
Ninja-Assassin's page

56 posts. Alias of Tacticslion.


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Yakko Warner wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
EDIT: The best was a contact I know who's on the list, who sent me a private note of, "I see what you tried there, and you should know that the Reply Allers cannot be denied..."
Every time you try to idiot-proof something, the universe creates already created a better idiot waiting for you to discover the new depths of depravity idiocy always lurking in wait.

I helped!

EDIT: For the record, I'm not exempting myself.

EDIT 2: For I, too, am always lurking in waiting...

EDIT 3: Yes, I know that's non-standard phraseology, but it doesn't need to be standard to be correct.

EDIT 4: Yeah, this one is just for tradition.

Assassin's Ombudsman wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
I cant strangle my boss.
Well, I'm not surprised, given that you're only halfway through the Intermediate course. That isn't covered until Module 8.1.2d

Guys, it's not that complicated; see, there's this awesome two-feat combo that they- whaddaya mean they nerfed it?! Sigh.

EDIT: I mean, on the one hand, I'm not surprised.

EDIT 2: On the other hand, it's very frustrating.

EDIT 3: On hand number three, we're half-way to being a marilith - this is a good thing.

EDIT 4: On the fourth hand, most people have probably moved on to a new system already anyway. Out with the old, I suppose...

Vidmaster7 wrote:
"Editor Ninja" then?

Wait, what?

EDIT: So, gran, you embarrassed by an editing mistake?

EDIT 2: Tough. Blame yourself or yourself.

EDIT 3: I’m not blaming God, and I’m definitely not recommending anyone else do so. I mean, have you read the Hebraic Bible/Old Testament?

EDIT 4: Yes, I went a long way to get to that joke. Dedication. Commitment. These are the principles of a married ninja-assassin.

Fnipernackle wrote:
I played an oracle years ago and in his backstory he explained that the curses are the result of a mortal being touched by a god. The mortal body is not capable of ensuring such a touch without some sort of detriment as you are infused with raw divine power.

Fixt Fixed that four you.

EDIT one: guess you could say, "fixed"

EDIT two: let's see if I can get these to appear in the correct order

EDIT three: NOPE! also to revert this to an alias

EDIT four: tradition by this point; also, to point out that this post was made after my Tacticslion post, that currently claims to be 2 minutes ago, while this claims to be 3 minutes ago.

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Tacticslion wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:


Audit over.

A few areas we will get 4 insread of 5 in, but no corrective actions that have anything to do with me directly.


Huzzah! Glad you survived!

Freehold DM wrote:
I want my f%$&ing mcrib after that.
I, uh... I think that's illegal in most continental United States.
Colonel Whatever Day It Is wrote:

Not to be That Guy, but wouldn't he have had to have said "I want to f~$& my McRib after that"

Unless you're implying the McRib has somehow gained sentience and has a propensity for f~@~ing.

Language is interesting, especially when you use cunning tricks to make multiple points.


But, uh, in this case, there are several possible interpretations.

1) The non-standard use of language was what you seemed to imply that I was saying. That is, he used a passive voice to suggest his desire for <CARNAL RELATIONS>* with the McRib. This was not my intent, but fair enough. It also isn't wrong, despite being non-standard.

2) The standard use of language that implies the McRib has a desire and actively opts towards <CARNAL RELATIONS>*. This was one of two possible things I was trying to imply.

3) The standard use of language that implies that the McRib being discussed is a device for the purpose of <CARNAL RELATIONS>*.

There may be other interpretations, but... language amirite?

* Please feel free to replace "<CARNAL RELATIONS>" with whatever it is you think Freehold's uncensored word to be; I am using the two as synonyms for the purpose of this conversation. Also, I am easily amused, and the "CARNAL"/"CARNIVOROUS" connection is one in a long line of things that amuses me.

EDIT 1: Mostly just for the habit/consistency at this point.

EDIT 2: John's creativity with interpretation below has created an interesting hypothetical link: (Fudge + McRib).

EDIT 3: I don't know, I'm mostly just counting down to four.

