Elvish Fighter

Maeron Thannor's page

No posts. Organized Play character for Capricornus.

Silver Crusade

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I've always had a soft spot for the Grippli race, and I am happy they are in Pathfinder. Their latest incarnation has this feat called Agile Tongue, which allows them to use Sleight of Hand, Steal, and Disarm maneuvers at a range of 10ft, and deliver touch attacks with it. This struck me as particularly amusing.

So what do Grippli have going for them? +2 Dex and +2 Wis, -2 Str. Small size, 30ft speed and a 20ft Climb speed, +4 to Stealth in Forest or Swamp terrain, Swamp Stride - ignore difficult terrain in Swamps, proficiency with nets, Darkvision.

Now I'm not keen on the stealth bonus or the Swamp Stride, but luckily there are some alternate racial traits. Glider (you can glide) replaces Swamp Stride, Jumper (always considered to have a running start when jumping) replaces the Stealth bonus. Toxic Skin (1/day Dex-based poison) replaces both. Princely (+2 Intimidate and Diplomacy, gain Rapier proficiency) replaces Swamp Stride and the Net proficiency.

The first thing that came to mind was a Maneuver Master Monk called Master Frog that focussed on Disarm and Steal, and to a lesser extent Sleight of Hand (using a trait to gain it as a class skill). Now this is not particularly powerful, but is funny. The Glider and Jumper traits seem good choices, though the Princely one can help make him a Face character. Agile Tongue is the level 1 feat, and Improved Disarm the Monk Bonus. Stats something like: S 12, D 16, Co 13, I 12, W 16, Ch 10. Agile Maneuvers is something to pick soon as his CMB is not going to be good. Damage is going to be quite weak, but Stunning Fist may be decent. AC will be okay, and mobility is excellent with the Climb speed. Going with some sort of ranged Monk may be best.

The next thing that occurs to me is a touch spell focused mage, which sounds weird when you consider he's delivering it at 10ft range - with his tongue. While on a wall or ceiling.

Any other Grippli fans out there with thoughts on these concepts or other fun Grippli builds?

Silver Crusade

With a thump, Venture-Captain Brackett sets a rounded granite stone on his desk. The stone is polished smooth and veined with shallow carvings reminiscent of constellations. "This is a lorestone, from the depths of the Verduran Forest. It’s rumored to hold all of the secrets of the druids of that ancient wood. Just over two years ago, a group of Pathfinders recovered this stone for us. We’re not much closer to cracking its secrets than we were on the day those agents put it into our hands, but we have gleaned one interesting bit of knowledge."

"The lorestone tells of a lengthy ritual using an artifact called the Atavistic Splinter, a piece of charred bark touched by Gozreh himself. The ritual transforms humanoids into bestial creatures with preternatural resilience. We could use something with this kind of power for the upcoming Ruby Phoenix Tournament in Goka, so we need you to recover the Atavistic Splinter for us."

"We believe the artifact is near the gnome town of Wispil, deep in the Verduran Forest. A Pathfinder operative there—a gnome herbalist named Falbin—was investigating increased lycanthrope activity south of Wispil. Falbin discovered that a sinister cabal of druids in a compound called Briar Henge is using the Atavistic Splinter to perform the ritual, probably to drive out the local loggers, but he couldn’t recover the Atavistic Splinter from the druids by himself."

"Go to Wispil and contact Falbin there. He will provide you with directions to Briar Henge and recent intelligence regarding the situation around Wispil. Then use this information to infiltrate Briar Henge and acquire the Atavistic Splinter."

DC 15 Knowledge: History:
Taldor has been at peace with the druids of the Verduran Forest for hundreds of years, since the Treaty of Wildwood in 3841 ar.

DC 20 Knowledge: History:
Some druid cabals in the Verduran Forest take a dim view of civilized settlement in the forest, even though settlements are protected by the Treaty of Wildwood.

DC 25 Knowledge: History:
Taldor so values its lumber trade that even sinister druid cabals are left unchecked by the authorities, so long as the cabals’ depredations are fairly limited.

DC 15 Knowledge: Nature:
Small groups of druids often occupy sites where the border to the First World is thin. In these wild places, druids often ally with fey creatures.

