Ilarris Zeleshi

Kellandra Voss's page

3 posts. Alias of Escharid Blackrose.

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Here to discuss, welcome

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Would like to propose a PFS mission : "The Pallid Plague" , either in low (1-2) or middle (3-4) tier, regular (non-Core) PFS.

It's been a while since I last GMed a game, even if I'm an avid player here; and it will be my first PFS game, so everything won't be perfect, but I'm here to learn.

There will be spots for my regular partners-in-game, I'm looking for 6 players, with probably 3-4 spots locked for potential forum friends. Game should start on the 07/08 (French time, GMT +1)

For out of character discussions

You can dot here with your character

Hi there!

Having played Warhammer for a while now with a great team (some of them might join here), I want to try my hand at GMing.

Plans are for a one shoot adventure, which might evolve, if time allows, in a small campaign, but I cant make too much promises.

I will recruit 4-5 players, which can be more easily created with this excellent summary

The action will takes place near the Grey mountains region, which separates the Reikland from Bretonnia, on a cold winter night...

Hi all,

One of my characters is currently in an adventure I've already done.

A team mate told me we received a "bunch of replays", probably with the second edition coming, but he can't find out where he got the information, or how many replays we received.

Could you tell me how many replays we had, and where to track them?


I have an idea in mind, inspired by the Gamecube video game Gladius (which is, without spoiling anything, about gladiators, and it's a very good game.): creating and Gming a campaign about a wandering troup of gladiators, traveling around Golarion and having, between arenas fights, a few adventures.

There would be a few NPCs, as allies or foes, and a general theme behind the arena fights, of course.

What you can expect? Fight between gladiators, monsters and beasts. Various arenas with increasing difficulties, having to learn to use terrain at your advantage. A mix of classes and races. Booked fights, fixed fights, the roar of the crowd, fame if not fortune. Death, maybe.

This is just the general idea, I have to work on it, but would appreciate some feedback.

Rules used: 1st Edition Pathfinder

Hi there,

I sometimes have strange ideas. This might be one of them (you're warned!)

I was wondering if people would be interested in playing an AP as an icon, using the pre-generated characters from our favorite game, starting of course at level 1.

The "how?" , the "who?", the "why?" and the "which AP?" can wait.

I'm recruiting one character for this campaign: Bad to the Bones

Here are the guidelines:

Races: Core races, Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchlings, Tengus, Tiefling, Undine, Sylph, Ifrits, Oreads

Classes: Core, Adv Player guide, Adv Class Guide, Gunslinger, Magus (Cavalier would get an hard time in the Spire, as the mount will be mostly unusable)

Spells used: Core, APG, ACG, UM, UC

20 points build (use this example:
Str 14 (5) Dex 12 (2)Con 13 (3) Int 12 (2) Wis 14 (5) Cha 13 (3)
Racial bonus Con+2)

Max Hp at lvl 1
Average starting money

Traits and Drawbacks:
2 traits
1 drawback possible to get a third trait

you can use a Trait from this guide Emerald Spire Player guide.

No third party, Unchained.

Current party:
Zurka, Magus
Aralu, Oracle
Mary, Witch
Katara, Slayer
Meurasold, Bloodrager

Character must have Disable Device skill. Recruitment open until next sunday (27th Spetember)

It’s a misty morning when you spot the big Fort, with its massive stone walls and fortification. You traveled the last few miles through green pastures, and met a few silent peasants ready for another backbreaking day of work in the fields. Patrols of Hellknight are regular, merchant’s caravans come and go, and now that you think about it, you haven’t seen any bandit activity in the last few days….

At the Fort entrance, two heavily armoured Hellknights are on guard duty, their halberds crossed so no one can pass unnoticed. A small rain starts to fall.

Know Local DC 10:
Fort Inevitable is ruled by Hellknights, and has been so for the last 30 years or more. Justice is swift and harsh. Taxes are to be expected, and slavery is common

Know Religion DC 15:
As the town is quite prosperous, and a center of civilization in wilderness, you’re quite sure to find some priest of Abadar here… and probably a few shrines to Hellish powers.

Know Arcana DC 20:
you’ve hear of the Emerald Spire in your studies as a place of great power and powerful magic. Rumors say it has never been fully explored…

Damn wolves! The trip was nearly uneventful so far. Your bodyguard services were needed by a mage named Eldwis the White, who payed you to escort him to a place called Fort Inevitable, so he could meet an old colleague and maybe organise a team to explore “the Emerald Spire”, whatever that might be. Then, two nights ago, a pack of wolves attacked you. You had no choice but to run quicker than the mage, so you broke his leg…

You don’t know why you’re here. Something is calling you. The spirits of the restless dead, maybe? Knowledge and power are near… You can feel it in your bones!

