Kining Blondebeard


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can u apply a poison to a Alchemical Weapon??

the eldritch knight has an ability called [Eclectic Arcana]which can be used to get a magus arcana does this mean i can get Flamboyant Arcana (Ex)?? and do i also get pool points ???

does Guided Hand feat add to the CMB since it's an attack ??? like if i wana disarm somebody else??

can a creature choose to keep his gaze active or does he hav to keep activating it on his turn ?? like if your fighting medusa does she hav to keep turning it on or not??

Using the greater spirit totem rage power can the spirit get buffs from spells or abilities like when a bard sings or haste ???

If an alchemist learns haste from a spell book can he use it on his Allies or just himself ??? Or any spell that affects Allies ??

if a Snake Cobra (King)bites u and poison u it does con damage but does that mean if it bites u again u have to make a save for the poison again or only one time if your already poison ?? like do i have to keep making a save everytime it bites???

when u use elemental body or any of the elemental body forms can u change into a invisible stalker ??? or just four elements ??

when u use polymorph to change is there a hit die limit or can u pic anything ??

How much would it cost to have an empowered wand of acid arrows ??
And how much whd it cost to increase the caster lvl??

Does blindsight and termonsense bypass displacement ????

If a wizard gets swallowed by a huge creature and the wizard makes the concentration check to cast a fireball inside the stomach does the creature get a reflex save ???

The barbarian rage power (Raging Flier (Su) says you can fly up to her base speed as a move action. It doesn’t state for a period of time or doesn’t it end if your rage ends ? Also once u move into the air to fly u can’t take a full attack since it’s a move action to fly right but u can stay in the air for the duration of the rage ???

If you hav a reach weapon like a spiked chain which gives u 10ft reach then how much reach will u hav if someone cast Enlarge person on u to make yourself bigger ???

If you hav a reach weapon like a spiked chain which gives u 10ft reach then how much reach will u hav if someone cast Enlarge person on u to make yourself bigger ???

If you use dimension door to bring your Allies with you do your Allies have to wait another turn for actions or just the one casting the spell ? It mentions After using this spell, you can’t take any other actions until your next turn. ???

is there any ability ,feat or class that can help you not lose your alignment due to casting evil spells Ex; a wizard casting animated dead but if he keeps casting it he will lose alignment !.like how to prevent the alignment change ???

the Intrigue Oracle Mysteries gives u the Assumed Form (Sp) at will does that mean u can stay in the form into u sleep? or until u reach 11th lvl???

An eidolon gains a pair of spinnerets, giving it the ability to spin webs as an evolution power but besides the web shooters can it make a general web to climb on??

is there any other info on this archetype ? like the source on which it comes from also i heard about an errata ??

can u use true strike spell to give u bonus on maneuvers ?? it says attacks and certain maneuvers r attacks ??

is there a way to use vicious stomp without using unarmed strike or can u use monk weapons while using unarmed strike???

If someone used an Eversmoking Bottle to make smoke does that mean it will make creatures suffocate or just can't see??

how long can an aquatic creature survive on land without water like how long can it breath air??

can a pc add on a magic weapon enhancement to a Specific Magic Weapon such as Javelin of Lightning? like if he wanted the javelin to have the returning property ???

does a Exploiter Wizard qualify for Extra Arcanist Exploit feat???

ok if anyone is familiar with the PYROKINETICIST
Prestige Class from 3.5 im playing a character from the psionics it has the ability to create a whip but can the whip use aoo's even if it says ranged touch attacks??

ok if anyone is familiar with the soulbow
Prestige Class from 3.5 im playing a character from the psionics it has the ability to create arrows using a mental composite bow does that mean it can create arrows such as blunt arrows etc...??

ok if anyone is familiar with the soulbow
Prestige Class from 3.5 im playing a character from the psionics it has the ability to create arrows using a mental composite bow does that mean it can create arrows such as blunt arrows etc...??

can u use point blank shot and other ranged feats with the fire lash ability since it says ranged touch attack ??

does anybody know the Mole prestige class abilities its missing a page in the dragon magazine ?

making a psychic character is there any good hard items to throw using Telekinesis??

does anybody know the weight of a token when u use it?? EX: Tree Feather Token it doesn't show the weight of the tokens once u use it

the template Unhallowed Creature is kinda vague if im reading it clearly !?

it says it includes the effects of the unhallow spell and its magic circle against good effect, and applies to all undead creatures in the area of effect of an unhallow spell...

so does that mean you get the unhallow spell right ? the unhallow spell has a list of spells ...

