![]() @Malon and Salvio, I think I got all the spells on the chronicles for you guys, but let me know if something is not right. I enjoyed this run through for you guys. I miss spoke above Sanos Abduction is 4-05 and not 4-07. Again the chronicles are above. If there is something you need fixed please let me know. ![]()
![]() Well, I have stumbled through the chronicles. They are here. Please let me know they look okay or if you need something changed. To answer Leon's question on the Faction Journal Card, I don't think this applies to Graestos, the aspis slavemaster. He is not the owner nor is he the purchaser. He is simply a task master for them and he sees them as disposable tools. He takes pleasure in the task and is a horrible person, but I don't think this qualifies as trafficing slaves. The slaves were purchased by other Aspis agents, namely a gold agent as the bill of sales states. Also, there are only 4 slaves, one less then the required/stated number. His CR is equal and would qualify, if there were 5 slaves and he owned them. He is not using any compulsion magic to enslave anyone so that would not sub for the 5 slaves. Sorry, but I don't think this qualifies. If you find another ruling where it was allowed I will gladely change my answer and figure out how to sign a journal card via PBP. I will take a small break over the remainder of the holidays. Then, I plan to run, 4-07 Sanos Abduction, this is 3-4 or 6-7 tier scenario. I plan to request 3-4 tier and core campaign. ![]()
![]() For Chronicles, I am good for Leon, Malon, and Nate. Salvio, I need your Day job and any purchases. Kuikka, I need the player name as you want it and I need your actual day job roll unless you are taking 10. Cara, I don't think I have anything. Could you provide the below information? Player Name (as you want it on the chronicle)
Is anyone using slow progression? Please let me know.
![]() With a little intimation, you are able to determine that the blue man is a ninja from Tian Xia, a member of the Golden League—the Gokan crime syndicate that has, since the Ruby Phoenix Tournament, been collaborating with the Consortium to expand these organizations’ operations into
Faction missions were as follows. They don't have baring on prestege anymore, but some still like to accomplish them. liberties edge (was Andoran Faction): Andoran faction PCs who recover the bill of sale for the slaves working in area. This is on the person of the whip guy. Dark Archives (Cheliax Faction): Cheliax faction PCs who locate and
Grand Lodge Faction: Grand Lodge faction PCs need to interrogate Leska or Tzizzan and discover the Aspis Consortium’s plans to ally with the ratfolk of Round Mountain. Soveriegn court (was Lantern Lodge Faction?): Lantern Lodge faction PCs need to identify and recover the seal of legendary maharajah Sigurdanda Virgandya. This is a seal in the southern shrine located in the camping bedrolls. Scarab Sages (was Osirion Faction): Osirion faction PCs who recover the Mizravrtta Brahmodya from the cooking fire. The first set of thugs were using this as firewood. Your route would have prevented this from being successful. Exchange (was Qadira Faction): Qadira faction PCs need to retrieve the Vudran map in area, the one that doubles as a know direction scroll. Exchange (was Sczarni Faction): Sczarni faction PCs need to obtain three or more Aspis badges—including at least one silver badge. Leska and the scroll lady have silver badges, all the rest but the ninja and Tzizzin (the ratman) have bronze badges. Dark archives (was Shadow Lodge Faction): Shadow Lodge faction PCs need to locate and recover Cathixia’s (scroll lady) notes on the Aspis Consortium’s burgeoning relationship with the Golden League in area of the inner sanctum (her desk). Silver Crusade: Silver Crusade faction PCs need to restore the statue of Meenashdu to its rightful place in area, Southern shrine's fire location. Soveriegn Court (was Taldor Faction): Taldor faction PCs need to retrieve Decian Bardos’s wayfinder in Leska's stuff. Not sure I got all the factions link to the new ones correctly, good thing these don't matter anymore.
