High Shieldmarshal Armand Meneley

Palandri's page

Organized Play Member. 41 posts (5,910 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters. 18 aliases.


It's morphin' time!

Hallelujah! Thanks for fixing this. Now I can start making PCs for factions other than Horizon Hunters.

Palandri wrote:
GM Hmm wrote:
Yeah, I do that a lot, since usually online play is scarce before a convention, and I run fast...
Run fast is putting it mildly. It's practically a VTT game at times. I'm beginning to dread getting up in the mornings :)

For the record. I was kidding (note smiley face).

GM Hmm runs a tight ship and it is a distinct pleasure to be playing in her game. I happen to be in a different time-zone as the rest of the players, so a lot of stuff goes down while I'm asleep. The first thing I do when I get up is check to see what new mess we've gotten ourselves into. I have yet to be disappointed. It is then up to my Jayma to clean things up.

GM Hmm wrote:
Yeah, I do that a lot, since usually online play is scarce before a convention, and I run fast...

Run fast is putting it mildly. It's practically a VTT game at times. I'm beginning to dread getting up in the mornings :)

GM Hmm wrote:
The only issue is that if you play the real ones elsewhere, and the character is being played at two different levels, I don't want to be confused when I look at your character sheet and headers, and I don't want you become confused in the other game you are playing.

Yes. I always use aliases when playing in Adventure mode. I would clone my PC into an alias to go through your DA adventures so as to keep the two totally separate. But I see your point about getting confused between the two if I'm playing them both at the same time.

Do you prefer that we propose just one of our PCs for your adventures or would be it be okay to come up with a list for you to chose from. I can pretty quickly up-level any of my PCs to 7th or 10th and I'm not that picky about who I play.

From the sanctioning, these case files are played in Adventure mode. So the PCs we take through the adventure are technically not going to be our actual official PFS PCs; they will be (aliased?) clones of them (perhaps up or down-graded to 7th/10th level as appropriate). Do I have that right?

If that's the case, wouldn't that mean that we could take our actual official PFS PCs through separate Outpost VI scenarios while we take the cloned (aliased) version through your Dark Archives Duology?

I'd be interested in low-tier runs of some of these scenarios. I've got three PCs at level 3 and one at level 4 that are available.

Of the scenarios listed, I've already played 1-09, 2-12, 3-04, & (presumably) 3-07.

I went through the Beginner's Box last year and have been waiting for someone to offer Troubles in Otari ever since. I played Merisiel, and though I'd prefer continuing with her, I'd be willing to play one of the others if there's a conflict.

PFS 2 GM ZD wrote:

I would be willing to run, I have not ran that adventure yet.

As long as roll 20 is okay with you all for the maps and tokens, I can run it for you four.

Professor Plum +1
GM Tiger
GM Aerondor

I'm Professor Plum's +1 and have never used Roll20, though I have a Roll20 account from when I was looking it over a few months ago. There may be a bit of a learning curve on how to use it, but nothing I shouldn't be able to handle.

NovelEnigma wrote:
Second Chance Champion is available in Pathbuilder under campaign backgrounds

Excellent! Thanks NovelEnigma. I've tweaked Slick to use it.

Online Pathbuilder is a pretty nice piece of web software. From now on I'll have to work on the assumption that if I can't find how to do something it's because I'm not looking hard enough.

Do we have access to buy magic items that have "Member of the Pathfinder Society" as the Access requirement? I'm specifically thinking of an Aeon Stone (Pearly White Spindle).

Nathan Goodrich wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the symbols they have in their stat profile? Did that all come from Pathbuilder?

No. They're just Unicode characters that are a little more difficult to enter because they don't appear on standard keyboards. I just cut-and-paste them from a text file. Here you go...

Action Symbols: (◆), (◆◆), (◆◆◆), (◇), (↺)

There are plenty more Geometric Shapes and Arrows where they came from.

NovelEnigma wrote:

Is anyone interested in doing a themed team as mentioned in the player's guide? Something like the following:

1) All Kitsune
2) All spellcasters
3) All bards
4) All monks
5) All champions of the same type (paladin, redeemer, etc)
6) Only deal non-lethal damage

Though still a work in progress, my Slick is currently a half-elf fighter with sorcerer dedication, so I guess he might squeeze into category 2, but that's about it.

Kitsune sounds interesting though. Maybe I'll play around with a Dark Fields Kitsune Ruffian Rogue with good Cha for Deception and Intimidation.

