
Moth Mariner's page

Organized Play Member. 86 posts. 4 reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 Organized Play characters.

Horizon Hunters

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Errata: This thread.

Thinking it might have been better suited to the Rules Discussion section of the forums rather than General Discussion, based on the descriptions of those...

Horizon Hunters

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- Subtle (Player Core) This trait could use some clarification.
It seems like it removes the speech requirement for the spell it's on, "without incantations", but could be clearer.
The second half, "doesn't have obvious manifestations", is rather more vague. How does that interact with the actual game mechanics?
"Manifestations" are mentioned in the Casting Spells section, but are listed separately to the Spell Signature; does that still appear? Does the spellcaster still have to wave their hands around elaborately? How many of these need to be hidden before it no longer triggers a reaction from something that pings off Manipulate or Concentrate?

Horizon Hunters

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I know there's a chunk of other stuff needing fixing (copy-pastes from premaster that don't make sense with remaster rules, like Identifying Creatures), but a minor addition to the list:

The bookmark for Chapter 5 says "Treaure" Trove instead of Treasure Trove.

Horizon Hunters

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- Lesser Ablative Armor Plating (Guns & Gears) is an uncommon item that grants a 1 minute bonus of 5 temporary hp, but takes 10 minutes to install. This is already a very hard-to-make-use-of bonus, but then compare it to a Lesser Numbing Tonic: same price and level, but is common, takes a single action to drink, and grants 5 temporary hp each turn for the same duration.

Gadgets in general need a tune up to make them viable, this was just a notably egregious example.

Horizon Hunters

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Moth Mariner wrote:
- Blessed Armament (Player Core 2) The slight rewording of the Champion's Blessed Armament –"grant the armament a property rune"– has been taken to mean that your daily rune benefits take up one of the weapon's available rune slots...

Oh I forgot one more bit!

If it takes up one of the weapon's rune slots, does this mean you gain no benefit until you actually have a rune slot to take up? If yes, might not do anything for the first couple of levels you have this. If no, you end up losing this benefit once you do actually put a property rune on the weapon...

Horizon Hunters

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- Brutal Beating (Player Core) gives Frightened but has no mental/emotion/fear traits, meaning you can inflicted frightened on mindless creatures and the like. Is this intended? Seems unlikely.

- Combat Grab (Player Core) lets you grab any size creature since it is not tied to Grapple. Is this intended?

Horizon Hunters

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- Blessed Armament (Player Core 2) The slight rewording of the Champion's Blessed Armament –"grant the armament a property rune"– has been taken to mean that your daily rune benefits take up one of the weapon's available rune slots. Is this intended? When compared to the value of the auto-upgrading reinforcing rune of the Blessed Shield option, it doesn't seem as beneficial since its value goes down as you level up.

- Disappearance (Player Core) This spell is weirdly written, saying you are undetected to all senses, meaning you "count as" invisible (a condition that means you are undetected, we go into a loop). What does "count as" mean in this context? Can this rank 8 spell be countered by spells or other effects that grant the ability to see invisible? See the Unseen and Revealing Light are rank 2...

Horizon Hunters

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Yeah, as written you can't Balance until you are already in an area you need to be Balancing in. So you Stride (or other) into the uneven terrain, and then because you weren't Balancing you fall. And after that, you can attempt to Balance as an action. Or Grease spell, that seems to call for a forced Balance roll during your movement .

Sibelius Eos Owm wrote:
While obviously 2e never intended for uneven ground to cover an entire room,

Amusingly, this is an actual situation in a 2e AP

Which 2e AP has this:
Abomination Vaults

Now for an errata question to keep on topic:

- Oracle (Player Core 2) with the Fall 2024 errata, the text was amended to “Each day, you can cast up to three 1st-rank spells.” So far so good. However the Spell Repertoire section later still talks about learning two spells. Is that meant to increase to three, or stay at two and tax the last one for your mystery? Other classes clarify this. Could be Bard style, could be Sorcerer style.

Horizon Hunters

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- Avoid Notice (Player Core) is not a Secret roll, this seems counter to the standards of the rest of the system. Should it be Secret?

- Balance (Player Core) being its own action is very messy on how it interacts with anything else that calls on it.

- Rogue Resilience (Player Core) is the only save proficiency upgrade in the system that gives the "roll a success get a crit success" effect when upgrading to Expert, rather than Master. Is this right? Why do Rogues have this? They're already very powerful!

- Subtle (Player Core) needs clarification on how it interacts with reactions against Manipulate and Concentrate.

