
Mioki's page

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 65 posts (1,868 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 7 aliases.

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M Human Slayer / 1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 15 (T: 13 FF: 12) | CMB: 3 CMD: 16 | F: +4 R: +5 W +1 | Init. +3 (+4 Surprise Round) | Perc. +5 | Spd: 30 ft | Active Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0

Sorry GM, still around and getting a post up is on my radar.

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Thanks for the motivation! I really miss playing this too, and knowing that you folks are still out there really helps.

These last several weeks have been a whirlwind of busy to complete insanity. I feel like my company unleashed a Chaos Beast on me.

Almost every night I make a plan to post something after dinner, but by then I am totally zonked.

Some good news and hope, they are hiring someone to take over my Pennsylvania clinics which will take away about 1/3 of my work.

We did hire someone already, but they only lasted 6 days. We have someone else who should be starting by the end of the month. After some training, I am truly hoping that I will then have the time/energy to save these damn colonists already.

As of now, this weekend looks open. With the motivation, I am hoping to post something.

Thanks everyone for sticking with me. Let's slay some Sahuagin!

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The Pathfinder books being sold now, are they from the latest printing? 4th printing, I believe. I have several copies of the 1st printing hardcover and pocket, but I am thinking that I may want at least one print copy with all of the current errata. I know that the PDF's update, but I do like a good physical copy. Thanks for any response.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Sounds awesome! I have been enjoying watching the DAT crew play Pathfinder Heroic Endeavors. Hoping for a 3rd season. Looks like a good time to learn some Starfinder.

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A Brief Recap:

After returning to Talmandor’s Bounty with two of the original colonists, the body of Eliza Haniver and a captured Rayland Arkley, you may have more new questions than answers. Both seemed to be under some type of mind control, and Rayland has no memories of what happened to the missing colonists.

Once back, Ramona Avandth and Carver Hastings meet with you in private. During this meeting it is revealed that Carver is a member of the Pathfinder Society. Carver discusses a legendary Pathfinder name Durvin Gest and a tome penned by Gest entitled The Pathfinder Chronicles. Excerpts from this tome discuss important sites on Ancorato. It is suggested that you find and explore these areas.

Chronicles and Sites Post

It was also noted that scouts spotted a flotation of aquatic humanoids to the north of the island, and it was suggested that the party start there to build relations with native inhabitants. The party followed this suggestion and traveled north to find this floatation. You find out that these aquatic humanoids are Locathah, and you meet with Koloshkora. Koloshkora mentions an evil sea hag named Helekterie and evil Sahuagin that terrorize her people and disrupt trade. The Locathah agree to open up trade with their underwater city of Talasantri if you agree to eliminate the Sahuagin threat. Koloshkora offers to take you to the sunken ship where the Sahuagin dwell, but first she suggests a meeting with someone named Vriskirsa, who might be inclined to aid the party with underwater breathing. The party agrees to travel back to Talmandor’s Bounty, then meet up with Koloshkora in three days. When you return to the colony, you are summoned to the home of Carver Hastings. This is where you currently find yourselves.

Hopefully this jogs your memory a bit. I hope to add an official post over the weekend, but I wanted to do this recap first.

If you have a chance, skim over the last 3 pages, 54-56. These pages review the recap above, and several of these posts provide more detail than the recap. Also, a few npc’s were introduced that might have importance later in the game.

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Hey There Azlanti Colonists,

I am still alive and kicking. I am not sure where the last few months have gone, but I have been buried in work.

If you are reading this, hopefully you are interested in bringing this game back to life.

Here is the deal: I am taking off next week. We rented a cabin near Letchworth State Park in NY for a few days. We will be exploring, hiking and waterfall chasing. I know that when I return, I am going to have a busy time with work through October. Last November, my NJ facilities transitioned to a new billing software. This was a real busy time. The expectation of my PA clinics to transition is late September into October. My hope that after October, things will normalize.

I truly miss having the time to devote to this game and want to bring it back to life. Since it has been so long, I am thinking of writing a short recap and easing back in soon.

If you have read this far, thank you for your patience, understanding, and dedication.

Cheers and Happy Trails for now ...

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M Human Slayer / 1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 15 (T: 13 FF: 12) | CMB: 3 CMD: 16 | F: +4 R: +5 W +1 | Init. +3 (+4 Surprise Round) | Perc. +5 | Spd: 30 ft | Active Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0

I am a big fan of the computer game and would welcome elements and NPC's from the game.

I am fine either way. My suggestion would be to let's have this current battle play out and see how long it takes us.

