Gelviel Zorriah

Merddyn's page

Organized Play Member. 30 posts (837 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 22 aliases.


Well since Sajan doesn't have a 5th level pregen yet (I'm very sad about this!), you take Fumbus and I'll plan on Merisiel

So that leaves: Amiri (Barbarian), Valeros (Fighter)(one of these for chillblame), Ezren (Wizard), and Kyra (Cleric)(one of these two for Cwethan)

Waiting to hear from Trailjava and there should be one more spot by my count.

I'd be interested in Merisiel or Fumbus.

I'd be interested in trying. Won't have time to build a character till the weekend, but with things starting the 26th, that shouldn't be a problem, right?

Actually, there are lot's of others here, I'll let them do it. I'll bow out.

Sure. I've wanted to try it.

I'm kind of surprised this question hasn't been brought up yet, but aasimar and tiefling alternate heritages and variant abilities?

Here's a complete Liam Hode. If you need more, please let me know.

It looks like your link keeps adding a space after the second %. I know I've had trouble with the paizo boards accepting a long string and that might be what's going on here. Maybe if we try this.

As for character, I'm looking to eventually go Ranger (Divine Marksman). For now though, a warrior. Liam Hode, about 12 years of age, son of Ivan, the fool. Liam worked hard to become strong and brave to prove his worth, distance himself from his father's legacy. Hopefully going to run with an arc where he can learn to let go of the comparisons between Ivan and himself, and just let it be.

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With some Russian folktales there's the magical animal helper (like the Gray Wolf in The Tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird, and the Gray Wolf), and I personally would love that idea. Either that or maybe a magic doll type idea like from Vasilisa the Beautiful.

Anyway, I'm a folklore fanatic, and so yes. Yes I'm very interested.

Alright, I've been watching this thread for a bit. Color me interested.

I agree with what's been said about consumables and WBL, except I might add one thing: I think we should not have all consumables count against WBL, just consumables spent above the recommended 15% of Wealth.

WBL assumes that a character at that level, has that much wealth, and doesn't include all the consumables spent before that level. So if there's a build that runs off of that assumption, that someone wants to try out, they're automatically punished, even if their gear collection is more like what they might find while in a full campaign.

I know a calculation like this might be more difficult than what's wanted, but I think this would be the most fair calculation:

Let C=Current Recommended WBL, N=Next Recommended WBL, P=Cost of Consumables Purchased this round, L=Cost of consumables used this round.

If .15C-P>=0 and L<P, then the PC gains N-C+L
If .15C-P>=0 and L>=P, then the PC gains N-C+P
If .15C-P<0 and .15C-L>=0, then the PC gains N-C+L
If .15C-P<0 and .15C-L<0, then the PC gains N-.85C

Or for those who are not math nerds, if a PC spends and uses more than 15% of their WBL, they gain back that 15%, then the difference between WBLs. If a PC buys more than 15% of their WBL, but uses less than 15% of their WBL, then they gain back the cost of what they used, and then the difference between WBLs. If a PC spends and uses less than 15%, then they gain back the cost of whichever is less (the amount they spent that round, or the amount they used), then the difference between WBLs.

That way, it discourages a scroll-nuke, or someone just building up to a scroll nuke, but also doesn't punish a regular use of WBL on consumables.

If that's too complicated, the next best thing is probably just to either have all consumables count against WBL as the posters above said, or give a free percentage to everyone (maybe somewhere in the middle of 15% and 0%).

Edit: I can't believe I didn't think of this till after I posted, but alternatively, you could give back 15% of the Current levels WBL or the cost of consumables purchased, whichever is less, and count all consumables as used in the round which they were purchased, so they don't carry on to the next round. That might simplify things enough to be usable.

I'm interested. I've got the Anachronistic Adventures, but haven't looked through it much, but I do have an concept for a Tough Wise Guy. Essentially a member of the Royal Geographic Society, gone on lot's of adventures exploring the world, and feels far more comfortable in the wild. He fell into Golarion while exploring one of these wilds.

Do you want a full character build for application? Or will just a background and build notes suffice?

I'm US (gmt-7). It is 3am now where I am now, but I'm just waking up for my day.

Okay, so I said I wasn't going to do the build, but it just kind of happened. . . .

Anyway, here's Kira

I don't have gear done yet, because I'm not sure how you want that done. Nor have I done spellbook and spells yet. But otherwise, she should be done. Complete with a slightly updated backstory (no extreme changes, mostly just rewrote it to be better), personality and description.

