Rohkar Cindren

Lybram Tendras's page

499 posts. Organized Play character for Wydroe.

Organized Play Characters

Silver Crusade Cuethric

male half-elf ranger/5|hp 39/49|AC:19 T:14 FF:15|CMD:21|Fort+7, Ref+8, Will+4|Init+6|Perception+11/+13 (232 posts)
Local Celebrity
Silver Crusade Whendel Walkner

male Sorcerer/5|hp 37/37|AC:14{18 mage armor} T:14 FF:11|CMB 1 CMD 14|Fort+5, Ref+6, Will+6|Init+5|Perc:+4 halfling sorcerer/5 (339 posts)
Stronfeur Uherer
Silver Crusade Grunyak

male|cleric 10|hp 93/93|AC:25 T:12 FF:24|CMB+9, CMD21|Fort+12, Ref+6, Will+14, +2 vs poison|Init+1, senses darkvision 60' Perc:+5|used: dwarf cleric 10|spells used: Bless of fervor, searing light, flame strike, magic circ vs evil|touch of good 8/8 remaining|acid dart 8/8 remaining|channels 4/5 remaining| (414 posts)
Silver Crusade Arnot Tabor

Male DEAD Human Paladin 1 (0 posts)
The Exchange Malliki Rendibar

Male N medium human Magus 1|hp 10|AC16, T13, FF13|F+3, R+3, W+2|speed 30'|perc+0|init+3|Arcane Pool: 4/4 remaining|Spells cast:none| Human Magus 1 (0 posts)
Lord Villastir
Grand Lodge Giladref

male Wizard/3|hp 20/20|AC:12{16 mage armor} T:12 FF:10|CMB 1 CMD 12|Fort+1, Ref+2, Will+4|Init+4|Perc:+3 elf Wizard 3 (137 posts)
Holy Guide
Silver Crusade Orst Tilboar

Male|Paladin 8|hp 74/74|AC:26(28) T:12(14) FF:25(27)|CMB+13,CMD24|Fort+12, Ref+9,Will+12|Init:+1, Perc:+0| conditions:none |7 of 9 layhands used|deflection bonus of +3 Human Paladin 8 (476 posts)
Grand Lodge Tanbu Yull

NG male halfling UC rogue 4|HP 33:35|AC:19, T:16, FF:14|CMD16|Fort+5, ref+10, Will+3(+2)|Init +6|Perc+9,+11 traps|20' Speed|conditions: none|temp items: holy water, p. of cure mod wounds, p of shield of faith halfling Rogue (unchained)/4 (289 posts)
Grand Lodge Purnel Yull

LG male Halfling Monk 3 (8XP) |AC17, T17, FF13| 31/31 hp|fort+6, ref+7, will+5|init +5, percep +8| CMB 3 cmd18, bab+3, halfling Monk (unchained) 3 (334 posts)
Grand Lodge Seelah O'Wydroe

female || HP: 40 || AC: 22 T:10 FF:22 || Init 0 Perc +1 || CMB +7 CMD 17|| +1 longsword +9 (1d8+4)/19-20|| fort +9 ref +4 will +8|| feats: extra lay on hands, power attack, weapon focus longsword human Paladin/4| (95 posts)
Grand Lodge Haska O'Wydroe

male Alchemist 3, Init +5(+7), Perc: +7(+6), |AC 18(21), T13(14), FF15(17)|hp 24/24, BAB2,CMB2, CMD15(17), Fort +5, Ref+7(+9), Will+3(+2)| Elf Alchemist 3 (8XP), dex mutagen (+4 dex, -2 will, +2 natural armor, adjusted stat in ()) (449 posts)
Grand Lodge Farlen Mizzul

Male Human Wizard/5 (12XP)|HP42/42|AC 12( currently16 w/mage armor)/T12/FF10(currently 14)|Init+2|F+4 R+4 W+5|Perc+0| used: |8 of 8 acid darts remaining| (706 posts)
Rohkar Cindren
Grand Lodge Lybram Tendras

Male| LG cleric of Erastil 4| 9XP|34/35 HP| BAB3, CMB5, CMD16|AC18(15), T11, FF17(14)| Fort+6,Ref+3, Will+8| Perception+5, Initiative+3|Used spells: Bless,so burst, spirt wpn, divide fvr|channels remaining 5/5 Human Cleric of Erastil 4 (499 posts)
Pahmet Monk
Grand Lodge Kimlo Grimmerkin

NG Male Dwarf Fighter 3| 20' speed|init+2, Perc +0,| 60' darkvision|37/37 HP|AC21, T12, FF19|Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+1, +1 bravery| (216 posts)


Silver Crusade Bravery'

N medium animal(Bird)|hp 16|AC14, T13, FF11|F+4, R+5, W+3|speed 10' or fly 80'|perc+11|Init+2 Golden Eagle (0 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Grand Lodge Brenner Dewalt

Male Medium Human Brawler 1 Brawler 1|hp 13/13|AC16, Touch12, FF14|Fort+4, Ref+5, Will+1|init+4| Percept +2| speed 30 ft| (0 posts)
Scarab Sages Callum Sallifetti
(0 posts)
Grand Lodge GM Wydroe
(477 posts)
Stronfeur Uherer
Silver Crusade Grunyak'

male|cleric 8|hp 17/75|AC:23 T:12 FF:22|CMB+7, CMD19|Fort+10(+9), Ref+4, Will+11, +2 vs poison|Init+1, senses darkvision 60' Perc:+5| Dwarf Medium LG Cleric of Torag 8|spells used: bull str, bless, sound blast, prot from evil 10', rmv blindness, holy smite, spirit hammer, p of power 2, p from evil,airwalk|touch of good 8/8 remaining|acid dart 5/8 remaining|channels 0/5 remaining| (124 posts)
Li'le Fella

Lvl1/male small Animal (bear)/14 hp (2d8+5)/40' speed/init+2/AC14, T12, FF12/F+4, R+5, W+1/ BAB +1/bite +3(1d4+2), 2X claw +3(1d3+2) black bear Animal Companion (Lybram Tendras) (6 posts)
Mallikki Rendibar
(0 posts)
Ironfang Scout
Grand Lodge Tukluk Rayga

Male LN Medium Humaniod (Half-orc) Gunslinger Bolt Ace 4|hp 36/36|AC19, T15, FF14|Grit 3/3|F+6, R+9, W+5|Init+6 or +8|Perc +10|CMD 19, CMB +5| (0 posts)