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![]() While I see many people talking about the trigger, I then have to ask this. If the trap is a basic save and since you take no damage from it with a critical save, is it an atmosphere you can not breath in them? Since it is a basic save and you will take no damage with the chance of no interruption in breathing, does the trigger go off? ![]()
![]() Why would a blind and deaf person be considered a threat to a caster? They could just walk right up and knife them, thus negating the issue of casting an illusion on that person. Or even just cantrip them to death since the blind person would not know the location of the attack since you can just move each turn after you cast a cantrip and would not be able to hear them move to pinpoint the location. Also, you might want to read up on Temporary Immunity if you are pondering if you can temporarily blind and deafen your self to an illusion.
Temporary immunity doesn’t prevent or end ongoing effects of the source of the temporary immunity. For instance, if an ability makes you frightened and you then gain temporary immunity to the ability, you don’t immediately lose the frightened condition due to the immunity you just gained—you simply don’t become frightened if you’re targeted by the ability again before the immunity ends.
![]() My players have been telling me that fights are a bit to easy when I run them. I sat down with one of my players to see if I could make them a bit tougher and they agreed. Going through the monsters, they asked why I was only the Innate spell once a day. I looked up innate spells and it says you do it once a day usually. I then looked at the monster and was written as: Divine Innate Spells DC 16 Attack +6 2nd Darkness They stated I should be able to cast that multiple times since there is /1. That didn't make sense to me. They can only cast that Darkness spell once a day right? ![]()
![]() Screaming doesn't negate sound. Sound still happens. You would have to hit the exact pitch of the opposing sound to negate it. Maybe a performance where you hold one note. Screaming requires air in your lungs. You also require air to breath and live. Once you expel all the air, you are going to be going to suffocation rules unless you breath in. Those rules are more deadly than a illusion. You could negate the visual aspect, but that would not mean you pass it's save. You are just choosing to close your eyes and avoid interacting with it. With out interaction with the illusion and it still has the audio tag, you are still being affected by it. And since you are choosing to ignore the interaction option provided to you, you would fail the save. Being blind and and deaf might provide natural Immunities though. Maybe. But closing your eyes and screaming would not. ![]()
![]() Good morning, Was looking at the new Cavalier Archetype today and began to ponder a new character into my head. Now, I'm a little fuzzy on how Mounts worked exactly in this system and how they work with Society exactly. I think I'm kind of over thinking things so I wanted some opinions on my thinking. I am going to strip it back to the base thought and make sure this is legal for Society play. Please note Society play and not home game. A Kobold with the Cavalier Archetype can ride a medium sized Dromaeosaur animal companion. Is that correct for Society play? Thank you. ![]()
![]() I'm not sure my thinking on this is going to work and was wanting some feed back on it. I'm going by RAW so no homebrew stuff or anything 3rd party. Situation:
From what I can gleam, he would have to use the falling stone unarmed attacks at a 1d8 and would gain the status bonus of +4 to AC along with the circumstance bonus to defenses against Shove or Trip. He would not lose any AC from having a +0 dex as the AC value from the shifted forms does not list dex as a value to be calculated. I can't tell if he would be able to use the Handwraps to augment the falling stone unarmed attack since he would be shifted but the Handwraps would be augmenting the stance attack and not the animal form attack. As a persistent ability maybe? Something about my thinking on this seems off and I can't quite put my finger on it to see where I'm going wrong on it. I'm thinking now that it's an incompatibility with the lines of attack. But does the polymorphed state over ride the stance state? ![]()
![]() Decided to focus on just one class for the playtest and Paladins, finally having a concrete code, made my choice. But somethings seems odd about them so I wanted to ask "is this right"? When a paladin uses Lay on Hands, the spell grants a +1 conditional bonus to AC but only if the target is an ally. Does the paladin gain this or not? I ask because if he does, he would be considered an "ally" to himself and if he is considered an "ally" to himself he would be allowed to use Retributive Strike when someone strikes him as he is an "ally". I would think that the conditional bonus would apply regardless of ally or not. But if it does make him an ally to himself, it would make him more proactive in combat as he can use Retributive Strike to protect himself, which is kind of cool but I don't think that is what they were thinking. Another thing, is Divine Grace suppose to only work against spells? In the past, it was a flat bonus to all your saves regardless of spell, trap, etc. But now it only activates with spells being the trigger. Is it suppose to be like that? ![]()
![]() Bob Jonquet wrote:
I'd really like to see both options be viable. Regardless of what the reward is, it helps a good cause and both ways could help generate more funds than just one. ![]()
![]() I'd like to thank everyone for all the information and ideas. I am going to go with the Arcanist class. I found it offered abilities that I liked the most and allowed me to mitigate some of the things I dislike about spells. Mainly being locked into a set of them each day with no ability to adapt or change. In addition, I liked the meta magics abilities power points options. As for the suggestion of the necromancer, it was shot down by our DM before. He's not a fan of the "evil" energy thing. But it was on my list of interesting Arcane character ideas. ![]()
![]() Vatras wrote:
