Sunlord Thalachos

Psiphyre's page

632 posts (913 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 aliases.

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According to the Parental Unit (they don't speak in contractions when in teacher mode...):

"If a vacancy becomes occupied, then there is no longer any vacancy: it is now full. If it becomes unoccupied, i.e. empty, then there will be a vacancy again."

Language is hard...

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From his first post/reply in this thread:

James Jacobs wrote:
...Her ascending to the core 20 to fill the vacancy left by Gorum handily keeps the "chaotic neutral" vacancy occupied, thematically, even though alignments aren't part of the game anymore...<snip>

Note: Emphasis (bold) mine.

My read on this is that Arazni was intended to shift to CN (and thereby rounding up the alignment spread of the core 20).
[ooc](Of course, this may be reading into it too much, so...)

All this said, her alignment (actual or intended) is rather moot in the Remaster.

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So... Anyone gonna mention the "new" Starfinder Adventure Path Signal of Streams ??
Gotta make sure not to cross the streams with the screams!

@Rue Dickey: Thanks for big list of spookiness! ☆(^_')=b♡

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The_Minstrel_Wyrm wrote:
Just wondering if the recently announced "Spore War" high level AP (also a 3 part adventure path I believe) ... <snip>

Could this be the "Treerazer" AP!?? Σ(0o0)

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Axial wrote:

The beliefs section of the Minotaurs doesn't even mention Baphomet, who was their patron god in PF1.

I guess the Worldwound being closed and the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth being routed means he can't really influence them anymore.

Here's the link to the reason for this (by James Jacobs):

Baphomet is being shifted away from being a minotaur 'OGLism'.

(Also, Baphomet is officially still around in Pathfinder 2E, though he may be very dead in some home games...)

Carry on,


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The Raven Black wrote:
Aenigma wrote:
I honestly have no idea why Paizo decided to make minotaurs a PC race. I mean, they are mostly evil. They are the minions of Baphomet. If minotaurs can be a PC race, I guess ogres and trolls can too, but surprisingly Paizo has no intention to make them PC races at all though. Also, I'm still not sure whether making a large race into a PC race is desirable or not.
IIRC the minions of Baphomet thing has been greatly reduced in the lore.


Perpdepog wrote:

I think Baphomet was also being refigured, wasn't he? Made more ambiguous, even tragic? I swear I read a dev comment to that effect, somewhere, but I've got no idea where.

Here's the link to what you may be referring (by James Jacobs):

Baphomet is being shifted away from being a minotaur 'OGLism'.

(Yes, Baphomet is officially still around in Pathfinder 2E, though he may be very dead in some home games...)


Calliop5431 wrote:


But either way, minotaurs being a PC race goes back to at least D&D 4e in 2009. If you count level adjustment in 3.x, they were available to play as early as 2003. This is hardly as shocking or groundbreaking as some people seem to think.

Haven't minotaurs been a playable 'race' since at least as far back as AD&D 2E (thanks to the Taladas supplement from DragonLance)?

Carry on,


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Lucas Yew wrote:
Aha, monoceros (single horn). Clever naming...

Well... It was the ancient Greek word for 'unicorn' (or a unicorn-like creature) -- it's even the name for the constellation of the Unicorn!

(In the same way that Taurus is the name for the constellation of the Bull, Sagittarius for the constellation of the Archer - not the Centaur, which would be the constellation Centauros - Hydra for the Water Serpent, Camelopardalis for the Giraffe, etc.)

So, yes, clever naming!

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The Raven Black wrote:
Jader7777 wrote:


PF2e feels like a slide towards the Disney Cocomelon Fantasy PG-13 demographic with PCs being offered to be flowers or dolls, which is no doubt better for younger players or family groups- but we're 30 to 40 something year olds who want sex, blood and naughty words in our RPG; not trying to figure out how to make friends (Fist Full Of Flowers... never again).
Chucky would like a word with you.

