Anya Jeggare

Lilyth Cailean's page

99 posts. Organized Play character for bigrin42.

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5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Online—PbP

11 people marked this as a favorite.

PbP Gameday XIII Event # 2,715,873
When: September 9, 2024 - November 17, 2024

Secondary HQ location: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at #pbp_gameday_XIII

Reporting Links
We will be using RPG Chronicles for signup management and reporting. [u]If you have an RPG Chronicles account[/u], you can manage signups and chronicle generation (including emailing chronicles to your players) simply by logging into your existing RPG Chronicles account and using the Gameday XIII event code.

[u]If you do not have an RPG Chronicles account[/u] and don’t wish to create one, no problem. Simply click the link below to report as a “guest GM”.

Gameday XIII Reporting

For more information about using RPG Chronicles for reporting, please check out this link

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Greetings Pathfinders and Starfinders!

We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PBP Gameday XIII! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. We will be having adventures of all sizes, including quests, bounties, scenarios, and even the latest multi-table specials!

We welcome Society players and GMs of all experience levels, from grizzled veterans to wide-eyed newcomers.

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Important dates:

  • General GM game submissions open - Immediately
  • Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
  • Specials GM Deadline - July 29, 2024
  • Specials GM Chosen and Notified - August 5, 2024
  • Scenario Support Deadline - August 12, 2024
  • GM early player access - August 12, 2024 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
  • Player seating, general - August 15, 2024
  • Start of PBP Gameday XIII - September 8, 2024
  • End of PBP Gameday XIII - November 17, 2024

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    As of today, GM registration is officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after September 8, 2024 and end on or before November 17, 2024.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 12, 2024.

    During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials.

  • Pathfinder 1e Single Table Special #8-00 Cosmic Captive run by House GM JB Woodford
  • Pathfinder 2e Special #6-00 Salt of the Ocean run by House GM bigrin42
  • Starfinder Special #6-99The End Awakens run by House GM ogrenoah

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


    How do I sign up to GM?
    Go to our GM Registration form. Fill out the form and choose which scenario you would like to GM. Please fill out the form for each separate scenario you wish to run.

    How many games can I sign up to GM?
    You may only GM one table of one special. You may sign up to GM as many other games as you choose, though we ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity.

    If this will be your first time GMing PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time. It’s more work than it looks.

    What if I want to sign up to GM a Special?
    If you wish to GM one of the Specials above please fill out this form. Deadline for submission is July 29, 2024.

    Specials GM Registration Form

    In addition, we require that all those who GM a special have some prior experience with GMing Play-by-Post! GMing PBP is fun, but specials are a time-pressured environment inappropriate for learning the techniques of a new format! Instead, GM something else with us, and then apply for the next set of specials we offer.

    What do you mean by scenario support?
    Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. Not included: APs, Adventures in hardback books (eg:Dark Archives, King Maker Companions), Emerald Spire, or Thornkeep.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 12, 2024.

    What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 12, 2024 Scenario Support Deadline?
    That’s fine, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.

    May I add a game after September 8, 2024, the official start of PBP Gameday XIII?
    Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Gameday.Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Gameday.The Gameday team reserves the right to rule that it is too late to begin a game for convention credit.


    How do I sign up to play?
    Once we begin to get some submitted games we will create the spreadsheet with all of the games for General Player sign-up on August 15, 2024.This spreadsheet will be posted shortly.

    What are the different PBP Lodges?

    PbP Lodges

    Will there be boons for Players and GMs?
    We expect to be able to offer boons for PFS1 and PACS, plus increased AcP for PFS2 and SFS.

    Can I participate if I am new to Play-by-Post?
    Certainly! Just let your GMs and Players know.They’ll be glad to help. We also have plenty of resources available to help you prepare, reach out within the appropriate lodge so we know what you need.

    When will you open the seats for signup?
    We will open up early signup for GMs on August 12, 2024. This is a courtesy for our GMs. GMS, please limit yourself to 1 table of your choice and 1 Special until August 15.

    General player signup will open August 15, 2024. Please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people are excited to play. Even if you are a player who can handle multiple tables, please be considerate and sign up for only a few to begin and allow others time to sign up before you add more.

    Wah! Why do you have so few tables of the Special? I won’t get a seat!
    Don’t panic! We will be starting with only so many tables each Special. We’re doing this so that we can better respond to demand, and so that we don’t overschedule tables.

  • If the table of the tier you want is full, please add yourself to the waitlist of the special you want. Being on the waitlist is the best way to get a seat in the special. List the character you prefer to play — if we can’t fill a table at your tier, we’ll give you the option of coming in with another character.
  • We’ll fill new tables from the player waitlist.

  • 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Online—PbP

    15 people marked this as a favorite.


    PbP Gameday XII Event # 2713068
    When: September 4, 2023 - November 20, 2023

    Secondary HQ location: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at #pbp_gameday_xii

    Reporting Links
    We will be using RPG Chronicles for signup management and reporting. [u]If you have an RPG Chronicles account[/u], you can manage signups and chronicle generation (including emailing chronicles to your players) simply by logging into your existing RPG Chronicles account and using the Gameday XII event code.

    [u]If you do not have an RPG Chronicles account[/u] and don’t wish to create one, no problem. Simply click the link below to report as a “guest GM”.

    Gameday XII Reporting

    For more information about using RPG Chronicles for reporting, please check out this link

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    Greetings Pathfinders, Starfinders, & Pathfinder Adventure Card Game enthusiasts!

    We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PBP Gameday XII! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. We will be having adventures of all sizes, including quests, bounties, scenarios, and even the latest multi-table specials!

    We welcome Society players and GMs of all experience levels, from grizzled veterans to wide-eyed newcomers.

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    Important dates:

  • General GM game submissions open - Immediately
  • Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
  • Specials GM Deadline - July 17, 2023
  • Specials GM Chosen and Notified - July 24, 2023
  • Scenario Support Deadline - August 7, 2023
  • GM early player access - August 7, 2023 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
  • Player seating, general - August 10, 2023
  • Start of PBP Gameday XII - September 4, 2023
  • End of PBP Gameday XII - November 20, 2023

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    As of today, GM registration is officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after September 4, 2023 and end on or before November 20, 2023.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 7, 2023.

