Count Haserton Lowis IV

Mista Moore's page

68 posts. Alias of Crass Cleveland.


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I've been playing pathfinder since 2012, this is the worst map I've ever had to draw.

Making my first character I remember in the playtest you added your level to skills, ac, attacks and saves. reading through 2nd edition and not finding definitive ruling on that anywhere.

How do cantrips and class focus powers heighten?

For example lets say I take sorcerer dedication at 2nd level, choose the angelic bloodline and receive 2 cantrips, at 4th I take basic bloodline spell to get angelic halo, and then at 6th and 8th I take basic spell casting to unlock 1st and 2nd level spell slots. Does that mean when I cast the cantrips and bloodline power are they heightened to 2nd level, half my class level rounded up, or not at all?

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- Action economy especially how it functions with spellcasters for example empowering certain spells with bonus action or the cleric’s channel mechanics
- PCs aren’t Gods by level 8-10ish like in PF1 [my main thing I want to see addressed with PF2]. Although this isn’t perfect a lot of misses builds suspense in combat, but it also eats into a lot of game time.
- Spellcasting [minus overall spell nerf and things I think need tweeking] I like the Cleric channel in PF2 over PF1, sorcerer accessing their spell list through their bloodline [would have been a sweet archetype in PF1], and the Bard becoming a full level caster, and cantrips heightening.

- Character creation. A lot of the feats [across the board] leave a lot to be desired and leaves the player with a very bland vanilla character. It’s also very rigid dictating when you take your feats and what character is capable of[example ranger is the only class that can two weapon fight]. This is my biggest concern that making a character isn’t fun as of right now.
- Archetypes. This is a personal bias, but the way archetypes are done in PF1 made PF1. Just look at the Psychic Detective, Skinshaper, Eldritch Scoundral etc. and all the flavor they add to player creation. Even simpler archetypes like “urban” for the barbarian/ranger/druid, idk how this would transfer over to PF2 making an urban version for all of these classes with a single flat archetype.
- Resonance. Don’t like it, it’s mechanics and the in-world logic that the adventurer empowers the already magic item to use it

- Feat selection. Whenever a pc suppose to take an ancestory, skill or general feat they can choose any of them instead what’s stated at a certain level. That way they flesh out a character built heavily on their ancestery [dwarfiest, dwarf that ever dwarfed], use extra feats to be even more of skill monkey, or load up on general feats for extra survivability in combat
- Resonance. Get rid of it
- Create more enticing class feats for my PCs to use or even let them design some ideas themselves that I’d vet for approval

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MiggidyMack wrote:

Why not just junk resonance and resolve the issue by adjusting the cost of wands and other items?

If the problem is people using CLW wands all the time, just stop letting players buy them with Prestige in PFS and up the cost. If the issue is nobody using higher level potions, then adjust the cost of potions.

You've already got several balancing options that do not require you to cludge a secondary rule system on top of an already complex game.

Yes, yes, yes.

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PCScipio wrote:
Darksol the Painbringer wrote:
3. The formatting of several sections in the book need major revisions to be intuitive and easy to reference.
This is the biggest issue, IMHO. I found building a Bard for part 2 extremely painful, because the information is so scattered.

This is why I'm out of the playtest all together. Having a PDF only is no way to navigate this book's layout. Also leveling up isn't fun because of all the underwhelming options/layout.

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I agree with the title of this thread and here's my issues.

- Ancestry,it's boring and the featsdon't add much to the character. When im picking ancestory feats i feel im picking the feat im the most indifferent about instead of the one thats the coolest.

- Skill feats, again boring. Much rather unlock a bunch of abilities on when reaching master and legendary in a skill then sift through a bunch of items in a dollar bin.

- SPELL LIST FORMAT. This has caused all of my rage quits in character creation. For example first character, cleric. They have domains just like in pf1, are they listed in cleric section?
Are the powers description listed in the cleric section?
No, they're in the spell description section
Ok do they have their own section away from the spells?
Nope, they're mixed in alphabetically with all the spells and spell abilities.
By all spells you mean all the divine spells right?
Nope they're mixed in with the arcane, occult and primal spells along with the spell abilities of the bard, druid, sorcerer and wizard. The section is over 70 pages.
I have to go through 70+ pages to look up the domain powers to decide which one's i prefer, are the page numbers listed for the powers?
Nope, its more of an easter-egg hunt then a choice
Would you recommend picking the first domain that seems decent to avoid pulling out all of my hair due too tedium?
Yes, so i settled for the healing domain. Now pick your spells
I need a break...
Tried to make a level 5 bard and sorcerer after that and indifference-quit once it got to spell selection and i was forced to root around in that trash bin

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I'm very early in the process will do my first playtest on Sunday...