Your groups searches the area and restores what they can. The haunt is caused by a dead nymph. A DC 15 knowlegde religion gives the ritual that will reassure her spirit and put the area back to normal. Finally you all return to the Grand Lodge in Absolom via your eddies following you. Unfortunately you can't take any of the prisoners or slaves back. You leave the slaves there to nurse the Aspis agents and guard the ninja. Aram Zey goes into reaction mode when he hears all you have discovered. He dispatches several teams of agents to secure and track the Aspis presence. He promises to do what he can to get the stranded folks out of the tapestry and back to Golorian, though that will have to wait until the wizards and Archanists can figure something out. It could all come down to this "back door" you found hints of. Aram thanks you for a job well done. You are dismissed to attend to your own tasks as you see fit. I will start the chronicles and hope to get the link up in discussion later today. ![]()
![]() Is only the Southern most building the Bastion? The Northern building with the what looks like ballista is something else? Are we circling East to get to the Southern side with the piers? I have lost the bubble a little, sorry. Grunyak says another prayer under his breath, "May we be successful in our endevours today. We are working to protect others with our mission." He continues to float just off the ground walking slowly behind the scouting hunter looking for any signals with his spear at the ready. ![]()
![]() The blue man is awake. Salvio, you healed him. Leon has tied him up and is watching him at scythe point. Green is stabile, but nothing has been done with her yet. "I would need to arrange it, but I could do such a thing. The snakes were supposed to treat with use today in fact, Leska turned our group around. She got a feeling something would happen here. Looks like she was right. My mountain village is 2 days away on Round Mountain." He shows you a map to the location. He makes promises to prepare his tribe for your possible visit, and leaves. You still can question blue and/or green. You have lots to search, but you have completed enough to earn 2 pp. I will prep a summary post and work on chronicles, Please check your information in the discussion is correct, day job is rolled, etc. I will work on this stuff later today. ![]()
![]() "I am not really sure, but we have lived where we are for several centuries." "We have a legend of a powerful wizard transporting our lands to a new realm. It is now changing though the weather has shifted, but we have adapted." "The Tapestry as you call it is now our home." He moves to take his 20 paces after giving this answer.
![]() Your aid alone would not change things in the original conditions and as a stand alone ould not have been high enough to make the ratfolk friendly. Thus we are still in the tit-for-tat situation.
"I guess we have a deal." "The Aspis are here to make a base of operations. They are planning for the long term, seeking allies in the area to protect them and mutually help each other. Thus as an envoy from my tribe I am here." "Now, one question and I get 20 steps." He moves back 40' and stops. 5 steps is 10 feet. Assuming you move with him. Or you can initiate a hostile action and we go to initiative. "What is the next question? Kuikka uses her object/one person move action detect evil and does not sense any evil on the ratfolk man. gm rolls:
rats being rats: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Kuikka's senses on the ratman: Kuikka senses he really wants to escape, so he is wheeling and dealing for now. But he will only play the game so long. He is gone as soon as he has the chance. She senses he is not an Aspis agent and is telling the truth so far. ![]()
![]() Cara, also looking at the rat folks dress and hearing him speak, thinks maybe he is older. He uses older words for things, like a grandma or old books. His dress is practical but well worn and well out of date with fashions in contrast to the Aspis folks brand new stuff. He has a coiled rope for a belt with rings on it similar to climbing equipment. ![]()
![]() The ratman looks longingly at his potion, but he stops it up and puts it away. He now looks back at the group spear still loosely held but point down. He says, "You have questions, I want to leave. I propose this. Every question I answer, I get twenty paces towards the exit. That way you get your info. I get progress towards freedom. What do you say? Else we stand here all day not trusting one another." Cara, very nice roll. I think I will give you a situational bonus to your roll for Salvio and you putting away your weapons. This moves him one step, but he is still not friendly. Thus the deal. "I'm waiting for my question.", the rat man prompts. ![]()