Zinou wrote:

The only player information that I feel I need to add is that wizards and monks don't have any specialized schools in Talingarde so they are either self-taught or had to learn from whoever was willing to teach them.
I am not sure and thus prefer to ask: is that background about the story of Talingarde or does it mean that a wizard has to be universalist?

I assumed that since it included monks it was background info. I can't speak for sure, but the GM did not express any problems with my initial idea of an enchantment specialist earllier, (though looking at it further I think I'm changing to a transmutationist). Of course part of that is because the GM has not posted since then, but . . .

Saulric The Black wrote:
Merddyn wrote:


** spoiler omitted **...

I would personally suggest you split your levels between Rogue and Wizard for the first two. With the right spell choice they synchronize really well and it would give us more arcane power and sneakiness right off the bat if you get chosen.

Yeah, I keep going back and forth on that. That is probably how I'd end up doing it.

As for the stats, yeah, I probably would end up keeping them as rolled. Kira's going to be interesting enough as is.

How long are you giving on recruitment? I'm hoping take some time to detail Kira out a bit more between now and then and want to plan my time if I can

GM Kobolum wrote:
I didn’t think anyone would actually take that option, I just pointed it out so that people would go look at the characters we already had. Hmm... An explanation of where you’d want to take the character roleplay wise and statistic wise and a roleplay sample? Yeah that sounds good. Or you could go for your rogue/wizard/arcane trickster.

Well, since it was an unexpected option, I'll probably go for the Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster. Besides, that would probably play better with the party you've already got.

Str: Foible
Dex: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16
Con: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Int: Focus
Wis: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15
Cha: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Oh, wow. That's a little . . . I don't know, I might go with the 25 point buy. That seems a little TOO good at everything. Villains just aren't as good without flaws.

Health: 1d8 ⇒ 1

Definitely half+1 health though.

Initial Concept:
Half-elf Rogue/Wizard/Arcane Trickster. She'll be an enchanter specialist, using it to buff her manipulation of people outside of combat and control the battle within combat, while feinting and stabbing for Sneak Attack, with the occasional blast.

Levels 1-2: Rogue
Levels 3-5: Wizard
Level 6: Rogue
Level 7-16: Arcane Trickster
Level 17-20 (Should we get there): Wizard

Basic Background (more to come later): Kira Petrilus was born to a family of elves, but she a half-elf. She never got a chance to know her human father, and her elven father hated her as the reminder of his wife's infidelity. She was treated poorly, to say the least, till she eventually ran away. She nearly starved to death on the streets of Matharyn, before she was taken in by a wizard, Wentzel. He and his familiar (an imp named Randune) taught her how to survive, how to use people. While she learned a lot about magic, she didn't get the chance to learn to do any. Her new family was taken away and imprisoned when it was discovered he was a worshiper of Asmodeus. Lickily for Kira, she was not officially part of his home, so she was able to hide and remain undetected when they came for Wentzel.

Kira moved out on her own, but this time she was prepared. She spent her time conning people of what she could. Despite this though, a spark had taken hold in her heart. She wanted revenge. Wentzel and Randune were her only family and they had been taken away. Mitra and his priests had ruined her family for something as simple as worshiping Asmodeus. Kira sought out jobs and cons that would cause the Church of Mitra to lose credibility, often impersonating a priest.

She got away with it for some time, but got caught. A man hired her to forge a document that threw Mitran support behind a known murderer, the man's brother, in an attempt to set him free. The man got caught and pointed directly to Kira.

(I stopped at that point. I figure I can change the end up however is best suited for introducing her. As for the build, I'm going to take you up on the offer expressed in OP to apply with just background, etc. If you need more details, I will be happy to provide.)

GM Kobolum wrote:
You can either take over one of the existing characters or create your own.

I'd be happy to pick up Baolo. Seems he hasn't been gone from the board for so long that it would be hard to reintroduce him and it might make for more consistent story.

He seems like he's got an interesting backstory and some good roleplay potential.

How would you like to handle it if that's the application I'd like to put in?

Also, would it be a problem if I'm running a Way of the Wicked game right now?

Alternatively, if that's not what you really want, I'd probably make something like a rogue/wizard/arcane trickster (though at second level, it'd be more just rogue)

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Yeah, I had a Wizard/Rogue/Arcane trickster that insisted he was a cleric. He spent the time after every battle "healing" everyone. And by healing, I mean casting Prestidigitation and cleaning them off. Our actual cleric was often frustrated with him. He eventually proclaimed himself the High Priest of his religion. It also happened to be a religion he created. . . . .

