Brexiano cocks his head, "I doubt that. He is powerful and capable. Taking you against your will, you hold it against him. I have seen this before, he could force you to love and respect him and he has not chosen to do so.
Still, he is powerful. Powerful enough to be a choice target for one who would increase their own power... but he is dangerous. One would need certain assurances if one were to assist you in his destruction. At least, I suspect one would want assurances if one were so inclined to assist you".
"With all due respect sir the man is an anarchist and a cad. One who flaunts the laws of man and god, living and er, undead. I have no doubt that whatever purpose his sick mind has conjured from its black recesses it is a fate worse then all the hells in all the holy books combined. I assure you, I would do all in my power to avoid them."
"No apology necessary. I am a Seneschal, I have received worse from many of those assembled here. A calm heart is required to be in my current role.
It appears that you and your Sire are at odds, if there is some way I can assist you I will. If your Sire does win the seat on this Council he, and you, will dwell in the city for some time. I will need you to understand the rules of our existence and quickly."
"Yes, I'm afraid the man would be as bad a lord, as he is a teacher. I would say more, but what am I to do? He is apparently my 'sire', and I his slave. I would rather ask for death than the dishonor I fear he has in store for me." Durdona says looking morose.
She moves off to meet [the guy whose name is similar to this assamite's but who isn't the same guy because they are staring at one another, and one of them is not a mirror]. "Yes. I just wanted to apologize for my words at the gate. Alas I am ignorant of your society's ways, and the sudden recent change in myself has left me distraught."
He narrows his eyes at Bajazet, "Durdona, I sense you wish to speak with me?"
Durdona feigns polite indifference at the other Assamite's suggestions.
She moves off to meet Bajazat. "Yes. I just wanted to apologize for my words at the gate. Alas I am ignorant of your society's ways, and the sudden recent change in myself has left me distraught."
The Elder looking of the Gangrel turns to Lanzo, "Watch your tongue lickspittle lest I rip it from your head".
Cantor places a hand on the Elders shoulder, "Yenshun, pleas refrain from threats of violence here in Elysium".
At least half of the room begins to whisper at the mention of the name, Yenshun.
Waiting, and watching for the one most-likely to be the prince's steward (head servant). Don't know if that requires a roll, what it might be (perception + something, I'd guess), and if it would be made of the course of several rounds watching.
Mostly she wants to see how things work so she can break Cid stuff.
The rest of this is way above my pay-grade. Since this is day 1 or so after the embrace I think she's acted pretty well. I take it back! By my count she's been a vampire for all of a few hours! Sabbat 'volunteers' get more of an education than what Cid's given Durdona.
Note that Michele Querini, Bagrat, Xing Shi, and Onfroi are all present for what follows.
Prince Narses stares daggers at Durga Syn, "Very well".
The whispers cease and the shadows dim, if that is the right word for it, as the candles begin again to provide what little brightness they can to the room.
He speaks to Durdona, "Perhaps your Sire did not teach you the Traditions Fledgling. If he did, take note of the Fourth, The Accounting. Those who Sire take on a great burden. For the actions of the Childe reflect upon the Sire. Your successes are his success and your failures are his failures. Your Sire is to instruct you in the proper rules of etiquette. He is also the first to enforce the Traditions. You answer to him as you would answer to me for your sins are his to bear as well. Once he releases you, then shall your actions reflect upon you and you alone.
Your actions here have breached the Etiquette of my Court and thereby insulted my House. By right I can and I will punish you both. I rescind the protection to your Sire and by extension do not extend that lack protection to you.
While you travel to my Domain for Court you may NOT feed upon my Flock. Should the blood of my Flock pass yours or your Sires lips, it shall be the last Blood either of you ever tastes. You are free to merely come and go to attend this Conclave and for no other purpose.
The entire Domain of Venice is declared Elysium as such, you shall not spill the blood of another of our kind. Such a courtesy does NOT extend to either of you.
You shall NOT seek to procreate without my dispensation. The silence of the Blood shall be observed at all times within this Domain. Be warned that Hunters of our kind roam the streets and canals of my fair city, these mortals are not to be confronted upon pain of Final Death. Obey these rules fail to do so at your peril".