![]() Leon finishs the potion administering to Kuikka. Please roll your potion's healing, Leon. Assuming Kuikka heals Nate with her wand, she and Nate could go assist with the ratman standoff. Leon, with his scythe inches from the blue man's neck, probably has the situation handled. Assuming this took 2 rounds, Kuikka and Nate or just Kuikka could make it over about the time the ratfolk claims to be an envoy. Please let me know what you are doing? Leon, Kuikka, and possibly Nate. The ratfolk seems to be getting jittery. "Well, drop your weapons so we can talk like civilized people. Then I will drop mine." He is still holding the potion and it is ready to be drunk. ![]()
![]() Discernible is the key word. It will be hard, given the situation, hard to catch the term and then hard to tell if it is a heritage type irregularity or a regional. But the dice can decide. I have a DC in mind, and I will take a perception check, not lingistics. The red ratfolk gentleman straightens up some from his defensive crouch assuming Cara and Malon back away. "I am no snake. I am an envoy." I need some kind of diplomacy or intimidate to at least keep him talking. Again I will allow others to try. A '9' is not going to hold him long. ![]()
![]() Yep, neither of those rolls are going to do it, but diplomacy usually takes several rounds. Others could wander over, get the gist of the situation and attempt to defuse the situation. Blue sputters to life with a deep inhale of breath. "What is this? You Pathfinders now resorting to torture? I will not talk, no!" I will give you the benefit of the doubt you disarmed blue and have weapons pointed at him. He makes no move to continue the conflict. The red ratman pulls out a potion and readies it. He hesitates. "I don't believe you. You seem insincere, just like your organization." "How can I know I can trust you? Put your weapons down. That would do it." Others can approach and attempt to talk, threaten or whatever. ![]()
![]() As Cara chases down the escaping ratman, she finds herself in a mirror image of the Northern shrine, except this one has been stripped of all the guiding and semi precious gems and the spot where the statue should be now is a low burning campfire with blacked stew off to one side. There are three bedrolls dotting the floor. Malon, chasing also similarly finds himself in the stripped shrine now a camp. The rat man turns to face Cara in a defensive stance a short spear vaguely pointed her direction. He says, "Look, I will surrender, just promise me you won't kill me. I have a wife and kids for gods' sake." Green stabilize try: 1d20 + 3 - 6 ⇒ (19) + 3 - 6 = 16
Round 3 continued
Salvio is up! We will stay in rounds until the ratman situation is solved and/or everyone is stabilized that will be stabilized. We are very close to done though. ![]()
![]() A full plate armored dwarf stands with arms crossed, and with a scowl on his face. Or perhaps he is smiling. Sometimes it is hard to tell with dwarfs and this is one of those times with the thick black beard and all. His violet eyes dart from one person to another as the group of adventures and fellow Pathfinder agents introduce themselves. A holy symbol of Torag hangs on a leather strap from his belt. A backpack with an axe and long spear tethered to it sits at his feet.
knowledge religion: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12 ![]()
![]() Leon starts to get the paladin back on her feet.
Round 3
Cara and Malon are up! What do you do? ![]()
![]() will save of red ratfolk: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
Round 3
Leon is up! ![]()
![]() Yep, Cara would not have been wounded. Leon cuts down blue before he can act. The green half orc stabs at Cara.
Round 3
Salvio is up! ![]()
![]() Nate, you got it right and you stabilized.
The blue man snaps back at the lady, "I am not your hireling to be ordered around, Leska." "I know how to fight." He pulls out a Siangham, a weapon that looks like a large arrow with a reinforced shaft.
readied action of blue:
If steps into the flank with his leader, he will stab them with his siangham. siangham attack: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 4 + 2 = 23; damage and sneak: 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (3, 3) + 2 = 8 The red ratfolk continues to play his pipes, pausing only to wiggle his fingers at Leon and mumble something. Casts daze on Leon DC 12 will save. Round 2
Round 3
Leon is up! Cara is up! And Malon is up! Anyone stepping between the leader and blue on to Nate's unconscious form, apply the readed action of blue please. ![]()
![]() The half orc lady (green) snarls out, "Stick to the plan and bring them down, one by one."