DC 20 Knowledge: Nature:
Lycanthropes are a dangerous menace in the Verduran Forest. As a result, lycanthrope hunters often compete to earn lucrative bounties. Upon rumors of a lycanthrope uprising, opportunistic hunters quickly descend on the area.

DC 25 Knowledge: Nature:
Briar Henge is constructed with living walls of spiky briars. If the druids have allied with fey, they might have good relations with twig jacks, malicious fey creatures made of thorns.

"Any further questions?"

Silver Crusade

Discussion thread open!

Check in and say hi. Feel free to discuss character and strategy.

Silver Crusade

I didn't know how else to get this done, save in this thread. I figured most of you will be watching recruitment threads. ;)

For those that have signed up for my game on Warhorn.net, sign in here and I'll get the discussion thread set up in anticipation of starting.

For everyone else, this is not an actual recruitment thread - it is a sign-in thread for those who signed up on Warhorn.net.

Silver Crusade

I'm getting a Race boon for PFS for the Ifrit race, and after going over my options I'm considering an Ifrit Oracle, Dual Cursed (Blackened and Tongues, with Tongues being the one that doesn't improve), Flame Mystery. I'm going for a fairly blasty build with some battlefield control on top of that and some summoning once I have access to Summon Monster II to take advantage of the Fire Insight alternate racial trait.

S 8
D 16
Co 12
I 10
W 10
Ch 19

Alternate Racial Traits: Wildfire Heart (+4 Init), Efreeti Magic (Enlarge Person or Reduce Person 1/day), Fire Insight (+2 rounds duration on Summons of Fire-type creatures)

Improved Initiative for first level feat.

Misfortune (From the Dual-Cursed archetype) for first level Revelation.

But what about spells? I'll have Burning Hands at first level for the Blackened curse. I'm considering Obscuring Mist and Command for the other two.

What about traits? Reactionary seems like a good place to start. The character's Initiative will be +13 at first level.

Is dual-cursed horrible? The Misfortune Revelation looks awesome. I'm also taking that so that I don't end up with overlap in bonus spells known for the Blackened curse and Flame Mystery.

How about Feat progression? Extra Mysteries? Spell Focus Evocation?

Anyone with experience with this sort of build? Suggestions or advice?

“Close the door,” Ambrus Valsin murmurs as the team gathers in his office. “Let me start by saying, this mission is not for dissemination among other members of the Society.” The chamberlain of the Grand Lodge gives everyone a serious look in turn before continuing. “This mission is not an investigation, just a simple, straightforward assignment, but that makes it no less important.”

“I need you to book passage to the Lands of the Linnorm Kings, and cross over into Irrisen. You’re to head north and rendezvous with another team who have captured some—” Valsin pauses for a heartbeat before continuing. “—persons of interest. We have reason to believe that these individuals have information on the Shadow Lodge cells that are refusing to reconcile with the Society under Grandmaster Torch’s leadership.” Valsin’s expression becomes particularly grim at that point. “If these rogue cells are outright refusing amnesty, then they represent a clear threat to all of us. I need you to take charge of these captives and get them out of Irrisen safely and quietly. Once you’re clear of Irrisen, a larger extraction team will take custody of them and bring them in for questioning. Of course, we will cover the expense of your travel in full, and provide maps to lead you to the meeting point in Irrisen. Because of the nature of the mission and Irrisen itself, you’ll be meeting the other team in the field, away from what passes for civilization up there. The team you’ll be getting the prisoners from will show you the best route out of Irrisen, and the castellan of Trollheim has agreed to grant you passage through his lands. You are responsible for avoiding unexpected trouble between the handoff and Trollheim.”

Valsin gestures for the team to depart, but pauses, staring at his fireplace for a moment before adding, “Wait. You need to know this. Your prisoners will be goblins. The Shadow Lodge separatists made extensive use of the sadistic creatures as soldiers and servants, and as much as you may want to throttle them, please remember that we need them alive.” He asks if you have any questions, and if not, then with a final nod for luck, the venture-captain will dismiss the group.

Knowledge: Local DC 15:
Goblins are insane and sadistic. They have a strong hatred of dogs and a fear of horses, both rivaled only by their unnatural love of fire and destruction.