    During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials.

  • Starfinder Special #5-99 Battle for the Bulwark run by House GM ??
  • Pathfinder 2e Special #4-99 Blessings of the Forest run by House GM ??
  • Pathfinder 1e Single Table Special None listed, but please let us know if you are interested in GMing one
    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


    How do I sign up to GM?
    Go to our GM Registration form. Fill out the form and choose which scenario you would like to GM. Please fill out the form for each separate scenario you wish to run.

    How many games can I sign up to GM?
    You may only GM one table of one special. You may sign up to GM as many other games as you choose, though we ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity.

    If this will be your first time GMing PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time. It’s more work than it looks.

    What if I want to sign up to GM a Special?
    If you wish to GM one of the Specials above please fill out this form. Deadline for submission is July 17, 2023.

    Specials GM Registration Form

    In addition, we require that all those who GM a special have some prior experience with GMing Play-by-Post! GMing PBP is fun, but specials are a time-pressured environment inappropriate for learning the techniques of a new format! Instead, GM something else with us, and then apply for the next set of specials we offer.

    What do you mean by scenario support?
    Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. Not included: APs, Adventures in hardback books (eg:Dark Archives, King Maker Companions), Emerald Spire, or Thornkeep.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by August 7, 2023.

    What if I want to add a game as a GM after the August 7, 2023 Scenario Support Deadline?
    That’s fine, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.

    May I add a game after September 4, 2023, the official start of PBP Gameday XII?
    Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Gameday.Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Gameday.The Gameday team reserves the right to rule that it is too late to begin a game for convention credit.


    How do I sign up to play?
    Once we begin to get some submitted games we will create the spreadsheet with all of the games for General Player sign-up on August 10, 2023.This spreadsheet will be posted shortly.

    What are the different PBP Lodges?

    PbP Lodges

    Will there be boons for Players and GMs?
    We expect to be able to offer boons for PFS1 and PACS, plus increased AcP for PFS2 and SFS.

    Can I participate if I am new to Play-by-Post?
    Certainly! Just let your GMs and Players know.They’ll be glad to help. We also have plenty of resources available to help you prepare, reach out within the appropriate lodge so we know what you need.

    When will you open the seats for signup?
    We will open up early signup for GMs on August 7, 2023. This is a courtesy for our GMs. GMS, please limit yourself to 1 table of your choice and 1 Special until August 10.

    General player signup will open August 10, 2023. Please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people are excited to play. Even if you are a player who can handle multiple tables, please be considerate and sign up for only a few to begin and allow others time to sign up before you add more.

    Wah! Why do you have so few tables of the Special? I won’t get a seat!
    Don’t panic! We will be starting with only so many tables each Special. We’re doing this so that we can better respond to demand, and so that we don’t overschedule tables.

  • If the table of the tier you want is full, please add yourself to the waitlist of the special you want. Being on the waitlist is the best way to get a seat in the special. List the character you prefer to play — if we can’t fill a table at your tier, we’ll give you the option of coming in with another character.
  • We’ll fill new tables from the player waitlist.

  • 5/5 ***

    17 people marked this as a favorite.

    ANNOUNCING PLAY-BY-POST Outpost VI: Strange-ish Things!

    PbP Outpost V Event # 2710406
    When: March 06, 2023 - May 15, 2023

    Primary HQ location: Our channel on the Organized Play Discord at #pbp_outpost_vi
    Reporting Links
    We will be using RPG Chronicles for signup management and reporting. If you have an RPG Chronicles account, you can manage signups and chronicle generation (including emailing chronicles to your players) simply by logging into your existing RPG Chronicles account and using the Outpost VI event code.

    If you do not have an RPG Chronicles account or don’t wish to create one, no problem. Simply click the link below to report as a “guest GM”.

    For more information about using RPG Chronicles for reporting, please check out this link

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    Greetings Pathfinders, Starfinders, & Pathfinder Adventure Card Game enthusiasts!

    We’re all very excited to announce the upcoming PbP Outpost VI! I will try to keep this as brief as possible so that folks can find all the information quickly. The theme for this will be Strange-ish Things. When choosing your scenarios to run, try to choose ones with some sort of focus on aberrations, outsiders, or mysteries…preferably all three!

    Don’t have a scenario in mind that seems to fit the theme? That’s no problem. We can help you “reskin” almost any scenario or adventure to fit the theme with a little creative thought, just ask!

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    Important dates:

  • General GM game submissions open - Immediately
  • Specials GM submissions open- Immediately
  • Specials GM Deadline - Jan 16, 2023
  • Specials GM Chosen and Notified - Jan 23, 2023
  • Scenario Support Deadline - February 06, 2023
  • GM early player access - February 07, 2023 (limited to 1 table and 1 Special)
  • Player seating, general - February 10, 2023
  • Start of PBP Outpost V - March 06, 2023
  • End of PBP Outpost V - May 16, 2023

    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

    As of today, GM registration is officially open! In order for your game to count, it must start on or after March 06, 2023 and end on or before May 16, 2023.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by February 06, 2023.

    During this convention, we’ll also be offering the following specials.

  • Starfinder Special #1-99 The Scoured Stars Invasion run by House GM Numbat
  • Pathfinder 2e Special #2-00 The King in Thorns run by House GM Lady Ladile
  • Pathfinder 1e Single Table Special None listed, but please let us know if you are interested in GMing one
    ★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★


    How do I sign up to GM?
    Go to our GM Registration form. Fill out the form and choose which scenario you would like to GM. Please fill out the form for each separate scenario you wish to run.

    How many games can I sign up to GM?
    You may only GM one table of one special. You may sign up to GM as many other games as you choose, though we ask that you consider what you can reasonably handle while still providing a great experience for your players and completing all games within the given timeframe. Remember, life happens to the best of us, so please do not commit to maximum capacity.

