DM Bigrin |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Scenario Tags: Repeatable
Thank you all for joining my game. This is hopefully the first of many SFS games I plan on running here on the paizo boards. My goal is for each and every one of you to walk away thinking 2 things: 1) Man, that was a lot of fun, I can't wait to do it again; and 2) That DM Bigrin guy is a great Gm, I want to play in more of his games :)
Once you have settled on a character I need the following information.
Player name/Forum Alias
Character name
Character level
SFS Character #
Day Job
I also need you to fill out your alias profile with all the relevant information.
Please put the relevant stat block in your profile, under the Race field. See below for an example of what I am looking for. This is my quick lookup so I don't have to do a full dive into your character when I need to make snap decisions.
Female Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 : HP 8/8 : RP 5/5 | EAC 13 : KAC 14 | Fort. +2: Ref. +2 : Will +2 | Init. +2 : Perc. +8 (darkvision)
Also, please put your full character sheet in your profile somehow, whether it is formatted text from HeroLab, PCGen, or another character generator, a link to an online sheet, or raw text. (talk to me if you want to know more about PCGEN, a FREE character creation and management tool).
I will be a parent volunteer at children's camp this week from Thursday through Monday, so I don't envision us starting the main game before Monday night. However, if everyone is ready to go before then and I have some free time after the brats, I mean lovely children, are off to bed, then I'll kick us off. In the meantime, introduce your characters in the gameplay thread and do any discussion in here.
Ready? Break!

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Player name/Forum Alias meloriel
Character name Eralyn
Character level Soldier 1
SFS Character # 276820-704
Day Job None

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Player name/Forum Alias : zer0darkfire
Character name: Gogglez (and Hole Puncher v1)
Character level: 1
SFS Character #: 193338-701
Day Job:Profession (Mechanic): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
PC Sheet: Mythweavers Sheet
Drone's Sheet: Mythweavers Sheet

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Thanks Eralyn, but I don’t need all the skills in there. Just the basics. As long as I can access the rest from your profile sheet it is fine.
I prefer them there. I often post from my tablet, but opening a second tab to look at my attacks or skills tends to make it crash. it's quite old and unreliable. It's easier to keep all my skills in my header.

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Player name/Forum Alias: Talc Bronx/Rising Phoenix
Character name: Talc Bronx
Character level: 1.0
SFS Character #: 134571-702
Day Job: Probably.
Level of awesomeness: Unprecedented.

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Yup, I've got no troubles with roll20

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Player name/Forum Alias: zebeev
Character name: Bozril "Boz" Marbleheart
Character level: Technomancer 1
SFS Character #: 262447-706
Day Job: Profession (Miner) +6

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Lovin' the exposition in the introductions so far, guys! Awesome writing!
It's one of the major perks of PbP over a live table, it allows the inner writer to emerge! :)

DM Bigrin |

For those of you who may be new to Starfinder and the Starfinder Society, allow me to share some background that you would have learned in your initial training, leading up to your graduation.
The Gap was a sudden loss of history that shook the entire galaxy. It was an event where history disappeared from the minds of everyone throughout the multiverse, and only the gods have an inkling of what happened, but they refuse to speak of it. In that nebulous time of missing history, the world of Golarion disappeared, though the gods indicate the world—wherever it is—is safe. In the aftermath of the Gap came the revelation of faster-than-light travel by means of the Drift. It was during this time that the Starfinder Society formed and became one of the eminent organizations of the Pact Worlds. The machine god Triune’s gift of rapid interstellar travel facilitated a sudden land rush by colonists and corporations alike, and as exploration became an extremely lucrative business, the information that Starfinder agents retrieved secured the Society’s prestige and wealth.
This prosperous age recently came to an abrupt end within the star systems known as the Scoured Stars. An armada containing almost 80% of the Society’s agents and assets joined the Society’s First Seeker on a mission to the Scoured Stars, only for all its transmissions to cease. When the remaining Starfinders in the Lorespire Complex attempted to make contact, they discovered a terrifying truth: the Scoured Stars were now cut off from the rest of the multiverse by a barrier of incomprehensible power.
The events of the Scoured Stars left the Starfinder Society crippled, as most of the Society’s agents and assets resided within the now inaccessible systems. The Society’s prestige crumbled, and many of the Starfinders’ distant holdings fell to alien forces within months of the incident. Only the actions of one outspoken Starfinder, Luwazi Elsebo, held the Society together. Even with the dedication of Luwazi and her allies, the Society suffered further losses as disillusioned agents opted to part ways with the organization. Maintaining the Society’s interests was too much for the few remaining agents to handle, so Luwazi turned to outside assistance from reputable mercenary organizations.
With the Starfinders on the brink of ruin, Luwazi’s hopes now rest in the hands of a new generation of recruits and ambitious factions. Today is a momentous day for the Society, as it marks the graduation of the first wave of fresh agents from accelerated Starfinder training. These agents represent the first step the Starfinder Society is taking to reposition itself at the forefront of galactic exploration.

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Player name/Forum Alias: E2lio2tr
Character name: Korg Starcrusher
Character level: Soldier 1
SFS Character #: 340492-702
Day Job: what ever is paying me at the moment
Thanks for letting me join and sorry for the delay on myside.

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My slotted boons are:
Faction - Second Seeker’s (Luwazi Elsebo) Champion
Personal - Halfling Admittance

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The game hasn't even started yet and already the GM is trying to get into our heads! Dastardly!

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I'm beach bound! I'll be headed to the beach until July 7th picking up too much sun and getting burned. Please GMPC me as needed.

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I'm on there as zebeev (changed my avatar to the same as Boz's, too), says I'm part of the 10 players listed.

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I've grudgingly returned to the real world. You guys have been a busy lot, keep it up!

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WOW! Sorry guys! I was just about to bump this thread and see what was happening because I haven't gotten a single notification for this thread since my last post like 2 weeks ago!

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Uh-oh. I was hoping this would wrap up before Gameday. Haha. *resolves to check often*

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Just letting you know I’m currently suffering from an intense bout of vertigo. I’ll try my best, but I might not manage to keep up with posting over the next few days. Feel free to bot me if needed (she'll be firing her laser rifle). Sorry for any potential hold up. And thanks for understanding.

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Nope, no day job for me.

DM Bigrin |

Woohoo! We did it!
Thanks for letting me run this for you guys. It was my first SFS table as a GM, and I had a lot of fun and I hope you did too. I am going to keep a couple of tables rolling on continuous churn, so I hope you'll sign up for another in the future. Feedback is always appreciated, either here or in PM.
Here are the chronicles: