Lord-Mayor Haldmeer Grobaras

OwenStephens's page

4 posts. Alias of Owen K. C. Stephens.

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Scarab Sages

31 people marked this as a favorite.

From the bottom of my third-party-publishing heart, Thanks Paizo!

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

I ASSUME dwarven war-cry technology hasn't advanced too much in the 19 years since I wrote the article in this issue...

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

5 people marked this as a favorite.

And I LOVE the illustration of the Critamander!

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

1 person marked this as a favorite.

If you want clarifications or have questions specially regarding the witchwarper, put them here!

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

If you want clarifications or have questions specially regarding the vanguard, out them here!

Scarab Sages Starfinder Design Lead

14 people marked this as a favorite.

Heya folks! We have playtest forums set up for each class, the biohacker, vanguard, and witchwarper, and one for general discussion.

There also also surveys you can take once you've had some time to playtest the classes. I'll be paying attention primarily to the surveys and the forum feedback, but I'll do my best to read and consider all the feedback we get in any venue.

Have fun kicking the tires, and tell us what you think!


10 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm glad y'all're here! You put so much time and energy into this community; your creative work enriches our games, and the examples you set and statements you make are inspirations to change how we think about and approach the world.

Personally, your forum posts, panel appearances, and social media presences have taught me so much about how to make gaming something everyone can enjoy, and I do my best to apply those lessons away from the table. And I don't use you in the general sense—I can basically point to specific contributions from everyone in this post.

I'm a better person for those contributions. Thank you.

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey folks!

It seemed potentially with mentioning that I am the subject of an ENnie Dream Date, and that the swag that goes to the winner (in addition to my unquestionably delightful company) is a signed hardback copy of the Starfinder Roleplaying Game, the Starfinder GM Screen, the Starfinder Player Character Folio, and the Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection.

So, if you want to make sure you get that stuff at Get Con, can wait until that night and hate lines...

There is likely to be a separate Paizo Team dream date auctioned off later, which will have at least one piece of Starfinder swag I wish I had...

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For those interested in a preview game using the Starfinder RPG Rules. :)

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

4 people marked this as a favorite.

For your viewing pleasure!

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

1 person marked this as a favorite.

In this article, which also has comments from Erik mona and James Sutter.

(Edit: Link fixed!)

Scarab Sages Developer, Starfinder Team

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Check out the new look on the Starfinder page!

Scarab Sages Developer

I wonder what level this group will get to start on?
Could the people in Part 5 get all the way to level6?

Scarab Sages Developer

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations, Monica!


So, what's next from you?

Scarab Sages Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Sadly, we've had an issue with the submission tool for the final four entries, which prevents them from using it and its official word count preview function.

We've contacted our final four, and given them an alternate method of submitting.

However, because that option doesn't have the preview function, I will be giving slight leeway on these entries word counts, since different word processor programs may give slightly different word counts.

When considering your votes in the Final Round, please keep this additional difficulty our contestants had to overcome in mind. And if you see anyone mention a word count discrepancy, please direct them to this post.

Scarab Sages Developer

The deadline for round 3 will be 9/17/15 at 11:59 pm PST, as noted on the main page of the Superstar contest, and NOT 11:59 am PST, as noted in the official rules.

We apologize for the confusion, and feel using the later of the two deadlines is the only fair and equitable action.

Scarab Sages Developer

Rogue Genius Games has dozens of short 1- or 2-page Bullet Point products for sale at $1 a piece. These popular PDFs cover short collections of feats, magic items, or just random ideas, we feel they're reasonable priced when they come out new, and no one's ever complained. But if you miss 5 or 6, or a few dozen, it can seem like a lot to spend $20 to pick up 20 pages of new content. For people who want it all, this amazing Bullet Point Bundle offers ALL the Bullet Point PDFs for just $7! That's a savings of 90% for buying everything. Even if you are only missing 1/4 of the Bullet Point line, this is the best way to complete your collection!

But it's for a limited time only! So if you want every Bullet Point RGG has, get the bundle NOW!

Scarab Sages Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Everyone, there are two more new maps to consider for your votes!

Stephens Stack presents the Flintyreach Cliff Harbor Ascent

Frank Gori offers up the Standoff at River Logjam

And remember, you can go back and modify your votes if one of these designers is someone you'd like to see move on to Round 3!