Thanks for the heads-up chadius and Michael Hallet. I'd already coughed up for the enhanced web version (money well spent), but hadn't messed with any of the custom stuff. I've gone ahead and added the extra ancestry feats and things are looking good.

Thanks also for the pointer to the starting GP table. With 3200gp I should be able to outfit my guy as well. For the most part, this will involve making Slick's sword +2 Striking (935+65=1000gp) and making his armor +2 Resilient (340+1060=1400), which should leave about 800gp left over for some property runes and basic stuff. Not having any real experience at this level of PC, I'm open to suggestions as to how to enhance Slick's weapons and armor.

I changed Slick slightly from pure Human to Half-Elf to gain access to some of those sweet elf ancestry feats.

I used Pathbuilder to throw together a level 11 build for my gladiator, who I am provisionally calling Slick until I can come up with a better name. No guarantees that I won't tweak it based on feedback or just because.


I didn't use the Ancestry Paragon variant rules because Pathbuilder doesn't seem to support it.

I've been thinking about it and looking at what others are coming up with and it seems to me that given that this is a fighting tournament what we need is an actual no-fuss fighter. It turns out that I haven't played a vanilla Pathfinder fighter before, so this will be a little new for me.

I generally like playing Charisma builds, so I'm thinking of a High-Str and High-Cha human fighter (Entertainer, Gladiator, Attention Addict) who loves the limelight of the arena and wowing the crowd with his fancy moves. Picture a guy in full plate polished to a chrome finish with matching greatsword wielded in two hands (shields are for losers!). With Gladiator and/or Celebrity dedication. In the arena he likes to intimidate with his presence, but between fights/performances (they're pretty much the same for him) he likes schmoozing with his fans, especially the pretty female ones. He's a smooth talker and surprisingly good at getting information out of people.

I'll post more fighter build ideas as they come to me.

Sounds really interesting. Never played a PC higher than 5th level (and don't have one of my own higher than 4th) so wouldn't mind giving it a try. Do I take it that we can slap together an 11th level PC and play it in adventure mode with the chronicle being applied to an existing PC of ours?

I'll download the Player's Guide and see what I can come up with that will work. I echo Mr Tea's question. How detailed a proposed character do you want? How big a group are we talking about?

--- update

Just had a quick look at the Player's guide and Sanctioning Document and it looks like everyone starts at 11th level and ends up at 20th over the course of 3 books, each worth 12 XP. Not something you want to get into casually since it could take 1-2 years to get through the whole thing.

I'm still game though.

Is this the forum to discuss possible issues with the pregens? I’m planning on playing Zakzak but I’m seeing some problems with the character as it is currently built.

GM Watery Soup wrote:

Recruitment closed. Thank you all for applying.

Can Deevor, Ebonfist, Farol, Halgur, rainzax, and Tyranius please report to Gameplay and Discussion?

Aw, rats! Missed out. Maybe next time.

Have fun guys.

I've been mixing strange combinations of ancestries and heritages in my mind and came up with the following character concept:

A Dustwalker Leshy Bones Oracle

In a previous incarnation, this leshy was a powerful necromancer; one of the good ones, who spent its time trying to figure out the easiest and fastest way to rid Golarion of its undead. One day the necromancer went up against a powerful lich and ended up caught in one of the deathly wizard's horrific rituals of undead creation. Despite a valiant effort to combat the ritual, the leshy perished; its spirit torn apart beyond any chance of reconstitution. As neither the leshy's body nor its spirit can ever become undead, the shattered spirit remnants instead wound their way to the Boneyard and became the object of much discussion. Eventually the psychopomps decided that the leshy was too valuable a potential ally against the undead to let it move on to its final resting place. Instead, they decided to rebuild its spirit and return it to the material plane for reincarnation. Despite the psychopomps's best efforts though, the leshy's spirit was left somewhat fragile with not all the fractures fully repaired. As such, rather than returning as the necromantic sorcerer of old, it instead became a bones oracle. It's damaged spirit manifesting itself in the slow rotting and partial recovery of its physical body. Regardless, it continues its fight against the undead, even though it is practically one of them itself.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tarthrin wrote:
Since this is campaign mode, are we making sheets/characters outside of the paizo website?

