DM Lil" Eschie |

I have an idea in mind, inspired by the Gamecube video game Gladius (which is, without spoiling anything, about gladiators, and it's a very good game.): creating and Gming a campaign about a wandering troup of gladiators, traveling around Golarion and having, between arenas fights, a few adventures.
There would be a few NPCs, as allies or foes, and a general theme behind the arena fights, of course.
What you can expect? Fight between gladiators, monsters and beasts. Various arenas with increasing difficulties, having to learn to use terrain at your advantage. A mix of classes and races. Booked fights, fixed fights, the roar of the crowd, fame if not fortune. Death, maybe.
This is just the general idea, I have to work on it, but would appreciate some feedback.
Rules used: 1st Edition Pathfinder

Herac |

Sounds like my kind of game. I built this character for a similar type game a few years ago but it never took off. I'd be happy to rebuild him as needed.
A good old hack/slash gladiatorial fighter campaign sounds like a fun time.
Would we be starting out having been forced into it, are we choosing it because we're stranded and only have a very specific set of skills. Or is that up to us?

DM Lil" Eschie |

I was thinking more like forced into it, or maybe a mix of characters (some slaves, some wanting to get famous quick or having a deathwish, maybe someone condemned to become a gladiator), creating some Campaign traits for background.
Every legal PF class could be possible (no third party) but gunslingers and perhaps cavaliers, who couldn't really fit

Oceanshieldwolf |

Interested. Been in two gladiator/arena games here on the boards, but both fizzled fairly quickly, one before we even had our first fight. There was an interest chrck for another one just a few weeks or so ago but it seems to have disappeared. In that thread I asked the potential DM what the overarching plot would be given the idea was escape, and was wondering what might happen plotwise if we did escape given that the draw fo such a game is the arena combats and between fight RP/wheeling and dealing/intriue with patrons etc...
Now a traveling gladiator troupe touring Golarion sounds like a lot of fun and with a lot of potential for RP and sidequests. I'm definitely interested.
Will we be using Performance Feats as described in Ultimate Combat?

DM Lil" Eschie |

As I said, I was thinking about creating Backgrounds traits to choose for the characters.
"Sold to the arena" you are a slave, and you only have an hard life. It's all you got, your life. You have a +1 on Fortitude rolls, and +1 on Stabilisation rolls to stay alive.
"Gloryseeker": You joined a gladiatorial team for the fame, and enjoy showing off. You got a +2 on any Performance combat check, and the penalty for larges crowd is halved (rounded down)
"Born on the bloody sand": your mother was a gladiator, and taught you a few tricks. Choose one bonus when you fight in an arena: +1 to Hit, +1 to damage, +1 to AC, +2 to one specific Combat maneuver. You can change your bonus at each arena fight
"Scrounger": You Always manage to get a little more than your share. Your share of the money gained into an arena is raised by 10%, rounded up.
"The best at what (s)he does": you want to prove yourself as one of the best gladiator. Once per arena fight, you can reroll a missed roll. Add 2 to your starting Glory (see below).
"Best brains in the arena" you have studied the gladiators and arenas. You have a +2 on your Know-Local rolls about gladiators and Arenas rules, and Know Local is a class skill for you.
"Play by the rules" you are an honorable gladiator: you gain a +2 on Sense Motive and Perception roll to spot treachery, and one of these skills is a class skill
"Dirty deeds done dirt cheap" You aren't an honorable gladiator, and would do anything to survive. You have a +2 on Bluff and Stealth roll to cheat, and one of these skills is a class skill
"Show Stealer" Choose one Perform skill as a class skill. Once per day in an arena, you can roll twice and choose the best roll. If someone use a performance against you and your team in an arena, you can try to beat them at their own game. If your score is better, the opposite team get a -1 penalty on all rolls for 1+Cha bonus rounds. If you fail, your team suffer the same penalty.
Inspired by the Gladius game, I might create and use a Glory rank (Level+Bab+Main characteristic), and your team of gladiators must have a minimal rank to fight into some arenas (by adding individual Glory). Glory might be used as Hero Points (5 Glory=1 Hero point). Winning fights and tournaments gives you additionnal Glory.
You will gain money after each arena fights. Fights in the arena aren't fought to the death (but accident may happen), fights outside the arena... You're taking your chances.

Herac |

So are we looking at beginning at 1st level for characters or higher? It'll definitely help with the creation of backstory, haven't played with the crowd performance rules since the Ruby Phoenix Tournament supplement was released.
I really like the Born on the Bloody Sand background trait. I plan to play a Phalanx Fighter who couldn't quite handle life in the military and instead was drawn back into fighting in the arenas while looking for a rush of glory.
Or perhaps he was disgraced while in the army and is sold into the arena by a greedy commander. I'll come up with a more in-depth backstory as things develop.

DM Lil" Eschie |

Sowwy, DragonCat (bribes him with Christmas cookies)
I am thinking of standard 20 points buy. As for races, Core and Featured races from the Adv Race Guide should be enough for a start. (No undead, or Construct, Nothing more than bipedal).
Alignements should be more around Neutral, but anything cooperative could do.
This is a work in progress, just throwing ideas to the wall so far, and see what sticks.

Nikolaus de'Shade |

Dan I am so into this! Absolutely love Gladius and replay once a year or so, very very keen!
Sad to see my two favourite characters would be out though... always loved Langdon and Taithleach so if like to play one of them if something could be worked out.
Would we be starting in Imperia or Nordach? It would obviously impact the flavour of starting gen characters.
TL;DR I'm really excited about this!!