Round 2
Nate, I need your stabilization check. Thank you Kuikka for yours. Salvio, you are up! ![]()
![]() No AOs follow Leon. Green used hers and blue has no weapon out as he had to climb. The blue man nimbly avoids Leon's scythe, but his eyes go wide with the realization of his situation. Round 2
Cara and Malon are up! ![]()
![]() Cara, the fight has progressed too much to unravel actions back. This is something in FTF we would have straightened out on the spot. I almost changed your attack to be on green, but I felt real uncomfortable doing that. Cara would have faced a full attack. My luck I would have rolled two crits on her. Cara could be bleeding out and it would be something I changed that directly altered the battle. Long story to say I am sorry, but I can't do that now. Nate gets in a solid blow on the blue man as he drops in beside him. Nate also shakes off the cloudy mind effect of the ratfolk man's spell shortly after. The blue man is wounded but not down though. Leon, you are up! ![]()
![]() The blue enemy manages to remain on the wall. He then moves along the wall. acrobatics to move: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Nate can take an AO on the falling blue man. A ratfolk man playing pipes moves forward, wiggles fingers at Nate and says a mumbled phrase. Casts daze on Nate, DC12 will save. Round 1
Leon is up! ![]()
![]() The kukri weilding lady moves around to the far side of the opening to the shrine. She then stabs at Leon around the corner as the trilling music inspiring her continues.
Round 1
Bold are up! ![]()
![]() Cara, the blue enemy is 30' up on top of the wall. I will adjust your attack to green unless you tell me otherwise. You can not reach blue. I will adjust the party to use circular borders. Enemies will remain squares. Hopefully, that will be better. Cara moves over to the closest enemy and swings at the lady in green. She is not able to connect with her though. ![]()
![]() There is always something with haunts. Yes, there is a religion check to know how to settle/appease the haunt, a DC 15 to know the ritual for this one. But that will have to wait until the battle settles out. The green half-orc lady holds two kukri at the ready. She frowns in concentration for the coming conflict. ![]()
![]() Kuikka, with that perception you fail to notice the manifesting haunt as you walk thru the 5' space by the statue. As Kuikka passes through the space infront of the statue, Malon's detection of magic picks up necromancy as the statue glows this magic. Kuikka is overtaken with a sensation of deep cold and despair. The statue in her mind reaches out to touch her. melee touch attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20; cold dmg: 1d6 ⇒ 6
All others see Kuikka stop momentarily and shiver. Her skin turns a bluish green for a second rather then it's usual dull green glisten. Kuikka I am truly sorry. You seem to be my target of traps in this scenario. As the party watches Kuikka, Hear a voice from the hall way loudly say, "I see you want to pay respect to our friendly haunt then. Well, that is nice." gm rolls:
stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26 perc Nate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 perc Kuikka: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5 perc Malon: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28 perc Salvio: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9 perc Cara: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21 perc Leon: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10 init Nate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 init Kuikka: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 init Malon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 init Salvio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13 init Cara: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23 init Leon: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 grn init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 red init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9 blue init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13 The green hued lady says her peace and moves up
Round 1
Bold are up! ![]()
![]() Salvio and Malon move up into the room to get better looks. Salvio prompts the rogue to look for traps. The rogue moves slightly forward and looks in standing just outside the shrine proper. He does not see anything trapped, but traps usually are hidden well or the don't work. The elven wizard concentrates on the area with his magic feelers out. He sinces magic, but it is the usual stuff like the new armor now worn by Nate. For those who can see the statue, anyone in the anti-chamber South of the circular statue area, can study the statue and make a knowledge check
know religion DC20:
The sculpted idol is a representation of Likha, Vudran goddess of fables and storytelling. Anyone else want to do anything? ![]()