EDIT 4: Huh - this editing thing is taking its sweet, sweet time, today.

captain yesterday wrote:
I's done good is my English.

I'm not even.

Vlaeros wrote:
Demi-Lich H. Ross Perot wrote:
Rarely is the question asked: Is our FaWtLies learning?


('cause I keep forgettin' what I already lernt)


EDIT: Well, I wasn't gonna do this, either, but...

EDIT 2: ... Daggum ninja-liches...

EDIT 3: ... crimped me in the middle of crimping my own style...

EDIT 4: ... why'd they have to leave those lousy immunity to Assassination rules? Bah.

It's an African wildcat. Kind of like a sleeker mountain lion.
EDIT: what? I can be intellectual.
EDIT 2: Look, there is literally no iteration of the d20 assassin that doesn't use intelligence.
EDIT 3: Besides! I'm an editor! I see words all the time!
EDIT 4: okay, I looked it up on wikipedia.

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I feel like I should help the kids out.

You know, be kind.

Like an assassin should.


Hey! Hey all you SS players!

I got a spoiler for you~!

This'll help you prepare for the rest of the AP!

Be sure to take careful and comprehensive notes!

SPOILER~! Also, bad stuff probably happens, and bad creatures are likely at fault.

BAM, baby~! Who's got your back?!



Even BIGGER spoilers~!:

I know, right?!

EDIT 3: And finally, most important of all:

C'mon. You should've seen this coming.:

There. It is done. Now pay up!


And that's how I qualify for assassin.

Due to needing a high charisma and such, I'd consider us more "rakes" than "rogues"...

EDIT: if you know what I mean.
EDIT 2: Wink-wink.
EDIT 3: It's a suggestive bit of word-play that isn't really as funny upon reflection.
EDIT: Anyway, there's a reason I took assassin...

Tacticslion wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:

Do people just not understand what BCC is for?

Edit: Fav'd within 7 seconds. Now THAT is what I call a ninja.


This is~!

(Also, the fact that you finished editing when I hit "Reply" and then I wrote "NOPE!" to your pre-edit message, but which was, itself, ninja'd; this, of course, made me make this post as a method of ret-con of the meaning of my "NOPE"... by making a post as a. NINJA-CEPTION.)

EDIT: For Correction.
EDIT 2: For Tradition.
EDIT 3: For Consistency.
EDIT 4: For Tacticslion.

Ninja Cap'n Yesterday wrote:
Damn, double ninja'd Tuesday strikes again!


EDIT: I don't say that just because I get ninja'd all the time, or anything.

EDIT 2: In retrospect, though, I probably should have put ranks into Perception.

EDIT 3: Maybe taken Improved Initiative, too.

EDIT 4: You know, instead of just relying on Stealth. Sigh. That was... very over-sold.

Yep. Maybe I should just go join a convent instead.
EDIT: Nnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaahhhh.
EDIT 2: HAH~! Caught the ANRD on the edit! SUCKER~!
EDIT 3: DAGGUM, do I love my jooooooooob~!
EDIT 4: This one's just for consistency that I've already thrown out the window.

* grumble-grumble complain *
EDIT: Hey! Who ninja'd my clothes?!
EDIT 2: *gets re-dressed*
EDIT 3: this editing is taking up valuable time I could be wasting on more jokes, you know

Does this mean I get to-?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
chopswil wrote:

Fixed that for you. >:I

EDIT: I mean, come on.

EDIT 2: It's not like it's hard, here.

EDIT 3: Get with the program!

EDIT 4: What did you expect? (I'm both ninja and assassin!)

I'm watching you eat piiiiiizzzzzzaaaaaaa~!
EDIT: Not in a creepy way, though.
EDIT 2: Even though it does contain a heavy dose of longing...
EDIT 3: The longing is because I gave up pizza for lent.
EDIT 4: Smeeeeellllliiiiinnnnnnngggggg ssssaaaalllllttttssss...

2 people marked this as a favorite.


Qayinisorouse wrote:
You guys are pro's nerds and i'm an idiot person who enjoys the game and is still learning

Fixed that for you.