- Dragonhide (Player Core 2) objects, what is the point in most of them? Divine, Occult, and Primal make the object (armour or shield) immune to Spirit, Mental, or Poison respectively, things that objects are already immune to. Arcane offers Force immunity, which is thing that doesn't target armour (afaict), nor can be reacted to with Shield Block since it's not physical.

- Burning Blossoms (Secrets of Magic) spell as written is not viable, or at least not worth rank 8 because of when the saves are triggered and how it interacts with the Fascinated condition. First fascinated enemy walks into the damage, all enemies drop fascinated. Then the check repeats at the end of each future enemy's turns. And remember that Fascinated drops "if a creature uses hostile actions against you or any of your allies"? So now your party cannot do anything for a full round or this Fascinated drops, and then the first enemy takes damage from the tree and the Fascinated drops anyway.

- Hodag Leather (Howl of the Wild) seems intended for melee strikes only, but as currently written you can run away from an enemy, shoot them, and use that shot to drag them towards you (since the creature is moved in any direction of your choice). Also has no size restriction, so you can do the above to gargantuan creatures.

- Silencing Shot (Guns & Gears) inflicts an enemy with the Silence spell, a spell that only works on willing creatures. A DC is listed, is this meant to be a save against the Silence? Doesn't matter anyway, as it doesn't say which save is targeted.

- Munitions Machinist (Guns & Gears) tells you you can use Quick Alchemy to create alchemical ammunition, but how? Quick Alchemy, Activate ammunition, Load it, and you're out of actions. Then the ammunition becomes inert at the start of your next turn because it was made with Quick Alchemy.

Not exactly rules, but maybe need a look?

- Creature Identification (GM Core) seems to relate to the old Recall Knowledge mechanics and doesn't work with the new ones.

- XP Budget (GM Core) Encounter Budget table Character Adjustment column has changed the budget for a Low Threat from 15 to 20, unsure if typo?

- Apsu (Divine Mysteries) still has a ton of Platinum Dragon stuff despite that being connected to the OGL Bahamut: Avatar Form grants platinum scales, symbol is a platinum dragon, and he has a group of followers called the Platinum Band.

Horizon Hunters

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How is Gunslinger's Munitions Machinist meant to function in regards to alchemical ammunition for guns?

1 action quick alchemy the ammunition
1 action activate the ammunition
1 action load the ammunition into your gun
end turn
quick alchemy item expires

Horizon Hunters

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These are all meant to be from NPC Core, and the blog post introduction text mentions a "tumbleweed leshy", so maybe... (they're tumbleweed leshy).

Horizon Hunters

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Rogue still having weird saves post-errata reminded me:

Avoid Notice still isn't a secret check :')

Maybe one day...

Horizon Hunters

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The Secrets of Magic "lost album" of 1st printing to 2nd printing - when will that be live in the pdf downloads?
The current download still seems to be 1st printing May 2021, despite 2nd printing having been out for a while (fall 2023 according to errata page)

Horizon Hunters

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I thought the plan was fixing all the Bahamut accidental references in Apsu...
He still grants platinum scales for his avatar form, has a platinum dragon as his symbol, and his group of non-dragon followers are the Platinum Band... Dragon daddy is green!

Horizon Hunters

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i would kill and/or die for baby goblin

Horizon Hunters

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The different party size XP adjustments for encounter building (pg 75) is slightly different from the CRB (pg 489), but only for Low difficulty threats - what was the thinking behind this?

(It used to be 15 per character at Low in the CRB, now it’s 20, the same as Moderate)

Horizon Hunters

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My pitch: Horned Dragon is a typo and it should be Thorned Dragon.

Fits the nature vibe more, relates to their spiky leaf-like scales, and doesn’t try and claims “horns” as a unique feature when like 95% of other dragons have horns.

Horizon Hunters

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Have been progressively warming to the two nexuses, glad to see they are continuing to grow.

Horizon Hunters

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Playing in the Foundry version and noticed there's a second half to the first of The Eight Practices that's missing in the pdf version of the player's guide:

1. Do not call a ghost a ghost; instead, address them with friendly greetings if you must.

Not knowing that second part really affected how we were approaching the adventure!

Horizon Hunters

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Ah, a return of the puzzle: does subtle hide the gestures made in spellcasting?

Having manipulate and subtle on the same spell suggests it does not, but conceal spell mentions hiding gestures and actions as part of gaining subtle... Subtle needs a clearer description I think.

