Boneshaker: Steamcult PbP

Game Master Pahlok

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On your way to investigate the mysterious rumblings beneath the industrial city of Crasmere, there seems to have been a disturbance on your train. A murder has occurred. Can you get to the bottom of it before you reach your destination? And what awaits you in Crasmere?

Hello, and welcome to the recruitment thread for Boneshaker, a steampunk/occult Pathfinder play-by-post game. This is a homebrew campaign that I've been working on off-and-on for a few months now. I had originally planned to run it with a few friends, but have since decided to run it publicly instead.

What You Know About the Setting
As a traditional steampunk setting, the world (simply called The Globe) shares the aesthetics of late-1800's/early-1900's Earth, and the steam-engine and steam-based technology have paved the way for rapid industrialism and technological advancement. However, The Globe is also home to magic and supernatural occurrences. Magic and machine combine to make a modern yet anachronistic fantasy setting. Not much of the world has been created yet in order to allow the journey and necessity of the plot to decide the landscape. There are no rails in this story other than the railroad itself!

What You Know About Yourselves
You each have slight renown regarding the supernatural, whether as investigators, thrillseekers, hunters, magic-wielders, or otherwise. Whether you work on your own or have worked together before, you have all been called upon to get to the root of the unknown tremors beneath the city of Crasmere. Feel free to keep your backgrounds light in order to develop them as we go along. Otherwise, if you have something specific in mind, the world is intentionally left open in order to inject personalization into every aspect of it.

Character Build Rules:

All Paizo Pathfinder content is available except for the following changes:
Summoners must be Unchained, no Synthesist or Master Summoners. No Protector familiars. No Sacred Geometry or Arithmancy feats. You may use the unerrata'd version of Slashing Grace. Change the Oracle FCB for Elves/Sylphs/Aasimars to +1/4 instead of +1/6. Fighters get the Combat Stamina feat for free, but only count the BAB from their fighter levels for their stamina pool. You will get 2 free Background Skill Points per level. We will be using Unchained Automatic Bonus Progression with half WBL progression. The Trap Finder campaign trait from Mummy's Mask may be taken as a regional trait. Deity restrictions are lifted on all material.

Additionally, all content from the 3rd party Pure Steam Campaign Setting is available.

You will need to build as follows:
-Level 2
-15 point-buy using the standard point-buy system, with no stat below 8 before racial modifiers.
-Any 15RP or less race, with a preference for core races
-500gp starting gold
-Max HD at level 1, half+1 for every level after that. (Example: A fighter with a +2 Con mod would have 12hp at level 1 and 20hp at level 2.)
-Two traits, no Drawbacks. You may take the Additional Traits feat for more traits.
Alignment: Non-evil is preferable, but there are evil characters that can work well in parties, so I'll leave it up to you to be mature.

Please include a character sheet/statblock and a brief (or extended, if you wish) description of your character's background, personality, party role, and future build plans.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I will be recruiting 4-5 players for this campaign. Players will be expected to post at least once a day unless notice is given. There is no specific deadline set for application. I will close applications once I feel I have a suitable number of applicants to choose from.

GM Boneshaker

May i present Alexander Asher, the man who wishes to save the world....Through conquering it.

He is a Lawful Neutral, Human, Oracle of Lore, With the Legalistic Curse.

I just need to bump him up a level but otherwise everything is set. I don't really have much of a build plan yet. Although as far as party role, he plans on being party face or group tactician.


Alexander Asher, also called Alexander the Blessed is considered a prodigy. He left home recently to study the world and enlighten himself so that he may accomplish his goal of conquering the world and become a great and worthy ruler.

Much of his youth was spent in study by choice, during this studying he learned about the other nations of the world, demons, devils, political corruption and other forms of evil.

on his 18th birthday he had a dream of a woman to whom he begged for the power he would need to save the world. This woman granted him that power so long as he stayed true to his word at all times.

His end goal is to end corruption and evil at any cost.

He wishes to conquer the world in then end in order to have the power to end that corruption. As for right now he seeks enlightenment in order become worthy of his plan.

