
Qwerty's PFS Pregen's page

20 posts. Organized Play character for qwerty1971.

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If a character multiclasses into the Barbarian Archetype do they get the Barbarian skills with weapons and armor? Or do they just get rage and athletics?

I have seen a few Occultist-Battle Hosts in PFS since book/archetype came out and I was wondering- if you choose the armor panoply bond with Full Plate (as many do) the armor can never become the mithral variety or adamantine correct? Doesn't that limit your character when those options become available in the mid levels as you save money.

If you choose the weapon panoply bond then your weapon never becomes upgraded to Cold Iron or Adamantine. So why choose the archetype?

So it seems the Battle Host is a flash in the pan at levels 1-5 but starts to lose out towards the end of your PFS career when you can't improve your panoply armor or weapon. Is there a way to make your bond better as you advance in levels to keep pace with the fighter that saved his money and bough an adamantine 2 handed sword or Mithral full plate? Seems very limiting.

I have always been fascinated by classes or archetypes that can do a little multi-tasking or fill out certain absent roles. I was thinking of building a druid via Halycon archetype where he can also cast some nice wizard spells and good designated spells from the cleric list. I was wondering what spells from either lists to target and what feats would be good for him to make him a decent caster druid since he loses wildshape. Many thanks.

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Please provide the customary information below.

Name for Chronicle:
Character Name:
Day Job Roll:
Track (Normal/Fast):
Interesting tidbits of your character the GM should know:

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A Pathfinder leading a diplomatic envoy from the dwarven holds of the Five Kings Mountains has gone missing, and the balance of power in a time of war hangs on her rescue. The Pathfinder Society's divinations indicate the agent was waylaid in the theocratic nation of Razmiran, when one of her escorted diplomats failed to pay a requested tithe. Now it falls to the party to enter Razmiran, locate the missing Pathfinder and the dwarven diplomats, and escape with their lives.

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Greetings. Please post the required beginning information below and anything special i need to know about your character.

Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:
Normal or Slow Track:

Notes: anything i need to know about your character that will affect gameplay

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The world-renowned Blakros Museum has outdone itself, gathering an unrivaled collection of relics from the Shining Crusade, a holy coalition that felled the greatest lich to threaten Golarion. When trouble befalls the exhibit mere days before its debut, the Pathfinders intervene, only to discover that one of the relics is key to averting a far greater disaster that has laid in wait for a millennium.

feel free to dot in and do introductions in a lodge house awaiting the mission brief

I have a low level wizard I was going to level up and select the PrC Magaambya Arcanist for him when he could. I just looked and saw that PrC is no longer PFS valid. SO i figured since he was not lvl 2 yet I would switch him to the Magaambya Arcanist archetype for the Arcanist class. I now see that that archetype is no longer PFS valid. When did these changes take place and for what reason if anyone knows. Many thanks.

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Event Name: Cosmic Captive PbP Gameday
Event Number: #94366
June 9th-July 21st

Classic Tier 1-2

Please give me the following information:

1. Player/Forum Name
2. Character's Name
3. Class and level
4. PFS# (and dash)
5. Faction
6. Day job Roll (if any)

Please take notice of the following:

I expect you to fill your initiative modifier, perception modifier and preferred place in the marching order on the map link. If you do not fill these you get to act last in initiative and fail all perception checks automatically that I make for you. I will place you last in marching order.

I handle initiative in posting order.

I expect you to use the appropriate lines (Race, Classes / Levels and Gender) to give me vital information (AC, Saves etc) about your character. You can take a look at my aliases for an example.

I attempt to post at least once a day during weekdays. When I do not post: I have not forgotten about you, there were other things to do with my time that took priority. I understand that life comes first. If you will miss a significant amount of time please let us all know and then provide information as to what your character would do in combat and out so the appropriate actions can take place.

This is a special. As such we need to keep our focus, have steady posting and move the scenario forward. I will bot you if you do not post.

And most important: this is a game and I expect us all to have fun while playing! If something causes you not to have fun: please address it (either here or in a PM) and I will do my utmost to get you back to having fun again.

