Man in Ice

Pedro Coelho's page

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4. RPG Superstar 6 Season Marathon Voter, 7 Season Star Voter. Organized Play Member. 462 posts (2,910 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character. 11 aliases.


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RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

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Hi Sharaya, we were having that discussion over at FB and, if it helps bring context to the issue, here's what I had to say there:

"Well, in all honesty, I'm kind of torn about Devir. On the one hand, if it weren't for their work in the 90's, I'd probably never have gotten into tabletop RPG in the first place. I knew the company as a comic book store first, and as a teenager it was a big deal for me to get to go there, since I lived a bit far from it. I was nuts about that store. US Dollar and Brazilian Real were nearly 1 to 1, and they worked with a ton of imported comic books—and, alas, a quite nice selection of RPG books, too.

Back, then, as a publisher, they released lots of good-quality translated material of the Old World of Darkness (and I mean a LOT of core books and sourcebooks from the major White Wolf product lines). In the early 2000s, they also did a fairly good job with Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition. I'm not sure if it was the economic crisis in the end of FHC's government and beginning of 's, but something went wrong around that time. Dollar skyrocketed, the store business plummeted and by then White Wolf, which had been a huge part of Devir's publishing line (even if they also had D&D), had already lost much of its importance in the international (and national) RPG scene. After that, I kind of lost track of what Devir was doing. From what I saw they weren't that bad at publishing D&D 4th, but I can't really tell because I skipped that edition. After a while, they sold the physical store and that pretty much meant the end of the Devir I thought I knew.

Which brings us to Pathfinder and Devir's current stand in Brazil. Devir has nowadays very few RPG licenses, and their editorial focus seems completely geared towards the Magic: the Gathering and Yu-Gi-Oh! card games, which is understandable considering card games have always been the best-selling products in specialized stores (and MtG in particular). But truth is, they have barely given any attention to Pathfinder in Brazil and their release schedule is amateurish to say the least. I cannot speak for the quality of the products and translation, since I haven't seen the books in person, but the fact that there's no release plan for new products, and that there are so few of them out after this long, speaks volumes.

Plus, the company keeps dodging every question regarding those issues, and the relationship with the public not only is not transparent but has really gone sour for a good part of the potential buyers, which have become alienated from the Devir brand. So, in a sense, despite all they have done historically for the RPG scene in Brazil, Devir has become somewhat toxic to that same environment, as a brief conversation with most local RPG groups will quickly demonstrate if the subject comes up.

It seems to me they are focused on Devir Iberia and the Spanish market, and that the portuguese license is just something that came along with that deal and they have no interest in pursuing. Devir hasn't really shown any interest in publishing in Brazil (or Portugal, for that matter) and is not doing much to advance Paizo's intellectual property in these markets, which should maybe raise some eyebrows back on the homefront (or not, depending on what Paizo's goals regarding localization are).

We have no idea what the terms of Paizo's contract with Devir are, but if they are treating Pathfinder 2nd as a new product line, this would actually be a great time to find a partner that is willing and able to do the work instead of sit on the publishing rights. Perhaps keep a separate deal for Devir Iberia that does not include Brazil, so that other local publishers can take a shot at Pathfinder. Considering the current enthusiasm of some specialized gaming publishers that have established themselves in the market during these past few years, I believe there are companies that are, if not better prepared, more willing to take the Pathfinder license and actually do something with it.

And I hope that what happened to the D&D 5th localization serves as a cautionary tale to all those hoping to jump at this opportunity, should it present itself."

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I really like this concept and it just so happens that I have a character ready for just such an adventure. :)

I'd like to offer Doreen Makgree for consideration. She's a core vigilante. I hadn't thought about multiclassing or prestige classes, but going Shadowdancer is a possibility if it helps to differentiate the characters' abilities further down the road.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I guess I'd be in for Tales from the Loop or Polaris. :)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I'm in Brazil and I'm also having that same problem.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

This got me interested. I'll cook up something. Probably a Warpriest (cult leader) of Besmara. ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Here's an initial list sorted alphabetically:

