Level 20 NPC's page
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Step 1: be a half elf
Step 2: be a level 1 wizard selecting ther arcane builder discovery and gaining a valet familiar
Step 3: be a broodmaster summoner. As soon as you can, split you eidolon into one lesser eidolon with master craftman, wondrous items and cooperative crafting and one greater eidolon with the above AND sink the most evolution points possible on this guy to make up for the lost level (and the hit dice/feats dedicated to the lesser eidolon). The half elf favoured bonus will help.
Now, here's where things get stupid: you can basically play as your (greater) eidolon and let the summoner ONLY craft all the time when the party stops to rest. During the actual adventuring day he can rest using the keep watch spell (let him ride his eidolon so he can actually rest, kinda). During fights? Well, once your eidolon becomes large you could try to hide in its backpack i guess.
Honestly, you don't need many feats. So why don't you take the animal ally chain to have another damage dealer? Tha't great in case you feel like you're not actually contributing too much during fights. Then start with the mount/altered summon monster cheese combo and have some fun (my favourite option here are lillend azata and a banner of ancient kings to basically have a bard with you)
Now you can decide if you want your greater eidolon to become stronger, of it's okay for you to take some more lesser eidolons to keep speeding the item creation process even further.
For sure it isn't the best crafting build, but quite a fun one IMHO. Maybe let other players control some of your critters
Hi guys, i'd like to build a support character who can boost allies saving throws but i don't know of many ways to do that.
Rerolls are kinda easy (witch fortune, dual cursed oracle misfortune, fateful channel...) but static bonus aren't.
If i remember correctly there's another channel feat which can give +2 and aid another SHOULD work on saves but rules don't specific HOW (which is bad considering an order of the dragon cavalier or samurai could work great with that).
I think unchained monk can share his own saves using ki or something similar.
Omdura can use the purify invocation, inquisitor can do the same with shared judgement.
Any other method?
Items, feats, class abilities... ANYTHING really.
sorry, about D)
I'm using harrowed spellstrike here, which doesn't talk about ranged touch attacks. It talks about investing a single thrown weapon (so, a card) with a single touch spell or ranged spell (let's stick with frostbite, a melee touch spell) making it work as the normal spellstrike (which can deliver multiple charges, as far as i know. That's the core of the most common hexcrafter build) except it can be delivered through a card. No ranged touch attacks here.
I'm not using the witch deliver touch spells, only its first and "passive" effect (cards are not destroyed when the character uses deadly dealer and her own spell deck).
Now, the cartomancer and the card caster are the same person.
This person is using his own spell deck
The cartomancer/card caster is using deadly dealer.
So the cards shouldn't get destroyed (?)
Now, if the card isn't destroyed charges shouldn't be lost.
If i can use ricochet toss to have it back after every attack (bypassing returning), why can't i deliver multiple charges of frostbite with iteractive attacks?
Again, this is not a ranged touch attack, it's a touch spell charge delivered through a ranged non-touch attack
Hello, i'm considering this multiclass and i need a rule lawyer. Please don't tell me "play this other class instead", i have reasons.
First question: cartomancer witch replaces familiar with spell deck. Can i still take the magus arcana to get a familiar?
Second question: with broad study arcana i could use witch spells with spellstrike. But can i use magus spells with the deliver touch spell from the witch? It doesn't specify that the spells must be witch spells
Third question: what happens if i cast a touch spell with multiple charges, let's say frostbite?
A) If i was just a card caster i would cast the spell, throw a card, discharge a single charge, then the card would be destroyed and the rest of the charges lost. I can then use my iteractive attacks without frostbite. Correct?
B) If i was just a cartomancer i would cast the spell and deliver it with a card targetting touch AC, spending a single charge. The card doesn't get destroyed, and comes back before the next turn. Meanwhile, i used my standard action to cast and throw, so no more attacks. Correct?
C) Since i'm a card caster AND a cartomancer i can cast frostbite infusing it in a single card using spell combat and spell strike, and the card shouldn't be destroyed. I don't think i can target touch AC, but i'm not sure. I then should be able to make my iteractive attacks, but since i infused a single card with frostbite and it comes back before my next turn, my iteractive attacks work as normal darts. Correct?