Since the first character I made in PF1 was a Cleric I'm deciding to make a Cleric in PF2 with my first character. Already it's way more tedious/difficult to make a Cleric in PF2 than in PF1 and I was a complete noob to d20 tabletop when I made my first Cleric in PF1. Everything you needed to build the Cleric was in the Cleric section in PF1 as opposed to PF2 I'm doing a lot of flipping through the book to get through it.

Gorignak227 wrote:
Jib916 wrote:
Where in the book are the domain powers? Not finding them and they dont seem to be in cleric or spells section

They are in the spells section.

For example, for the Domain "Ambition" the 1st power "Blind Ambition" is found on p 208 right under Bless.

Thanks for pointing this out I was confused as well, they should note domain powers are listed in spell section. The spell descriptions section is as organized as junkyard imo

None of the domain abilities have descriptions for them, just a table listing them [3-10]. For example the indulgence domain grants enhance victuals, there's no description, idk what this ability does. I guess I'll look up the meaning of the word victuals and add whatever bonus I feel with-in reason for spending a spell point

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Just a first glance thought

Ancestory - it was advertised by Mona i think you can make the most dwarfiest dwarf that ever dwarfed with ancestory compared to race. At first glance this is a complete falsehood, the PF1 dwarf is the dwarfiest dwarf because it has all the racial abilities right away and can pick and choose through alternative traits at lvl 1, where-as a PF2 dwarf has 1 at lvl 1 and every 4 after. I guess this mechanic, more accurately to put it, makes it so not all dwarves are alike. I give this change a meh to slightly worse then before

Archetypes/multiclassing - the archetypes function like in starfinder so Im not enthused in the slightest, the only thing worse than this is resonance. Feat cost into multiclassing makes sense and im on board with it.


Thurs AM: 10-03 Death On The Ice [3rd star table]
Thurs Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Thurs PM: 8-99 The Solstice Scar [3-4]
Thurs Over: gone fishin' [drinking]
Fri AM: Zzz
Fri Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Fri PM: 10-00 The Hao Jin Cataclysm [5-6]
Fri Over: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat AM: Zzz
Sat Aft: 10-03 Death On The Ice
Sat PM: SFS 1-99 Invasion Of The Scoured Stars [1-2]
Sat Over: gone fishin' [drinking]

Thanks for the amount of info. I'll take a look at the link to see how you guys managed 3-D combat

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I'm looking to get a new AP to run and considering a few options[this being one of them], my concern with this AP is that you're going to be underwater a decent amount of time. What's been people's experience with AP's underwater gameplay/overall gameplay?

What's usually available at the merch other than new releases? Old APs? Scratch 'n' dent?
Pawn sets? Gm tools? Random sales?


Raymond Havili wrote:
Wait... so the document is supposed to be 1 page and they haven't finished the chronicle sheets or did they just put up the wrong document?

No peeking Raymond!!

Give them the true devotion trait from the players guide, I gave that trait to the inquisitor in my game. It's basically their god giving them a second chance because their destiny outweighs their sins. When the paladin regains his memory he'll find out he lost his paladin powers before becoming fugue due to his/her actions.


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This will make me a 3-star gm, yippie!!

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If you mean effective healer as in the party doesn't have a divine caster and your hedge witch will fill that role, I say yes. Mix it with either ancestors or healing patron and you can fill that role.

Take shield bash

I have a PFS Shaman with Heavens spirit and always choose Lore for my wandering spirit (arcane enlightenment hex) to good effect.

Heavens has strong spirit magic spells at every level, most which aren't on the Shamans spell list. Heaven's Leap is a great support hex that'll get your party members out of a lot of jams, Enveloping Void is also a great debilitator. Spirit abilities Stardust is essentially Faerie Fire, Void Adaptation you can see in deeper darkness, are always under Endure Elements and don't have to breath, Phantasmagoric Display gives a free casting of Prismatic Wall and Prismatic Spray.

By using arcane enlightement as a wandering hex you can choose different wizard spells everyday.


doctor_wu wrote:
I hope profession barrister will be useful in these for someone I play with.

Bird is the word! Best season to make a Talden tengu barrister

Give me suggestion, mass suggestion and a recliner and I'm good.


Terminalmancer wrote:

Oh, and I really wish the sidebars didn't end up being so far away from the NPCs. I get why that happened, but you shouldn't have one NPC's information spread across three pages. That just makes life way too hard.

Fantastic scenario, though.

