Supreme Being's Savage Conan PbP (Inactive)

Game Master scranford

Savage Swords and Sorcery in Hyboria.

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Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Here is the Gameplay thread.


Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

The tall thin man dressed all in black stands by himself watching all around him.

Another way of saying dot

Towering over most others, the huge Northman with snow-white hair and beard waits...


Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Thank goodness, I'm out of Stygia and away from those Set bastards. Hopefully, the bounty hunters have lost my trail.

Male Kothian Thief and Adventurer

A medium sized man garbed in grey black leather stands in the sorcerers shadow. A scraggly beard edges its way out of folds of his cloak pulled tightly over his head. Across his back is a curved Hyrkanian bow and upon his hip a dagger.

Free spirited pirate


Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

The day had been hot, as were all the days in Western Shem. Even as the sun began to set, and cease its eternal assault on the land, the winds began to rise from across the desert to the East. Flapping the multiple lines of laundry, and bringing with them a cloud of dust particles, and a mingling scent of camels, cinnamon, dung fires, and entirely too many people. Still another day was at end, and the payment had not arrived yet. Yet, your host did not seem overly worried. In his strong Argosan accent he once again implored patience.

Otto :
”Be at ease my friends”. “Sometimes there are un-avoidable delays”. “I promise my cousin Turel will soon arrive with the profits from unloading our dates in Messantia”. “He knows the best prices to be had, and I’m sure is even now making his way to us”. “Your efforts will be richly rewarded”. “And besides are you not eating, drinking, whoring, and sleeping for free”?

You are all guests of a fat merchant named Otto. You had all recently hired on as a Caravan guard for his families trading company, and despite a few minor skirmishes had come through unscathed”. “In fact were it not for the lack of coin in your pockets, you might say that life was good…or as good as it ever had been. His family trading house is currently out of favor in Messantia, so he had to make alternative arrangements between another trading company and his to deliver his dates to the market there. Still dates are bringing a good price in the city, and record profits are expected…when they finally get here.

Otto has put your party up in the small City state of Belthaar, about a day and a half North East of the City of Riches, and were it not for your increasing boredom, you might be content to stay as long as the welcome carpet was extended. You are all lodged at “The Dirty Dog Inn”, a disreputable inn partially owned by Otto’s family, and have just finished the evening meal of Olives, cheese, goat meat, and too much watered down ale, when Otto begins to speak.

”My friends”. “I am sure that Turel will arrive by tomorrow with the payment, and though you may choose to go your own way, be sure that my merchant family appreciates your efforts, and will be willing to hire you anytime”. “Since this is our last evening together, perhaps you could regale us with a tale of your adventures”.

The assumption to beginning the game is that the players have known each other for some time, though have not been constant companions. In fact this is last escort mission was the first time that they had all adventured together as a group. By following the below order, please take a moment to write a short synopsis of an adventure episode involving your character, and the character immediately below you, going down the list in order. The last PC on the list shall involve the first character as a guest star in his adventure. There is a free benny for a good adventure, and maybe some other benefits (I’m a big FATE system fan as well) if the story really sets me off. So here’s the list. Add a description of your character as well…ie.

The large man in the colorful caftan stands and begins to pace in front of the fire. His crimson fez looks to small on his large head, and his jeweled fingers clasp and un-clasp as he paces. Even this minor activity causes him to begin to sweat profusely, and the thin fabric of his garment, begins to cling to parts of his body, that you probably don’t really want to know the true shape of. ”It all started when the storm hit us unexpectedly”. “Who would have ever imagined that an Elephant would be that deep in the desert…much less a white one”.


Hakketh the Black
Mirian Greyfeather
Nereus Crius

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

"Bah, my need to deceive our fellows and embellish your story. Twas not a white elephant, but a white camel, which while uncommon are not unknown."

Hakketh takes a sip of the sour wine to clear his throat. "The real story was how a one-eyed pirate saved a poor, down on his luck sorcerer. I was fleeing as usual from those bastard Set priests and their bully boys. They just about had me cornered in a blind alley when out of no where a rope appeared in front of my face. Looking down at me was the beautiful sight of a one-eyed vision of loveliness. I clambered up the rope in nothing flat motivated even more by the desire to meet the lovely lady than I was to escape. The beauty introduced herself as Mirian, sealed our meeting with a kiss and then left me standing their with my mouth hanging open and a purse that had just been cut. It was well worth the expense."

