Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: Scram you find no traps [no need to roll] AS you ascend the stairs you eventually come to the top and see immediate to your right a hallway and a corridor that continues straight.Which way do you go Just another tip for keeping these games moving. Here's how I handle decision where no information is available to make the difference. -----------
Scram you find no traps [no need to roll] AS you ascend the stairs you eventually come to the top and see immediate to your right a hallway and a corridor that continues straight. Seeing as you have no way to differentiate between the two directions, the party continues going straight. As you continue straight...
You want to minimize the times you ask questions from us that a) you could answer or b) we have no info to make a difference. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() I'll echo what everyone has said; you're doing well. The work involved in GMing a PBP is a surprise to many. I would like the game to move a little faster but that takes everyone. You should 'lead the charge', but we need to follow. Try what Scramsax suggested. Try to make at least one post per day that moves the game along and let the players know if they are not keeping up. Game on! ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas breathed out, satisfied that they were getting somewhere. He looked towards the natural leaders of the group and nodded, "One of you should lead the way and offer our services to these kings. At the very least we should offer our warning, which is what we came here to do." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas looked at his companions ans shrugged, "I think our warning is falling on deaf ears with these two but perhaps these kings will take it more seriously." He turned to the gnomes, "Yes, we are here to help so tell us where to find your kings." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas raised an eyebrow at the halfling, "It seems you have a reputation here." The old elf gestured to the younger, hardier folk of the crowd, "I think we should try the door and let ourselves in. They seem to be engaged in a lively conversation and likely won't hear us." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() The old elf was having trouble hearing amidst all the noise. He would never admit that he noticed himself hard of hearing in other situations as well. He made sure he was watching whoever was talking to him to make sure he understood. He deferred to the halfling and yelled, "If you've been here then lead the way! ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas gave the little man a thumbs up, grabbed the rope, made sure all his gear was tied up, and scrambled up the rock surface. Once inside, he peered with his elven sight to determine how safe the cavern really was. He inspected the cave to see if there were any signs of it being a den for an animal or anything odd about it. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas looked worried as the halfling made his way up. He knew that he had little chance of catching him should he fall but he dropped what he was carrying and was ready for such an eventuality. "Careful up there. That climb looks rough." The old elf let the halfling climb on him to get a good start on the sheer rock. ----------
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas said, "I don't know guys. I have never seen a dragon but I understand they are much larger than the manticore we just killed." He cocked his head, "On second thought, maybe looking at something in the sky where distances are harder to judge may confuse someone." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: "Ye da' 'venturers da' 'Yor spoke of?" he says looking at you his axe far better than the twine bundle of wooden pieces that mimiced a shield. Calm as ever, the old elf smiled, "Well, I wouldn't call myself an adventurer but I have traveled far and seen many things." He added, "Who is this 'Yor' that you are speaking of?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas put his arm around the young halfling and smiled like a grandfather, "Don't you worry about any dwarves with us. You just keep your hands out of their belongings and they won't bother you." He turned to the others, ""Let's see if the townmaster gives us our reward and then we can go and visit the gnomes." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas nodded, "Well, you can lead a horse to water and all that... right?" He put away his skinning knife, gave the halfling an old rag to wrap his souvenirs, and started walking back to town. He chimed in to no one in particular, "So I guess we report back to the townmaster, collect our reward, and see where our services are needed next?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Scramsax wrote: His eyes go wide "Oh yeah? How do you preserve it? Must be some strong spirits, I bet, eh?" He seems to get excited at the thought of such high proof alcohol. "Here, I can getcha one too, then we'll have matching bone blades. Bone Blade Buds." grinning and grunting to extract another. Loraas smiled, "No, not with spirits. You need to clean it well and then keep moisture out of it. You can do that with animal fat. You can also burn away some of the softer bone." He added, "Let's just see what we can get out of it and then we'll make a plan but you're doing the work, eh?" The druid smiled mischievously, "Matching bone blades? No, I think I'll pass." He pulled out a curved blade as long as his forearm. The 'skinning' knife was well honed on one side, thicker on the backside, and with a grooved point. "Now this is knife, eh?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: "As for me leaving, I will have to decline. I know the blowhard banker of a mayor will hate me for deciding to stay but this is my home, I will defend it until I die! Now I will give you a letter or something saying you tried but I am not leaving. As for the potion, take it I'd hate you, fine folks, to be caught in a scrape without the ability to heal and think 'if only I would have taken her potion', Also come back anytime I'll sell you more if you wish" She says smiling The druid sipped his tea, "Well, we can't really take you by force but I think you should reconsider. We were lucky enough to be on your way when the manticore attacked but we are going elsewhere and won't be around." He quickly corrected, "Not that you can't take of yourself but a dragon... now, that's something none of us want to face alone." He added, "Are you sure we can't change your mind? I mean, there are plenty of people that use your services back in town as well." