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Each of you received a note from Venture Captain Drandle Dreng.
Greetings fellow seekers of knowledge!
The Society has been presented with a unique opportunity and I think you’re just the ones to help out. As you have likely heard, Absalom has recently become the home of a group of goblin refugees displaced by the Whispering Tyrant’s armies. They have settled in the Puddles, quite content to live in some of the abandoned buildings there.
We’ve also learned from Ziraya al-Shurati, a Muckrucker in the Puddles, that the goblins have been digging around in the basement of the old playhouse that belonged to the Greater Absalom Performing Arts Guild. They’ve claimed this building as their own. In the process, they stumbled across some manner of beast they could not defeat but instead managed to seal away. With the local guards, the Muckruckers, unwilling to help, we have a perfect opportunity to step in and learn something new about the history of Absalom.
Several of our more experienced goblin Pathfinders have been working hard to build inroads into the goblin community, and this has led to an offer by “king” Zusgut to hear our plea. Your job is to meet Zusgut, explain that we wish his permission to explore beneath his playhouse, and then perform an initial exploration and assessment. You’ll likely not have much time for exploration given the tides probably flood the chambers below each day, but do your best!
Drandle Dreng
P.S. I almost forgot! Eando Kline of the Vigilant Seal is watching this mission closely. He’s worried about ancient evils being released into the world by Pathfinders and what that will do to the public’s impression of us. While I know such things can’t always be avoided, it would be best if you either destroyed anything dangerous that you find down there or if you must bring it back to the Lodge, be very discreet!
With note in hand, you meet up with your usual team of Pathfinders to go to this king Zusgut and see what you can do.
Discuss how you plan to proceed

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Rolo looks down at two new shiny pairs of manacles. "If we don't kill what we find down there, can we dress it up like Dahros and I'll tell folks it's for the circus?"
Looking over at d'Log he grins, "Navigating goblin culture should be easy at least."

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”I’m a bit disappointed we don’t have any long wagon rides together this time,” Ava says to Dahros, holding the fighter’s hand. ”Take me on a moonlit ride through the park when we finish up here, okay?”

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"Oh would you look at that, Another Muckrucker afraid to get their hands dirty. Where have i seen that before? "
Nali looks around for a moment. "What? Dah'ros and Ava again? You two actually sparing some time out of the room to get some work done. Look at that!"
Nali will spend some time gathering information on the playhouse. Is that a diplo roll to gather?
gather infos: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

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d'Log reads his letter and looks around at the group of pathfinders that assembled. You, all, again? d'Log sighs and looks around and starts to see who would be the best goblin to talk to about the Performing Arts Guild. (looking for anything an artistic goblin would look like to acquire information)
perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

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Thellira rolls her eyes as she joins them, "insatiable is just another way to say you're not up for the task Dahros." She watches d'Log wander off, "so we're finally tasked with helping the goblins? I'm sure he's happy. Let's see what we can do."

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It's a beautiful day in Absalom as you walk through the Puddles district. The sun is shining brightly on all the slop in the streets, and there are even a few dry places here and there to put your feet.
You finally reach the old Playhouse of the Performing Arts Guild. The structure has proven resilient to the daily flooding. It is roughly square‑shaped and measures 120 feet on each side of the outside walls. The stone foundation is in rather good condition considering the earthquake 20 years ago, and the wooden walls are still solid, but the exterior's paint is mostly chipped away, many windows are broken, and the wooden shingles rotten and failing. A few creeping plants grow along the exterior.
At the entrance to the building, a pair of goblins wearing humorously oversized ushers uniforms - 40 years out of date with decades of wear and tear showing - waved at you to come in.
Flickering torches fail to fully illuminate this large auditorium within the mostly‑ruined playhouse. Hints of the former beauty and majesty of the building are marred by the smell of mildew and ever‑present water puddles. The northern end of the space is occupied by a raised stage, with a large chair that must have once been used as a throne in a theatrical production long ago.
Goblins move throughout the room, some gathered in small clusters roasting food over open fires, others sleeping in what remains of the auditorium’s chairs. On the crumbling balcony, a goblin choir rehearses, each member singing a different song, or perhaps the same song with different words, lyrics, and tempo. Goblin children chase each other about, their leashes dangling from their necks as they screech and shout. Occasionally a leash catches on a bit of furniture or rubble, bringing the wearer crashing to the ground while their companions laugh uproariously.
One of the usher goblins makes your arrival known with a sounding announcement.
From atop the throne a voice rings out, cutting across the chaos, clear and enunciated, although obviously still a goblin’s. “Oho, what’s this! Another group looking to throw their hats into the ring, as it were? Probably the Pathfinders I was expecting.” There is an angry yell from a group of humans wearing armor and bearing sheathed weapons dimly visible near the stage. The goblin turns and addresses the interruption from the grousing warriors. “Now, now. I never said anything about exclusive rights, did I? Hah!"
“So, Pathfinders. I’m sure you’ve heard about our trouble with a creature in the basement. What is it your organization is willing to do for my kingdom, and why should I let you go instead of these fine folks?” he asks, gesturing to the warriors.
Now is a good time to slot boons and collect school items if you have not done so already.