Free spirited pirate

Mirian stands by the window looking down on the street below. In her hand is the dented pewter tankard she keeps hooked to her belt when she isn’t using it. Her tricorn hat hangs on her chair at the dinner table, leaving her raven black hair swaying slightly in the evening winds along with the two grey feathers attached to her headband. The feathers are as much of a adornment as a vain atempt to further the cognomen “Greyfeather” in favor of her less flattering moniker “Left eye”. The title of course referring to the eye patch covering her right eye, rare source of insecurity for the otherwise very confident young woman. Her features are a perfect blend of two cultures. The healthy tanned skin and determinate posture of her arogessan father and lean and graceful build of her aquilonian mother. She wears a loose fitting light colored shirt held in place by a leather west. Long-necked leather boots run up her calves where her trousers sewn with both fashion and movement in mind take over.

”You’re welcome, handsome, I never did ask why they ganged up on you. They looked angry and you looked weighted down by your purse”, Mirian says with a grin. ”That gold bought me passage to Cascan, and a wild evening when I got there. Got thrown in a cell for kocking out a bar patron who couldn’t keep his hands to himself. How was I supposed to know he was the son of the duke?”, she asks and gestures a shrug before taking another swig from her tankard. Mirian points at Nereus and continues with a smile. ”As fortune would have it my cell was not empty. A kothian gentleman with a knack for locks shared the cell. Nereus, someday you’re going to have to teach me how you opened the door. I seem to have an affinity of ending up in cells. As the night was young we paid the duke a visit to relieve him of a fair weight of gold. We managed to capture our share of trinket before the guards discovered us. It was a fun night but the run down the boardwalk got me winded. Do you think we’re still wanted in Cascan? ” the pirate asks and empties the last of her wine then leaves her spot by the window to go searching for more.

Male Kothian Thief and Adventurer

Crius raises his head from a tall mug of the local stout. He always liked tasting new brews but this was much too watered down. Sure this Otto fellow supplied a generous amount but Crius always favored quality of quantity. But Crius figured Otto had paid his due with the spicy Shem Syrah. The wine's fire still smoldered deep in Crius's belly. Though he took but a small portion, Crius wondered when the fat merchant would notice some of his missing stock, or it was the reason for his cousin's delay.

Crius caught Mirian's smile with one of his own. His white teeth were a stark contrast to his tan face, hardened and crisscrossed with light scars from years working the slums. "Oh I see it must be a pretty face and purse full of loot can steal a kiss huh? And I crack us out with nothing but a rat bone, climb the dukes tower and lower a rope for you, get even with your captors, AND what did I get to show for it? Nothing but a purse full of sand and a mouth full of seaweed. Don't know if we're wanted and don't care... Unless you want to pay the duke a second vist eh?" Crius winks.

"No, a better story would be how I wound up in that bloody dungeon in the first place. Me and Temugai here were riding with the Riffraff Raiders, an Ophir mercenary outfit raiding both Zingaran and Argossean caravans along the eastern road." He shoots Otto a glance. "Well how else did you think I knew the prime place for those bandits to ambush us?"

Crius took another sip of his ale and immediately regretted it. "Anyways, it was Temugai's turn for spotter and can you guess what poor sots he had us pounce upon? A gods be damned moving circus!!! Can you imagine clowns wielding tar filled buckets and feather pillows? Or fire breathers spouting flames up your horse's nose? Or a covered wagon opening to a lion tamer and his pack!!?... Needless to say we were routed. Not being a rider I was only there to shoot the bow how Temugai taught me and secure the locked loot. Unlike my Hyrkanian friend I didn't stand a chance with those man eating beasts on my heels. So after a few forced performances as an acrobat and the ringleader's discovery of the missing "World's Largest Gem" underneath my pillow, which really was a fake, I found myself in the clink"

Temugai limped back from the alley where he had been relieving himself in time to catch the end of Nereus's story. He moves slowly, his right knee badly injured, only a steel brace allows his to walk at all. As he comes around the table, his eyes examine Otto. If payment wasn't forthcoming, the man had enough jewelry on him that the venture wouldn't be a total loss. He shakes his head and scowls.

"We tried and tried to give you a horse," he says with an exasperated sigh. Almost as if he has heard this story before. "You always leave that part out. 'Oh, I'll be fine. I don't need some big, hairy beast to keep me safe. I'll just stay out of sight until the operative moment.' Next time, take the horse and piss on the operative moment." His annoyance vented, he gives the Kothian a sly, but friendly smile. "But I'll never forget seeing that clown clean your clock."