Agreed it would be better if the side notes had their own page in the handouts section instead. I'm just going to copy and paste it into word and print out a separate sheet or print single-sided and cut them out and paperclip them to the gm screen


question about an ability

Aryana's malevolence ability, if the target fails the save does she shunt into their body or remain in the combat field?

shaventalz wrote:
KingOfAnything wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Mista Moore wrote:
Rageshaper(Shifter) – This archetype is the Incredible Hulk (nuff said), only drawback is when the additional resources are released for this book this archetype will be banned from pfs play due it’s susceptibility to pvp damage.
The drawback is it takes a full round and provokes to start, you only have level of rounds per day of it, and you can't voluntarily end it. So you rage for a fight get a round or two off and then burn any remaining rounds you have and you're done for the day.
It is an easy Will save to end. You may end up using a round or two more than you want, but you don't necessarily burn all your rounds.
DC 10+level. Even at level 1, that's not much better than a coin flip, and your Will save only rises by 1 per 3 levels. Like all the previous iterations of this idea, your chances of successfully stopping the rage drop pretty hard the higher-level you are.

If this archetype is going to be pfs legal they'll have to errata it in additional resources that you can't use the ability after rounds are up. It'll probably be simpler for them to ban the archetype

Fuzzy-Wuzzy wrote:
Mista Moore wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
Mista Moore wrote:
Thundercaller(Bard) – trade inspire competence, dirge of doom and frightening tune for the ability to drop lightning and cast the rage spell on allies. I don’t like playing Bards let alone ones that give up inspire courage for different abilities, this archetype keeps inspire courage! Inspiring courage and dropping lightning bolts at the same time sounds like fun to this guy
So the issue is that you for sure aren't doing both till lv7 since doing a thundercall would end your inspire courage being a new performance you're doing. And at lv7+ you can run into variation of if you can activate two performances in a round, but if you can you're still needing to spend a full round to do your thundercall and then start your inspire for a few levels.
The idea would be to take the lingering performance feat so first rd inspire, 2nd rd drop lightning while the other lingers. If I'm misinterpreting how to use lingering performance then yeah it negates the idea.

You're forgetting a line in Lingering Performance.

Lingering Performance wrote:
Benefit: The bonuses and penalties from your bardic performance continue for 2 rounds after you cease performing. Any other requirement, such as range or specific conditions, must still be met for the effect to continue. If you begin a new bardic performance during this time, the effects of the previous performance immediately cease.

Edit: Thundercaller - Bard that bangs on a drum and conjurers lightning, have fun with that.

Chess Pwn wrote:
Mista Moore wrote:
Thundercaller(Bard) – trade inspire competence, dirge of doom and frightening tune for the ability to drop lightning and cast the rage spell on allies. I don’t like playing Bards let alone ones that give up inspire courage for different abilities, this archetype keeps inspire courage! Inspiring courage and dropping lightning bolts at the same time sounds like fun to this guy
So the issue is that you for sure aren't doing both till lv7 since doing a thundercall would end your inspire courage being a new performance you're doing. And at lv7+ you can run into variation of if you can activate two performances in a round, but if you can you're still needing to spend a full round to do your thundercall and then start your inspire for a few levels.

The idea would be to take the lingering performance feat so first rd inspire, 2nd rd drop lightning while the other lingers. If I'm misinterpreting how to use lingering performance then yeah it negates the idea.

These are the following archetypes that stood out to me so far

Sharptooth(Barbarian) – trade fast movement for swim speed, scent and keen scent for uncanny dodge chain, increased breathing underwater for trap sense, and bleed damage in place of rage powers at level 6 & 12. Seems ideal for Azlant AP or underwater home game.

Thundercaller(Bard) – trade inspire competence, dirge of doom and frightening tune for the ability to drop lightning and cast the rage spell on allies. I don’t like playing Bards let alone ones that give up inspire courage for different abilities, this archetype keeps inspire courage! Inspiring courage and dropping lightning bolts at the same time sounds like fun to this guy

Living Avalanche(Brawler) – There’s a rule in a writers room that every stupid idea goes on the board no matter what and sometimes the stupidest idea becomes genius, this is that stupid idea. This class is the Kool-Aid man of the wild so as expected trade out stuff to improve overrun and bull rush maneuvers.

Viking(Fighter) – Not 100% familiar with the original Viking archetype, but I remember intimidation being a big part of it, which is still a part of this archetype. Nice flavor/versatility granting the ability to rage and select rage powers in place of fighter bonus feats. Highly implied you should board and sword with this archetype.