Amyia, CG female half-elf unchained summoner (fey caller)
Arthorion Aegas, CG male human bloodrager (primalist)
Carthas Brambleroad, CG male half-elf alchemist (bramble brewer/chirurgeon)
Charlotte "Clementine" Reed CG female halfling swashbuckler (inspired blade)
Claustipher Whetwhistle, LN male human wizard (evoker)
Cooper Hawkes, NG male human hunter
Corenna Kirklist, CG female half-orc sorcerer (orc bloodline)
Dalvin Arikani, NG male gnome hunter
Hector Denmain, NG male human ranger (skirmisher)
Hubert Rholar, CG male halfling unchained rogue
Keelex, N male nagaji druid (naga aspirant)
Kudera Rivani, NG female human witch (healing patron)
Malkk Dilkash, male half-orc slayer (sniper)
Marget, CG female human ranger (divine marksman)
Mihai Shandor, N male human hunter (feral hunter)
Nilthir, NG male aasimar oracle (life)
Olaf Lodbrok, CN male human oracle (battle)
Otho Goodbarrel, NG male halfling ranger (skirmisher)
Restitution, LN male hobgoblin alchemist (grenadier)
Rickus Vordayne, NG male human warpriest (Molthuni arsenal chaplain) of Erastil
Roet Heineous, LG male dwarf paladin (tortured crusader)
Variam Molliern/The Blackpowder Butcher, NG/NE male human vigilante (gunmaster)
Vince Hellbound, LN male human fighter (druman blackjacket, two-weapon warrior)/Ranger (Nirmathi irregular, spirit ranger)
Wulfrun, LG female human slayer

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Thanks! Good gaming to you all. :D

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Brainiac, could you post a list of your selected applicants so we can remove those submissions from consideration in ROB0GEISHA's recruitment thread?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I'm going with a retired war veteran. Bloodrager with the draconic (green) bloodline, to match the great dragon of Fangwood. Probably going Dragon Disciple down the line. :D

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Nice! I'll apply to Ironfang Invasion as soon as the recruitment thread goes up. :)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Seriously considering submitting a dhampir blight druid with the night subdomain...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

@GM Mawgrim - Would you allow the cartomancer archetype? I'm thinking of a Varisian witch (male) focused on harrowing (possibly taking the prestige class)...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Are occult classes allowed, too? I know you said "all classes", but just in case...

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Hey guys, sorry to rain on your parade, but Paizo does not allow threads in langugaes other than english, as per the community guidelines.

Just telling you in advance so you won't lose your game afterwards, if the moderators shut it down... ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Hi Nick, just stopping by to congratulate you on the win! I'd say welcome to the sleepless world of freelance writing, but you already have experience in the area, so you know the drill. ;)

To write a full Pathfinder module-wow! Well done, I wish you success on your work!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Jason, there's something about your adventure proposal that appeals to me in a way I can't quite explain. I don't think it's the best polished entry this round, and I agree there are major issues that need to be addressed during development. Yet, I keep coming back to it.

I really like the core idea here. It feels fresh and unexpected to me, and there's a certain magical naiveté in it. The absence of a major villain is definitely a risky choice, but it is also a change of pace compared to a typical kill-the-bad-guy-stop-his-plan adventure (I admit I'm finishing up one of those right now...). The more I think about the premise of Escape from Moonshell Grotto, the more I'm sure I'd like to play it.

This said, I think this needs a lot more work than some of the other proposals, and you'd really need to revise many aspects of it to make sure a trivial thing like a fly spell doesn't ruin the whole thing. That's a lot of development, to make the necessary changes without losing the soul of this proposal, but I believe it would be worth it to create a memorable, albeit niche, adventure.

Going by my gut feeling... this one has my vote.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I can only speak for myself, but regardless of terminology, I had no problem understanding what you were referring to as "workshopping" (now rephrased as "coaching"). Personally, I don't endorse it; it is an individual competition, after all, not a team one.

It's a harmless offense when you're talking about your ideas to one best friend, or maybe your partner, outside the confines of the contest, but when a number of "coaching" circles begin to crop up in the forums, teaming up contestants with vocal and engaged members of the voting community, that starts to raise some questions about sportsmanship.