Personality and Appearance:

Black hair, Violet eye's, pale skinned, roughly 5'8, weights 119 lbs. Wears generally blacks or purples and gold trimmed clothing, long sleeved. Keeps himself clean and well groomed.

He is very independent, has tendencies toward being a bit smug or acting superior, he believes strongly a leader should act from the front line and lead by example, He is honorable and will fight and opponent how they choose to fight him. If they fight unfairly so will he.

Most importantly he values saving the masses over individuals. in his mind the two are different, one cannot get one without sacrificing the other. The greater good is whats most important to him. He views order and law as siding for what is right, in his mind the "Order of Morality". He follows laws and orders, but will support a righteous rebellion if their methods stay true. If he makes a promise he will always keep it, "as ruler is nothing without his word"

Dark Archive

Hi there!!

What would you say about an extremely thematic Golemoid? =-)

This is a lvl 2 Golemoid that I made for another campaign that never got off the ground. (If you need the rules, I can send them.)

Thanks for the interest! I won't be taking a golemoid, however.

Would you consider a higher point buy? 20 or 25?

What level of firearms are you playing?


Great campaign idea, I love that it all takes place on a train. Excellent setting from what I've read.

I'll work on statting up a Preservationist alchemist - the archetype is all about preserving dead animals and reanimating them via alchemy, but other than changing Poison Use to Summon Nature's Ally it doesn't affect much.

You can see my post history in this character's profile to see that I have no problem posting regularly.

@Jubal Breakbottle: Test runs of the Unchained Automatic Bonus Progression have proven that the characters still pull out ahead of standard WBL games. But I want to offer a world where magic items are unique and interesting, not just headbands and belts and cloaks with flat bonuses, so I want to use this system. I believe that a 15PB will help balance out that edge and offer a grittier experience. Guns will be "Commonplace" as described in the section about them, except that only Early firearms are available. This means that firearms are considered Martial weapons, and firearms and their ammunition cost 25% of their listed price.

@DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish": Thanks! Preservationist alchemist is pretty fun, I knew someone who made one as a joke character in PFS that was "Ash Ketchum" and he would throw out the extracts as "pokeballs" and the summoned creatures were "pokemon" haha.

Scarab Sages

Dotting for now. Thinking of making a gunslinger or something.

Going to have a bard for submission in a few hours here

Here is my submission. I can make an alias if selected

Sam the Gnome:

Sam is a hero of circumstance. A gambler since birth, the Gnome learned most of his trade in barrooms and card houses. He is a likable fellow, with a cherry smile and near-annoying optimistic attitude. Never holding down a real job in his life, Sam has picked up a little of everything.

One night, at a more sleazy tavern, Sam got caught cheating. He was beaten and tossed down a nearby dry well to die. When he woke, he found himself flying on top of a dead goblin- the creature had broken his fall. The well had been dug into; goblins had been using the dry well to raid the town.

The past few weeks had seen people and supplies go missing every night. No one knew how the goblins were getting into town. Sam snuck down the tunnels(looking for a way to climb out)!and found a number of children tied and gagged next to a few sleeping goblins. He managed to free the children and steal a rope and grapple, without waking the goblins. After the children were well and safe, Sam raised the alarm. The town guard appeared, searched the tunnels and finished off the goblins.

Sam became a hero overnight. For finding the tunnels, rescuing the children and sVing the town. Sam did nothing to correct the popular opinion. Ever since, Sam has been wandering and poking his nose into ruins, caves, and generally trying his best to keep his reputation ahead of his actual ability as it has led to a rather luxurious lifestyle. And it was fun.

During his travels, Sam had some exposure to the supernatural: primarily an unpleasant attic housing a ghost, and a cursed book- Sam doesn't like to talk about the book. He has also developed a rather decent knowledge of old ruins and practices.

When an invitation came to help out in a city, Sam jumped at the chance. What better way to ensure his reputation as an adventurer extroardaire and relic hunter?

