So there's a bit of contention over my wife's new Witch build.
She's ultimately going to prestige into the new Winter Witch class, so she wants to have the Winter Witch archetype to start.
But, she's also an Orc and wants the Scarred Witch archetype.
Now, both of these archetypes modify the familiar class feature, but I read them to mean that they will work together. The Winter Witch says
Winter witches must choose a familiar that
is native to the frozen north, even when they themselves
operate in other regions. Traditionally, this limits winter
witch familiar choices to bat, cat, fox, hawk, owl, rat,
raven, or weasel. A winter witch who gains the Improved
Familiar feat can select any familiar she desires, save for
familiars with the fire subtype.
which doesn't lock her into choosing a specific familiar, just one that will survive in the northern climate.
The Scarred Witch says
At 1st level, a scarred witch doctor
forms a bond with a wooden mask.....This ability otherwise functions like
and replaces the standard witch familiar.
So, it sounds like, to me at least, that these should work together.