D) Let's say my cartomancer/card caster gets the ricochet toss feat: now he can spell combat and spell strike infusing a single card with frostbite and then take all of his attacks with the same card, allowing him to deliver multiple frostbite charges in the same round. Correct?
Thanks Wonderstell!
That feat could be quite strong, honestly.
Hey guys, someone wrote me a message describing a feat that (if true) would be amazing for a couple builds i have in mind.
Disclaimer: i don't think this feat actually exists because it sounds quite strong, and the person who wrote me is not replying, but still...
"I'm a wyrwood and i have an animal companion. I took that feat that makes spells and other types of abilities have to be able to affect your type (construct) as well as the animal type."
If you know what he's talking about, please help me
Hey, i'm building a Halfling right now!
He's going to be a Sanctified slayer with animal domain to get a mount, and since i start at level 6 i can buy a horse master saddle to share teamwork feats with it.
My plan is getting a medium>large dinosaur as a mount (probably allosaurus), get a lance and invest in pack flanking/outflank/paired opportunists and so on.
Basically, he's going to have auto-sneak on every attack. If he has to move, he'll try to charge for 3x damage (plus 1x sneak ofc) and pounce from the allosaurus, if he can full attack he's just going to SHRED things. Even more with bane and studied strike.
Also, i'll try to invest in Combat reflexes and greater trip/other feats that can trigger AoOs.
Improved spell sharing is nice to have aswell :)
Still fleshing out the build but i think it's gonna be great, i just want too many feats.
Like craft wondrous items...
As the title says, i remember there was a spell or feat to do that. Help please?
Hello everyone, if a summoner has an animal companion (thanks to a dip or feats) he can qualify for pack flanking.
If he rides his eidolon using the horsemaster's saddle then his eidolon has access to pack flanking.
Also, eidolons are indeed companion creatures, so...
If my druid 1/summoner X rode his eidolon, could he use pack flanking with the eidolon?
Of course this is not RAI but are there any FAQs/rules i'm not aware of or is it RAW?
Hi, I'm building a summoner and I've read the evolutionist archetype.
At 8th level the summoner can change his eidolon's base form: i don't understand what would happen to evolutions only available to a specific base form, like pounce or trample, that the eidolon picked when he was another base form and could not pick after this change.
The eidolon still has them but cannot use them? It's forced to change these evolutions? Or the archetype actually makes possible to have a biped with pounce, an aquatic with constrict and so on?
Are there any FAQs anywhere? Thanks
Pretty much the title.
I'm building a witch and i'd like to find a way to access the shaman hex Silkstring Snare for thematic reasons, so i was wondering if there are ways to get a shaman hex as a witch since shamans can take a witch hex :\
Hi guys, i love efficiency so i'm really fascinated by builds that care about action economy. As far as i know, the reach cleric is the best (heal as move action, cast as standard, fight with attacks of opportunity) but i'd love to see some more, expecially if they integrate more swift/immediate actions (or non-actions like passive and continuous bonuses)
Please post or theorize builds with this goal in mind :)
MrCharisma wrote: ... That's a good point! I still think i'd like to have cackle, maybe investing in a cackling hag's blouse to help a little.
I played a healbot pei zin some time ago and i had a similar problem: to keep my party alive i basically had to always use channel energy with a move action and cast spells with my standard, so my mates understood that i basically couldn't move and played defensively around me.
Also having a good mount with its own initiative to position me around would solve the actual movement problem
Ryze Kuja wrote: ... While that's a good tactic, i don't want to use fear mechanics for three reasons:
- some enemies are immune;
- some enemies you want to stay where you can loot them;
- the theme i have in mind for this character is helping and protecting the others, not scaring them.
I have, however, a fear concept in mind for another character. I'm going to use antipaladin tho, to eliminate the first problem, and i'm probably going to mix him up with some inquisitor/rogue/bard/cavalier archetype. Also, i'm going to use intimidate checks and nothing DC related: it's more reliable
DeathlessOne wrote: Leadership is one of those 'Ask your GM before you even start' feats. As a GM myself, I design and treat cohorts just like any other NPC. The player may get some input but the only character they truly have control over is their own PC.