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Astronomers have marveled as the famous comet Aucturn's Tear once more soars through the solar system, yet this cycle, strange portals have begun opening on each planet the comet passes, and a powerful entity trapped on the other side of these gateways desperately calls for help. To the Pathfinder Society, this is a once-in-a-human-lifetime opportunity to discover what lies through these portals—and either free the captive trapped within or ensure that it remains sealed forever.

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Use this thread to discuss events back in the Free City of Greyhawk.

Please post in character if you want to continue in the campaign. I will shut the other threads down temporarily until the next mission brief after Spring Break.

If you are new or are bringing in new characters please provide some background info on why/how you made it to the hostel run by the monk Kolwyk.

If you are a returning party member just continue on as before.

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private thread for continuing WOGH campaign

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Please provide the following information on your chosen characters.

Character Name:
Day Job:
Fast or Slow Track:
Noteworthy character abilities: (trapfinding, detect evil etc.)

A well rounded party has the best chance in this 3 part module run, although play what character you want to play. I hope to start as soon as everyone dots in and their characters are ready to go.

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A rash of missing apprentices plagues the Isgeri town of Saringallow, and there are rumors of enormous vermin lurking in the alleys. It’s up to the heroes to uncover the sinister plot at work—and to stop the terrible Abyssal corruption at its heart before the entire settlement is overrun.

Players who play through the entire module and apply all three Chronicle sheets to the same Pathfinder Society character earn a fourth Chronicle sheet that must also be applied to that character. GMs who apply all three Chronicle sheets to the same Pathfinder Society character also receive this bonus Chronicle sheet.

I was wondering if you could build a PFS character and have it take levels from both Slayer and Ranger. A while ago I was under the impression you could not, then at a recent sit down game for PFS I was told it is now legal to build a slayer/ranger since they removed slayer as a sub class of ranger. was wondering if that is correct. Many thanks.

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Please provide standard PFS PBP character information:

Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:
Please have the standard PBP character information visible under your character name for quick reference.

Special Notes on your character/play-style:

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Your latest orders have sent you to Vellumis, the largest city and most important port in the crusader nation of Lastwall, on the shores of Lake Encarthan. The waterfront and city center boast impressive architecture, with many buildings marble- clad, domed, and colonnaded in the once-popular Chelish Old White style, characterized by whitewashed walls, ornately decorated eaves, and massive arched windows.

Though there are an exceptionally large number of soldiers, most wearing Iomedaean iconography, roaming the streets, most are civilians. Flags of a dozen nations, and churches of at least as many faiths, can be seen as you navigate the city streets, leaving the elegant city center and heading into a seedier neighborhood that greatly resembles the dockside areas of Absalom.

When you arrive at the address you were provided, you discover a busy gambling hall. Raucous conversation fills the room, as men and women gather around a number of tables, playing various card and dice games.

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Please provide standard PFS PBP character information:

Character Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:
Please have the standard PBP character information visible under your character name for quick reference.

Special Notes on your character/play-style:

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Your latest orders have sent you to Vellumis, the largest city and most important port in the crusader nation of Lastwall, on the shores of Lake Encarthan. The waterfront and city center boast impressive architecture, with many buildings marble- clad, domed, and colonnaded in the once-popular Chelish Old White style, characterized by whitewashed walls, ornately decorated eaves, and massive arched windows.

Though there are an exceptionally large number of soldiers, most wearing Iomedaean iconography, roaming the streets, most are civilians. Flags of a dozen nations, and churches of at least as many faiths, can be seen as you navigate the city streets, leaving the elegant city center and heading into a seedier neighborhood that greatly resembles the dockside areas of Absalom.

When you arrive at the address you were provided, you discover a busy gambling hall. Raucous conversation fills the room, as men and women gather around a number of tables, playing various card and dice games.

I wanted to make a PFS legal character with an animal companion to be the front line melee part of the duo. The character would either do ranged damage with a longbow or reach/flank damage with a polearm. My first thought was as a Hunter class but then I saw the Sacred Huntmaster of the Inquisitor which gives animal focus and companion at the expense of judgements. Would it be better to make a nature focused Inquisitor with a tiger or stay as a hunter? Many thanks.

