Kintrik's page
Organized Play Member. 199 posts (202 including aliases). 23 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 14 Organized Play characters.
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LadyWurm wrote: Kintrik wrote: Rynjin wrote: LoreKeeper wrote:
If I would issue a complaint against the brawler, it is that she's very un-iconic. There's not much that stands out.
Precisely. I've said it before and it still rings true, I feel like I get less from a Brawler than I do from a Fighter (Brawler) with a Monk dip. It's the same thematically, and has the same or more going on mechanically in the playable levels than the Brawler does. I have the same feeling. Me too, unfortunately. I mean, the class looks awesome at first glance, and it sounds cool, but then you really look at it and it's like "eh". It's not that it isn't balanced, I mean it seems to be as far as I can tell, but it's kind of...bland.
What about giving it special moves that recharge after a short break? A sudden burst of speed, a single high-powered attack that bypasses DR...stuff like that. It needs something to make it pop. Kockout is great but comes WAY too late. I don't see a reason why this isn't a level 1 ability with a short duration (1 round).
I think Martial Maneuvers is what is holding it back, being able to give yourself a feat when you need it is cool, but the extremely limited uses with a fixed duration doesn't make it as strong as it sounds. I would personally scrap it and come up with something else.
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Sean K Reynolds wrote: Swashbucklersdc wrote: I have no problem with the quality and workmanship of the books, but I, for one, would happily pay the extra $5 a book to have it printed in the U.S.! I would, too. If they were printed in the US I would actually buy hardcovers. Right now I only purchase the PDFs.
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Venture Officers are not Pathfinder rules savants. We are volunteers to help grow and administer PFS as best we can. That includes organizing events, helping others organize events, fielding questions on PFS works, players committing evil acts or disruptive behavior, etc. We are no higher authority on game rules then any other player.
If you have problem with a VO you email or message Mike Brock (email above).
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Double on what Seth said. This should be PFS only focused, so something like a Product tracker, or signing of the photocopy etc.
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Curaigh wrote: The pali's mount references AC & OP included that in his question. I dinnae think it applies to Stone Servant, though others up thread did/do.
EDIT: @WalterGM. Unless an official ruling is made I would let the player choose which "...terrestrial animals made out of rock, earth,..." the elemental resembles and use those stats.
Now that I think about it I think (dinnae have the book myself) the feat in question has the prerequisite of "animal". If so the elemental does not qualify.
It has a prereq of non humanoid body type. Which elementals can have a humanoid body type if they want.
But still they are not ACs, you don't get to pick the feats they have. They don't get an increase in HD, etc. It just says they are called as a paladin calls her mount. Meaning it is a full round action that has an effective spell level (it is supernatural tho) equal to the paladin. The other paragraphs in the divine bond mount do not apply. If that was the case it would like the ability has a modification to divine bond instead of a complete replacement.
I have a stonelord, and I would love it if the elemental could actually do something. It really should have the advanced/celestial template but it doesn't. We can't change what was written just because it was poorly thought out. All we can do is ask about it and hope Paizo responds. Until they do however in PFS we run as written, which means you are stuck with just a small/medium/large earth elemental that gets a little bit better from the celestial template.
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redward wrote: What about this aspect?
Divine Bond wrote: Should the paladin's mount die, the paladin may not summon another mount for 30 days or until she gains a paladin level, whichever comes first. During this 30-day period, the paladin takes a –1 penalty on attack and weapon damage rolls. Does that apply for the Stonelord's elemental?
If not, can the Stonelord simply summon another elemental the next day?
I do not believe it does. The elemental is not a divine bond, Stone Servant ability replaces divine bond it doesn't modify it. The as a paladin calls her mount part means it is the same kind of action (full round). Stone Servant is supernatural not spell-like by the way.
Honestly it isn't that great, a cool scout but in subtier 5-6,7-8 a small earth elemental isn't going to do much in combat.
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Finlanderboy wrote: I know a guy that has on three occassions sneak off as a fight started, found the boss in the next area, shoots him, then flees to the party drawing the boss with him and finally flees the scenario letting the rest of the PCs to fight two fights. I honestly beleieve he tries this on purpose to wreck the game for people he does not like. That wouldn't fly at my table. If the same person did it more then once I would interrupt the scenario give the player a blank chronicle ask him to leave and then since I am an organizer ban him from my events. That kind crap has no place in the PFS environment, in a home game fine.