He sat down and sipped his ale, drinking the bitter stuff slowly. These so-called civilized places didn't serve fermented milk, but the Hyrkanian had long since learned to adapt to strange and exotic food and drink such as this. He makes a face and realizes everyone is waiting for him.

"Just thinking of the first time I drank a mug of ale," he said, then gave a nod to Wulfgar. "You remember. I spat it all over the Jarl of Kylingstad." He looked around at the others. "I'd heard rumors of a fortress with a black-armored man east of Asgard, and I'd been riding across the most desolate country imaginable for weeks. Grass could barely grow there, there wasn't a tree for a hundred miles, and the rivers were frozen deep. I was in the right area, but having no luck, so I thought I'd find high ground to scan the landscape. I rode up this hill, and in a deep valley on the other side, there was a fort."

"Well, what passed for a fort up there, anyhow," he said. "There was an earth rampart with a palisade made of mammoth ribs on top of it, and a turf hall. There was also Wulfgar, hunkered down, watching the place, doing his best to stay out of side when I rode up bold as anything and practically trample him."

"The poor man had walked there from his hall, to try to storm the place, alone. I thought he was mad, but we were after the same thing, and we used the classic strike. I galloped up with my bow, picked a man or two off the rampart, and fell back out of their bow range. They came storming out of the fort like wasps after you kicked their nest, this ragged lot of bandits. I led them right into Wulfgar, hiding behind some rocks, and if you've never seen that man working with an axe in his hand, you've something yet to see."

"I knocked a few down with arrows before I rode in to help Wulfgar finish them. I'd thought the man was mad, thinking to attack the place on his own, but at the end of the fight, the snows were red with their blood and he ... he was a little out of breath." Temugai shook his head, remembering the scene. "We went in. There was some savage in black furs that wasn't the man I was after at all. I think I shot him and Wulfgar finished him off, but he was just some bandit chief who thought he'd steal the hall. He'd bitten off more than he could chew, though, taking on Wulfgar's ally, the Jarl of Kylingstad. The bandits had found a traitor among his men and then come in when the rest were deeply drunk. We found the Jarl chained in the back of the hall. I don't know how, but he'd caught and killed the two men they left to guard him, but he was still in chains. He was so happy to be rescued that he broached a cask of his best ale, and we raised a cup together."

He chuckled and shook his head. "I can't imagine what he'd have done if I hadn't just helped to save him, but rescue or no, he was furious. It wasn't like I meant to spit on him, but it was so bitter I thought it was poison. I rode out of there fast and that was the last I saw of Kylingstad."

Wulfgar laughs heartily and stands, his head almost touching the ceiling. He raises his mug to Temugai in salute.

”That was a good day, little horseman…a good day. The Jarl was quite angry, but not why you think. After you rode off, I tried to explain to him that you were just a horseman from the steppes, when he started laughing. ‘Such a waste of good ale’ he says.” Wulfgar chuckles, shaking his head.

He pauses then, a somber look darkening his face.

”We did kill many of them, yes…and the Jarl was grateful…but I vowed to the Jarl that I would find the traitor of his house, but the gods aren’t listening…I haven’t had any luck there. When I do find him, though…” He stares off with a look of rage, but quickly recovers, giving a deep rumbling chuckle.

”But…I must tell you all that I was not so ‘out of breath’ as the Hyrkanian would have you believe. There were at least a dozen of the mangy whoresons lying at my feet, and Temugai may have killed one…maybe two at most. Anyway, the Jarl was most grateful for being rescued, and he bade me good fortune as I followed the Hyrkanian south. Didn’t catch up with him right away, though.”

”Well, once I reached some town…Cascan it turns out, I found a tavern where the ale was passable, and some of the food too…but it’s the women who the true treasures. Well, I was happily enjoying my ale, along with a few local beauties, and I see some greasy little man pawing at a wench, and she turns and knocks him out cold! Nicely done, by the way Mirian!” He winks at the pirate. ”Well, as you could guess, a brawl ensues, and I naturally can’t resist a good fight…”

”Anyway, I lost track of how many heads I busted…quite a few I’d wager, but soon some guards arrived to break it up. I must’ve hit one of them in the confusion, and next I know I had three guards try to drag me out the door. I managed to toss them off me, including one into the kitchen, and I just followed that one out the back.”