EDIT: Don't get me wrong: I'm a nerd, too.

EDIT 2: You may well be. That's possible. Nothing wrong with that.

EDIT 3: I mean, "pros" would be making far more mistakes than you. They only get money.

EDIT 4: Nerds, though... man, those guys. They are serious. You do not mess with them. They don't need money. They're doing this for fun.

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Tacticslion wrote:


EDIT: Well, you know, as much as it can be fixed.

EDIT 2: Filthy casual.

EDIT 3: Well, okay, maybe not literally "filthy" - I happen to know, after all, you just took a shower.

EDIT 4: Yes, I was there. I'm always there. >:)

Anguish wrote:
Anguish wrote:
It's distance from the sun

Kill me now.

For the record, that post got revised a bunch of times and the sentence reworked a few times. I do actually know the difference between "it is" and the possessive for "it".

It's a common mistake, even among those that know better. You're fine.

EDIT: I mean, I still could, if you want.
EDIT 2: I mean, I'm pretty sure you don't.
EDIT 3: That is to say, I'm pretty sure you don't want me to actually kill you over a minor infraction, such as this.
EDIT 4: I love my job.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
The Ultimate Warriur wrote:
Tewe ghoat Prositund Oborohum Lenkuhn, HOAK HOGAHN, "SKROOOOONGK!"

I fixed that for you.

EDIT: Because you're the Ultimate Warriur
EDIT 2: It's what you do.
EDIT 3: Like in the Geico commercials.
EDIT 4: And Dora the Explorer (also in the Geico commercials).

VampByDay wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
That's a great idea, I'll PM LazarX to set one up. :)

I fixed that for you.

I mean it's like you can't accept totally valid criticism. Sheesh.

EDIT: I mean, I agree - there should totally be a FAQ for this issue. It'd be great if we could do that.

EDIT 2: It seems like a PM might be the best way.

EDIT 3: It's not like anyone else is doing it.

EDIT 4: I think you can all tell that I'm totally serious right now.

alexd1976 wrote:

You should all check out the thread about modifying the Mount spell using Augment Calling and Heighten Spell...

Get a succubus summoned at x1200 duration.

*death-attacks Vlaeros for paralysis*

Mythic JMD031 wrote:
Ninja-Assassin wrote:
You just made the list.

It's a pleasure. Oh, hey, gotta go, someone named "Jay-Emm-Dee" is trying to contract my services again... man, that guy keeps me busy...

EDIT: Oh, sorry.?
EDIT 2: Oh, sorry, again!
EDIT 3: Dang it!?
EDIT 4: First try!?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Pedantry: I think "plural" is by definition "graboids" as you say, Ross, but perhaps substituting the word "plural" in your post to make it a "multiplicity of" or "collection of" or "group of" might be better.

To wit:


Ross Byers wrote:
Would the plural be a tremor of graboids?


An edited version of what Ross Byers wrote:
Would the (word for a) plural group noun** of [graboids] be a "tremor" of graboids?

Man, I hope I got that right, otherwise, I'm going to look quite silly... well, sillier...

EDIT: * "CRISPY" in this case being a colloquial word, indicating clear-cut, direct, and "clean" language.

EDIT 2: ** Edited for Ross' preferences, below.

EDIT 3: I love things like this.

EDIT 4: A lot.


captain yesterday wrote:

It really grinds my gears this post wasn't favorite'd more :-)

Edit: It also grinds them that the one two posts below it wasn't favorite'd at all:-(

unless i'm really not funny, then i take all this back:-)

Edit (the sequel): also when people constantly edit and add on to a previous post after a bunch of people have responded to the first unedited and thus obsolete post:-)

Edit (With a vengeance!!): Also when people add edits just to put the word Smurf in it:-D

Edit (The Phantom Menace): or when they do it just because they can, or to add on crap that didn't need to be there, and probably shouldn't have.....

Edit: (Hayden Christenson half-assed smolder-thon) also when people go that far for a stupid f&$+ing Star Wars joke:-D

Hey! That's my JOB!

EDIT: You don't deprive a man person of his JOB!