Sam tends to dress rather extravagantly, with a tall pointy hat and high quality garments. He wears a rather attractive scarf, which he will pull up over his mouth for effect. He is usually playing with a deck of cards or a pair of dice when his hands are idle

Sam the Gnome will fill the skill monkey slot, along with trap disarming, and can easily fill the roll of face if needed. In combat, Sam will have moderate buffing ability along with some ranged combat ability and minor healing.

As for level progression- there is a chance I might pick up a level or two of rogue and a possibility of prestige class in thefarfuture (pathfinder chronicler or maybe shadowdancer. Right now I am only thinking bard however.


Sam the Gnome
Male gnome bard (archaeologist) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 32)
CG Small humanoid (gnome)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 size)
hp 13 (2d8)
Fort +0, Ref +6, Will +2; +2 vs. illusions
Defensive Abilities uncanny dodge
Speed 20 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d3/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +5 (1d6/19-20)
Special Attacks archaeologist's luck 6 rounds/day (+1)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 13), prestidigitation, speak with animals
Bard (Archaeologist) Spells Known (CL 2nd; concentration +4)
1st (3/day)—cure light wounds, expeditious retreat, feather fall
0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, message, prestidigitation, read magic
Str 10, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 8, Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB +0; CMD 13
Feats Point-Blank Shot
Traits criminal, fate's favored
Skills Acrobatics +6 (+2 to jump), Appraise +4, Bluff +7, Climb +3, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +10, Escape Artist +6, Intimidate +6, Knowledge (arcana) +1, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +5, Knowledge (engineering) +1, Knowledge (geography) +1, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (local) +1, Knowledge (nature) +1, Knowledge (nobility) +1, Knowledge (planes) +1, Knowledge (religion) +1, Linguistics +4, Perception +4, Profession (gambler) +5, Sense Motive +3, Sleight of Hand +6 (+10 to hide objects on your body (doesn't stack with heavy clothing but does with bonuses for attempting to hide small objects)), Spellcraft +4, Stealth +10, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Profession (gambler)
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Sylvan
SQ bardic knowledge +1, clever explorer +1, gnome magic
Other Gear mwk lamellar (leather) armor[UC], crossbow bolts (20), dagger, light crossbow, belt pouch, belt pouch, cards[UE], dice[UE], grappling hook, loaded dice[APG], marked cards[APG], masterwork backpack[APG], masterwork thieves' tools, pocketed scarf[UE], pocketed scarf, silk rope (50 ft.), 68 gp, 8 sp
Special Abilities
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (6 rounds/day) (Ex) Gain Luck bonus to attack, damage, saves, and all skills.
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add +1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Clever Explorer +1 (Ex) Half time to use disable device.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Fate's Favored Increase luck bonuses by 1.
Point-Blank Shot +1 to attack and damage rolls with ranged weapons at up to 30 feet.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat-footed.

I'm thinking about an Ancestor Oracle - Psychic Searcher Archetype. I'd be quite interested in this scenario, although... 15 point buy, that's tough... would you perhaps consider a 20 pt buy?

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Jaime Sommers wrote:
I'm thinking about an Ancestor Oracle - Psychic Searcher Archetype. I'd be quite interested in this scenario, although... 15 point buy, that's tough... would you perhaps consider a 20 pt buy?

Sorry, I already responded to this question and explained my reasoning in my response to Jubal Breakbottle.

I'd love to give this a shot. I'd play the role of the ranged fighter, though not necessarily a survival expert. A decent perception though, at least.

Story Blurb:
Gryahrmun is a member of the Darkdust Court, a family once considered n esteemed family of knights and master crafstdwarf until it fell out of standing some thirty years prior when the patriarch attempted a co-op against their governing courts, which was quickly quelled with the man's execution. Now they have forever been branded as traitors against their nation, and as such their members experience harsh treatment and notoriety within learned circles. Amongst the lower class however, their misdeeds go relatively unknown.

As the youngest son, he found himself outshown by two his elder brothers, the eldest of which having been saddled with the title of patriarch following their father's death. He was neither a fantastic warrior nor a particularly crafter, instead finding solace within books.

He ended up leaving his mountainhome following his twentieth birthday in search of a true calling in life. He wandered for years before a lone hunstman found him laying passed out along the roadside. Taking him in, the man nursed Gryahrmun back to health, and taught him the ways of the bow.