As would Annabelle!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Prince Setehrael wrote:
Noticed that the images on a lot of the products are not appearing

Yeah, this started after the recent second system upgrade (at least, it did for me), & clearing cookies/cache doesn't seem to fix anything (& it's on both desktop & mobile versions for me)...


Hopefully this'll be addressed.

I've flagged* both your & my posts to bring this to the attention of the moderator(s), who may be in a better position to let the relevant team know about this issue. (Sorry in advance for the off topic & extra work...)

Carry on,


* <edit> I wasn't sure what to flag them as, so I selected "Markup/Display Problem".

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^ The

spoiler button:

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Set wrote:

Back when the gem dragons came out (yes, I'm old...) I was annoyed that Pearl dragons were included next to Ruby, Emerald, etc. (Cause A) I worked in a jewelry store at the time and B) I'm pedantic AF/OCD, depending on what generation you're from.)

I wanted Pearl to be part of a completely new dragon category, based on precious organic products used similarly to gemstones like Ivory, Amber, Coral, Pearl, etc. But I stalled thinking up a fifth and abandoned the idea. :)

Your fifth could be jet (gemstone-quality coal)!


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CorvusMask wrote:
Huh. This has both review by Tan Ripper and Ripper Tan ^_^; Are those same person or not because wow huh? ._.;

Well, it certainly seems to be the same person, just with different accounts:

* Rip Tanner's last review & forum interaction (e.g. favorites) was at the beginning of October 2023; after that, nothing.

* Tan Ripper's first review & forum interaction (e.g. favorites) is from October 5th 2023; the account doesn't seem to've existed while Rip Tanner's account was active.

The MO of the both accounts is very similar, too.

This is something perhaps only the forum monitor(s) can look into & verify.


Carry on?


Note: There's a thread about this here.

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I rather like how the duplicate foe spell is duplicated! ;p

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Astro- wrote:


"Ninja" is those local Janpanese understand its meaning, but never say the word in that way.

Very, very, very brief explaination is that: The kaiji for "ninja/shinobi"(忍者) is pronounced close to "ninja", but in reality it is pronounced as "shinobi" according to the Japanese pronunciation.

* We're starting to tread a lil' off-topic here...:

According to my Japanese colleagues, players, and students, 忍者 is correctly read as "ninja" (that second kanji is key to its reading); "shinobi" would be 忍び (the び part is necessary when differentiating it from the verb "shinobu" => 忍ぶ; by itself, 忍 is the name Shinobu).

Back on topic...

Would the title of this volume (No Breath to Cry) be a hint to there being a yuki-onna in the adventure? (In some parts of Japan where she is regarded negatively, draining the vitality of her victims by stealing their breaths is one of her abilities, so...) This is the winter volume of the adventure path, and the yuki-onna has yet to debut in P2, so...


Carry on,


@Astro- : Hey, I'm not going to derail this thread further by pursuing this tangent * here; I was just answering Arcaian's query in the spoiler in my original post. However, if you'd like to follow up on this with me, feel free to PM me -- no pressure to do so, though. (^_')=b
(Note: If you do, it may take me little bit of time to respond to you; my apologies.)

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Arcaian wrote:
Astro- wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Spoilering to avoid saying too much out in the open about these critters for anyone who might be playing the campaign...

I see!

** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

It does work indeed!:
While it isn't a real word in the language, it does sound like a plausible one in Japanese based on the syllable/morae structure and phonemes/phonology used.

Also, "nindoru" looks similar to actual words (e.g. ninja, ningyo, ninjin, ninzoku, midoru, odoru, etc.) and names (e.g. Nindo) in Japanese, so...

Carry on,


P.S. Based on both the premise & excellent player's guide, my groups & I have high hopes for this adventure path! (^_^)♡

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Jander Reiss wrote:
keftiu wrote:
Formerly known as aasimar and tiefling?

Yes (& possibly may come to include other planar scions in future releases...).