    If this will be your first time GMing PbP or you are still learning the ropes, we strongly recommend that you only do one game at a time. It’s more work than it looks.

    What if I want to sign up to GM a Special?
    If you wish to GM one of the Specials above please fill out this form. Deadline for submission is Jan 16, 2023.

    Specials GM Registration Form

    In addition, we require that all those who GM a special have some prior experience with GMing Play-by-Post! GMing PBP is fun, but specials are a time-pressured environment inappropriate for learning the techniques of a new format! Instead, GM something else with us, and then apply for the next set of specials we offer.

    What do you mean by scenario support?
    Paizo will gift you the scenario that you wish to run — if you sign up by our deadline. Not included: APs, Adventures in hardback books (eg:Dark Archives, King Maker Companions), Emerald Spire, or Thornkeep.

    If you need scenario support, you must register your game by February 06, 2023.

    What if I want to add a game as a GM after the February 06, 2023 Scenario Support Deadline?
    That’s fine, you just need to provide your own copy of the adventure.

    May I add a game after March 06, 2023, the official start of PBP Outpost VI?
    Yes, you may add a game after the official start of Outpost.Though you must still register your game through the GM Registration for tracking purposes as well as finish the game by the end of Outpost.The Outpost team reserves the right to rule that it is too late to begin a game for convention credit.


    How do I sign up to play?
    Once we begin to get some submitted games we will create the spreadsheet with all of the games for General Player sign-up on February 10, 2023.This spreadsheet will be posted shortly.

    What are the different PBP Lodges?

    PbP Lodges

    Will there be boons for Players and GMs?
    We expect to be able to offer boons for PFS1 and PACS, plus increased AcP for PFS2 and SFS.

    Can I participate if I am new to Play-by-Post?
    Certainly! Just let your GMs and Players know.They’ll be glad to help. We also have plenty of resources available to help you prepare, reach out within the appropriate lodge so we know what you need.

    When will you open the seats for signup?
    We will open up early signup for GMs on February 07, 2023. This is a courtesy for our GMs. GMs. Please limit yourself to 1 table of your choice and 1 Special until February 10.

    General player signup will open February 10, 2023. Please only sign up for the number of games you can handle. It’s better to enjoy one or two games than to get overwhelmed. Also, please remember other people are excited to play. Even if you are a player who can handle multiple tables, please be considerate and sign up for only a few to begin and allow others time to sign up before you add more.

    Wah! Why do you have so few tables of the Special? I won’t get a seat!
    Don’t panic! We will be starting with only so many tables each Special. We’re doing this so that we can better respond to demand, and so that we don’t overschedule tables.

  • If the table of the tier you want is full, please add yourself to the waitlist of the special you want. Being on the waitlist is the best way to get a seat in the special. List the character you prefer to play — if we can’t fill a table at your tier, we’ll give you the option of coming in with another character.
  • We’ll fill new tables from the player waitlist.

    What kind of scenarios fit the theme?
    With a theme of Strange-ish Things, we are focusing on scenarios that include aberrations, outsiders, or mysteries…preferably all three! There are plenty of scenarios that fit the theme already, but if you have one you want to run, we can help you “reskin” it if you like. Some of the obvious scenarios that fit the theme are:

    Pathfinder 2e
    The Dark Archive Casefiles
    Q6: Archaeology in Aspenthar
    Q9: Wayfinder Origins
    1-02: The Mosquito Witch
    1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road
    1-13: Devil at the Crossroads
    1-15: The Blooming Catastrophe
    2-03: Catastrophe’s Spark
    2-07: The Blakros Deception
    2-09: The Seven Secrets of Dacilane Academy
    2-16: Freedom for Wishes
    2-21: In Pursuit of Water
    Intro: Year of Shattered Sanctuaries
    The Second Confirmation
    3-02: The East Hill Haunting
    3-08: Foundation’s Price
    3-12: Fury’s Toll
    3-18: Dacilane Academy’s Delightful Disaster
    4-01 Year of Boundless Wonder
    4-04: To Seek the Heart of Calamity
    4-05: The Arclord Who Never Was
    4-06: Signal from the Electric Laboratory
    4-07: A Most Wondrous Exchange!
    4-08: Battle for Star’s Fate
    B3: Shadows and Scarecrows
    B5: Witch’s Winter Holiday
    B7: Cleanup Duty
    B11: Forged Facade
    B18: From Family Lost

    1-00 Claim to Salvation
    1-03 Yesteryear’s Truth
    1-08: Sanctuary of Drowned Delight
    1-11: In Pursuit of the Scoured Past
    1-21: Yesteryear's Sorrow
    1-25: The Beacon Code Dilemma
    1-27: King Xeros of Star Azlant
    1-35: Rasheen's Riches
    2-02: Waking the Past
    2-11: Descent into Verdant Shadow
    2-13: Storm of the End Times
    2-21: Illegal Shipment
    3-02: The Subterranean Safari
    3-13: Silence at Outpost 634
    3-15: The Preluria Connection
    4-03: Battle for the Beacon
    4-05: A Waltz Through Myriad Worlds
    4-09: Through Sea and Storm
    4-14: Rasheen's Remembrance
    5-04: Fragment of the 4th
    5-07: Planar Bloom
    5-11: Archivist's Inquiry
    5-12: Envar's Expeditions
    5-13: Finding the Forgotten
    OS4: Before the Storm
    B3: A Green Place
    B4: Poacher’s Prize

  • 5/5 ***

    Hey players, it's that time again. No, I'm not talking about the holiday season, I'm talking about time to plan for Outpost, the premiere PBP/PBD event in the spring. We want to know what PF2 and SF specials you are most interested in playing so we can line up GMs for you. Thanks for your input, and we look forward to seeing you at the table in March 2023!

    Outpost VI Specials Poll

    Go ahead and dot in here while we get started

    Everyone can check in here.

    I'll be using the google sign-in sheet for reporting purposes.

    We will be using these forums for gameplay and OOC posts, with discord for discussion and immediate questions. We will be using google slides or Foundry for the maps.