"To hear is to obey, my lord." Durdona says somber-faced, but on the inside she laughs. And like that I am armed with a host of weapons to exact my bloody revenge.
Bajazet ignores the Prince and turns to Durdona and her outburst his demeanor calming as quickly as it exploded in rage, "So Fledgling, you renounce the ties of Blood you have to El Cid Autarkis of Clan Assamite?"
Rodrigo steps behind you Durdona whispering
"I do not need more of your pawing!" She says to the faux crusader. "I do not renounce it my ties to this one. Rather, I regret them."
The figure on the 13th seat stares at Durdona, "Who claims you Childe?" he asks as the Caintes present take their seats. All seem a bit taken aback by the question as if they did not realize that there was a new member in their midst.
Claim me? As if I am a parcel! She is about to give the man a piece of her mind, when--.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Lorenzo & Durdona
Appearing next to Durdona who stands near Lorenzo still is Rodrigo. "I claim her". He replies.
The man in the 12th seat stands, "What treachery is this Narses!" He bellows!
What's he look like? Anyone I know?
Durdona glares at her accursed remaker. Her eyes flashing like scimitars at him. "Disciple I may be, but never property!"
She turns and addresses the assembly, to set them straight on the salient points. "While it is true this one forced himself upon me like the Christian he purports to be. You can see I did not martyr him, so he is not a good Christian yet. I am also not his property, only a creature made unnatural by his hand. You will forgive me if I offend you by naming you all 'unnatural'--you can see what I have for a teacher."
The pair detach from Michael and Ranerius completely and head in with "the herd" of Elders. However, they all seem involved in their own intrigues or otherwise disinterested even in a new face.
Do you force the matter Lorenzo or just head in? You can pick anyone listed in the first "group" of arrivals.
Durdona, doesn't press Lorenzo. She sees him as a sell-out, and therefore more useful than friendly. She has no real connection to anyone else. She might know of the more public-minded nobles in the group, but beyond she wouldn't have any real connection with any of them.
For the most part, she stands off to the side, and observes.
Venice by Night – Wednesday March 26, 1309
Outside of Elysium
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
"As you wish, Lord Benne." Lorenzo responds. "Durdona, shall we make our way inside?"
Walking along Lorenzo says to Durdona in a hushed voice, "Fortunately for you Lord Benne is a man of reason. You would do well to abide by his advise." Allowing himself a small smile he adds, "He must see something in you...and your Sire. I am new to this game as well, but have quickly learned that we all need allies."
'Your Sire may be but even he is no match for many of the assembled Elders here....'"Hm? Yes. Quite."
Outside of Elysium - Ranerius, Michael, Durdona & Lorenzo
Durdona, Michael, and Lorenzo
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
For a moment his eyes register surprise then as if nothing had happened he is stone faced once more, "Lord Bajazet it seems has indeed displeased Prince Narses.
Tell me Childe where are you from? Certainly not from Castille. Your Demeanor is so like that of your Sire as a Fledgling. Disrespectful and brash".
"My people are those you call 'People of the Steppes', in the same fashion that we call the natives here 'Those Fool People Who Built a City in a Lagoon'. I am Durdona daughter of Yabghul III the Greater, who rode with the Golden Horde and was Lord of All the Lands Beneath the Kafkuh while he lived. I am no 'fledgeling'. I have seen fifteen winters in the mountains, and if you could ride a horse on this raft of city, I would hold my own, and better in a race against any man here."
Outside of Elysium - Ranerius, Onfroi, Michael, Durdona & Lorenzo
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Ranerius' Gondola slowly approaches the dock of Elysium, he sees that several of the Elders have arrived just ahead of him.
As the Fledglings head to the docks many familiar faces step off and head towards Elysium's front doors. Lord Benne pauses to greet Lorenzo, Michael, and Durdona, "Good evening to you as well Michael. Your ire shall be along soon enough, he is meeting with.. others. You my dear, are a face I've not seen before". He addresses the last at Durdona.
Lord Benne is as pale a man as you have ever seen, he may be an albino, someone whose condition makes him allergic to the sun. He wears clothing styles from Germany though the fashion is outdated by a few decades they are very expensive and of high quality. He is a short man, 5'3" with very short cropped hair.