Even if shipping starts in September, your order may not arrive in your hands until late September or possibly October depending on the warehouse and what type of shipping you selected. Then you'll need time to review the changes and decide what you would like to implement.

It really comes down to how long do you want to wait. I plan on being here when you are ready.

While I am here, I'll offer a quick update on Azlant's status. I do want to get things going again. (hopefully, you all do too) Work has been sucking a lot of my time and energy. Some of my health issues have resurfaced, and I am recognizing that many are due to the stress and long hours at work. I am making some progress at work and do feel my motivation coming back. Hopefully, I'll start posting again soon.

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Hey Everyone.

I would like to wish everyone Stateside a Happy Independence Day.

Sorry again for another absence. Work has just burned me out. By the time I get home, the last thing I want to do is look at a computer.

I am hoping this is temporary; therefore, I am not ready to give up on this game yet.

Book 2 looks to be really fun, and I want to get my head back in the game and share it with you.

With the nice weather and longer days, I have been focusing on getting outside which does wonders for my mental health.

I hope you all understand. Stay safe and enjoy the holiday.

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Weather has been exceptional here in eastern Pennsylvania. Decided to do some backpacking this weekend. Will catch up in a day or so.

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I'll be taking a long weekend. Have a multiday canoe trip planned. Leaving Friday and returning some time on Sunday.

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Fenna Pender wrote:

I'm very sorry for the long absence everyone. I was getting badly burned out by work especially, and life in general so I took the long holiday weekend to go to the beach and get away for a bit. That made coming back hard, and I just couldn't muster the energy to start back up with regular life. Took few days off for laying on the floor and staring at the ceiling, walking the dog a lot, eating a different kind of salad for every meal including breakfast, and spent one day doing nothing but laying on the couch and binging the entire 4th season of Stranger Things. In sum, avoiding everything.

I'm feeling better now so I'm in the process of getting caught up. Thank you for your patience.

I am glad you are feeling better. I do understand the issue of burn out. You never have to apologize. Your mental and physical health always come first. Take a break whenever you need it.

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M Human Slayer / 1 | HP 11/11 | AC: 15 (T: 13 FF: 12) | CMB: 3 CMD: 16 | F: +4 R: +5 W +1 | Init. +3 (+4 Surprise Round) | Perc. +5 | Spd: 30 ft | Active Conditions: None | Hero Points: 0

Paizo needs a virtual dice jail. Actaeon needs new dice ASAP.

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Unless you want to RP it out, we can now assume that translation is happening when needed for the rest of this encounter

The mechanical humanoids speak in unison and direct their words towards Vexas, ”Our main purpose is to perform repairs and upkeep for this facility. We were also recently programmed to defend the tower against intruders. Since you have the keys but are not the one who reactivated us, our programming is still interpreting if you are intruders.”

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I caved and cast a vote. For my own sanity, I need to work less and play more.

I will focus on Azlant tonight.

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In my mind's eye, I am watching cinematic awesomeness! The audience just gasped in total shock and surprise.

Fenna went all BAD-ASS on Eliza.

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I would like to wish you all Happy Holidays and a wonderful New Year!

Sorry for the extended absence. I really want/need to get back into this game. I so want have this story told.

I have let the weeks get past me while I dealt with long work days and weeks. I am having a difficult time staffing my facilities and even found myself doing my old job due to the staff shortage.

I have a few things to catch up on today, but then I have a 2-day break where my goal will be to get into character and introduce Eliza. Is she friend or foe? Let's find out ...

If you are all still with me, thank you for your patience. You have all been very supportive and understanding while I face some personal challenges.

Have a safe and happy New Year.

Returning to Azlant in 2022 ...

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Hey Everyone,

I did not want you all to think that I am ghosting this game. I really want to get back to playing. I am working on figuring out a medication regiment that is effective, but also does not make me so tired at night. Most nights I have just been feeling numb and uncreative.

On top of that, work has been nuts. We are in the process of implementing a new Revenue Cycle Management system which is leading to some long days.

I am taking a break for a few days next week. The wife and I are going up to Ithaca, NY for some waterfall chasing. Then I'll be back to clean up whatever I missed. It has already been a bit, but I would like to call a hiatus until mid-November. My hope is that I can get back to a regular and enthusiastic posting schedule.

I hope you are all still around and with me.


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I am back but had a long day catching up on things. Tomorrow, going to see our niece perform at half-time during her high school football game. Will catch up over the weekend.

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I hope you had a good time. And checked for ticks . . .

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With their ambush detected due to the vigilant Malakar, two Skum, each holding rune inscribed tridents, emerge through their respective east and west walls. With the entrance of the Skum through the walls, you can will your mind to see the barriers as illusions.

