
Klodd Rockhopper's page

157 posts. Alias of scranford.

Recently lost our front liner and rogue from this game. Would like to recruit (2) new players. Preferably take over existing characters, but if you'd rather make your own, we can make some adjustments.

We are currently in mid "Wave" combat, as a horde of undead is infiltrating the town of Raven for some yet to be determined reason. We are using the "Lost Lands" campaign setting from Frog God Games, but instead of running a pre-set adventure, I'll be using encounters and setting from their products, interspersed with my original material.

Lost Lands

I use the boards for posting, Discord for image sharing and offline communication, and Owl Bear Rodeo for maps.

NOTE: A word of warning this is a RAW game... and while I'll listen and entertain player debate on rules... RAW will ALWAYS Win out.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Feel free to dot and delete here so this will show up in your active games list.

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Here is a thread to begin discussion of my upcoming PF2 game. (Invitation Only). I'm considering the following at this time.

* Campaign based in the Lost Lands. (Fiddlers Lament, Aegis of Empires). Like this land, but the fact that it's not in Demi-Plane might complicate things.

* 2E conversion of Mummy's Mask. Like Lost Lands digital resources are limited... but this is one I've always been interested in running, and I have a 2E conversion.

* Outlaws of Alkenstar Of all the 2E AP's this one interests me most... though I'd be inclined to provide Level 1 characters for everyone to make sure this AP's unique challenges are covered. It would be all you after that.

I allow Ancestral Paragon, and Free Archetype, and with the retraining Down-time options you'd be able to quickly make the character your own.

House Rules (There may be more but at first glance this is what I've come up with.

+ PF2 is designed with no "Preparation or Pre-buffing actions" but I've modified that a bit. If you roll a 20 on initiative you get a "Pre-Initiative Action, and if you roll a NAT 20 you get two. This applies to all participants, and after these actions Initiative proceeds as usual.

+ In a similar vein if using the DEFEND Exploration activity you can choose to either have your shield raised... or a weapon in hand. In my opinion as your exploring, you're not walking around ready to jump at anything as your looking around doing other things.

+ I hate using limited resource things like healing spells and potions to end up with a 1, so I've adjusted this a bit. You drop a die size and add 2. For higher level spells with multiple die rolls only one die gets this treatment. For instance, if you heal 3d8 you now heal 2d8+1d6+2. This only applies to limited resource things not towards skill usage.

+ PF2 RAW calls for a lot of hidden checks, but my players hated that so I let them roll almost everything until they prove they can't keep from meta-gaming. One group I run is fine, the other struggles. "Why are you rolling perception on that chest as well. Your party rogue just did (Rolled a 1). Do you not trust him?

+ I don't like the Critical hit and miss cards, but wanted something to punish terrible rolls, since good rolls are rewarded. In my games if you roll a 1 on an attack roll you roll a d4 and one of the following is your reward...
^ 1- Slowed 1 till the end of your next turn
^ 2- Fall Prone
^ 3- Drop weapon
^ 4- Clumsy 1 till the end of your next turn.

I might have a few more... but this is all I can think of at the moment. If you're interested please comment, and we'll discuss.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

For fun times...

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Discussion here...

Globe spanning campaign made up of bite size individual adventures utilizing the 5E ruleset, based in Midgard. Campaign to begin in Zobeck with a gathering of longtime, and recent members of the adventuring group... Heralds of St. Helba.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The place to adventure

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

And here's the first Discussion post.

Common = Thylean
Fey and Sylvan are so closely related I'm going to make them the same.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

At the dawn of time, a war between gods and titans left the landscape of Thylea forever changed. Thousands of years later, the first mortals arrived, carried by ship and dragon.

The Dragonlords were the champions who overthrew the Titans 500 years ago and forged the "Oath of Peace". But the Oath has waned, and now the Titans seek vengeance.

You are one of the heroes called by prophecy to end the conflict once and for all. POets will sing of your deeds for centuries to come... if you survive.

Okay. It's been a while since I tried to run a game on here, but a combination of the current social status of us all, and the excitement of this type of game has pushed me to try again.

I'm looking for 5 (Maybe 6) Stalwart adventurers to step outside the bonds of mortality and become true heroes. With the coming release from Wizards and the release of this adventure, the time is right to begin.

This will not be first come, first served, and I'll keep applications open for at least a week, but this game will rely on a firm investment from the characters. You will have to get the "Free" Players guide pdf, and be prepared for the hero to be the focus of the adventure, not the setting, or protagonist as many adventures require. You have a destiny to fulfill, and above all that will be your characters goal. The adventure should take you from 1st to about 15th level, but even from the beginnning you will be a cut above the normal residents of Thylea.