"Perhaps you should take the air more." Durdona says an obviously outdoorsy girl, she then waits for Lorenzo to make introductions.
"Choose?! What fool would choose this! Living, skulking death. And then to be led about like a pet by the very thing that stole your breath!" She nods toward Lorenzo's "sire". "Did you make this choice?"
Brexiano turns to Lorenzo, "I leave her then in your capable hands". He then begins walking towards the dock where the Gondola's are about ready to arrive.
Lorenzo feels a presence behind him, a Cainite he has never seen before, Durdona recognizes her Sire but is somewhat unnerved at how easily he snuck up on both.
The man, dark skinned but Spanish in complexion, focuses his gaze on Durdona, "The Prince and I have met. Once the Conclave begins I shall formally introduce you to him and he will accept you as a Childe of the Night. I see that you have begun to make acquaintances among our kind. Mingle and I shall do the same". He lingers for a moment to see if you have a response.
There is only stone-faced, apathy, from Durdona.
Lorenzo Cappelli wrote:
"Ah, it seems my own Sire has arrived. Come along, Durdona. I would like you to meet Lord Benne."
After any final bit of conversation between El Cid and Durdona, Lorenzo guides the woman toward the Canites disembarking from the gondola.
[b]"'Prince', 'Childe of the Night', 'Sire'--are all of you so pretentious? Is this then to be my curse?" Durdona says the last with feigned melodrama, the back of her hand rising to meet her forehead.
"I trust that this is your sire?" Lorenzo asks Durdona.
More quietly Lorenzo asks, "I would also assume that your sire seeks a seat among the Inner Circle. Which seat shall your sire vie for?"
Durden tilts her chin upward. "He is the one that has brought about my current condition. If that is what you call a 'sire', you should change the term, as I have only every had one, like any natural-born person, and he is Yabghul of the Steppes."
He looks one last time at Durdona Lady, a free bit of advice, do not embarrass or speak out against your new creator in such ways. It is rude at best and creates the wrong opinion and you may find unwanted attention. and Onfroi will nod to the others present and step aside with Michael to speak as privately as one might here nodding for him to speak.
"Alas, that last part has already come to pass." She sighs heavily though she need not.
Outside of Elysium - Durdona, Onfroi, Lorenzo & Michael
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
From the shadows of the entrance Brexiano materializes. He approaches all of you on the docks, "Greetings Fledglings". He then turns to Durdona, "We have yet to have the pleasure of meeting my dear. I am Thoms Brexiano, Seneschal of the Prince. You are Rodrigo's progeny yes?"
"I call that one 'the Moor'--though it be a slander on all those people--for his hide's sake, and because it displeases him. My sire is Yabghul the Greater of the Steppes." Her stare dares him to deny it.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Michael Santo pauses on the dock as Lorenzo walks forward and appears to exchange a few words with one of the Gondola drivers before joining the rest of you. He too smiles at Durdona, "Good evening beautiful". This man is dressed like a merchant.
Durdona refuses to acknowledged the man while speaking with the doorman, Brexiano.
Outside of Elysium - Durdona, Onfroi, Lorenzo & Michael
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
The woman ignores Onfroi's bow and focuses her sight on the front door of the building. Time passes with silence between the two figures. The humans on the docks make little to no noise.
Soon enough though the sound of oars brings the attention of Onfroi if not Durdona to the water. Another Gondola comes into view. It holds three men. Onfroi recognizes them all. The Salubri Andrew, the Fledgling Tremere Michael, and the Cappadocian Dr. Cappelli.
Soon enough their Gondola docks and they disembark.
I'm gonna assume Onfroi doesn't look like a rotting corpse. If he looks like a peasant, she ignores him, but wonders at his manners. Otherwise she nods and smiles politely. If he does look like a rotting corpse she screams, and tries to shove him into the canal.
As a rule she acknowledges those that look noble, and treat those that seem like commoners as one might expect--which is to say, she only acknowledges their presence if they go out of their way to make it known. Durdona herself is slumming a bit and dressed like one of the merchant classes--unless she has time to dress up for her meeting with the 'Prince'.
And the courtiers come a courting. No different than a mortal lord's palace. Though it seems rather a servant's entrance.