The Skum bare drooling mouths filled with sharp teeth. Their deep-red, bulbous eyes dance on their face, glistening with blood-filled intensity. They raise their sharp tridents as they advance.


Fenna <----
Vexas <----
Malakar <---- (Bull’s Strength)
Sho <----
Skum (Blue)
Skum (Red)

The added dashed lines on the map reveal where the walls waiver to show where the illusion exists.

FYI. Detecting the ambush was crazy luck. Malakar rolled Natural 20’s on both his Perception Check and Will Save, while the Skum rolled a Natural 1 on their Stealth Check.

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I sense a romance brewing ...

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Malakar_Paradise wrote:

It will be a while before they would be available but I want to make sure a source is ok.

I am a big fan of the Iron Gods AP and the technology guide. The Tech Guide has druid spells for use agaisnt technology.

Namely Anti-tech field and circle of protection from technology.

Would those be spells Malakar could use in the future at appropriate levels?

I have no issues with the spells. It might be fun to RP. Malakar could get a bit introspective. I would thing that technology would be real foreign to a character like Malakar. He might seek guidance from Gozreh, the outcome being the above mentioned spells.

Just suggestions though, Malakar is your character after all.

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I better not find any chewing gum under that bench.

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Vexas Flamespark wrote:
Nice, thanks! How does it manifest for the characters in-game? I hint of inspiration?

I am thinking that this could manifest in many ways depending on the character and the situation.

For example: Vexas, with his new found magic, could sense an arcane tear and use this to his advantage. Or his Rogue's eye along with his magic could find a way through a Web.

Brannart could simply feel an adrenaline rush.

Malakar could feel divine intervention or along with Sho, feel the ebbs and flow of nature (for underwater combat, maybe the natural ocean current) and use this to their advantage.

Fenna, being a Bard, could have a mix of these depending on the situation.

Hopefully, this is what you were looking for.

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Since I like to offer gifts on holidays:

I reward everyone a 'Freedom Point'.

A 'Freedom Point' will provide the user with 1d4 + 1 Rounds of Freedom of Movement, as if under the spell of the same name.

This could come in handy during future underwater combat.

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Wishing everyone Stateside a wonderful Independence Day. And to include Sho, I would like to thank the French people for their role in our freedom and the gift of Lady Liberty.

Cheers to all!

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Brannart Teskerwill wrote:

@GM, I would be happy to have you stay on and run this game as your health allows.

I didn't mean to jump the gun on replacing you. I had thought you were rather definitively dropping it, but am glad that is not the case. I agree with Fenna.

No jumping the gun at all. I really thought I was surely done. I realize that I overreacted. Your previous post inspired me to keep at it, and for that, I Thank You.

I realize the chances of someone else stepping in are low, and this game helps me keep my mind off of real-world things.

As energy allows, I'll keep at it.

Thanks Everyone!

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No pressure felt at all. It is nice to hear that you are enjoying the game. I'm optimistic in my recovery, but I also know that I am not out of the woods. Like I mentioned, I think I just had a knee-jerk reaction to the news, but I also know that July and all of my scheduled tests will be a major factor.

I do enjoy this game because of all you awesome players, and I want to see these characters play through to the final encounter. With or without me.

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The Luetin / Harcourt Encounter was the last official sand-box encounter in Chapter 3.

Feel free to interact with NPC's and do town stuff over the weekend. I'll post where appropriate.

I'll assume you'll want to get a good-night's rest and start fresh the next day by attempting to locate the trail.

If you have other plans, let me know.

We'll officially start Chapter 4 on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!

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Hope everyone is doing well.

I would like to move the game along. For those that have not, please update your character sheet, including the main stats that show above your character icon.

Also, has there been a decision on your next move? Attempt to find the trail or rest somewhere to prepare your new spells?

I believe the consensus was to keep moving, but that was before leveling up. Unless there is a change, I will continue with this decision.

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WooHoo!! Congrats on 2000 posts.

Lyra rewards you with a single-use item of your choice up to 3rd level.

(potion, scroll, etc ...)

You can haggle, if want something else. :)

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Assembler wrote:

Sorry for vanishing. Rough work week. Glad to see you're back, Mioki.

After this experience, I believe I can safely conclude that PBP is not for me.

Good to hear from you Assembler. PBP can be challenging to keep up with. And you picked up a game that was going for over a year. That could not have been easy.

Thank you for keeping this game alive. Without your contribution, this game may have ended for good.

Thanks again.

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Fenna Pender wrote:
If there's agreement all around that would be great Mioki, and welcome back! I hope the reasons you end the hike early were good ones!