It was here that something sparked within the lad, innate magic within struggled to the surface, making itself known for the first time as his bow glowed brightly and his arrow shot with incredible force. His skills were further honed under the man as the years trudged onward, even being lent an old blank book with which to record the magic he further studied.

But the man who helped him was only human, and was thus chained to a too short span of life. Returning from a successful hunt one day, Gryah found his mentor lying cold long the floor, having been stricken down by his aged heart.

He mourned for a time at the grave he had dug and buried, before he realized it was time to move on true. Taking up his masters old bow, he took to the road once more. There were bound to be other people lying along the roadside in need of help much like he did, and sitting around wallowing in tears wouldn't help a single one.

Stat Block:
Gryahrmun Darkdust
Dwarf Magus 2 (Eldritch Archer) NG
HP 15 / 15 Speed 20 ft Init 2
AC 16 Fort 4 Ref 3 Will 4
CMB +3 BAB 1
Mstw Composite Longbow +4 (1d8+2, x3)
Str 14 (2) Dex 14 (2) Con 12 (1) Wis 12 (1) Int 14 (2) Cha 8 (-1)

This is Amsheagar, I have decided to make a Gearhead... Hopefully i figured most of it out. Still working on his contraptions.

The race is a 8 RP creature known as a Vanara, a monkey man. I am going to tie into his backstory how he ended up on a train and was raised by a Gnomish Tinkerer, which is what brought him to town.

Stat Block:

Vanaras GearHead 2 NG
HP 12 Speed 30 ft Climb 20 Init 2
AC 15 Fort 1 Ref 5 Will 4
CMB +2 CMD 14 BAB 1
Monkey Wrench (Heavy Mace) (1d8+2, x2)
Screwdriver (Dagger) (1d4+2, x2)
Heavy Crossbow (1d10, x2)
Str 13 (1) Dex 154 (2) Con 13 (1) Wis 12 (1) Int 13 (1) Cha 7 (-2)[
Full bio on profile.

Boneshaker, do you have a preference between me going a Mr. Hyde mutagen-focused monster or a bomb-lobbing creature-summoning type alchemist? I'm really torn, myself. Could use a second opinion to get me to decide either way.

DM Mooshybooshy, "the Foolish" wrote:
Boneshaker, do you have a preference between me going a Mr. Hyde mutagen-focused monster or a bomb-lobbing creature-summoning type alchemist? I'm really torn, myself. Could use a second opinion to get me to decide either way.

Either would be pretty cool and thematic, I think. That's definitely a tough choice. I really can't say, I'd be just as torn myself if I were you. I think that the summon/bomb alchemist gives you more control over who your character is, but the Hyde mold isn't necessarily a bad thing.

I think it'd be fun to be a mild-mannered nice guy that goes all Mr. Hyde when he drinks his extracts. Going for a combination of two different alchemist archetypes - Beastmorph and Vivisectionist. They don't overlap, so luckily there's no conflict. I'll be a creepy sneaky monster that'll stab you exactly where it hurts most! Haha, I'm already imagining the fun I'd have.

That sounds like a really cool idea mate, and I imagine it'd be good fun to play alongside as well. I imagine my own guy would be the laid back sort who wants to have a good time, but also wants to stick his neck out for folks in trouble.

Okay. This is Chimp Hancocks story.


Life use to be so simple back in the forest. I use to swing in the trees, pick bugs out of my family and friends and even mess with the wild panthers of the North America. Don't know the name of the land. Then the civilized monkeys came through the forest and laid down tracks and started to chug through it and make loud noises every so often. It was so loud that my family was talking about moving deeper into the forest. I was still young then and the big metal train captured my imagination, but they were too fast to catch and never stopped.

That is until one day, one stopped in the middle of our territory. My family watched as a horde of wild beasts attacked the train and were quickly dealt with. My family decided to leave the next day. While they were packing and getting things ready to go, I snuck away and was able to get into the head of the train.