Knowledge: Local DC 20:
Making the journey in 3-1/2 days doesn’t allow for much time for hunting, unless the party uses the extra day allowed by the extraction team. Provisions for the journey goblins will be provided, but they’ll need supervision. Goblins have fast metabolisms and find hunger painful. If they’re not watched, they’ll eat their rations all at once.

Knowledge: Local DC 25:
Tying the goblins up and forcing them to march will be problematic. They’ll continually complain, and will stumble and fall on purpose, slowing the rate of travel.

Knowledge: Geography DC 15:
The party will be crossing a disputed border between two warring countries—Irrisen and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Getting too close to the actual border before you’re ready to cross will invite trouble. There is no easy way to cross the Iceflow River, which forms the border between the nations north of the mighty Rimeflow River, without attracting unwanted attention from Ulfen defenders who may not look kindly on goblins passing through their lands.

Knowledge: Geography DC 20:
It is eternally winter in Irrisen, and a lot of food is imported. There are no crops or easily obtained foodstuffs except those gained through fishing and some hunting of migratory animals.

Knowledge: Geography DC 25:
Snow goblins are citizens in Irrisen. This is definitely true in Whitethrone, but one might expect them to have some degree of social rank everywhere else.

Discussion open! Check in!

Drandle Dreng’s entrance is as understated as always at the meeting with him this morning. He carries stacks of papers and tomes, and hedding stray pages as he makes his way toward a large, cushioned chair; once seated, he greets you warmly.

“Welcome, welcome, glad to see you’ve made yourself at home. No point in beating around the bush, since I’m sure you’re all very curious why I called you here today, hm?

“As you may or may not know, the Society has been bolstering its influence with the esteemed Blakros family for some time now, and have assisted them and their famous museum with various incidents over the past few years—discovering several new levels of catacombs in the process.

“Just recently, the Blakros Museum’s curator, Nigel Aldain, informed us that he’d discovered a mysterious portal within the building’s vast catacombs, and sought information regarding how to open it. We sent one of our agents, a man by the name of Anumet Akrostera, to help research the matter further, which involved delving into the various attics and crawlspaces of the Blakros Museum in search of clues that might lead to the whereabouts of the portal’s key.

“Earlier today, Nigel showed up here, claiming that something was wrong with Anumet. It seems that the Pathfinder set off some sort of curse or trap while poking around in the place’s attics and was acting strangely, and now he can’t be found at all. I need you to head to Blakros Museum and get to the bottom of this. Find Anumet, and if he has gotten himself into irreparable trouble, you’ll also need to take up where he left off and find that key.”

Knowledge: History DC 10:
In the early days of Absalom, the Blakros Museum was the stronghold of an eccentric wizard. After being abandoned for centuries, it was bought by the Blakros family, who turned it into a museum for their vast collection of curios.

Knowledge: History DC 15:
The mad astrologer Ralzeros the Overwatched built what is now the Blakros Museum thousands of years ago as an observatory to study distant worlds (and some say, to be studied by them). He later disappeared following a mage-duel with another of Absalom’s early wizards.

Knowledge: History DC 20:
Ralzeros carved his stronghold from a single block of volcanic stone with the help of fell powers granted to him by otherworldly patrons, supposedly to hide the powerful artifacts secreted in the catacombs beneath the keep. In addition, some tales hint that Ralzeros was actually abducted by alien monsters from the worlds he had studied so obsessively.

Knowledge: Local or Diplomacy to Gather Information DC 10:
Blakros Museum is owned by the esteemed House Blakros, an extensive clan whose family members have made their fortune by trading odd antiquities across the border of Taldor and Qadira, as well as by marrying off their beautiful daughters to wealthy nobles all around the world. They store many of their curious gifts and the findings of their more adventurous daughters in exhibits in the Blakros Museum, which they purchased for just this purpose.

Knowledge: Local or Diplomacy to Gather Information DC 15:
The Pathfinder Society is interested in forming an alliance with the Blakros family to gain access to their extensive collection of historical and arcane treasures.

Knowledge: Local or Diplomacy to Gather Information DC 20:
Many pieces in the Blakros’s collection are connected to the Dark Tapestry or other otherworldly horrors studied by Ralzeros.

Discussion up! Check in! :)

Looking for 3-6 players to play this Scenario. This is for Pathfinder Society credit, so all characters must be PFS legal. If you are new to PFS, you can download the Guide to Organized Play at the link for free.