Scarab Sages Developer

A New Challenger Appears!

One of the alternates has moved into top 32 status! Please check out Kim's Cabin in the Woods, and consider it for your Round 2 votes!

Scarab Sages Developer

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Big thanks to the Top 32, who did an awesome job making maps that are interesting, novel, and beg to be used for memorable encounters!
Go check them out and vote for your favorite, folks! Let's pick some creative writers and cartographers to move on to the Monster round!

Scarab Sages Developer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

We may or may not get the full rules for Round 3 out early, but here's a preview.

The monster round will be for a fantasy-themed monster tied to Golarion, CR 6-9, referencing no rules elements* not in the PRD (but allowed to access any Golarion lore), with a CR from 6 to 9.

There's no specific theme requirement this year.

*You can make up your own new abilities if appropriate and within CR and word count, but don't reference any existing rule or ability if it's not in the PRD.

Scarab Sages Developer

12 people marked this as a favorite.

As promised, here are the rest of the items that make up the Top 100 entries for the Open Call of RPG Superstar Season 9!
These are in alphabetical order, so there's (intentionally) no way to know who was number 37, and who came in at 100.
Remember that these represent hard work and effort on the part of their authors, and be nice. This is not a place to be snarky or dismiss the accomplishments of either this group, or our top 32, or our alternates, or even our voting process. If you want to discuss the merits of specific items, or trends in item design, or talk about our voting, there are threads for those topics.

Many thanks to everyone who entered, and voted, and who has commented or given feedback during this contest, Without all your participation, we would't have a Supertar contest!

Anathema Brand
Armor of the Crows
Auric Hush
Banshee's Tongue
Banshee's Wrath
Belt of the Depths
Blade of The Ice Stalker
Blazing Lash
Blinking Bow
Boots of Ethereal Wake
Bottled Cloud
Brass Helmsman
Brooch of the Monarch
Caber Twig
Chameleon Shield
Chemist's Retort
Choker of the Queen Bee
Cloak of Beautiful Blossoms
Cloak of Nine Lives
Cloak of the High Plains Wind
Cold Front Gauntlets
Crossbow of the Embracing Vine
Crow Brother's Cloak
Cyclonic Darkleaf
Daylight Diadem
Defender's Door
Disks of the Solar Eclipse
Djinn's Strike
Dreadful Ire Helm
Earthen Retribution
Ebon Fury
Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns
Figurine of Wondrous Power, Ruby Butterfly
Fist of the Rimeshrouded Queen
Fluttering sphere
Fluxbane Khopesh
Fray's Fabulous Fireworks
Ghostly Tome
Glaive of the Lion-Hearted
Glimmersheen Chain
Glove of the Severed Servant
Gloves of Refraction
Gorgon Sinew Lariat
Gown of Many Graves
Green Flash
Greenwarden Gauntlet
Hand Wraps of Spirit Grappling
Haunted Sword
Hell's Restraints
Hide of the Hagfish
Horseshoes of the Storm Rider
Iounic Pipes
Iron Feather
Kabuto of the Dread Warlord
Key of the Hungry Doorway
Lava Lash
Leviathan's Terror
Lodestone Plate
Metallurgical Gauntlets
Opparan Musicbox
Pendant of Overwhelming Flame
Phantom Corsair Boots
Plate Armor of Donning Maelstrom
Purging Lotus Bell
Quill of Leng
Rat-Scratch Cane
Reefstrider Plate
Resounding Cudgel
Rimemist Tetsubo
Sash of the Peacock's Surprise
Scallywag's Tooth
Shark Toothed Maw
Shattered Blade
Shield of Crashing Waves
Shield of the Ram
Spiraled Madu
Standard of Gracious Victory
Starsling Buckler
Stepping Stones
Stirgenest Quiver
Stonecutter's Spade
Stonefish Hide
Storm's Wrath
Stormleaper's Greaves
Swashbuckling Sash
Swindler's Grasp
Talisman of the Baku
Testament of Pharasma
Transient Spear
Trident of the Kraken Lord
Troll Gut Grease
Wayfarer's Boots
Wing of the Night Monarch
Wolflord's Fang

Star Voter Season 7, Star Voter Season 8, Star Voter Season 9

The antici... (aww Jester David was already on that, well played)

Scarab Sages Developer

Hey folks!