It looked like one of those wild beasts got through and tore the inside of the head apart. There was one small, fat monkey in there. It looked like he was a Medicine Man, trying to heal this beast. I noticed him fumbling for some stick on the ground. He couldn't see where it was so I picked it up and handed it to him. He said something in his language that i didn't understand. Then he looked at me and i guess i scared him. He jumped and hit his head on the skull of the train. I moved back, tripping over a rock on the ground.

After a few minutes, he put the stick into the rock and sit down. He pulled out something from his pocket and took a bite and held out a piece for me. I looked at it and sniffed it. It smelled like old dead meat. Well, he was eating it, so i decided to give it a try. It wasn't bad. He soon went back to healing the train. I watched and it wasn't long until he had it fixed.

Then i saw this beast regain consciousness and start to slowly move. Before i knew it, he was pointing to things and trying to teach me his language. I didn't noticed that we were leaving my home until we were already out of the forest and on a great plane.

After that, he took me back to his home. He lived in a forest with trees that didn't have leaves. There were some normal trees, but they were not many. I soon learned that these trees were called buildings and it wasn't a forest, but a town. The stick he was using on the Trains skull was a wrench and the rock was a toolbox.

Sanji Hancock taught me many things and i helped him out in his workshop since i came to the city. When we first met, he thought i was a monkey so he named me Chimp and it stuck.

Now, years later. We are still working in his workshop and business is good. I have learned many things from him and have started to tinker to make my own devices. That is until the earthquakes started. They tore through the workshop, knocking stuff off the wall, causing damages to the new home i have found.

When Sanji heard about the government sending out a party to investigate, he wanted to go. But Sanji is old, really old for a gnome and shouldn't be out exploring caves. I went in his stead.

Hi GM Boneshaker.

Great premise, and 15 pt. buy is good for me.

Got a few questions for you:

How do you handle Initiative and Perception? GM rolls?

Have you GM'ed a PbP before - I see you have a few recruitments going and a game that never got off the ground...

I had a PbP PvP recruitment going once that never got more than a single submission, so that never happened. I was previously going to run this campaign for some friends, but some of them waffled on getting their characters together for so long that I decided to make this recruitment public instead. I was a player in a Kingmaker that was ditched by the GM. I'm currently a player in a WotR with some friends where I'm just waiting for the GM to post (we have an understood lax schedule there). I've done plenty of PbP roleplaying offsite over the past decade (without a game system attached), so I'm familiar with the commitment and format.

As far as general GM experience, I GMed a lot of 3.5 and have GMed a few ongoing Pathfinder campaigns over the past 2-3 years.

I'll roll everyone's initiative for them all at once when combat starts. If enemies have the same general initiative modifier as each other, I may roll them in an averaged block for speed and ease of play. Players can make active perception checks whenever is appropriate, but if something requires a secret roll I'll resolve the roll privately and only mention it if their roll yielded results.

Chimp: What do you think of connecting our backstories somewhat? I could easily have been a friend, or professional colleague, to Sanji Hancock, given that we're both men of science. I would have been very eager to test your physical constitution and abilities with some of my earlier experimental infusions. What do you think?

Feel free. inly had time to type that before my students hinted me down.

What kind of experiments are we talking about here. Chimp wouldn't have done something dangerous or inhuman.

Oh...simple strength-boosting elixirs...alternative options for health potions...defense boosters...nothing IMMORAL. *big smile*

Dotting for interest, will have to edit character to fit world.

Chimp looks at the potion Mooshlbooshy has presented him. "This one tastes better than the first one you gave me... right?"

I'm dotting for interest!

Curious, is this at all inspired by the novel Boneshaker by Cherie Priest?

I'd like to introduce to you Nicholas Kristada, [extremely] amateur paranormal investigator.

A former tough of the Cobalt Brotherhood, a former criminal syndicate that by now is all but dissolved, Nicholas has decided to strike out on his own. He’s left that life behind, bringing with him only the gold in his pocket and the gear on his back. He could easily have taken a few things from the Brotherhood’s vault, but he’s decided that it’s best to leave without a bounty on his head. With little gold and fewer employment prospects, he resorted to the… less typical jobs.