    Feel free to start introducing yourselves in the gameplay if you like. We will start as soon as everyone's character is ready, or Wednesday 1/13, whichever is sooner.

    Questions? No? Good.

    Please dot in here while we wait to get started

    Everyone can check in here.

    I'll be using the google sign-in sheet for reporting purposes.

    We will be using these forums for gameplay and OOC posts, with discord for discussion and immediate questions. We will be using google slides for the maps.

    Feel free to start introducing yourselves in the gameplay if you like. We will start as soon as everyone's character is ready, or Monday 8/3, whichever is sooner. I know everyone wants to have their characters available for Gameday IX, so I'm going to try and keep to that schedule.

    Questions? No? Good.

    Please dot in here while we wait to get started

    Everyone can check in here.

    I'll be using the google sign-in sheet for reporting purposes.

    We will be using these forums for gameplay and OOC posts, with discord for discussion and immediate questions. We will be using google slides for the maps.

    Feel free to start introducing yourselves in the gameplay if you like. We will start as soon as everyone's character is ready, or Monday 8/3, whichever is sooner. I know everyone wants to have their characters available for Gameday IX, so I'm going to try and keep to that schedule.

    Questions? No? Good.

    You find yourselves in one of the many open and lush rooms of Katapesh. Like many others in the great trade city the room is appointed to conduct business but also offers comfort from the day’s sun and heat. This room also has many more furnishings for small humanoids. That and quietly snoozing goblin dog lounging in the shade near the splashing fountain tells that this is the office of the respected goblin merchant Yigrig Money Moneymaker.

    As you settle in, your host, a well dressed elderly goblin gentleman enters with a following of smaller goblin children. “Okay, yungins. I have to take care of some work, go and play..CAREFULLY.. In the courtyard. I should be back out before sundown” The small entourage exits excitedly out towards the center of the house.

    Yigrig Moneymaker, the powerful goblin merchant, slumps in a large chair. His face, normally so proud and assured, looks troubled. “It’s good to see you, Pathfinders! I have a lot of respect for the Society. You’ve been good to me in the past, and my family has aided you in return. But today I come before you, my hat in my hands, in need of help."

    “My family and I have almost brokered a trade agreement between the cities of Solku and Oenopion. It’s a beneficial deal, one where Solku gains the materials it needs to defend itself, Oenopion gains a new trading partner, and everyone stands to make a heap of coin. There’s only one issue standing in the way of the negotiation being finalized: a bridge must be constructed over the Elemion River to facilitate safe travel between the two cities. My family is responsible for building and maintaining this bridge. It should have been a simple job… easy to pull off."

    “It has been anything but easy.”

    The old goblin leans forward. “Every morning at the work camp, it is discovered that more of my children have been pulled from their beds in the night, presumed dead. Every shipment of aid I send gets attacked. The last one I sent did not even arrive."

    “There is a lot of money riding on this deal, but I admit this isn’t about money anymore. This is personal. Someone is harming my family and I can’t sit by and let that happen. I have contracted the Pathfinder Society to protect the bridge and surrounding work camp while construction is completed. I have a caravan ready to leave, filled with new workers and supplies for the bridge site. I want you on it. When you see it safely to the bridge site, I need you to stop the attacks on the camp by any means necessary until the job is complete. When you get to the work camp, you will meet my son Zig, the overseer of the project. Sweet kid… takes after his old man. He’ll be your liaison with the workers and see to your needs."

    “Nothing is more important than family. Nothing. And so, I’m asking you to take care of mine. Our future is in your hands.”

    Any questions?

    Everyone can check in here.

    I'll be using the google sign-in sheet for reporting purposes.

    We will be using these forums for gameplay and OOC posts, with discord for discussion and immediate questions. We will be using google slides for the maps.

    Feel free to start introducing yourselves in the gameplay if you like. We will start as soon as everyone's character is ready, or Sunday 6/21, whichever is sooner. I know everyone wants to have their characters available for GenCon, so I'm going to try and keep to that schedule.

    Questions? No? Good.

    Please got in here

    Everyone can check in here.

    I'll be using the google sign-in sheet for reporting purposes.

    We will be using these forums for gameplay and OOC posts, with discord for discussion and immediate questions. We will be using google slides for the maps.

    Feel free to start introducing yourselves in the gameplay if you like. We will start as soon as everyone's character is ready, or Sunday 6/21, whichever is sooner. I know everyone wants to have their characters available for GenCon, so I'm going to try and keep to that schedule.

    Questions? No? Good.

    Please phantom dot here while we wait for everyone to arrive

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    Ready? Break!

    I am running a Fast Play run of Tier 1-2 of 1-16 Dreaming of the Future for some RL friends. I need up to 3 people to help fill out the table.

    I am looking for fun players who can provide quality posts 1-2 times per day, who are able to use Roll20 or Google slides for maps, and who are ready for a roller coaster of posting, because we want to be done by PAX (Dec 6).

    As of right now, we have an ace pilot soldier, a ace pilot technomancer, and a bounty hunter solarian.

    We plan on starting by Sunday, to get going as fast as possible.

    Welcome to our first Pathfinder 2 game!

    Please take this time to create your character profiles (if you haven't done so already) and fill in the crunchy bits that we have largely ignored up to this point.

    My Expectations:

    1) I'd like to keep this campaign moving. I expect each of you to check the campaign at least once per day (as needed, excepting weekends). If you cannot post for more than 48 hours, please let me know in this thread so I can NPC your character or hold the story as necessary. On a related note, keep your sheets up to date at all times...especially immediately following a combat update. If I need to DMPC you for any reason, I want to make sure I have all available info.

    2) Please stay in character. I know we have a variety of alignments in the mix. You don't have to play lawful stupid, but I do expect some confrontations. That's okay, but remember that your survival and success depends on each other and perhaps some compromise (however distasteful) may be in order.

