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![]() Real talk- this is happening. We've been working for months on it already.
We're talking:
This is a BEAST of a book, clocking in at 1,400+ pages prior to formatting (probably going to be ~1,000 when we are done). The only thing we can compare this to is Gonzo 2- it blows Dragon Tiger Ox out of the water in terms of just how much content there is. This is 8+ years of work and now we're circling around like some kind of little, red, goblinoid ouroboros to eat our own tail and revise everything we've put our heart and soul into! Every piece of content is getting another look over and the classes are getting expanded. Every class is getting an expanded/revamped introduction section but beyond that it varies: some that we didn't feel met our current quality standards are being reworked from the ground up while others are just getting standardized formatting, and some are getting rules revisions and expansions based on player feedback and periodic review that we do. We're still working out the specifics on funding. It'll probably be crowdfunding but we're looking into how we want to approach that. We always make sure we have a publishable project before we launch a crowdfunding campaign (so there is never a risk of NOTHING being published) but we want to see where you guys want to go with this. Do you want expanded content (new archetypes, more feats, expanded focus on a particular subsystem, more art, print options, etc) or do you want a "fund and launch" project? (Also, hello again Paizo forums! I've been away from you for awhile! Don't worry- I've been lurking.) ![]()
![]() If you guys know us at all, it's probably for our Gonzo books.
Anyway, it's like 90 pages, has some awesome art, and it's only 9 bucks. ![]()
![]() So we’ve got a series of books we are developing called “Red Sector”.
They are, ostensibly, “set” in a region of space called “Red Sector” but that is more so we can use consistent proper nouns (so we don’t tred on Paizo’s IP) and have some fun with it- but the content will be entirely setting neutral. So we want to know what kind of player options you guys find that you are lacking in your games. Are you bugged by the lack of certain kinds of weapons at certain levels? Are there not enough melee feats? Do you want more spells? Too few power armors for your liking? (etc) Our second book (the first was “Races of Red Sector”, a racial book) is going to be “Forces of Red Sector”- a combat/martial focused book. We’ve already got a whole slew of soldier styles and options, some operative specializations, new solarian manifestations and revelations, a bunch of new weapons and armors, some pre-made ships and extra ship stuff, (etc) but we want to know what you want to see. I know we have talked about doing a magic book and our class conversions from Pathfinder will probably be a book in this series (we’ve already converted over the davatti and multiman from Gonzo 2) and necroknight from the Tome of Ethical Necromancy. What other topics do you guys want to see covered? Tl;DR:
![]() So let's get weird with it for a second. We put out the Aug pretty recently but this one has been in playtest for a while (almost since Starfinder came out). We just released the Dragoon (or "Mewthian Dragoon", formally). We really dug the way the Solarian got into the lord of the universe so the Dragoon did too. Short Version: You are a quasi-immortal soldier bound to a set of haunted armor by a dragon god. The Mewthian Dragoons are the result of a tragic war on a graveyard planet reserved for the most ancient of space dragons. Those servants of the great wurms who died were resurrected to continue the fight when their dragon died. Now they are legion- organized into sacred orders and dispatched across the galaxy to combat evil wherever it rears its head! There are now orders who are not from these original one; it was kind of the inciting incident. Now secret societies, wannabes, heroes, religions, and even people who can just afford to buy their way in can join orders (or make one if they have a dragon buddy). It’s not really tied to a setting (or even the lore- there is a section discussing how to do it in a setting neutral way). We spent a while playtesting it and even ended up doing a high level (18th) playtest (Starfinder get pretty chaotic at 18th) one. We had a bunch of playtesters and used a bunch of different orders (they all play pretty differently).
We really hope you guys give it a read and play with it. There is a lot more depth just under the surface. The art was done by Naiche Washburn and Rui Ferreira (I mean... look at that cover!) and I know you are going to say that it was worth the few bucks you spend on it. You can check it out on DriveThruRPG and our Patreon.
![]() Hey guys, so I wanted to share a resource we've been developing. We have a dozen premade characters up on our Wiki (Link) and we are always adding to the list. We have fun with some so some of them are not what you'd expect (like "Mannesser the Dogbarian") but there is some more standard fare for you to use in your game. We cluster them around level 6 (we find a lot of games can use these) but there are some at higher or lower levels. ![]()
![]() So we released a racial guide for Starfinder converts and reimagines 22 of our most popular races from Pathfinder as scifi races! It also introduces "Red Sector", a large and dangerous sector of space where many of these races can be placed (though it is not required). Welcome to Red Sector
Species & Worlds Included
Our now on DriveThruRPG and our Patreon! Coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Hi guys! In the spirit of my "List of 3rd Party Base Classes" and "List of 3rd Party Campaign Settings" threads I thought I'd start one for Starfinder player options! Included in this list will be: Base classes, player races, themes, and archetypes. The rules for inclusion on this list are:
To get on this list post a link to a sales page where the product is avaible. I'll add it as quickly as I can. If you could, please try to link to products on Paizo.com when possible. (Not required) ~Scott
![]() Introducing the sequel to Alternate Paths: Martial Characters! In this entry we explore new ways to make combat less linear by presenting new rules and options that allow you to "fight smarter" not just "hit harder". Classes in this book follow the same design ethos as classes like rogues, rangers, and even vigilantees. This book examines things like using combat maneuvers, skills in combat, and noncombat options to give players toolboxes of options to fight in a less linear fashion. We hope that by the last page you come away with enough options and new material to turn your typical Pathfinder game into something more complex and compelling! This book is designed with the very experienced player in mind as it presents alternate rules and classes that are more suited to their needs. Overview:
New Alternate Rules & Subsystems:
Character Classes:
Now avaible on DriveThruRPG and our Patreon. Coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() All aboard the We're back again with that Gonzo-style! In this installment the little red goblin crew (Scott Gladstein & Ian Sisson) put in space suits and dive head first into Starfinder to bring you 5 new and exciting races! Add a little whimsy and humor to your game with these races- it's not all gloom and doom in space! Featuring:
Now avaible via our Patreon, on DriveThruRPG, and coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Classic Monsters as Player Races!