In situations like these where I'm playing a pre-gen or a temporary non-PFS character to play in Adventure/Campaign Mode, I just create an alias for the character rather than a full PFS character with its own organized play ID number. I then put my character sheet information in the profile of the alias just as I would for a full character.

rainzax wrote:
But I'm pretty sure you could use a 2nd level Skill Feat to meet the Prerequisite of it's corresponding 2nd level Archetype Dedication Feat.

You're right. I thought Battle Medicine was a General feat, but it turns out to be a Skill feat (Medicine, duh!). As a rogue, that means that I can pick it up at 1st level.

Field Medic gives me Medicine skill, Warfare Lore skill, and Battle Medicine.

Eldritch Anatomist gives me Medicine skill, and the Fleshwarp Lore skill, and Assurance with Medicine.

Regardless, I would probably pick up Assurance:Medicine at level 2 when I get the Medic Dedication, so the only real difference between these two backgrounds is the choice of Fleshwarp Lore skill vs Warfare Lore skill.

Looked at it this way, I think I prefer Fleshwarp Lore skill as I suspect that it will be more particularly suitable to this adventure than Warfare Lore.

OK. Put me down for the Eldritch Anatomist background.

Tarthrin wrote:
@Palandri, the assumption is we would pick backgrounds from the AP players'guide, there is a link up at the top of the recruitment tab. I think it's semi-optional as long as you clear it.

I'm sorry; I don't know what link you're referring to. I was going by the AV Player's Guide which says that though the listed backgrounds are particularly suitable that we could select any background we wanted, and even goes onto list Field Medic as one of the best choices.

None of the AV backgrounds provides me with Battle Medicine, which means that the earliest I could pick it up is 3rd level, which means that I won't be able to take the Medic dedication at 2nd Level. It puts a real crimp in things and may not make it worthwhile to go that route with my tengu rogue.

I already have a Forensic Investigator/Medic PFS character that I play and though he's great fun (and wickedly effective with the Battle Medicine), I was hoping to try something a little different by going rogue.

For Background, I suppose that Criminal fits the best, but I'm not so sure that Underworld Lore and Experienced Smuggler are going to be all that useful in a dungeon. If I lean into the medic thing, then there's always Barber, but I think that Field Medic makes the most sense. The Field Medic background gives me the Medicine skill, and Battle Medicine feat, which happen to be the prerequisites for the Medic dedication.

Pathbuilder, here I come.

GM Kwinten wrote:
I just played a special with two Medic Rogues. They work quite well, the Rogue's extra skill increases and skill feats really let you excel at that. I can recommend that. :) (don't want you to force you into it, but just wanted to agree that it's a good choice.)

I've played a Forensic Investigator with Medic dedication, and that is a crazy strong combination.

OK. It's a deal. A Tengu Rogue it is, and if we go with the Free Archetype variant rule, then Medic dedication at 2nd level. Actually I may go with Medic dedication regardless, but I don't have to decide anything for sure until 2nd level.

I'm also thinking about possible archetypes that would go well with a rogue. I'm thinking that Medic might work and provide for some additional healing options for the group.

I really had fun playing Kaako in Sundered Waves recently. It was my first time playing a Rogue or a Tengu and I'm thinking of putting together a Tengu Rogue for this adventure. The backstory will probably be something like...

A ship bound for Absalom wrecks itself during a raging storm on some hidden shoals not far from Otari. The only survivor is a Tengu child; her parents having been killed in the foundering of the ship along with the rest of the crew and passengers. The wreck and its sodden survivor are soon discovered by the citizens of Otari and the child is taken back to the town for healing. Initially taken care of by a series of foster parents, her strange appearance and odder habits eventually push her onto the streets to fend for herself. Her love of shiny objects and her need to acquire them for herself, lead to a life of petty crime, which soon brings her to the attention of the Osprey Club and its head, Yinyasmera. The owner of the Crook's Nook takes a liking to the strange bird-like creature and sees great promise in the girl if she were to be properly guided. Thus began the young Tengu's training in the less respectable arts; arts at which she soon excelled. Over time, Yinyasmera and the Tengu girl became very close, with the head of the thieves' guild becoming like an aunt, or older sister, to the fledgling Tengu.

As you can tell, I haven't come up with a name for her yet. I'm also toying with some other character ideas, but if the list that Tarthrin has put together is anything to go by, the group appears to be in need of a rogue.

How exciting to have been selected. With all the strong candidates I figured my chances were slim.