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Diplo: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
Rolo look over at the other group of adventurers and half-suppresses a laugh. "If you're trying to feed whatever creature is growing in your basement, then by all means send your friends over there in to 'solve' your problem."
Pausing a moment to clear his throat and allow his fellow adventurers to show themselves, he continues, "The Pathfinder Society would like to propose a mutually beneficial solution in which your highness provides exclusive rights to our organization to explore these new areas while we take care of some of your hostile and threatening problems. The right way, and with finality. Something other groups cannot deliver, at least not without significant cost to your highness's coffers."

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d'Log bows before Zusgut
Your highness, our lot were hired from the society to aid you. What type of creature lurks under here? No horse or dog. How did beast get down there. How did goblin trap the beast?
diplo: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

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Ava looks around the old theater with a wistful look, wishing she could have seen it in its heyday. While the others appeal to the goblin king, the gnome walks up to the group of humans and gives them a disapproving look. "So, who are you bozos supposed to be?"

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Dahros stands by Ava and after Rolo does his spiel, he leans down and whispers to her "Smooth, that one."
When she asks who they are, he folds his arms across his chest and puffs his chest out a bit. "Looks like they are some rag-tag band of adventurers who are trying to make a name for themselves."
Turning to Ava he says "Perhaps we should alert the morgue they are about to have several dead men who are in over their heads"?

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"I think they should take red and brown. That way they won't have to change out of their current gear."
He purses his lips in thought, "Though I'm not sure that they're going to be able to put them back together since several limbs will likely be missing."

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One of the other swordsmen said, "We're the Henchmen, and we were here first. You want to go down there to clean up after we're done, fine by us. But we heard about this monster and its gold first!"
The king sat up delighted at the exchanges. "Yes, yes, wonderful entertainment. Who knows how the beast got into our playhouse, but King Kusgut is sure one of these fine groups will suffice to rid us of our problem. Now which will be the highest bidder for the chance to go below? Not in coin - though that is always appreciated - but in entertainment!"
No one in the group recognizes the warriors as being from any of Absalom's gangs. Ava's best guess is that their cheap hired swords... but hired by whom? Meanwhile d'Log realizes something really important about Zusgut. While the King seems to approve of your group of Pathfinders (which after all includes a goblin), he's also delighted at the prospect of you competing with the mercenaries to provide entertainment for the tribe!
You each have one opportunity to make an argument for why the Pathfinders are best suited for the job.
Artistry: Recite a poem, tells an entertaining story, or draws a quick portrait of the king. (Performance)
Bribery: (20 SP)
Flattery: Zusgut loves to hear about how important he’s become, and his goblins also appreciate their newfound acceptance in Absalom. (Diplomacy)
Fixing up his decrepit and decaying theater. (4 days Downtime)

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diplo: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26
Nali stands closer and addresses the king. "Now now King Kusgut. No one appreciates what goblins are cabable of more than the Pathfinder Society. We have accepted them into our ranks, and even bring one of the great warriors with us on a part of our team. Can't you imagine how it would look? Just think! 'King Kusgut Saves Playhouse with Goblin Strength'!!!"

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Nali walks in front of Rolo and thrusts him out of the way with her hips. "Now now, just ignore that fella. He's had a long trip"

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Thellira stands quietly near the King. Once Dahros and Ava start planning their burlesque show, he leans in, "King Kusgut, I came across this fine ring in my travels." She waves her hands, "as you can see, I do not wear such finery, it's not fit for a simple hammerwoman like me, but I think it would look lovely on your hand. Would you mind holding it for me while we're exploring down below?" She gives him a ring worth 20sp.
Swords 3 for potency crystal and minor healing potion.
Slotting Touched by the Storm for Cold/Electricity Resist 1, Devil's Keep for Infernal Detonation.