Characters of levels 1, 2 or 3 please.

I want to get this started and underway as soon as I have enough players. I hope to run quickly, so if you are unable to post at least once a day, please let me know.

This is not my first PBP as DM, but it is my second. Be kind. ;)

Awaiting each of you at your places of lodging are scrolls of parchment tied with red silk string. Inside is a hand-addressed invitation to a party being held at the Lantern Lodge, the beautiful and exotic estate of the Tian Venture Captain, Amara Li, in Absalom's Petal District. Tonight, the invitation informs you, is the Snapdragon Festival, a traditional Gokan holiday featuring fireworks and rich plum wine. You are encouraged to dress to impress if you are able, and to seek out the hostess and head of the Lantern Lodge, Amara Li upon your arrival.

You may spend the day making any preparations you wish.

At the party that evening;

Only the luckiest or most influential Pathfinders receive invitations to Amara Li’s annual Snapdragon Festival celebration, and wise recipients take advantage of them. The aroma of blooming orchids and flowing wine mixes with the acrid tang of recently exploded fireworks, and the sound of strangely discordant music comes from a duo of Tian women playing an unusual stringed instrument and a reed flute. The crowd mingles calmly, most guests clearly hoping to be seen more than actually paying attention to those with whom they converse, though the plum wine seems to have affected many who now move about the lodge’s grounds waving sparkling wands of fire and shooting whirring, whizzing fireworks into the sky above the koi pond.

Discussion thread open. Check in everyone!

Well, seeing as I've just been laid off, I think this is a good time to put my toes into the realm of PBP DMing. I'm new to PBP DMing, but am an experienced DM otherwise, and have run First Steps a couple times before.

I'm looking for 5-6 players. This is a PFS scenario and will be run for credit, so only characters created under Pathfinder Society rules will be considered. Check out this link if you are unfamiliar with the Pathfinder Society.

I want to try to get this done fairly quickly, and if I can get a group that wants to stay together to do Parts 2 and 3, that is ideal. I expect 1 post a day if possible, and will bot people if there is no post in a couple days.

Good luck all! I will hold open recruitment until Sunday the 9th, but will start sooner if I get enough people.

If you have any questions, please feel free to post them in a spoiler.

Silver Crusade 2/5

In PFS, are an Animal Companion or Eidolon's HP max at first level or half+1 like a monster?

Silver Crusade

In the case of a monster with multiple spell-like abilities, it is listed like so:

3/day, Speak With Molluscs, Ray of Tickling, Fog of Sparkles

My question is this: does that mean the monster can use EACH of its spell-like abilities 3/day? Or is it like a Sorceror in that they have 3 spell-like ability slots per day such that this monster could use Speak With Mollusks twice and Fog of Sparkles once and that's it for the day?

Silver Crusade

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Hello everyone. My friends and I are starting a game where all the PCs are Sorcerors. Are we insane? Well, I won't rule that out. But I think it's possible to make a pretty awesome party with only Sorcerors.

Benefits: So much Charisma (Diplomacy, Bluff, Intimidate, Use Magic Device all over the place)! Knowing we're all Sorcerors we can choose our spells to not have much overlap and therefore increase our overall utility as a group. There are enough different builds to make this diverse enough to be viable.

Drawbacks: Looooooow HP. No Int or Wis-based skills.

My thoughts on party makeup: We have four players, and I plan to suggest that we have 1 Blasty type (Half-Orc Draconic/Primal Crossblooded? ALL THE FIRE!), 1 Enchantment-focused (Kitsune Fey (Sylvan), with animal companion for added awesome), 1 Summoning-focused (Abyssal. Pitblooded Tiefling?), and 1 Melee (??? Bloodline with Claws plus Toothy Half-Orc? 2-Handed Weapons (Half-Orc again)? Race with a Natural weapon (Changeling? Tiefling?))

Can four Sorcerors make a go of it in this crazy world... and then dominate it?

Questions I hope to have answered: Does anyone have any information on good builds along the lines of the ones I mentioned above? Any other builds I should consider? Is it worth it to have someone go Sage for Int-based skills, and/or 1 go Empyreal for Wis-based skills?

