
MontCestMoi's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts (69 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 5 aliases.

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Vano Martoff wrote:
DM Monty, is the pouch in the trunk distinct from Vano's spell component pouch, which I assume would be in the pile by the furnace?

It is the spell component pouch; the trunk was where 'the interesting stuff' got put by the 'doctor'.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Vano Martoff wrote:
How do you prefer I handle initiative for Vano's animal companion and/or other minions, going forward? Should they share his, for simplicity, or would you like each to have their own?

Same as you, for simplicity.

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All around is a wall of sickly yellow fog, tumbling through the alley’s canyon of crumbling, gray brick walls like some jaundiced flash flood. Ahead, the unfamiliar alley splits, curving to the left and right. Behind, from the silent swell of mist, emanates the sound of footsteps—slow, but somehow keeping pace with the careening, hungry wave..

And so begins Strange Aeons; in media res, amnestic feet on the ground and running from a terrible danger.

EDIT: I made a neat title image, but this post is where I learn I can't imbed images here, so instead click here to see it with significantly reduced impact.

Strange Aeons is a Mythos-adjacent psychological horror Adventure Path, but while Call of Cthulhu is its spiritual cousin, it remains a Pathfinder campaign. Your characters will grow in power, and ultimately, be able to face the threats that exist (compared to CoC, where you just go insane and die). Aeons has a lot of what might be called ‘bad vibes’, and experiencing those bad vibes (and getting through / over them) is a large portion of what the Adventure Path is.

Build Rules:

Please download and fully read the Player’s Guide. Strange Aeons is in many ways a departure from the traditional ‘format’ for character creation, so this is particularly important.

* Pathfinder 1st edition
* Level 1
* 20 point buy, attributes in the range of [7..18] after racial adjustments
* All CRB races and others on a case by case basis. 90% of the characters I personally make are human; this information is provided without further comment.
* All classes except summoner are allowed, where applicable unchained is preferred
* Paizo material only with one exception: Elephant in the room feat taxes.
* Two traits, one must be a campaign trait. No drawbacks.
* The Background Skills optional system is in effect
* Max starting gold for your class
* Firearm level is at emerging
* Max HP level at all levels
* Allowed alignments: LG, NG, CG, LN, N;
* As described in the Player’s Guide, your character begins as an amnestic. You can (and should) develop an extremely vague early backstory for your character, but this will rapidly become foggy and unclear past early childhood, and the last several years are a complete blank. It’s also possible that the memories your character does have aren’t entirely accurate; mental trauma is a heck of a thing.
* A profile is not required for submission but I want to see fully developed characters and builds with an idea of where you’d like to take them over the next few levels (i.e. are you building towards a prestige class or particular feats?) Gameplay hooks are appreciated.


* An AP is a multi-year commitment and keeping it going is a team effort. I’ll do everything I can as a GM to make combats smooth and the NPCs engaging but you need to put the effort in too. On average please try to post daily during the week and once per weekend. I understand real life happens so no worries if you go on holiday etc and can’t post for a while but I’d like to have a heads up on absences and a BOT ME section in your character profile to make life easier for me. This is especially important for casters.
* I don't use XP in my games, you'll level up at the appropriate story points.
* I’d like to see RP and party banter and not just at the beginning. I want to know what your character thinks about the situations they’re in even if it’s not something they’d say out loud. Make this a game you and I want to engage with! This goes doubly so with this particular AP, as your character’s fractured mental state means that they’re getting to know themselves as much as they are the rest of the party and the world around them.
* I haven’t run a PbP in the modern era of easy graphics, but I will be trying Google Sheets (+photoshop) for maps and graphical aids (I considered trying to use a Foundry VTT, but frowned and gave that up eventually). You’re going to move your character yourself (or even better draw a line showing the movement you plan so I can figure out AOOs) most of the time. Google Sheets has a good Android App which allows editing from a phone. I don’t mind moving things for you occasionally but please not every combat!
* Please keep a status line up to date on your forum profile, showing current AC, saves etc including effects from buffs. Example
* There are ways of manipulating the dice roller, please don’t. Please be consistent in the order in which you roll dice for your abilities. E.g. the order in which you roll for crits.

About Me:

I’m MontCestMoi, a reference to an in-joke involving Mont St. Michel that only my wife could possibly get. I’m new to this board (or rather, I was new to the board two and a half years ago when I joined, and the Lovecraftian horror of working at a grocery store during the pandemic knocked me completely off it) but I’ve been playing online in play-by-post format games since the stone age of AOL, in 1995. My in-person tabletop has been meeting more-or-less every week since 2017, and I’ve run them through Shattered Star and we’re somewhere around halfway through Return of the Runelords (though I customized the heck out of it and we’re way off the rails).

When I’m not containing fictional worlds I sail, hike, and enjoy making things from wood.

I will select 5 players (possibly 6 if we have strong submissions) in two weeks from now at 9pm CDT on October 6th. Good luck!

Thanks to DM Fang Dragon who let me pinch a lot of their recruitment post.

Organized Play Characters

Lord Villastir
Dark Archive Asaril

Male Elf Conjurer (Teleportation) 9 (0 posts)
Abra Lopati
Grand Lodge Asbjorn Kjellson

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 6 (0 posts)
Grand Necromancer
The Exchange Kalethes

Male Human (Chelaxian) Sorcerer (Tattooed Sorcerer [Draconic]) 6 (0 posts)
Dwarf Fighter
Grand Lodge Elorn Steelheart

Male Dwarf Fighter (Lore Warden) 1, Barbarian 1 (0 posts)
Lictor Severs
Silver Crusade Cernan Gelebres

Male Aasimar (Angel blooded) Paladin Level 6 (0 posts)
Radosek Pavril
Sczarni Einar Holvand

Male Human (Ulfen) Witch 1 (0 posts)
Dark Archive Nimmariiel

Female Elven Diviner (Foresight) 1 (0 posts)
Queen Abrogail II
Dark Archive Naielle

Female Human Sorcerer (Razmiran Priest) Lv.1 (0 posts)
Silver Crusade Cernan Kothal
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge Dead Character That Died

What? wat Dead thing (super dead) 4 (0 posts)