Horizon Hunters

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Terrified to see sneak attack on big weapons

Now to wait patiently for all the cool archetypes…

Horizon Hunters

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Blood not rust, big buddy. Blood not rust.

Horizon Hunters

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I've remade maps for Book 4: Fires of the Haunted City, plus some extras as needed.

https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder2e/comments/1c0wja6/age_of_ashes_book_4_ fires_of_the_haunted_city_all/

Moved to Dungeondraft this time, so much easier!
I don't think be making maps for the last two books as ones I like already exist, but maybe a different AP one day... Let's see what my players like the sound of when they get there!

Horizon Hunters

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Love them. Was scared they might end up with good = boring, but this is fun

Horizon Hunters

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Errenor wrote:
Gisher wrote:
I really like how these new dragons each emphasize different aspects of the many, many draconic tropes. It makes them really stand out from one another. The old chromatic/metallic dragons all kind of blended together for me.
Maybe you mix them with dnd's versions too much? PF2 versions are actually well-written and much more interesting. They weren't one-dimensional even with alignments.

I feel it’s more to do with how the names/colours of the chromatic/metallic dragons told you nothing about the rest of the dragon. What logic makes blue a more manipulative, cosmopolitan colour than bronze or white? And with the metallics a lot of their colours were very close to each other as well.

The name “fortune dragon” tells you something about this creature without having to cross-reference a colour chart.

Horizon Hunters

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Can see the colour/painted version of this dragon on this blog post:


Sword piercings!

Horizon Hunters

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Little sad we’re losing the Bestiary name. Monster implies all of the creatures inside are scary/hostile/to be killed, Bestiary was a bit more nuanced.

Horizon Hunters

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We heard from Erik Mona that rogues will no longer have a complicated weapon proficiency list and will simply get all martial weapons access, and wizard similar but with all simple weapons.

Will the bard also get some variant of this clean up, or stay on its partial martial selection?

Horizon Hunters

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With the renaming of gnoll as Kholo, is it possible that we do the same for some of the other ancestry names in this book?

Catfolk, ratfolk, and lizardfolk all have their own names already in the lore of the setting, and I think it would be cool to be less humanocentric about them. Amurrun, Ysoki, and Iruxi are all awesomely Pathfinder specific, and calling them their own names is respectful if nothing else.

I really hope halflings get a Golarion-specific name too. It’s kind of weird to have an ancestry name that related solely to how their height relates to humans. They deserve better!

Horizon Hunters

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With the renaming of tiefling/aasimar as nephilim and gnoll as kholo, will the same happen for other ancestry names that are currently overtly humanocentric and potentially OGL adjacent?

I’m thinking specifically of correcting catfolk to amurrun, ratfolk to ysoki, lizardfolk to iruxi, and halfling to… something else that isn’t how they relate to human height.

Would be very cool to see that as their books names rather than “how they call themselves”

Horizon Hunters

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Stolen Fate Player's Guide wrote:
Lores based on terrain will also be quite helpful as you travel the world, especially Forest Lore, Hills Lore, Mountain Lore, and Swamp Lore, but others like Desert Lore, Plains Lore, and Underworld Lore will have moments as well.

Underworld Lore does sound like a terrain lore, especially when included in a sentence explicitly about terrain lores XD

I’m assuming it’s there as the closest equivalent to an Urban Lore, rather than one about the Darklands, or the afterlife…

Horizon Hunters

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Hi all, I believe this is the best place to drop this:

Have remade all the Tomorrow Must Burn maps in Inkarnate, plus some extra maps for the encounters that didn't have them.
Hope they may be useful to someone.


First time making maps or using Inkarnate, so have learned a lot in the process.
One of those lessons being that Inkarnate is not ideal for making maps as large as the ones towards the end of this book...
I think I'll try a different software for the next book, or rely on other people's work.

Thanks for reading!

Horizon Hunters

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Tanuki! New skill feats! An AP that diverges from the 3/6 system!

This is awesome news in every way. Very excited to see the other three ancestries eventually. Have my eye on wayang for now…

Horizon Hunters

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Absolutely spiffing work here. Pats on the back all round.

Horizon Hunters

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As a non-USian, this is very cool to hear. Paizocon International!

Horizon Hunters

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Hopefully this is okay to add onto the end of this question, but it’s directly related.

As Brigh is Bry (like fry), is Brighite… Bry-ite? Doubled “eye” sound?

Just starting Outlaws of Alkenstar so am seeing Brighite in the player’s guide.


Horizon Hunters

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United Paizo Workers! Yes! You have my support in this. Love to see it.