : +1 Returning Adamantine Orc Shotput 11,310 GP
Cost of: Intelligent (Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10) +1000 GP Ego of 10
Alignment NG, 60 ft darkvision, empathy +1000 GP
Flare at will; grants proficiency with orc shotput +3000 GP
Dancing Lantern w/Permanency effect +2500 GP
Acts like a Wayfinder +1000 GP
Goal: Seek knowledge to open a gate to Yog Sothoth
Total Cost: 19,810 GP
Then as an Animated Object (Tiny), I repeated the augmented critical and improved attack until it had the same stats as the weapon itself. I reduced the move until it had no move, so it would act like a ioun stone. It has a ranged attack rather than the slam to represent it throwing it self into a target. The guidelines in the Ultimate Magic list a construct as (CR x CR] x 500) + materials (19,810 GP), which gives me 12,500+19,810 = 32,310 GP. If going with PF 43 alternate guidelines, it reduces the price by 500 GP.
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural, +2 Size)
hp 5 (1d10)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will -5
Defensive Abilities hardness 5; Immune Construct Traits
Speed 0 ft., fly 0 ft. (clusmy)
Range slam +3 (2d6-2/19-20/x3)
Str 6, Dex 14, Con –, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Attack +1, CMB +1, CMD 9
Skill -2 (-8 Clusmy, +2 Dex, +4 size)
SQ 1 Construction Point
Construction Points: Augmented Critical (2 CP) – 19-20 Threat Range, x3 Damage Multiplier; Improved Attack (5 CP) – Increase to 2d6; Metal (6 CP); Ranged Attack (2 CP); Additional Movement (1 CP) – Flying at 0 speed; Slower (+3 CP) – reduces speed to 0 limiting movement to that of an Ioun Stone.
Augmented Critical (Ex, 1 CP) Increase the threat range for the Animated Object’s melee attacks by 1 or the threat multiplier by 1. This cannot combine with itself or with the piercing attack or slashing attack object abilities. Source UM
Improved Attack (Ex, 1 CP) All the Animated Object’s melee or ranged attacks do damage as though it were one size category larger. A crafter must purchase Improved Attack separately for melee and ranged attacks. Source UM
Metal (Ex, 2 CP) The object is made of common metal. Its hardness increases to 10, and it gains a +2 increase to its natural armor bonus. Mithral objects cost 4 CP, and gain hardness 15 plus a +4 increase to natural armor. Adamantine objects cost 6 CP, gain hardness 20, and receive a +6 increase to natural armor.
Ranged Attack (Ex, 2 CP) Replace one slam attack with a ranged attack. It does the same amount of damage, and has a range of 20 feet. Replace all attacks for an additional +2 CP. Object abilities that specify slam attacks do not work on ranged attacks. Source UM
Slower (Ex, +1 CP) One of the object’s movement modes decreases by – 10 ft. Source PF 43
Proficiency: The possessor is automatically considered proficient in the weapon's use. This power does not grant the possessor the ability to use other weapons of the same type or to use this magically granted proficiency to meet prerequisites. Item Type: Weapon. Price Modifier: 2,000 gp. Ego Modifier: +1.
The End Result is a grapefruit stone, whizzing around the users head like an other “lesser” ioun stone. It acts like a wayfinder, shining as a light spell on command, and can always locate north (granting a +2 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to avoid becoming lost). It has a small indentation designed to hold a single ioun stone. An ioun stone slotted in this manner grants you its normal benefits (as if it were orbiting your head), but frequently reveals entirely new powers due to the magic of the stone itself (just like a wayfinder).
And I was planning on putting in a Dark blue Rhomboid (Grants the Alertness Feat), which gives it this power if going by the static system with the Seekers of Secrets book:
Dark blue rhomboid: The wearer no longer suffer penalties on Perception checks for being distracted or asleep; during sleep the wearer may remain open-eyed and fully aware of his environment, though he is still helpless against undetected threats until he actually wakes up.
Regor's Backstory and History:
Regor was born in the heights of the Kodar Mountains during the depths of winter to a mother of the Tamiir-Quah. His mother never revealed his father's identity, and when she passed away a few short years later he was left an orphan. Raised by his clan; this strange youth was generally avoided, being of a singular intellect unlike any but the wisest elders, yet with an melancholy madness that made him avoid most people. Sullen and insular, given to fits of crying and despair, he was left to wander the ruins and wilderness to stare into the northern lights and star-lite voids.
The clan was sure he was to come to a bad end, but while he was long in limb after a few years; Regor left the clan and wandered away into the mountains to dwell among the ancient ruins that so fascinated him. And so for the next many seasons, he spend living as a recluse; surviving on the edge of the badlands with only the ancient ruins to keep him company. Slowly the carved lines and shapes that covered the ruins came to have meaning for him, and eventually Regor could understand them. With understanding came the knowledge of magic, then followed by a hunger to master magic. He spend the next few years combing the Kodar Mountains, then Riddleport, and finally all of Varisia for any ancient Thassilonian ruins. Finally, while trying an incantation in the Valley of the Stars; Regor summoned a fallen star...
Notes: Regor was born a half-celestial, his father being a fallen celestial serving Yog-Sothoth. Regor's destiny was supposed to lead him to open the way for Yog-Sothoth, but the death of his mother freed him of this path. The fallen star ioun stone in supposed lead him back to his destiny.