It's now live on DriveThruRPG and Patreon. Coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() So today we've got a curveball for you. We've done a lot of Alternate Path books and we decided to step outside that.It is a book about creation, crafting, and items. However, like most of the Little Red library we’ve taken this concept in a different direction than what would be traditionally found in such a book. We didn’t include a mad scientist class or an artificer, there are no huge list of redundant items to fill out page count, and there is no convoluted new crafting subsystem; this is a book about “creation” and “items” as concepts rather than a book about crafting. In this book you’ll see three classes presented. The first is the collector, followed by the sacred smith, and it will end with the magician. Each play on these themes in different ways. The collector is a class that is magically bound (by destiny, pact, etc) to certain items. This might be something as thematically traditional as King Arthur with his legendary equipment that he was destined to wield or something as exotic as alien technology bound to a person in a fantasy world. The sacred smith is the avatar of creation- able to use “matter”, granted to them by the Engines of Creation, to create anything their hearts desire. This magical “instant crafting” affords them a great many options and carves out a new niche for them in the wider world of gameplay (they can be the “equiper” of the party). Finally, the magician can “fake” magical items through deception and utilize equipment in new and unique ways (via equipment tricks and their “magicians secrets”). If the collector is the special arrangement of items, the sacred smith is the special creation of items, and the magician is the special utilization of those items. Should be out today on DriveThru and soon on Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() So let’s talk social / intrigue campaigns. I’m talking Game of Thrones, Mistborn (well... more the 1st book), Dune, Mists of Avalon- where politics and power are front and center. Why talk about it, well we’ve got a book for that coming out. It’s called “The Alternate Path: Social Characters” and it’s the latest in our Alternate Path line where we focus on one part of the game and give your new mechanics and character classes to support that particular area of interest. Short Version:
So, what’s in it. Basically- if you enjoyed Ultimate Intrigue, you’ll enjoy this book. We start off with a discussion of themes, civilized vs primal characters (a concept brought up in Alt. Path Primal) before jumping into a discussion on “Urban Deities”. See, we imagine a lot of deities as being a product of more agrarian, “lizard brain”, “primal” aspects of life. Life in the city brings new fears, new hopes, new goals, and a whole new lifestyle (see agrarian / industrial revolutions and how they influenced human thoughts / religion). We talk about “predatory” deities who are more “Doing this bad thing counts as me ‘worshiping’ them” than actual deities that give you power (stuff like addiction, insecurity, etc) and then jump into some more positive ones. There are 9 in all, but they can kind of serve as a template for others the way we wrote them (Like we have the “God of Dues” rather than “Graynor- the Tax Collector of Souls”). We wrap with a discussion on locations AS deities. In media, cities have personalities. Places like “Gotham City”, “The Shire”, “The Emerald City”, “Atlantis”, and “Camelot” are as easily identifiable by their characteristics as any character in their respective stories. We talk about how to create a locational deity (quickly and easily) so you can fit it into your game (And yes- you can totally be a Cleric of the Big Apple and use a miniature statue of the Empire State Building you bought at a tourist trap place as your holy symbol). After that we introduce a central concept to this book- social caste (we use “caste” rather than “class” because it would get REALLY confusing). This is an alternate system you can use super easily and ties into character mechanics presented in this book (they still work if you don’t use them- just is an option). We split it up into low, middle, and high but each has an OPTION- it’s not “better” to be of a “high caste”, just different. To that end you basically select a “social path” in your caste that gives you some benefit but also some roleplaying responsibility. Like if you are a landed nobility (which is from the high caste) you get a bunch of money but you are responsible for the upkeep of your lands (and we got easy variable upkeep costs for that and whatnot) or a champion (a famous soldier from the lower caste) gets some of their weapons and armor compared but basically HAS to follow just and legitimate orders from superior officers. This all ties in with a pervasive theme of tying characters, softly, to organizations / social responsibilities in a mechanical sense. Then we got social combat. Verbal dueling is fun... but super complex. It’s not something you can hand a new player and say “Yeah- just use this” or explain how to do it in a single breath. Social combat works with the verbal dueling stuff but makes it SUPER rules light and allows it to work in a more directly impactful way during combat (a special kind of non-lethal damage that can force people to “yield”... and we go into what that looks like). It really adds a lot of “umph” to roleplaying and can make a good social character a viable option as a battlefield control character (rather than just trying to adjust their relationship towards you). The system doesn’t just use “Diplomacy” and “Intimidate”- it allows for a LOT of fun ways to use skills. Then we get to the noble. There are 3 classes in this book and it’s probably the most straightforward, or at least the most expected. We’ve written noble classes in the past but this incarnation is top notch. D8, medium BAB, and 8 + Int skill points. It kind of plays like a social-heavy rogue if you squinted really hard and just looked at the math. It’s got talk down, which is basically super-social combat. They can forgo damage to control enemies a bit and even give some allies temporary HP. They are tied to an organization and it influences how they can use some resources. I’m skipping over a lot (because I know I’m rambling) but they get “social graces” every other level, which is basically akin to a fighter getting their combat feats every other level except these are utility/social ones. These characters make devastating utility/option-based social characters (like a... social wizard kind of) or can be a straight battle-noble. Lots of fun (we’ve play-tested the hell out of it), very versatile, and a great addition to any table. Next is Legionary. One of my designers described it thusly: “if the noble is the social wizard, the legionary is the social magus”. It draws from the idea of the citizen soldier- the politically motivated warrior who advances as he goes. The terminology is taken from Roman soldiers from the 2nd punic war but it fits with anything if you file the serial numbers off it. They are a straight up martial character: d10, full bab, good will. They kind of play like a flexible fighter (they retrain a small number of “tactics” each day”) with a lot of equipment based abilities (“If you are mounted I get a bonus”, “If you and I have the same weapon, I get a bonus”, etc). They also get a small compliment of social abilities (some skill bonuses, something like social graces from the noble, etc). Finally, we got the showman. Think of it like the “magical social character”. They are more magical conman / mystic trickster than mundane noble or rogue. As a caster they have a lot of mind affecting and illusion stuff. They are kind of circus / theatrical themed and have a cool weapon that you have to “roll to disbelieve”. I won’t go into it a lot but their class features, if used right, are just absurdly fun to trick people with (the person who figures out why “Liar Liar” is such a clever talent gets a cookie). It’s also got a “ringleader” archetype which is almost a hybrid class with our multiman from gonzo 2 (it gets the clone class feature). Evening it out we have 7 new spells and a new magic item (“very important papers”) before we get to feat. We got class support feats, some generally socially focused feats, and some social combat support. Then we hit “social styles” which is kind of like a “martial arts style” but is more... well social. It’s how you debate, how you hold yourself, how you were groomed, etc. We got a straight classy style, a quippy one for your Spider-Man / Deadpool fans out there, and a blustery bravado one if Kamina is more your speed. Finally we get to political services. Want to know how much it costs to hire the Skippy Boys gang from the west side to go brawl with the Mason’s Guild and interrupt their meeting? Yeah- we got you covered. How about calling for a hit on a king and making it look like your political rival did it? Yep. We got that too. Now, we go over how the prices for these things are more “comparative” than “literal” (“tit for tat” is a more common currency for these things than actually GP). We go over how to buy them and how likely certain people are to spill their guts or flap their lips about what they were hired to do. It’s rules light, a lot of fun, and can get the party into all sorts of trouble. We got Rui on art again and so you know it’ll be awesome. I’m (Scott) on layout and Ian did the editing for this one. All us goblins (Ian, Christos, and I) wrote stuff for this and it’s been about... 6 months in the work. So yeah- that’s what we got and we are pretty proud of it. Hope you guys will give it a look on Sunday when it hits DriveThru (will probably be up on Paizo shortly after). ![]()
![]() "Sneaking through the tall grass you happen to spy a ruggedly handsome man, perhaps a bit too tall as his torso is clearly visible above the stalks of grass, with wild black hair and a feral beauty about him. As you draw closer, letting your presence be known you are greeted by another set of hands, far too low for a man. When you get a full view of him you realized it a creature comprised of 50% human and... well, another 50% human. Oddly, though these numbers add up to 100% human, it falls short (or perhaps is in excess...) of what the term “human” normally implies." Yes, we are gloriously releasing the "mantuar" this week. A mantaur is what happens if you shove the torso of a man on the headless body of a woman or vice versa. The androgynous mantuar are a racial offshoot of humanity with some unique racial traits. The book's short, cheap, and has 2 magnificent piece of artwork by Rui Ferreira and we hope you enjoy it when it comes out later this week. ![]()
![]() Personified Spells that Can "Highlander" Each Other!