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Zusgut looks quite proud and and excited to see so many clamoring over him. He seems quite proud of his dump and takes no offense. "These whelps are most appreciative!" Small groups of goblins give loud cheers from all over the seating area.
"But, as the other longshanks says, they were here first!" The goblin leader sits thinking for a while, then springs to his feet and points a finger high in the sky. “I know!” he says. “We should have a contest to see who goes! You can read lines from my play.” The surrounding goblins cheer. He squints at the mercenaries. “Since you got here first, you can go first! Show starts in two minutes!” At this news, another cheer goes up from the Crookedtoes goblins and they begin to crowd toward the stage.
An older toothless goblin toddles up to you with her bucket. "You're going to need costumes!" She dumps costumes from the bucket onto a nearby table.
There on the table are some costumes — a bent and tarnished crown (it's not nearly as "nice" as Zusgut's), a moth-eaten tuxedo and slide whistle, a rabbit suit and wooden great axe, a green bycocket hat and a toy crossbow, two matching pink ribbons, and a soggy paper maché suit of what might have once been a full plate mail costume.
There are 7 parts, and 6 of you. Whoever plays Siathorn and her pet poodle Mitzli (who's not a dog! Ferocious wolf!) can play both parts.
She explains the costumes to all of you as she hands you the play's script.
The script can be found on slide 5.
“King Zusgut will wear the crown.
Ulthun will wear the plate mail.
Grenek will wear the rabbit costume.
Siathorn and Mitzli wear matching ribbons.
Crimsi will wear the bycocket hat and crossbow.
Pizzaz will wear the tuxedo and use the slide whistle.”
She nods to you and toddles off. The young sell swords from the other team yell, “Hey TOOTHLESS HAG, where’s our costumes?” She shoots them a dagger like expression and tosses them stained and even more tattered costumes.
Zusgut rises. "The Masterpiece begins in Two minutes!" He yells holding up a single half finger. "The group first to arrive will go first!" He then points to the group of young sellswords.
Choose your part and collect your costume

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Rolo grabs the soggy plate mail and dons his "armor". He puts one of the matching ribbons on Dahorse to play the part of Mitzi the wolf. "One of you ladies can match with 'Mitzi' here, I'm sure she'll play the part wonderfully."
Turning back to the rest of the group he hands the crown to d'Log. "I can't imagine 'King' Zusgut wanting to be played by someone other than our esteemed goblin friend."
He pauses a minute before handing the tuxedo and slide whistle to Dahros. "This would be perfect for you. Ava, don't you think he'll look dashing in this Tuxedo?"

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Thellira grabs the hat, setting it at a jaunty angle while examining the crossbow, "this will be interesting."
King Zusgut - d'Log
Ulthun - Rolo
Grenek - Ava
Siathorn - Nali
Mitzli - Lunabell
Crimsi - Thellira
Pizzaz - Dahros

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The mercenaries climb the stage like condemned prisoners expecting to be hanged. the mercenaries are rather terrible in their performance: not funny‑terrible, just plain terrible. They read in a wooden way and mostly just stand on the stage looking uncomfortable, as if reciting lines a teacher has required them to memorize.
"BOOooooooooOOO!" The goblins begin to shout and toss rotten garbage onto the stage. The mercenary playing Ulthun has to raise his shield as the unimpressed goblins begin throwing bits of rotten fruit and pieces of wood (some of it on fire) at him and the other performers. "AAaaaaaarrrgh!"

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d'Log nods at Rolo, royalty never fit me, but crowns are fun
After taking note of King Zusgut d'Log takes out his disguise kit and goes all out on looking exactly like him. He grabs a few small pillows to add some girth to his small frame.
At last, d'Log takes the crown.
deception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
d'Log points over to "GRENEK" and cackles no, dear. My goodness. It isn't a suit, I know your primitive kind is short of mind, now don the COSTUME correctly! You are in the presence of royalty.
d'Log scowls at how long it's taking "PIZZAZ" longshanks fool. No longahank is above the great King Zusgut. When in my company you shall remained crouched.
d'Log smiles at the Nobel "ULTHUN" Fair loyal knight, good day Sir Ulthun.

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Dahros is seriously nonplussed about this particular assignment. He obliges with a grunt, but when d'Log presses him on taking too long he starts to talk but is asked to crouch.
Crouching before d'Log in a tuxedo, he mutters "Just wait until we get out of here Log. You're going to get a good thwapping."