![]() The slaves move under the protection of the center shine to get in out of the worst of the cold. As the group files in the shrine opening, the interior of the shrine becomes clear. This shrine looks as though it was constructed yesterday, its intricate stonework unblemished by time, vandals, or weather. A statue of a beautiful four-armed woman bearing a scroll in each hand rests beneath a tall spire. Images of daring acts of heroism, long journeys, and unrequited love fill the walls. GM Rolls:
init Nate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 init Kuikka: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 init Malon: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23 init Salvio: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7 init Cara: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24 init Leon: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 perc Nate: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
The area appears undisturbed. Where to next? Do you want to investigate further? ![]()
![]() Malon gets information about the camp. The slaves confirm there were several (20 or more) agents here in the beginning. Slowly, groups began to move off into the surrounding areas until there was only the 5 here plus a half-orc warrior, their leader. The slave has not seen the leader in more than a day. She left with a man not of the original group and a rat-man also not from the original group. Kuikka does not detect any evil either in the agents or the slaves. Her efforts to get the scroll lady to talk don't work. Nates efforts get better results. The scroll weilding lady is slightly helpful. "I am called Cathixia. I am a silver agent for the consortium. I was hired and brought here to inventory, catalog, and appraise the items we 'acquire' here." "As for my bodyguard, you have defeated her twice in a matter of seconds." "I do thank you for not killing her." "As for the items and returning, the consortium has found a few 'holes' into the tapestry." "Our mages will come to collect us and our goods, eventually." Salvio looks around for a place for the large statue. As he walks around, he does not see anywhere in the inner sanctum that it seems to come from. However he does find two everburning torches in the interior of the hollow mountain that the lady was using to do her work. Asking out loud as he walks around, one of the slaves indicates the statue is from one of the other shrines, the southern one. Anything else you want to do? There are still two other shrines and a missing camp leader. ![]()
![]() Taking your time you can now look at all the spoilers above. Coming to this area you bypassed the other two shrines. Let know what you want to explore next or what you want to do with the large statue. Plus what are you doing with the slaves while you continue to clear the area? Do you want to question anyone? The guilded mountain interior is encrusted with semiprecious stones and looking at the paper work the mage/scroll lady was working on she was inventoring and estimating values on all the decorations. The crates seem to be waiting for the stones and other valuable found in the area to be packaged and ship somewhere. Some crates have things in them already. The slaves are thankful for the protection from the cold. They seem to be extremely tired and sit quietly dosing in and out of sleep. The woman you tied up is staring around with terrified eyes. She mumbles through her gauge as if on the verge of panic. Let me know where you want to go next and who is going in what order. ![]()
![]() On the whip wielding man, you find a scroll dc 17 spellcraft: , tanglefoot bag, studded leather of lesser restoration dc18: , masterwork whip, spell component pouch, bronze Aspis Consortium badge, bill of slave purchase.
+1 studded leather On the roguish woman, you find a potion dc16 spellcraft: , antitoxin, masterwork chain shirt, daggers (3), sap, cold-weather outfit, sunrods (4), bronze Aspis Consortium badge, 17 gp
of cure light wounds On the scroll weilder, you find a scroll dc17 spellcraft: , scroll of bear’s endurance[/spoier], scroll [spoiler= dc16 spellcraft] of charm person dc17 spellcraft: , scrolls of false life dc16 spellcraft: , scroll of identify (2) dc18 spellcraft: a spellbook (All wizard cantrips from CRB and APG only, 1st-level spells: burning hands, charm person, magic missile, comprehend languages, expeditious retreat, mage armor and feather fall), spell component pouch, silver Aspis Consortium badge, 5 gp.
of tongues On the desk is a detailed stylized map of the Vudran peninsula.
DC 10 Perception of map:
Close inspection of the map reveals that it hides within it the workings of a know direction spell and functions as a scroll of the same spell. DC 15 of the crates:
Hidden in the straw of one of the crates is a small golden statuette of an asura (a many-armed and grotesquely tusked seminaked woman). A heavy, larger statue has been wrapped in blankets and tied with tough twine, and lies on its side beneath Cathixia’s desk.