Imagine what the hot-headed humanoid personification of a fireball spell would look like or a “holier than thou” bless spell! To add to that stray spells can “transcribe” an other stray spell (or powerful spellcaster) that they have beaten to absorb their energy (or even their spell!). This book also talks about spell beasts- bestial stray spells of immense power that go on killer rampages attempting to transcribe anyone they come across! Finally, this book also has the Stray King racial class for stray spells! This d10, Full BAB, class focuses on transcribing enemies to gain their spells, modifying their own form with metamagic feats, and enhancing their own innate chosen spell! Fearless and dominating, they are feared by stray spells the world over and often rule them! We also included a few example stray spell NPCs (or you could use them for your game), even did up a spell beast for your players to fight, tossed in a handful of feats, and added a lot of adventure hooks/campaign ideas related to them. It's now avaible on DriveThruRPG (~Link~) and will be up soon on Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() The Best Toolbox Class You Never Knew You Wanted To Play
The class itself is full BAB, d10 HD, 4 + Int skill ranks per level and runs on a resource called "primal energy". It's got 3 archetypes for other classes included in the book (one for barbarian, one for druid, and one for rogue) that let other characters tap into it. The chassis of the class itself is really light. You can spend primal energy to morph your body from the list of over 80 options, there is a predator's focus mechanic that lets you kind of benefit from your feral side, and mantles which kind of grant you some semi-supernatural benefits if you eat the flesh of a creature type. These are fun and kind of situational but can be really handy when the chips are down. The book's also got a bunch of new feats and we're not just support feats. There are also a bunch of new magic items in there that work with the shapeshifter or just kind of evoke the feeling of one. It rounds out at about 37 pages (including OGL, credit, and cover). It's bookmarked and PDF optimized. This was Dayton Johnson's book and we got Rui Ferreira (Alt. Path Divine, Alt. Path Ascetic, Godhand, etc) to do the art for this. It's a great class and we hope you check it out. It is currently live on DriveThruRPG and we will post a link up when it gets up here on Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() One should not be happy or distressed over desirables and undesirables, knowing that such feelings are just created by the mind.
So next Tuesday* we will be launching a new book in our Alternate Paths line with a focus on “ascetic characters”. Now, what does that mean? We are focusing on characters, like monks, who focus on those who employ personal, or at least non-deific, spirituality. Many aspects of the book explore “psychospiritual” practices or “martial philosophies” (rather than “martial arts”). While not a cultural source book like Heroes of the Waves was for polynesian culture- it definitely showcases a lot of Hindu, Buddhist, and Taoist influences (as well as a little new age stuff). It deals a LOT with more abstract concepts that the d20 system doesn’t often focus on; more subjective, shades of grey, interpretive material than your traditional “black and white” stuff. It’s a little more sub-system/new rules heavy than our other Alt. Path books but it’s the same great content we hope you’ve come to expect from them. The book includes:
Formatting is not finalized but it looks like this trippy book it will be 70-80 pages long and will retail for $7.99 USD. *We are waiting on 2 pieces of art to be finished. They are in their final revision state. Provided they are done by Sunday, the book will be out Tuesday. We have all reason to believe it will be. ![]()
![]() Sales Pitch wrote:
So, the next round in the chamber is "The Vector"! Master of kinetic energy, the vector can redirect projectiles and people, give things "absolute momentum", rob inertia from stuff, and so much more! It's inspired by a wide verity of momentum manipulators (characters like Accelerator (A Certain Magical Index), Speedball (Marvel Comics), Medusa Gorgon (Soul Eater), Juggernaut (Marvel Comics), Kraft Work (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure), Hisoka Morow (Hunter x Hunter), Rocket (DC Comics) (etc) and has a wide variety of unique mechanics to let you explore movement in a whole new way. The book's due out today and we hope to hear your stories of just how crazy it makes your combats. We had a lot of fun playing with it internally so we are proud to toss this new base class your way :-) ![]()
![]() The Sind is now live! "What is a sind" I hear you asking- why it's a "dungeon mage"! And, by that, I mean that it's a 6 level arcane caster who draws their power from ancient places of powers. A lot of games have "dragons" and "dungeons" (funny how that works out...) and the sind is a professional dungeon delver who studied the horrors of the adventuring life in an academic setting! Because of this special training and their unique approach to magic they can modify the topography of dungeons, relocate/summons trap and even (at later levels) create their own "personal dungeon". This extra-dimensional personal dungeon has many features and can kind of serve as a "danger room" (X-Men style) for parties and just a nice place for a party to catch their breath. It can also be used offensively if you get creative (which we hope you do!) and can be a lot of fun to employ! The sind also gets an archetype- the "dungeonmancer" who sacrifices their personal dungeon for bolstered spellcasting and some discoveries (arcane discoveries from wizards and alchemist discoveries). They are more the "cutting edge" dungeon researcher who would rather explore the mysterious magics of dungeons themselves then experiment in a little "pretend" dungeon of their own. Also included in this book is the "hutling" race and, no, it's not going to let you play Jabba the Hut but it WILL let you play an animated house(think of Baba Yaga's hut... but with a face and arms too) with an extradimensional resting place for their party. Last, but not least, the book includes a nice plot hook/bit of lore that details the way living dungeons can "grow". A great little tidbit to toss into your game to spice things up! This is the first of a wave of shorter (10-30 page) books we are producing between our main larger books (70-100 pages) and we really hope you guys enjoy it! This one is only 2 bucks and we can't wait to hear all the chaos you caused with this gem! Lots of love
PS: Here is that link once again: ~Link~.