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d'Log takes out a full water skin and dumps the contents onto PIZZAZ. I am parched Garcon PIZZAZ, fetch me a drink.
stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
In a twirl, King Zusgut turns to find his seat. With his back to the crowd d'Log inflates the water skin. With supreme sleight of hand, he places the inflated skin on the throne.
d'Log then turns and flamboyantly bows then plops on the throne.
d'Log shimmies a little to let the last bit of air squeeze out. praaaat
Snorting loudly and with a high pitched squeaky voice I see the great heroes have returned. NOT YOU PIZZAZ GO FETCH MY DRINK. But who is this fare Knight d'Log digs his hand down his trousers and adjusts himself viscously.
I think that dog gave me the pox

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The older toothless goblin patrols the sides of the stage with her bucket, making sure that none of the burning pieces of junk that fly at the hapless mercenaries set fire to her theater. There is a short intermission where one of Zusgut's troop juggles fire while the rest of you get ready for your amazing performance.
Once the pyromancer is done with intermission, the rest of the goblins shout, "PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!"
Distracted by the goblin chanting, the King doesn't notice d'Log mucking about until the shouts of laughter draw his attention once more. He scowled slightly, but then put a smile back on.
"WEll, that was an interesting performance. Now, let's see what the Pathfinders can do!"
Please post all your lines (a separate post per line of the play) complete with your description of your applicable roleplay, interior monologue, props, special effects or your own improvised dialogue additions to this masterpiece. These posts can happen in any order. You don't need to wait for the players who have lines before you to post. On your last line, be sure to include your performance roll (yes, you may use hero points to reroll this.)
I will then weave all your posts together into a single summary of the play. This will let us get through the play in a day or two, and then move on to the rest of the adventure!

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Ava hops forward, wiggling her nose like a rabbit. She has changed her skin tone to match the costume. ”Is true. Undead everywhere!”
As Dahros clears his throat, Ava delivers a swift rabbit punch to his crotch. ”Quiet! Chief speaking!”
”We help too! We know how to fight undead long shanks!” Ava says enthusiastically, swinging her wooden great axe around wildly.
The gnome joins in the final cheer, hopping up and down excitedly. ”We be heroes! We be heroes! We be heroes!”
Performance: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Hero Point: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

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As Ava mentions the undead Nali bursts in pushing her to the side shouting proudly "Aha! But we bravely helped them escape!"
She stands with her arms on her hips and her head held high, confidence in her face. She pauses for a moment to bask in the glory before clarifying more seriously "The longshanks! not the undead!"
Lunaball bounces in beside her and speaks in Elven
...Once more after Ava talks about fighting undead Nali Marches in circles around the stage. "Yes! We can fight! Mitzi will tear them limb from limb with wolfish fierceness!"
Lunaball jumps up and speaks in Elven
If we need rolls to go with this, then
diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
My performance is +4, so if we need to use that instead then this becomes a 17 peform

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Thellira strides on stage with the others, taking a knee before King d'Log. When Lunabell barks, she leaps to her feat, swinging her meteor hammer around and slamming it to the floor, "I helped collapse the tunnel behind us. It was great!”
Waiting for her next line, she sets the handle in a convenient hole in the floor, stretching the chain and holding the ball of her hammer. She groans with the others, shaking her head at the idea of yet another Dahros song, and flips the ball through the air, "No, no, no. We need my catapult” As d'Log engenders them to seize their destiny, she joins the others in cheering, "We be heroes! We be heroes! We be heroes!”
Performance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Hero Point Performance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19
Athletics to simulate a catapult: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

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Performance: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20
Rolo struts in with his cardboard armor on, wielding his longsword in one hand and shield in the other. He flourishes a bow and kneels to d'Log/"Zusgut" and booms, "Oh mighty chief of the goblins, whose wit and skill are unsurpassed, I am called Ulthun, Watcher-Lord of the Lastwall. Alas, that land has been overrun by undead," pausing with a heavy sigh, "and is no more!"
He pauses while the goblins speak, nodding his head in appreciation of their "accomplishments". As "Pizazz" grumbles, he steps up in front of him to face the audience, blocking Dahros from view. "Please, my lord, we beseech you and ask the help of your mighty tribe." He gestures to all of the 'goblins' in the play and audience. "We are but mere humans and lack the cleverness and skill needed to escape the clutches of the undead. Will you aid us?" Cue puppy dog eyes.
At the end when the goblins cheer he positively beams and raises his arms in celebration before charging off to exit stage left.