I'm interested in concepts at this time only, so go ahead and download the players guide and come up with your best epic hero. I will accept (2) Thylea only characters, (2-3) Normal 5E race characters, and possibly (1-2) Far traveler character from another setting that winds up here called by fate.

And.... GO!

NOTE: Future communication will be using my "Supreme Being" Avatar, which is my GM Avatar.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

You can either dot & delete, or dot and stay when you get your profile made.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

All campaign and world out of character discussion goes here.

OK. This is the official recruiting (Spelled right) thread. You can use the other one till Sunday evening if you'd like or come here right away. I'll copy / paste the info I've already shared there to the campaign info on this game.

I'm either going to figure out how to use Realmworks to get you guys involved, or start a Wiki or something for world information. I'll open up the discussion thread, but let's do the mechanical die rolling etc here in the recruiting thread, and use the discussion to complete the characters.

You'll be starting out in the small town of "Keegans Bluff", about 50 leagues northwest of "Bards Gate". You already know each other, and have worked together in the past (Hence the beginning 1000 xp). I'll leave it up to your fertile imaginations on how you came to this area.

As the campaign begins you have been hired to escort an aging scholar from Bards Gate, to the Monastery of La Maisontaal, and it just so happens that Keegans Bluff is the last town of any substance before you start up the mountain trail to the Monastery.


This is basically modified Warhammer 2nd edition, but not based in the old world. Still very dark and gritty, but I'm considering running this in a world of my own creation (Drawing heavily from some published supplements, and adventures). I won't be doing anything official until the hardcover comes out (August?), but wanted to gage interest, and give people time to acquire and read the rules... On sale now... before moving forward.

Love the company, but time to move on. Thanks for all the years of enjoyment, and I'll still be bringing you business, just not at the same volume level.

We need at least one and maybe two new players for this campaign. We've just leveled up to second level, so if anyone's interested, search for the listed campaign, read up, and let me know if you're interested.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Here's where we do it...

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Here's where we talk about it...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I know it's a little bit early, but I'm looking for 5 players plus a 6th alternate to play the Tyranny of Dragons Story Arc, using the new 5th edition rules. While the PHB won't be out for a while, nor will the adventure, I believe there is enough info out there to start recruiting. Please no crunch yet, just looking for fluff, and a well rounded group.

About me:

I'm all about the story, so well developed characters are number 1

I am a Pathfinder fan...just don't like it for PbP.

Medium paced games...Once per day, and once per weekend are usual.

I will move the storyline along if things get stale.

I count on my players to make the story pop, with interesting actions and dialog, and have been known to reward them for such (Inspiration?)

Time frame:

Character concepts finilized by next Sunday, and players chosen on Monday (Aug. 11th).

Preliminary roleplaying, and player integration...{Week of Aug.18th)

Game begins Monday Aug. 25th (Assuming everything gets delivered as planned).

No character generation rules yet, as I'm waiting for the PHB to do that, but the campaign info tab has some food for thought.

The campaign will begin somewhere on the Sword Coast, probably Phandalin, since it's on the Sword Coast, and already here for 5E, but the campaign will begin in earnest wherever "Hoard of the Dragon Queen" takes us.

So get your thinking caps on, and let's create.

HI. My Pathfinder Subscription copy of Empty Grave (#80) came in today from the PO severely mangled. How do I go about getting a replacement copy. I have pictures if needed.

Hi all. I'm afraid that standard Pathfinder has gotten a bit complex, and too full of options to really capture the feel I'm looking for in a game, however I love the fluff. This really shows up in PbP which is already slow without complicating it more.

This is for preliminary interest in either Mummy's Mask, or Reign of Winter using the 13th Age RPG rule set.

Any interest?

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

And the Discussion Thread

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Here is the Gameplay thread.

So with my first PbP proceeding, and some down time for the holidays, I thought I'd see if there was any interest in a Savage Worlds conversion of the d20 Conan, free form adventure.

I'd be using the great Beasts & Barbarians Savage Worlds rules, with a conversion to the world of Conan.

Any interest?

HI. Please cancel all my subscriptions except for the Adventure Path subscription.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

This post is just so you can dot in the gameplay thread, and add it to your campaigns page.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Here's where all the planning will take place. Looking to start around the first of September.

Will be using Savage Worlds Deluxe, in the Iron Kingdoms. There is also a great Wiki for converting Savage Worlds to IK. We'll use this as a starting point for character generation.