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Gareth Silversong wrote: Frankly I don't care all that much about race boons. However, a paladin of the Silver Crusade with maximum ranks in Heal who can't have a day job as a healer seems a bit silly. :p You can, it just costs 4 PP to get the Temple vanity.
Pathfinder Society Field Guide wrote: Temple (4 PP): Regardless of your class, you are an
active member of your local temple or place of worship.
Your commitment to seeing your faith prosper and grow
has ingratiated you with the local clergy, and you may
even hold a spot among them when not out adventuring.
You can use Heal to make Day Job rolls. Once per game
session, if you have access to an operating temple of
your faith, you can have a cleric cast either cure moderate
wounds or lesser restoration on yourself or one of your
allies, free of charge. You must visit the temple to receive
this attention.
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Honestly I think the better option would be to stop giving out race boons entirely. When I sit at tables and I am playing the only core race it just feels wrong, there are not that many aasimars and tieflings in the world. Yet I run into them more often then all the core races except humans.
I would be ok if you tie them as a reward to supporting the campaign. Say you GM or report X number of scenarios in the previous season. That would earn you a race boon(choose from list). Then we have a set number of non core races in the world. Could even split it up by region on what list of races they get to choose from.
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René P wrote: Adventuring is among the most dangerous jobs in Golarion. Does the Pathfinder Society have an OSH (Occupational Safety and Health) Committee? Shadow Lodge, but they are getting bought off next month.
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Majuba wrote: Add Out-of-Tier category for:
Low playing High
Mid playing Either
High playing Low
Tier 1-5:** spoiler omitted **
Tier 3-7:** spoiler omitted **
Tier 5-9:** spoiler omitted **
Tier 7-11:** spoiler omitted **
Rewards have been disconnected from actual findings in scenario.
Thus we need a gold tier for the mid-level group.
This can substitute for anyone playing out of their sub-tier.
Heavily reduces the motivation to play up.
Easy Rule: "If you played outside your sub-tier, use Out-of-Tier, otherwise your sub-tier."
I like this. Something very easy to determine at the table, it doesn't hurt people having to play down, and it doesn't over reward playing up.
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CRobledo wrote: Chris Mortika wrote: ...She also needs to bring a copy of the Additional Resources document... Wait, what? I've never heard of this part of the rules. Seems a little extreme
It isn't required, but it would be nice to have in case the GM doesn't have the entire thing memorized, or forgot his PDF copy.
CRobledo wrote: Chris Mortika wrote: ...Otherwise, her GM will not allow her to play that character... I think "will not" should be amended to "may not" Or "should not" since the GM is supposed to enforce the rules set forth by the campaign coordinator.
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Jiggy wrote: There's a general rule in PFSOP that items gained for free cannot be sold. It was stated by Mark Moreland, I think. It's probably in the Compilation thread in General Discussion.
Oh, and after having a comrade die in this scenario, my cleric used the boon to get a scroll of breath of life.
That was nice of ya, but I think that was referring to PA bought items or items created magically. I would really like to know, because the gold from the chronicle was moved to this "boon" not really making it a boon at all. I see it more as a hindrance then a boon.
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While doing that would get it into the system it would also flag them as playing it when they didn't. Then if they ever do play it (thinking they had GM credit) when that session got reported it would be flagged that they had already played it.
I would do something similar to what Matthew said, have them prep it, run it, etc. Then you help them when they need it. That way all the reporting is legit and you are good. Plus it would give them a greater sense of accomplishment.
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Doug Miles wrote: - Has anyone developed an evaluation for PFS GMs?
- If you are a GM, how would you feel if someone handed you an evaluation after your game was done? Everyone says that they are open-minded until criticism begins.
- Is this a tool that has a place in PFS? We use it in the workplace all the time, but do you want to be evaluated at your hobby?
- Would you GM "better" if you knew the players were grading you?
This assumes a convention-type situation where there is no time to go over things between slots. I envision it being handed out at the start of the scenario so players could fill it out as things progressed. Categories may include preparation, storytelling, role-play, rules knowledge, time management and friendliness rated on a scale of 1 - 5 with 5 being the best. Any ideas? In an official sense no I don't think there is place for it in PFS. I play/GM to have fun, and it stops there. I don't feel the need to judge others in any official setting. The fact that they are willing to GM is enough for me.
There is nothing to stop you from giving pointers or tips after the game, or even helping out during the game if you see them doing something wrong. That is how I feel it should be, be friendly about it and talk to them.
Finally if you feel the GMs in your area poor, then do it yourself. If you refuse to GM then I don't think you really have any merit to judge those that volunteer to do it.