    3) Please Do not read spoilers directed at other people. They contain in-game knowledge that is specific to that person. If they choose to share that, it is up to them, but I'd rather not have to fire around 40 PMs every time someone notices something that the others have missed. I'll just let you RP out the info as you choose. Occasionally I may indeed PM you info that I do not want others to know unless your character specifically chooses to tell them.

    4) I'll roll all initiatives and passive checks for you guys to keep things moving. We'll do combat in blocks with characters initiatives between mob waves going together. I'll merge everything together for combat update purposes, working things out on a case-by-case basis. If you need to wait on another character's actions before you post, please say so in this thread so no one is waiting for you and wondering what's going on.

    My ultimate rules:

    1) Thou shalt not engage in PVP: The goal is for everyone to have a good time, and PvP only sours everyone’s experience.

    2) Thou shalt not bully other players: Again, everyone is supoosed to be having a good time. Just because you CAN bully others in game doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Extreme forms of character harassment will not be tolerated. By their nature, Pathfinders take in characters with various backgrounds and alignments. You still have to cooperate with each other, regardless.

    3) Thou shalt keep thy character sheet updated: All the time. Period. HP, conditions, AC, modifiers, gold, XP. If I need to DMPC your character for a fight because you haven’t posted and we need to move on, I need to know what your capabilities are. If your sheet says you have 3 hp left and you get nailed by a crossbow bolt, don’t come crying to me the next day that you really got healed to full before the combat. Keep it on your sheet. I'll keep loot on a Google doc so no one else has to keep track of what you've found.

    4) Thou shalt post regularly: Taken from above, you should be posting (or at least checking to see if you need to post) at least once per day, minimum. I give leeway on weekends, since that is my family time, but still I don’t think that is too unreasonable. Short delays lead to longer delays which lead to dead threads. If you need to be gone for more than a day, let me know in advance so I can DMPC your character.

    5) Thou shalt call potential rules issues to the GM’s attention. I do not know all the rules. Please send any rule issue to my attention immediately via PM, with a link if possible. I will try to fix the situation as fast as possible. I also reserve the right to ignore the rule as GM for sake of gameplay/story/interpretation, although I would only do that sparingly and correct it for the next time. Correcting the GM’s poor rules gives you a bonus to some rolls, so if you find I’m making a mistake, sending me a PM is rewarded, not punished.

    6) Thou shalt have fun: Isn't that the point?

    Leveling, Loot, and You:

    Essentially, the adventure path suggests when characters should be at a specific level in the campaign. I’m going to rely on this, rather than XP, largely because it is easier to keep track of, and I feel that loot is a better indicator of how you are progressing.

    If you’re doing the basics, you’ll be on track when it comes to loot. If you’re doing more than the basics, you’ll be ahead of the curve. If you’re being a tag-along, you’ll be behind the curve. It’s really that simple. Doing more than the basics involves the following: frequent posting, interesting posts with good roleplaying, combat that is also descriptive (rather than “I swing a sword [dice]” becomes “I jump on top of the table and from there leap down with a warcry, attempting to put my blade through his skull! [dice]”), and whatever else to make the game and story interesting for people to read. You are an active contributor to the game’s story, not just a player.

    Here are some examples that will slow down your loot progress: lack of posting without explanation or posts that are 1 sentence long that don’t really have an action or effective roleplaying component (posting for posting sake won’t cut it), extremely bad roleplaying, making it difficult to figure out what the heck you are doing in your post because it wasn’t descriptive enough, assuming extensive movements/actions of others (either PCs or NPCs) in your posts (you may assume basic actions like handshakes or other very brief things). You cannot simply “tag along” and be rewarded in my campaign. You must be an active contributor to the game and story.

    I will also be tracking loot and who claims what on an excel file.

    Generally speaking, should you find something you MIGHT use, you should claim it. It never hurts you to claim an item. Should more than one person wish to claim an item, it will go to either the one with the lowest total wealth estimate (maintained by the GM) OR whomever can clearly use the item more effectively (determined by the GM). Anyway, that's probably not going to happen. Furthermore, the group can have the "party" claim an item, but held by a specific PC (like a wand of healing).

    Non-claimed items are eventually sold, and the coins distributed based upon average non-sale wealth estimates per player, less what is claimed. Yeah, it sounds complicated, but once you experience it in action you'll quickly understand how it tries to keep everyone roughly even in loot. People who claim items will never be worse off, since they may choose to sell it later. Thus, I recommend claiming items if you can use it. Coins are only to be distributed once this selling process is complete. This will happen periodically, but usually once per level. If at any time you believe your character's wealth generation is ~50% or less the recommended wealth by level, please send me a PM with your calculation/concern.

    I think that covers most of the pre-game stuff. I will get an IC thread up soon so that we can do some RPing and get to know each other while everyone’s characters are finalized.

    Go ahead and phantom dot in here as we get ready to launch

    Please phantom dot in here as we wait for the game to start

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Can you access Google Slides?

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    I have also set up a Discord channel (sfs-pbpgd-table2) so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.

    Ready? Break!

    Players, please phantom dot in here while we wait for the game to start

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Can you access Google Slides?

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    I have also set up a Discord channel (sfs-pbpgd-table1) so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.

    Ready? Break!

    Feel free to phantom dot in here as we prepare to launch!

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Can you access Google Slides?

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    I have also set up a Discord channel (sfs-table1) so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.

    Ready? Break!

    Feel free to phantom dot in here while we wait for the start

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    Ready? Break!

    Feel free to phantom dot in here as we prepare to launch!

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    Can you access Google Slides?

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information::

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6 : HP 8 : RP 5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    I have also set up a Discord channel so that we can have time-sensitive discussions (not having to wait until someone checks the boards to answer a question). It isn't mandatory, but Hmm's games have really shown me the utility of having some form of discussion and question answering mechanism outside of the delayed board responses.

    Ready? Break!

    please phantom dot here until we get started

    Hello everyone! Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)


    Please take a moment to answer these questions about you and your character. They will help us all stay on task and have fun!

    Out of Character Questions

    I have a Pro account on Roll20 that I like to use for maps/combat. Can you access Roll20 on a regular basis or do we need to use Google Slides?