His looks betray his rough, wilderness lifestyle and Shoanti origins. He usually dresses in a dark tunic, wrapped in his kilt. Several pouches, bags, and other assortments decorate him, some magical and some mundane. The most intriguing are the scabbard full of scrolls and the grapefruit sized ioun stone spinning around his bald head. Most would assume Regor is a warrior from his six and a half foot frame, but the scrawl of blue woad tattooing across his skin hints towards a more mystically career. On the flip side, most goblins are terrified of him and generally call him the “Written-man”
Ithad Thrune, Chelixian Noble:
Advance Young Human Bard (Celebrity) 3/Wizard (Conjurer) 9 CR 13
N Small humanoid (human)
Init +9; Senses Perception +18
AC 23, 21 Touch, 14 Flat-footed
hp 62 (3d8+9d6)
Fort +4, Ref +15, Will +12
Defenses Acrobatic Dodge (12/day); Resist fire 1, Immune Aging, Disease, Energy Drain, Spawn
Speed 35/45 feet
Melee +1 rapier +17/+12 (1d4-1/18-20/x2 P)
dagger +16/+11 (1d3-2/19-20/x2 P/S)
unarmed strike 16/+11 (1d2-2/x2 B)
Ranged dagger +16/+11 (1d3-2/19-20/x2 P/S 10')
Special Attacks Bardic Performance (standard action) (12 rounds/day, Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate (DC 15), Inspire Competence +2)
Bard Spells Known (CL 3, +5 melee touch, +16 ranged touch, concentration +7)
1st (4/day) – Unseen Servant, Cure Light Wounds (DC 16), Expeditious Retreat, Summon Monster I
0 (at will) – Mage Hand, Open/Close (DC 14), Prestidigitation (DC 14), Detect Magic, Lullaby (DC 14), Summon Instrument
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 9, +6 melee touch, +17 ranged touch, concentration +20)
5th – (3/day) CloudkillS, Summon Monster VS (x2), TeleportS
4th – (4/day) Summon AccuserS; Dimension DoorS, Greater Infernal HealingS, Summon Monster IVS (x2)
3rd – (6/day) Stinking CloudS; BlinkS, Dispel Magic, Summon Monster IIIS (x3), Tiny HutS
2nd – (7/day) Acid ArrowS; Admonishing Ray, Rope Trick, Spontaneous Combustion, Summon Monster IIS (x3), WebS
1st – (7/day) Summon Minor MonsterS; Alarm, Infernal Healingv, Mage ArmorS, Summon Monster IS (x3), True Strike
0 – (4/day) Read Magic, Acid SplashS, Arcane Mark, Ray of Frost
Opposition Schools – Enchantment & Necromancy
Wizard Spells Cached (CL 9, +6 melee touch, +17 ranged touch, concentration +20)
12 – Light (½x2), Break Enchantment (5), Dispel Magic (3), Web Shelter (2), Expeditious Retreat (1)
Str 7, Dex 23/29, Con 10, Int 26/32, Wis 16, Cha 19
Base Attack +6; CMB +3; CMD 23/12
Feats Acrobatic B, Acrobatic Dodge 5, Additional Traits B, Augment Summoning 7, Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Companion Cache 11, Extend Spell W, Fleet 3, Lasting Caster 9, Noble: Scion of Magic B (1/day), Pactbound Soul 1, Spell Focus: Conjuration, Weapon Finesse H, Wizard Weapon Proficiencies
[B – Background, H – Human Bonus, # – Level Gained, W – Wizard]
Traits Cliff Jumper (Cliffs of Fury), Diabolical Dabbler, Extremely Fashionable, Infernal Influence, Master of Pentacles (1/day)
Skills Acrobatic [12/+29], Bluff [12/+19], Climb [12/+14], Diplomacy [V/+19], Disable Device [12/+23], Escape Artist [12/+24], Fly [12/+30], Intimidate [12/+19], Knowledge: Arcana [12/+27], Knowledge: Dungeoneer [1/+16], Knowledge: Engineering [1/+16], Knowledge: Geography [1/+16], Knowledge: History [1/+16], Knowledge: Local [1/+16], Knowledge: Nature [1/+16], Knowledge: Nobles [1/+17], Knowledge: Religion [1/+16], Knowledge: the Planes [12/+27], Linguistics [1/+15], Perception [12/+18], Perform: Oratory [12/+19], Sense Motive [V/+19], Sleight of Hand [12/+24], Spellcraft [12/+26], Stealth [12/+28], Use Magic Device [12/+19]
Languages Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Azlanti, Celestial, Common, Dark Folk, Giant, Grand Lodge Slang, Ignan, Infernal, Sylvan, Terran, Thassilonian
SQ +3 bonus on Climb Checks, Bardic Knowledge +1, Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar, Dimensional Steps (270'/day), Empathic Link with Familiar, Famous, Share Spells with Familiar, Shift (20 ft – 14/day), Speak with Animals, Speak with Familiar, Summoner's Charm (+4 r), Versatile Oratory +19, Wayfinder, Well Versed
Combat Gear +1 rapier, 5 daggers, Ring of Protection +1; Other Gear Bag of Tricks: Grey, Bag of Tricks: Rust, Bag of Tricks: Tan, Belt of Incredible Dexterity +6, Boots of Springing and Striding, Handy Haversack, Headband of Vast Intelligence +6 (Fly, Disable Device, Use Magic Device), Pathfinder Pouch, Wayfinder, Explorer's Outfit, Noble's Outfit, Signet Ring (Thrune), Spell component pouch, Thieves' tool masterwork set, Varisian Idol, 2000 gp in assorted jewelry, 3295 gp stored
Slip (Familiar)
Male Spider, Scarlet
N Tiny Magical Beast
Init +5; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +19
AC 23, touch 17, flat-footed 18
hp 31 (1d10)
Fort +4, Ref +11, Will +9
Speed 30 ft, climbing 30 feet
Melee Bite (Spider, Scarlet) +13 (1d3-4/20/x2)
Space 2.5 ft; Reach 0 ft
Special Attacks Poison – Str damage (DC 10)
Str 3, Dex 21, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Attack +6; CMB +9; CMD 15 (23 vs Trip)
Feats Acrobatic, Weapon Finesse
Skills Acrobatics +30, Bluff +8, Climb +36, Escape Artist +17, Fly 1/+15, Intimidate +8, Linguistic +2, Perception +19, Sleight of Hand +17, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +32, Survival 1/+1, Swim 1/+9
Languages Infernal
SQ Improved Evasion
Ithad's Blessed Book [1800 GP Preparation Ritual, 7220 GP Borrowing Spellbooks]
Preparation Ritual
Sturdy Summoning (Su) A creature you summon gains augmented defenses for a short time. Spend this boon effect as a free action when you cast a conjuration (summoning) wizard spell. The creature you summon with that spell gains a number of temporary hit points equal to your caster level, and as long as the summoned creature has at least 1 of these hit points, it gains a +2 circumstance bonus on saving throws.
