Nexian Galley

Kajehase's page

10,565 posts (11,461 including aliases). No reviews. 17 lists. 1 wishlist. 30 aliases.


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They just get better. I still haven't recovered from the climax of Guns of Empire (book 4 of The Shadow Campaigns).

And you have to love a writer who decides to write a space opera short story with the combat based on what it's like playing Total Annihilation.

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I'm on a bit of a break from the Paizo boards for another week or so, but I won a thing - and since my offline friends and family are all depressingly uninterested in SFF literature I figured I'd ask if anyone here would like a 13-episode serial?

If so, PM me here (first come, first served) and I'll find out what you need to do beyond creating an account over at

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Not listening to it right now, but I probably will be: DC punk label Dischord has released its catalogue free for streaming on bandcamp.

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Treppa wrote:

And you liked it?

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Just discovered that as a young man, Patrick Troughton, who played the Second Doctor, looked like Jon Hamm.

Set wrote:
Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
If you haven't seen it yet, rent (or borrow from your local library) the 2015 Guy Ritchie-directed The Man from Uncle remake.

Oh, that was a fun movie. I wish they'd cast a Russian actress for Alicia Vikander's part, if only because then they could have a Brit playing an American, an American playing a Russian, and a Russian playing a Brit. But she's a Swede, so that ruins the joke. :)

On the other hand, Swedes playing Russian characters is a Hollywood tradition going all the way back to Greta Garbo.

Swedes playing Chinese characters thankfully stopped at one as far as I know, though.

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My latest twitter follower is

a new menswear brand that represents a modern and youthful take on classic wardrobe essentials.

You're allowed to laugh. I know I am.

Limeylongears wrote:
Kajehase wrote:
Peach Pyramid - Repeating Myself - basically classic, jaunty indie-rock.
Not saying it's a bad thing by any means, but that sounds a lot like something I might have heard on Radio 1's Evening Session, somewhen in the early 90s.

I may have had the same thought.

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Kieron Gillen (Darth Vader, Doctor Aphra, as well as a whole bunch of awesome non-Star Wars stuff) is going to take over the monthly Star Wars comic as of #38. From his newsletter:


My aim’s simple – to do what Salva and I did with Darth Vader, but for Leia, Luke and Han. As in, chart the rise and fall of the Rebellion between A New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back, how it changes them all and how it changes the universe,” said Gillen. “So a simple aim, but as nightmarishly tricky to pull off as dropping a proton torpedo down a thermal exhaust port. But hopefully as thrilling if we pull it off. I can’t wait till you see it up. First up: the post-apocalyptic hell that remains of Jedha after the Death Star punched a hole through its mantle.”

Which is basically enough right now, and I will cover my face with the repeat of “pull off” in there, which is what happens when you have to hammer out a quote before tea. Comics! We'll have more interviews down the line where we expand, but that's what we're shooting for, given my own close reading of the movies, the canon and the emotional core of it all.

First up is Jedha, exploring the husk of a world left over after the Death Star whacked a huge hole in the side, and probably speaks to our aims. Rogue One and A New Hope, and rubbing them up against each other.

It's also a clean place for anyone who wants to jump aboard. I build on what Jason has done, but this is as accessible a place to join as Darth Vader 1 was for its run.

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One for the Crusader Kings players: The white elk has been sighted!

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Peach Pyramid - Repeating Myself - basically classic, jaunty indie-rock.

Having not read the book she's reviewing, my opinion is that yes, Bez from Happy Mondays knows the truth.

"Bez, however, knows the truth: the Sidhe are still active and still working to manipulate the future of humanity's society."

--Liz Bourke talking about Queen of Nowhere by Jaime Fenn in her collection of reviews and critique columns, Sleeping With Monsters

"It had better be."

--Antony Johnston, The Coldest Winter (prequel to The Coldest City, which is currently in cinemas as Atomic Blonde).

"She kept her eyes shut tight when she heard the voice of Mr Franklin."

--Alex Wells, Hunger Makes the Wolf Bikers, weird space magic, and workers' right in a tight ~450 page package.

"Sebastian had been reluctant."

--Jen Williams, The Copper Promise Classic Sword & Sorcery which begins with a dungeon crawl, proceeds to a "save the village from the bad men" scenario, and probably (I haven't finished it yet) concludes with a fight against a god/dragon.

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Kajehase wrote:
It's pretty good. Best thing Elijah Wood's done (that I've seen) since that movie-trilogy.

Also, could someone please do a long-running series of something starring Richard Schiff? He's almost at West Wing-Toby level of good in this.

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Harlan County U.S.A. (1976 documentary).

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It's pretty good. Best thing Elijah Wood's done (that I've seen) since that movie-trilogy.

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I started watching Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency while cat-sitting for the parents, and damn! I want his jacket.

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lynora wrote:
NobodysHome wrote:
OK, Amazon Prime is officially "evil".
I do not think that word means what you think it means... ;P

He's still right, though.

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Too help balance Limey's moustache envy, let me show you the most predictably reoccurring glitch when I play Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Apparently it's 30 years since the first showing of Kids In the Hall on TV, so here's "Steps at the Movies."

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"Hey Kajehase, while we're on a daytrip to this Alp-top, why don't you peak over that edge there and see what the valley over a thousand meters below looks like?"

Ah-ha-hah. No.

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The Game Hamster wrote:
Life is pain! Anyone who tells you other wise is selling something.

Sounds very Buddhist.

Basically Simpson's "The Rich Texan."

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Just 25 hours left until my summer vacation begins.

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Gender: Male
Age: 25+
Hours of TV: 1-10
Books read in the last 30 days: Um... 5 or 6. When I finished which tend to blur a bit after a week or so.
How much do I enjoy reading: 5. My ideal "good time" is several hours in a comfy chair with a book and as much tea as needed.