I'm going to attempt to run a game again on here. The last one ended quickly, but I think that additional time, and using Savage Worlds rules might just make this one work. Will be running the Witchfire Triology Revised, then seeing where things go from there. I've got several players interested now, and will PM some others that I have experience with. If needed I'll open up for recruitment.

Megan's Council of Thieves game is in need of 2-3 players. This is not a super fast posting game, but usually averages 5-6 posts a week per player, not so much on weekends.

We are currently at 2nd level, and remaining players are a Human Paladin of Shelyn (Me), and a Human Universalist Wizard.

I honestly don't remember the creation rules, but post concepts and interest here, and hopefully Megan will chime in with some rules.

Hi all. Thinking about running an alternate history game I've been kicking around. I would like to use the Strands of Fate system to run this game, as I'm mapping challenged, and I think I could run this without maps. I'm in no hurry to start the game, and would rather have 4-5 players who are familiar with the system...or at least own it. Following is a little bit about the Alternate history. {Note: Strands of Fate pdf is only 9.99)

The Nations of America
This is an alternate history of the United States of America, created for exploration in the FATE role-playing game.

How we got here:


Things in the USA pretty much followed real history until July 21, 1861. And, even the first part of that day began like any other. In this, the first real battle of the American War of Succession, the Confederate forces carried the day. The inexperienced Union army was routed, and began a retreat back to Washington. That’s where things took a turn. Instead of letting the routed force escape, and celebrating the victory, the Confederate army followed the army, and invaded Washington, before the Union army had a chance to set up their defense. Lincoln and the remnants of his government retreated to Philadelphia, and set up their temporary government. Though the Union forces still outnumbered their southern counterparts, and owned much of the manufacturing, this early battle had a immense effect on the outcome of the war.
Overseas England, and France noticing the early success of the Confederate forces, began to ship equipment, and men to aid the Southerners in their rebellion…after all, the southern states were producers of the needed cotton and tobacco so craved by their European counterparts. To shorten the story, these events caused the war to end before it really began, and Lincoln signed the agreements to grant the southern states their independence. Lincoln then returned to Washington, to set up his permanent capital, and the Confederated States of America was formed.



• 1869 – 1871 First Kentucky War – Kentucky, always a split state ends up joining the USA.
• 1873 Due to increased mechanical production, Slavery is abolished in the CSA.
• 1880 – 1883 Second Kentucky War – Kentucky rejoins the CSA with Slavery now abolished.
• 1886-1891 The Virginia Conflict – West Virginia is formed after this military draw. CSA moves capital to Atlanta after conflict.
• 1922 Texas and Mexico join up to form the Independent nation of Texico.
• 1934 Western states that had never chosen sides form Western Independent Coalition.
• 1944-1948 Combined Russian and Japanese forces occupy Alaska, Western Canada, and move all the way down to the outskirts of San Francisco. Finally for the first time since the revolutionary war CSA, and USA forces combine to help out their Neutral neighbor, and push the Russo-Japanese forces back to the Canadian Border.
• 1962 Nazi Forces whom occupy all of South and Central America try to push up through Mexico and Texas. Once again CSA, USA, and this time WIC forces join the multitudes of Texican forces to stop them at the battle of Yucatan.
• 1965 – Present Uneasy truce between all nations of the North American League of Nations.



• United States of America – Industrial leader of the world (Late 60’s Technology). Strong Central Government. Minimal Military. Capital in Washington, DC
• Confederate States of America – Strong Industrially, but still depend on foreign trade, and natural resources strongly. Strong Military presence.
• Western Independent Coalition – Loosely aligned group of independent territories with central government based in Las Vegas. Many different government types, and cultural groups, that banded together by contractual alliance after the Russo-Japanese war.
• Texico - Wild and Crazy territory that proves that existence is possible without a central government…or a government at all. No legal forces beyond independent armies. Anything goes here, but somehow the lawlessness works. Open borders to the North. No central capital.
• Western Canada – controlled by a coalition of Russian and Japanese forces
• Eastern / Central Canada – Remnants of Western European governments of Spain, Italy, France, and England settled here after all of Europe was taken by Nazi forces in WWII.
• Central / South America – Controlled and governed by the Nazi party from Europe
• Europe – Nazi forces won WWII and basically rule all of Europe with a strong hand. Only isolated underground guerilla units stand against them.
• Asia – ruled for the most part by the Russo – Japanese Coalition. China is basically a backwards slave state to these great forces. The Japanese are close to the USA as far a technology is concerned.
• Africa – Strange things have happened in Africa, and little news is heard from there. The Nazi forces took this area after WWII, but for some reason deserted it in 1955, and haven’t tried to return. Other countries have sent expeditions their but few have returned, and those that retained any bit of sanity spoke of walking dead, and beast men.
• Australia – Since the mid 40’s all the world prisoners and dangerously insane have been airdropped onto this continent. There were originally wardens here, but in the early 50’s the inmates overtook the asylum, and now new arrivals are only airdropped. Who knows what rules there now?