5th – Acidic SprayS, Animal Growth, Break Enchantment, CloudkillS, Corrosive ConsumptionS, Dismissal, Major CreationS, Permanency, Lesser Planar BindingS, Shadow Evocation, Summon Infernal HostS, Summon Monster VS, TeleportS, Vermin Shape II
3rd – Ape Walk, Ash StormS, Blink, Dispel Magic, Explosive Runes, Greater Magic Weapon, Keen Edge, Mad MonkeysS, Magic Circle Against Chaos, Magic Circle Against Evil, Magic Circle Against Good, Magic Circle Against Law, Rain of FrogsS, Sleet StormS, Stinking CloudS, Summon Monster IIIS, Tiny Hut, Twilight Knife, Versatile Weapon, Vision of Hell
2nd – Acid ArrowS, Admonishing Ray, Arcane Lock, Arrow EruptionS, Dust of TwilightS, Fog CloudS, GlitterdustS, Haunting Mists, Locate Object, Mirror Image, Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Rope Trick, Sculpt Simulacrum, See Invisibility, Spider Climb, Spontaneous Combustion, Stone CallS, Summon Monster IIS, Summon SwarmS, WebS, Web ShelterS,
1st – Alarm, Animate Rope, Ant Haul, BungleOP, Corrosive TouchS, Dazzling Blade, Expeditious Retreat, GreaseS, Identify, Infernal HealingS, Mage ArmorS, Magic Weapon, MountS, Obscuring MistS, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Reduce Person, Shadow Weapon, Shield, Summon Minor MonsterS, Summon Monster IS, True Strike, Unseen ServantS, Vanish
Faction Traits
Master of Pentacles (Cheliax Faction): Your many years spent studying the art of summoning have given you a unique knowledge of these subtle and complicated arts. Once per day, when casting a spell of the Conjuration school, you are at +2 caster level when determining the duration of the spell.
Magic Traits
These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.
Diabolical Dabbler: Each fiendish animal you conjure with any summon spell gains +1 hit point per hit die for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Race Traits
These race traits are available to all characters of the appropriate race.
Infernal Influence (Chelaxian): Your family boasts secret diabolical ties that may go back much further than the Thrune regime, and much deeper. You gain fire resistance 1 and a +1 trait bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
Regional Traits
These regional traits are available to all Chelish characters.
Cliff Jumper (Cliffs of Fury): You spent your early years exploring and foraging along the coastal cliffs. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Acrobatics and Climb checks, and on Reflex saves to avoid falling.
Equipment Traits
Diabolical Dabbler: Each fiendish animal you conjure with any summon spell gains +1 hit point per hit die for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Pactbound Soul [Feats 101]
You have sold your soul in a bargain for immortality.
Prerequisite: Pact with a lawful evil outsider.
Benefit: You no longer age and gain immunity to animate dead, astral projection, clone, magic jar, raise dead, reincarnate, resurrection, soul bind, true resurrection, energy drain, disease, and spawn abilities.
Special: If you die, your soul becomes property of your infernal patron. At the GM's discretion he may bargain with a caster of raise dead, resurrection, reincarnate, or true resurrection to release your soul back to the Material Plane.
Lasting Caster [SGG]
Your spells last longer than others of your power level.
Prerequisite: Spellcasting attribute 15
Benefit: When determining the duration of your spells, you treat your caster level as if two levels higher.
Acrobatic Dodge (SGG)
Your nimble moves often allow you to flip away from a foe’s attack.
Prerequisite: Dex 15, Acrobatic.
Benefit: As an immediate action when you would normally be hit with a melee or ranged attack roll, you may make an Acrobatics check to avoid being hit. The DC for this check is equal to the attack roll that hit you. You gain a free 5 foot step as part of this Acrobatics check, and must take it. (If you cannot take your 5 foot step, you cannot use this feat. The movement doesn’t count against any other movement you are taking, and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.) You may only use this feat when you have an armor check penalty of 0, are carrying no more than a light load, and are not wielding a two-handed weapon or shield. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Dexterity bonus.
Companion Cache (Bonded) (Feats 101)
You use your mystical companion as a reservoir for your spells.
Prerequisite: Bonded Creature
Benefit: You can store a number of spells within your animal companion, familiar, or mount equal to your character level. For example, at 3rd level you could store one 1st level spell and one 2nd level spell or six 0th level spells. In all other ways this acts as a ring of spell storing.
Ithad Backstory and Appearance:
Polished a concept I've tried before
The concept backstory
Born of the union of two minor lines within House Thrune, Ithad spent his early childhood in the capital. But the family fell on hard times after his father, Tatius, supported a faction attempting to remove Infrexus. Exiled from the capital, the family retreating to Westcrown to languish with the old, powerless nobility. His father died soon after this, leaving the family with nothing and his mother, Sabine, devasted. Ithad used his skills, talents and abilities to make life more comfortable for him and his mother. But it never seemed enough, until he finally made the right (or wrong) deal with the entity Perdurabo. He is now known as a daredevil and a trouble maker, and within the right circles as a skilled second story man. After gaining some fame (or notoriety) for climbing the Arodennama and flying a large house banner on the day after Infrexus's death. After the cornation of Abrogail II, the family fortunes began to improve. A stippened has been granted to the house, and Ithad has been tutored by some of the best within Westcrown. Now nearing the end of his second decade of life, Ithad has become known as a daredevil and amoung some within Westcrown, the common man's Thrune.