So, this is part three of my multiyear plot to have players clear all of the Emerald Spire! Last year, two groups of players using regenerated characters managed to clear levels 1 & 2! They made an assault on Level 3 but failed to clear it, so that's where the group playing Part 3 will start! So who knows, you may have to make yet another run on level 3, or move on to level 4, or even get to try your hand at level 5!

I'll have the pregenerated characters representing a wide range of classes and heroes, miniatures tied to the pregens, dice, pencils, and so on. You can bring your own dice if you want, but you are stuck with my character builds.

Decisions made by players last time impact your resources this time, and things you do this time can impact character options for years to come!

So join me for a few hours, as we see how far you can make it through the Emerald Spire Superdungeon!

Scarab Sages Developer

Hey folks!

So, this is part three of my multiyear plot to have players clear all of the Emerald Spire! Last year, two groups of players using regenerated characters managed to clear levels 1 & 2! They made an assault on Level 3 but failed to clear it, so you get to try again!

I'll have the pregenerated characters representing a wide range of classes and heroes, miniatures tied to the pregens, dice, pencils, and so on. You can bring your own dice if you want, but you are stuck with my character builds.

Decisions made by players last time impact your resources this time, and things you do this time can impact character options for years to come!

So join me for a few hours, as we see how far you can make it through the Emerald Spire Superdungeon!

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Help welcome our new editor, Jason Keeley! Who had to drop out of this year's RPG Superstar when he got a new job. What we didn't mention to anyone at the time was that the new job was here at Paizo!

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

19 people marked this as a favorite.

Last night I went over my notes for the final four entries of the 2015 RPG Superstar contest, compiled them, edited them, and posted them. And when I did, I realized that was the last time I'll be doing that at least for quite a while.

I have always followed RPG Superstar, and mentioned it regularly in my social media posts, but I'd never been part of it before. Then I was suddenly a Paizo employee, and Sean K Reynolds (the very able host who ran it so often before), was gone. I talked to a number of folks internally about the contest before I eventually volunteered to run it, but the enthusiasm I have always felt for this opportunity for new folks to break in convinced me to throw my hat in the ring, and I have yet to regret doing so.

Certainly I've made some mistakes along the way. I think more blog posts and press releases are called for, and next year I really want whoever runs it to warn people a month or so ahead of time what date the contest will begin. There was an issue with the resolution of the map round we should (and will) fix if we do it again. And there are tons of feedback on issues where I'm not positive we'll change what we're doing, but I know we'll be discussing it.

There are also things I am entirely convinced were good ideas. Changing round 1 clearly brought in a lot of people who have never entered before, and that's the ultimate reward for any early round change. The discussion about what cartographers do and what it takes to produce a good map sketch is enough to justify having a map round of some kind all by itself, however we may or may not tweak the exact rules for it. And a number of first-time judges really stepped up their participation in ways that made me glad I invited them.

And, of course, fan participation has been great. The community is fun, helpful, and friendly, which is amazing and gratifying.

Thanks to you all.

Now assuming you are reading this after the Round 5 entries have been revealed, go read them and vote for your favorite!

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

We’ve had some comments on legibility of smaller type on the maps, and the contestants are (by the rules of the contest), not allowed to clarify anything, so I want to make a general statement about maps and resolution.

When we required all contestants to present maps at a specific dpi and size, we did so because in past years we’ve had some issues with maps (for the encounter round) being sent to us in different sizes, resolutions, and dpi, making it difficult to give them all a high-quality presentation for the contest. We found that asking for a higher dpi than we’ll use in the end allowed us to create a standard of presentation that kept all images crisp and clean. For encounter-round maps, this has worked well.

Unfortunately, since this round requires all text be provided on the maps themselves, many contestants used the dpi and size standards we required as the basis for making sure their text is clear, and otherwise tried to keep words as small as possible so as to not clutter their maps. This was done in the (reasonable) belief that the maps should look good at the size we asked for, rather than in any different size we might present on our website. When resized for smaller, high-quality images, this can result in words that aren’t clearly legible.

We’ve made a change to rescale everything to the higher end of maximum image size for uploaded images for all maps that were entered this round. This should allow for better legibility for voters when selecting their favorite maps to advance in the contest. It is our fault that this process was not properly communicated to our contestants, so consider this when adjusting or finalizing your selections.

