![]() Lewill stares out in dismay at the scene unfolding before him - knowing it was HIS plan that led to this. "No Talus we make our stand here. If we can draw these thugs to us it will give our friends time to escape...I hope. Plus we can...bloody their noses here...make then think twice!" Lewill steps out from the obscuring mist and shouts out to the thugs, "Hey you! I wanted to see where the smell of horse manure is coming from. At first I though it was from your steeds, but it seems I was mistaken!" in a taunting voice. Once the leader (or one of the other thugs) gets within range, Lewill will use Arcane Bond to cast Magic Missile at the target! ![]()
![]() Lewill turns to Dragomir with a concerned look on his face. "I don't think this is a case of a simple animal driven by hunger...something else is behind this, I am sure! I just have no clue what...let's take this broken snare back with us. It's the only solid clue we have currently. We should return to the others, perhaps we can stake out the area this evening and perhaps catch the culprit in action!" ![]()
![]() While Dragomir examines the field more closely Lewill turns his attention to the farmer's words. Not the first time I have heard of this fox before...may as well ask further... "So you are having a problem with a fox absconding with your chickens? Seems like the wildlife here struggles to find food here. Still if you want to show me where your chickens are kept I can see how the fox is getting into your pen." ![]()
![]() Old School GM Obermind wrote: "Well met good sir, what can I do for ye?" - the man replied with a tip of his old, very worn, straw hat. Lewill gives the old farmer an almost apologetic smile, "Well the reason we wanted to see you is we heard tales of an unusual bovine you own...a cow that has two heads! Naturally my curiosity, and the of my companion, was piqued. Could we have a look?" ![]()
![]() Lewill eagerly helps Talus scour the church grounds looking for any signs of a secret entrance. Yet when the search proves fruitless he shakes his head in frustration. "I was so sure there must be a hidden entrance somewhere...perhaps the words enscribed refer to a different sort of prison - one where magic is needed to unlock..." Taking a short rest from the exertions he sips on a flask of water and contemplates further. "Perhaps the words are merely a clue, leading us to a different place. Mayhap that is why Rayne searches for it. I am at a loss as to what place the stone refers to." ![]()
![]() There are a couple of thoughts I have here: 1) It is possible there is a hidden entrance to a dungeon/prison in the Church leading to this ancient evil. However I suspect it is far too dangerous (i. e. higher level) for us to tackle. 2) Talking with the deputies would tip off Rayne even further so I vote against that. Yanissa seems a safer person to interrogate. If we need to leave the Church, why not hire those kids that assist Father Almery to watch out for strangers? They shouldn't draw any alarm I think. 3) the rumors we heard may be just red herrings, I think. 4) Leaving Grimmsgate would NOT be a good idea. Rayne could waltz right into the Church then. ![]()
![]() Lewill stares at the half-orc not quite sure if he was serious. Finally he decides to just take him at face value. "The only relation we have with one another is our wizardly studies. I have no desire to use my knowledge for plunder and conquest!" Pacing the small area he thinks further before continuing, "Due to the Sherrif's death we certainly tipped off D’Anzeray as to what we know. Finding him will be next to impossible unless he attempts to sneak into the chapel. The only lead we have would be the Sherriff's widow, Missus Yanissa." ![]()
![]() Lewill stares at the uncovered words here trying to digest their meaning. Then, as the realization dawns upon him, his face drains of all color. "This inscription indicates an undying evil was confronted and...not defeated completely, but...imprisoned here!" His voice grows quieter here, as if afraid to disturb what lays nearby. "If this is so, then those the Sheriff allied with must not learn of this!" ![]()
![]() Talus Tar-Kös wrote: I was merely working with Lewill’s suggestion…But if it doesn’t make sense for us to go right now, in the middle of the night then sure, happy to go in the morning. In which case Talus will necessarily now meet Darcy. I have no problem in waiting for the next day to follow up here...That way we have the band all together again! ![]()
![]() Talus Tar-Kös wrote:
Lewill looks over the half-orc with more than a little curiosity. Methinks I have never heard of any orc taking an interest in the arcane! "Of course," he smiles and motions for him to follow, "I can take you to it...with your permission Father." ![]()
![]() Lewill nods in agreement with the elf here, "Yes Calhoun I an sure Darcy is fine. I have not seen any scrap yet that she cannot wriggle out of!" He yawns mightily as the day's events seem to crash down upon his head. "I think a good night rest would do us all good here. We can investigate the stone further then." And perhaps I can then pay a visit to Miss Yanissa...she has much to answer for! ![]()
![]() Lewill can't help but stare openly at the burly man who just accosted them . I wonder if he is affiliated with the Sheriff's men? Best to find out...one way or another. Well met stranger. This is Father Almery, Calhoun, and I am Lewill. I take it you are looking for easy coin? Normally I would agree with you, however these are not normal times. Tell us of yourself and perhaps we can set you up with a cot for the evening, to start." ![]()
![]() Old School GM Obermind wrote:
I understand here OSGMO what you are saying. Let's just say he waits for Darcy to return (after failing to find the vinegar) and then Lewill expresses his...unhappiness here. That work? ![]()
![]() Lewill rubs his eyes in frustration here. Not only was he worried about the fate of his friends, but the images of the winsome woman kept intruding in his mind. He refused to believe she had the heart of a cold blooded murderer. "Yes Father, I think that would be for the best." Looking over to Darcy he adds, "We'll tackle this in the morning." ![]()
![]() Frustrated in his attempts to convince the others to visit the ex-Sheriffs now widowed wife Lewill decides to concentrate on further deciphering the stone...more to stay busy here than any hope to learn any further details here. "If the Sheriff was indeed corrupt, like the others believed, then how does THIS," Levill wonders as he points to the stone, "fit into this? Certainly they did not have the means to decipher these runes? The question is who gave them that information?" He asks the others. ![]()
![]() Old School GM Obermind wrote:
![]() Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Okay finished up fixing Lewill here. Should be good to go. ![]()
![]() As Calhoun moves off to talk with Father Almerey Lewill turns to face Darcy, "Are you sure about that...what if Sly is telling the truth? I know that seems far-fetched but still..." his voice trails off uncertainly. Yanissa didn't seem the kind to resort to cold blooded murder...but if the Sheriff pushed her too far... ![]()
![]() Lewill watches the three men get beaten up with a blank look on his face, averting his gaze at the worst of the beating. Once the men have been dragged off to their makeshift prison, he turns to face Calhoun and Darcy (when she shows up). "I think it is time to pay Yanissa another visit. Something about this business is wrong, and we need to see what she truly knows." ![]()
![]() "Have you no ounce of compassion in your veins, or does only ice water flow there? What of the Sherrif's...wi- uhh family?" Lewill retorts, "I don't see your actions as warranted or even necessary Assassin!" His voice rises again, "Perhaps you should explain your...reasoning to Yanissa...or did you forget what the Sherrif's wifes name is?" Yes those who kill without remorse do forget minor details like that! Poor Yanissa, maybe I should talk with her first...
![]() Old School GM Obermind wrote: Father Almery seems nervous, and looks back at Calhoun, Lewill and Darcy - "Ousiders..?" - he mutters to them - "You don't think..?" Lewill's face grows pale as the implications strike him. "I pray to the Gods that is not the case Father..." ...but that dark man...I would not put cold-blooded murder past him... ![]()
![]() In the interest of staying involved here... Lewill eagerly awaits the arrival of the vinegar and once it arrives he quickly grabs an old rag and quickly dipping it into the jar of vinegar (his nose wrinkling at the pungent aroma) and proceeds to wipe away the remaining dirt and grime from the mysterious stone.