A way to make it more acceptable, to me, at least, is: don't do it. It's hard to draw a line at where harmless feedback ends and where design by committee begins, so just don't go there. To me, objectively, the line is: if you're getting feedback from two people outside the Paizo community, and that feedback is on your idea's staying power or on the clarity of your text, that's ok, but that will of course vary from person to person. I don't think anything outside the parameters I've stated can make "coaching" more acceptable, personally.

Of course, like it was said before, it's impossible to enforce this, but we've all played paladins and know how the honor system works, right? It's the next best thing we have.

One other thing that kind of puts me off, frankly (and this one is on the voting community), is how many offers to review the contestants' work in progress are being thrown around. It's puzzling to me. After all, are we not going to see their entries as soon as they're published, so that we can offer our feedback then, during the voting window? What's with the rush?

To the contestants, just trust your own talent and hard work, follow the feedback between rounds (and between professional assignments, once you get there), and apply what you learn to your future pieces—by yourself. You'll be glad you did.

But that's just my worthless penny—I don't have two cents to actually know what I'm talking about. ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

I'm with Neil.

Besides, most NDAs will prevent "workshopping", since you're not allowed to share a publisher's work in progress with people outside the project... so I'm not sure it's a habit you'd want to cultivate.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

I don't see anywhere in the rules that the maps should be adequate for publication as a flip-mat product. To me, the relevant creative parameters are:

"Entry must be a map of a fantasy-themed location on Golarion appropriate for an encounter. You may create a map for an encounter set in a city, wilderness, dungeon, or any other fantasy Golarion location appropriate for an encounter map. You may present a map designed for a specific encounter, or one useful for a variety of encounters."

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
Yes, sorry Pedro, Mark is correct. I think TRB also goes by The black raven (Tbr).

Ah, alright then. It's hard to keep up with acronyms these days. :)

As for the maps... well, I would have easily voted for 3 of 4 more—had to do some thinking to narrow it down to 8.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Oceanshieldwolf wrote:
That would be an Exit Poll, TRB....

Ok, I'll have to ask since I've seen it twice today: what does "TRB" stand for?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Top 32, I feel you. I'm also crazy busy doing maps, so I haven't had much time to read the items and congratulate you all properly... in any case, welcome to the guildhall you newcomers, and welcome BACK to the guildhall, you repeats! Reaching Top 32 multiple times is surely a sign that you guys have consistent design chops.

Good luck with your cartography, and remember: walls have thickness!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Thanks, Chris!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Would someone kindly correct the typo in my name? Thanks. ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

outshyn wrote:
Yes, I have a feeling that there was a last-minute addition of characters simply to fill out the candidates for the faction mission. Maybe the module author could respond to that?

Alright, I can add some insight regarding this matter.

The cast of characters was established pretty early on, and we wanted to populate the monastery with candidates, that's correct. In all honesty, I would have loved to give more screen time to Betrag and Dhiara, but, you know, wordcount. I do think Aeotsep works well in the module, and Aramaya is mostly a combat encounter, though you can nominate her if you like.

Since Itephta and Menkha are already part of Golarion canon, I didn't feel comfortable appropriating them for use in the Jeweled Sages metaplot, so as not to disrupt current canon, hence a new cast of characters to serve as candidates. However, Menkha and Itephta are some of the main characters in Tar Kuata, and it would be strange if they were absent from the adventure. After all, they run the place, and hierarchy dictates that they should be the ones making the decisions about the Sky Key.

I understand that it gets a bit crowded, but in a way I grew fond of the notion that the PCs are getting to know many of the monks. Yet, sure, they're all Iroran monks, and it can feel a little bland... it puts an extra pressure on the GM to roleplay them differently enough to make each stand out, I suppose.

Anyway, that was the thought process behind it.

Itephta also provides them a phylactery of faithfulness (in Subtier 6–7, she also gives them an incense of meditation).
The bolding is mine. Here we see that Itephta, a Garundi man, is referred to as a she. This further makes me think that at one time, Itephta maybe didn't exist and all of this came from Menkha. Itephta is also the only one to not get a picture.

Well... this was just a typo.