So no, no unusual phobias or sensitive topics from me. I also have no opinion on how the maps should be handled. I usually do my PbP stuff on my PC and so screen real-estate is not something I worry about; whatever you come up with I can handle. Same with Hero Points; however you decide to handle them is fine with me. I use them when I have them (usually for re-rolls in critical situations), but am quite happy to play without them if it comes to that.

I am planning on spending the weekend scouring the Player's Guide and brainstorming character ideas. since we're apparently going to go from 1st to 10th (or 11th?) level, the use of the web version of Pathbuilder will be very useful. I'll throw out my ideas over the next couple of days, and assuming we all agree on a general party composition, I should have something ready to go in a week.

I've never played with the free archetype variant rule (I know; I've led a sheltered existence), but it looks interesting and I'd be happy to give it a try if that's the way the table wants to go.

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Add me to the list of petitioners.

You've both GMed my characters and played with me in several games (including two currently active for GameDay X), so you already have an idea of how I play. I have a fair bit of time on my hands these days and expect that to remain the case indefinitely. As such, I have no problem with posting 1-2 times a day, including on weekends. I also have no problem with any of the boundaries you've specified.

My main source of enjoyment with RPGs is the roleplaying. That is mainly why I like PbP play so much better than playing face-to-face. With PbP, I have the time to properly channel my character and carefully craft my posts without feeling rushed. Because of this, I've noticed that I have the most fun playing multi-faceted CHA-heavy characters with sidekicks.

For example, how about a Summoner with a Psychopomp Eidolon. His background is as a mortician who sees his calling as taking care of the remains of the dead, both physical and spiritual, and making sure that they are properly put to rest. Pharasma was sufficiently impressed by him that she assigned him a personal psychopomp. Admittedly she chose one of her lowlier psychopomps, one she could afford to do without. Perhaps they displeased her in some way and are being punished; perhaps they feel that they have to prove something to their mistress to get back into her good graces. Whatever the reason, the mortician is happy for its help, and for its company in what is a rather lonely profession.

I'm interested.

I've gone through PbP Plaguestone so have some idea of the time commitment involved in playing an Adventure Path. I do not have a specific character in mind yet. I am leaning towards a rogue or rogue-like character, though I'm not married to any particular class right now. Maybe I'll give one of the newer classes a try instead.

Feel free to peruse any or all of my characters to get an idea of my posting style. I am currently playing them all in GameDay X scenarios. I lean toward RP-heavy interactive posts, which sounds like it's in line with what you're looking for. Now that I check, I see that my Jayma is playing with your Arlo in Mountain of Sea and Sky, so you already have an idea of my playing style.

I downloaded the Player's Guide and sanctioning documents for Abomination Vaults. Looks like it's three volumes worth 12 XP each (the equivalent of three Plaguestones), do I have that right?

Except for Plaguestone, I've been exclusively playing PbP scenarios, quests and bounties on the Paizo website for a couple of years now; though they have their advantages, from an RP and character development point of view, their brevity is a little frustrating sometimes. A lengthier adventure with committed, like-minded players allowing for more extended PC interactions will hopefully allow for a better RP experience. I've also never taken a character past level 4, so getting some experience with PCs in the level 5-10 range will be nice.

My RPG experience goes way (way) back to 1977, starting with the Dungeons & Dragons Basic Set, and AD&D soon thereafter. After a long on-and-off absence from the RPG world (for college, marriage, career, etc.), a friend got me to try PbP Pathfinder 2e a couple of years ago and I haven't looked back.

You could enter your character into the online version of Pathbuilder and double-check that you've calculated everything correctly. I do it all the time; it is a great tool.

What about fatalities? If I play a PC of mine and she dying 4 dies, then that’s the end of the story for that PC (barring a resurrection boon). But what happens if I play a pregen in her place and the pregen dies? Does my PC head off to Pharasma as well? Does my PC get any credit for the adventure?

Enchanter Tim wrote:

Sounds great! Tip of the hat to you, Mauve, for agreeing to run three tables.

I think we ought to have a 4th for the pregen table. I assume the pregens were built so each can shine at their own time, making missing one more detrimental than at a custom built table.

Ah, screw it. Given the beginner box character creation limitations, the PC I was thinking of creating would have essentially been a Merisiel clone, so feel free to put me on the pregen table; I'll play Merisiel.

I tend to prefer putting together my own character, but I'm flexible as to class. I'm also ok playing a pregen if that'll make things easier. Flexible is my middle name.