    Do you have an up-to-date 'bot me' spoiler -- complete with dice expressions? (check out Kastien's botme)

    Will you be willing to bot other characters if I ask you to do so?

    Do you promise to let me know if you get super busy for a few days so we can bot you?

    Are you comfortable with a 1-2 post a day pace?

    What's been your favorite SFS Adventure with this character, and why?


    Player Name:
    Character Name:
    Character Number:
    Slotted Faction:

    Information for this chronicle sheet:

    Number of this Chronicle:
    Starting XP:
    Initial Fame:
    Fame Spent:
    Reputation with slotted faction:
    Day Job:

    Any other special things you need me to note on your chronicle?

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    Ready? Break!

    1-01 The Commencement
    Scenario Tags: Repeatable

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Roll20 handle
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. Please log into to the campaign (not yet set up, take a test run at the Mustering table) to join the game. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. We will ONLY be using Roll20 for the maps component. All dice, RP, and questions should be done on the OOC and IC threads here onthe paizo forums.

    Ready? Break!

    It is the day after the official induction ceremonies, and though some of you may have gone on missions with the Starfinder Society before, this induction makes it official. You are Starfinders now!

    As is typical for the Starfinder Society, the fist set of missions is intended to allow you to learn more about the Society's works, and the factions that make up the Society. You know from your discussions during training and earlier missions that you will be expected to align yourself primarily with one of the factions, but will likely be working for all during your career as a Starfinder.

    You received a summons to the Lorespire complex, HQ for the Society at large, to meet with Guidance, the AI controlling much of the day to day operations of the Starfinder Society. Guidance will be responsible for tasking you out to the various faction leaders who may have some small jobs for you to do. This is your chance to make a good impression, and to see which faction you might want to align yourself with.

    As you entered the office you were summoned to, you looked around to see yourself in an outer office. It was luxuriously appointed with comfortable looking chairs, a credenza, and an administrative assistant's desk, manned by an androgynous android with aqua skin.

    "I am afraid that Guidance's attention has been called away for a moment to deal with matters of great importance to the Society. If you will all please wait here, I am sure it will be only a few more minutes. There are refreshments in that cabinet beside you if you wish. If you aren't familiar with the factions heads and their groups, there are handouts on the table there."

    The blue-green skinned android smiled briefly at you and indicated a mahogany cabinet well stocked with non-alcoholic drinks and small snacks suitable for a variety of physiologies before turning his attention back to a data terminal.

    Intro time!

    1-20 Duskmire Accord 9
    Scenario Tags: none

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum alias
    Roll20 alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job/roll

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. Please log into to the campaign HERE to join the game. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. We will ONLY be using Roll20 for the maps component. All dice, RP, and questions should be done on the OOC and IC threads here on the paizo forums.

    Ready? Break!

    Please dot in here while we wait for everyone to get their characters ready

    Please dot in here while we wait for everyone to get their characters ready

    1-05 The First Mandate
    Scenario Tags: Faction (Acquisitives), Faction (Second Seekers [Luwazi Elsebo])

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum alias
    Roll20 alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. Please log into to the campaign HERE to join the game. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. We will ONLY be using Roll20 for the maps component. All dice, RP, and questions should be done on the OOC and IC threads here on the paizo forums.

    Ready? Break!

    1-18 The Blackmoon Survey
    Scenario Tags: None

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job
    Roll20 handle

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. If you haven't already done so, go to Roll20 and register your account and make sure you can move the tokens. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. Once more, the map link is HERE.

    Ready? Break!

    Welcome aboard

    It is the day after the official induction ceremonies, and though some of you may have gone on missions with the Starfinder Society before, this induction makes it official. You are Starfinders now!

    As is typical for the Starfinder Society, the fist set of missions is intended to allow you to learn more about the Society's works, and the factions that make up the Society. You know from your discussions during training and earlier missions that you will be expected to align yourself primarily with one of the factions, but will likely be working for all during your career as a Starfinder.

    You received a summons to the Lorespire complex, HQ for the Society at large, to meet with Guidance, the AI controlling much of the day to day operations of the Starfinder Society. Guidance will be responsible for tasking you out to the various faction leaders who may have some small jobs for you to do. This is your chance to make a good impression, and to see which faction you might want to align yourself with.

    As you entered the office you were summoned to, you looked around to see yourself in an outer office. It was luxuriously appointed with comfortable looking chairs, a credenza, and an administrative assistant's desk, manned by an androgynous android with aqua skin.

    "I am afraid that Guidance's attention has been called away for a moment to deal with matters of great importance to the Society. If you will all please wait here, I am sure it will be only a few more minutes. There are refreshments in that cabinet beside you if you wish. If you aren't familiar with the factions heads and their groups, there are handouts on the table there."

    The blue-green skinned android smiled briefly at you and indicated a mahogany cabinet well stocked with non-alcoholic drinks and small snacks suitable for a variety of physiologies before turning his attention back to a data terminal.

    Intro time!

    1-01 The Commencement
    Scenario Tags: Repeatable

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. Please log into to the campaign HERE to join the game. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. We will ONLY be using Roll20 for the maps component. All dice, RP, and questions should be done on the OOC and IC threads here onthe paizo forums.

    Ready? Break!

    1-18 The Blackmoon Survey
    Scenario Tags: None

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. If you haven't already done so, go to Roll20 and register your account and make sure you can move the tokens. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. Once more, the map link is HERE.

    Ready? Break!

    Please dot in here...

    1-01 The Commencement
    Scenario Tags: Repeatable

    Thank you all for joining my game. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great GM, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    As mentioned in the recruitment post, we will be using Roll20 for our maps. If you haven't already done so, go to Roll20 and register your account and make sure you can move the tokens. Let me know what your account name is so I can link it to your character in the campaign. Once more, the map link is here.

    Ready? Break!

    Please dot in here...

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Scenario Tags: Repeatable

    Thank you all for joining my game. This is hopefully the first of many SFS games I plan on running here on the paizo boards. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great Gm, I want to play in more of his games :)

    Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.