Oh, and I have no idea who the next Jeweled Sage is going to be. ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Well, accidents sometimes happen. :P

I think dealing lethal damage to Aramaya due to excessive nonlethal damage doesn't disqualify the PCs from the last trial. The same goes for her, though the monks would certainly feel mortified if their champion accidentally killed a PC (it's very unlikely, but it could happen).

Also, Joe is right that you can forego the damage from Power Attack after the results of the attack roll, so if you already know that you're critting someone who is close to being knocked unconscious, then is a good time to pull back and apply the Pushing Assault feat (if only to reduce the final damage).

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

The web spell requires a combat maneuver spell to escape

I meant combat maneuver check, of course. :P

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

It seems to me the web spell does not mimick the web monster ability; they work with different mechanics—for instance, the web spell gives the grappled conditions to creatures trapped inside it, while the web monster ability gives the entangled condition. The web spell requires a combat maneuver spell to escape, and the web monster ability requires a Strength check to break free (though both allow a Escape Artist check). The web spell works on creatures of any size, whereas the web monster ability only works on creatures up to one size larger than the web spinner.

With all this in mind, I'd say the magic webbing from the web spell is naturally thicker and more potent than natural webbing (which would explain why magic webbing provides cover—it being stickier, thicker, stronger, maybe).

So, per RAW, I believe the two are different in nature, and the qlippoth's webbing should not provide cover in this encounter (I could be wrong).

[Edit] Also, the webbing from a web spell is flammable, which is not the case with natural webbing (again, according to RAW).

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Hi crazedloon,

I'm sorry you didn't have a good time playing the adventure. From what you you say in the beginning of your post, it does seem like you came in with certain expectations that were not met, and that contributed to sour the experience. It looks like the dice weren't helping, either, but that goes beyond what we can do. :)

After your message, I went on to check the scenario's description to see if that was leading people on, but re-reading it, I see that it doesn't actually emphasizes the Scarab Sages—in fact, the whole teaser text focuses on Tar Kuata, the monks and the need to "prove [the PCs] worth if they are to win the monks' trust and treasure". The Scarab Sages faction mission is in fact a sideplot to the main mission which is recovering the piece of the Sky Key. I'm not sure where you got the impression that the main focus were the Jeweled Sages—from the promotional text, or perhaps from your local GM as he explained what the scenario was about?

Like Ascalaphus said, Tahonikepsu and Amenopheus are seizing the opportunity here. Since they have operatives going to Tar Kuata after the Sky Key, they want to use the occasion to observe the monks and do some research about an ancient Jeweled Sage (since Tar Kuata has existed for so long, their records go thousands of years back). Again, this is only a sidequest.

The search for suitable Jeweled Sages has been hinted at before, but here we are providing you with a few options to actually influence the metaplot. If your character does not agree with the monk's views and the doctrines of Irori, he'll probably like Dhiara better than the rest of the monks, since she's probably more of an adventurous type. Or, perhaps, you want to inform the Jeweled Sages that, in your view, Tar Kuata offers no suitable candidates! I encourage you to post your recommendation in the faction talk subforum, if you have not done so already.

Going back to the main quest, which is to convince the monks that the Pathfinder Society can be trusted with the Sky Key: the trials are a series of skill challenges, which are not everyone's cup of tea (much like chases also tick some people off, and have similar mechanics). This is actually a group effort—the monks are judging the team's performance, and not the PC's individual performances.

I see your party composition was basically 3 martial characters and 3 spellcasters, generally speaking (though their builds could lend some nuances to these categories). Going through skill challenges without skilled characters in the group can be tough. On the other hand, where you lacked in skills, you made up in abundant combat prowess, which seems to have made the second part a breeze. I'm not saying that you need to fill all traditional roles to play a scenario, but usually encounters are designed considering a wide array of options for the PCs, so when one of the "types" is missing, things can get a little more difficult. If you had an all-rogue party, you'd probably have made through the trials with a hand tied to the back, but suffered in the second part. Just out of curiosity, do you happen to know how many Trial Points you accrued by the end of the scenario? Was it less than 6?

In any case, if your group wanted to assign one person to attempt each challenge, that would still work, as long as they did well individually. However, if everyone takes part in the trials, it is more likely that you will perform better collectively. So, you don't need to be a monk to contribute to the group's success by nailing all the trials, since each character has a chance of helping the group at some point.