EDIT 2: Arg! I've been Smurf'd!

EDIT 3: This is ruining my image!


TarkXT wrote:

So I've considered an appropriate response and decided I need to be damn thorough since I have to explain the concept of positioning and how it relates to decision making.

So yeah kind of long. So it'll be a bit.

... on that other thread you linked that one time?

Jiggy, did you know that Talonhawke has fifty-two minutes (as of this posting) to change the thread title changed the title?

EDIT: fifty minutes.

EDIT 2: changed with 46 to spare.

Jiggy, did you know that I often look at that scroll your avatar has as if it were a Mohawk-like Pompadour?


Vlaeros wrote:
Jiggy, do you know if you're psychic yet?

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psst. i edited my post above. you might want to change yours to reflect it. the idea of beating up filks and taking their lunch money was a much more humorous 'typo' than replacing 'o' with 'p'.

EDIT: Fix-a-link!
EDIT 2: It-makes-sense-that-I-would-EDIT!

Kryzbyn wrote:

Lanitril wrote:

So this link hasn't been posted in awhile.


They start talking about Unchained about 14 minutes 25 seconds in. They mention lots of things that sound really cool. A lot of the Barbarian stuff sounds like minor buffs to the class in making it simpler to play. Monk is full BAB, and has a suite of abilities to choose from. One of my friends said "oh, so like quingong being standard for monks?" and I think it's probably a little more complicated/simple than that, but whatever.

... you have been warned.

EDIT: Cool link though!

EDIT 3: Ooh! Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation trailer!

EDIT 2: No, but seriously, we're cool.

EDIT 4: ... it's a joke. I'm an "editor".


Vlaeros wrote:
Aelryinth wrote:
That should properly be "Eye m aye phrayed knot."

O, yah! Gud kahl!

Nanny-Sass'rwatever wrote:
Nah, brah, I think you're jus' gettin' it all wro-




Vlaeros wrote:
EyYe (are) odd!


Vlaeros wrote:
EyeI (am not) odd!


Vlaeros wrote:
SkEye god!


Vlaeros wrote:
Er... no, eye'm afrayd knot.



Okay. Let's play.

*cracks knuckles and neck*

EDIT: First, take this.

Vlaeros wrote:
Er... no, eyeI'm afrayid knot.

EDIT 2: And, now, I give you two.

Vlaeros wrote:
(My left) Eeye (is) odd!


Vlaeros wrote:
(My right) Eeye (is) odd!

BAM. Bases covered.

Vlaeros wrote:
Vlaeros wrote:
Eye I (am) odd!
Ninja-Assassin wrote:
There. Fixed it for you.
But... that's not what I wrote or meant.



Okay, fine. Let's do this.

Vlaeros wrote:
(My) Eeye (is) odd!


Vlaeros wrote:
(My) Eeye (is) odd!

And just in case that's not enough, take this:

Vlaeros wrote:
(My) Eeyes (are) odd!

EDIT 2: Hah! I have covered all possible meanings!

Vlaeros wrote:
Eye od!


Vlaeros wrote:
Eye I (am) odd!

There. Fixed it for you.

EDIT: Really, now, it's not that hard.

EDIT 2: Just get your act together, man!

I... edit... things.
EDIT: Like this post.
EDIT 2: YoU csee what eyeI did theare.
EDIT 3: See above
EDIT 4: Dang it, it's "You see what I did there." that's what the above is supposed to be, "You see what I did there." uuuuuuuggggggh.

It doesn't really "grind my gears".

It's not even a bad thing, per se.

But something that makes me scrunch my face...

... is "to hit" when people say [it]*.

* Okay, the rhyme sucks.





Alric Rahl wrote:

I Just want to say about the magic items that I agree with the Belt/Headband,and possibly the ring/amulet.

Most martial classes I play usually take those, but if I'm playing a spell caster I don't take the ring/amulet of prot/nat armor, I usually take something to boost spells and what not. However, in regards to the cloak, I can honestly say I have never bought a cloak of resistance. If it was given to me by looting it then, ya, I would wear it because, hey, awesome bonus to saves, but I would rather spend my money on a Cloak of Batwings, or Cloak of Displacement.

