Okore has a long face, with thin brown hair and soft green eyes. He wears dark green robes and wields a quarterstaff and dagger. Okore has an animal companion, a white rabbit named Hughye.
STR 11
DEX 12
INT 17
WIS 12
CHA 10
AC: 11
HP: 4 (Hit Dice: d4)
14 Paralyzation, Poison, or Death
11 Rod, Staff, or Wand
13 Petrification or Polymorph
15 Breath Weapon
12 Spell
Skill Points:
Single weapon: Quarterstaff
Ancient History (INT -1) 1sp
Astrology (INT +0) 2sp
Ancient language (Suloise, R) 1sp
Modern Language (Common, RW) 1sp
Spellcraft (INT -2) 1sp
Wizards are men and women who study the arcane forces of the universe and gain mastery over it. Wizards pour over dusty tomes and scour ancient ruins for knowledge and lore. They memorize words of power, imprinting them into their brains, and utter their phrases to cast powerful magic. Wizards who study all the known schools of magic are called mages. Some wizards forgo study of certain schools in order to gain a greater mastery over another sacrificing versatility for strength. These wizards are called by their specialization; a master of illusion is an illusionist and so forth.
Prime Requisite: INT 16+
Weapons: Daggers, staves, darts, knives, and slings.
Armor: Special (helmet and gauntlets only)
All wizards begin with a free 100-page spell book. Beginning wizards know (3d4) level 1 spells, two of which must be read magic and detect magic, and the other spells of the player’s choice. Whenever a wizard gains enough levels of experience to cast the next level of spells, they freely add 1 spell of the new spell level to their book.
SPELLBOOK (100 pages - 11 spells)
1st: Armor, Cantrip, Color Spray, Detect Magic, Feather Fall, Find Familiar, Floating Disk, Identify, Light, Magic Missile, Read Magic.
EQUIPMENT: (40gp total)
Tunic (8sp), Dark Green Robe (9sp), Boots (1gp), Small Belt pouch (7sp), Belt (3sp), Backpack (w/spellbook), (2gp), Dagger (2gp), Quarterstaff (free), Hooded Lantern (7gp), Lamp oil (6cp), Scroll case (8sp), Writing Ink (8gp), Parchment (1gp)
BACKGROUND: Okore is the third child of five of a fairly prosperous shipping merchant based in Nyrond. Unfortunately a series of bad investments, coupled with some misfortune, has led to the business getting into financial straits. To pay off the debts, Okore's father indentured him to the Wizard's Guild in Greyhawk, a situation Okore is still adjusting to. Fortunately his love of astrology is carrying him through the tough schooling.