4 people marked this as a favorite.
So happy to hear that this part at least went smoothly. Sending love to all the staff members working through this.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Absolutely standing in solidarity with United Paizo Workers. Hoping that Paizo management recognizes this opportunity to do the best thing for their workers and to set an amazing example in the TTRPG market.
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The special was fantastic! Looking forward to running it at a local con in a handful of weeks!
I would love to use multiple Ultimate decks. It could be neat if you had a "primary" deck that you used starting from AD1, and then after completing AD3, you added a secondary deck.
But, I'm one of those ACG weirdos that was looking forward to playing each deck with 4 ultimate decks so take that with a grain of salt.
Here here!
*joins in the clapping*
Add me to the list bemoaning the death of this and the web fiction. Understand the stated reasoning, but think it is a large loss to the product.
Tanis, very glad I got to meet you at Gen Con and best of wishes to you!
The other night I was actually playing the PACG app in between turns of playing PACG with the people that got me into Pathfinder and taught me PACG originally.
I assembled mine Sunday evening, and have to agree that it's the best yet. For anyone that plays a lot of PACG, you SHOULD be buying these organizers.
Amazing that's been so long already!
Ever since I've been doing OP, I've had my cards sleeved. For S&S I used yellow sleeves and for Wrath I used red. Now, with Runelords, I don't know what color to use. I'm thinking green (as its the color of you-know-who's robe) but I'm not 100% on that. I prefer to use Ultra Pro Pro Matte sleeves, and I welcome any and all suggestions.
Sounds like this is the order of operations:
1) Check for Mythic Charge
Yes: Auto acquire
No: GOTO 2
2) Attempt Charisma check to acquire
Yes: Acquire
No: Banish
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I'm fine with having the Iconics in the class decks, for reasons everyone has already mentioned.
But when they make Fighter Class Deck 2 (or whatever it's called) I don't want another Valeros in there.
Hawkmoon269 wrote: MattCaulder wrote: Hawkmoon269 wrote: So...many...loot...blessings...
Also, promo cohort. Very nice. I'm not seeing any promo cohort. Wonder if this is a case of Paizo using the wrong image in the original post.... There isn't a picture of it. It is just mentioned in the intro paragraph. Ah! I didn't scan the italics at the top. I should have read everything. Thanks Hawk. As usual, you have the answer.
Hawkmoon269 wrote: So...many...loot...blessings...
Also, promo cohort. Very nice.
I'm not seeing any promo cohort. Wonder if this is a case of Paizo using the wrong image in the original post....
Shame to see this go away. Always enjoyed it.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mike, so sad to hear you're leaving. You've done so much to improve PFS. Very glad I've been able to meet you twice in the last few years. Please don't hesitate to visit us in FL from time to time.
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So now, all we need is how to play Ekkie/Ranzak in OP. Hoping that info pops up on Tuesdays blog...
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When the "Best Character Ever" series was announced, I was waiting for Damiel. Because he is the best.
And the tease at the end made me even more excited for MM. Damn you Liz! (notreallyitsawesomepleasekeepmakinggreatgamesthankyou)
PACG Subscription Page wrote: Subscription shipments will also include any promo cards associated with that month's release! That doesn't say all promos.
Well, they said they were testing it. I imagine it is very likely she'll be an unlockable character, but there's nothing definite afaik.
Congrats and welcome to the team!
Thank you both Andrew and Tanis. Was pretty sure that was the case, but I didn't have time to source it today.
Okay, sorry to hard-necro this thread. But can we confirm:
T-shirt allows reroll of one die;
Playmat allows same power of "discard a card, draw a card" as long as you have the proper class deck (specific character in case of unlocked characters)
Tiercis wrote: I think it would be pretty cool if promo cards counted as whatever adventure number you are currently playing. That way if you are in box 3 for instance, and you happen to pull one of the very few promo cards, it can be used as an upgrade of it's type for adventure deck 3 or lower. (Fire Sneeze would unlock a Spell 3 slot in this case) It would make finding promo cards in the box just a little more fun, and wouldn't hurt the game. It doesn't come up very often with 12 or less in the box at any given time, and no trouble remembering since it scales with the adventure.
I actually kinda dig this idea because it gives me a reason as an organizer to add the promo cards into the box. Kinda bummed my OP players will never see/use Vomit Twin.
Andrew L Klein wrote: Being identical wording, I see no reason it'd be different. Agreed.
So long as you're the one benefiting from the spell.