Reason being, is that I like the effects of spells, Saves are a natural part of the game, and lets be honest... how often does one fail on a save or die spell.

[In] the current game we are playing, another person and I are Gm'ing every other book.

He got bored with his current character and decided to bring in a new one; in the first encounter of the session I attacked him with Phantasmal Killer and he died.

Was he shocked? Yes.

Did he beg and plead me to return his character to life or negate the effect? No.

Why? Because he knows that's how it goes.

In fact he probably found more fun in the fact that, [with] his character was sent by Nethys to rescue Baba Yaga, [he'd been] claiming [that] he was awesome and far superior to the rest of the PC's; thus when he died he found the hilarious irony in what had happened.

What level were they? 13 and by that level that was actually the second PC to die by a save or die spell.

Who was the first? My character when we met an Ice frost worm (you know those things that explode when they die doing 100 damage if you fail the save, more than likely killing an 11th level PC who had been fighting it).

Yes he did die because of the save or suck ability the frost worm had; wanna know why he was so close to it? Because the spell caster failed her knowledge roll and didn't know they exploded.

With proper information I'm sure my character would of been like "Ummmm, ya, no, I'm not getting anywhere near that thing."

Same thing goes for other such abilities like the Ghouls in your example.

It seems to me people just want to do the damage and kill everything as quickly as possible instead of playing smart.

If your PC's had knowledge that the ghouls could paralyze them with their attacks then your PC's could have played it smart.

"OMG room full of Ghouls, quick funnel them through the door way."

Melee classes stand to either side of the door way having the ghouls rush past allowing AoO's, or the first ghoul stops right at them and they both attack it. The second Ghoul makes it through the door but has to step through its companion to make it to a spot it can attack, thus provoking AoO's, not to mention this round it only gets one attack. All ghouls will only get 1 attack that round, all PC's can focus on 1 ghoul until its dead, allowing the rest to focus on the next, and next round take out the one that will do a full round.... You see where I'm going with this.

By the end of the combat its unlikely that any PC will be paralyzed and if so, its probably only 1 of them for failing a save they just made 3-4 times during the encounter already.

Also on the subject of SoS and SoD spells and abilities, instead of this sucking for PC's it should make it more fun, it is more challenging when a PC goes down, he can cheer them on and say "Kill the one that got me; take revenge!"-type stuff.

Ya, they have to sit there, but make it fun for them anyway.

EDITED... this time.

EDIT: Because EDITing is what I do.

EDIT 2: I mean, it's my job-description.

EDIT 3: Read my profile! It's funny, dang-it!

EDIT 4: Dropping it below my profile image, for better readability. Readability is somewhat hampered by the size and the weird compression used in quote-functions, buuuuuuu~t, it should be a tad easier, anyway. I hope!

Can't... resist... editing...

Vlaeros wrote:
... this si is getting wierd weird, let's get out fo of here.


Man, that was harsh, dude. Harsh.

EDIT: For me.

EDIT 2: I mean, it'll be harsh on you, too, but not now.

EDIT 3: Because it'd be messy.

EDIT 4: I mean, really, all that ink...

"Anti-deadly" you say?

EDIT: Hm. That is... unfortunate. EDIT 2: Also embarrassing. EDIT 3: And explains those failures.

This... will make my job... harder.

Aneirin Rhodri wrote:

Seems to fit as well


... this time.

EDIT 1: Fun link, though.

Squirrel_Dude wrote:
Kudaku wrote:
Didn't someone already do something like this? I seem to recall a spreadsheet that graded each class from 1-x on about 20 different categories...

For 3.5 not pathfinder.


... this time.

EDIT: I see you have been trained well.

EDIT 2: I respect the skill of one who can recognize their own mistakes and fix them.

EDIT 3: This has bought you yet another reprieve...

ShiroK wrote:
hargoyle wrote:
Melshyahr wrote:
James Jacobs points that a non-Oracle cannot use this ring, but the question here is: can an oracle use a revelation from another mystery through UMD and this ring?
That's true! Thanks for pointing it out :) We have to ask him again, then.