”So then, I come barreling out the back door of the tavern, straight into this one here” he laughs, pointing at Hakketh. ”He was just standing there, slack-jawed and all, looking like a lost puppy! Bowled him right over…poor lad…I bet ya still smarts from that, eh lad? Har!! To yer health!” Wulfgar raises his tankard to Hakketh and drains it.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Otto, wiping the tears from his eyes, from the laughter turns to the party. "Please"! "No more"! "I shall soon soil myself from laughter". "I must go into the courtyard, and make room for more ale".

After a moment, you all hear a high pitched wailing from the courtyard. "Thieves! Thieves! Murderers! I am beset".

Assuming the PC's run to Otto's rescue (He does hold their purse after all), they run out the side door of the Dirty Dog, and into the small alley running between the Inn, and the Printers shop next door. Taking a right out of the Inn takes the party into a small inner courtyard, with a dried up fountain in the middle of it. By the light of the stars, and a few flickering torches in the surrounding building, the following scene unfolds.

Otto beset by four bandits, dressed all in black, with veiled faces. Blood streams from several wounds on his body, and his valuable silks do little to soak up the liquid. He flails about uselessly with his newly acquired silver dagger, but these men do not seem to fear him. Three feint and jab at him while one stands nearby, leaning on a bladed staff, and shouting at Otto. "Give us the dagger fat man, and we'll make your death quick".

As the players rush forward they are intercepted by a scrawny beggar holding out an old wool cap. He seems to be nearly blind, and starving, and his snaggle toothed smile reveals the blackened withdrawn gums of a pesh addict. "Copper for my sick daughter". he states impeding the PC's progress into the courtyard.

Hakketh 2D
Mirian 4D
Nereus KS
Temugai KD
Wulfgar 6S

Bandits AC
Bandit Leader 3D

So the bandits are up first, and all attack Otto.

1d6 ⇒ 3 Fighting
1d6 ⇒ 1 Fighting
1d6 ⇒ 3 Fighting

But somehow he is able to evade any telling blow.

Bandit Leader

NOTE: Otto is not considered a combatant here, as he is full defense the whole least as long as he stands. We will not be using maps here, so imagine a square courtyard with several closed door, a couple of arched entries from alleys, and a small disrepair fountain in the center.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Should we post our actions even it it's not yet our turn or would you prefer posting once it is our turn.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

You may post you actions at any time, and I'll try to put things in order. Too slow to wait on everyone. As an option I could group initiatives. IE...

Nereus, Temugai, Wolfgar, Mirian
Bandit Leader

which do you guys prefer?

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

I personally like grouping initiatives.

As long as it's clear. I kind of like grouping initiative, for the sake of efficiency.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Hakketh avoids the beggar as best he can as he follows the others into the courtyard.

"Begone thieves, that's our fat benefactor."

Sizing up the bandits, Hakketh calls upon the light of Ibis to strike a blow against the darkness of their leader.

Cast over-powered bolt at Bandit leader if he's still alive when it is Hakketh's turn. Otherwise the bolt will be aimed at one of the regular bandits. Using 2 power points to generate 3d6 damage.

Spellcraft: 1d10 ⇒ 10 assuming 1d6 extra damage for a raise
Ace: 1d10 ⇒ 5

Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Damage: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 6) = 19
Ace Damages: 2d6 ⇒ (2, 4) = 6
Total 25 damage

A massive bolt of white light flies unerringly from Hakketh's out-stretched hands to impact the chest of the bandit leader which briefly glows golden before melting into a fist sized crater.

Hakketh's mongrel dog assumes a guard position next to his master.

Wulfgar shoves past the beggar, using the edge of his shield to keep his distance.

As he enters the courtyard, he puffs up his chest and tightens the grip on his battleaxe.

"Alright...who dies first?" he shouts, his deep voice booming through the courtyard.

Intimidation: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7

Wild die: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Ace: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

Total Intimidation = 9

shooting: 1d8 ⇒ 7
wild: 1d6 ⇒ 2
damage: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) = 7

The Hyrkanian hobbles out into the courtyard, drawing his bow. As soon as he sees what is happening, he pulls an arrow, takes aim at one of the bandits, and lets the arrow fly.

Free spirited pirate

I'm partaial to grouping initiatives. It has the advantage that you've got all the presumption of the situation. The downside is that it takes longer because you "have to" time your post.