Forester(Hunter) – no animal companion instead takes the ability bonus and a Ranger’s favored terrain. Trade precise companion for bonus combat feats at level 2, 7, 13 & 19. Trade teamwork feat with animal companion instead with allies, improved empathic link & speak with the master for evasion and improved evasion, camouflage for bonus tricks, breath of life for raise animal companion and lastly hide in plain sight for greater empathic link. I have no interest in the Hunter class because it entails lugging around an animal companion and specializing in utilizing said animal companion, this archetype on the other hand does not. All of the trade-outs are a net positive in my opinion by getting rid of the animal companion mechanic and everything that comes with it you get bonus combat feats, improved evasion, teamwork feats with allies, breath of life and favored terrain with stealth bonus in said terrain. Top 3 archetype in the book IMO.

Water Dancer(Monk) – a lot of trade outs TLDR; no flurry, stunning fist, quivering palm, bonus feats, evasion, slow fall and abundant step. Add kinetic blast (water only), ki pool based off of charisma and bonus ac from charisma(dodge bonus) that stacks with the wisdom ac bonus, unarmed strike -4 levels, burn, utility wild talents -2 levels, ability to walk on liquid and eventually having a climb speed in liquid, metakinesis, and dimension door in water. This archetype is gushing with flavor and, rightfully so, a fan favorite amongst the paizo crowd. Only concern is if you’re going for power dps is nerfed by not having flurry for melee. Also with the kinetic blast you don’t get expanded element so you don’t have access to composite blasts nor do you have gather power so you’re always going to take nonlethal if you use any of your abilities that use burn. If I was in the Azlant AP I would totally dibs playing this class.

Forest Preserver(Paladin) – trade aura of courage for favored terrain, divine health for woodland stride,
Positive energy for some druid spells, aura of resolve for fireproof aura, aura of justice for sacred grove, and aura of faith for aura of preservation. I don’t like normal paladins I think they’re too op and being forced to play lg is not my style. This archetype still has the alignment restrictions, but the trade-outs for the most part are general nerfs in place of niche abilities and flavor. I’d consider playing this class for a woods based adventure as opposed to my usual preference to not play a paladin at all.

Tidal Hunter(Ranger) – trade out wild empathy/6th level combat feat to breathe underwater, track /camouflage for keen scent, favored terrain gets consolidated and stacked into water only, woodland stride for swim speed, improved evasion for tidal surge 1/day. If you’re playing an underwater adventure this is the superior option to take if you want to play a ranger.

Sylvan Trickster(Rogue) – trade trapfinding for wild empathy, uncanny dodge for resist nature’s lore, improved uncanny dodge for DR cold iron, and lastly can select a witch hex in place of a rogue talent. You lose the ability to disarm magical traps, but in return you gain all the witch hexes including major and grand.

Elementalist(Shifter) – haven’t really looked into the shifter, but turning into an elemental seems cooler than growing claws.

Rageshaper(Shifter) – This archetype is the Incredible Hulk (nuff said), only drawback is when the additional resources are released for this book this archetype will be banned from pfs play due it’s susceptibility to pvp damage.

Investigator's aren't designed to be big dps characters, but here's what I did to get a little more damage out of the class (I have one in PFS). I gave my weapon a spell storing enhancement on top of the inspired enhancement. My amplification is focused force which I combine with the spell force punch (turns d4s into d6s) and store the spell into my swordcane. If you want to cheese it more get a lesser empower or maximize rod. You can also use that amplification for twilight knife which will provide you a flank plus a free extra attack with increased die damage since the spell does force damage.
You still won't do as much damage as the crossbow ace or the spiritualist, but I don't see them disarming traps and discovering lore as well as the psychic detective.


I'll be available for all the twilight gamers

Thursday Morning - To Seal a Shadow
Thursday Afternoon - OFF
Thursday Night - To Seal a Shadow
Thursday Overnight - To Seal a Shadow

Friday Morning - OFF
Friday Afternoon - OFF
Friday Night - Assault on Absalom (3-4)
Friday Overnight - To Seal a Shadow

Saturday Morning - OFF
Saturday Afternoon - Check out Kingmaker or drink or both
Saturday Night - Solstice Scar (3-4)
Saturday Overnight - To Seal a Shadow

Sunday - Catch a flight


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Taja the Barbarian wrote:
Impundulu is apparently from the Serpent's Skull AP, and that specific module (Vaults of Madness) has no entry on the Additional Resources page, so nothing from it appears to be PFS legal.