Now, when in my city rules would be different but we are not in my city. In fact, you may never be in my city if what I propose will come to pass. Thus, you must know the laws that the Prince of this city, Narses, has put in place.
You and I both.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
The First Tradition: The Covenant....
The Second Tradition: The Domain....
The Third Tradition: Progeny. As the eldest in the Domain only Prince's have the wisdom to understand whether the flock has grown sufficiently enough to sustain more of our Brothers and Sisters. Thus, you may not Sire another without their permission. To do so will bring the penalty of Final Death for you and said Childe.
"So rank is attained by age alone?"
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
The Fourth Tradition: The Accounting. Those who Sire take on a great burden. For the actions of the Childe reflect upon the Sire. Your successes are their success and your failures are their failures. Your Sire is to instruct you in the proper rules of etiquette. He is also the first to enforce the Traditions. You answer to him as you would answer to the Prince for your sins are his to bear as well. Once he releases you, then shall your actions reflect upon you and you alone.
Pyrrhic victory perhaps...."Oh, I'm listening."
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
The Fifth Tradition: Destruction. Thou shalt not kill thine elder. Neither shall you spill the blood of another of our kind unless forced to do so to defend your own existence. Those who seek to harm you shall suffer my wrath. If a Cainite is to be destroyed, it shall fall upon the Prince to decide and no others.
So the laws of 'Caine' be above the laws of men. It does not matter men kill other men all the time.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
The Sixth Tradition: The Silence Of Blood....
I can keep a secret.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
Have you any questions?"
"When you say 'Caine' you mean the 'Caine' of the Book, correct?"
"The Road of Blood is said to be a difficult one to follow especially here among so many who stain the honor of our Founder by their very existence.
First, those on the Road must Faithfully follow the teachings of Haqim.
Second, I have accepted that Mortals are beneath the notice of Cainites. Thus, Feeding from them only when necessary.
Third, lose no opportunity to obtain Cainite blood of any Generation. The power of the Blood shall ensure victory against the enemies of Haqim victory.
Fourth, Withstand the Beast’s fury — failing to master oneself results in lessened prowess.
Fifth, at all times Seek knowledge that may aid the Clan in our war on its enemies.
Lastly, Extend the glory of Haqim’s cause to other Cainites.
Haqim would have all follow him for his is the true path of enlightenment.
Or so the Paragons of that Road would dictate".
He spits, "No, I do not follow the Road of God for he has forsaken me. I honor him in my own way but I have been cast from his side, indeed he has turned a blind eye towards all that I do.
I do not follow the Road of Blood as to me this seems a set of rules for hero worship of the Founder. Little different from following a religious background..."
"A wise choice. Know that you are now a member of the most selective and deadly of the Cainites. Clan Assamite.
Before you learn of the Laws of the Night or of the other Clans first you must learn of that which will allow you to retain your sanity in this new coil. As Humans have their own morality so too do we have tenets that we must live by lest the Beast Within seize you with an unending lust for blood which will override your rational mind.
Our Clan follows two Roads. Many follow the Road of Kings. Most follow the Road of Blood. Still some do follow the Road Heaven, those most devout at any rate.
I am a Paragon on the Road of Kings. The Road of Kings is one that has been strode upon by many.
Just as God ordained that kings should rules over men, by placing His mark upon Caine He ordained that Cainites were above the mortal herd, and that some also held divine right to rule. The Scions, followers of the Road of Kings, believe that power and rulership are their inheritence, secured by strength of arms and skill at court. Just as the mortal nobility wars for control over land and wealth, so do the Scions war among themselves for control of Cainite domains, with lesser vampires and mortals arrayed like pieces on a chessboard.
The Beast stands in the way of a Scion's destiny, as it stands in the way of all who bear the mark of that first creature who cursed us so. It represents all the dark impulses that drag a ruler down and lead to rebellion and betrayal. But, carefully controlled, those same passions can raise a ruler up to greatness and give him the power to conquer his enemies and hold on to his throne. So the Beast must be controlled, and conquering the Beast is a necessary first step in conquering the world.
Those who rise to the position of prince often do so by following this road. Of course, this Road like the rest, gives incremental increases to power and requires a great deal of its adherents.
Have you questions before I continue?"