Nereus Crius wrote:

Crius caught Mirian's smile with one of his own. His white teeth were a stark contrast to his tan face, hardened and crisscrossed with light scars from years working the slums. "Oh I see it must be a pretty face and purse full of loot can steal a kiss huh? And I crack us out with nothing but a rat bone, climb the dukes tower and lower a rope for you, get even with your captors, AND what did I get to show for it? Nothing but a purse full of sand and a mouth full of seaweed. Don't know if we're wanted and don't care... Unless you want to pay the duke a second vist eh?" Crius winks.


Mirian finds her seat and reaches for the wine jar as Nereus starts his story. ”Oh, did I give you the wrong bag?” she says with a innocent voice. ”Doesn’t mean that I didn’t appreciate the help.”

Round 1, initiative four of diamonds
Parry 8, Thoughness 6 (1)
(let me know if there is anything else you want me to include in the combat post)

Having just refilled her tankard Mirian gulps down a mouthful then elects to try the balancing act of carrying the rest with her as she grabs her hat and decend the stairs in haste. The maneuver leaves the arogessan slightly behind, arriving just to see Wulfgar pushing the beggar aside. As she passes Mirian digs out one of her few remaining coins and tosses it into the beggar’s cap. ”For your troubles, past and future”, she says as she jumps over the defenseless man.

”So the big boys found themselves a price, did they. Do you want to test your meddle against something that will bite back?” she asks and draws her rapier.

I can’t decide between the Cocky hindrance and the Sharp tongued hindrance, so I haven’t made a taunt roll. Just talking some smack. Post also assumes that we get past the beggar.

Edit: Hakketh's input swayed the balance in favor of Cocky. That matter's settled then. Cocky it is.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

As the bandits attempt to surround Otto, one of them manages to take his dagger from his blood slickened hand, leaving him without a weapon.

Wulfgar shoulders his way past the beggar, hardly giving him any notice and stomps into the courtyard, and towards the ambush. Rising to his full height, he whirls his battleaxe through the air making a swooshing sound as he approaches. "Alright...who dies first"? he howls.

1d4 ⇒ 4 Spirit Roll Bandit 1
1d4 ⇒ 4 Spirit Roll Bandit 2
1d4 ⇒ 2 Spirit Roll Bandit 3
1d6 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 4 Spirit Roll Bandit Leader

All three of the bandits recoil in horror, looking to their leader for assurance (Shaken) "Theron". "What do we do"?

The obvious leader...Theron... at first looks ready to run, but then firms his stance, and pulls his sword.

All are shaken, but the leader spends a benny to remove that condition. You are at +2 on your next action against any of them.

Temugaisteps past the beggar as well, turning him like a leaf in the wind. He then draws an arrow, and releases it at the bandit holding the arrow, taking him in the throat, dropping him in his tracks.

You would normally be at -4 for taking three to pass the beggar, one to draw and load, and one for firing, but I'm going to rule that you already had the arrow drawn at the first sound of trouble, so only -2 which still hits. I might not be so generous going forward :-). (Already shaken from the intimidation).

”So the big boys found themselves a price, did they. Do you want to test your meddle against something that will bite back?”Mirian laughs as she vaults over the fallen beggar, and advances towards the scrum.

Nereus stops to help the fallen man to his feat, and helps dust him off before turning his attention to the events unfolding in the courtyard.

With a growl the bandit leader..Theron...advances on Wolfgar. "Perhaps you should check a mirror to see who will die first".

1d10 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5 Fighting

And spending his last Benny since this doesn't look good for him...

1d10 ⇒ 101d6 ⇒ 3 Fighting
1d10 ⇒ 1 Ace

Which will hit Wulfgar...but just short of a raise. Damage is a raise over his toughness of Shaken, and one wound.

1d8 + 1d10 ⇒ (7) + (8) = 15 Scimitar Damage

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

And then everything changes...

Time seems to hesitate as the dark HakkethEnters the courtyard. The air seems to thicken to sight, much like looking through warped glass. He rolls up his sleeves a bit, and fixates his stare on the gloating leader of the bandits. His voice seems to come from everywhere at once. "Be gone thieves". "That is our fat benefactor".

He then raises his hands to the sky and chants an awful word, before a blinding flash of intense light springs from his hands, and impacts the surprised bandit leader square in the chest. There is a moment of silence after the flash, then a loud whoosh of the impact, knocks the man backwards against the side of the courtyard. For a moment the wall behind him can be seen through the crater sized hole in his chest, then his eyes roll back in his head, and he slumps to the ground. Even the Sorcerer seems a bit taken aback by the effectiveness of the bolt.