Edit: No multiclassing (Prestige Classes are okay), and we're starting at Level 4

Silver Crusade

I'm going over a section of an AP for my session tonight, and when I come to the (CR 11) villain's spellbook, I see that (as usual) I have to add up the value of it myself. A time-consuming task, to say the least. (I wish Paizo had time to add this up so we DMs don't have to.) Now I'm all done, and a little alarmed at the value of the thing. Please tell me I did this wrong... or right... maybe it won't matter.

I had to split it into two books, as the page count went well over the 100 pages a Spellbook holds. In the rulebook it says a spellbook has a value of 1/2 the cost to buy and scribe all the spells in the book. Is this the cost to buy the scrolls (cost of the scroll plus the scribing cost divided by two), or simply the fee to borrow from another Wizard's spellbook (1/2 the scribing cost plus the scribing cost divided by two)?

If it's the former:
Book 1: Level 0-3. (15 L0, 11 L1, 9 L2, 7 L3) A total cost of 5612gp for a sell value of 2806gp
Book 2: Level 4-6. (11 L4, 7 L5, 3 L6) A total cost of... 25115gp... for a sell value of 12557gp.
That's 15363gp for JUST THE SPELLBOOKS. This value will change depending on what you roll on the +1d6 spells of random levels 1-5... wait, is that 1d6 spells total, or 1d6 spells per level? I calculated this with the latter.

Now this is about three times the expected wealth gain for an encounter of its CR (11) for a APL 8 party, not counting his other gear. I haven't added up what the rest of the adventure gives, so it may be intentional to make up for deficiencies in other areas. We don't have a Wizard or Alchemist in our party either, so it will not get scribed. Of course, where are they going to sell it? There is a large city later in the AP and that seems like the only place, so maybe it won't matter until later, if ever - finding a Wizard who will pay 15000gp for two spellbooks is probably unlikely.

Aaaaaaaanyway... wacky. Am I doing this right? How do others handle this issue?

Silver Crusade

I am considering taking the plunge and using my chronicle sheet for a Wayang Shadowcaster Illusionist Wizard. I started out just working on the mechanics, but the concept has been percolating in my mind and he's starting to develop in an interesting, if odd way. Details in spoiler.

For stats, I'm looking at S 8, D 14, Co 12, I 20, W 8, Ch 11. (The Cha is so I get access to the Wayang spell-like abilities, but I am considering upping it a bit.)

For Specialization: Illusion. Shadow spells are Illusion, and I can boost save DCs pretty high this way. The Illusion school abilities are decent for this.
Prohibited schools: Evocation and... Can't decide on this. Necromancy is the leading contender, but I like the idea of Necromancy spells for this character.

Archetype:Shadowcaster. Flavourful! Plus I love having lots of spells per day, and the Shadowcaster Shadow Casting is nice that way. I don't like having to waste the Darkvision the archetype gets at 5th level, since Wayangs get it anyway, but I'll have to deal with it.

Feats: Spell Focus: Illusion (Wizard Bonus - it's Pathfinder Society), Improved Initiative (1)

Traits: (here's where it gets a bit odd) Uskwood Hunter (Nidal Regional Trait, +1 Stealth and Stealth becomes a class skill. Take advantage of Wayang's small size and racial bonus to Stealth), and Adopted (By Goblins, to gain Ugly Swine, +2 to Disguise checks, Disguise becomes a Class Skill). When I was building the character I knew I wanted Stealth, and then left the second trait choice blank as I went on to select spells and other things. Then the image came to mind of a Wayang kidnapped and taken to Nidal as a child, who escapes and then is adopted by Goblins and raised in a community of various small Monstrous races hiding from the Umbral Court. They take in a Pathfinder who is hiding from the authorities and he helps them in return and exposes my character to the Society. He later runs away to join the Society. The Disguise reflects the paranoia and layers of defenses he sets up around himself. He often disguises himself as a Tengu, or a Gnome, afraid to be identified as a Wayang.

Skills: Some knowledges, a Craft skill (Puppets!), Disguise, Stealth, Spellcraft. I may grab a point in Perform: Puppetry. Because Flavour. And the Shadow Stencils item from the Advanced Race Guide.