GM Baerlie is running the second part of To Judge A Soul and the team has four pax.

lvl 6 Paladin/Warpriest
lvl 6 Cleric
lvl 6 Alchemist
lvl 6 Crossbowman

seeking 1-2 more pax to round out the group.

link to discussion thread

Is there a way to make a spear combatant ala Achilles from the movie Troy or any of the Spartans from 300? Armed with a spear and a shield and armor? Spears are considered two handed weapons so no shield larger than a buckler, which those mentioned above did not use. A shortspear does not do justice to the concept either. Just wondering if there is a PFS legal archetype to allow a spear one handed and use a shield with a survivable build?

What would be the best combination of a PFS legal character that can self buff (arcane or divine) and then wade into combat to punch things and still do decent damage? Many thanks.

I am in a PFS PBP Cult of Ebon Destroyers game and we just fought this wizard who was friggan tough. It took our party almost 10 or 11 rounds of fighting to cut him down. afterwards the GM told us he was a Wizard 11 and Monk Unchained 1. So lvl 12. What build is that and would that be PFS possible/playable/survivable?

Just wondering if the Ranged Spellstrike is a good base for the Arcane Archer's Enhance and Imbue Arrows. Go Myrmidarch for 7 levels and then go into Eldritch Knight for 2 and Arcane Archer for 3 levels. Wondering if that is a good play build up to EK and then into AA.

Ranged Spellstrike (Su)::
At 4th level, a myrmidarch can use spellstrike to cast a single-target touch attack ranged spell and deliver it through a ranged weapon attack. Even if the spell can normally affect multiple targets, only a single missile, ray, or effect accompanies the attack.

I was wondering if an Unchained rogue with the Knife Master and Scout archetypes bumps all their feats into being better with wielding and throwing daggers and gets a custom made Large Dagger (which would be 1d6, 19-20, with a -2 to hit) would their throwing and melee attack to hit be reduced by just the -2 for wielding a large weapon? Is there a feat to take to negate the large weapon penalty? I envision a character with large magical returning daggers throwing them at the start of combat and then flanking when the tank gets in place to get the added dagger sneak attack dice the archetypes provide.

A few players went silent during the escape from the prison. The mysterious benefactor needs additional like minded adventurers to join the few that remain in their nefarious endeavors. The survivors made it to an estate out in the are needed...

Character Creation:

* start at level 2
* core races, featured races plus Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayang, and Vishkanya
* pick wisely since you may not get all the items you think you are getting if you have previous knowledge.
* alternate racial traits allowed. alternate heritages allowed, alternate racial abilities NOT allowed.
* two traits- no campaign traits (given later so think about your crime). Drawbacks allowed and may be the reason you ended up in the brig.
* Classes- no occult or vigilante classes as i do not own those references. No guns so no gunslingers.
* starting gear- 150gp
* 2 extra skill points per level.
* No leadership feat. you are the minions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seeking an additional player to round out a WoGH campaign. Team consists of a Female Barbarian, a male Cavalier, and a female elf Wizard. Needs someone to heal. Start at lvl 2. The two females boss the cavalier around so it is an interesting group.

Hope to have this resolved by Monday to restart the next phase.

STATS: 20 point PFS buy. No stat below 8.
TRAITS: 2 traits, no traits associated with Pathfinder Lodges allowed.
RACES: standard Races of Greyhawk. Dwarf, elf, half elf, half orc, Halfling, gnome, human. Use additional racial abilities to tailor the character to a specific subset (hill, mountain dwarves for example).
CLASSES: no gunslingers, summoners, NON GESTALT.
ALIGNMENT: no NE, CE, CN allowed.
WEALTH: 250 gp.
LANGUAGES: Ancient Baklunish, Common, Draconic, Flan, Dwarvish, Giant, Keolandish, Elvish, Goblin, Old Oeridian, Gnomish, Sylvan, Suloise, Halfling, Undercommon, Orcish.

GREYHAWK RESOURCES: there are more out there as well.

feel free to post questions

Can a skald make an effective eldritch knight? I see that EK loses one spellcasting level, but add some bonus feats and fast BAB progression. What makes EK so attractive for arcane spellcasters and can a skald be a better EK than a wizardX/fighterX? I admit i do not know much about skalds or arcane casting in PFS.