Ithad has the pale skin, and pitch black hair characteristic of most of the noble family. His eyes are a striking violet, with slight crows feat around them, despite his obvious youth (of 13). His long, graceful fingers and lithe build put him at the same height as many dwarves, but his haughty nature shows thru. His is always impeccable dressed and groomed.
After many technical delays, here is the godling I've spoken about - minus the equipment and spell book. And I am still missing one feat, unsure what to choose from. Would be glad to take any suggestions or constructive critics.
Stat Block:
Regor, the Godling of Magic CR 12
NG Male Fiendish Half-Celestial Human (Shoanti) Wizard (Scrollmaster/Blood of Magic) 10
Medium Outsider ((Humanoid), Human, Native)
Init +1; Senses Darkvision (60 ft); Perception +9
AC 12, touch 11, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 92 (10d6+40)
Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +6
DR 10/good, 5/magic; Immune disease; Resist acid 10, cold 15, electricity 10, fire 15; SR 23
Speed 30 ft., Flight (60 ft, Good)
Melee Scrollblade (4th level spell) +12 melee (1d6+6/19-20/x2)
Scrollshield (4th level spell) +5 melee (1d3+4)
Special Attacks Smite Evil (1/day), Smite Good (1/day), Spell Rune (with Blast Rune)
Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
3/day Protection from Evil
1/day Aid, Bless, Cure Serious Wounds, Detect Evil, Dispel Evil, Holy Smite, Neutralize Poison, Remove Disease
Domain Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
13/day Blast Rune
Bloodline Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th, concentration +11)
6/day Protoplasm
6/day Black Motes
Bloodline Arcane, Protean, Void Touched
Divine Power Spell-like Abilities (CL 10th, concentration +16)
3/day Detect Undead
2/day Twilight Knife
1/day Snake Staff
At Will Seer I
Power Witch – Occult Patron
Divine Pool: 2 + 5 (½ level for favored class)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 10th, concentration +16)
5th - three
4th - four
3rd - five
2nd - six
1st - six
0 - four
Str 18, Dex 12, Con 18, Int 24, Wis 9, Cha 16
Base Attack +5, CMB +9, CMD 20 (19 Fl)
Feats Craft Wondrous Item 5, Eldritch Heritage – Arcane H, Eldritch Heritage – Protean 3, Eldritech Heritage – Void Touched 7, Extra Talent – Sigil-Marked 1, Improved Scroll Casting W, Rugged Northerner B, Scribe Scroll D, Skill Focus (Knowledge: Nature)B, Skill Focus (Knowledge: the Planes)B, Throw Anything W, Weapon Focus (shortsword) W, [ONE FEAT]
[B – background, D – domain, H – human bonus, W – wizard bonus, # – level gained]
Traits Courageous, Dangerously Curious, Explorer
Skills Climb [1/+5], Escape Artist [1/+5], Handle Animal [5/+8], Knowledge: Arcane [10/+20]; Knowledge: Nature [10/+26], Knowledge: Religion [10/+20], Knowledge: the Planes [10/+26], Perception [10/+9], Ride [5/+6], Spellcraft [10/+20], Stealth [4/+5], Survival [10/+13], Swim [1/+5], Use Magic Device [10/+17]
Languages Aklo, Common, Giant, Hallit, Shoanti, Skald, Sylvan, Thassilonian, Varisian
SQ Scroll Blade, Scroll Shield
Some wizards trade their knowledge of magic and craft to improve their combat prowess.
Gain: Bonus feat list (as fighter, bonus feats gained at 1st level and every five levels as a wizard).
Lose: Scribe Scroll, wizard bonus feat list.
WIZARD ARCHETYPE – Genius Guide to Arcane Archetypes, Genius Guide to Mystic Godlings
Blood of Magic : Some Eldritch Godlings direct their magic thru study and contemplation versus developing by sheer force of will. These godlings follow the path of the wizard.
Gain: Domain Lineage (at 2nd level), Divine Trait Pool (at levels 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th). Treated as a godling for all purposes regarding Traits, Feats, and Spells.
Lose: Arcane School, Arcane Bond
Scrollmaster : To some wizards, a scroll is not just a written form of a spell, it is a physical weapon meant to be used in combat like a sword or a shield. These strange wizards enter battle armed with scrolls, often one in each in each hand, practicing combat techniques resembling some monk martial arts.
Gain: Scroll Blade (1st level), Scroll Shield (3rd level), Improved Scroll Casting (10th level)
Lose: Arcane Bond, Bonus feat at level 10
Sigil-marked: The godling’s skin covered in marks, which may be tattoos, brands, birthmarks, or ritual scars. Once per day, the godling may absorb a scroll or potion into her skin, creating a new mark. (If a scroll is absorbed, it may only have spells with a casting time of 1 standard action or less.) The godling may then use the scroll or potion as a standard action at any time in the future, causing the marks that represented them to be erased. Only the godling may be the target of a potion she has absorbed in this way. If the godling could not normally use the scroll, she makes a special Use Magic Device check (against the normal DC to use the scroll), with a bonus of 3 + her godling class level + her spellcasting attribute modifier.
Seer I: As a standard action the godling can attempt to gain knowledge and learn rumors about a given topic. This functions as the gather information function of the Diplomacy skill (expect for the reduced time taken) and the godling gets a special check to determine success. The check is 1d20 + (level x 1.5) + the godling’s spellcasting attribute modifier. The godling may only make a single check for a given topic, and cannot make a new check until she has gained another godling level. If the godling casts a divination spell with a percentage chance of gaining information (such as augury or divination), the godling adds her spellcasting attribute modifier to the chance of success.