Regarding the combat against Aramaya, I personally think it suits the monks, from a story perspective, to test the PCs combat abilities in a controlled environment before sending them off to fight the Doomsday Knights. They wouldn't want to send a handful of unprepared adventurers to death and have that on their consciences, later.

About the final fight, Tasutek has a wand of searing light in the upper tier and a wand of sound burst in the lower tier, so he has the option to strike from a distance... I'm curious about what happened in your final combat.

All in all, again I apologize for you having had a bad experience, free time is a valuable resource and it's a shame to waste it going through something we don't like.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi andreww,

On page 12, the last line of the Merotsi Mines reads "Torches in the wall sputter in the damp air, providing only dim light throughout the mine". That should cover the whole mine. I can understand the confusion given that the description of the last chamber says that signs of human occupation are gone (on top of that, the last map is not a custom map, so we could not add torches, as far as I know). It should've been clearer, but yes, there are torches in the last chamber and light conditions are the sae as the rest of the caves (dim light).

About the temperature, you're correct. Tasutek has access to [i]resist enery[/i\, so if you run this again it would be a good idea to swap one 2nd-lvl spell for that one in the lower subtier (he already has it prepared in the upper subtier). When the fight starts, he should've already cast it on himself to resist the conditions.

The Pushing Assault issue is a called-out exception to the general rule (as discussed above). Her tactics specifically mention that she can use that feat to push the PCs off the platfotm, and that's the intention. The space the PCs finish in is not inherently dangerous, since the invisible stalkers are there to catch them and PCs still have a chance to catch themselves. The wording of Pushing Assault says "a safe space [b][the target] can stand in[[/b\"; the "can stand in" part is where we're drawing the exception (but, like I said, that's intentional, and valid for this encounter only). For the sake of fairness, PCs can also push her off, though.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Hi Talon, regarding the spell's description, the race factor doesn't come into play (since Tasutek is human and PCs should not be unfriendly based on his race), which leaves the religion aspect. Basically every religion in Golarion is hostile to Rovagug, but I'd only give the +4 bonus to characters that are actually devoted to another deity (clerics, paladins, etc., or a character that through roleplay demonstrates that he is a fervent adherer to some god even if he does not have levels in a divine class, such as a monk who worships Irori...).

A couple of changes in Tasutek's sheet dropped the DC to 12, yes, while the tactics remained unaltered. Considering that the DC is indeed low (specially for the higher tier), I can see how sticking to tactics as written can make him vulnerable to a devastating first round from the players.

Still, remember that by spending one use of his fervor ability, Tasutek can cast a spell on himself as a swift action on the same turn that he uses enthrall (which should really only be in the opening round, and preferably if he acts first), so, since he's got multiple actions, enthrall is not a complete waste—it affects all PCs and may get one or two out of the combat for a couple of rounds, even with a low DC. He can also maneuver in the same round to draw the players close to the qlippoth, specially if the PCs fail to spot him. Stunning barrier is a good choice of first spell to use with the fervor ability, as it's both defensive and offensive.

In terms of flavor and roleplay, using enthrall is a little like delivering a villanous speech before combat ensues, like an apocalyptic sermon, hopefully one that creeps out the PCs a little bit. He wants his enemies to listen to the word of Rovagug, after all. :)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Last season we had a similar situation and the suggestions were posted (in character) in the faction talk forum.

I guess you could post your recommendation on the Scarab Sages faction subforum, but be sure to tag it as a "Spoiler for Scenario #6-19".

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Monkhound wrote:
The Chronicle sheet does not show a fragment of the Sky Key (I can make an educated guess as to the why), but does completing the primary condition of this scenario provide credit for the conditions mentioned above?

Hi Monkhound, I'm not familiar with the Legacy of Stonelords boon, but meeting the primary condition does secure Logyra's fragment for the Pathfinder Society... not sure if this statement helps at all :P

As to whether it should be on the chronicle sheet, I defer to John Compton, who has a thorough understanding of the season metaplot and how the boons interact with each scenario. I'm certain he'll help you if he finds this thread. ;)

Leathert wrote:

Started prepping this and I'm also wondering about one thing: how deep is the water supposed to be in the final encounter?