Honestly, I'd drop the Soothsayer Hex and pick up the Evil Eye Hex. Soothsayer lets you pre-buff your allies, yes, but Evil Eye gives you more flexibility to debuff the enemy, and it allows you to stack simultaneous debuffs on the enemy and keep it going with Cackle.
There is nothing wrong from wanting a lot from a character. You just have to be willing to let go of other things and accept a certain level of performance. For example, I have a character in Giantslayer that is a mess of multiclasses but it works.
** spoiler omitted **
Are you sure you can combine normal and variant multiclassing?
BTW yeah, Leadership needs to be addressed before the game but i should be able to build my follower in theory (the master is quite diplomatic on the subject).
After playing several witches i cannot agree with you on soothsayer vs evil eye: evil eye is very good vs one big enemy and if you are out of spells honestly, otherwise it's not great for a standard action. When you advance your witch level and it becomes -4 and affects 2 targets with split hex, then it's good, but still can't beat soothsayer IMO... expecially with buffs that you can use again and again like protective luck. Basically with this combo you can always have protective luck active as long as you can spare a move action. And since i'm only going to have a single level in witch evil eye would just be a nice backup tool that i'll put in my build if i have a spare feat
Little update/brainstorming:
In the end I went with another character idea for that campaign, but now i have to build a new character so here we go.
First of all, i'm considering taking a single level in witch (with 2 extra hex feats) for the soothsayer-protective luck-cackle combo. It could look like a wasted level but i actually think it's really strong, expecially on big groups. If i had another free feat i could get evil eye too, for a -2 to hit to enemies... but since i like efficient use of action economy i hope to have better uses for my standard action in combat.
Also, since 2 feats is a big investment, i'll have to follow up with classes who grant bonus feats or pick strategies that don't require a lot of them.
Second, i've noticed the mouser swashbuckler archetype which gives a juicy -4 to hit: it's worth considering, since it's also a great candidate for an aid another build. Or even intimidation, for more penalties. It would be interesting with a cavalier or samurai multiclass, but that's probably hard to integrate.
I'm not a great fun of skalds: i love the class, but spellcaster teammates don't usually benefit greatly. Urban skalds could help in that regard, but then there's the problem of allies in full plate who gain nothing from +6 DEX
Both Omdura and Archivist bard are quite interesting as a AC buffer, with the bard probably winning thanks to better spells
Filidh is a great advice actually, expecially if i can combine his AC boost to the right variant channel (i still have to check)
In the end, i probably want too much from a single character. But i think i could get all of these things if i took a follower through Leadership (?)
zza ni wrote: ok found a faq that support my idea that you actually need to use the weapon with the special weapon property to gain it. so getting rapid shot on an amulet won't help you unless you shoot fists (which some monks actually can do).
"Unless otherwise specified, you have to use a magic item in the manner it is designed (use a weapon to make attacks, wear a shield on your arm so you can defend with it, and so on) to gain its benefits. "
What if we use a more general feat like Improved initiative? Does it make it better?
Mysterious Stranger wrote: To me drawn and in hand means you are ready to use the weapon. If you are using a bow then you are not ready to use your unarmed strike. Without improved unarmed strike you do not threaten the adjacent square cast doubt that an unarmed strike is always in drawn and ready.
In all honest this is too cheesy and most GM’s will veto it.
What if my character had Improved unarmed strike (which he has)? Also, you can kick someone even if you have a bow in hand i guess
As the title says. I always thought this was legit and even made a character using this combo because i needed one more combat feat, then i realized i could be wrong.
One problem is the sentence "so long as they can be applied to unarmed attacks".
Now, training COULD be applied to unarmed attacks in theory, right?
Another problem is this sentence: "as long as the weapon is drawn and in hand".
Let's say you're using a bow and you buy an AoMF with training (manyshot). An unarmed strike should be always "drawn and in hand", so you should be able to use manyshot. Or no?
Hello, i'm building a new character and i'm looking for ways to buff my teammates armor class aside from spells, bodyguard/aid another builds and some variant channeling options (because i'm already considering one or more of these elements in my possible builds so far).