I'm also interested, but much like Watery Soup (though without the kids), this won't be my first rodeo. As such, I too will happily step aside for any new players.

OK, trying to parse my way through all the other preferences, it appears that Apoc is taking Jadren (fighter), Scott prefers Lavanna (cleric), and Watery is good with whatever.

That basically leaves Kaako (rogue) and Elsir (sorcerer) to pick from. I've played a sorcerer but not a rogue, so I'm leaning toward Kaako the Tengu Rogue, but if Watery is really not into sorcerers then I'm fine playing Elsir instead.

I assume an Alias is sufficient to play, so I just grabbed the name "Kaako Ashfeather" before it was snatched up. I can always delete it if necessary. If I need a full Organized Play Character to play, let me know.

Player Name: Palandri
Character Name: Jayma
Character Level: Sorcerer 3
PFS / SFS ID Number: 2380483-2003
Faction: Horizon Hunters
Day Job Roll: Performance (Earn Income): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22 (trained)

Standard disclaimer:

I'm currently living in Spain and as such, may have strange posting times compared to the rest of you. If other PbP adventures I've played in are anything to go by, most of you are likely to be posting from North America somewhere. I am some 9 hours ahead of Pacific time and 6 hours ahead of Eastern time, so I go to bed sometime in your mid-afternoon and get up sometime in the very early morning.

Tyranius wrote:

Recruitment is open for Sundered Waves. At this time I am only going to accept 4 people as there are a decent amount of GM's that will be recruiting for this event and I want to make sure all tables kick off.

This game will start this Friday. This is Campaign mode and pregens will be provided.

GM Tyranius Sundered Waves Recruitment

I just signed up, but wanted to confirm that this will be a PbP campaign to be played on the Paizo website.

I'm good to play as well.

When is the 3 game sign-up limit likely to be lifted?

As players, where will we be able to sign up for Outpost IV games later today?

Will a link be posted somewhere?

Is there an official Outpost IV thread that we should be checking?

How many games are we allowed to sign up for?

Asking for a friend :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

OK, I'll bite. This should be fun.

While flipping through a copy of Nab Isco's "draconis cibus et potum" in his usual haunt deep in the Grand Lodge's library, a loose rectangle of heavy parchment flies out and falls to the ground. "What's all this then," he says, apparently to no one.

A previously unnoticed creature sitting on one of his shoulders shifts uncomfortably and makes a barely audible comment.

"Ignore it. Mysterious bits of papers slipped into old books always cause trouble. Put it back and forget about it."

Ignoring his friend's suggestion, he bends down to pick up the small piece of thick parchment. "Let's see now..." He examines the now well-foxed document and reacts in surprise. "I thought this would merely be a bookmark, but it appears to have a recipe on one side. How exciting."

It is written in a particularly ancient version of Draconic, but it is a matter of a few moments for him to translate it into the modern.

Red Dragon Biscuits

In a small bowl, carefully, but thoroughly, mix the following ingredients. Take special care to be accurate with the relative quantities.

750 dwt - Saltpetre
150 dwt - Charcoal dust
100 dwt - Brimstone powder

In a larger bowl, mix 6 cups plaster with 3 cups water until a thick slurry forms. Carefully mix the previously prepared powder into the slurry. Form into small balls the size of your fist and put aside to set fully.

When feeding dragons, it is best to throw the biscuits into their open mouths and then proceed to put as much distance as possible between you and the creature. If you can find some solid cover to hide behind, even better.

Not being much of an alchemist, he decides to take the recipe to the Lodge's laboratories to see if they'll make him a batch of the biscuits to experiment with. His friend sitting on his shoulder mumbles something that sounds like,

"I have a bad feeling about this."

Organized Play Characters

Liberty's Edge Jerrid T'Clur

Male CG Human Brawler 3.2| AC 17 (T 12/FF 15) | CMB +6 CMD 18 (FF 16) *Grapple CMB +9 CMD 21 | HP 35/37 | Init +3 | Fort +7 Ref +5 Will +2 | Perception +6 | Speed 30' | Martial Flexibility (Move Action | 4/4) - Blind-Fight, (322 posts)
Darius Finch
Sovereign Court Wylka Forth

Male Human Cleric of Shelyn 3.1 | AC 17 (T 10/FF 17) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (FF 14) | HP 24/24 | Init +0 | Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +6 | Perception +3 | Speed 20' | Channel Energy 7/7 | Bit of Luck 6/6 | Dazing Touch 6/6 | +2 Concentration (421 posts)
Sovereign Court Hudor Nero