Have several ideas, but this would be very much a "sandbox" campaign, with the party members of an organization with representatives from all the North American League of Nations.

We had a moment come up in our game the other day, which brought up a question. If you were to summon a swarm in the square that a person using Mirror Image is occupying would this dispel all the images. I know it doesn't with area effect spells (Like Fireball), but since all targets in a swarm take damage individually, would this get rid of the multiple images, just as if they had been attacked by say 8 individual tiny creatures?

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

Here we go...and Dotting.


Hi all. I'm playing or have played all the AP's except Council of Thieves. I've got a Paladin and a Bard (25 point) buy. Lets put together a group of five characters with backgrounds developed, then try to recruit a DM. Post your concepts, and let's see what we can do.

Anybody worked their magic and done a players map of Smugglers Shiv without all the encounter locations labeled? This seems to be the easiest way for my players to plod their way around the island.

I bumped up my previous thread with an update, but it doesn't seem to be responded to so I'll try a new thread. Look's like I'll just have to order this stuff again, and swallow the %50.00 :-(.

Don't mean to be a pest but this order is over 16-days beyond when it normally arrives, and 21 business days from when it shipped. Really don't want to keep waiting to see if it shows up. I'm confident it's lost somewhere. is there some way to get this order re-sent without spending another $50.00. Order number is 1360122

NOTE: I've already been told twice to wait till the end of next week and if it doesn't arrive it will be addressed. That is not an acceptable answer again.

Don't mean to be a pest but this order is over 8-days beyond when it normally arrives, and 13 business days from when it shipped. Really don't want to keep waiting to see if it shows up. I'm confident it's lost somewhere. is there some way to get this order re-sent without spending another $50.00. Order number is 1360122

Hey guys. For the first time ever, I believe I have a missing order. It was supposedly shipped on 3/18, but haven't received anything yet. Not only is this about 6 days past the normal arrival time, but it's also past the 10 business days time, so I believe something must be wrong. Order number is 1360122. Can you help me out?


Want to try something unique and different. Pick yourself up from the rubble of the destroyed Beverage shop, or join the fracas from the street, as our bold, over-the-top hero's attempt to the world from their stronghold in the city of Al-Kapone.

Need 3-4 Frequent posters to join our group of merry misfits, in the mis-adventure of a life time. Check out the Game thread, and OOC thread for details before they reach the length of the unabridged version of War and Peace.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Tucked away in a tiny storefront, about halfway down Murder Street, between Casper's Sheets and Pillowcases, and Deovin's Porcupine Grooming parlor sits the tiny, but busy cafe known as Moondoe's. With Eleven locations and growing in the capital city of Al Kapone, capital city of the Sea-Horse Lands, Moondoe's is bustling both night and day.

Surprisingly your group is all together in the city at once, and were just enjoying a cup of steaming Milkweed Juice, when there was a sudden commotion in the streets. Thelma, your favorite waitress happened to be standing near the window, and looked up her mouth widening in horror, and her tray of spiced Beetle cakes dropping to the ground with a resounding crash.

As she quickly dodges to the side, the peace of the morning is shattered as a dark form quickly fills the large window on to the street, and the glass is shattered by something humongous crashing into the room from the street. All you see when you glance up are the forms of two giant Black Rhinoceros beetles, maddened and pushing through the crowd.

Perception DC15

The beetles are pulling a wagon with several humanoid figures on top with loaded crossbows shielding their heads from the flying glass.

Perception DC20

The green cloaks of the humanoids, and the side of the wagon are both emblazoned with the symbol of a Blue Baboon with it's side pierced by a Bloody Trident. Most of the attackers appear to be Tritons.

The unusual attackers continue to advance through the room, crushing customers underfoot, and beginning to raise their crossbows, the whole mess heading right at your table.

Reflex saves everyone, Then initiatives, and you're up!