Regor was born in the heights of the Kodar Mountains during the depths of winter to a mother of the Tamiir-Quah. His mother never revealed his father's identity, and when she passed away a few short years later he was left an orphan. Raised by his clan; this strange youth was generally avoided, being of a singular intellect unlike any but the wisest elders, yet with an melancholy madness that made him avoid most people. Sullen and insular, given to fits of crying and despair, he was left to wander the ruins and wilderness to stare into the northern lights and star-lite voids.
The clan was sure he was to come to a bad end, but while he was long in limb after a few years; Regor left the clan and wandered away into the mountains to dwell among the ancient ruins that so fascinated him. And so for the next many seasons, he spend living as a recluse; surviving on the edge of the badlands with only the ancient ruins to keep him company. Slowly the carved lines and shapes that covered the ruins came to have meaning for him, and eventually Regor could understand them. With understanding came the knowledge of magic, then followed by a hunger to master magic. He spend the next few years combing the Kodar Mountains, then Riddleport, and finally all of Varisia for any ancient Thassilonian ruins. Finally, while trying an incantation in the Valley of the Stars; Regor summoned a fallen star...
Notes: Regor was born a half-celestial, his father being a fallen celestial serving Yog-Sothoth. Regor's destiny was supposed to lead him to open the way for Yog-Sothoth, but the death of his mother freed him of this path. The fallen star ioun stone in supposed lead him back to his destiny.
His looks betray his rough, wilderness lifestyle and Shoanti origins. He usually dresses in a dark tunic, wrapped in his kilt. Several pouches, bags, and other assortments decorate him, some magical and some mundane. The most intriguing are the scabbard full of scrolls and the grapefruit sized ioun stone spinning around his bald head. Most would assume Regor is a warrior from his six and a half foot frame, but the scrawl of blue woad tattooing across his skin hints towards a more mystically career. On the flip side, most goblins are terrified of him and generally call him the “Written-man”
I have narrowed down my original concepts down to two - the Godling of Magic and the Chelixian Noble. The godling being a fiendish half-celestial human (shoanti) wizard (using eldritch godling) 10. He works out to CR 12. For my little Artemis Fowl clone I'm looking at advanced young human (chelxian) bard (celebrity) 2/wizard (conjurer) 11 who also works out to CR 12. Not sure which would work out better? Will be posting more later tonight.
I'm guessing that if the set CR is 12, you could have a drow noble at level 12, versus a wimpy surface elf or common drow at level 13 at CR 12. Just my guess.
How about templates? Open season or restricted access. And if you go with a monstrous race do you just use the base stats, reduced 15 or 20 point buy, or the listed 25 point buy with monsters adjustments?
My mind is just spinning with possibilities, put a quick note - if we go the CR is equal to level route (which sounds the best to me) it makes a satyr a level 4 starting character give several levels to play with. I personally think something around CR 10 is a good start. I have a couple of ideas spinning in my head (which will then get cannabilized for cohort(s) if leadership is okay):
- the Man Out of Time and Space: Starting with the Enforcer Class (Anarchronistic Adventurers: The Enforcer) with maybe a little Gunslinger (if playtest is okay) thrown in.
- the Godling of Magic: Starting with Wizard, adding in Genius Guide to Arcane Archetypes and Genius Guide to Mystic Godlings to play a godling wizard (rather than a godling sorcerer).
- the Chelixian Noble: Strictly tied to the Golarian setting. Also a wizard (conjurer) with thief, ninja, or bard abilities. Add in Advanced Simple Template plus Young Simple Template for my own Pathfinder version of Artemis Fowl.
- the Alien Warrior: Giant Manimal Octopus Fighter/Rogue - Duelist for something completely like a fish out of water...
I too am interested, but are curious about monsters as races. I've been itching to use some of the super genius products, especially the defender and the godlings products.
For DM Morvius - In the Pathfinder Society, they switch out Scribe Scroll for Spell Focus. Just used to that, not a problem the other way.
For Aptinuviel - The level dip in bard gives an expanded list of class skills, additional weapon proficiencies, and a boost to some skills. And it helps fill out the character concept - a level of rogue or ninja would do the same.
Ithad is taking a level dip/starting out with Bard, but is primarily a wizard (conjurer)
Stat Block:
Male Human (Chelaxian) Bard 1
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +4
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10. . (+2 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +2
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Rapier -1 (1d6-1/18-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike -1 (1d3-1/20/x2)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day, Bardic Performance: Countersong, Bardic Performance: Distraction, Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 12), Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1
Bard Spells Known (CL 1, -1 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Cure Light Wounds (DC 13), Summon Monster I
0 (at will) Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Open/Close (DC 12), Detect Magic
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Additional Traits, Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Noble Scion of Magic (1/day)
Traits Child of the Streets, Cliff Jumper (Cliffs of Fury), Diabolical Dabbler, Extremely Fashionable, Master of Pentacles (1/day)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Bluff +6, Climb +4, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +3, Knowledge: Arcana +5, Knowledge: Dungeoneering +5, Knowledge: Engineering +5, Knowledge: Geography +5, Knowledge: History +5, Knowledge: Local +5, Knowledge: Nature +5, Knowledge: Nobility +7, Knowledge: Religion +5, Knowledge: The Planes +5, Perception +4, Perform: Dance +6, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +6, Use Magic Device +6
Languages Aquan, Auran, Common, Ignan, Infernal, Terran
SQ Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex)
Combat Gear Rapier; Other Gear Flint and steel, Mirror, small steel, Noble's outfit, Pouch, belt (empty), Signet ring, Spell component pouch, Thieves' tools, Waterskin, Whetstone
Bardic Performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day) - 0/6
Master of Pentacles (1/day) - 0/1
Noble Scion of Magic (1/day) - 0/1
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add + 1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (6 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 12) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Master of Pentacles (1/day) 1/day, add 2 to the caster level of a Conjuration spell for the purpose of duration.
So after character level 1, wizard (conjurer w/Necromancy and Enchantment) Arcane Familiar - Scarlet Spider. And swap out scribe scroll with spell focus (conjuration).
