Arayam Bismut

Papaver's page

Goblin Squad Member. 624 posts (760 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 aliases.


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Goblin Squad Member

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In my honest opinion PFO's challenge to it's players right now is not like "interact with this interesting and complex system" but rather more akin to "lets remove en arm and a leg from you and see how you fare in day to day life" kind of challenge.

I'd say wait and see.

Goblin Squad Member

Pffff... come on guys. You know better then to play ArcheAge. Black Desert is where it's at.

Goblin Squad Member

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Audoucet wrote:
and I just can't conceive how people, can "have fun", more than playing Archage or Angry Birds.

Queue Ryan saying something to the effect of "people who want to have fun are not really our target audience and we're fine with that."

Goblin Squad Member

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Xeen wrote:

It is in every aspect of society, and women in general have been just as much at fault as men are.

I have had too many female friends that dive right into this and end up as the type of women that are just annoying shallow husks.

This type of argument reads a bit too much like victim blaming.

Goblin Squad Member

Dan is the best there is in podcasting.

Everything I know about podcasting I learned from him ( without his knowledge ). We are brothers of the Atomic, Consistent, Isolated, and Durable Reflux so I can guarantee everything he says is TOP.

Goblin Squad Member

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Nihimon wrote:
Ryan said something in the EN World interview that really struck me. Paraphrasing, it was something like "if someone gives you $1,000 for something, they're predisposed to really like it."

Sorry to be so blunt about it.

This is the emotional bias aspect of the sunk cost fallacy and often used in financial scams. While PFO is not a scam in itself I'm kind of terrified that aspects of one is mentioned in context of PFOs marketing.

Goblin Squad Member

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Just a heads up: mead and Jack Daniels will make you crash like a patcher without admin rights. Also Vikings. Always Vikings.

Goblin Squad Member

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This got weird fast.

Goblin Squad Member

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I like the way you think. We need to talk in ts someday.

Not today sadly because any minute a horde of german viking lookig dudes are a bout to storm my apartment with mead and Jack Daniels.

Goblin Squad Member

A couple of things.

1) I had to look up what hard tack is.
2) drunk programmers are the best programmers
3) I'm glad you don't disagree about the foam weapons thing.


Goblin Squad Member

Do yourself a favour. Move it to monday and don't go insane.

Or at least take a couple of hours break where the whole team eats, chills out and hits Ryan Dancey with foam hammers/swords/axes.

Then go back to work.

Goblin Squad Member

Verrueckter Goblin!

Goblin Squad Member

I'd say of the 500 mil about 300-375 mil goes to Activision. Purely retail would have been 27 on every 60 dollars but with digital being so huge with the new generation of consoles it sould be a bit more.

Then again comparing Destiny and PFO is pretty nonsensical.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

Then again Destiny has very much more smooth and better polished gameplay loop and controls.

But let's ask the more important question what is the better tool a screwdriver or a heavy intustial mining drill?

Also: 500 mil is the budget for the Destiny franchise including marketing and not just the direct development cost of Destiny (1).

Goblin Squad Member

-Aet- Charlie wrote:
Still a kinda true statement, but not exclusive content to criminals. The last part is totally true you can pvp as much as you wish with no real penalty.

if someone kills you on one of the starting continents regardless of weather you attacked them or not you get to go to jail for 2 hours every time. And often you are a PvP target without having the possibility of attacking first. You also loose access to about 2/3 of the opportunity to have land.

Being in the pirate faction is way more inconveniencing then described here. I'd even say that it is a pretty meaningfull and grow what I read here a more permanent one then the reputation system as planned in PFO.

Goblin Squad Member

Episode 19; smaller Version

An here is the other Audio file.

Harad, excellent work on the recording quality this time btw.

Goblin Squad Member

Episode 20; smaller Version

This link should theoretically work better as dropbox doesn't care about number of playbacks and the file is smaller.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm about to start a worldwide multimillion Euro marketing campaign to have PFO switch to Quake 3 Arena Callange ProMode Arena speed and twitch targeting. Get your reflex boosters ready you pansies! We are going to React-in-10-milliseconds-or-die Town. Hold on to your Butts!

Goblin Squad Member

It would be a good sign if EE was not payed. As it is it's a really bad sign.