Spell effects that may be tied to an unhallowed site include aid, bane, bless, cause fear, darkness, daylight, death ward, deeper darkness, detect magic, detect good, dimensional anchor, discern lies, dispel magic, endure elements, freedom of movement, invisibility purge, protection from energy, remove fear, resist energy, silence, tongues, and zone of truth.

making a 2nd level monk. is it possible to take 1 level of monk(martial artist) & 1 level unchained monk(scaled fist)??? some abilities replace each other but does that mean you can't take the archetypes at all or just till u reach the level required for the replacement???

the planar infusion feat gives u the ability to do hellfire damage but does that work with spells also ? and what does hellfire do?

Hell (Outer Plane (Lawful Evil))
Basic Hell’s influence grants you a silvered tongue and bolsters your arrogance. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves, a +2 bonus on Bluff checks to lie to or fool someone, and a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks to adjust a creature’s attitude.

Improved Whenever you deal fire damage, you can instead deal hellfire damage (see below). Secondary fires lit by your initial fire attack deal normal fire damage (including burn damage, if such damage occurs).

Greater You can inflict the agonizing pain of eternal damnation on the masses for a brief instant. You can use mass inflict pain once per day as a spell-like ability.

how to build a castle underground ?

im trying to make a 11th lvl synthesist but want him to b defensive any tips this my first time using synthesist heard it is powerful...

is there any spell ,feat or item that let's u maintains a fast concentration or gives u a quick concentration ??

can a vampire Overwhelming Soul kineticist use Mental Prowess (Su) to gain negative levels to increase its power since it can't use burn??

it says a normal vampire is weak against sunlight but what about a Vetala Vampire? it doesn't say anything about sunlight ?

does the target of this ability hav to sleeping or can they b awake???

Dream Eating (Su)
As a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity, a dream eater can consume a creature’s subconscious dreams if the victim fails to resist with a Will save. A sleeping victim takes a –2 penalty on saving throws against this ability, but automatically wakens if the save is successful. On a failed save, the victim takes 1d4 points of Charisma damage, and the dream eater gains a number of psychic points equal to the Charisma drained, to a maximum amount of psychic points equal to the dream eater’s Hit Dice.

can the oracle with the stone mastery earth glide grapple a creature and use earth glide to go into the ground??

using healers hand feat to do max healing instead of cure spells is there any other way to increase the amount of healing from deadly wounds besides signature skill feat???

if a ogre gets bit by a werewolf and gains lycanthropy can that orge use multi-attack even if the ogre doesn't have 3natural attacks in its base form??

can a pc purchase a disease and apply it to a weapon like poison ??

the hunters animal focus ability gives a list of aspects to choose from but than gives another list of full aspects list 'do we choose from all the list of aspects???

ex: Bat (Advanced Class Guide pg. 27): The creature gains darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 8th level, the range increases by 30 feet. At 15th level, the creature also gains blindsense to a range of 10 feet.

Bear (Advanced Class Guide pg. 27): The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

Aboleth (Aquatic Adventures pg. 54) [Pelagic Hunter]: The creature gains a +1 morale bonus on saves against divine spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level and +3 at 15th level.

Ant (Advanced Class Guide pg. 98) [Verminous Hunter]: The creature gains a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and +6 at 15th level.

the hunter archetype (feral hunter) gives wild shape but gives u the ability change shape as the change shape ability while in wild shape form , does that mean theres no duration on the wild shape since change shape has no duration ???

does a warpriest only hav to pic alignment domains or can he choose normal domains??

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