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In the kingdom of Talingarde, many crimes may send you to Branderscar Prison, but the sentence has but one meaning. You are wicked and irredeemable. Each of you received the same greeting when you arrived. You were held down by rough hands and branded upon the arm with a runic F given to you by a sadistic Watch Sergeant named Tomas Blackerly. The mark signifies ‘forsaken’ and the painful scar is indelible proof that each of you has betrayed the great and eternal love of Mitra and his chosen mortal vassals.
Condemned, you face at best a life of shackles and servitude in the nearby salt mines. Others might await the “gentle” ministrations of the inquisitors so that co-conspirators may be revealed and confessions extracted. Perhaps, some of you will be spared this ordeal. Perhaps instead you have come to Branderscar to face the final judgement. In three days, the executioner arrives and the axe falls or the pyre will be lit. Through fire or steel, your crimes will be answered. You bear the marks of beatings and torture from previous visits by inquisitors.
You have been chained in a cell dressed in nothing but filthy, tattered rags that do not cover all of your parts. Manhandled and mistreated, any finery you once possessed is either ruined or long lost. No special treatment has been given any prisoner – male or female, commoner or noble – all of the forsaken are bound and imprisoned together. Your feet are secured by iron cuffs tethered by one long chain. Your arms are secured to the wall above by manacles. A guard is posted right outside the cell day and night. Little thought is given to long term accommodations. At Branderscar, justice comes swift and sure.
Escape seems hopeless. You have been well searched and every attempt to conceal anything on your person has failed. And if you could somehow slip your bonds and fly out of this prison, where would you go? Who from your former life would want anything to do with the forsaken? Despised, alone and shackled – all that you can do now is await your doom.
Your old life is over. For each of you, hope is a fading memory. For you, justice will be fairly meted. And who can blame fair Talingarde after what each of you have done?


You remember quietly spreading the word of Asmodeus, trying to get people to see the benefit praising Asmodeus would be in their pitiful lives. You began to preach to commoners out in small villages. Word began to spread of your oratory skills and while you did not gain as many converts as you liked, you did get some commoners to start asking questions. This proved too much for the ruling establishment and hunters were set against you. You were easily caught by them and subjected to forms of physical punishment during the travel to Branderscar due to your maiming and almost killing one of the foolish guards who let his defenses down after an ill-fated convincing smile by you to escape. The knight in charge did not make that mistake again and you paid for that attempt with bruises that cover your body. You find yourself in a cell with a few others, each of you bearing the forsaken mark with bruises covered by filth… now you just waited for a sign from your god…


Some called you a spoiled brat, but not you, you just considered yourself….different from others. Your family never understood you. They gave you everything they wanted, but none of it was anything you wanted. They just never understood that part. Tired of hearing how you should be, or act you decided to set out on your own. Taking what you felt was your share of your possible inheritance was just a boon… and a way to rankle your parents. You spent a few years picking up skills here and there until you ran afoul of a merchant who reminded you of your parents and spoke to you as they once did. Losing your temper you did not mean to strike at him… you did not mean to stab at him…you did not mean to hurt or kill that man… well maybe you did mean it a little. Regardless you tried to stay one step ahead of the law but you were finally caught by bounty hunters and turned over to a knight for transport to a prison. Trying to escape and almost succeeding on your own he were then transferred to a worse prison. You figured out you would need some help to escape….you would not give in so easily…


How could they not see the true love you had for her? You were not trying to harm her, just trying to show her how much you desired her… isn’t that what all women wanted…. To be desired…? Fools for them to keep you two apart…If you could only talk to her again you could prove to her your love is real… but they keep you from her…. They do not want you and her to be together…you are not good enough for her… they told you that… you are a simple soldier…. Not a noble…you are a blacksmiths son…. Not someone on her level…. That is what they told you….you were simple not good enough for her…but you will show them… you will show her you are a the right person for her… stupid trumped up crimes against you… it was not like that at all…. Ok yes you did strike and hit a captain of the guard…and yes you did strike a noble at the scene… but they tried to get in between you and her… they were the fools not you…but you will show them…banishment to Branderscar may have been a little harsh for your crime of love…but you will not be deterred…you will figure out a way to get back to her… they will see…