Male Human (Core) Water Sorcerer 4.2 | AC 12 {16 w/ Mage Armor} (T 12/FF 10) | CMB +3 CMD 15 (FF 13) | HP 30/30 | Init +2 | Fort +3 Ref +4 Will +4 (Cold Resistance 10) | Perception +0 | Speed 30' | Cold Ray 6/6 | Spells: 1 (7/7), 2 (4/4), (526 posts)
Liberty's Edge Hskoro Tailfeather

Male Nagaji Fighter 6.0 | AC 30 (T 15/FF 27) *+2 AC vs Critical Confirmation | CMB +12 CMD 26 (FF 23) | HP 70/70 | Init +2 | Fort +8 Ref +4 Will +2 (All +2 vs Mind-Affecting Effects & Poison; +1 vs Fear); +4 Hot/Cold Environment & Suffocation) | Perception +2 | Low-Light Vision | Speed 20' | Active Conditions: (769 posts)
Bleachling Lunatic
Dark Archive Lucifer Belthrue

Male TN Wayang Unchained Rogue 9.0 | AC 23 (T 16/FF 19)*+2 vs Traps | CMB +6 CMD 23 (FF 17) | HP 75/75 | Init +3 | Fort +6 Ref +13 Will +6 *+2 vs Shadow Magic / +1 vs Humanoid Reptilians)(Evasion) | Perception +20 (+3 to locate traps / +2 avoid surprises) | Darkvision 60' | Speed 20' | Ghost Sound 1/1 | Pass w/o Trace 1/1 | Ventriloquism 1/1 | Vanish 4/4 | Languages: Common, Abyssal, Azlanti, Draconic, Goblin, Infernal, Wayang | Active Conditions: (705 posts)
Liberty's Edge Nuethro Hisk

Male Human Unchained Monk 3.0 | AC 18 (T 17/FF 14) | CMB +4 CMD 21 (FF 17) | HP 31/31 | Init +3 | Fort +5 Ref +7 Will +5 (Evasion) | Perception +9 | Speed 40' | Stunning Fist (DC 14) 3/3 Day | +1 to attacks made during surprise rounds | Deflect Arrows | Ki Pool: 5/5 | Conditions: (281 posts)
Liberty's Edge Vello Tiskan

Male TN Half-Elf Hydrokineticist 2 / Fighter 1 (3.1) | AC 20 (T 12/FF 18) | CMB +4 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 34/34 | Init +4 | Fort +8 Ref +5 Will +1 (All +2 vs Enchantments|+1 vs Poison,Diseases) | Perception +9 | Speed 30' | Low-Light Vision | Burn 6/6 | Active Conditions: (322 posts)
Man in Mask
Liberty's Edge Hullric Torsol

Male CN Human Warpriest of The Lantern King 4.0 | AC 22 (T 12/FF 20) | CMB +5 CMD 17 (FF 15) | HP 39/39 | Init +4 | Fort +6 Ref +3 Will +6 | Perception +2 | Speed 20' | Blessings 5/5 | Fervor 4/4 | Channel Energy 2/2 | Active Conditions: (369 posts)
Shadowcount Sial
Dark Archive Juis Helfro

Male LN Human Oracle of Lore 6.1 | AC 21 (T 13/FF 18) | CMB +5 CMD 16 (FF 15) | HP 33/33 | Init +1 | Fort +3 Ref +6 Will +6 | Perception +0 | Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Undercommon | Clouded Vision (Cannot see beyond 60') | Darkvision 60' | 20' Speed |Think on It: 1/1 | Spells 1: 6/7 2: 5/6 3: 0/4 | Active Conditions: (724 posts)
Scrapwall Fanatic
Liberty's Edge Yaiho Crasher

Male CG Half-Orc Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6.1 | AC 21 (T 13/FF 19) | CMB +11 CMD 24 (FF 22)+2 CMB/CMD Sunder | HP 65/65 | Init +3 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2 | Perception +5 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Orc Ferocity 1/1 | Rage 12/16 | Draw Weapon as Free Action during Surprise | +2 STR & Ignore 2 Hardness to break object+Smasher: Ignore 6 Hardness | Damage Reduction (3/-), (6/lethal) | Extreme Cold Endurance(Cold Resistance: 1)| Active Conditions: (713 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Dark Archive Dark Schnyder