![]() Hey guys!
So, what have we got up our sleeves this time?
And of course, some new character classes:
Because of its connection to nature/ferocity- we elected to include new player races in this book as well.
Expect it by Sunday! ![]()
![]() So, we are taking you all on a trip. Yeah, that's right- we bought your group a mental ticket to Polynesia! Heroes of the Waves a source book for Polynesian Pathfinder. It is in line with our Heroes of the East (Asian source book), Dragon Tiger Ox, Heroes of the West (ancient Americans source book), and Odyssey (a Greek source book). It includes:
-Rule changes for a Polynesian game including a balance AC (sans armor) by level chart and the seafaring skill. -We also have a section dedicated to describing how to use existing material (races and classes) in a Polynesian context. This covers both Paizo and Little Red material. -The Samebito player race. I mean, who doesn't want o play a feral shark person? (This is a reprint from DTO). -The Menehune player race. This is a Polynesian specific subrace for gnomes. -The mysterious Nawao player race ("wild men"). This includes full racial write up for the Nawao wild men who are a race of semi-savage monstrous humanoids with a fear of water. -The mystic, blue-skinned, Turehu player race. They dwell in tees, fear fire, and know great secrets that no other known. -The Kahuna base class. A simple, skill-rich, divine, full caster class who can invoke tapu to restrict enemy actions. Enemies can ignore this... for a price. They are a great support caster, a decent healer, and offer a lot of options to a group though their spell list. They do not outright lack offensive spells but are not blasters by any means. -This books includes a reprinted copy of the Tataued Warrior base class from our Alternate Path martial book. -New feats as well as the new "Broken Bone" condition and the Kapu Kuialua style of Hawaiian martial art to go with it (as well as other talents, class features, etc that relate to it). -7 new Polynesian weapons and their non-Polynesian equivalents. ("Equivalents" is a rule that allows them to count as other weapons for the purpose of class features and feats)
-A dozen new deities (complete with domains, favored weapons, etc). Half dedicated to Maori deities and half to Hawaiian. We are just waiting on some final pieces of artwork (coming in either this week or next) and then we will launch it! It's about 45 pages long with page assets created from scratch just for this book, a lot of artwork, and artwork commissioned exclusively for this book! Yeah, we've been talking about this one for about a year now (maybe more?) but it's just been THAT good and we wanted to make sure it was nothing shy of amazing before it went out the door! Note: I don't think we've ever really reprinted any material before. We ARE including a copy of the Tataued Warrior (Alternate Paths Martial) and Sambito (Dragon Tiger Ox) because the book just didn't feel "right" without them in it! Are you guys pumped? We are kind of excited for this one. :-) ![]()
![]() Defy the Gods! Ride the Storm! Tame the Storm! BE the Storm! “I need more POWER! I will not lose to the likes of you!” Raged the Bjorne the warrior, the bloody stump where his arm once was now the perfect receptacle for the pact he craved. With a flourish he invoked the ancient blood magic of his people, his arm reforming before his very eyes as he charged down his foe in the arena. Comprised of clotted blood, bone spikes, and bathed in the light of hell itself- but he cared not for today he was to be crowned king... Some people think it's a fantastic idea to bind things WAY out of their weight class to their bodies- you know, like minor deities, insanely powerful artifacts, or stuff of that ilk. Well, the godhand represents that with a fun chaotic risk/reward style of play that will have you smiling as you unleash the beast on your foes! Included:
Now available on DriveThruRPG and Patreon! Coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Fighters Can Have Nice Things Too!
Thus we present the fighting man! An easy to understand, easy to use, more mechanically vibrant and optimization friendly rebuild of the fighter class that helps re-establish it as a competitively viable martial character. Select from 40+ new fighting man talents, rearrange them on the fly to suit any situation, dominate the battlefield control with a mastery of combat maneuvers, and SO much more! Now available on our Patreon, on DriveThruRPG, and soon on Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Why Does Necromancy Get Such a Bad Rap?
Now Available on DriveThruRPG and soon on Paizo.com!
![]() In short 5/5 (rounded up) + Seal of approval.
He goes a GREAT job tackling the more than 400 pages of weirdness in this good in pretty good detail. His review is over 5,000 words and is worth reading all the way to the very end! We also want to thank Endzeitgeist for tackling such a crunch-heavy, massive book! I know this review has been almost a year in the making (we sent him all of our drafts so he could get a look early on) and was well worth the wait! Check it out! ![]()
![]() So, for those of you who had the misfortune of missing our Kickstarter, we have been developing a rather insane book over the last year (you probably noticed a drop off in our releases too). It is called Gonzo 2 and it is a bloody party. Gonzo 2 is the sequel to Gonzo. Both books focus on non-tradational genre inspirations, humor, and esoteric design principles for advanced players. This monstrous 419 page book includes: *Pants heavily* Ok... I think I covered it all. Did I mention this beast is 419 pages? (1 cover, 1 credit, 3 OGL, 414 of content). Mind you every second of this book is dripping with Gonzo weirdness. And there are literally more pieces of art in this book than pages. Bizarre, weird, offbeat (one might even say... gonzo...) artwork. Guys- this is a book we have been weirding out over for the last year +, I promise you won’t walk away without shaking your head at least a few times while reading this gem. It hits today for backers and later this week for all you lucky ducks. With pride,
![]() Some New Twists on Old Races!
Each race comes not only with lore and racial traits (all of them are balanced as player races) but they each come with additional material. While it’s something of a mixed bag, we wanted to use these extra sections to say something about the race, they can include: racial weapons, racial feats, racial deities, racial animal companions, etc. Highlights:
Now available on DriveThru! and coming soon to Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Hey guys!