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas neared the halfling trying to figure out what he was doing, "Ah, a souvenir eh? I can show you how to treat it. Otherwise, it will start to rot away on you in a few weeks." tag? The druid then nodded his thanks to the rest of his companions, "Nicely done indeed. Who knows? Maybe there was some sort of bounty on this creature's head." He approached the windmill, "Are you OK? Yes. tea would be wonderful right about now." He entered the windmill to greet the lady of the house. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Taking advantage of the monster's hesitation, the druid continued with his arrows. "Go! Now!" He smiled and ducked right back under the fence as another arrow penetrated the monster's hide. shortbow to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: Good idea. I will have to make a document with all the initiative rolls and use them. More friendly suggestions... :) Lots of DMs, write out these initiatives in the Campaign Info tab so you don't need another document. You may also want to write out perception rolls as well. Like Scramsax said, just trying to help out but feel free to ignore. Game on! ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas shook his head, "No food here. Go make your kin proud and seek more challenging prey!" He then showed half his torso from behind the fence and let fly another arrow, which once more sank into the beast's hide. shortbow to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
The druid added, "Go now before you bring further shame on yourself with defeat!" intimidation: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19 ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Hey GM: Just a suggestion... you may want to roll initiative for everyone and just tell us the order of actions. In theory, none of us could really affect the initiative roll so you may as well roll it yourself. Since you asked us to post once every 24 hours, you have to assume that, every time you ask for something, 24 hours go by. IMHO, you want to minimize all of these delays as much as possible. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas' eyes went wide at the sight of the monster. he quickly moved up to the iron fence and crouched behind it. hopefully get half or three quarters cover He whispered, "Looks like we got here just in time." From his position, he popped up with his shortbow in hand and released an arrow. shortbow to hit: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
assuming a hit The arrow sunk into the beast and the druid dropped right back down behind the fence. "Anyone else can hit it without getting close?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Sir Adrian Fullbright wrote: I am certainly ready now. I am confident I can convince the woman. Let us leave, on foot. Loraas looked at his pelts. Well, technically not his pelts, but he was responsible for them anyway. "I just need to drop these off in a safe place on our way out." He added, "I understand that the person interested in the pelts is on our way anyway so I'll only delay us a minute or two." He checked his shortbow and quiver and made sure his skinning knife was on his side. He shouldered the pelts, "I'm ready." ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: "Whatever needs to be done is on the board, you all need to grab whatever post you wish to do, Go do it come back with the post and i will reward you" He says not opening the door. Loraas shrugged, "Well, that was quick but not at all what I expected." He looked at his new companions, "At least we know how to go about doing these tasks." He reached out to the board and found the paper about the local acolyte; he read it out loud, "Umbridge Hill The Local Midwife an acolyte of Chauntea, one Abadra Gwynn,Lives by herself on Umbridge Hill, a few miles south of Phandelin, with the threat looming in the area, Townmaster Harbin Wester seeks adventurers to persuade Abadra to return to the general safety of Phandelin. 25 gp reward." He looked about, "Well, shall we get going?" ---------------
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas chuckled, Good humor is always welcome. He added, "Yes, Townmaster. We are here to offer our services to see if we can alleviate some of the town's issues. is it you that we need to talk about that?" He waited a second and then added, "Can you tell us what task you need done first?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas kept up with a long step uncommon for his age. The druid was used to walking and observing those around him. The pelts still weighed him down some and he was eager to be rid of them. he would have to find some time to give the cash to the trappers but that could wait. He waited patiently outside hoping the townmaster was available so they could get going. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas looked from drunken halfling to righteous knight, both with different suggestions. He opened up his hands, "Either option to help seems reasonable. I mean they are both up there to be done. In any case, we need to talk to the Townmaster to let him know what we ar doing so he can manage resources better." He scratched the back of the neck of his ferret that showed from under his clothes, "And if this dragon is true then I am not sure what we can do other than help people get out of its way. Surely a dragon is not something for us to deal with. Maybe we can distract it while we wait for real heroes to show up." He finished, "I say we go and talk to the Townmaster but be prepared for travel." Something that was easy for him as he traveled light. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Sir Adrian Fullbright wrote: Well all, it appears from the board, that whatever we undertake, Harbin Wester is deserving of a visit from those wishing to help. The old elf nodded in appreciation of the knight's assessment, "You are right Sir. We should go and talk to the Townmaster and perhaps he can prioritize these tasks he has posted." He asked those gathered around the job board, "Does anyone know what this threat or regional issue is?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Ðusk wrote:
