Chaos Arrow

Kaloo Narvian's page

27 posts. Alias of Cronax.


Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Kaloo sniggers at the elf a little, but quickly becomes bored with him. Seeing what fun can be had with the courier, she skips in his direction. "Don't be foolish, spider's all chitin and ichor, none too appetizing for our jolly friend here. Although I thought I saw some lizard when we arrived, maybe we could make you a kebab."

There goes the chance to dispatch the fat man before he woke.

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Kaloo gives Iskarl a dark look. Turning back to the elf, she walks a few feet to the side and does her best to sound lower pitched "Not a real Riftwarden huh? What else are you lying about elf? I don't think you're even a wizard, just another self important, useless, arm-chair general."

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Kaloo rolls here eyes at the elf's story. She wiggles her fingers, considering just barbecuing him on the spot, but decides to have some fun first. Pretending not to hear his request, she presses questions upon the elf in an infectiously bubbly manner.

"A wizard you say? Do you know many spells? I'll bet you know all kinds of awesome spells, will you show me one? Or better yet, you should just magic us out of here! I've heard all manner of stories about wizards conjuring castles from thin air and flying across the world in the blink of any eye. You'll give us a demonstration, won't you? Please?" The last request is so saccharine you could open a candy shop on the spot.

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Kaloo will take the cloudwalking one

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Kaloo walks over and snatches up a scale. She turns it over in her hand a couple times, then shoves it in her pocket. She taps the side of her nose before continuing over to the fallen elf. She puts on a cheery smile and tilts her head slightly as she looks down upon him. "Oh deary me, we seem to have taken quite the tumble. Except that jolly fellow over there that is. Let me see how serious your little boo boo is."

Bluff to 'Send Secret Messages': 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Secret Message:
Let's finish them now while weakened. Try to take these two while the fat one sleeps.

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

Kaloo awoke in free fall. You wouldn't think that anyone could sleep through the titanic battle raging above, but she'd had quite the bender the night before.

"Five more minutes you bleeding scrags!" she mumbles in a half sleeping daze. " Wait... what?"

Thud While the dragon's spell certainly prevented any serious injury, slamming into the ground arse first at nearly seven miles an hour is hardly pleasant. She stands up and dusts herself off. Not seeing much in the gloom, she snaps her fingers, bathing the scene in a harsh orange light. "Nope, you're all alone fish sticks."

Casting Light

Female Gnome Sorcerer 1

I'm cool with Roll20.

It seems we already have a theological schism brewing.

This sounds like a lot of fun (Character is in the profile)

Don't let em give you any guff Debilis! I'm behind you 112%!

*crosses fingers*

If he's running the APs as is, it won't be. If he's beefing them up a little (as I expect), just bring a few potions and we should be fine.

What can I get for an appendix, a tonsil, a couple little toes and an ear?

You've got my vote.

MechaPoet wrote:
As long as we avoid burning down too many buildings.

You can't prove anything!

If someone is going that route, I may have to pick up enlarge & reduce person to escalate matters.

Especially if the two heads bickered with each other all the time.

Kaloo may not know a darn thing about this Everlight, but I think she and Azrin would get along just fine.

Quite a few more arcane casters I see..
An all caster party might be interesting.

Loup: You wouldn't be able to do it at 1st level perhaps, but you could go monk with 'Feral Combat Training' and get a flurry of bites.

I'm a bit surprised no one is trying a wild shape focused druid.

Side question: Some of the eidolon abilities say they require a particular base form. Do we just ignore those requirements or is everyone considered a 'Biped' base form?

DM Jelani wrote:
Kaloo - Can you please list your class skill bonus along with the other modifiers next to your skill bonuses in the parentheses? Thanks.


Does taking a drawback grant you an extra trait? (I will still take the drawback either way)

Retooled this character to fit your formatting and to be a mutie.

Hope she gets in.

That's too bad. PM me if you think you try to resume next year.

I'm still down for it.

That works fine for me. Did you want to do it through a G+ Hangout or as a standalone?

I'm still interested. You mentioned weekday nights at 7pm EST. I can do that on Mondays, Fridays, every other Tuesday (starting the 29th) or every other Wednesday (starting the 23rd). If none of those days work for everyone else, I can drop however.

I would like to submit this sorceress. Details are in the profile.