Crowd-forging and -funding is a really good idea but only it it does not take advantage of people's desire to play the game they are looking for as early as possible ESPECIALLY if there will be no rollback after the early release.

Goblin Squad Member

I think that you should associate yourself with a guild in the guildrush only once. You have made your choice and it's your own fault if you messed up that one choice and made a mistake.

In fact GW should ban and empty out anyone's savings and chekcings account that tries to change guilds in the guild rush website or in the game at any point in the future.

Goblin Squad Member

Darcnes wrote:
I doubt referring to our community rep as a bind pony is going to win you points Papaver. ;)

Ah bummer! But I love points.

Goblin Squad Member

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froggalpha wrote:
Lam wrote:
..bind pony..
Bind Pony is the best mount ever. :P

I feel there is still a more elegant name in there somewhere,

How about we shorten Bind Pony to Bony, maybe Bonny to pronounce it better.

Goblin Squad Member

Sorry if that came across like a jerk comment, Dan. The intention was to say that I do in fact listen to FTB.


Are you now officially renaming Fear the Con to Fear the Kon now that you guys are with Kabal?

Goblin Squad Member

So if these items can be purchased in the store and crafted in game and the places where those items can be plunked down are a limited resource aka. The time someone need to acquire is important in the equation of what the win conditions or at least the milestones success are. And we are talking about a game where crafting takes hours not seconds.

How is this definition of pay to win useful at all to describe the problem that may arise from those items?

I also absolutely do not like this definition of pay to win in a competitive environment. It the cash shop version is a shortcut that reduces the time to acquire it by X. The guy who bought it is "winning" over the guy who did not for X amount of time.

Goblin Squad Member

My future self came back in time and told me that he was hugely disappointed by the UNC ts as Bluddwolf did in fact not speak Russian despite never having claimed that he does. What a let down.

Goblin Squad Member


What the hell now I also have to fear the boot that you have and I don't. For the love of god please tell Dan that I want to hug him. Please!

Seriously you guys!

Goblin Squad Member

I assume you have TOP MEN working on it?

Goblin Squad Member

I just realized again how infuriating it is that Films are released throughout the world at different times.

Captain America 1 and 2 getting released in Europe earlier then the US made no sense to me BUT NOW I have to wait 22 more days until I get to see Guardians of the Galaxy and do so while trying to avoid spoilers.

So about that jello cup.

Goblin Squad Member

T7V Jazzlvraz wrote:
Xeen wrote:
...He can be controlled...

I was under the impression that the only thing that can control Hannibal is himself. You don't even have that level of control?

You're *hardcore*.

[insert "radical" e-guitar rif here]

Harbinger of Chaos wrote:
Papaver wrote:
On a scale from Spencer Reed to The Zero Theorem how evil are you?
Our scale does not start with non evil and work up from there. It starts with Hannibal Lecter level evil and then runs off the chart from there.

Ok then let me rephrase my question.

On a scale from "the war on Christmas as portrayed by FOX News" to "LAME plugin for Audacity" how hungry are you right now?

Goblin Squad Member

On a scale from Spencer Reed to The Zero Theorem how evil are you?

Goblin Squad Member

Gpunk wrote:
It might even indicate that I wasn't willing to yet walk away from weeks worth of hard work to satisfy obstructionists and non participants.

Would people removing their votes jeopardize that hard work?

Goblin Squad Member

Andius the Afflicted wrote:

However if you agreed to a democracy, earned your settlement while selling it based on those premises, and the democracy is unwilling to hand over power to you... wouldn't it be more appropriate to claim a new settlement when the time comes then to force an oligarchy on those promised democracy if you feel the democracy isn't working?

The timing of this announcement does suggest you intended to trick many Freevale members who would have withdrawn their votes if you made the announcement before the end of the land rush.

Perhaps I am not being privileged to the full story but this has had a serious negative effect on my personal opinion of Blunt Logic. I would invite you to fill me in on the parts I'm missing if I indeed am missing part of the story.

I support the above mentioned.