After wracking my brains for a while, I figure I'll go for the gold. The Campagin Setting guide listed noble scion under the Cheliax section, which seems to have been updated in the Inner Sea World Guide. I'ld like to submit a minor noble, Ithad who is from the glorious House of Thrune (Noble Scion: Magic with Infernal as the bonus language), he will be a bard (celebrity)/wizard (conjurer).
The concept backstory
Born of the union of two minor lines within House Thrune and spent his early childhood in the capital, the family fell on hard times after his father supported a faction attempting to remove Infrexus. Exiled from the capital, the family retreating to Westcrown to languish with the old, powerless nobility. His father died soon after this, leaving the family with nothing. Ithad used his skills, talents and abilities to make life more comfortable for him and his mother. He is known as a daredevil and a trouble maker, and within the right circles as a skilled second story man. After gaining some fame (or notoriety) for climbing the Arodennama and flying a large house banner on the after Infrexus's death. After the cornation of Abrogail II, the family fortunes began to improve. A stippened has been granted to the house, and Ithad has been tutored by some of the best within Westcrown. Now nearing the end of his second decade of life, Ithad has become known as a daredevil and amoung some within Westcrown, the common man's Thrune.
Feats: Noble Scion - Magic, Additional Traits
Traits: Cliff Jumper (To represent the Parkour stunts he did), Diabolic Dabbler, Master of Pentacles, Infernal Influence, and if allowed from Adventury's Armory, Extremely Fashionable.
I hope this fits your concept for the campaign and I will flesh this out more after work today.
Is any of the information from the Guide to the Pathfinder Society, Inner Sea World Guide, Inner Sea Primer, Pathfinder Gazetteer, or Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting available to use?
OK, file sent to everyone who provided their email.
Bear in mind it's a pretty straightforward conversion, so a lot of it is insanely goofy, and like all earlier edition modules, it's incredibly encounter-heavy.
I have many fond memories of these two modules, and ask also if I may have a copy of your work. Thank you in advance
I didn't think it was a proposal, I thought this was the climate:
1.Semi-arid region with little precipitation. A maritime influence causes a wetter summers and drier winters. Hot summer days are tempered by the low relative humidity and cooler evenings during summer months since, for most of the state, the highest diurnal difference in temperature is often in the summer. Winters can be cold, although extended periods of bitter cold weather below zero are unusual.
2. Average rainfall in the plains is 15 inches per year while the mountains might see as much as 100 inches. Temperatures ranger from 32/16 F in winter to 89/60 F in summer.
I'll chalk it up to regional differences, and revise my post to just average temperatures and rainfalls so that things keep moving along:
MONTH (with precipitation & temperatures):
Abadius – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 37/low 16)
Calistril – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 44/low 21)
Pharast – Spring (Average Rainfall .5 in & Temperatures of high 54/low 27)
Gozran – Spring (Average Rainfall .9 in & Temperatures of high 62/low 33)
Desnus – Spring (Average Rainfall 1.8 in & Temperatures of high 71/low 39)
Sarenith – Summer (Average Rainfall 4.0 in & Temperatures of high 80/low 46)
Erastus – Summer (Average Rainfall 3.1 in & Temperatures of high 89/low 51)
Arodus – Summer (Average Rainfall 1.6 in & Temperatures of high 88/low 50)
Rova – Autumn (Average Rainfall 1.1 in & Temperatures of high 77/low 42)
Lamashan – Autumn (Average Rainfall .6 in & Temperatures of high 64/low 33)
Neth – Autumn (Average Rainfall .5 in & Temperatures of high 48/low 25)
Kuthona – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 37/low 17)
I'm sorry, I think I've miss communicated some ideas here.
We have a stream running thru the valley, during the rainiest part of the year with melting mountain snow waters that would fill it
A river is defined as:
A large natural stream of water emptying into an ocean, lake, or other body of water and usually fed along its course by converging tributaries.
2. A stream or abundant flow
Now if we wanted a creek or spring, thats fine too it would be simple enough to say they fished a river that they crossed while coming here.
And for quick moving water, that's the time to catch the big fish as the move up fast moving water, but only during spawning season (i.e. the caviar) usually about this time.
I realize that I'm taking this data based off real-world sources and that could be changed in a magical world.
So three quick and easy adjusts:
* The river is outside the valley
* The stream is rising due to melting snow from nearby mountains
* A river is a stream and thats it.
And most of the year those fish wouldn't be in the river - just a once a year trip.
Sorry again to be confusing.
Abadius – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 37/low 16)
Calistril – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 44/low 21)
Pharast – Spring (Average Rainfall .5 in & Temperatures of high 54/low 27)
Gozran – Spring (Average Rainfall .9 in & Temperatures of high 62/low 33)
Desnus – Spring (Average Rainfall 1.8 in & Temperatures of high 71/low 39)
Sarenith – Summer (Average Rainfall 4.0 in & Temperatures of high 80/low 46)
Erastus – Summer (Average Rainfall 3.1 in & Temperatures of high 89/low 51)
Arodus – Summer (Average Rainfall 1.6 in & Temperatures of high 88/low 50)
Rova – Autumn (Average Rainfall 1.1 in & Temperatures of high 77/low 42)
Lamashan – Autumn (Average Rainfall .6 in & Temperatures of high 64/low 33)
Neth – Autumn (Average Rainfall .5 in & Temperatures of high 48/low 25)
Kuthona – Winter (Average Rainfall .3 in & Temperatures of high 37/low 17)
Sarenith, 4711 AR (Year 1: June)
As the air begins to warm with the promise of summer, thunderheads appear to the west releasing a deluge. A deluge that starts with a thunderstorm and lasts for three days with intermittent drizzle with the occasional heavy burst. As the rain passes, it has soften the ground and allow for easy plowing of fields. Summer planting is done between the many summer showers and flash thunderstorms. The river swells with melted snow water supplemented with the summers storms, and several of the men take to fishing the river bringing in trout, sturgeon, and a strange long spoon-billed fish (paddle fish). One exceptional catches yield a great many fish eggs, which is then smoked to produce a fine caviar. But the rains return with summer storms that turn the areas around the cabins into a thick sludge of mud. People are miserable and tempers are short, level heads prevail for the time.