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pefrorm: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
d'Log enters the stage clad in a great rendition of King Zusgut. Great People of Absalom, today we will reenact the Rise of the Goblin Heroes.
The stage dims as d'Log takes his throne seat. I see! The lights come back on and d'Log motions the crowd of heroes in. The great heroes have returned.
But what is this, a new face. In armor. Could this be a the knight. THE knight. Contemplation runs over King Zusgut's face. Who is this with you d'Log's eyes fill to bursting at seeing such a noble sight. d'Log took it a bit to far and his voice cracks. Sir brAVe knight, please speak.

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Dahros is not happy with this task whatsoever. He makes that abundantly clear in his "performance".
"I found the uhm, the people that uhm, they appreciate my singing. Here. Let. Me. Show. You. Clears Throat. Oh. Am I not supposed to say Clears Throat? Oh. Okay. I did not say that then."
Dahros says gruffly "Grumbles!" and looks over at Ava who is shaking her head no. "Oh. If those lines are around the words I don't say them? Okay. No grumbles!"
After Nali barks, Dahros laughs. "Yes! Bark! I love barking elves they-" he clears his throat when Ava elbows him "Right. I WILL COMPOSE A WAR song to LIFT OUR hearts." before adding with a snicker "and so that we can see elves barking."
Performance: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Performance: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14

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Rise of the Goblin Heroes!
There is a momentary silence, which is rare among goblins, as the play begins!
Act 5; Scene 1
d'Log enters the stage clad in a great rendition of King Zusgut. Great People of Absalom, today we will reenact the Rise of the Goblin Heroes.
The stage dims as d'Log takes his throne seat. "I see" The lights come back on and d'Log motions the crowd of heroes in, "The great heroes have returned."
"But what is this, a new face. In armor. Could this be a the knight. THE knight. Contemplation runs over King Zusgut's face. Who is this with you d'Log's eyes fill to bursting at seeing such a noble sight. d'Log took it a bit to far and his voice cracks. Sir brAVe knight, please speak."
Rolo struts in with his cardboard armor on, wielding his longsword in one hand and shield in the other. He flourishes a bow and kneels to d'Log/"Zusgut" and booms, "Oh mighty chief of the goblins, whose wit and skill are unsurpassed, I am called Ulthun, Watcher-Lord of the Lastwall. Alas, that land has been overrun by undead," pausing with a heavy sigh, "and is no more!"
Ava hops forward, wiggling her nose like a rabbit. She has changed her skin tone to match the costume. ”Is true. Undead everywhere!”
As Ava mentions the undead Nali bursts in pushing her to the side shouting proudly "Aha! But we bravely helped them escape!"
She stands with her arms on her hips and her head held high, confidence in her face. She pauses for a moment to bask in the glory before clarifying more seriously "The longshanks! not the undead!"
Lunaball bounces in beside her and speaks in Elven, "WOOF!"
Thellira strides on stage with the others, taking a knee before King d'Log. When Lunabell barks, she leaps to her feat, swinging her meteor hammer around and slamming it to the floor, "I helped collapse the tunnel behind us. It was great!”
Dahros is not happy with this task whatsoever. He makes that abundantly clear in his "performance".
"I found the uhm, the people that uhm, they appreciate my singing. Here. Let. Me. Show. You. Clears Throat. Oh. Am I not supposed to say Clears Throat? Oh. Okay. I did not say that then."
As Dahros clears his throat, Ava delivers a swift rabbit punch to his crotch. ”Quiet! Chief speaking!”
He pauses while the goblins speak, nodding his head in appreciation of their "accomplishments". As "Pizazz" grumbles, he steps up in front of him to face the audience, blocking Dahros from view. "Please, my lord, we beseech you and ask the help of your mighty tribe." He gestures to all of the 'goblins' in the play and audience. "We are but mere humans and lack the cleverness and skill needed to escape the clutches of the undead. Will you aid us?" Cue puppy dog eyes.
d'Log froze up. He had been so confident, but now he was sweating. What was his line? Did anyone remember? Who was holding the script? He tugged at his collar as the sweat made his face paint drip.
Ava thought she could get the play back on track. ”We help too! We know how to fight undead long shanks!” Ava says enthusiastically, swinging her wooden great axe around wildly.
Once more after Ava talks about fighting undead Nali Marches in circles around the stage. "Yes! We can fight! Mitzi will tear them limb from limb with wolfish fierceness!"
Lunaball jumps up and speaks in Elven, "BARK!"
After Nali barks, Dahros laughs. "Yes! Bark! I love barking elves they-" he clears his throat when Ava elbows him "Right. I WILL COMPOSE A WAR song to LIFT OUR hearts." before adding with a snicker "and so that we can see elves barking."
Waiting for her next line, she sets the handle in a convenient hole in the floor, stretching the chain and holding the ball of her hammer. She groans with the others, shaking her head at the idea of yet another Dahros song, and flips the ball through the air, "No, no, no. We need my catapult”
d'Log still looked flustered as his king disguise peeled from his face and the pillow slipped to the ground. He couldn't remember any more of his lines.
Without d'Log to deliver his lines, the others faltered. Finally, Ava started the chant of "We be heroes! We be heroes!". Soon the rest of you joined in, and then all of the goblins together begin to cheer. "We be Heroes!, We be Heroes!, We be Heroes!"