Short answer yes you can and people should stop ignoring everything in UMD except scroll/wand use

fixed link

I've submitted this to PFSRD before ...but they don't care and quote the old post ;(

I fixed that for you.

EDIT: This time.
EDIT 2 & 3: And it looks like they did anyway? So... what's the problem? What aren't they doing?

When the PCs enter the area the necromancers address them. When they learn that the PCs have massacred their underlings and the kobolds above the necromancers offer to have the PCs join them since they have unintentionally resolved not only one issue they needed to resolve but also averted having to pay their underlings. After the PCs refuse them the gnome pulls the leaver that closes the portcullises, trapping the PCs in the room. He allows the PCs to close the gap before ending the illusion spell and triggering the skeletons to act whose first action is full round running towards the nearest PC if said PC is not within charging distance and there is no one in the way.

Personally, I'm uncertain of several things here.

1) Why do the PCs converse with the necromancers?
2) Is it for the distraction?
3) Because I'd totally have flipped out and killed them.

EDIT: Look, I'm a an murder-hobo assassin. It's what I do.
EDIT 2: Well, that and edit things.
EDIT 3: I mean, a guy's gotta make a living.

No, but seriously, this smells so much like, "here's how the PCs will totes disrupt this plan" that I can't even come up with a simile or other good comparison.

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baron arem heshvaun wrote:
Freehold DM wrote:
considering you guys can't even protect a single thermal exhaust port, I would say this is a bit of a pipe dream.
Cough, "Hoth", cough

Oh, right, you get one success! and that's all we ever hear about.

"Congratulations! You defeated an ill-organized, ill-equipped under-staffed backwards post when you poured the full weight of the largest military in the galaxy behind it! Once!"

Sorry. Not impressed.

EDIT 1: I mean, c'mon, guys. You lost the war that was entirely yours to lose!

EDIT 2: You started with the full weight of the imperial navy from the days of the Galactic Republic, and you lost to what amounts to the military force of slightly less than a planet's normal defensive fleet.

EDIT 3: The rebels managed to acquire one good pilot and a smuggler duo you'd already caught once! And we're desperate enough to promote him to General. An unemployable spice runner. To General.

EDIT 4: I mean, when did you ever win a fight that wasn't through a combination of betrayal and overwhelming numbers? Totally a valid tactic, by the way, but still kind of hard to claim"glory" from it. Meanwhile, you've your best admiral just... sitting back. Not allowed to do anything. Because he's blue. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.

Girls! Girls! You're both pretty. Can I go home now?

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A minor correction.

The section below,

Many consider the followers of the Way of the Chuck mind-numbingly insane, inane, ignorant, or some combination thereof (or just really dumb). However, the followers and disciples of the Way of the Chuck, they know that all those who consider it impossible are themselves the ignorant ones; they along with their faces and their mammas and their mamma's faces, the last of which are all so fat, yo.

... should instead have read,

Many consider the followers of the Way of the Chuck mind-numbingly insane, inane, ignorant, or some combination thereof (or just really dumb). However, the followers and disciples of the Way of the Chuck, they know that all those who consider it impossible are themselves the ignorant ones; they along with their faces and their mammas and their mamma's faces, the last of which are all so fat, yo: the weapons 'chuck are not impossible, they are unpossible. Duh.

The editors apologize for the failure to properly transcribe the original text. They have been... disciplined.

EDIT: By hanging.*-ten.
EDIT 2: * Oh, my, that looks terrible. It was supposed to say "By hanging ten".
EDIT 3: Though that's misleading. They were "hanging ten"... bags in the grocery closet.
EDIT 4: That was singular, not plural. There was only one editor.

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Ninja-Assassin wrote:
There can be only none.
Except when there are two. (I already posted that one above…) ;)

Yes. But you clearly didn't get the job done. Thus they sent me.

EDIT: Actually, though, sorry for missing it. I checked the names of the spammers quickly above, and somehow missed that post. Heh. Sorry.

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