Investigating the mysterious tremors beneath Crasmere seemed like a simple enough job, and it payed. Nicholas is no stranger to the supernatural - The Cobalt Brotherhood would experiment with the arcane from time to time, and he’s encountered more than a few bizarre things in the seedy underbelly of The Globe. Beyond that, his golden eyes have set him apart from birth - He can see more than the average person, though he isn’t quite sure why.

And so Nicholas finds himself sitting on a train rumbling down the tracks towards Crasmere, his meager belongings on his back, having only his skills and his wit to keep him alive.

If you'd like to see his statblock, simply go to the full profile. This game sounds right up my alley, and I'd love to see where it goes. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

Save a spot for me!
I have an idea for a gunslinger :) Let me know if you have any restrictions on that class or archetypes.

Looking good so far. Just popping in to let you all know I'm still here and I am reading these daily. Applications are still trickling in, so I'll keep this open for a bit longer still. I'm excited to round up a party and begin.

I'm statting up my character today. I'll make a forum avatar as well.

Liberty's Edge

I am thinking to make an occultist.

What are the languages used in the setting?

Unrelated, but: you read Girl Genius?

Doctor Fodd here, alchemist avatar for DM Mooshybooshy.

Diego Rossi wrote:

I am thinking to make an occultist.

What are the languages used in the setting?

Unrelated, but: you read Girl Genius?

We'll have the standard run of languages, minus cultural languages like Osiriani/Tian/Vudrani/etc, and minus ancient languages like Thassilonian/Anciant Osiriani. Anything that has those as a prereq no longer requires that prereq.

As far as deities, divine classes are welcome to follow ideals rather than specific deities for their class features. If you'd like a deity, I'd be amenable to porting in some of Golarion's deities or working with you to roll up a custom deity that fits the setting that your character can follow.

I haven't heard of Girl Genius, but now that I have a link I'll give it a look. I'm drawing inspiration from a lot of sources for this campaign, so more material certainly can't hurt!

Quite a nice spread we got here, it'd be very interesting to see how things would play out! If the party needed one though, I'd be fully willing to roll up a healer or melee fighter, though I'm obviously partial to the dwarf I'd made first.

Done. He's be a crusading Gunslinger/ Cleric of Iomedae. A bible and Pistol in hand, and a boom stick to boot. :D

Gonna be building a Spiritualist tonight when I get home! :D

Mooshy gave me a really cool character idea. I'll be posting it tomorrow - just need to finish up the crunch.

I'm almost finished with my character sheet for Veronica Miller - Impulsive Half-elf Pistolero with a slight stammer! :)

Minor change - dropping Vivisectionist but keeping Beastmorph, to give myself a little more flexibility by keeping my Bombs and sacrificing the raw damage of Vivisectionist's sneak attacks. Still keeping the same playstyle, only I'll be able to throw bombs whenever I'm not able to get in melee.

Veronica's time to shine!

Short bio on the profile, here's the 80% finished character sheet PDF with all the essential information - I'll finish fleshing out the character after work and I'll post the link to her completed character sheet on her profile. :) I'd better not get denied! D: I put a lot of thought and effort into her!

Character Sheet:

Annnnd here's mine! An Investigator (Psychic Detective).

I did something a bit different with the backstory, writing it both as a single side of a conversation, and in not featuring the character at all. I'm not 100% sure it works, but it was fun to do. I did leave a huge area of the backstory vague / open for extrapolating during the game.

I'll deal with equipment if I get selected, since purchasing items is my least favourite thing.

Juliet Morris wrote:

I'll deal with equipment if I get selected, since purchasing items is my least favourite thing.

Lol Really? That's one of my favourite parts. XD

Veronica Miller wrote:
Juliet Morris wrote:

I'll deal with equipment if I get selected, since purchasing items is my least favourite thing.

Lol Really? That's one of my favourite parts. XD

Yeah, look at Chimp, He's got a Monkey Wrench that he wields as a weapon.

I'm going to end recruitment on 12/17 at 2pm EST (7pm UTC). That should give everyone enough time to finish their submissions.

Chimp Hancock wrote:
Veronica Miller wrote:
Juliet Morris wrote:

I'll deal with equipment if I get selected, since purchasing items is my least favourite thing.