"You do not follow the path of your Christian God?" Durdona only half expects an answer her mind contemplating future regicide. "What is this 'Road of Blood'?
Having gone to sleep quiet but full you wake up refreshed. No matter how hard you tried it was just impossible to stay awake, as if a spell of sleep overcame you once the sun had risen.
Rodrigo regards you thoughtfully, ”Are you ready to receive your first lessons or do you wish to travel home and look in on affairs at your family home?”
She probably kills the man--not really knowing how not to (unless there's some teaching going on), and the next, and the next, and so on. She imagines Cid's face on each of her victims at least until he becomes one. ;)
He chuckles at your joke as you both turn the corner into an alleyway, "You are a feisty one! I know of a place we can grab a late night meal and then perhaps, some fencing?" He leers at you as he speaks.
Durdona leers back. Being at one blood point and all.
Of the three, the shortest one pushes his fellows back and approaches, "We three agree, you are one of the most beautiful women we have ever seen. However, I have the broadest sword here and thus I have won the right to accompany you home through these dangerous streets. Tell me, do you wish to see my fencing skills first hand?"
"If your hand is what you are most comfortable with."
El Cid nods, "We will begin by my observation of your approach to these ruffians. Interact with them, at least one is a target for you to slay or all if you feel you have the skill to do so".
You are down an alley about 50' away from these men who stand on a street corner near a small canal. Only one has a visible weapon, a rapier sheathed at his hip.
On the edge of frenzy she resists attacking her sire by transposing his face onto that of one of the men, all of the men, all men.... She walks up to them as freely as any woman of the night hungry for food might. Durdona however knows she'll take her sup not later in small hours, and certainly not in coin.
"My what a broad sword you have there sir. Do you know the art of war? Can you fence?"
REPARTEE wits+subterfuge (+bonus dice) v intelligence+3:4d10 ⇒ (5, 9, 4, 8) = 26unknown number of possible bonus dice (up to 3):3d10 ⇒ (8, 10, 10) = 28
INTIMACY charisma+empathy (+bonus dice) v perception+3:5d10 ⇒ (8, 9, 6, 10, 5) = 38unknown number of possible bonus dice (up to 6):6d10 ⇒ (4, 2, 9, 1, 1, 9) = 26
Seduction is an involved process involving several different rolls and Abilities:
First roll (approach): The player rolls Appearance + Subterfuge versus a difficulty of the subject’s Wits + 3. Each success beyond the first adds one die to the pool for the second roll. A failure means the subject expresses his disinterest; a botch means the subject might grow disgusted or angry.
Second roll (witty repartee): The player rolls Wits + Subterfuge versus a difficulty of the subject’s Intelligence + 3. Each success beyond the first adds one die to the final roll. If the roll fails, the subject breaks off the contact, but might prove receptive at a later date since the first impression was good. A botch gives the subject some sort of dangerous insight about the character.
Third roll (intimate conversation): The player rolls Charisma + Empathy versus a difficulty of the subject’s Perception + 3. If the third roll succeeds, the subject is enamored with the character and agrees to accompany him to a private spot. If the roll fails, the subject breaks off the contact, but might prove receptive at a later date. On a botch, the vampire likely ends up with a drink in his face.
The Cainite that calls himself El Cid draws a breath and let's it out in a sigh, "Perhaps you are right, I have taken you without asking what you wanted. Violetta believes that deep down you wished to be free of your life."
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
"My intention is to create an equal,"
Then you are a fool. You would create an equal--a rival of one who already hates you, one who could destroy you, you and Violetta.
El Cid raises his eyebrows at you, "Do you think this a game? I have given you an opportunity to rise above your station to become something more than a piece to be married off for the benefit of another. If you wish to live your life as the pawn of another by all means I shall leave you to fend for yourself in your new existence..."
"'Another' like you? You are no different than my uncle. You have married me to this life- this unlife."
Soon enough you stand side by side with the moor stalking the streets of Venice. He brings you to an area of the city you would never have dared entering at night even an hour ago.
On the corner a group of thugs stand together speaking in low whispers. El Cid stops in the shadows of an alley down the street and points to them and whispers to you, "There, those three are the types of ruffians you seem to wish to encounter. Eliminate them, all of them".