DC15 Knowledge religion of the figure in the statue:
This statue, representing Meenashdu, god of charity and almsgiving. The statue weighs 1,000 pounds but can be lifted by as many as four using the twine as handholds. DC15 perception of the desk:
A small hidden drawer contains papers with notes about a man called Yashi Momota, a recent tagging along on Aspis Consortium missions. Who ever wrote these notes believes Yashi Momota represents only the first stage in a growing alliance between the Consortium and the Golden League of Goka, and has details on other evidence that could point to this budding alliance. The slaves continue to stay in the corner. If you bring them cloaks and blankets and such they will use them. They are hesitant to get close to the Aspis folks. ![]()
![]() Combat over! Cara dropped the woman, which is fortunate,because she would have been chopped in half by kuikka. Let me know if you want to stabilize her again. She is close to death. I will hand wave the checks. There are enough people with action left to save her if you want. Leon continues to hold the struggling woman firmly. He then ties her up and gages her. Nate puts his own touches on the bindings to help out. The central sanctum falls eerily quiet with the end of battle. I will post the discription of this area again soon. If you are curious you can look back at the spoiler prior to combat that has the description. Just tell me what your character is interested in looking out or doing and I will post more as you all look around. ![]()
![]() Round 5
Thinking about this more, Cara, it seems you are attacking the rogue. I will move you over. Just need Leon's rolls Cara seeing the woman move to get away, moves quickly to stop the rebellion. She slices through the woman sending her to the ground bleeding again. Neevindi -21hp and dying again. @Nate, I believe Leon gave you the rope to climb before. I also assume you gave it back to him. ![]()
![]() @Cara, not sure which woman you are attacking. Are you attacking the woman Leon is holding? Or are you moving up to the rogue who has now sprung up? I will assume you were delaying and you or any of the others I skipped also delayed and you can now act. I just need to understand who you are attacking. ![]()
![]() Makeem continues, "We rowed a massive galley for several weeks, not sure how long. We finally arrived as a strange port, we were given wine. We thought in celibration. But it drugged us and we all fell asleep. When we awoke we were here."
If no one else has anything they want to do???" Meanwhile, the woman attempts to free herself from Leon. cmb check to break the pin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Yep, no. The rogue woman springs to her feet, shifts back 5' and pulls out her dagger. Correct me if I am wrong, Kuikka, I don't believe you have a weapon ready. I believe you have a wand out and a two handed great axe only. ![]()
![]() As Salvio approaches the three workers still cowering by the ice wall. He sees three man all dresses more for a ships decks then a frozen tundra. The shiver as the sweat begins to freeze in their hair. They huddle together to try to stay warm in the ice chips they have created. They look tired and miserable. One of the slaves with a moustache, stands and says, "I am Makeem. We are slaves bought in Katapesh, Okeno slave markets." what do you do? ![]()
![]() Yep, that ain't right! We will retcon this a little. Somehow I double posted, so we will use the initial post, though I think it was 1'd because of the double post and anti-tamper coding. The woman attempts to stab Leon but fails miserably at it.
Leon then pins the woman holding her fast leaving her very few options, but she continues to struggle. Kuikka now directs her healing stick to the roguish woman. The woman jolts back awake and snarls, "I am as good as dead now." "You will haveto kill us." Rogue woman -8hp Round 5
![]() Malon holds afraid of harming the wrong people. Kuikka heals the dying whip man and stabilizes him. He is still very unconscious. The woman, still struggling, seems to stab at Leon with another scroll as if it were a small sword.
Round 4
Round 5
Leon is up. Then rest of the party. Please post your actions. ![]()
![]() Malon holds afraid of harming the wrong people. Kuikka heals the dying whip man and stabilizes him. He is still very unconscious. The woman, still struggling, seems to stab at Leon with another scroll as if it were a small sword.