Throughout the courtyard you see recently opened shutters being slammed, and cracked doors quickly pulled shut. The sound of drawn bolts, and turned locks are the only sounds in the courtyard, save for the distant tinkling of some wind chimes.

"Sorcery". "Evil Magic is afoot". "Murder". Screams the offended beggar, as he takes off running down the alley.

One of the remaining bandits claws at a recently closed door behind him, urine staining the pavement stones beneath his feet. The other running and stumbling, heads towards another alley's arched opening.

Everyone else stands with their mouth agape.

Combat is pretty much over at this time, unless you wish to persue any of the escapees. Otto is now lying behind a bench, shaking and covering his head, while the two dead bandits bleed profusely. The dagger that seems to be the culprit in this affair, lays untouched upon the ground.

Hakketh a benny for doing that on your very first spell.

Supreme Being said wrote:

With a growl the bandit leader..Theron...advances on Wolfgar. "Perhaps you should check a mirror to see who will die first".

1d10 ⇒ 31d6 ⇒ 5 Fighting

And spending his last Benny since this doesn't look good for him...

1d10 ⇒ 101d6 ⇒ 3 Fighting
1d10 ⇒ 1 Ace

Which will hit Wulfgar...but just short of a raise. Damage is a raise over his toughness of Shaken, and one wound.

1d8 + 1d10 ⇒ (7) + (8) = 15 Scimitar Damage

Wulfgar does have First Strike (I assume at -2 since he did Intimidate first - here are the rolls if necessary)

Attack (Battle Axe): 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
Wild Die: 1d6 ⇒ 3

Damage (Str + d8): 1d8 + 1d8 ⇒ (7) + (8) = 15

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Hakketh's faithful hound whimpers a bit at the loud noise and the flash of light but quickly settles back into a watchful poise as he's seen his master use magic before, just never so spectacularly.

Hakketh walks to where Otto is laying and helps him up but not until Hakketh slides the dagger into his belt.

"Come on Otto, let's get you back inside...and then you can tell us about this dagger and why 4 men were willing to kill for it."

Free spirited pirate

I'm guessing we didn't know that Hakketh could do that? :)

"You don't see that everyday", Mirian says sounding genuinely impressed. She empties the rest of her tankard and follows that with an unladylike burp. Pointing her rapier at the urine marked thief she continues. "Perhaps this gentleman can tell us why they saw fit to jump our employer. Care to enlighten us?" Her voice and rapier unfaltering, despite her recent consumption.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Hakketh the Black wrote:

Hakketh's faithful hound whimpers a bit at the loud noise and the flash of light but quickly settles back into a watchful poise as he's seen his master use magic before, just never so spectacularly.

Hakketh walks to where Otto is laying and helps him up but not until Hakketh slides the dagger into his belt.

"Come on Otto, let's get you back inside...and then you can tell us about this dagger and why 4 men were willing to kill for it."

"Yes". "Inside please". "I need more ale".

"That was impressive, I must admit. Otto climbs unsteadily to his feet...with some assistance, and look about for his lost dagger, his eyes fixating on it a moment in Hakketh's belt.

The dagger has a handle of ivory and a sliver blade, with black runes etched into it. It is evidently an item of some value, and likely a funerary item.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Mirian Greyfeather wrote:

I'm guessing we didn't know that Hakketh could do that? :)

"You don't see that everyday", Mirian says sounding genuinely impressed. She empties the rest of her tankard and follows that with an unladylike burp. Pointing her rapier at the urine marked thief she continues. "Perhaps this gentleman can tell us why they saw fit to jump our employer. Care to enlighten us?" Her voice and rapier unfaltering, despite her recent consumption.

The cornered bandit looks about frantically for an escape route, then seems to think better of it. "Please". "Let me live". "I was only hired by that one to help with this simple robbery". His eyes travel to the fallen, and severely holed leader. "Please just take my coin, and let me leave". "I have small children".

1d4 ⇒ 3 Persuasion.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

"I feel so...violated". "My dagger is nice, but certainly now worth murdering over". "And they never even reached for my purse".

The big man nervously licks his lips, and smiles up at Hakketh, and sticks out his hand.

"Ah". "I see that you were able to gather up my property for me". "If I could have it back know...for safety".