You’re coming short of alchemical components for your experiments. Fortunatly, civilisation isn’t too far, as you’ve heard of a place called Fort Inevitable, where numerous traders come. You’re not much comfortable around humans, but maybe by keeping a low profile you’ll be allowed to enter.

The orders of your Dragon Lord are simple : explore the Emerald Spire, find everything loot worthy, and find a way to bring them back to the Plane of Shadow. And you know you’d better not fail…

One of your kin, a gipsy man named Maleyn, has recently disappeared near the Fort. You don’t know how you know it, but you’re sure magic was involved in his death. Maleyn was a male witch himself, even if you can’t avenge him maybe you can find his body and steal whatever power may lie in his tomb? All you remember about him- you haven’t seen him since ten years or more, he must be 40 years old now- is that he was strongly build, sported an heavy mustache and a red cat’s tattoo on his shoulders.

There’s a bounty on a man named Maleyn, a gipsy mage. You have followed his tracks so far, but lost him a few days ago. You know the guy sports an heavy mustache and a red cat’s tattoo on his shoulders, strong build, 40 years old, bald top, and that he was from around Fort Inevitable. He probably still has friends or even family at or near the Fort, so you’ll have to be cautious…

Let’s go people!

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It’s a misty morning when you spot the big Fort, with its massive stone walls and fortification. You traveled the last few miles through green pastures, and met a few silent peasants ready for another backbreaking day of work in the fields. Patrols of Hellknight are regular, merchant’s caravans come and go, and now that you think about it, you haven’t seen any bandit activity in the last few days….

At the Fort entrance, two heavily armoured Hellknights are on guard duty, their halberds crossed so no one can pass unnoticed. A small rain starts to fall.

Know Local DC 10:
Fort Inevitable is ruled by Hellknights, and has been so for the last 30 years or more. Justice is swift and harsh. Taxes are to be expected, and slavery is common

Know Religion DC 15:
As the town is quite prosperous, and a center of civilization in wilderness, you’re quite sure to find some priest of Abadar here… and probably a few shrines to Hellish powers.

Know Arcana DC 20:
you’ve hear of the Emerald Spire in your studies as a place of great power and powerful magic. Rumors say it has never been fully explored…

You’ve heard of an Aztlant expert and fellow mage named Royst lives in the Fort Inevitable. That would be enough to spike your interest, but then you’ve heard of potential mystical treasures in the Emerald Spire.. that was even better, and you took the road, happy for some new arcanic challenges

The last town you shot your guns in was very happy to show you the general direction of Fort Inevitable, a place where no gunslinger has ever set foot! They would surely enjoy such a talented gnome, and will be amazed by your skills! Or at least, that was what the townspeople said you. With much enthousiasm. Hey, here are the walls of the Fort! Time to think about your entrance…

As a native to the Fort, you know how oppressive the Hellknights can be. Sometimes, you just have to run away for a few months, to appreciate your liberty, and even more so when your last thieving enterprise isn’t as successful as you have wished. Well, you’re pretty sure the heat as died now, after the disastrous affair with the merchant’s wife’s collar… it’s been five months! You should find some new opportunities quick.

You are a bringer of life, and you were a wanderer. 3 years ago, you were still a slave, captured by an Hellknight. Now you are free, having earned your liberty by using your healing powers during an hard fought battle between a Hellknight patrol and a dire beast, even saving the life of an Hellknight soldier who would have died without your magical ability. Now you haven’t much, but what you have is yours truly.

You have scouted the Emerald Spire whereabouts recently, and you know there are dark things indeed inside. You can’t ask for the Hellknights help, as they see you as some kind of intelligent pet, and you surely can’t act alone. Finding some courageous fighters and adventurers to explore the Spire should be easy, as many men and women of valor journey on the Crusader Road toward the Worldwound. But who can you trust?

Between the missions for the Blue Basilisks and your duties for the Church of Abadar, the days are flying by sometimes… Fortunatly, you were wounded in your last mission for the Basiliks, and you milk your wound, trying to get some fun and pleasure at the local Inn, Juliver Arms. Sure, once in a while, you go to the Red Shield Tavern, just for a change, but there are too much Hellknight there, and they don’t know what “fun” is…

Let’s go people!