I'm mainly interested in good action economy, because i want to buff all my 3 teammates every round.
Are there any bard/skald archetypes which can improve AC instead of attack rolls? (no third party please)
Also, some casters who can share teamwork feats?
Wow, so it's basically useless at high level. Not nice
If i have a level 20 life oracle and "only" 10 companions, can i use two life link bonds on each of them to transfer 10 hp per round?
Can't pick one...
Kroldr Lukraraet was my character in Carrion Crown. Mechanically he was a half orc barbarian with natural attacks, but in reality he was bitten by a werewolf as a teen killing his loving father as a result. Then he became a wanderer to stay away from innocent people while trying to kill all the werewolves in the world, until the Old Ones (that his father used to worship) decided to grant him their favor: as a mature man Kroldr learned to dominate his curse (i roleplayed his rage as a partial/distorted wolf transformation) to use it for what he thought was the purpose of his life, killing monsters. Ironically, many saw him just like a monster like the ones he wanted to slay.
He died during the campaing (killed by another character), but i brought him back through a summoner devoted to the same Old Gods: he asked them for help to avenge his family, and they tied his life essence to the soul of Kroldr, bringing him back in an improved version.
Sadly we had to stop the campaign shortly after and never continued...
Captain Jones, a comic anti hero who became actually darker and darker in his quest to find his lost ship and the members of his crew. He had a collection of curses on himself and really just wanted to die to sail in the seas of the realm of death, but couldn't until his original crew was complete.
Mechanically he was a poorly optimized vivisectionist, but his only good bit was an incredible profession (sailor), which was almost all he needed to make incredible deeds
Darren Nine-Fingers, a violent inquisitor with an everlasting hate for arcane casters. Lethal with his bow, his bloodlust was more than enough to keep the enemies of his faith at a safe distance (literally), but he was also good with words, strategy and torture.
Ataros Lemnir started his life as a beggar but in about 50 years was able to become the richest man on earth... just to lose everything because of the betrayal of his closest friend. Paranoid and without a moral compass, Ataros is now trying to gain his wealth back through fragile alliances with devils and kings.
He started as a witch since his concept was entirely based on luck and unluck, but i rebuilt him as a summoner (with DM approval) to help out my party
I also made a Graveknight antipaladin in wrath of the righteous after the DM killed some of my characters in spectacular and stupid ways: i care about my characters since i spend a lot of time thinking about them, so i decided to make a character that couldn't die. He wasn't happy, but having a evil character made everything more interesting than the usual "good vs evil" theme of the campaign, while it lasted (wich, again, wasn't long. Same DM as carrion crown, you know...)
Anyway, he was the herald of a greater devil who didn't want demons to take over the world, but while he was evil he missed his mortality and was growing a strange kind of bond with his companions and with a special female NPC (no spoilers tho).
The campaign sadly stopped, but i love to imagine him blocking a bridge or something like that, fighting for decades alone an endless horde of demons by himself knowing that he's the only one who can buy some time for the mortals against the demon plague
I don't usually play with necromancy, but I think giving an update some months later could be nice to the ones who offered their help.
In the end I decided to go with a pure human pei zin practitioner with the Life mystery: i decided that way because my main character is a master summoner so we didn't really need extra bodies in battle, and with the (extreme) nature of the fights our DM is putting on our way we really needed some extreme healing.
In that regard, a pei zin is just too good: she's the only reason we're all still alive, actually.
We're a party of 3 plus my cohort, and since my PC has one more level then the others (happenings during the story) my cohort is just one level behind the two martial characters. At the moment she's level 8
Revelations: lay on hands, channel, life link
Feats: fey foundling, selective channeling, quick channel, bless equipment, extra channel
Magic items: philactery of positive channeling and the boots of earth
During hard fights she can channel as a move action, cast a spell as her standard (cure or life pact/shield other, usually), heal herself with lay on hands as a swift action and then activate life link.
Life link, shield other and life pact all work together to maximize the effect of channel and lay on hands, and if she doesn't need to heal for a turn (happens rarely) she can bless equipment or cast some support spells: some days ago she negated the damage of 3 CL16th fireballs casted upon our full party + 7 allied NPCs and we had no losses at the end of the (crazy) fight with a totally unbalanced CR
With boots of the earth and life link she can freely cure between the fights.