Free spirited pirate

Mirian glances over to the corpse of the bandit leader. They were certainly not going to get any information out of him. The surviving thug’s tale sounded plausible, even if she doubted the detail about the children. But that was nothing to draw blood over. The leader probably had his own employer but they weren’t going to beat a name out of the captive. ”Very well”, she says and sheates the rapier. ”Off with you. Don’t let the greyfeather see you here again.” Mirian punctuations the statement with a kick to the buttocks, urging the bandit to go on his way.

When the bandit has left (assuming that he does so) Mirian looks at her tankard and downs the last of the wine in a swift swig. ”My tankard is empty. I believe that we still have some left upstairs?”

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8
Supreme Being wrote:
Hakketh the Black wrote:

Hakketh's faithful hound whimpers a bit at the loud noise and the flash of light but quickly settles back into a watchful poise as he's seen his master use magic before, just never so spectacularly.

Hakketh walks to where Otto is laying and helps him up but not until Hakketh slides the dagger into his belt.

"Come on Otto, let's get you back inside...and then you can tell us about this dagger and why 4 men were willing to kill for it."

"Yes". "Inside please". "I need more ale".

"That was impressive, I must admit. Otto climbs unsteadily to his feet...with some assistance, and look about for his lost dagger, his eyes fixating on it a moment in Hakketh's belt.

The dagger has a handle of ivory and a sliver blade, with black runes etched into it. It is evidently an item of some value, and likely a funerary item.

Hakketh looks over the blade carefully, especially trying to determine if there is any arcane significant to the runes.

Knowledge Arcana: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Wild: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8
Supreme Being wrote:

"I feel so...violated". "My dagger is nice, but certainly now worth murdering over". "And they never even reached for my purse".

The big man nervously licks his lips, and smiles up at Hakketh, and sticks out his hand.

"Ah". "I see that you were able to gather up my property for me". "If I could have it back know...for safety".

Hakketh ignores the fat merchant but his hound begins to growl a note of warning as Otto holds out his hand towards his master. Hakketh takes time to search the bandit leader before heading back inside the inn.

Notice: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Ace: 1d6 ⇒ 1

Wild: 1d6 ⇒ 5

The gash on his side a distant memory already, Wulfgar quietly moves to the bandit leader, kneels by his corpse, and draws a dagger. He proceeds to hack an ear off, placing it in a small pouch on his belt.

He then slices off a strip of cloth from the leaders clothes, to make a bandage.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8
Wulfgar wrote:

The gash on his side a distant memory already, Wulfgar quietly moves to the bandit leader, kneels by his corpse, and draws a dagger. He proceeds to hack an ear off, placing it in a small pouch on his belt.

He then slices off a strip of cloth from the leaders clothes, to make a bandage.

"That's an interesting custom. What do you do with the ear?" Hakketh inquiries, intrigued by the action.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Hakketh the Black wrote:
Supreme Being wrote:

"I feel so...violated". "My dagger is nice, but certainly now worth murdering over". "And they never even reached for my purse".

The big man nervously licks his lips, and smiles up at Hakketh, and sticks out his hand.

"Ah". "I see that you were able to gather up my property for me". "If I could have it back know...for safety".

Hakketh ignores the fat merchant but his hound begins to growl a note of warning as Otto holds out his hand towards his master. Hakketh takes time to search the bandit leader before heading back inside the inn.



Your knowledge of the Arcane only tell's you that many Sorcerers mark their personal items with such runes. Without more knowledge, or magical means to decipher the runes, you are unable to do so. Perhaps a sage in the city might be able to provide some insight.

"Surely you don't intend to complete what those scoundrels in the courtyard tried to do, and take my possessions"? Otto says with a scrowl, as he eyes the dog and slowly removes his hand. "Perhaps I will give you a good price on it when you come into some proper funds".

Free spirited pirate

"Give the man back his trinket. Unless you're planning turn coat?" Mirian says and eyes the two men. "I didn't interrupt my drinking to foil a robbey for nothing."

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8
Mirian Greyfeather wrote:
"Give the man back his trinket. Unless you're planning turn coat?" Mirian says and eyes the two men. "I didn't interrupt my drinking to foil a robbey for nothing."

Hakketh continues to examine the dagger for a few more seconds and then hands it back to Otto.

"There's more to our fat friend than meets the eye. His dagger is marked with the runes of a sorcerer. That may explain those bandits," Hakketh explains to Mirian.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

"Runes of a sorcerer"! "No wonder I was able to buy it so cheaply". "I thought my fortunes had certainly turned when that thei...I mean merchant was so easy to barter with". "Should have known there was a catch". "Still I will endeavor to find out more about it". "If it has little value, then perhaps I shall keep it for myself". "I have quickly grown fond of it".