Yea I saw that would have been clearer if they left a note of nothing is available from #40


yes or no

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
I mean, I'm inclined to put the druid first because of the whole "wild shape into a carnivorous crystal ooze and vital strike" thing along with "is best friends with a tiger" on top of being a 9th level caster, but are we just looking at spell lists here?

This is strictly power if you know something we don't share. I'm the OP and I made my original list without full Knowledge on all classes. If you think Druid crushes the best overall state why, I'll prolly become better w/Druid because of it

3 people marked this as a favorite.
magispitt wrote:
I'm biased towards clerics because they're the best class

Clerics be dope

Sammy T wrote:
Summoner is a 6 level caster.

Noted OP edited. Thank you

I'm bored so I feel like debating the most powerful pc option in Pathfinder, the full caster. Below is my power rankings, based on op capabilities not favoritism, with very minimal reasoning for their position. Do you agree or disagree? Why? Don't care? That's fair I probably shouldn't either

1. Wizard - best spell list in the game
2. Witch - su Hex mechanic that uses main caster stat is op. Spell list not as good as wiz
3. Psychic - top save vs suck specialist. Has to umd scrolls/wands
4. Cleric - best divine caster period
5. Arcanist - more versatile Sorcerer with less Spell slots. Exploits>bloodline
6. Shaman - strong spell list. Not used often but very potent
7. Sorcerer - OG master blaster
8. Druid - weakest spell list imo. Although Saurian shamans are so deadly
9. Oracle - Spontaneous Divine hinders flexibility. This is a darn good class to put last, just shows full casters reign surpreme

Kill the child murderer, take the evil act and attone. Paladins suffer from being being dullards, now you have a Paladin with a backstory where some stand by your actions as a saint while haters sit back with disdain of your actions against the code.

Also it sounds like your dm misjudged the take photo, unless the text says it's an evil act.

I'm just holding this spot for a friend


The aspis just tried to bribe the cops


All the Minnesota peoples are asleep I lost at roshambo so I'll be forced to spoon with Ryan in our "queen-size" bed. Dehning pointed out to me the who's who at paizo at the hotel bar, pack of drunks if you ask me (not the paizo staff Jon and myself that is). Excited to play a retired scenario tomorrow afternoon with Mark Moreland(SP) gming. That being said my drink could use ice but I'm too lazy to walk down the hall and get it, dog gone-it in-room ice machines stat Hilton.

I got to play Hands of the Muted God at another con otherwise I can play the rest. Honestly I'd prefer a scenario Mark is prepared to run so I'd prefer one of the bolded scenarios.

Tier 1-7 characters

1 gm credit - lvl 1
The Gornlord - Bloodrager 2 (Draconic)
Sunflower - Sensai 3 (Vow of peace)
Doctor Richard Tracy - Psychic Detective 7

Hey one of the six with a golden ticket anyone know what tier this is?

TOZ wrote:
Mista Moore wrote:
For the Fighter haters out there I played Eyes of the Ten and later modules with a Fighter(Weapon Master) in our party that rattled of 200+ damage in several encounters. He wasn't considered a weak link in the party.
Meanwhile I watched the paladin spike 300 damage when she wanted, the eidolons pounced everything to death, the kung-fu raptor went to puree mode, and the casters removed targets without needing a single point of damage. YMMV.

I'm the opposite where I don't prefer playing the most op classes in the game. I still thought 200+ with a Fighter with 18 Str was pretty impressive.

Yea I'm heading to Seattle I don't have a room set up though

Martial all day. Easier to prep between games and I like doing good old fashion damage

For the Fighter haters out there I played Eyes of the Ten and later modules with a Fighter(Weapon Master) in our party that rattled of 200+ damage in several encounters. He wasn't considered a weak link in the party.

Favorite class tie between fighter, ninja or monk

Dotted. Thinking about Cleric of asmodeous or zon-kuthon(sp)


jon dehning wrote:
MisterSlanky wrote:
jon dehning wrote:
It should be ok. No one will order the f%&%ing Merlot.
I might...for you.
I'd drink it. Can't be any worse than Bud Light.

No but there's plenty of things that taste just as bad(


jon dehning wrote:
Sad Paul Giamatti wrote:
Yea well, I'll be there. It's probably going to be a rough go of things, as they always are for Paul Giamatti
It should be ok. No one will order the f*!&ing Merlot.

If being served Merlot was my biggest worry things might actually start looking up for Paul. NOT THE CASE THOUGH!!! I'M STILL A BALD-FAT-LOSER THAT NO WOMAN WILL EVER WANT TO TOUCH! EEYORE! EEYORE!


I have Gamin, he's reforged and enhanced with a boon. Can I upgrade the sword any further or is it stuck at +2.

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