Thread opened!

Bad to the Bones team:
Gorok, Alchemist
Zurka, Magus
Aralu, Oracle
Mary, Witch
Katara, Slayer
Meurasold, Bloodrager

Goodie two shoes team:
Rahiv, Shaman
Zinli, Gunslinger
Strider, Rogue
Davlamin, Sorcerer
Joza, Ranger
Ekran, Fighter

The game will begin this week end.
Show yourself here, if you dare...

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Hello all,

I'm want to GM the Emerald Spire adventures. I'll recruit two team of 6 characters: one good/neutral, one evil (because it's hard to find games to play evil characters)

Races: Core races, Aasimar, Catfolk, Fetchlings, Tengus, Tiefling, Undine, Sylph, Ifrits, Oreads

Classes: Core, Adv Player guide, Adv Class Guide, Gunslinger, Magus (Cavalier would get an hard time in the Spire, as the mount will be mostly unusable)

Spells used: Core, APG, ACG, UM, UC

20 points build (use this example:
Str 14 (5) Dex 12 (2)Con 13 (3) Int 12 (2) Wis 14 (5) Cha 13 (3)
Racial bonus Con+2)

Max Hp at lvl 1
Average starting money

Traits and Drawbacks:
2 traits
1 drawback possible to get a third trait

you can use a Trait from this guide Emerald Spire Player guide

Recruitment will be open till the end of the month


I got a little trouble remembering how to use Google docs.

here's the Map I want to use.

How can I put the map on the background to place the character's tokens on it?

thank u for any help


I'm looking for info on how to "inherit"a PbP. A party of players saw two GM disappear quickly, I proposed to be the new GM and continue the adventure.

There's this, on top of the "Online Campaign" thread:


Did you inherit a play-by-post?

If you are the GM for a play-by-post campaign but didn't start the thread, please email

We need:

A link to your profile page (click on your name at the top where it says "Welcome, your name!"
A link to the gameplay and discussion threads for the campaigns you have inherited.
Just copy and paste these links from the address bar in your browser, please.

I followed the rules, and send a mail a few days ago, but I had no answer so far.

Can I GM the game, without "permission" from the Paizo staff?
can I recruit a new player for the game?
Can I use and modify the "Campaign Info" tab, as if I was the first GM?

Thankies for any advice/info

Pharasman faithful, and even more their clerics, are supposed to show respect to the dead.

But what of their belongings?
Should they pillage a downed foe's treasure, as the rest of adventurers?
What would the faith accept? What would be frowned upon?

I'm playing a Pharasman priest. So far, she has refused to get money from the selling of a magical horn that was found in a coffin, as she couldn't prevent her team mates to take it. Of course, that means less money to spend later on equipment, but it seems to me that is the right thing to do.

What would be the guidelines?

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Hello all,

As nearly everyone, I enjoy to play some online campaigns. I even started to GMing one.

What I enjoy too, is reading other people's adventures, with good roleplaying by players and GM alike.

So here are my favorires threads to follow, and I hope you might add yours:

DM Jelani Carrion Crown I love the cast of characters (my favorites being Tibideau and B'yekla, with Dantrian not too far) , and Jelani's storytelling. The best CC thread in my opinion.

The Walking Dead of Golarion Innovative and creative, great cast of characters and great use of backstory. Plus ZOMBIES!

Dragoncat Curse of the Crimson Throne
Recently discovered this one (this week, in fact) and absolutly enjoyed it.

Gimme some feedback on your favorites online campaigns, so I can discover more gems!

Just read this book a few minutes ago. I couldn't put the comic down before finishing it.

Magneto Testament comic

It has been a long time since I've been moved by a comic, maybe the last time was 20 years ago, after I've read a comic by French author Tardi "C'était la guerre des tranchées" ("It was the trenches war"- yeah, i'm French, and 40 years old.)

Magneto Testament has an hard setting ( The Holocaust),and besides the comic there are a few pages about this artist, unable to get her paintings back from the museum of Aushwitz:Dina Babbitt

It's a must read book, IMO, for historical reasons and to never forget.

Here are some simple rules for writing in game:


thank you for joining my first ever PBF as a GM, hope you'll enjoy it!

I gives XP for good roleplaying, so have fun and get some rewards too!