Goblin Squad Member

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Ravenlute wrote:

Nope, I'm not that petty. Doing so may result in Freevale being placed somewhere else, which would displace another Settlement and maybe even cause a chain reaction. That could be heartbreaking for the displaced and while I play a crazy CN character, in real life I'm a pretty decent guy and I'm not about to do that to others after this Landrush is finally over.

We will deal with this situation as needed.

The situation should be that an individual or group is presented with all the information to make a decision beforehand so in my opinion retracting your votes would net really be petty in this situation because you clearly where not presented with all the information you needed.

I do however respect your choice of action. The above explanation is not meant to say what you should do.

Goblin Squad Member

Soooo...... Have you considered contacting Goblinworks about how you feel you where scammed and the possibility of removing your votes from Freevale. It may be worth a try.

Goblin Squad Member

I will not only sign this but also continue my 5-minute-visits on ALL team speak and mumble servers riddled with silly talk in an attempt to defuse all situations such as "personality-sliders".

Goblin Squad Member

So if you tell me that you need a recording of someone "enjoying" him/herself to a potato grown in a pedestrian zone while wearing a dolphin costume all the while a dominatrix tells him/she that his/her math homework needs to be done I'm gonna tell you that it's:

A) oddly specific
B) gonna take a little more research time.


Goblin Squad Member

Lord Zodd wrote:
Papaver wrote:
My point is that I don't want to be forced to RP.

Does not match with:

Papaver wrote:
I'm trying to understand what they will allow and what not.

Of course it doesn't the first was regarding character names and the second was regarding company names and settlement names that are non-English. Is it wrong of me to discuss two facets of the topic at hand?

@KotC Carbon D. Metric and CBDunkerson, that clears up my concerns a bit.

Goblin Squad Member

I'm trying to understand what they will allow and what not.

Asking me to not ask question in this thread is obtuse at best. GW staff have been very helpful in this regard so far. My last couple of comments where clearly in respond to petty offhand comments labeling my concerns as not valid and you basically calling me stupid.

Goblin Squad Member

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Sooooooooo, I really like the concept of context.

Goblin Squad Member

Lord Zodd wrote:
Don't act like they are violating some imaginary rights you feel entitled to having.

I don't feel entitled to anything. I'm trying to figure out If I can use my names and If I will be forced to be RP-compliant because I don't quite understand what the above rules mean and how they will expand.

It's easy to throw the word "entitlement" around when others have concerns one does not share.

Goblin Squad Member

My point is that I don't want to be forced to RP.

Goblin Squad Member

The kickstarter did specifically say "last month of early enrollment" and not "open enrollment one month earlier" so it does feel like words are being twisted to not let us vote in the land rush rather to sell more upgrades rather then us twisting words to not pay for the upgrade.

That said if I can pay via PayPal for the upgrade once EE starts and still play in EE I'm fine with not voting.

Goblin Squad Member

What are the chances of PayPal being added as a payment option on

Goblin Squad Member

Lee Hammock wrote:

For the non-English names, one of the guidelines we've been working under in designing the game is avoiding non-English derived words as many languages that we would draw from (latin, for example) don't exist in Pathfinder. Which makes naming things like alchemy interesting since so much of it is Latinized (that and we found some awesome 15th century German wood cuts on sword fighting that we pulled attack names from but had to translate).

Now out of the Guilds we already have, things like the Pax Aeternum and Golgatha, those aren't what we're worried about. And the Finnish one I can't hope to type from memory works because it sounds like it could be in world, just means Brothers in Arms, and could go in a book. It's when we get into really long names, or names where people use the language to hide other rulebreaking, that we get into trouble.

Will this limitations expand to character names? I'm asking because this feels very much like forcing people to RP-conformity even if they have no interest in RP and I draw the line at character names because while I don't use any offensive or even provocative character names they are everything but RP conform with any kind of fiction.

Goblin Squad Member

Where do we ask if a non English name is cool or not?

Goblin Squad Member

1 and 2 are cool 4 is not as cool but understandable.

What is the reason for 3?

Goblin Squad Member

Will you light a candle or will you curse the darkness?

Goblin Squad Member

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Proxima Sin wrote:
Papaver wrote:
Clearly this has to be The Accord of Eon.
please 'splain

Wouldn't you want to be a member of the AccordEon?

Goblin Squad Member

Clearly this has to be The Accord of Eon.

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