The druid squinted at the postings, "Not sure yet. I'm hoping to find something that will help these folks, specially those that make their living off the land. Settler families and the like. Those are good folk." He added, "Not sure what you're doing here, eh? How did you end up in this place then?" ----------
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Scramsax wrote: He clicks his tongue, glancing back at the tankard "S'my drink. Traded it fer the table. They're jus' mad they've had to smell each other for the last 10 hours down a mine hole...plus they're jealous of me 'stache's superior thickness." grinning to himself. "Yeah, been here a stint. Barthan's is the place you want...I could walk you there, but I'm a bit thirsty...how about a drink in the name of friendship? I never forget a friend. Name's Scramsax...yeah, like the knife." The old elf extended his hand, "Loraas. Pleased to met you." The druid washed down his stew and hearty bread, "Yes, I will take you up on the offer to show me where this Barthan is. He's probably closed today and you seem to be enjoying your drink so how about we go there tomorrow?" Not knowing where he was going to stay he added, "Where can I find you? here?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() The enchanting man caught Loraas' attention, Obviously another local here given the way he jumped over the bar and started mixing his own drink. Probably the owner. The druid continued eating his stew; it was good. He fed his ferret more crusty bread and started to hum along the catchy tune. It was good to be out of the wilderness. For a while. ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Ðusk wrote: Well it is clear no-one in here needs saving, perhaps this job board of which Drantha... she tips a friendly nod to the half-orc ...spoke of might provide us somewhere to start, or at the least a means to earn our own keep whilst we wait to see why we were drawn here. What to you think? The elf munched down on his bread and slipped a hard crust into his cloak. A rodent, long-bodied, white rodent showed its head and grabbed the bread with pink hands and scuttled right back under the elf's clothes. Loraas washed down his meal and stepped over to the job board. He nodded a greeting to the woman there, "Well met. It seems we're both looking for temporary employment." He looked at the weapons and armor, "May ask what you are seeking here?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Scramsax wrote: At Lorass' offer, the halfling seemed to perk up, perhaps seeing the scene for the first time in his drunken stupor. His gaze lingered on the miners' weapons, his tankard, and finally the gear the newcomers possessed. "Just a misunderstandin'...us Hurbryn have a differin' taste in music is all..." he gathered his spilt sack of coppers and random-walked towards the stool...one eye on the dwarves, his body a locked and loaded spring ready to eject at the slightest hostility. Slamming his hand on the bar before the half-orc "Dancy, another..." The old elf smiled, "Ok, just make sure you don't get between a dwarf and his drink, eh?" He chuckled, "That's probably worse than getting between a wildcat and her kittens." He added, "Are you from around here? I'm trying to sell these pelts; do you know who to talk to about that?" ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Scramsax wrote: Scram brushed himself off but wasn't quite ready to stand again, surprised and hurt that his hidden silver was taken so easily. He wagged his finger left and right smiling "Word to the wise: take the bread, leave the stew." The old elf chuckled, ”No stew eh? What did you have for dinner?” He pointed to a seat next to him, ”You’re welcome to join me for some bread if you can manage to get to the seat.” He added, ”It may be a good idea to join me; the dwarves don’t look too pleased with your company right now…” ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Critzible wrote: Looking at the Wood Elf she nods."Stew, with fresh bread n' tatermash, One s'iver" She says with pride as she then looks down at the drunken Halfling."Nah' he ok, just can't seem ta' 'strain himself" She says as she chuckles, confident she can take care of anything the halfling would do to her. Loraas handed the barkeep the silver, ”Thank you.” He chuckled with the half-orc, ”Glad everything is normal here. Anyway, you look like you can take care of things.” He inclined his head, ”Here to help if you need anything. My old eyes have seen many drunks like this one.” He pointed to his stack of furs, ”Who here in town is interested in fresh pelts?” ![]()
Male wood elf druid 1 (Outlander) AC: 14; Init: +3; Perc: +5 (Passive 15)
![]() Loraas hefted his pack and carried his weary bones to the town. He had just come from sharing a campsite with a few trappers and had volunteered to sell their furs in town. The men trusted the druid after he had healed one of their own who had been attacked when their traps accidentally caught a wolf. The old elf also helped them by fixing a couple of the their older traps in dire need of maintenance. His magic allowed him to fix just about anything. He spotted the tavern and decided that this was a good place to take a break and inquire about who here in town would pay for the furs. He unloaded his furs on the floor next to him, sighed, and asked for some food. He addressed the half-orc maid, "Whatever you have that's hot and hearty I'll take. Bread too if you have any." He nodded to the woman drinking the pale ale and kept an eye on the drunken halfling. The druid asked the bartender, "Are you expecting trouble form the halfling or is this just one of the regulars?"