I'm thinking at least a square/5 ft. so that swimming in there seems plausible, but is that it, or is it deeper?

Yes, a depth of 5 feet would be correct. I think that was originally indicated on the map, it might have been an oversight. Unless something changed in the later stages of development, I say go with 5 feet. :)

A medium character who is taller than that is still chest-deep in the water, so underwater combat rules apply. I strongly advise checking the underwater combat rules on page 432 of the Core Rulebook and heat dangers rules on page 444, since these rules come into play in the mines.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

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On a sidenote, I advocate that alhtough a character can buff himself, using a spell to enhance an ally would count as cheating in the monks' book, since that ally would be relying on someone else's help (which goes against self-reliance and self-perfection).

Like I said before, take it with a grain of salt, since I do not speak officially for Paizo.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

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Alright, the following clarifications are not really official, but I'll see what I can do to help sort things out while we wait for the Paizo guys to stop by (perhaps).

Monkhound wrote:
A problem I see is that the skill checks may be somewhat on the easy side, resulting too easily in half the party succeeding at it.

That's a tricky one. That will really depend on party composition and the subtier you're playing in (in relation to your character's level). Bear in mind that PCs are actually supposed to do slightly above average in these tests; it'll be a lot more fun for them if they succeed more often than they fail, as failing right from the start of the adventure might be somewhat frustrating. I'd expect most parties to finish in the range between 7 and 12, but closer to 12. A couple of lucky rolls will push that to the maximum possible number of Trial points (and give PCs the extra resulting benefits), while only a really bad sequence of die rolls will get a party to finish below 7 (which is the threshold for a good performance).

Monkhound wrote:
Would taking 10 be allowed on the trial checks?

I don't think allowing a character to take 10 would be that much of a problem. In the first trial, doing so would possibly cost them the extra Trial point. The second trial does not involve any skill checks, so taking 10 is not possible. In the third trial, I'd say being blind counts as a form of distraction, so taking 10 is also not allowed. In the fourth and fith trials, I guess it would be ok (though they cannot take 10 on saves). So they'd only really get three chances to Take 10. That's my interpretation, at least.

Leathert wrote:
(about Pushing Assault) As no one is actually harmed by being pushed, what with the spirits, it actually is safe (as the PCs might have found out already if some of them didn't make the climb). I'd allow her using the feat.

This is correct. It is legal to push opponents over the edge.

andreww said wrote:
A number of these tests can be trivialised by the use of magic which will be commonly available to level 3-7 PC's. How are people intending to handle someone who spider climbs up the column for example?

It's hard to come up with an answer for every situation, but I think that if the spell helps the PC succeed without changing the "spirit" of the task at hand, the monks would see that as ok (flying to the top of the spire would not be acceptable, since the climb has a "moral" symbolism).

There's one thing to keep in mind, though, which is not really in the text but was discussed during development: if you take the balance and the climbing tests, for instance, these take place during a certain timespan. The spire is VERY high (200 ft. if you go check Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Osirion, Legacy of the Pharaohs), so it would require a ton of climb checks, which would get really boring really quickly in gameplay. So, the Climb checks, much like the Acrobatics checks in trial 4, are simplifications to represent the task as a whole. Thus, using cat's grace to remain balanced would not really work, since the spell has a duration of minutes only, while the task lasts a lot longer than that.

[EDIT] Regarding the Climb: a character with a speed of 30 ft. would need 27 successful checks to Climb the spire, which amounts to a little under 3 minutes if he doesn't fail any rolls. So, while in the adventure the checks are still an abstraction of the rules, I'd say spider climb does work in this case.

This said, if a player comes up with a clever use of a spell she has, I think GMs should reward her choice of spells and allow her to use it—again, as long as it's within the spirit of the task.

Monkhound wrote:
On a sidenote, some characters might have a natural Climb speed. How to deal with that?

Personally, I'm a fan o rewarding player's choices when it comes to character abilities. It's really frustrating when you spend resources to get something as, say, a climb speed, and the GM won't let you use it. So... let them climb!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

...that rages?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I believe the mutant descriptor is in the optional rules chapter, right after Varjellan and Lattimor.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Profile is complete with backstory.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

I have the crunch ready. The backstory is in my head, as soon as I have some time I'll write it down and update the profile.

