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So I am making a sorcerer, and stumbled across this bloodline. Now the most interesting thing I saw was the Mutable Flesh ability.
Mutable Flesh wrote: Mutable Flesh (Su): At 3rd level, once per day when you cast a transmutation spell with a duration of 1 minute per level that affects only you, you can increase its duration to 10 minutes per level. At 9th level, you can increase the duration to 1 hour per level. Now this is pretty interesting. You can easily do stuff such as all day elemental body. But I went looking and saw Paragon Surge was Transmutation. Now the question is can I use paragon surge to grab a crafting feat at 9 (possible even using extend spell if necessary) and just flex into a crafting feat to make items? It looks like a yes at a cursory glance.
Paragon Surge for reference:
Quote: Paragon Surge
School transmutation (polymorph)
Target you
Duration 1 minute/level
For the duration of the spell, you receive a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Intelligence and are treated as if you possessed any one feat for which you meet the prerequisites, chosen when you cast this spell.
1) Does a hybridization funnel allow 2xint damage when thrown by an alchemist?
2) Can you use a focusing flask with a hybridization funnel?
3) Can a hybridization funnel combine items from a focusing flask?
4) Does a focusing flask allow 3xint damage when thrown by an alchemist?
Relevant focusing flask text:
If multiple types of alchemical items are poured in, all the contents are ruined. The flask can be thrown as a normal splash weapon, and when it breaks, it releases all of the contained splash weapons in the same space, and the focusing flask is destroyed.
Relevant hybridization funnel text:
Success means the two materials are safely mixed into one vial that is the same volume as a normal splash weapon vial; when thrown as a splash weapon, the mixture has the effects of both component substances and creatures are affected as if hit by both.
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The new Cerberus style feats look amazing at first glance. Although I noticed an issue with them.
Cerberus Style has the prerequisites of Cleave, Improved Unarmed Strike, and BAB 6 or monk 6. Cerberus Snare has the prerequisites of Cerberus Crush, BAB 9 or monk 9. Cerberus Crush has the prerequisites of Cerberus Snare, Cerberus Style, Vital Strike, and BAB 13 or monk 13.
The error here is pretty obvious, you are unable to take either feat in the Cerberus Style chain due to not, by the rules, meeting the prereqs. I personally believe Cerberus Snare is supposed to have Cerberus Style as a prereq instead of Cerberus Crush, but I could be wrong. I know they don't errata splatbooks often, but I doubt it was intended to never be able to take the feat chain.
P.S. on a side note, you can take Master of Many Styles 1 and grab Cerberus Style, and skip needing Cleave since it's not part of the prereqs of any later feat.
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So we had a question come up tonight in our session. Can a familiar ready an action to toss a tarp over its master to break both line of effect and line of sight for single target spells such as feeblemind?
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The Skald get's Spell Keening at level 5, and Scribe Scroll at level 1.
Spell Keening wrote: At 5th level, a skald is learned in the magic of other spellcasters, and can use his own magic to duplicate those classes’ spells. Once per day, a skald can cast any spell on the bard, cleric, or sorcerer/wizard spell list as if it were one of his skald spells known, expending a skald spell slot of the same spell level to cast the desired spell. Scribe Scroll wrote: Benefit: You can create a scroll of any spell that you know. Scribing a scroll takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise scribing a scroll takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. To scribe a scroll, you must use up raw materials costing half of this base price. Can we use spell keening in conjunction with scribe scroll due to the line in spell keening "as if it were one of his skald spells known"?
I was looking over the Court Poet Skald, and saw that it has the Insightful Contemplation (SU) ability which replaces inspired rage. I see the court poet still gets rage powers, but has no way to activate them, since they lose inspired rage.
I noticed the original spell warrior archetype didn't allow skalds to give out rage powers due to the same issue, but was later errate'd to work. Was it intended for this archetype to never be able to use rage powers, or was there an errata/FAQ I missed?
A couple questions came up while looking at some builds/archetypes. I'll keep them each separate for ease of readability.
1. The Ashiftah witch replaces their familiar with a veil. The veil has the ability to hold spells like a regular familiar, but can it learn spells like a familiar? Me and a few people had a disagreement about if it could learn new spells, reason being the text says it can only hold like a familiar.
2. The Seducer Witch says it uses charisma in place of intellect for all class features. We debated if the skills per level (not class skills) is a class feature or not. The line "Each level, your character gains a number of skill ranks dependent upon your class plus your Intelligence modifier." from page 86 of the CRB has led some people to say that it counts, since seducer witch has otherworldly allure which reads: "Otherworldly Allure: A seducer’s power comes from her allure. She uses her Charisma rather than her Intelligence score for the purpose of all class features and effects related to her witch class, such as bonus spells per day, the maximum spell level she can cast, and save DCs of her spells and hexes." Is there a concise answer?
3. The Enlightened Paladin at first level gains the confident defense class feature, allowing it to add its charisma to dexterity, then add it to AC. The scaled Fist Monk adds an untyped charisma bonus to AC, would these stack considering that one is a charisma bonus, and one is adding charisma to dex, then adding it to AC?
FAQ for reference.
This is a question that recently cropped up. Can we apply the spell Magic Vestment to the Ring of Force Shield?
There was argument about if it actually counts as a shield, since it says "can be wielded by the wearer as if it were a heavy shield (+2 AC)." The closest we found was this quote by Joshua Frost "Ring of force shield essentially grants you a +2 shield bonus to your AC as if you were wielding a heavy shield without needing to actually wield anything. It requires no hands to wield--just an open ring slot." From this thread (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2jq8b?Potions#14).
I'm leaning towards no, but we couldn't find a conclusive answer.
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As the title states. The question arose of Freedom of Movement beats Hold Person. The question arose from the second line of hold person, "It is aware and breathes normally but cannot take any actions, even speech.".
On one hand it can be seen as a explanation of the paralyzed condition, as the first line states it gives the paralyzed condition. And paralysis is a condition countered by FoM, so FoM allows you to act while under hold person.
The second interpretation is that while you have the paralyzed condition from the first line, the second line is a entirely different condition. So even though FoM beats the paralysis given by the first line, it fails to overcome the second line which is loss of actions.
I personally think it's the second interpretation, but we were curious to see if there was any definitive ruling made. Also we were curious to see everyone else's opinions on the question.
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Me and a few other people were having a discussion about various pathfinder topics, and this came up. The spell Ironskin gives the target a enhancement to natural armor bonus, and is a personal spell. We we're having a debate on whether it actually works on ghost, due to the incorporeal subtype. From the Incorporeal rules it states that "An incorporeal creature has no natural armor bonus but has a deflection bonus equal to its Charisma bonus (always at least +1, even if the creature’s Charisma score does not normally provide a bonus).".
The question is does the "no natural armor bonus" means that ironskin can't apply? It was read two different ways by the group, one way is that it's just a natural armor bonus of 0, and the other way was that a ghost can have no natural armor bonus at all.