"Ah thank you my friends". "I knew you could be trusted". "Now, I fear that the evenings events have somewhat dulled my mood". "I believe I shall turn in for the evening...with the hopes that Aggio will show up tomorrow with generous results from the trade". "A good evening to you all, and again my sincere thanks for your assistance tonight".

Otto then puts the dagger back in his sash, and somewhat unsteadily ascends to his room.

Evening Plans? It is getting sleep, other nefarious deeds?

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Hakketh heads back into the inn, heading to the kitchen to grab a bone for his hound and then back to his original seat.

To the rest of the group, "As long as we're associated with the fat man, we better keep an eye out for an angry sorcerer."

"An angry sorcerer who hires thugs to do his bidding," the nomad says, limping into the inn. "Perhaps Otto will tell us more of this dagger's history before we discover what he sends next."

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

As the radiant heat of the summer day begins to fade, and the winds die down to a cooling breeze, the party retire to their rooms for the night, a little lightheaded from the ale, and still a bit agitated from the fight, they are all finally able to drift off to sleep.

Notice at -2 for being asleep


Some noise jolts you awake from your slumber.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Notice: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2

Wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

Hakketh's rest is undisturbed.

Would his dog get a notice roll also since dogs have the notice skill?

The stats below are for large attack dogs, such as Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers, as well as wolves, hyenas, and
the like.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts
d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 Special Abilities
• Bite: Str+d4.
• Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running
instead of a d6.
• Go for the Throat: Dogs instinctively go for
an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly armored location.
• Size –1: Dogs are relatively small.

1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1

Temugai sleeps deeply, snoring the snores of the righteous.

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........

Yes...Which would give you another notice roll to hear the dog.

Hakketh the Black wrote:



Hakketh's rest is undisturbed.

Would his dog get a notice roll also since dogs have the notice skill?

The stats below are for large attack dogs, such as Rottweilers and Doberman Pinschers, as well as wolves, hyenas, and
the like.
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts
d6 (A), Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d10 Pace: 8; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4 Special Abilities
• Bite: Str+d4.
• Fleet-Footed: Roll a d10 when running
instead of a d6.
• Go for the Throat: Dogs instinctively go for
an opponent’s soft spots. With a raise on its attack roll, it hits the target’s most weakly armored location.
• Size –1: Dogs are relatively small.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Dog's attempt to notice...

Notice: 1d10 - 2 ⇒ (10) - 2 = 8

Ace: 1d10 ⇒ 4

Hakketh's hound starts to bark loudly waking him (and likely the others up)

Free spirited pirate


Hakketh the Black wrote:

Hakketh continues to examine the dagger for a few more seconds and then hands it back to Otto.

"There's more to our fat friend than meets the eye. His dagger is marked with the runes of a sorcerer. That may explain those bandits," Hakketh explains to Mirian.

"I expect so. Like our payment for instance. Magic dagger, you say? Your cousin better show up soon or I might start to take an interest to the dagger. I wouldn't worry about any sorcerer that employs rabble like this to get his belongings back", Mirian laughts and returns to do her best of emptying the bar.

Notice check: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
Wild die: 1d4 - 2 ⇒ (2) - 2 = 0

Ending the evening deep into her cups Mirian sleeps soundly.

If roused by the dog's barking
"Shut that dog up! I'm trying to sleep!"

Current map Temple of Thyr God Infinity........
Hakketh the Black wrote:

Dog's attempt to notice...



Hakketh's hound starts to bark loudly waking him (and likely the others up)

You still need to make a notice roll at -2 to hear the dog. I would imagine there are many night sounds in the world, and it's not a break-in in your room, so I would imagine the dog does not go crazy...more a quiet growl. Someone would have likely killed a curr that went crazy at every sound.

Agility d6 Smarts d10 Spirit d6 Strength d6 Vigor d6 Charisma 0 Benny 3 (+1 gray) Pace 6 Parry 5 Toughness 8 (with armor) Spellcraft d10 Knowledge Arcane d6 Knowledge Set d4 Fighting d6 Notice d8 Persuasion d6 Survival d8

Got it

Notice: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

Wild: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (5) - 2 = 3

Free spirited pirate

Oops, just saw that I used a d4 instead of a d6 for a wild die. Correct wild die roll: 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1. F*ck yeah, crit fail!

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