Lol Really? That's one of my favourite parts. XD
Yeah, look at Chimp, He's got a Monkey Wrench that he wields as a weapon.

I can never not refer to a screwdriver as anything other than a dagger now xD I can imagine Veronica's reaction to seeing that.

"T-that's your weapon? I c-can buy you a r-real dagger if you w-want."

I don't see a discussion thread linked yet, so I'll drop what I have for Doctor Fodd's backstory here.

The alchemist wears dark, perfectly circular sunglasses at almost all times to conceal the true colors of his eyes. There were those who would be observant enough to note that the good Doctor adventurer was renowned for his eyes of green; and those famously good-looking eyes were now brown.

Every other detail was perfect. The gait, the larger-than-normal body type (for a human,) the hair, even their voices matched. They could have been long-lost brothers; for all the large man knew, they were. The fact that the original Doctor Fodd was an alchemist, experimenting with strength-boosting serums, created a plausible explanation for allowing his inner wolf to show through from time to time. This final detail sealed his fate.

The man now posing as Doctor Cornelius Fodd was in fact born under the name Christoph Derander. Born to a single mother in desperate poverty, and possessing a superhuman appetite even at an early age, life was hard on Christoph. It became even harder when his mother offered him up as sacrifice to a witch's coven, out of pure desperation. The experiments the witches performed on young Christoph were abominable, but they produced one positive result - the ability to shapeshift into a half-human, half-wolf hybrid, at will. This transformation, though...unpleasant to go through, awakened a fierce desire for independence in him. He planned his escape from the coven's clutches for months before setting his plan in action, but he still bears some of the scars from his escape, hidden now under his many layers of clothing. Wounded but free, and with the rage of the abandoned witches howling at his back, he set out into the world. He was determined to live on his own, but possessing no friends and fewer social skills, he was not successful in carving out any success for himself. He sank into the same poverty that afflicted his mother.

It was then that Cornelius Fodd, famous adventuring alchemist, happened to cross his path, while Christoph was sweeping a chimney for pennies. Seeing the man that so closely resembled him, obviously living a life of comfort and ease, made him seethe. He resolved to steal the Doctor's life, identity, and therefore success, lifting him out of the life of poverty and desperation he had always known. One thing the jobless man had plenty of was time - and he used it well, studying not only Doctor Fodd's mannerisms and body language, but also his profession, developing a keen interest in alchemy in the process. His teachers were hedge-witches that performed minor magic in back alleys, or what few books he could steal from Fodd's extensive library. When he felt he could slip into the other man's shoes well enough to fool even his family, he struck, sneaking into Fodd's house and murdering him in his sleep.

Everything went so well at first. He even maintained friendships with the men that Doctor Fodd had known, such as the old gnome, Sanji Hancock, and his young ward Chimp. It all came crashing down, however, when a winsome young alchemy student named Esmerelda Faribault furrowed her brow in consternation one day, and observed to him the newly changed color of his irises. No alchemy experiment caused permanent iris discoloration, she said. It was one of the base truisms of the had he done it? Derander cursed inwardly, and debated murdering the student, but decided that a hasty lie and a new life of adventuring was the better way to go. He's on his way to Crasmere to start a new life, using Fodd's resources and identity. He now goes so far as to think of himself as Cornelius Fodd, even when alone, nowadays.

Being a secret werewolf is my justification for going Beastmorph Alchemist. I'm actually just allowing my inner wolf to come through slightly whenever I alter self using a mutagen!

Definitely interested in this. :)

I'll be throwing together a Mindblade Magus and posting him a bit later...

A murderer posing as a famous hero? Interesting thought. My dwarf would've been around long enough to have heard of the original doctor, if he was well known outside of just the scientific community as well.

Yes, the experience he earned while "leveling up from 1 to 2" (in the mechanical sense) was enough to earn him great renown. His history was just one of the things that Christoph had to study closely in order to steal his identity.

None of Fodd's former adventuring party members live in Crasmere, though. That's why it was on the top of his list of places to start to build a new life in.

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