Obviously, we’ll explain what is going to happen to the images of maps, and how to allow for it, more clearly in future rounds (and future contests). My apologies to any contestant with a map that has suffered as a result of how we handled scaling in this round.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As a result of a disqualification, a new map has been entered in Round 2. Because the timeframe on voting is getting tight, I'd ask everyone who has already voted to take a moment to consider The Sunken City of Justnoque, and decide if it's inclusion calls for a change in your vote.

This is the map of the first alternate, Allana Sliwinski, who won that position with the round 1 entry of the Harlequin's Hurlbat. It takes considerable drive to complete a Superstar challenge as an alternate, since you know there is only an outside chance anyone will get to see your work, and I congratulate Allana Sliwinski on being ready for this moment.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled contest!

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

So, all the submissions for round 1 of RPG Superstar 2015 that are going to get considered are now in! Here’s some next steps.
1. STILL DON’T TALK ABOUT YOUR ITEM. Wait until the Top 32 are announced, on January 20th.
2. Look for the early voting to begin. That’ll be this Thursday!
3. Make a map! No, we don’t have the rules posted for that yet, and you likely won’t be making a map you’ll submit. But the experience is good for you! Look at what was turned over for various “Encounter” rounds in previous years, and use those as your guides for now.
4. Feel free to talk about the experience in GENERIC terms, and keep the community going. You don’t want to risk revealing your item or DQing yourself, but you could certainly share items you didn’t submit and your thoughts on the new format.
5. Enjoy the holidays!

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

17 people marked this as a favorite.

As we near the last 24 hours of the submissions process (ending TOMORROW, 2pm PST)I want to reach out to contestants and people preparing to be contestants for a moment, and say: thanks.

Thanks for coming onto the boards and creating a helpful, encouraging community for everyone to enjoy and learn from.
Thanks for applying your creativity to the benefit of this game I love.
Thanks for not murdering me in my sleep for invalidating the wondrous item you had ready-to-go. :)

And, most of all, thanks for having the courage to release your creation into the wild to see if it survives. Although I've never been eligible for Superstar, I know what it's like to put your favorite ideas up for scrutiny. It's not easy. It takes courage and conviction, and I'm constantly impressed by how professionally Paizo fans treat this event.

As a gamer and a fellow creative, and as the Host:
Seriously. Thanks.

Scarab Sages Modules Overlord

4 people marked this as a favorite.

The shadow warrior, follow up class to the shadow assassin, it coming soon. I talk about the delays that pushed this product back by 4 years, and tease the cover, at my blog.

Scarab Sages Contributor

2 people marked this as a favorite.

A teaser for Horrifically Overpowered Mythic Feats

Coming April 1st. Seriously.
But you shouldn't buy it... these are too unbalanced to be of any use to anyone.
Requires both Mythic Adventures and the Genius Guide to Horrifically Overpowered Feats for use.
Which is fine, because you shouldn't use this book anyway.

Scarab Sages Contributor

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

So, in the APG, the Crossbow combat style for rangers lists Crossbow Mastery and Focused Shot feats as options.

The descriptions of those feats mentions they are also options for the archery combat style.

If true, that means the archery style has more feat options than any other style, and can be used to master a crossbow, even though there is a separate crossbow combat style that offers rapid reload... which you don't necessarily need if you take Crossbow Mastery (which, as a ranger, you can take as a combat style without meeting its prerequisites, although you may still want Rapid Reload to avoid taking AoOs from reloading).

And Crossbow combat style gives you Deadly Aim, while Archery does not.

So an archer might prefer Crossbow combat style for Deadly Aim (since Far Shot is the similar option for archery style, and doesn't come up as often), while a crossbow user might prefer the Archery combat style since it gets him Rapid Shot and he can still take Crossbow Mastery.

This strikes me as odd.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hiya folks!

So, I know there are people who are trepidatious about giving a new 3pp a try, especially when they are most interested in some of our bigger (and thus pricier) pdfs. So I just wanted to let everyone know we're having a GM's Day sale from now to March 11th, with all our pdfs here at Paizo 35% off!

While we are on the subject of GMs: What kinds of thigns would you fine GM-ing folks like to see as GM-oriented resources?