Looks like everyone checked in. I'll give it the weekend out of respect to Assembler. If we do not hear back by then, I'll put a request into Paizo Customer Service to switch the game over and offer up a post.

I ended my hike on my terms. I had some tendonitis in my left achilles that I was working through. This I could have dealt with. What sealed the deal was speaking to my wife each night. (you would be surprised how good reception is out in the woods - there are communication towers all over the ridges). Laying in my tent each night, I realized just how much I missed her. Also, I missed GrubHub. Hiker Hunger is a real thing!

Also, glad to be back playing with you folks.

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The large Orc wearing field-plate and brandishing a large great-axe, turns to meet Sky Voice as he comes around the merchant wagon. When its back is turned, Towering Brother plows into him, sweeping his head back and forth. Towering Brother's tusks tear through the Orc's armor and rips it off the brigand with his powerful movement. The Orc bleeds with many wounds and lacerations but it still stands and snarls through the pain as the drum beats continue.

Used a Critical Hit Card for inspiration, hence the loss of the armor.

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Hawthwile, your writing really brings out the stubbornness in dwarves. I believe I am really going to enjoy Schwertleite's interactions throughout the game.

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Today was quite a day. I'll give Kowal until tomorrow to post before I roll for him.

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OK Folks,

Want to make it official and set a deadline for myself to be ready.

Below is the link to GiantSlayer:

GiantSlayer AP

I hope to start a short Prelude (nothing to the extent of Azlant) by 2/1/21.

If you can have characters completed by 1/25/21, this will give me time to work your backstories into the game and create encounters for PC introductions.

My goal is to start with 6 PC's. If you want to put out some recruitment feelers, we'll have room for 2 more players. They can PM me or submit ideas in the GiantSlayer Discussion thread.

Character Creation guidelines are posted in the Discussion Thread. If you have questions or if I missed something, let me know.


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Wishing you all a safe and Happy New Year!

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I would like to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I hope Santa, The Holiday Armadillo, and/or Superman (whoever you want to believe in) delivers many Natural 20's to your stockings and under your tree and Oil of Everlast Burning for your Menorah.

Best wishes.

I'll post again on Saturday.

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Sho, I am going to have AC/DC in my head the rest of the day.

Not that that is a bad thing. Thank You!

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Vexas Flamespark wrote:
I do NOT miss snow. Used to have to shovel it all the time (3 hours at a time, for any hope of getting to work) in the midwest, now it's a rare welcome (and brief) appearance in Seattle.

and this is why Vexas chose to move to Azlant. Kind of like Seattle, without the rain.

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Brannart Teskerwill wrote:
They've been up for a week. It is possible that life has gotten in the way, but for the sake of the game's momentum I would suggest botting them at this point and PM'ing the players.

I messaged both players. I'll play their turns tomorrow (probably around 3-4pm ESt) if they are unable to post.

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The battle rages on with clangs of metal on metal and growls from your adversaries as they close in and offer no escape from either direction.

Brannart is able to see his enemies quite well since he still wields his glowing ranseur which adds to the light shining in from the entrance. Meanwhile Fenna is having a more difficult time making out her enemy through the darkness and gloom. She makes out Razor swimming in front of her and barely sees the silhouettes of Grindylows and their sharp spears farther back in the cave system.

No Bears. I am back from vacation and ready to play. Fenna, Malakar, and Razor are up.

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Fenna, Malakar, and Razor are up. I will return on Sunday, 10/25 unless a bear eats me

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Looks beautiful and sounds awesome. Thanks for sharing. Crowds should vanish after the first lake. Enjoy the disconnection and the live streams. Have fun!


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Glad to see you all off to an awesome new beginning. GM Losonti thank you for picking this up. Now go slay demons!

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Sorry, lots of good stuff is happening. This weekend I will be back home and ready to post. I got a promotion. It all happened very fast and I have been away from home and my pc. Do not like posting from phone or work laptop.

I now oversee all of our clinics in our NJ/ PA region and I have been taking the tour to engage staff and visit the facilties. I will be home tomorrow night and off on Friday to get my head back in the game. If you are all down, I will be ready to go.

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GM Losonti,

Great to hear you are considering this game. This is an awesome group of players! My priorities changed recently, but this game and these players deserve some new life.

Have fun with the game everybody. I wish you all the best in your demon slaying and in RL.


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Will be back Tuesday night / Wednesday. The wife and I are doing a short getaway and going to visit one of our favorite Bed & Breakfasts that have reopened and do some hiking on one of our favorite waterfall trails.

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Folks, I'll be busy the next two days. I'll work on getting back into it on Wednesday.

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