Male CN Human Magus (Bladebound) 3.1 | AC 15 {19 w/ Shield} (T 10/FF 15) | CMB +4 CMD 14 (FF 14) | HP 30/30 | Init +0 | Fort +5 Ref +1 Will +3 (+5 vs Cold Weather)| Perception +0 | Speed 30' | Arcane Pool +1: 4/4 | Black Blade's Arcane Pool: 1/1 | Active Conditions: (334 posts)
Elf Archer
The Concordance Teraren Val'Tor

Male NG Half-Elf Level 2.0 Fighter (Archer) 1 / Transmuter 1 | AC 13 (T 13, FF 10) | CMB +3 CMD 16 (FF 13) | HP 20/20 | Init +5 | Fort +4 Ref +3 Will +3 (+2 vs Enchantments; Immune Sleep) | Perception +7 | Low-Light Vision | 30' Speed | Balanced Offensive 1/1 | Arcane Bond 1/1 | Telekinetic Fist 4/4 | Active Conditions: (135 posts)
The Concordance Aurk Threelhammer

Male CN Dwarf Druid 2.2 | AC 19 (T 12 FF 17) {+4 vs Giant-type} | CMB +3 CMD 15 (FF 13) {Bull Rush 19, Trip 19} | HP 22/22 | Init +2 | Fort +6 Ref +2 Will +6 (+2 vs Poison, Spells, Spell-like Abilities) | Perception +3 (+5 vs Stonework) | Darkvision 60' | 20' Speed | Foothold 6/6 | Conditions: Longstrider (+10' movement/2 hrs) (207 posts)
Keppira D'Bear
Vigilant Seal Jak Tlooly

NG Male Human Cleric 4 | 17/44 HP | AC 20 | F +9, R +7, W +12 | Speed 20' | Perception +10 | Divine Font (Heal) 0/2 | Hero Points: 1 |Default Exploration Mode: Detect Magic | Active Conditions: (444 posts)
Grand Lodge Felli Tokor

Male (True Neutral) Human Rogue 2.0 | AC 16 (T 14/FF 12) | CMB +2 CMD 16 (FF 12) | HP 15/15 | Init +9 | Fort +0 Ref +6 Will +2 | Perception +7 (+8 Traps) | Evasion (215 posts)


Althru Deski
(40 posts)
Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V
(258 posts)
Red Dragon
GM Banesama
(127 posts)
Scarlet Blood

Male CG Human Rogue 4 | HP: 25/26 | AC: 17 (13T, 14F) *+1 vs Traps | CMB +5 CMD 18/15F | Fort +2 Ref +7* Will +3 (Evasion, +1 vs Traps)| Initiative: +2 | Perception +8 (+1 vs Traps) | Speed 30' | Disrupt Undead 3/3 | Shield (2/2) | Active Conditions: -1 Wis (567 posts)
Seerus Forstee

The Avalanche | Male Oread Inquisitor 6 | AC 18 (T 13, FF 16) CMD: 22 | HP: 51/51 | F +7, R +5, W +9 (Resist Acid 5) | Init +5 | Perception +12 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 20' | Bane 6 rounds/day, Judgement 2/day, Magic Stone 1/day (83 posts)
Black Dragon
Skyrahk the Destroyer

Female NE Kobold Cleric of Dahak 4 | HP 29/29 | AC 18{20} (T 12, FF 17) CMD 12 | F +6 R +4 W +8 | Init +5 | Perception +5 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Channel Negative Energy 0/5 | Destructive Smite 5/6 | Chameleon Aspect 5/6 | Active Conditions: (66 posts)
Abra Lopati
T7V Lord_Bane
(12 posts)
Scrapwall Fanatic
Liberty's Edge Yaiho Crasher -RAGE- mode

Male CG Half-Orc Unchained Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 6.0 | AC 19/21 (T 11{13}/FF 17) | CMB +13 CMD 22/24 (FF 20)+2 CMB/CMD Sunder | HP 8/65+12 | Init +3 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +4 | Perception +5 | Darkvision 60' | Speed 30' | Orc Ferocity 1/1 | Rage 12/16 | Draw Weapon as Free Action during Surprise | +2 STR & Ignore 2 Hardness to break object+Smasher: Ignore 6 Hardness | Damage Reduction (3/-), (6/lethal) | Extreme Cold Endurance(Cold Resistance: 1) | Active Conditions: (65 posts)