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You were born and raised in Kassen, or nearby.
These lasts weeks, games were played, test were passed. Some were physical, some were intellectual, a few were pure luck.
You will forever remember the day you had to catch a piglet in the mud while you were blindfolded, and the laughs of the crowd.
You will remember your pride while solving Holgast's riddles. The man, a mage of skill and reputation, looked at you with more interest after that.
You remember the smiles of the village's girls (or boys) when your arrow hit bullseye... was it two days ago only?

Tonight, Mayor Uptal will announce officialy who are the young men and women selected to carry the lantern to the crypt of Kassen, and bring back a portion of the flame that burn forever in the tomb of the town's founder, an hero to his people and mighty fighter.

The Greathall of Kassen, used for weddings and ceremonies, is sparcely crowded tonight. Only the competitors, the mayor and Father Prasst, the priest of Erastil, are present.
Every competitor is tense,dreaming of being honored.

You recognise the faces of the other competitors, of course:
There is Groychna, a massive half orc, who works as an axeman... woe to those who fall under his axe!

There is Enev, one of the rare halflings of the village, who devoted himself to Erastil. But he comes from who knows where?

There is Faldj Vardigan. He's a Vardigan. Enough said.

There is Malya Vardigan. She's a Vardigan too.. but one of the prettiest face of the town.

There is Essa Dwae, a girl who lives in the forest, mostly, for once without her ape.... and with her clothes on.

There is Takeshi Kitano, a bard... some people say that is most favorite instrument is the heart of women.

There is Nabu, an eccenttric wizard in training. He has a dirty sense of humor, and one of the greatest with a sling... One of the heaviest drinker of the town too, even if he's not a regular.

There is this stange fellow, who think so highly of himself... Steve. He seems to have an even greater knack for magic than fro annoying people.

There is Selene Vosmus. Strange and spooky.Sometimes a loudmouth, but she knows how to keep a family close.

There is Ah'Mera. True Kassenite says the girl is out of her mind, still believing in an old, dead god.

Finally, there is Humi. The little blonde girl goes in trouble from time to time, and doesn't care were her money comes from.

Tomorrow, as four years before, some of the young men and women of Kassen will pass their adulhood test.

The mayor and the priest are still talking to each other... meaning you have a few minutes to relax, or try to get some last minute joke or information.

Before you ever dream to tread the jeweled thrones of Golarion with your sandalled feet and the chroniclers tell the world of your days of high adventures...
You have to start somewhere.
So why not in the small village of Kassen?

About me: i'm tall, dark, and handsome. This will be my first try at Gming on the forums, even if i'm a regular player.I've been playing RPG for nearly 30 years now,but get my first try at Pathfinder only a few years ago, and loved the world and the system. I'm french, so English isn't my native langages, there may be some grammar or spelling mistakes from time to time.Sorry for that.

What kind of players I seek: players who like to RP, and can post daily. It could be helpful if everyone was in European Time Zone, but it's not required. Give me a background too. I seek to recruit 4-6 players, with a good mix of skills

20 points buy.
Average gold
Races: Human mostly, Half elf, Halfling, Half Orc (1 max for each race), starting with minimum age. This story starts as a coming of age ceremony, so the characters should be Young, not 40+ (gnome, dwarf) or worse 110+ (elf)

Classes, Feats and traits: only Core and APG classes and Feats, two traits from APG. I don't own anything 3d party, and for my first game, I want to keep it as simple as possible.So no Magus, Ninja, Gunslinger or Psionics.

Home rules:

*As people who have grown up in Kassen, any Knowledge-Local check related to your hometown can be done untrained, for a maximum DC 15.

*Spellcraft: Spellcraft DC check to identify a spell will be increased by 5 if you are a Divine spellcaster and the spell is Arcanic (and vice versa).
Optional:DC will be increased by 2 if its the same type but not from the same class (for example, a Druid trying to identify a spell cast by a Priest, or a Wizard trying to identify a Bard's spell)

*DM rolls: I'll do all Appraise, Knowledge and Disable Device rolls for you.

*Using Ditzie for maps

I'm sorry, i'm not sure if it's the right place to post this.

Here's my trouble: i've created my profile using an old Hotmail address. It has been hacked a while ago (maybe a few months, wasn't used much) and I can't access it anymore.

I wouldn't like to be unable to post and play if anything happened with my old account, as i'm involved in two PBF adventures for the time being.

Is there a way to switch my account on another mail adress (on gmail for example)and transfer my characters on this new account or is it too much trouble?

I always loved horror themed campaign, and i'd like to play the Carrion Crown AP from the beginning..
so if a DM needs a party, I wanna join it!^^