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David M Mallon wrote:
I do declare, I think Seether might just have their mojo back.

Darn, I thought you meant Veruca Salt

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Cross-posted from the music thread because watching it just makes me smile and grin, and maybe someone could use a pick-me-up.

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Bell Orchestre - The Upwards March
And, because the bit at 2:27 into the video always makes me smile due to it being such a perfect bit of choreography, Arcade Fire (live at the YouTube Music Awards) - Afterlife

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David M Mallon wrote:
Vidmaster7 wrote:
I'm legitimately afraid to click that link I don't even know what alt-country is.
The last of the good country music, forced underground by the "Nashville studio" sound. Those who dared not follow in the footsteps of Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, Toby Keith, and Billy Ray Cyrus, and instead trod the path of Johnny Cash, Jerry Jeff Walker, Willie Nelson, Slaid Cleaves, and Mike Ness.

As a veteran Swedish music critic once said, "oh, so alt-country is country that sounds like country."

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lisamarlene wrote:

I'm torn.

Maybe 1/3 of me is saying "mumble mumble what are their parents teaching them grumble".
But the REST of me is saying, "I'm sorry, you just spent *how* much money on the Hawaii trip and you're kvetching about four wasted slices of pizza?"

What I'm thinking is, "you can freeze pizza and warm it another day."

Behind the Scenes footage

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Otelo Burning is a 2011 South African surfing film, shot for a period of 7 years, set against the backdrop of the end of apartheid and the simultaneous violence between Inkatha and United Democratic Front supporters.

At the 2012 African Movie Academy Awards, it became the most nominated picture in the history of those awards (which was started in 2005), with 14 nominations, including best actor, best director, achievement in cinematography, best screenplay, and best editing.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Vidmaster7 wrote:
So my relief is running late. He is coming however. hopefully. otherwise I have no idea what ill do other then just leave the place unattended. (which is very bad)

"So, Boss... I know you don't want us to leave the place empty, but my hours were up, and no-one showed. So rather than go home, as I know you wouldn't want me to, I asked some of my friends over. And... I just don't see the problem. It's not like they broke anything. Important at least. And how would we know the cleaner has a phobia for men in bear suits. Also, that's not a suit, just a head, Jürgen really is that hairy. Frankly, I don't see what the big problem is."

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I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to be controversial and state that mead is a waste of perfectly good honey.

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I'm sorry Less-Than, but that do only work if you're in Flock of Seagulls.

I think that was the idea, yes. The heat probably helped too.

During the Cold War, meetings between the leaders of Finland and the Soviet Union frequently involved both parties taking their clothes off and walking into a small hut for about an hour.

It was known as "Sauna-diplomacy."

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lisamarlene wrote:

So, something happened a couple of months ago, and I just realized it this morning.

Back in April, I took my kids to Silicon Valley Comic Con, mostly so my daughter could meet Dr. Crusher and my son could see Buzz Aldrin. And they cosplayed and we looked at lots of artists booths and I got to meet almost *everyone* I loved from Sesame Street when I was a kid, and Mister McFeeley from Mister Rogers Neighborhood to boot, and it was awesome.

But while we were standing at the row of Sesame Street booths, a man started talking to me. Middle aged, shortish, a bit roundish, pleasant-faced... you know, kind of like the love child of Nobody's Home and Jerry Mathers. And he asked me why the kids and I were at Comic Con, what we enjoyed about it, what the big draws were for us. And we chatted a bit.
Then he casually mentioned, "Ya know, Adam West and Burt Ward are here, too."
"Yeah, I know," I said. "That's so cool. I liked the show. But, to be honest, I probably wouldn't know the guys if I bumped into them on the street."
He said, "Yeah, me too, I guess," and chuckled, and changed the subject.

So Netflix just added the entire Batman series and I was looking it up this morning because we're thinking about introducing the kids to it, and I remembered this conversation, and did some googling, and that guy?
He was Burt Ward.


In your defence, it's been awhile since he made something that people can see on a regular basis.

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I didn't realise Texas was part of Norway.

You're not wrong.

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Arcade Fire - Electric Blue

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Ok, I don't know what IANAL is an acronym for other than being unfortunate sounding.

I'm guessing, "I Am Not A Lawyer," but have no idea about "SOL."

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One of the wikipedia pages deemed too "hot-button topic" to allow open editing of, is for the font "Calibri," due to the year of it first being made publicly available has become important in a corruption scandal in Pakistan, involving the family of its prime minister, Nawaz Sharif.

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I blame Cosmo that the ban on political threads means there's no good place on the boards for the gloating I'm oh so keen to get on to.

NobodysHome wrote:

So of course we leave for a week and the neighbors have yet again perma-parked in front of our house. As I told Shiro's player, it's irritating because:

  • Most people understand that, if your neighbor has only one parking place and two cars, and ends up having to block their own driveway whenever you park in front of their house, such parking should be avoided when possible.
  • The people who do not understand this concept are precisely the people who scream, "You don't OWN that parking space! I have a RIGHT to park there!" whenever you bring up the possibility that maybe, just maybe, they could park in the 6 available spots across the street.

  • So yeah, the whole passive-aggressively seizing the spot whenever they move is getting old. Tonight'll be a polite note. Tomorrow'll be the cops. It sucks to mess with your neighbors, especially in a really friendly neighborhood like this, but, "We're permanently annexing your parking space for our house," is not OK.

    I bet this is the same kind of people who park their cars so their mailbox become inaccessible and then get upset when the mail is a day late.

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    If anyone's got 20 000 000 SKr laying around, Kattleberg airport just outside Ale is for sale.

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    This is why you're so messed up right now. You don't get a proper breakfast in you!

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