Oh good grief, I remember playing with a guy who had Babaian/Frienzied Berserker/War Hulk. He killed the group so many times. CampinCarl had the best idea, using the weakest save to disable the char. It would be the most consistant way. Worst come to worst, talk to the DM & get an item made that helps. ![]()
Don't know if it has been done and I know it isn't min/maxi I had a thought of taking magical lineage for the Snowball spell, get close range acana at 3rd to use it with spellstrike and get the Rime metamagic feat for it. So entangled and staggered on a failed save. What do you lot think?
In one group I had a dwarven fighter who would cut up people for potion ingredients and ran a undead brothel on the side. The drunken sorcerer had 2 attitudes, kill it and kill it with fire. At one point we needed to find out how deep a mine shaft was so he got the kobold we had captured, set him on fire and dropped him down the shaft. The ranger insisted on wearing his ex-wifes bloody wedding dress and carring her head in a sack. We had rescued an orphanage, then the dwarven cleric decided to sacrifice all the kids to his new goddess Lolth. The half-orc druid would insist on payment before doing anything. And last but not least the Barbarian/Warhulk/Frensied Berserker more often then not would kill the party because of a failed will save. This happened so often we were effectively playing Ding, Dong, Ditch with Death and started getting bulk discounts on resurrections. The group as a whole never really finished a quest, despite the multiple wars this started that we left in our wake. The group ended up getting named the Three Stooges of the Apocalypse. Mostly because there tended to be only 3 alive at any one time and the shear chaos behind us. ![]()
He started out as a simple Dwarven Fighter. By the time I left the campaign he was a Dwarven Fighter who had an Advanced Rust Monster as a mount and in his spare time cut people up for potion ingredients and ran an undead brothel. I had a Druid Storm Lord (3rd Party Archetype) who was Chaotic Neutral. Emphasis on the chaotic. At one point when we were resting in town she decided to see how many chickens she could get out of a level 3 Summon Animal spell. The best part is that one time she was the voice of reason for the group. When the group relised that it terrified them. ![]()
I had one where it wasn't the DM that was crying, it was the party! What happened was one guy had a Barbarian/Warhulk/Frenzied Berserker. Of couse the DM would target him for damage, he's fail the will save then go berserk and kill the party. Repeatedly. The worse part was that the DM was the one making the character, the player was using it. I ended up leaving the game as it annoyed me too much. ![]()
If you don't mind 3rd Party the Storm Lord Druid archtype with the Weather domain was a lot of fun. I just finished a campaign with one and got to level 15. If you do play one go for a high Wisdom/ heavy castor approach. ![]()
I am currently in WotW campaign with 7 people at the moment. I think we are at about the end of book 2, I'm not 100% sure but. So far the DM has just doubled the amount of enemys we have faced to compansate. We have all survived so far, with a couple of close calls. A couple of the players are a bit munchkiny most arn't and we have no real magic or healers in the group. It ends up with us playing a bit carefully we end up getting out alive. To keep the players alive you may have to occasionanlly may have to play a bit loose with the rolls but a group that size should be able to survive some misshaps. ![]()
Have you thought of using a bow? Put Adaptive on the bow and it could get kinda scary with the barbs str bonus.
Ventnor wrote:
How about a swing trap that hits people coming thru the door with a 10 foot pole? ![]()
Hi all, thanks for looking at this. I'm joining a game to be the tank/melee damage dealer. I have tried to set this guy up to stop people getting past him and and make it easier to set up flanks with my group. It's a 20 point buy game with no stat below 8 and 2 traits to start. So here he is: Thoten Azlode
Fighter Abilitys:
So I put my favored class bonus into skill points and I end up with 4 a level. My Skills with points in them are:
From here I thought I should just put the points into climb, percep, Knol Engi and ride. Should I keep it like that or spread it somewhere else? Feats:
For the next couple of levels I am thinking of taking Lunge then the Weapon Focus/Specialization/Penetrating Strike lines. Suggestions?
Armor Stats:
What he is carting around: +1 Flaming Dorn Dergar, +2 Full Plate, +2 Belt of Giant Strength, +2 Cloak of Resistance, Javlin x2, Soldier's Uniform, Backpack, Bedroll, Belt pouch, Flint & steel, Mess kit, Rope hemp 50', Trail Rations (5), Waterskin. I have 1498gp left. Any idea of what else to get, look out or save up for? Any other infomation you want just ask, I appreciate any help given. ![]()
Use illusions. Things like statures whos heads follow you. Bathtubs full of blood with a body in and have something jump out when the interact with it. A room that looks full of zombies but is empty, A fake wall the monsters are orded to stay behind untill the party reaches a certain point. Make the troll look alive and normal. Even little things like rats and spiderwebs, force them to roll, figure out what each other is seeing and wonder what is going on. ![]()
Hi, the campaign I an in is currently looking for a player or 2. It is a drow setting, a neutral/evil group and loosly based in the Forgotten Realms. In the party currently is a sorcerer, an oracle and a bow focused fighter (me). If you are interested let me know and I can pass along contact infomation or you could try directly Here ![]()
HaraldKlak wrote:
Too bad, I had an image of a TM using a large heavy shield and Shield Slam to fling people around with bullrush. ![]()
I'm gettin dropped into a drow campain at 4th level with a 25 point buy system, standed drow race and full WPL. I decided I wanted to play as the Cavern Sniper. I wanted you opinions on what feats and equipment to take. This is what I have come up with so far: STR:14 (14PB)
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot and Deadly Aim.
Other feats I have thought of getting are Elven Accurary, Clustered Shots, Manyshot, Weapon Focus/Specialization Longbow, Point-Blank Master and the Snap-shot line. Any advise?