Alternate Paths: Divine Characters has 6 new base classes (bishop, templar, lantern, la rosa, mariner, and leper), a slew of support feats, new divine spells, alternate rules for praying and “theologies” (think organizations as deities rather than just gods), a player race of good-aligned imps, new weapons for mariner, wheelchairs designed for battle (or “battle wagons”), and alignment based variants of the warpriest (law, chaos, good, evil, and one based more on favored weapons). We did a big old blog post about it on our site so, rather than making a monster post here about it, you can check it out in much greater detail there. Also... it’s a pretty PDF. It’s got BEAUTIFUL art by industry newcomer Rui Ferreira (seriously- check him out) and it’s in our pretty two-column, easy to read, bookmarked, PDF format. It’s currently up on DriveThruRPG and will be up sometime in the next few days on Paizo.com! ![]()
![]() Hey guys- long time no post :-) (Though I lurk often)
For those of you who were not lucky enough to be a backer on Gonzo 2- that’s happening... soon. Like next month probably (we have one last, in depth, editing pass going on). That will be out to backers first, then it should be out in PDF. We will be doing a print version after that, so expect a hard copy to be on sale a month or two after it launches as a PDF (we will have to mess with proofs and all that). If you missed it, we released Tome of Wicked Things 2 for Halloween- it’s got a horror movie slasher base class and a race of civilized boogeyman. Both are a heck of a lot of fun for GMs to throw at players or for players to use in an evil game! We’ve got a wonderful short little PDF called the “Sage” coming out here in the next week or so by Jeff Gomez. It’s a very unique little caster class that deals with meditations and the like. On the horizon we’ve got Little Red Goblin Games Racial Guide 5, tentatively subtitled “Tradational Races” (as opposed to our last “Non-Tradational Races”). This one will cover variant versions of existing races, some updates of 3.5 races maybe you forgot about, some awesome beasts-as-player-races. Of course this is all slathered in a thick coating of our signature LRGG weirdness. After that we have Alternate Paths: Divine. We’ve done a martial book, a magic, book, and now we are doing the same thing with divine characters! This book focuses on alternate rules, alternate uses for feats/spells/etc, and some new alternatives to your favorite divine classes (or possibly replacements). We are going over theologies (aka religion and divine in a world without gods), prayers (boons granted from gods as an almost currency), and a lot more. I’ll talk about this more when it gets closers but will probably hit the digital shelves here in 2-3 months. Finally, the last thing we have concretely planned and worked on is called “Heroes of the Waves”. In line with our other “Heroes of” line books (Heroes of the East 1-4 & Heroes of the West) it explores a culture and presents game material for it. Heroes of the Waves will explore polynesian (particularly Maori and ancient Hawaiian) cultures as well as as touching on some Filipino stuff. As with all the “heroes” books we will be adding weapons, martial arts systems, alternate classes, tips for running a campaign set in this area, alternate rules, etc. This one is a bit far out on the production schedule (4-7 months?) but work is already underway on it. Anyway- just wanted to let everyone know what we’ve been up to. ~Red ![]()
![]() Just in time for for Halloween! Tome of Wicked Things 2 adds a little bit of evil to the game! It includes an evil slasher movie themed class and player race to the game for GMs and players in evil games! The Slasher Base Class:
The Grinn Player Race:
Now live on DriveThru RPG and coming soon on Paizo.com (we will post back when the Golem's got it!) ![]()
![]() So we've got a month or so left on the development of Gonzo 2 before the PDF version should be out but after that we have some open spots on our development cycle (or are at least willing to shuffle some things around). We are going to be doing a few shorter books (projected to be like 30ish pages?) More solo classes? More races? Expansion on your favorite class or race? More Necropunk? More DTO/ Heroes of the East? More campaign inspirations (mini-campaign settings)? Let us know! ![]()
![]() So I'm reading the vigilante and disusing it with some folks I play with and after we read it we kind of all settled on the same question,
Sans specialization, it feels a lot like a rogue ("rogue... but different" was what the consensus was). With each specialization it feels like you get a bit of a different class in there (sorry for being general but fighter, magus maybe, and inquisitor?) but it was never really on par with it. Like I walk into a dungeon and the rogue is doing his stealth stuff or his party face stuff and the fighter is breaking things with his sword and the wizard is doing his magic stuff- what is the vigilante doing? (And I know it's not all "in the dungeon" kinda stuff). I get that he has a social focus (and I LOVE that) but at the end of the day it feels like a "weak version of X class". It feels like it's screaming for a niche to fill but doesn't really do that. It does have a bit of a "party face" feel (social graces + saves are Cha based which reinforces it) but every time I start to believe that I start to think of a charisma focused rogue or Bard with their spells and say "hmm... I think they could probably do that better". I can kind of see it if I squint I think. Like if you want a face characters but lack X class/roll you could have someone roll a vigilante. Also, kudos for breaking with system dogma of having HD values and BAB progression married to each other and making a potentially d8 full BAB class ;-). PS: Sorry if I came off harsh or whatnot- I just really like the concept! ![]()
![]() Hey guys!
We will be doing an open playtest for any backers tonight and on most Tuesdays nights (as well as Saturdays) so people can get more familiar with our material. Tonight's will be around 5pm Arizona time (8pm EST). We will be sharing the link on the latest backer updatep! ![]()
![]() Introduction
We are looking for a low initial goal of just $1,300 to produce the entire 200+ page book. It will include 16+ classes, an extensive feat section, and even some racial material. In addition to this we have some fantastic full-color artwork by Naiche Washburn lined up as well as 200+ pieces of new artwork by Corey "Thalzon" Hallberg! What is Gonzo?