Total Population 22
Cabins (5)
Simple Shrine to Erastil (1)
Fields planted with summer crops (potatoes, carrots, parsnips, beets, buckwheat, etc.) - not sure how many.
Major Characters
Ottar Velsking (LN human warrior 1/expert 3)
Lysanthir Mistmorn (NG half-elf ranger 3)
Bornel Buslem (N human aristocrat 1/expert 2)
The terrain and environment they are going to populate:
1.A mountain stream flows through the valley. The ground is rocky, generally poor for growing crops, though it supports hardy native grasses and shrubs; this natural vegetation is enough to support light grazing animals, such as sheep and possibly small numbers of cattle, in addition to any native herbivores we add to the area as we progress. The valley itself leads into volcanically-formed mountains, that remain seismically active despite there not being an eruption of any kind in recorded history. The mountains are rumored to support glacial lakes and springs, and hardy trees grow upon much of their slopes. The valley opens up into the mountain's foothills, a region more suitable for crops yet still requiring more work than usual to generate any sizable harvest. Native grasses and shrubs grow here in abundance, in addition to small groves of trees near permanent and seasonal sources of water.
What weather conditions can be expected in the region they will settle:
1.Semi-arid region with little precipitation. A maritime influence causes a wetter summers and drier winters. Hot summer days are tempered by the low relative humidity and cooler evenings during summer months since, for most of the state, the highest diurnal difference in temperature is often in the summer. Winters can be cold, although extended periods of bitter cold weather below zero are unusual.
2. Average rainfall in the plains is 15 inches per year while the mountains might see as much as 100 inches. Temperatures ranger from 32/16 F in winter to 89/60 F in summer.
What crops/livestock/goods the community takes with them to their new settlement:
1. Crops – root vegetables, buckwheat, beans and legumes.
2. Livestock – sheep, goats, and small herds of cattle.
3. Goods – basic supplies, tools, and amenities from civilization
Why they are settling the area:
1. Velsking – miners and smiths moving into the area to take advantage of newly discovered mineral deposits.
2. Cromptons – cattlemen, ranchers, and tanners moving into the area to take make a grab for grazing lands.
3. Wortherson – devout followers of Sarenrae and bean farmers who are spreading the word.
4. Goreden – bakers, millers, and farmers moving into the area to leave the horrors of war behind.
5. Buslem – merchants, bankers, and shippers moving into the area to capitalize on the expanding territory.
Any commonly known history relevant to the area:
1. Earthquake and geologically active area
2. Destruction/desertion of the natives
3. Discovery of precious minerals
What governing body will control the community:
Council of ten, made up of two senior members of each major family
1 Ottar Velsking LN middle age human male Warrior 1/Expert 3
2 Amira Velsking LG middle age human female Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
3 Crag Crompton N old human male Expert 4
4 Eliza Crompton NE old human female Commoner 1/Expert 2
5 Devin Wortherson NG middle age human male Cleric (Sarenrae) 1/Expert 1
6 Banetta Wortherson NG middle age human female Commoner 1/Expert 1
7 Mikael Goreden NG middle age human male Expert 2
8 Bornel Buslem N middle age human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
9 Conroy Buslem NE adult human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 1
10 currently unfilled
What number of settlers will be going, and the identity of notable NPCs:
Sounds good for me. I was just trying to fill that last seat and tie it to the Goreden family (i.e. guide is a cousin). But drawing in another sounds better! I second this.
The Council revised:
1 Ottar Velsking LN middle age human male Warrior 1/Expert 3
2 Amira Velsking LG middle age human female Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
3 Crag Crompton N old human male Expert 4
4 Eliza Crompton NE old human female Commoner 1/Expert 2
5 Devin Wortherson NG middle age human male Cleric (Sarenrae) 1/Expert 1
6 Banetta Wortherson middle age human female Commoner 1/Expert 1
7 Mikael Goreden NG middle age human male Expert 2
8 Bornel Buslem N middle age human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
9 Conroy Buslem NE adult human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 1
10 I suggest again our guide take this spot, then Ranger 3
@HerosBackpack, its an open project. But to me, the more the merry!
The Council as it stands:
1 Ottar Velsking LN middle age human male Warrior 1/Expert 3
2 Amira Velsking LG middle age human female Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
3 Crag Crompton N old human male Expert 4
4 Eliza Crompton NE old human female Commoner 1/Expert 2
5 Devin Wortherson NG middle age human male Cleric 2/Expert 1
6 Mrs. Wortherson still unknown
7 Mikael Goreden NG middle age human male Expert 2
8 Bornel Buslem N middle age human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 2
9 Conroy Buslem NE adult human male Aristocrat 1/Expert 1
10 I suggest again our guide take this spot, then Ranger 3
I made everyone middle age unless it made sense otherwise. The levels taking from what has been posted or suggested. Considering the farmer npc listed in the GameMastery Guide is a human expert 1/commoner 1 this seems like a good spread for the leaders, but still maybe needs fine tuning.
Taking information from wikipedia Idaho and Montana: A maritime influence causes a wetter summers and drier winters. Hot summer days are tempered by the low relative humidity and cooler evenings during summer months since, for most of the state, the highest diurnal difference in temperature is often in the summer. Winters can be cold, although extended periods of bitter cold weather below zero are unusual. Average rainfall in the plains is 15 inches per year while the mountains might see as much as 100 inches. Tempeatures ranger from 32/16 F in winter to 89/60 F in summer.
So would that work?
I second Buslem family, and I assume the father and son are the councilmen?