Sarsam Zimm, mechanical nano who explores dark places.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4

Very interested.

Cooking up a mechanical nano who explores dark places.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Yay! Congrats!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations, Monica! Very well done! That will be one fun module (and a ton of work, so brace yourself).

Chris, Kalervo, Brian, writing a PFS Scenario is also awesome, with the caveat that you'll get to see less illustrations of the cool stuff you write than Monica will (but hey, you still get to create wicked NPCs and get them on the cover of your PFS Scenario! Really, it's superfun). There's something about contributing to the continuity of organized play that is really stimulating, so you can start doing some research about that... right now.

In any case, the 4 of you got one foot in; apply the same level of creativity and dedication you've shown here to your upcoming assignments and I guarantee others will follow.

The Top 32 have all done well, and I wouldn't be surprised if you guys strated getting some mail from 3rd party publishers or Paizo about doing some freelance work. Grab those opportunities! There is some really great 3rd party stuff out there. If you got bit by the freelance bug, you'll surely want to keep an eye on the market and what people are doing.

Anyway, another RPGSS comes to an end, as it must; and it seems once again it has been quite successful in revealing new and fine talent. Kuddos to all!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

If you have the chance, I strongly recommend that you playtest your encounter. There's still time to make some tweaks afterward.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Mikko Kallio wrote:

Let's see if this works...

*vertical and horizontal hand gestures tracing straight lines in the air*

"...taulukko... ...kaava... ...lasku... ...luo!"

I cast summon spreadsheet!

Summon Spreadsheet

School conjuration (summoning); Level RPG Superstar 5
Casting Time 7-1/2 hours
Components V, S, F (a post on the Paizo message boards)
Range long (anywhere in the world)
Effect one summoned spreadsheet
Duration permanent (as long as Google docs lives)
Saving Throw Will negates

This spell summons a spreasheet. This spreadsheet is visible to anyone who has access to the URL, but only the Master of the Spreadsheet can input any data. The Master of the Spreadsheet is randomly assigned at the time of the casting, but there's a 75% chance that it will always be the same creature. Although visitors of the spreadsheet often believe that the numbers therein contained change magically, the truth is that the Master of the Spreadsheet must count every vote and type them one by one, as well as sort the data correctly. Every time the spreadsheet is modified, there's a 10% chance that the Master of the Spreadsheet did something wrong.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Well... I would easily have voted for that. Nice work, Jensen.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

I like the round 3 rules. Hope you guys do, too! Go get us some monsters.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Russ Brown wrote:
So how many of this year's Top 32 are repeat offenders contenders?

If I'm not forgetting anyone, I believe that would be Brian Fruzen, Charlie Bell, Chris Schaeffer, Christopher Wasko, Jacob Kellog and Kalervo Oikarinen. 6 altogether.

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Ok, my votes went to:

- Monica Marlowe - Firebrand's Redoubt: Stronghold of Lady Delbera Axebringer
- Kalervo Oikarinen - Ancient Cyclops Stronghold in the Icerime Peaks
- Charlie Bell - Smokemount Hold
- Brian Fruzen - Salvation's End
- Dana Huber - Elven Guardpost on the Tanglebriar Border
- Ben Iglauer - The Haunted Dinosaur Graveyard of Mediogalti Island
- Russ Brown - Lost Water Gardens of Jalmeray
- David Higaki - The Gravepit Basin of Fallen Sercai


RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Sporge, you wrote down Smokemount Hold twice, you still have one vote left. ;)

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4 , Marathon Voter Season 6, Star Voter Season 7

Jacob W. Michaels wrote:
The spreadsheet seems to have gotten a little jumbled, Pedro. Monica and Chris S. are assigned to each other's maps, and the same for Chris W. and Scott L. Gabriel also appears to be with someone else's map, and I think a few other people too...

Yup, it seems like I didn't select column A last time I sorted the list. The maps and the votes were correct in relation to each other, but the names got mixed up. It's fixed now.