We intend to continue that line of thought and expand into new and truly weird avenues with this book. Included in Gonzo 2:
What Sets Us Apart:
The team that will be working on this is as follows:
We have long time Goblin Dayton Johnson on board for this project. He’s mostly responsible for the behind the scenes work regarding balance and mechanics, but he has written a fair deal of material for us in the past (including a large chunk of Dragon Tiger Ox). Ian Sisson started as an editor with us and, while this is still his main focus, he has produced some awesome material in the past. He first wrote the tyrant prestige for Tome of Twisted Things before moving on to writing “Ancient Classes” as a solo book, and contributing the Haunted One base class to Alternate Paths: Magical Characters. Christos Gurd originally joined us after we noticed some racial feats he wrote on the Paizo boards. While he started as a freelancer he has become as much a Goblin as the rest of us and has contributed in some capacity to just about every book since Racial Guide 2. Naiche Washburn is a frequent artistic collaborator with Little Red and a Goblin at heart. He most recently did the artwork for Alternate Paths: Martial Characters. He will be responsible for a number of key pieces on this project. Rahul Kanojia is an intern working with us. He’s a design student from the University of Advancing technology who will be helping out behind the scenes a bit on this book and contributing some material as well. Kickstarter Launch Date: June 7th, 2015
![]() Ok so we just told you about what we are launching this weekend (see this thread) but in THIS thread I am going to talk about what is coming up! So we heard from you guys that you LOVED Gonzo so we have been working hard for months now on Gonzo 2. We have some FANTASTIC stuff lined up (“dynamancers”, card sharks, navi, tower defense style classes, magic girls, multi-men, strung-out disney princess warrior women, etc) but we want YOUR help to make this book ever better! We are opening our doors to submissions on this book, so pitch us your craziest, most off-the-wall, insane, base class ideas because we want to hear them! It will be paid at a flat rate if it is accepted. We are determining that but it looks like about $70ish, as it is about 3,500 words at .02 c per word. Submission does not guarantee acceptance and payment will only be made once the finalized draft has been accepted by both the design lead (Dayton Johnson) and the producer (Scott Gladstein). Final price and whatnot are still up in the air a bit and can be negotiated. Submissions can be done in a “pitch” format so long are you are descriptive of both your mechanics and lore. This means while we don’t need to see a finished, polished, piece of work- we do need to probably see 2 or more paragraphs on what you’d like to submit. It should include an overview of the background/lore/inspirations of your base class. It needs to also include a mechanical overview, including the implementation of said mechanics (saying “he breathes fire” is not acceptable. Saying “He can breath a 30 ft. cone of fire that deals 1d6 damage per 2 levels of this class once per day per Charisma modifier as a standard action and creatures in the area of that cone get a Reflex safe for half damage.” is correct), You can submit regardless of your status as a publisher or indie. Please send your submissions to ScottGladstein@LittleRedGoblinGames.com. We will be accepting pitches on this until the 31st of March. Pitches made after that will not be accepted. ![]()
![]() Let's talk about Alternate Paths: Magical Characters. Our Patreon backers have been seeings some of this stuff for a while now. We were going to release it two weeks ago but we put it back in to oven until it was good and done (we wanted a bit more playtesting). So- what's in it. Like our Alternate Paths: Martial Character book this book is designed for advanced players who don't shy away from some more advanced concepts and more complex mechanics. The book relies on the same core assumptions as it's sister book, the penalty (Pn) tag on class features as well as requirements (not always mechanical) for taking levels in one of these a base classes. This one has a more fluid view on the distinction between divine and arcane magics and really bites down on non-vancian magic systems. That being said, let's jump into what is in there:
In addition to those base classes, we have:
Not enough for you? How about original artwork for all those classes by out in house team! When does this come out you ask? Why this Saturday, 3/7/15! ![]()
![]() On Tuesday the 27th Little Red Goblin Games will be releasing the first part of a two part series called “Alternate Paths”. The first one focuses on martial characters. This book is designed for experienced players and presents alternate rules and classes that are more suited to their needs. Many of the variant rules, classes, feats, and other material presented in this book focus on martial combat. It introduces a few new rules/concepts:
Pain & Gain: Some class features in this book serve as thematically relevant penalties and are marked with a “Pn” tag. Base Classes: We have EIGHT new playtested, feat-supported, base classes for this book! We will be talking more in-depth about them in coming posts in this thread, but they are: Adventurer, Athlete, Gladiator, Guardian, Inheritor, Tataued Warrior, Thane, and the Undying! Prestige Classes: Bogatyr of the Dying Light, Commando, Frog Knight, Lone Wolf, and Mystic Seeker (again, we will be talking about these in more detail in coming posts). Alternate Rules: We’ve got 22 new alternate rules you can slot into your game to make them more thematically appropriate. There are rules for making your game more deadly, more combat focused, more realistic, faster, etc. None of these rules are required to be used for use with any particular class in this book, though some have suggestions or alternate options if you are using one or more of these alternate rules. Feats: We’ve got feats in spades! We have new “feral” feats, feats to support our new classes, new “war” feats, and revised versions of feats that you need to play to believe! We have 24 “normal” feats and an extra 9 new “revised” feats. These revised feats add a bit more “umph” to them, causing them to scale more appropriately as the character level and providing a wider variety of more organic effects. Weapons: Did we say we’ve got weapons? Because we’ve got 21 new weapons (almost all of them exotic) from the fullblade to the dire nunchuck! In addition, we’ve got a new system for adding templates to weapons (like making a “military” version of a simple weapon) to give them an extra edge in battle! ![]()
![]() So a few months back I was reading Kirth Gersen’s fantastically written Kirthfinder series and got to thinking that if I was to build a d20 system, how would I go about building it. With a lot of soundboarding with Christos Gurd and Dayton Johnson I think I’ve hammered out something worth looking at. It’s called “Saguenay” (originally called “Scottfinder” as a bit of a homage). It’s an update to Pathfinder (and even a bit of 3.5) that introduces a few new aspects (kind of like what Little Red did with Necropunk). There are more shared party resources, kingdom building rules integrated into all levels of play (and mixed with some narrative aspects), a new more organic magic system (spells are more utilitarian, work on a resource rather than being vancian, and scale with level and resource investment), and a new class dynamic (you select 1 of three paths: noble, champion, or squad). Thematically it’s got elements of the lost in fantasy trope, is more political, it’s very high fantasy, and is more “orderly” (as if the universe was kinda mildly lawfully aligned). Plus you can straight up play as a dragon. How cool is that? Normally we design kind of behind closed doors, but I kind of wanted to open this concept up to the public. I’d say it’s 20-30% done, but a lot more has been short handed out in note form. I’m going to open these documents to public editing (I can always revert them or change them if something gets messed up) and the like, so please feel free to provide feedback on the documents, post here to help contribute, or just give us some feedback. Small edits are fine (spelling and grammar stuff), but please post potential contributions here. I’m intending on making as much of this open source/public domain as I can if/when it is finished. ![]()