Spells: Color Spray, Comprehend Languages, Disguise Self, Illusion of Calm, Mage Armor, Minor Image, Shield, Vanish

I wanted to try to fit in Shadow Weapon. Because Flavour. Not sure what to drop for it though or buy a scroll or wait until level 2 and pick it up.


Silver Crusade

I have acquired a chronicle giving me access to a Kitsune, Nagaji, or Wayang character. What to make? I find myself a little overwhelmed by the... Responsibility? Of choosing one. I only get the one shot at it up until level 2. I am considering the following so far:

1. Nagaji Saurian Shaman Druid, melee variety with animal companion. Seems pretty good. I don't see many Druids in Pathfinder Society though. Are there pitfalls that I'm not seeing? Also, what companion to take? I'm considering Allosaurus, Giant Gecko, Stegosaurus, or Spinosaurus.

2. Wayang Wildblooded (Sage) Sorceror. Going for Illusion and Shadow spells to take advantage of the Wayang racial bonus to Shadow spells. Sage bloodline to best utilize the Wayang racial bonus to Int. Am I better off with straight Wizard? Or even Bard?

3. Kitsune? Are these the most overdone of the races opened up by this chronicle? I wanted to do something a little more original.

Silver Crusade

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A mid to high level villain must have lived that long for a reason, and reached their exalted status on the graves of rivals and would-be heroes. They must have encountered many strategies and heard about others, and seeing as they aren't fools, they prepare for future enemies. What if they therefore assembled a kit of needed items and consumables for the purpose of confronting dangers? What, in your experience, would a villain with wit, intellect, or even just experience, include in such a kit, knowing the tactics and strategies employed in a world like Golarion where divination, flying, invisibility and teleportation are common enough at the levels of power that they have achieved?

What potions, wondrous items, or other items mundane or magical, might a non-spellcaster keep in their kit?

What scrolls, wands or other item types above might a spellcaster keep close at hand?

Silver Crusade

A character wishes to use an arrow or bolt as an improvised weapon. The CRB says this is treated as an improvised weapon with the damage of a dagger of its size. It is also ammunition. Does that mean it will be broken if used in such a way? Or can one continue to attack with one arrow round after round?

Silver Crusade

A friend of mine wants to start running Jade Regent, but his house rules and tendency to buff encounters have been frustrating to me in the past, and I'm not sure how to cope with them without making the game unfun.

The main thing is that he gives everyone Step Up. The reason for this is that he feels spellcasters are overpowered and he dislikes that they can 5 foot step away and cast spells. Apart from always taking Combat Casting, how do I cope with this if I want to play a (Witch or Wizard) spellcaster? Especially at low levels when I don't have flight or other evasion abilities?

The (perhaps) unintended consequence of this is that all ranged characters are also penalized by this. If you're going to be provoking attacks of opportunity every time you try to shoot when in cramped quarters, your life just got a lot worse.

He also likes to buff encounters and (frequently) overdoes it to the point that a fight takes most of a session and we've expended so many resources by the end we have to rest or retreat. I am by no means an expert player, and a couple of the others playing with us are less so than I. While I know there are tactical ways to mitigate these issues, many of us are not 'built that way' in our gaming.

Do I talk to him and try to convince him to stick with the rules as written? Or can you help me build a character (preferably a full caster) that will survive his caprice?

Silver Crusade

An Alchemist is described as being able to draw the components of, create and throw a bomb as a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.

Does this action require two hands? By the description, it does indeed suggest this to my mind, but it does not state it explicitly. I want this to not be the case, naturally, but has there ever been a ruling on it?

Silver Crusade 2/5

I'm looking for a clarification on something.

For example; I have 6 Fame. (allowing me to buy items of 500gp or less) I want to buy a Potion of Lesser Restoration (300gp). Can I buy it if I don't have one on a Chronicle Sheet?

If not; If I have a 2nd level potion on a Chronicle sheet, am I unable to buy it until I have at least 5 Fame?

Silver Crusade

I'm playing in a Skull and Shackles campaign, and I have been considering multiclassing into Alchemist of some variety. It seems to fit thematically, as I'll be making my own powder and cartridges and eventually will be the gunnery master of our crew, and hope to build cannons for our ship. Has anyone ever multiclassed a gunslinger, and is this worth doing?

