Piercedthrough's page
Organized Play Member. 89 posts (95 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.
Molten dragon gets about 10,000 miles to the soul.
Mage hand, easily.
IRL, would you rather have sex with someone suspected of carrying an STD WHILE you yourself have a dismal fort save?
Or would you rather watch someone else have said sex with that individual.
(Won't bother describing, just imagine your first crush or something)
Fred is short for "Fredelicious", as his parents were hoping to raise a pole dancer.
Banned for discrimination.
I'm an albino madam, not one of your nefarious Nosferatu. Honestly, being judged by my skin...
... If my harrow deck hadn't been made in Taiwan!
The phrase "Shooting Blanks" was inspired by GW
Banned for promoting old men to drive as they like.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Just HOW much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck happened to be level 20?
What's the DC for having a succubus make me a sandwich? Alternatively, what's the DC for having her meet my parents?
Ninja velociraptors: Yes or no?
Once upon a time, Avvy here was involved in a lawsuit with Slipknot over 'Stealing his image."
They have yet to reconcile.
He vs She II: Red Tide Rising.
Lichard the Maggothearted
Damn, ninja'd.
Banned for:
A: Stealing my spot
B: Posting something that, while pleasing to contemplate, pales in comparison to my comment
And C: for failing his Hygiene check.
tuba player to finally shine
Seeing this, every ninja exclaimed
Banned for ridiculously outrageous facial hair.
(Raises an eyebrow)
Banned for popping your collar like a frat boy.
!!! III: The plot twists return!
Banned for being too much of an uncultured plebeian to realize the true value of eyebrows in communication.
(Cue eyebrow waggle)
>This turned into some kind of self destructive monster that seeks to devour Paizo and cast it back to the dark ages.
>Somewhere, Tzeentch is laughing to himself while cackling "JUST AS PLANNED!"
Banned for failing to realize that what he thinks is Wylliam is actually a life sized decoy.
(Clever girl...)
I'm guessing you're probably fine sharing them in a thread, though I'm not too sure which particular category it belongs under.
However, on a more personal note, although I applaud you for putting in effort to make your idea a reality, I really can't claim to see the point of making a witcher class by itself. Now, I could see the point of a Witcher archetype, specifically for Rangers since that particular class is the most similar in flavor and role as a Witcher would be.
Food for thought.
Banned for false accusations.
I won these fair and square in a high stake Mounted Card Game.
Hi folks, got a burning question in my head that I'd love answered, and I can't seem to find a thread that already deals with it.
Looking at the feat 'Extra Rage Power', the way it seems to worded leaves me curious; Is the feat only available to a class that has the Rage Power feature, but can be taken before one gains what would normally be the first rage power?
Or is it meant to be that one can only take this feat AFTER two levels in barbarian?
By the by, love this game. Truly stands on its own in the RPG world.
Banned for worst cosplay idea ever.
(The Crow set in medieval times? Get rekt.)
There's more than one way to pet a pussy.
The next poster has a thing for needles and skinny albinos.
The Jolly Jeering Jester
Alternatively, J cubed.
yronimos wrote: What would Jean Claude Van Damme's chances be of making a comeback as an under-paid washed-up actor in our "Flash Gordon" thud-and-blunder fantasy film? And, who do we cast him as? He's actually had a coupla hits recently.
Nothing huge, but enough to make him probably want a biggish role.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sissyl wrote: Prince of Persia was a good movie... except for the ostrich-race organizer. Ewww anachronisms and politics in my fantasy! Are you kidding? I loved that bit about small businesses and taxes.
I was cracking up the entire time.
Charles Scholz wrote: I'm Hiding In Your Closet wrote: "That is my family...but that's not my home." Sounds like something that might be said in "Arsenic and Old Lace", but I don't think it is.
It almost sounds like a partial Godfather quote, but it's probably not now that I think about it.
No, to me Street Fighter was what ruined Jean Claude Van Damme for me.
I could live with time cop.
I could live with yet ANOTHER universal solider.
But street fighter was the straw that broke the camels back.
Mortal kombat, I might give you.
But street fighter?
On a side note, was Prince of Persia really that underrated? I thought it did reasonably well for itself o_o
3 people marked this as a favorite.
Law enforcement would be hella easier.
"Think he did it Frank?"
"One sec Bob; DETECT EVIL."
Of course, you'd also have those a&*+&*+ ranger cops with 'Favored Races'...
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote: Will those wedding ceremonies be detailed in Romance of the Inner Sea? ^_^ And will they detail the proceedings for that natural side effect of marriage we all know as divorce?
(Because I swear if she thinks she's getting half the loot I made while killing dragons, she's got another thing coming)
1 person marked this as a favorite.
If you had to pick between two different types of dinosaur sized undergarments, would you prefer...
Or Boxers?
It's confirmed: there will never be another nightmare before Christmas.
The next poster has a dirty little secret that they share with goat-toucher.
K: H, let's face it. And I'm not being funny. I mean no disrespect, but you're a c***. You're a c*** now, and you've always been a c***. And the only way that's ever going to change is that you're going to be an even bigger c***. Maybe have some more c*** kids.
H: Leave my kids f***ing out of it! What have they done? You f***ing retract that bit about my c*** f***ing kids!
K: I retract that bit about your c*** f***ing kids.
H: Insult my f***ing kids? That's going overboard mate!
K: I retracted it, didn't I?
yronimos wrote:
Piercedthrough wrote: Also, I have seen a few anime films here, and none that I disagree with, but has anyone mentioned Heavy Metal? Made for Conan lovers that like to do drugs with THIS GUY, I saw it at 15 and was forever cursed with a soft spot for barbarians ever since. How did I forget Heavy Metal? I was thinking of it at the same time as "Wizards", but then it slipped my memory. Great catch! (I think there was a sequel, but I've never seen it... I never had high hopes for the sequel being any good, does anyone know anything about it, and whether it's been underrated?)
Unfortunately, I do.
And sad to say, the zero rating on rotten tomatoes is deserved.
I rented it for s%&+s and giggles one night.
I had to make up a story about how it fell out of my car, when in reality I ran it over after the first 20 minutes.
True story.
One can never have too much silverware.
As for the scout uniform, fond memories: I got away with six months of practically STEALING their money via poker til the scoutmaster got wise.
(The John McCain mask was a bad investment. Ask no more.)
Taskmaster: straight up brawler.
I'm feeling adventurous.
What's in MY closet?
Live near town and country.
I have a car.
Let's do this.
Kajehase wrote: The spiritual successor to Flash Gordon already exists - it's Star Wars. (Lucas first tried to get the rights for Flash Gordon, when that didn't work he developed his own story instead.) ...lolwut.
Pls no Sy Fy. Don't get me wrong, I'll watch their stuff, and they do have a few gems hidden among the disasters, but they are HORRID at marketing their stuff, and I'd hate to ruin a successor to Flash, spiritual or literal, by tying their name to it.
Also, I have seen a few anime films here, and none that I disagree with, but has anyone mentioned
Heavy Metal? Made for Conan lovers that like to do drugs with THIS GUY, I saw it at 15 and was forever cursed with a soft spot for barbarians ever since.
The last unicorn? Featuring voices like Jeff bridges and Christopher Lee, it's a wee bit childish but dem voices bring it all home gloriously.
Fire and Ice? ... Yeah, I guess I can only promote the micro bikini for this. But still. Nice bikini.