I was really excited to see this announcement. The gameplay style of PACG has ruined a few deckbuilders for me, notably Shadowrun: Crossfire for the big reason that it doesn't have any pesistance between games.
Man, after hearing all these missing card reports, I'm thinking I should go through my boxes and check everything out.
Am I the only person who thinks there will be four characters in the Paladin deck? There's four character portraits on the top of the box and the text says there's Seelah and 3 new characters. That's four.
I got a set myself this weekend and the minis are outstanding! A lot of detail packed into one small fig. Some of the faces are a little rough, but I think at that scale, that's a hit or miss in a lot of cases.
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Does this mean Wizards can trade non-Core spells among themselves at tables? So if Wizard 1 has a spell in his spellbook, Wizard 2 can scribe it in his spellbook for the appropriate cost?
Theryon Stormrune wrote: I'm pretty sure that when it comes to the actual boxes, first look to see if it says Printed in China (and, therefore, 1st printing). Also, if the box opens from the top, it is 1st printing; if it opens from the side, 2nd printing (USA). Okay, thanks for the info Theryon. I'm guessing that my baseset will say "Printed in China" somewhere as well.
Is there a way to tell what printing an adventure deck is from? I don't own all of RotRl, though I eventually plan to.
Thanks everyone for the comments. Joshua, your sheets are fine, but the document that CanisDirus pointed to I was able to create forms using Adobe Acrobat. For some reason, the version of that doc I had was watermarked and protected and I couldn't find the download location again.
Thanks again everyone!
pluvia33 wrote: Nice spoilers!
Now, quick question since I'm sure it will come up with my Kyra player and I just want to make sure: does this special blessing count as a Blessing of Sarenrae for the purposes of Kyra's "recharge instead of discarding" power?
I'm wondering they'll change the wording to "a Blessing with the Sarenrae trait"
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IIISantosIII wrote: I am still undecided about sleeving...I know some people say their cards showed "wear" after x amount of play time. I am new to rpg card games. Can someone show a pic of common "wear" after x amount of time.
I sleeved my cards almost right after I got them, because I knew it was going to get a lot of play with OP coming. And it has. Easily had 25+ games and no problems.
I use Ultra-Pro Pro Matte for all my PACG cards, in various colors:
http://www.amazon.com/Ultra-Yellow-Protectors-Sleeves-Standard/dp/B00HOI1SD E/ref=pd_sim_sbs_t_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=00KGFSVC02FM80WYRBTK
I use yellow for S&S since the main theme color is yellow. For class decks, I buy one pack of a color, and the matching deck box for storage.
I also bought one of these from Broken Token:
and I'll swear by it every chance I get.
Anyone have a form-fillable reporting sheet for PACG? Got a big con coming up and having a bunch of pre-made sheets would be super helpful.
Here's how I'm doing it:
You can take the reward for each adventure once, which you gain regardless of whether or not you use it on your first success. Then, follow the Adventure Deck rules as stated in the Guide.
I'm playing Oloch in the home game I play with my wife and he's been very fun. Reliable and it's a fun combo to be able to heal and beat stuff down.
Andrew L Klein wrote: I've never played Pathfinder RPG in a Society setting, but I may do that now. What's cool is (if I recall correctly) you can play the adventure with regular characters (meaning not PFS-legal) and assign the sheets to a proper PFS character. Win-win.
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I love the multi-tiered boon John, but if I'm honest, I feel the playtest window was too short, or at a weird part of the year. I know personally I wasn't able to devote any time to reading the playtest rules, let alone play 9 or more games with a playtest character.
Hey I know that guy! Congrats Scott!
Looks nice. Still deciding how to carry around class decks. This might be the box I hold all my dice/extra cards in.
Still looking forward to seeing the Adventure case.
I agree, without any sort of news from Ultra Pro, I'm not interested in their solution any longer. The organizer from BrokenToken looks great, and I'll be ordering one soon.
Ah, I was misremembering. Thanks Hawkmoon!
So, you couldn't split up an "AND" check, only a "THEN" check?
Full Name |
Shirow The Fixer |
Race |
Elf |
Classes/Levels |
Fixer (Face/Decker) |
Gender |
Male |
Location |
Boston |
Languages |
English, Sperethiel, German |
Occupation |
BTL peddler, Information Broker, General go-between and deal maker. |
Strength |
2 |
Dexterity |
4 |
Constitution |
3 |
Intelligence |
6 |
Wisdom |
4 |
Charisma |
5 |