    Player name/Forum Alias
    Character name
    Character level
    SFS Character #
    Day Job

    I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.

    Relevant profile information:

    Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.

    Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)

    Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).

    I will be a parent volunteer at children's camp this week from Thursday through Monday, so I don't envision us starting the main game before Monday night. However, if everyone is ready to go before then and I have some free time after the brats, I mean lovely children, are off to bed, then I'll kick us off. In the meantime, introduce your characters in the gameplay thread and do any discussion in here.

    Ready? Break!


    The air in Trunau has three distinct smells: smoke, desperation, and freedom. Some days one may be stronger than another, but they warred constantly. Today, the smell of freedom ran strong, throwing desperation aside.

    Other than a few minor skirmishes, the people of Trunau had had little problems with the orcs of late. Last year’s harvest had been good, and this year looked to be the same. The sense of staid determination was still on the locals’ faces, but there was a restfulness that many of the long-time residents of Trunau rarely felt.

    The sun was out, and that was good, for a rainy day would be an ill omen. An air of celebration was about, as there was to be a hopeknife ceremony for the town’s leader’s daughter today. It was young Ruby’s twelfth birthday, and the townsfolk had been preparing all morning for the ceremony and festivities to follow. Life was so precious to these hardened survivors, that youth was celebrated with gusto.

    Welcome aboard!

    Please take this time to create your character profiles (if you haven't done so already) and fill in the crunchy bits that we have largely ignored up to this point.

    My Expectations:

    1) I'd like to keep this campaign moving. I expect each of you to check the campaign at least once per day (as needed, excepting weekends). If you cannot post for more than 48 hours, please let me know in this thread so I can NPC your character or hold the story as necessary. On a related note, keep your sheets up to date at all times...especially immediately following a combat update. If I need to DMPC you for any reason, I want to make sure I have all available info.

    2) Please stay in character. I know we have a variety of alignments in the mix. You don't have to play lawful stupid, but I do expect some confrontations. That's okay, but remember that your survival and success depends on each other and perhaps some compromise (however distasteful) may be in order.

    3) Please Do not read spoilers directed at other people. They contain in-game knowledge that is specific to that person. If they choose to share that, it is up to them, but I'd rather not have to fire around 40 PMs every time someone notices something that the others have missed. I'll just let you RP out the info as you choose. Occasionally I may indeed PM you info that I do not want others to know unless your character specifically chooses to tell them.

    4) I'll roll all initiatives and passive checks for you guys to keep things moving. We'll do combat in blocks with characters initiatives between mob waves going together. I'll merge everything together for combat update purposes, working things out on a case-by-case basis. If you need to wait on another character's actions before you post, please say so in this thread so no one is waiting for you and wondering what's going on.

    My ultimate rules:

    1) Thou shalt not engage in PVP: The goal is for everyone to have a good time, and PvP only sours everyone’s experience.

    2) Thou shalt not bully other players: Again, everyone is supoosed to be having a good time. Just because you CAN bully others in game doesn’t mean you SHOULD. Extreme forms of character harassment will not be tolerated. By their nature, Pathfinders take in characters with various backgrounds and alignments. You still have to cooperate with each other, regardless.

    3) Thou shalt keep thy character sheet updated: All the time. Period. HP, conditions, AC, modifiers, gold, XP. If I need to DMPC your character for a fight because you haven’t posted and we need to move on, i need to know what your capabilities are. If your sheet says you have 3 hp left and you get nailed by a crossbow bolt, don’t come crying to me the next day that you really got healed to full before the combat. Keep it on your sheet. I'll keep loot on a Google doc so no one else has to keep track of what you've found.

    4) Thou shalt post regularly: Taken from above, you should be posting (or at least checking to see if you need to post) at least once per day, minimum. I give leeway on weekends, since that is my family time, but still I don’t think that is too unreasonable. Short delays lead to longer delays which lead to dead threads. If you need to be gone for more than a day, let me know in advance so I can DMPC your character.

    5) Thou shalt call potential rules issues to the GM’s attention. I do not know all the rules. Please send any rule issue to my attention immediately via PM, with a link if possible. I will try to fix the situation as fast as possible. I also reserve the right to ignore the rule as GM for sake of gameplay/story/interpretation, although I would only do that sparingly and correct it for the next time. Correcting the GM’s poor rules gives you a bonus to your XP growth rate, so if you find I’m making a mistake, sending me a PM is rewarded, not punished.

    6) Thou shalt have fun: Isn't that the point?

    Leveling, Loot, and You:

    Essentially, the adventure path suggests when characters should be at a specific level in the campaign. I’m going to rely on this, rather than XP, largely because it is easier to keep track of, and I feel that loot is a better indicator of how you are progressing.

    If you’re doing the basics, you’ll be on track when it comes to loot. If you’re doing more than the basics, you’ll be ahead of the curve. If you’re being a tag-along, you’ll be behind the curve. It’s really that simple. Doing more than the basics involves the following: frequent posting, interesting posts with good roleplaying, combat that is also descriptive (rather than “I swing a sword [dice]” becomes “I jump on top of the table and from there leap down with a warcry, attempting to put my blade through his skull! [dice]”), and whatever else to make the game and story interesting for people to read. You are an active contributor to the game’s story, not just a player.

    Here are some examples that will slow down your loot progress: lack of posting without explanation or posts that are 1 sentence long that don’t really have an action or effective roleplaying component (posting for posting sake won’t cut it), extremely bad roleplaying, making it difficult to figure out what the heck you are doing in your post because it wasn’t descriptive enough, assuming extensive movements/actions of others (either PCs or NPCs) in your posts (you may assume basic actions like handshakes or other very brief things). You cannot simply “tag along” and be rewarded in my campaign. You must be an active contributor to the game and story.

    I will also be tracking loot and who claims what on an excel file (see this example) The group will be forced to use my loot distribution system for the first few levels, then the group may vote to change the my methodology.