Male Daytona 500 DM / 12

OK. Here is the first OOC discussion thread for this wild and woolly campaign. Following is a list of 1st level options. If you don't see anything you're interested in let me know what you'd like to see (For flavor, not so much mechanics) and I'll see what my devious mind can dream up. After choosing a beginning feat we'll do a cool little exercise to determine how the party came together (Which I stole outright from Spirit of the Century)

First Level options:

    *1 Jeves - 0-level npc to hinder...I mean help the PC with various cooking, pitching tents, research, keeping watch for them, polishing armor, keeping bedroll warm etc.

    *2 10-Fingers - You've got 10 fingers, why not 10 magical rings. The only problem is you don't like other jewelry...No amulets, Periapts, Bracers, headbands etc. Belts, cloaks, robes, hats etc are ok.

    *3 Magical Dumpster Dive - You or some of your deceased friends found this really cool item in the Midden heap of Castle Beigerock. Some cool but not outrageous magic item. Once the character concept is established I'll come up with a cool item (with your agreement of course) to help you along

*4 Sure it Stacks - Every time you take this feat you can choose a bonus of some kind that normally doesn't stack and for you it does. Must be magic!

*5 Hit the Rewind - Once per session (Session length to be determined by god) you can pretend you didn't do or say something that you really did. This not a do over for dice rolls, but "I wish I hadn't opened that door" type thing.

*6 My Dad's richer than your dad - Begin play with 2,500 gp. Problem is you stole the money before you left home, and you're not really welcome back.

*7 I can't believe I ate the whole thing - You can eat anything non poisonous...and I mean anything and it never effects you. If you had time you could eat the entire contents of a library, all the grass in a great meadow, or all the webs in a giant spider lure. No problem to consume many times your body weight in stuff. (Gut of holding?)

*8 Sasquatch got nothing on you - You have thick mats of body hair covering your entire body...thick, stiff, resilient stinky body hair. The good news is this gives you a +2 Natural Armor bonus (Unless you shave twice a day). The bad news it stinks and is ugly which gives you a -4 to CHA based checks vs "normal humans". Bugbears might find it sexy which creates another problem entirely.

*9 Seventh son of a Seventh son - You are very lucky. Almost like a cat but not quite. You've got seven lives. When you should have died in the adventure seven times fate will intervene and you somehow live...Who would have thought that Roc would be flying by, just as you fell from the cliff. The drawback you can't be reincarnated or resurrected as a normal character...oh and you cast no shadow which can be interesting.

*10 Renaissance Man - You know a little about everything, and constantly surprise people with your abilities. Every level when you get new skill points you can choose to spend them whenever you like instead of when you level up...What no ranks in Knowledge big slimy things...Well I just happen to have read a book about them last week.

Please choose one of these as a free first level ability. It would be cool if everybody chooses something different.

I've never run a PbP on here, but have played in many. Thinking about a concept that came to me after reading "Game Night" by Jonny Nexus, of an over the top, ridiculous game for fun and comedy.

Pathfinder rules from main book only but ability matrix of 20,20,20,8,8,8 before racial adjustments. Starting at 1st level, Maximum gold, and maximum HP each level. Very tongue in the cheek game with Action Points awarded for ridiculous but cool maneuvers and action.

If anybody is interested in trying out something different, give me a short character concept, and I'll chose 5-6 for the game. Frequent posting will be advised (Average of daily), or your character might end up in a pickle. Interested players reply by Thursday evening, and I'll try to get the game going this weekend if there is any interest.

Has anyone made a comprehensive list of the countries and areas of Golorian, with the real life culture they are based on. I've seen some areas discussed, and have a pretty good idea on most, but would like to see a comprehensive list.

Has anybody done any conversions to the Iron Kingdoms Setting from Privateer Press. I'm thinking about doing this, but if someone else has already started the process I'd like to see what you've done.

Hi All,

Visit the Bethskel's House of Pancakes thread for a new idea in recruiting for new games.

(I forgot to put Recruiting in the thread title, so I thought I'd put in this one to get everyone's attention.)

OK I'll get things started. Ozbadin walks around the room till he finds some drunk he thinks he can take advantage of, then sits with him attempting to become his best friend, and buying him drinks. Those who make a perception check might find out Ozbadin is asking prying questions about his strengths and skills, and looking him up for how fit and strong he might be.

Should AP 26 be available in my downloads? It seems that some people already have it and I don't see it in my subscriptions or downloads.

Hey guys. Just subscribed to Pathfinders Chronicles subscription. I got an email saying that the Gazetteer had shipped earlier (Saturday or Sunday?), but when I subscribed it showed that the Gazetteer was pending. I think its already shipped, and I don't need two of them. Could you check to make sure It's not duplicated, and also activate the pdf of the Gazetteer for my downloading.