![]() Alright, so we’ve been talking about this one for a while now so it should come as no surprise that we are launching Little Red Goblin Games Racial Guide 3: Nontraditional Races tomorrow evening! This is a book we probably should have kickstarted it’s so big. We have THIRTY TWO new races, unconnected to other races. That means they are not a new subtype of elf, orcs with the numbers filed off, or another human with an elemental connection. These are new races, hot off the press, and ready to be dropped into your next game! Each race comes not only with lore and racial traits (all of them are balanced as player races) but they each come with additional material. While it’s something of a mixed bag, we wanted to use these extra sections to say something about the race, they can include: racial weapons, racial feats, racial deities, racial animal companions, etc. Every entry in this book has at least one piece of art (some have more!), done in house, by our fantastic art team! This was truly a team effort with the contributions of 4 in-house designers (Ian Sisson, Christos Gurd, Scott Gladstein, and Caleb Aylsworth) in the book, and 3 of our fantastic contest winners: Eidam (Secret Wizard), Wojciech Gruchała, and Kayley Flanegin! This is probably our largest non-Kickstarter funded project we’ve done to date and is a downright fantastic book. In addition to the 32 classes we have a MASSIVE prestige classes- the archon. This prestige has low, narratively focused, entry requirements and kind of rolls all the old racial paragon classes into one big racial “cultural hero” kind of class. It’s such a massive class because it not only has options for every race in this book, but also the core races and a selection of a few of our other favorite races (including the Guaiwu from Dragon Tiger Ox!). That being said, the party starts tomorrow evening. Don’t miss it! ![]()
![]() Now live! The Little Red "One Day" sale! All proceeds from today will go to the Phoenix Children's Hospital! Check out these prices- please help us raise some money! Anything else you guys wanna see added to that list? ![]()
![]() We feel that oftentimes, prestige classes were not always “worth it”. They rob a character of their higher-level abilities and often dictate many aspects of the character’s growth by way of heavy entry requirements. This upcoming book, aptly named “Really Simple Prestige Classes” allows you to do just that! It includes 9 new 3 level, simplistic, no-frills, straightforward prestige classes! They have low entry requirements, only last a few levels, and provide a bang for their buck, yet are otherwise mundane. They are designed to complement a wide variety of classes and builds as well as to cover some areas that might have been previously overlooked. Class List
In addition we have feat support designed to enhance and reward characters who are taking prestige classes. Feats include: Favored Prestige Class, Best of Both Worlds, Prestigious Leadership, etc. The book launches this weekend, just in time for the holidays! ![]()
![]() I'm echoing our homebrewed free content we developed to bring awareness to our charity sale happening on January 1st! All proceeds from our “One Day” sale will go to the Phoenix Children’s Hospital! Anyway, we took a look at what a human-centric prestige class could be like. Thoughts? Kudos? Feedback? If you missed last week: The Nation of Joe ![]()
![]() Hey guys, Scott from Little Red here. We are doing a month of free homebrewed content leading up to our charity sponsoring one day sale so I figured I'd repost the free homebrewed stuff we put on the blog here for you all to take a look at. The Nation of Joe
Joe is a clone. So is Joe. In fact, everyone in the Nation of Joe is a clone of Joe. No one knows, or remembers much about, the original Joe. Much has been said but much more has been embellished of his life and most Joes simply assume Joe was an average Joe. It is a commonly accepted notion that the original Joe (who is referred to as “O.J”) had an unfortunate accident that caused him to continue to shed a clone of himself every year. In turn, each of his clones are duplicated every 10 years. After nearly 500 years, no one remembers who O.J really was. Physical Appearance
Racial Traits
In addition to the typical racial traits of a human, a Joe gains the following racial traits:
Character Classes
Joes who end up in the adventuring line of work are often drawn to be fighters, rangers, or other martial characters. As Joes are rather mundane in their temperament, few become barbarians though several deranged Joes have taken up the calling. Clerics tend to follow the community and artifice domains and a cult of Joes worship O.J as a deity. Joes who practice arcane magic are rare, but not unheard of. Many are drawn to it for the financial security it ensures (as it is an in-demand skill) but repulsed by the esoteric nature of the knowledge they must master. Individuality
Sidebar: Making Your Own Clone Race
Alternate Racial Traits
-Runty: Your size category changes to Small and gain a +1 size bonus to your AC, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, a –1 penalty to your CMB and CMD, and a +4 size bonus on Stealth checks. In addition, your base speed is reduced to 20 feet. -Handy: You have a weak, atrophied, extra arm that can use to carry objects. You cannot wield weapons with this limb, but it allows you to retrieve a small, stowed object carried on your person as a swift action. -Mental: You head swells into a veiny mess of lumpy flesh but grants you horrific psychic powers. You gain the Wild Talent feat as a bonus feat at 1st level. In addition, if you take a level in a favored class, you can choose to gain an additional power point instead of a hit point or skill point. This ability references material found in Psionics Unleashed (Copyright 2010, Dreamscarred Press). Thoughts? Feelings? Figglewicks? ![]()
![]() So way back when, we released a book called “Tome of Wicked Things”. It was our first “tome” (I believe) and cover material on antipaladins. However, during our audit it got pulled by us because we felt it did not meet our current quality standards. That being said, we have revised, expanded, and redesigned elements of it to be up to our standards and it is going to be re-released this weekend! As with all of our redux products, anyone who had previously purchased it will receive a free copy of this new and vastly expanded book. Tome of Wicked Things Redux is all about antipaladins and other evil player characters. Included in this vile tome is: General
Antipaladin Archetypes
The Psychopath Base Class
The Torturer Base Class (Designer Spotlight)
![]() So let’s talk about “segals”. If you don’t know about sergals. Vilous, General Rain, or Golden Ring this wiki or this page is a great place to get acquainted. We worked with the creators of the sergal and Vilous, Mick39 & Kiki-UMA, straight from Japan on this project. It was a lot of fun to help them bring it to life and bring it to an American audience. We got to use some of their gorgeous artwork (it’s 11 pages long, including credits, with 10 pieces of art) in our book and had feedback directly from them on the creation of this product. While there are some elements to Vilous that are adult-oriented, those aspects are not included in this product. This is a product focused on the sergal race and is designed to be quickly dropped into your game! It also includes 2 pieces of new equipment (ceramic sergal armor and shotgun lances) and 3 alternate racial traits for them. For those of your who are already a fan, you’ll already know how much fun this book is going to be and for those who don’t- you only have to wait until Saturday to find out! ![]()
![]() So let’s talk about races! We’ve done everything from ”race” as social constructs, to wacky halfbreeds (that some of you helped us make), and more recently we even did some pretty dark things. We LOVE to make races but we are BORED with the “standard seven”. We’ve all played, dwarves, humans, elves, some variation of “not-an-elf”, (etc.) or at the very least played with some in a game. Well, we here at Little Red want some variety and that is exactly what we are doing here. Yes sir, we have 30+ fully realized player races for this book who are entirely unconnected to existing mythology/races/monsters. This book won’t have forty shades of “elf”- we seek to introduce a whole slew of novel and compelling races the likes of which you have not seen before. Each race comes complete with social, physical, societal, and religion overviews as well as an illustration for each (yep... 30+ pieces of art). So, we want to once again involve you in the process. The submissions we got for Racial Guide 2.5: Halfbreeds and Hybrids were phenomenal and we want to, once again, open up three slots for external submissions as a contest. The contest will run for a month, from today (10/6/2014) until the 6th of November (11/6/2014). Here are the guidelines:
Please post any questions, comments, (etc) here and let's have a good one! If you guys want to post links to your race here- please do!