On the face of it, I like the combination of themes. A gunsmith with an expansive knowledge of alchemy. A Dex Mutagen might be useful for shooting, and bombs are a nice supplement. My character already has a high Int. Extracts might be pretty useful as well, even if I don't get all that high in Alchemist levels.

Thoughts on the viability of this? Experiences? Archetypes?


Silver Crusade

There is a discrepancy in some items' costs and abilities between the Advanced Player's Guide and the Adventurer's Armory. Which one is more current? (Both have 2010 listed on their Credits page)

For example, the Compass is 1gp in the Armory (which may actually just be a typo now that I think about it) and 10gp in the APG.

Silver Crusade

I am looking at building an Eidolon, specifically to be for grappling. The Grab ability seems like a no-brainer. But I'm trying to decide on the Eidolon's base form. Serpentine seems appropriate, partly because you can get constrict, but upon review, Aquatic looks good because of the higher strength. I was also looking at the Final Embrace feats from Ultimate Combat, but it looks to be less than optimal due to the fact that the Eidolon's Constrict evolution only works with the Eidolon's Grab, so the only benefit from taking Final Embrace is the ability to constrict creatures up to its own size.

At first level I am considering taking the Extra Evolution feat for my Human Summoner, having the Increased Ability Score Evolution (Str) and the Grab Evolution. This will give the Eidolon a +9 to Grapple at first level. The Eidolon's feat at first level is a bit of a poser. Is it worth getting Improved Unarmed Strike in order to access Improved Grapple at 3rd level for the +2 to Grapple? Or am I better off with Power Attack, Toughness, Improved Natural Armor or something else? I will also be saving up Evolution Points until 8th Level for the Large Evolution, so no more evolutions until then unless I take more Extra Evolution feats.


Silver Crusade

Hi there. I may just be blind, but I am looking for the forum rules and have been unable to do so. Can someone point me to them?


Silver Crusade

Hello, first time requesting advice on these boards.

I'm playing in a Kingmaker campaign shortly, and am considering a Half-Orc, using the "Toothy" alternate racial trait to get the bite attack. He will be a Ranger, taking the Aspect of the Beast feat as his first combat style feat, getting the two claw attacks.

Here are his stats I am considering. 20 point buy.
S 18
D 14
Co 14
I 11
W 13
Ch 7

I am thinking of taking Keen Scent at first level, Aspect of the Beast at 2nd, and after that? Improvet Nat Attack? Weapon Focus? Power Attack? Rending Claws?

The character concept is of a feral, savage man who has spent his whole life in the wilderness. Only recently he has come in conflict with a community in Southern Brevoy, which was the home of one of the other PCs. As a way to bring him into the campaign, this PC has managed somehow to gain the Half-Orc's trust, and is bringing him along into the Stolen Lands to help establish a new community. My character will be quiet, wild, unaccustomed to civilized behavior. He fights with tooth and claw (when he gets them), but also has an axe for backup. He wears hide armor and generally primitive gear, except for some trinkets he's picked up. As a character, how he develops will depend on the other characters. Can they teach him? Civilize him? Socialize him?

My requests for advice are:
1. Is the Natural Weapon style as terrible mechanically as I think it is? Note that this will not necessarily stop me from playing him. :)

2. When he gets all his attacks, will they all be, by virtue of them all being primary natural attacks, at full base attack bonus and strength bonus? For example, at level 2 when he gets his claws, will his attack routine on a full attack be: 2 Claws +6 (1d4+4) and 1 Bite +6 (1d4+4)?

3. What feats will help this?
L1 Keen Scent
L2 Aspect of the Beast (claws)
L3 Power Attack/Rending Claws/Improved Natural Attack (claws)/Ironhide?

4. What sort of Archetype might help this? I have considered both the Shapeshifter and Infiltrator archetypes. Mainly for Natural Armor bonuses. Is Favored Terrain just too good to give up (especially in Kingmaker)?

4a. When using adaptations in the Infiltrator archetype, can one use multiple ones at once? Or can one only activate them one at a time? If it is the latter, do multiple Natural Armor adaptations stack?

5. What favored enemies to choose?

6. Do natural armor bonuses stack? Taking Ironhide, for example, for +1 Natural Armor, and then taking an Adaptation from the Infiltrator for +2, does my natural armor bonus become +3 or +2?

Any advice is welcome. More if I think of any.