Carry on,


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The Raven Black wrote:
Set wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:
Set wrote:
With alignment out of the picture, it's entirely possible that playing a more LN cleric of Torag or Erastil who flirts with some of their questionable 'less good' previous characterizations, or a non-vile cleric of a formerly evil god like Norgorber or Lamashtu, focusing on their less sketchy areas of concern (like alchemy or birth) could finally be an option seen as not 'playing the game wrong.'
The removal of alignment is not going to change how we portray established characters, nor is it an opportunity for us to embrace lore errors that we've worked hard to correct.

Ooh, that gives me the notion that there might be a non-evil alternative patron for alchemists (other than Blackfingers), then, which would be cool. Off the top of my head, Abadar (quest for the philosopher's stone, lead to gold, dross to wealth, Artifice and Earth) or Irori (search for perfection, experimentation as meditation, internal alchemy to external alchemy, Knowledge) could make cool non-evil alchemist patrons.

Thanks for the inspiration!

Aakriti has Alchemists for followers.

Laundinmio does not seem evil.
Brigh and Casandalee might fit too. Also Alglenweis, Daikitsu, Magrim, Uvuko, Yelayne, even Yuelral.

There's also the Empyreal Lord Bharnarol!


7 people marked this as a favorite.
Perpdepog wrote:
I thought Camazotz was dead this whole time. Wasn't he the patron of invidiaks and got offed by Nocticula? <snip>

I think you're thinking of Vyriavaxus, the former demon lord of darkness and shadow demons who was slain by Nocticula so that she could gain control of said shadow demons (invidiaks). Due to similarity in appearance, AoC/portfolio, & proximity in the Abyss, it's said that Camazotz may have been his sire (parent)...

<sources> Vyriavaxus & Camazotz

Carry on!


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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Advanced Weapons serve to take the ancestry "familiarity" feats attractive to martial classes. Like you normally would not want to use a Dorn-dergar with a Barbarian, but being a Dwarf can make you proficient. It's possible (likely) even that you will consider "a barbarian swinging a giant brick on a chain thereby destroying everything around them" is a fun idea for a character.

I'd go for "a paladin swinging a brick on a rope..." myself! ;)

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Always wanted to try this! <3

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Darth Game Master wrote:
Doing something for Australia's deserts would be hard, since all the sizable hot deserts depicted on the world map are already in regions drawing from real-world ones, but I could see the rest potentially fitting in that one mysterious peninsula in southeastern Casmaron. That basically hasn't been covered at all to my knowledge, so it'd be easy to put in something that hasn't been mentioned previously.

Isn't "that one mysterious peninsula in southeastern Casmaron" Vudra??

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Captain Morgan wrote:
Pieces-Kai wrote:
Tropkagar wrote:
It's a bit of a selfish wish, but is it possible to make an Owlcat monster to replace an Owlbear?
They just should make multiple monsters that are birds of prey + land predator
Make them all subspecies of griffons. Cheetah+falcon for the speed.

Building on this idea:

Introduce the Keythong (essentially a wingless griffon) with various varieties, such as lion+eagle (regular), your cheetah+falcon (speed), wolf+corvid (smarts), and... bear+owl (strength)! Etc.


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Are the Risucho from the Forest of Spirits a namedrop for a new potential 'squirrelfolk' ancestry?

Risu does mean 'squirrel' in Japanese, & we already have kitsune ['fox'] & (soon-to-be) tanuki ['raccoon dog'], so...


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PossibleCabbage wrote:
W E Ray wrote:
Yeah, I would have rather Paizo taken a 'Drow-are-still-here-but-we-sadly-won't-further-develop-them' model, not unlike how they handle Demogorgon and Orcus. They can still be mentioned and appear in published content, but only peripherally -- be part of other new designs and content but only in the background. Erasing them just seems odd.

I don't think that's meaningfully different from what they are doing though. Like the bullet points on the situation are basically:

-Paizo won't publish anything with the Drow in it going forward.
-There are still elves in the Darklands.
-The Darklands elves we're going to talk about are the Ayindilar, who are generally nicer than other Darklands people.
-For "Evil Empire" plots coming from the Darklands we're going to use the Sekmin.