    Generally speaking, should you find something you MIGHT use, you should claim it. It never hurts you to claim an item. Should more than one person wish to claim an item, it will go to either the one with the lowest total wealth estimate (maintained by the GM) OR whomever can clearly use the item more effectively (determined by the GM). Anyway, that's probably not going to happen. Furthermore, the group can have the "party" claim an item, but held by a specific PC (like a wand of healing).

    Non-claimed items are eventually sold, and the coins distributed based upon average non-sale wealth estimates per player, less what is claimed. Yeah, it sounds complicated, but once you experience it in action you'll quickly understand how it tries to keep everyone roughly even in loot. People who claim items will never be worse off, since they may choose to sell it later. Thus, I recommend claiming items if you can use it. Coins are only to be distributed once this selling process is complete. This will happen periodically, but usually once per level. If at any time you believe your character's wealth generation is ~50% or less the recommended wealth by level, please send me a PM with your calculation/concern.

    I think that covers most of the pre-game stuff. I will get an IC thread up soon so that we can do some Rping and get to know Trunau while everyone’s characters are finalized.

    4 people marked this as a favorite.

    I’ve been looking forward to this AP for some time now, and so I decided to make it the next one I DMed. I've been running games on PbP for many years now, with two games well into their second year of play. I like a fast-paced game, with regular updates, and a good deal of player-initiated RP and discussion - if I wanted to railroad a story along, I wouldn't need any players. I treat my players well, dish out decent rewards, and hopefully everyone has fun and enjoys a good game in their down time.

    I have a few players already lined up to play, and will be recruiting for the last 2-3 positions. We are looking to start on or around Mar 1. Basically, just long enough for me to get and read through the module. With that in mind, I am going to close recruitment on Sun 2/22 at 2:22pm EST. That will give me a week to make the selections and for the party to finish their characters..

    Player Expectations:

  • Post as often as is necessary, but keep it regular. I tend to check the boards less often on the weekends, and multiple times a day during the week. Ideally, we’d have at least 1 post per day from everyone, as needed, but I understand that’s not always possible. I am going to do my best to keep this game moving. If you only check the boards on the weekends, this is not the PbP for you.

  • Perseverance is preferred. This is a long lasting story arc split into multiple modules with multiple parts each. If you don't think you can devote the time to hang around for at least a module at a time, this is not the PbP for you.

  • Communication is key. Whether it is letting me know of a vacation where you might not have internet access, questions about some minutiae of game play, or simple clarifications; communication is how I gauge how engaged my players are, and how I can tune the adventure so that everyone is enjoying themselves. If you don’t think it’s important to let the other players and GM know when you aren’t going to be able to post for a few days, this is not the PbP for you.

  • Roleplaying. As mentioned above, I like for my players to take the lead in a goodly portion of the adventure. Cues and clues will be given to prod, but I'd rather you go off on a wild hare chase rather than be spoonfed copied portions of the AP over and over. If rolling dice is your thing, and your character is the strong silent type, this is not the PbP for you

  • Quality posting. Know how you get when that hamburger you ordered doesn't look anything like the picture on the poster? That's how I feel about craptastic posts. No one (but you) is forcing you to rush a post out the door, so take your time with it. If you prefer to let the others do the talking, while you toss in one word responses, and like to roll for social skills with no explanations, this is not the PbP for you.

  • Maps, maps, maps. I really like making maps, and use all kinds in my games. If you want to see how, look into my Shattered Star or Second Darkness games that are currently running. I use a grid system to generate images that I host on Google docs. If you can’t access Google docs, this is not the PbP for you.

  • Have fun! This is one of the most important, because if you aren't having fun, why are you playing? Of course, this applies to everyone else too. So, don't be a jerk. If you want to have fun, then this is the PbP for you!

  • Character Creation and Background:

    Character Creation

    Use the Player's Guide to help define your character, and remember that you will be starting in Trunau, so incorporate that in your background, accordingly.

    If it's Paizo, it's good (mostly). Custom and 3rd party will be vetoed.

    Stats: 20 Point Buy, no stat higher than 18 or lower than 8 post-racial adjustments
    Race: Any race with RP 15 or less
    Class: Any
    Alignment: Non-evil
    Hit Points: Max at 1st level, half die + 1 after that
    Gold: 150 gp
    Traits: Up to 2; 1 campaign and/or 1 other

    Character Backgrounds

    Backgrounds are the foundations we build to make or characters believable. They also provide hooks for the GM to engage your character more deeply in the story. Old enemies, lost relatives, and famous weapons make for terrific potential plotlines, which makes everyone the winner. I’m not asking for a short story or a novel here. Keep it skirt-length (long enough to cover the important details, but short enough to keep me interested). A few paragraphs would suffice. Make sure to cover any driving events in your character's life, specific enemies (if any), and future goals. The more I have to hook into, the more likely you are to feel your character engaged in the adventure. There may be in-game rewards for well-defined characters (more on that later).

    Starting Gold
    150g for all classes. You were either given it, worked for it, or stole it. Work that into your background.

    GM Review
    I am more interested in character concepts and stories than I am in how many times you can hit yourself in the head before you black out. Concept and background are just flat out more important to me than specific roles and the crunch. Don’t ask me what roles need filling. It doesn’t matter. I’d rather play with an all-rogue group that really gets into the storytelling than have the perfect 5 role setup.


    What I want from you right now

    I want your character concept (class, focus, how you see your character progressing near term) and background, preferably in its own alias (though that’s just to help me keep track of everything). If you want to put together the crunch also, knock yourself out. I also want you to give me 3 things:

  • A list of driving forces, aspirations, or secret desires - Remember the plot hook discussion above? Yeah, this is more of that.

  • An IC post describing your recent history, and how you ended up in Trunau. Write it as if you are telling your story to a stranger at the pub who just bought you an ale. If you are a long-time resident, or someone just passing through, your story is interesting to him. Maybe interesting enough to buy you another ale?

  • How long have you been playing PbP? New players are encouraged to submit. You have to get your start someplace, and the invited players I already have lined up are a good mix of people that can help show you how PbP should be played.