Good luck! ![]()
![]() So we are JUST about done with the mammoth task of putting together the Necropunk Advanced Player’s guide. It will be releasing this Saturday and our fantastic Kickstarter backers will get a chance to get their hands on it for free! This book covers war in the necropunk universe, plain and simple. It has rules for mass combat, a squad template, vehicles (from bio-tech antigrav motorcycles to squid-like capital ships), and even nukes (yes- you can play with nukes and fuel rod baseball bats in the APG). However, that’s not ALL this book covers. It covers a HUGE variety of material and all of it is wrapped with Necropunk’s signature style (as Endzeitgeist puts it: ’Necropunk is about the setting, the ideas – much like an alien-less, thinking man’s Warhammer 40K, it is a dark vision of the future, but not a grim one. Nor is it a rip-off, it has its own, distinct identity that appeals greatly to me, because it’s for once a scifi setting that is not illogical or been there, done that. It’s innovative.”). The Necropunk Advanced Player’s Guide Covers: Spoiler:
Modified vehicular rules suited to space and ground combat based on the Pathfinder rules that are more streamlined. It has dozens of war vessels and personal craft suited for war, adventuring, and even grave robbing! This chapter also has the Pilot base class (Find out how/why they are the only class other than Magpie who uses T’jek!) Spoiler:
This chapter covers the concept of “Zeitgeists”, the literal psionic manifestations of political will and the partisan base class that utilizes it! They are this setting’s “paladin” equivalent, though they are deeply tied to the faction mechanic from the base book.
This comparatively short chapter covers new languages (want to rap in new latin?), encoded languages, sign languages, and even dead languages (because everyone wants to be able to sing pop songs in ancient Hebrew right?) Spoiler:
This section covers so much ground. It has dozens of new armors (including boneskin variants), a dozen new weapons, a slew of new items (how about a USB stick that has enough space to contain all of humanity’s created data several times over?), explosives and new modifications for them (proximity mine ear splitters are my person favorite), price listings for services on everything from political assassinations to getting a loan, a dozen new weapons (including 2 lyrical weapons), and SO much more (shopping spree anyone?)! We’ve also got body modifications, ghoul modifications, weapon modification, and armor modifications so that you don’t have to JUST be a grave robbing coreworlder with a mass driver that can shoot hypersonic slag the size of a softball. No, with this book you can be a FOUR ARMED grave robbing coreworlder with a mass driver that can shoot hypersonic slag the size of a softball with dragonfly eyes backed up by a ghoul whose only mission is life is to turn anyone who opposes you into meat-soup. This chapter also covers the Atomic Priesthood, atomic bombs, anti-radiation gear, radiation poisoning (and the other effects of an a-bomb) as well as energy production in Necropunk.
This is kind of a GM-focused chapter that details how to set up a grave robbing adventure, the kind of opponent’s to use, and gives some samples. It also mentions something called, “Murder Elephants”, but you’ll have to read up on that yourself to see exactly why they are called that.
We have two-dozen new feats and 5 new uses for skills (legal loopholes is my favorite and plays into the social combat system!). These range from things that can add a bit of “umph” to existing characters (magpies got some love) to new command feats that are linked to the mass combat rules.
The mass combat chapter presents two new rulesets. One is the squad template which can be used to create squads of NPCs that turn low-level enemies into viable high level encounters. The second is an “off screen” combat resolution system that helps resolve major conflicts. It is based on Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War” (uses his factors as mechanics) and is still a good deal of fun for the players to engage in. Though D&D came from a wargame (see Chainmail) it’s never been particularly good at massive encounters and, as the Necropunk APG is all about war, we aimed to fix that here. The system is simple, intuitive, and can resolve any large-scale conflict. We have been working on this for WAY too long and we are unbelievably excited to show this off. Art is done by Andrew “Viking” Bortniak and is (pardon the pun) out of this world!
![]() So this has been brought up a few times and I’m not sure how to address it without discouraging new publishers (because I totally don’t mean to). I LOVE seeing the inspiring and creative material 3rd party publishers produce. I’ve seen stuff I never would have thought have and things implemented in a way I never thought possible. However, I’ve noticed an issue with with relatively unproven publishers attempting large-scale, Kickstarter funded, products off the bat (or as their first product). I’ve seen a number of these fail and I feel it really weakens the position of the 3rd party industry as a whole. This is more a public plea: produce a few smaller products before launching into your big KS funded campaign setting. You will learn SO much and as a result the quality of your dream project will be all that much better. I’d also suggest hitting up some of the veterans of a KS or two. I’m sure any of the 3rd party folks would be happy to regale you with stories of Kickstart successes and failures. Learn from them, it’s free information and it can only help you. Once more, I want to clarify that I am not discouraging anyone from publishing. If you have someone you want to produce- go for it. I was in that place once too. I am just asking that you do a bit more research into what producing a major product requires and costs. This is as much for the publisher as for the fans. If you’ve been on these boards for a while, you've all heard the horror stories of kickstarters that ran out of money. With Kickstarters new guidelines in place for failed projects, this is more important than ever. I wish you all the absolute best of luck and we, as a community, have some awesome Kickstarters going on right now. If anyone wants to share a story of success/failure/best practices for producing a 3rd party product on Kickstarter- I think this would be an awesome place to do that. -Scott Gladstein (Little Red Goblin Games) ![]()
![]() As a follow up to our Racial Guide 2.5 Halfbreeds and Hybrids we are proud to announce Racial Guide 3: Races of Darkness! This installment focuses on new races found primarily in and around the underdark. The book is loaded with lore (politics, geology, culture, etc), new mechanics (darkness as a terrain type for example), 15 deities (ever wonder what a troll deity was like?), 15 new racial weapons, kobold line guns (siege and no-siege), 17 new feats, and... Player Race Options:
We’ve also got your class needs covered!
Look for it this weekend! However, if our Patreon hits $60 we will release it early! (If you like LRGG’s material, check it out!) In other news, we are in the process of revising Racial Guide 1. It’s getting polished up and re-released. Anyone who bought it previously will be getting a free copy of this expanded book free! It was one of our earliest projects and I really think there is a lot to offer there! |