Paizo's not saying in an authoritative voice that there are no Drow and never were. I believe the article in Sky King's Tomb #3 is simply a diagetic voice refuting the earlier diagetic account of the Drow. There's always been room for the GM to add stuff on the margins in Pathfinder.

Except is that not what the developers have said, that they are retconning the drow out of Pathfinder? *

Granted, they have left the fate of the drow city from Second Darkness (Zirnakaynin) mysterious, which gives Paizo a backdoor to reintroduce "Totally Not Drow" if they are so inclined -- perhaps?

While I am not too sure your explanation of the article that is to appear in Sky King's Tomb #3 is entirely accurate, the article in question is not out yet, so it is as good as any until the article's release...
However, your point about there always being room for GMs to add on "the margins in Pathfinder" still stands.

* (It is one of the main reasons why a number of people were so upset in the other now-locked thread, after all.)

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Lucy_P wrote:
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Jacob Jett wrote:
Kobold Catgirl wrote:
A dire period is also called a comma--a period holding a knife under the table.
OT: Isn't that actually a semi-colon? :P
That's a dire colon, silly.
No no no, a dire colon is the result when I eat dairy

That would be a dire rear...


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UnArcaneElection wrote:

^Those are pretty significant differences. The book was good. The movie was BAD.

The movie is satire, which tends to be either hit or miss for most, but that doesn't make it bad.


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rokeca wrote:
I feel like the current Hasbro/WotC leadership doesn’t appreciate that the roleplaying community is kind of an ecosystem of many, many smaller roleplaying communities, of which 5e is currently the largest. If this comes to pass, they are actively trying to harm (and even destroy) many of those communities. Many people would take take this move as a personal threat to the game and community they are passionate about.

<edit> Bolding added.

Well, it's not like any big companies or mega-corporations have ever really cared for -- let alone tried to understand -- the many ecosystems (& communities therein) that they try to exsanguinate for profit...

: /

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CorvusMask wrote:
<snip>...its possible that its Avistani stereotype, but just as likely that only countries directly involved in it (such as Qadira) believe that stereotype.

Well that's ironic, considering Qadira's parent empire & its own expansions into northern Garund, historically...

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keftiu wrote:
Happy to see Arcane, Divine, and Primal re-canonized after their 4e origin and PF2 adoption. Here’s hoping Psionic eventually comes as their Occult equivalent!

...& that they bring back Shadow!

(Maybe even Incarnate? Dunno - "before my time". But the parent has the book & it looked pretty neat!)

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Paizo designers & developers have stated from the very beginning that all physical aspects of Golarion can be regarded as the same as that of Earth's except when stated or shown to be otherwise.
(So, start with the same or very similar base assumptions, then tweak them - or even do much more!)

Therefore, unless the setting lore says differently, we can assume that the physical* elements (of which brass is not; it's an alloy - as is mithril) exist on Golarion (the Periodic Table is not necessary for their existence - as Temperans has said - for it is a human construct used as a tool for understanding the properties & relationships of the physical elements).
(Although I suppose a case can be made for excluding those elements that require laboratory conditions to exist, especially the momentary ones...)

* Before someone comes along and says "But the elements of the setting are Air, Earth, Fire, Water & Metal, Wood!" I'd like to say that I said physical elements, not metaphysical or classical or philosophical or aristotlean or wuxing elements.
Also, what would they classify gold, silver, copper, iron, sulphur, carbon (diamonds), oxygen, helium, hydrogen, etc. then?


As for what I'd like included in the book to be:
All ten (or twelve?) of the elemental lords, as well as any other elemental adjacent deities (like Feronia).

Carry on,


<edit 1> Reminded myself to be more patient, so I removed an unnecessary remark that had little to do with the thread's topic.
<edit 2> Added some clarification. *

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I think I've found my new favorite iconic! ^^ <3

Really looking forward to seeing the Psychic!

Carry on,


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Sixteen, if you include the Folklore& Mythology chapter!