Honestly I'd love to play a character like this in an undead heavy campaign...
Thanks guys, i guess my best option is taking a level in cleric with the plant/growth subdomain for a swift action enlarge 3+wis/day.
Lasts only a round and competes with the swift buffing, but since my GM loves low magic settings and doesn't give us full wealth by level it's easier than rely on such specifical magic items
But hp healing is probably more useful at low levels, and while summons will generally be better at healing, with channel energy, life link (life mystery), the hp tranfer between the eidolon and the summoner and a possible Lay on hands ability from the eidolon the healing capacity isn't bad at all. Plus, you get lesser restoration, restoration and breath of life (okay, not very soon, but that's the important stuff).
It's not the best healer in the game, for sure, but you have a full eidolon and a great buffing spell list
The campaign is starting at level 5 and the warpriest can't cast Righteous Might before level 13, so that's a lot of waiting. Also, for a reach build, i guess I'll want to be enlarged more often than not...
The samsaran doesn't work sadly, because if I'm not mistaken Enlarge person isn't on standard divine spell lists and i can't take spells from arcane lists with the samsaran. The old god version might work, but it would be hard to pass the save throw for now
I know I'm late to the party, BUT
what about a spirit summoner?
I was reading it yesterday and i was impressed: you have a full strenght eidolon that you can use as you want (I'd build it as a tank as you don't want to step on your party melee's shoes and it's expendable, but it can be a skilldolon or a capable fighter), if you chose the right spirit and hexes you can channel energy, cure and have access to status removal spells in addition to the summoner list, which is already full of good buffs (just buff your teammates instead of your pet and they're gonna love you).
Moreover, with d8 HD, 3/4 BaB, light armors and simple weapons summoner could even be a decent secondary fighter: just give him a longspear and don't be on the frontline and you should be fine.
Using the free HP transfer between you and the eidolon you can augment the efficiency of your channel energy, and if you go unchained summoner you may lose some raw power, but agathion eidolon gets Lay on hands almost like a paladin: honestly this class could become my favourite healer
Is it possible?
I'm trying to build a reach warpriest and i can't find a way to get enlarge person, which i absolutely need.
I realized I'm not sure only clerics get spells from gods since I've read several times that gods grant spells to their "worshipers", so I was wondering if I can gwt the spell with the right god choice
Hello folks, I have to build a healer for my party: it's going to be a cohort (my PC has Leadership) so he's going to be level 5.
As the title says i was thinking to go Skald VMC Oracle: having a character that can heal, support, buff, has skills and can use a weapon if needed would be handy for our party, Spell kenning would give him the important emergency spells (status removal, resurrections and so on) and i really love the fast healing.
VMC Oracle to take Like link and channel, mainly, but the progression is really slow (if i read it correctly, until level 8 he could life link a single ally or channel 1D6, and then 1 more each level... not nearly enough)
Basically i'm asking you if there are ways to improve the progression or an alternative combination of classes/feats/traits/anything that could work better to build my idea.
If everything fails i'll just buid a Pei Zin with Life mystery
I'm playing a master summoner and I want one of these two feats (still haven't decided if i'm neutral or neutral good, so i can decide).
Summon good monsters seems to have more choices and the campaign is evil outsider heavy, but i fear it could be more easy to counter (magic circle against good and other similar effects).
What would you pick and why?
I'm playing a master summoner and I want one of these two feats (still haven't decided if i'm neutral or neutral good, so i can decide).
Summon good monsters seems to have more choices and the campaign is evil outsider heavy, but i fear it could be more easy to counter (magic circle against good and other similar effects).
What would you pick and why?
Hi everyone, new account but long time player.
I'm building a witch and I like both misfortune and protective luck, but I assumed they do not stack (since it would be quite powerful).
Recently a friend of mine tried to convince me that i could take both and that a misfortuned enemy trying to hit a protective luck affected ally should roll three times and pick the worse result: honestly I agree, but that sounds a bit too good, so I'm here looking for validation.