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Only half of you manage to get the goblins excited with your performance, but it seems to be enough. It's not like they have a good performance to base it off of after all. Unfortunately as the play went on d'Log ends up covered in rotten vegetables and garbage.
Zusgut raises his hands for silence, and most of the goblins quiet down or wander off. “Well that was exciting, though I could have wished the one goblin in the group had managed to get his lines right,” he says. “But now it’s time for the tough decision.” The king pauses dramatically, and from somewhere nearby a goblin beats a drum in a rhythm reminiscent of a heartbeat.
“It’s a difficult choice,” Zusgut continues, drawing out the moment. “But I have to say that one performance…” he pauses as the drum continues to beat. “Rose above the other.” Another pause. “Today, the winner is…” He stops again, and now the goblins are all paying close attention. “The Pathfinders!” A cheer rises up at his words.
The goblins rush to the stage to congratulate each of you, even d'Log as they giggle. "You worst Zusgut ever!" The children roll on their backs laughing.
Thellira and Dahros gain a hero point.
Zusgut nods. "It's best to make your way to the basement, where a gigantic monster has taken up residence!" Looking around to make certain he has an audience, Zusgut spreads his arms wide as he discusses the monster. "I don't know exactly what it is, but I have heard that it is very, very big, has a giant mouth, sharp teeth, and is green!” He seems quite proud of this, as everyone knows that green creatures are the fiercest of all.
The other goblins all say, "Oooooh!"
The mercenaries, for their part, sulkily move to a quiet corner. "Good luck," They sneer a bit.
Meanwhile, the older toothless goblin hauls her bucket over to talk to Azu. "The basement... it floods each day. You've got five, maybe six hours until it floods again. Rather not find you in my bucket someday." Message delivered, the old goblin wanders off.

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"Can you give me any descriptions of the monster at all from what you have seen? Any little detail will help us prepare for what is to come"
occultism: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

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Thellira claps Dahros on the bacl, "good show, I can start to see why Ava is impressed." She cleans some wood shavings out of the spikes on her hammer and looks for the door, "shall we head down?"

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Twisted and bloated, the wooden stairs connecting the main floor and basement are slick and saturated with water. The walls are covered in algae and the ceiling is coated with black mold, while old furniture and props from the theater are piled in the corners in soggy, crumbling heaps. Small crustaceans and numerous insects occasionally peek from the detritus or scramble into cracks or the shallow pools on the floor. The smell of rot and salt water hangs damply in the air.
To the west, a section of the brick wall has crumbled into a heap, creating an opening into a larger area beyond.
The basement of the playhouse contains bits of waterlogged and rotten props, costumes, and tools, most of which are unusable and worthless, but an active search might offer something salvageable.
d'Log immediately picks up some tracks, leading further into the room, but they quickly vanish into the darkness of the room.
It is pitch dark. What are you all using for light sources?

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As Nali follows the others into the darkness, before the dark the first thing she notices is the smell. "Wow. d'log. Is this what goblin homes normally smell like? Awful!"
As they are in the thick of the darkness Nali turns to Lunaball "Well Lunaball. This is your time to shine. HA! Get it? Shine!" She casts a spell and reaches out to touch Lunaball, causing her to glow with a bright light.
Nali casts Light on Lunaball

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for a goblin basement home, it smells beachy. There were track leading this way, but can you see in this darkness? I'm going to sneak ahead and scout to see what's up
Following where the tracks were going d'Log inches ahead.
stealth: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25