It has been especially painful for you these last few days…severe beatings due to your parentage…a celestial kin turning away from the light…it seems as if people were more upset with you being an aasimar who was not a Mitran, than the killing which occured….you did not set upon this path lightly… this path was forced upon you by others…they killed the boy in front of you…. for no other reason that being different…to break you.. but you will not be broken…you have found your calling…someone answered your prayers…it would have been easier at the salt mines to escape but in your attempt you did manage to kill and maim some guards and the nobles decided to make an example out of you and sent to you Brandescar for you to hand or lose your head… whichever the warden wanted…and then put on display for others to see…your last attempt failed because you were alone…but Asmodeus is with you so you no longer feel alone…but your body is bruised…but not your spirit…

you begin at 1/4 health due to beatings and are are also chained to the wall and in rags... you all were transferred from other cells to this cell or just recently arrived at the prison and put in this cell first. there are only four people in this cell right now but space for two more...please create a stat line if you have not and a filled out profile for your character...

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Dot in and complete your character profile with the standard stat lines for quick reference. Please add what your arrested crime was so i can begin your background to the prison.

Already have commitments from others and looking for additional pax to round out the group. Team lacks divine, arcane and someone who can take care of the sneaky/thieving stuff (be it an actual rogue or someone who has rogue like abilities through class or traits). Team interaction is more important than min/maxing to me.


to add to the randomness I rolled up the stats to use through the Hero Labs die roller and ended up with these numbers: 15, 15, 14, 13, 12, 8, which equates to a 24 point buy. You have to use these stats without altering them except for racial adjustments. You are lvl 1 and are not as powerful as you would like to be but you will gain power if worthy...and your worthiness starts at the escape


*core races, featured races plus Kitsune, Nagaji, Wayang, and Vishkanya
* pick wisely since you may not get all the items you think you are getting if you have previous knowledge.
*alternate racial traits allowed. alternate heritages allowed, alternate racial abilities NOT allowed.

Other Character Creation info:

*two traits- no campaign traits (given later so think about your crime). Drawbacks allowed and may be the reason you ended up in the brig.
* Classes- no occult or vigilante classes as i do not own those references. No guns so no gunslingers.
* starting gear- rags. No other clothing or gear. This includes spellbooks, holy symbols, bonded items, etc. This also includes familiars, mounts, and animal companions.
* 2 extra skill points per level.
* No leadership feat. you are the minions.

please make submissions fleshed out and I will make the selection on the 5th for a start on the 8th or earlier if possible.

Looking for a replacement melee party member for a homebrew World of Greyhawk lvl 1 campaign. Please PM me if interested.

Original Recruitment thread for character concept info and other stuff.


So I have a low level module going on PbP. Five players started the module in mid October and progressed to Part Three in the module. Three players are still active and trying, however the other two players have not posted since November 6th and November 10th respectively. I have PM'd them and no response yet. I do realize RL takes priority but they just dropped with no explanation.

What is the recommended process to drop them and add new players?
Will the new players still receive credit for the module via PFS if they enter in Part Three?
The intent was to create an active PFS team to run through a module progression.
Many thanks.

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Discussion open.
Please discuss appropriate team composition and then provide the relevant information of your character.
Some things of note:
1. I am deployed to Kabul and thus I post early my morning and my evening after dinner when not in the office.
2. If you cannot access the map when you post let someone know what your movement intentions are so others can move your token.
3. When a Save is called for ensure that save is the first dice you roll during your post.
4. I will adjust the colors of the fallen foes to a deep red when they are no longer active, just be aware. The border color is their target color, the picture color is how damaged they are.

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recruitment closed.

Can you build a swashbuckler using the Aldori Dueling Sword? Or are swashbucklers limited to scimitars and rapiers?

Fooling around with HeroLab and i was looking at making an inquisitor for a non PFS game. Adding archetypes at lvl 1 i discovered that the Preacher, Sineater and Green Faith Marshall all are legal archetypes to have on an inquisitor. Is that correct or did the program goof? Sin eater takes away your domains while Green Faith Marshall changes your domain.



Is there a ring that does the same thing as a Ring of Wizardry I but for divine casters? I want to increase the ability of a ranger to cast first level spells.

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Post your character description, purchases and introduction here. You will start in the great hall of the Hostel.

closed recruiting

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Post your character description, purchases and introduction here. You will start in the great hall of the Hostel.

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