The group wants it cause they like to have as many roles as possible cover. Their opinion not mine, respectively. I am looking at it more from the perspective of the versatility and usefulness the arcane spells bring to a party. We currently have a cleric, barbarian, rogue, archer. I don't have a character finalized so I'm looking at the arcane as per their request and to challenge myself to branch out. Also, please remember I won't have access to 9th level spells. We are ending at level 16. I have been reading up on this Arcanist class. It is rather interesting. I like that I can swap stuff out on the fly with power points. ![]()
![]() LazarX wrote: You've got your skills, support, and buffer in the Bard I know about the Bardic performance for Bards but what other support do they have? As I stated, I'm not very familiar with arcane characters full range of abilities. I have not seen a bard in any parties I've played with before so I do not have much of a frame of reference on them. As for roles I'm comfortable with, normally I'm in the thick of combat melee range. I want to try and broaden my self on roles so I am open to support, skills, buffer, damager, controller (never seen one of these before), or other role. Eltacolibre wrote: You don't want the enemy to save against your spells , you want to play an arcane character with utility in and out of combats...heh just play a summoner. I thought ray wizards did not have to worry themselves as much about saves instead of just hitting touch AC and penetrating SR? I admit, I don't have any experience with arcane characters and I could be wrong on this. I have considered a summoner and have seen them played before. They are interesting. I assume they are similar to a druid in play? ![]()
![]() Greetings, I am looking for guidance on building an arcane character. The group I plays with needs one but I am very unfamiliar with them. My normal go to is martial characters with a little bit of divine characters now and again. I've look at the Magus and did like it. But I want advice about expanding out beyond my normal go to of melee or archery style. I'd like some advice on creating an Arcane character. Often I see Arcane characters as either utility people with little combat or full on total combat and no utility. I'd like to figure out how to make a character that has options in combat and options out of combat. I like the idea of attacking targets at range but do not enjoy the idea of them getting a save against my spells nor getting into hand to hand to cast spells. I'm not a fan of crafting and I doubt we will have time to craft our on stuff. We are permitted guns but only early age firearms. We are building the characters at a 15 point build and we are allowed to make custom races with a max of 12 points. We are permitted all classes published by Paizo that are not in playtest. Currently we are at level 3 but plan to end the game around level 16. If you could offer guidance it would be appreciated. I want to try to figure out other Arcane characters for me to play and hope the community here could make suggestions or advice for me. Thank you for any assistance you can offer, Mr. Nasty Butler ![]()
![]() As a player, I am kind of indifferent about the new push. Could be fun, could be annoying, could be neither, and I could never encounter it. I'll just let the dice fall where they land and move forward with games I can find in my area. EDIT: Thought it was funny that the illustration chosen for the post features the Witch which is not core. XD ![]()
![]() Correct, these are the feats from the Ranged Tactics Toolbox as I only know of them appearing in that piece of literature and being legal for Pathfinder Society usage. Quote:
So then anything that would add to my attack roll, Precise Shot for this example, would then apply into my Combat Maneuver roll? Quote: Precise Shot: Benefit: You can shoot or throw ranged weapons at an opponent engaged in melee without taking the standard –4 penalty on your attack roll. And to take this a step further, if one takes Improved Disarm and has Ranged Disarm, would they incur a attack of opportunity when making a disarm combat maneuver if done with in a threaten square with a ranged weapon or would the wording of the feat negate that attack of opportunity as it specifies directly that you avoid it? Quote: Improved Disarm: You do not provoke an attack of opportunity when performing a disarm combat maneuver. In addition, you receive a +2 bonus on checks made to disarm a foe. You also receive a +2 bonus to your Combat Maneuver Defense whenever an opponent tries to disarm you.
![]() Hello, I wanted to verify something about the Ranged Disarm and Ranged Trip feats. I am looking to use them in a home game and in Pathfinder Society. I spoke with a Venture Captain and he could not give me a clear answer, but recommended I come here to verify my findings. As the feats Ranged Disarm and Ranged Trip state they are Ranged Combat Maneuvers. When used on a target that is in melee you do not factor in the penalties for shooting into combat, as that rule states it only applies to attack rolls, and you do not apply Cover, as that only applies to AC. Does my reading of the rules appear correct in this manner? ![]()
![]() Hmm, interesting problem. Since Opportune Parry and Riposte lets you make an attack roll as if you are making an attack of opportunity but it is not an actual attack roll that does not do damage, it's hard to state if you crit or not. I would say in the case of the attack roll to parry, you could not crit that as there is no damage going into play. The other portions, critical hitting and kill would give you a panache back. Thus leaving you with 3 panache after all is said and done. ![]()
![]() BobChuck wrote:
I'm actually trying out the Gunslinger in a game already. I'm enjoying it so far and do see some of the limitations and problems with the current design. I do see some interesting potential for the build though. I don't think the stand and shoot character would work too well with it so far but a mobile attack build could be interesting with it.![]()
![]() Windquake wrote:
I think they are saying it's a touch attack mainly because of the force of the projectile. A turtle has great natural armor but shooting the shell at a close range will still penetrate a good bit through it. Even with a blackpowder weapon. I thinks that's where they are going with it. |