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Ed Reppert wrote:

The population of Absalom is a bit more than 300,000. The population of Magnimar is about 16,000, of Korvosa about 18,000, of Riddleport about 13,000. Cities of Golarion covered six cities: Cassomir (32,000), Corentyn (24,000), Ilizmagorti (20,000), Nisroch (24,000), Vigil (now destroyed by Tar-Baphon), Whitethrone (25,000). Kaer Maga (8,000) is "the smallest of Varisia's cities".

What other cities in the Inner Sea region have a population of oh, say 5000 or more?

IAC that's quite a jump from 20-30K or so to more than 300K.

Is Absalom the largest city on the planet? How big are cities in Tian Xia?

One definition of "city" is "a large town". Where's the dividing line? Population or area? So many questions. :-)

From the same source sited above (thanks Totally Not Gorbacz ^^):

There's Goka in Tian Xia, with a city population of 300,450.

Carry on,


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Where has this been?
How has this thread remained hidden all these years!?

Absolutely Awesome!! :D

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So... is that a 'Dandy-Lion' (dandelion) leshy taking on a 'Mysteria' (wisteria) leshy?


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Thanks for sharing!


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Mark Edwards 549 wrote:
When will the pdf be available for purchase?

On street date -- March 30th (according to the most recent blog update on new products & subscribers' shipping above).

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↑ Yes, on street date (30th March, according to the link Aaron provided above).

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↑ I think The Raven Black is being sarcastic?
(or noting a common thing jerk-players often resort to, a la "but I'm [insert alignment - usually CN...]: it's what my character would do! How dare you curtail my 'fun' & NO, I don't really care if the rest of the group isn't having fun because I'll play MY character the way I want!")

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Psiphyre wrote:
NorthernOriole wrote:

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)


Contact Customer Service by email (at ) or by posting in the Customer Service Forum.

Let them know that you'd like to start your Pathfinder AP subscription from #175.

I'm sure they'll be able to help you out.

Good luck!

Carry on,


<edit> Ninja'ed! :D

<EDIT> Due to changes in the forums, the struck-through method in the quote is no longer a valid means of contacting Customer Service.

(Only the bolded method is valid now.) ^_^

Carry on,


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kvantum wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
Are the original rules there with the 1e bestiary?
Been on AoN for years now: Optional Rules (1E)

Linked for convenience.


Carry on,


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Anyone else think 'Bad Alias Jail' is EVIL ?


No -- I mean, yes?



2 people marked this as a favorite.
NorthernOriole wrote:

I would like to subscribe for this, but my only option is to get both this (175) and the last installment (174) of Strength of Thousands. Both are “scheduled” to release on the same day.

How can I start my subscription with just this one (175-177?)


Contact Customer Service by email (at or by posting in the Customer Service Forum.

Let them know that you'd like to start your Pathfinder AP subscription from #175.

I'm sure they'll be able to help you out.

Good luck!

Carry on,


<edit> Ninja'ed! :D

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Was that...?

It is! :D


Woohoo! \(^o^)/

Let's go!!

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Another deity you could consider being interested in Azaersi & her followers is Sarenrae.

I seem to recall lore saying that many goblinoids that turn away from Lamashtu & their barghest hero-gods are welcomed into her faith - unless they find themselves drawn to other deities that speak to them on a more personal level.

Edit: The faith of Sarenrae could be used as an intermediary to smooth out relations between Azaersi's nation & Lastwall in the long term (or at least convince the knights to give it a chance - provided that Azaersi is at least sincere in moving away from the influence of the barghest hero-gods...)

Also, General Susumu is the main god worshipped by the hobgoblins in Tian Xia. He might be an alternate deity for those hobgoblins who don't want to abandon their militant ways completely, particularly if Azaersi goes looking for allies for her fledgling nation by way of the Stone Roads of the Onyx Vault. (Susumu cares more for the glory of war than with subjugating others, so...?)

Just some thoughts...

Good luck with your campaign!

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^ *hugs*

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Great to hear from you all!
I look forward to reading your contributions to the book! <3

Carry on,


@Shahreena Shahrani:

Would your YouTube channel happen to be Storytime with Auntie Nina?