Durdona inspects the ruffians. She had back-talked to the monster to bring her to this point. She doubted she could push any more this soon. Still....
Right. So how do I go about baking a gingerbread house to lure them into? I've never really learned to bake anything so-- so ostentatious. Or should I wait until they go home and then blow their own homes in? Is there a hard and fast rule about masonry? Are all our kind vulnerable to it? Is that why we may only pass thresholds made of sticks and straw? Perhaps we should start with the masons. If only you'd explain-"
I might rethink that dot of Quietus then. I took it mainly for clan flavor/solidarity sake, the fact it will cost me less in time/XP/RP to have one (formerly really good) dot in it and because it is usually cool to have the 'funky' clan power. Having an over-complicated way of performing an already over-complicated task--diablerie, is not really all that appealing to me. I'd rather have another dot in one of the more immediately useful disciplines or ultimately--as I would like her to have--Dominate, Potence, or Presence. (I almost tried to save enough freebies to purchase one.) I think, if it is okay, I might forget the Quietus for now and take another dot of Celerity, since I basically got the dot I wanted in Obfuscate instead.
Storyteller Shadow wrote:
El Cid sighs, "I have given you freedom from your shackles. Do not force me to place new ones upon you.
You have enemies within your own home upon whom you should seek vengeance no? Or do you wish that I slay you now, blotting out the great potential I see in you? Are you a woman of vision or not?"
Durdona feels the hunger inside call to her. She is different she can tell. From the stillness of her physical form to mad hunger in the pit of her soul that she would do nearly anything to slake.
Still there are things she will not do, things that go against all that she is, and first and foremost among them right now is anything the creature before her wants. The monster's every whim is an indignity, an anathema, one that he will pay for in time. She will nettle at the thing like a poison bur until she is strong enough to destroy it out right spitting in its eye as she does so. Only then will she take her vengeance on her uncle's house. She will not bend. If she is to be this ghul's it is because the thing wanted such, and she could not resist its potence, but her will is her own. She will either will out against the monster or force it to destroy her and thereby win an honorable death and rob it of his new toy all that it had invested in its purchase.
This thing claims to have freed her but really all it has done has bound her to a new house by force, just as her uncle had. It is no better than the men who claim their brides from among the children of their enemies.
And while she is forced to suffer the indignity the horror, her will, her mind, those are still her own. She will not forget. However long it takes. She will not forget.
"You mean me to kill my venal kin to prove my worth as if I were some simple Moor's knife? Even the simplest monster may kill in the dead of night and what vengeance is that Black Master? My uncle is old and soft. Those in his house no less soft. What honor is there in destroying such weakness? You insult me! You have made me a cutpurse! I am Durdona, only daughter of Yabghul the Greater, Lord of the Steppes! If I am to be your falcon treat me as such! Give me worthy prey! Do not treat me as a cur feeding me my own fleas!"
FYI, I will be packing and moving and then unpacking again over the next 35 - 40 days so if I have intermittent unexplained absences from the boards this is why.
Or at least what your Methuselah overlord wants us to think....
El Cid looks grim, "You are dead and yet alive in so many more ways. Your spirit has a fire that death itself cannot quench. Will you become death itself and fully step across the other side of the shroud?"
So what you're saying is Obfuscate got all the good stuff and Quietus got the shaft. ;) Ah well, the Assamites needed something to hold them back.
Soon your vision dims and sight of the sky above fades. Is this what it feels like to die?
So does this count as surviving for Nature: Survivor's sake? ;)
Development Notes:
I am assuming El Cid is not bringing me up as a vizier-caste Assamite (Auspex, Presence, Quietus) nor as part of the sorcerer-caste and more the typical (Celerity, Obfuscate, Quietus) sort. Assuming that, what version of Quietus does he teach? And what is the current clan flaw? I have the original Dark Ages book and the 20th anniversary version to refer to along with a ton of older edition books.
As it stands now Durdona picks up dots in: Celerity (1), Obfuscate (2), and Quietus (1).
Her Freebie point allocation reads: Charisma 4 (Commanding) (5), Efficient Digestion (3), Inoffensive to Animals (1), Literacy (1), Multilingual (2), and 3 additional points of Willpower (3).