So essentially he was a cult leader.

Insufferable teammates is fine with me. Could be kinda fun. Maybe some kind of acrobat twins type thing.

Either way is fine with me.

Merddyn here checking in for a Monk. I realize the Core Monk already has problems with BAB and hitting, but that's kind of why I want to test it. It seems to be one of the spots this system might break and I'd like to see how that'd interact.

Alternatively, I could do pretty much anything if there's not enough interest in Arcane, Cleric or Skill roles or whatever.

My initial idea was that about when Grinceroy reaches level 1, based on Kira's recommendation, Eldin got him a low ranking spot in the army. Then he just spent many years proving himself and has been part of the army since that point. I'd had him as an older goblin (19 which is just under middle age--I wouldn't mind going older, I just always feel hokey using the age modifiers) with a good 10 years of service in the Taldan army.

No problem if that doesn't work for gaining enough trust. I've started working out a half-elf that would work too. I'd change the story a bit, but I could stick with some of the bare bones.

Starting my build. I would prefer a goblin, I was going with someone more Fey and First World oriented, but I can deal with one of the core races if you'd prefer (though I think I'd prefer elf, half-elf or gnome over halfling for that). I think I could do a half-elf, and not change too much of the story I'd had.

Health: 5d8 + 8 + 6 ⇒ (6, 8, 3, 5, 4) + 8 + 6 = 40

Character: Grinceroy is a goblin Phytokineticist (Elemental Ascetic) VMC Monk. He is a second tier melee fighter who uses his phytokinetics for battlefield control. Outside of combat, he is a great scout.

Backstory: Grinceroy was born into a tribe of goblins, and raised for a few years, before he eventually became lost in the woods while riding one of the wolves from the tribe. As he was trying to find his way, he ran into a traveling circus. They were extremely entertained by the little goblin and his wolf. They adopted him immediately. Grinceroy did not ever know what his goblin family had called him, but this is where he became The Flying Grinceroy, and found true family. He eventually named the wolf Dog.

Grinceroy learned to be an acrobat and traveled with the group for a long time. His body became extremely flexible. He learned how to brawl with troublemakers, even those who were much bigger than him. Occasionaly he helped the strongman stop problems. More importantly though, he met Kira, a woman who was able to teach him how to harness the energy of the First World. He learned how to manipulate plants and incorporated them into his performances.

Eventually though, the circus came to an end. The proprieter decided he was too old to continue travelling and the man chosen to take over, slowly drove everyone away. Grinceroy found himself in Andoran with only Kira left to care for him. She introduced him to a man named Eldis Grome, who helped Grinceroy find a place in Taldor. Grinceroy served loyaly in the Andoran army for some time, and kept in contact with Grome and Kira.

Personal: I'm 33 years old. Started playing pathfinder in 2012, and have really enjoyed it. I've since started playing some other RPG's, but Pathfinder is still my home.

Just to let you know, I'm coming with a submission. Should have it by the end of day.

Yeah, I'm curious to see how it goes. It sounds like an interesting idea and I'd love to try it out in action.

I have the build done and the basic background in my head. I should be able to create the background and move it all over to a profile by Friday.

Out of curiosity, I've seen several different profile varieties for the build. Do you have one that you prefer? And is there any particular reason?

incandescant wrote:
Some fun classes in the mix! Investigator, Fighter, Skald, Cleric and Sorcerer. That fills the 4 core roles well too. We have a fair amount of magic (3 arcane, 1 divine). I was expecting that everyone else's character choices would make mine easier, but that doesn't appear to have happened -- anyone have any thoughts on what roles would benefit the party?

I echo what Cheburn said. Pretty much anything will fit in that sixth spot. Though I will say, going back through I saw you like to play casters. If you'd rather go the magic route, I do have a few more ideas I wouldn't mind trying out and could give up the cleric spot with no issue. I can always try that character again later.


Thanks for bringing me aboard! I'm glad to be working with y'all.

I'm also flexible, though I suspect that my preferred class--a cleric--will probably be left to me anyway. I was thinking a follower of Shyka the Many.

I'm definitely interested. I do have a game that I am getting ready to run on the boards, but that is it. With that though, I will gladly step aside for others who have nothing in the way of experience.