Looks great InsideOwt
I suggest our ranger guide be a distant cousin of Mikael Goreden, seeing as Mikael has lost his wife this would then give the family two seats on the council. Maybe the ranger learned or perfected his trade in the same civil war that Mikael is leaving behind.
For the families; the Velskings are our miners, smiths, and maybe even merchant; the Cromptons would be cattlemen, ranchers, tanners and maybe even weaver or cheese maker; the Worthersons would be the devout serving the community like school teacher, preacher, and mediator as well as growing legumes and tubers; the Goredens are the baker, miller, and farmers but instead of legumes and tubers they grow buckwheat, which could also mean they brew beer too. That just leaves our last family, which is still an unknown who and what they do.
And as for the climate – something temperate, maybe somewhat like the southwest of Montana or eastern Idaho.
I third the settlements initial sources of sustenance:
Main Crops: Root Vegetables, Beans and Legumes
Main Livestock: Sheep and Goats, Cattle (Small Herd)
I second native fauna as wild sheep and goats would be native to the region as would deer, the rivers would yield trout and pike, and if near the sea, salmon.
And I suggest that any mines in the area be of the quarry type. Especially with any rents opened by earthquakes giving a start to a mine. The discovery of precious whatever would most likely have been more of a Sutter Mill type situation, much further down stream/river.
And as for hobgoblins living underground in an earthquake prone zone, doesn't seem like the best idea. Maybe they take shelter in old lava caves (something like B2 then) or just settle deeper into the badlands.
Decided Official Details:
Small Settlement (Reason: Enterprise and Riches); Former Hobgoblin Territory; Threat from Quakes
Government: Council of 10 (Two Family Heads from Five Families)
Currently four families listed: Velskings, Crompton, Wortherson, Goreden.
A mountain stream flows through the valley. The ground is rocky, generally poor for growing crops, though it supports hardy native grasses and shrubs; this natural vegetation is enough to support light grazing animals, such as sheep and possibly small numbers of cattle, in addition to any native herbivores we add to the area as we progress. The valley itself leads into volcanically-formed mountains, that remain seismically active despite there not being an eruption of any kind in recorded history. The mountains are rumored to support glacial lakes and springs, and hardy trees grow upon much of their slopes. The valley opens up into the mountain's foothills, a region more suitable for crops yet still requiring more work than usual to generate any sizable harvest. Native grasses and shrubs grow here in abundance, in addition to small groves of trees near permanent and seasonal sources of water.
Surviving Hobgoblins – InsideOwt, Azoun the Sage, and Rannald
InsideOwt: I would suggest that the Hobgoblin have not all been wiped out and some small groups still dwell in the darker spots of the valley, brooding to rebuild there numbers.
Azoun the Sage: The Hobgoblin numbers wouldn't be large, a small 'tribe' of maybe 60 or so members. That total including women and children. Knowing they could not openly fight the humans settling there, instead they use other tactics.
Rannald: I like this, but I would say the group of sixty are spread out over a large area.
Proposed and Second (Needs one more for official)
Remnants of the Hobgoblin settlement: InsideOwt, Rannald
Remnant buildings, teetering on the edge of a wide and depp crack (formed by the last major quake) that runs diagonally across the valley. Most of the Hobgoblin settlement toppled or fell into the gash when the land split.
Frequency of Quakes: InsideOwt, Rannald
There is also the threat of quakes and I think it is not unreasonable to say that minor quakes are experienced in the valley almost monthly while stronger quakes might happen once or twice a year, doing some damage.
I like the idea of several families moving into a new area. No previous human/friendly settlement. Maybe timeline starts with the first permanent community structure being finished. Something like a town hall or church. The settlers only know valuable minerals are in the area; former area of humanoids settlement; and geologically unstable area i.e. they know about the big quake and some litttle quakes.
And if this is a western I like the genre themes of:
* Conquest of the Wilderness - the settlers
* Confiscation of the territory from original inhabitants - the hobgoblins
* Resource desputes - Cattlemen versus farmer
Tremen could be the only word on a simple sign post out side of a partially collapsed mine, where the families would have first taken shelter from the elements until they built their own homes.
I like this. I also like the fact its a group of families heading towards the frontier/borderlands for new oppertunities. It would draw some riff-raff and what not. Maybe even some camp followers. The idea of a half-elf bard who is a camp follower who starts the local salon/tavern/drinking dance hall/brothel as the area starts to boom later sounds belivable. A Miss Kitty as you would. But I would look more at a social npc.
@InsideOwt, the settlement could have ben burned during or after the quake. I tipped over lamp or dropped torch could've started it during the confussion. Or the last surviving hobgoblins burned the fort to get any metal nails or keep others from taking over it. But I like the idea of the ruined and shattered camp on a rift. So I second that.
@Odraude, I like the idea of special landmarks, but definately would be more natural or left over from the previous hobgoblin who had lived here. But for an idea, maybe something like Pomona Natural Bridge. And of course the remnants of the hobgoblin's settlement, maybe a burned out husk of a wooden fort-town.
@Brambleman, I think its safe to assume that each family would be bringing their speciality to the area...Cromptons cattle; Velsking mining and definately indentured labor; Wortherson vegetable farming.
Tremens is latin for "the shakes", I thought it was appropriate for the major feature of the location. It might also be called the the Tremen's Risk or Gambit for a longer name. It sure beats my first idea, Tremor Town...
This sounds wonderful to me. I would suggest the beginning community be called Tremens.
I suggest the beginning community be called Tremens. And for beginning settlers, I'll add a family, the Cromptons.
The Cromptons are a family of cattlemen, who are taking this opportunity to grab as much grazing lands as possible. The family is led by a tough, wily old man who likes to act like the backwater yokel most suppose him to be.
* Crag Crompton (N old human Expert 5; patriarch and herdsman);
* Eliza Crompton (NE old human Expert 4; wife of Crag and a mean gossip);
* Four adult sons on the outlook for wives.