Anyone who answers that here and who
1. Shoots me a message to owen@roguegenisugames.com telling me what you said on this thread and:
2. Tells me what pdf from RGG they would like a free copy off:

will get a code for a free copy of that pdf!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Hey folks, this is me with my Green Ronin Developer hat on. I'm considering taking sections of 3.0/3.5 era GR products and updating them to Pathfinder, specifically to release as pdfs. I want to work on updating the back stock in magazine-article-sized slices, and see how they are received, and not undertake a huge process to do it.
So... what independent bit of ogl stuff from GR's backlist, that takes up no more than 8-16 pages, would folks most like to see updated?

Scarab Sages Contributor

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Our most recent book in the "Talented Class" line, The Genius Guide to the Talented Barbarian is now available!

More than berserkers, the options in this book allow your barbarians to be scouts, cunning warriors, mercenary captains, shapeshifters, and even shamans of the tribe.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Mythic Options: Mythic Rogue Class Features is available now!
While Mythic Adventures has numerous mythic spells and a long list of mythic feats (and even more are available in Mythic Options: The Missing Core Feats), none of the rogue’s class features have mythic upgrades available. There are trickster path abilities that tie into some rogue abilities or common skills, but no upgrades for the rogue’s main abilities and talents themselves.

This is unfortunate, because many rogue characters focus much more on their core abilities and talents than on feats. Mythic Options: Mythic Rogue Class Features offers mythic upgrades for every rogue class feature and talent from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook. It allows rogue characters to focus on classic rogue abilities such as uncanny dodge, skill mastery, and trap spotter, or select just a few such abilities to upgrade while adding the normal options of mythic feats and path abilities.

Author: Owen K.C. Stephens
Pages: 6

Scarab Sages Contributor

Rogue Genius Games' very first new pathfinder-compatible product, Mythic Options: The Missing Core Feats, is now available!

This book fills in he gaps in Mythic version of feats from the core rulebook. Every single feat in the core rulebook that doesn't already have a mythic option is given one! Mythic critical feats, mythic metamagic, and even mythic proficiencies are fully covered along with every other missing mythic feat from the core rulebook.

Scarab Sages Contributor

Right now, we're funded for a full-color print book with new cover, new interior art, and 16 more pages of new templates. We have just 24 hours to add one more batch of 16 pages, for EVEN MORE new templates.

So, even if you've pledged, or can't afford it, help us get the word out!

And after that, come post your favorite idea for making new monsters with the old templates, or what new template you've always wanted to see!

Scarab Sages Contributor

5 people marked this as a favorite.

This is, most likely, the VERY LAST 52% off Genius sale.

From November 2009 through October 2013. Super Genius Games successfully released a new product a week, every week without fail, for 4 years. At the end of each year, they held a 52% off "52 in 52" sale to thank their fans.

While SGG managed to finish a forth full year of weekly releases this year before taking a break, it didn't have a chance to hold that sale. Since a large percentage of Super Genius's products and staff are now part of Rogue Genius Games, over the past few weeks a lot of people have asked me about that missing sale.

So now, to honor our heritage and to celebrate an unbroken year of releases one final time, we're having a 52% off sale of our ENTIRE back catalog of SGG products. More than 200 pdfs at more than half off, from Nov. 19th through Dec 1st!

What Super Genius Games accomplished was amazing, and Rogue Genius Games has no aspirations to repeat it anytime soon. So please come celebrate with us as we have the VERY LAST 52% off for 52 in 52 Sale!

Scarab Sages Contributor

Thanks Liz!

This is, most likely, the VERY LAST 52% off Genius sale.

From November 2009 through October 2013. Super Genius Games successfully released a new product a week, every week without fail, for 4 years. At the end of each year, they held a 52% off "52 in 52" sale to thank their fans.

While SGG managed to finish a forth full year of weekly releases this year before taking a break, it didn't have a chance to hold that sale. Since a large percentage of Super Genius's products and staff are now part of Rogue Genius Games, over the past few weeks a lot of people have asked me about that missing sale.

So now, to honor our heritage and to celebrate an unbroken year of releases one final time, we're having a 52% off sale of our ENTIRE back catalog of SGG products. More than 200 pdfs at more than half off, from Nov. 19th through Dec 1st!

What Super Genius Games accomplished was amazing, and Rogue Genius Games has no aspirations to repeat it anytime soon. So please come celebrate with us as we have the VERY LAST 52% off for 52 in 52 Sale!