GM JC Spooks |
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The Wanderer…
My days in Loran seem so long ago. I sought refuge from my memories in the company of other outcasts. I fought sleep for days at a time...for when I dreamt, the visions would return. Visions of a rising red moon and the evil that came with it. Visions, memories...I couldn’t tell the difference anymore. And the evil from my visions followed me on my heels! How had he found me there? How could this broken shell of a man, barely able to carry the weight of his own wretched frame, be the burning terror which drove me to hide here?
He seemed to have beasts of his own that he was struggling to contain. He was losing.
As I watched Loran descend into chaos beneath the blood moon, I became convinced that I was truly mad. The terror, the destruction, the that I witnessed - how else could I explain them? Were these beasts from my visions, or wear they born...within the Wanderer?
Why did I follow him? I don’t know. Why do things happen as they do in dreams? But when he beckoned, I had to follow him. And from that moment, we traveled together. East...always into the East! To Yharnam!
Welcome one and all. This is a recruitment for a Pathfinder campaign based on the themes and material presented in Bloodborne. Bloodborne is an action role-playing game from the Japanese developer FromSoftware, the developers behind the popular Dark Souls series. Development began in 2012 under the working title Project Beast and although it is not developed as a sequel to the Souls games, it bears a number of similarities from the previous games. Inspired by H.P. Lovecraft and the Dracula novels, the decision to create a new intellectual property (IP) was due to director Hidetaka Miyazaki's desire to create something different and Sony's desire for an exclusive IP on the PlayStation 4.
This campaign specifically will be set in Old Yharnam before the events of the game. The Hunters and their Workshop are the largest that they've ever been. Thanks to the Healing Church and their blood ministration, Yharnam has prospered. Yet, something stirs. "Ashen Blood" continues to spread and, to the west, rumors that Loran has been lost to the sands.
I'm not looking for any specific number of players, though selections will be made in groups of 3-4. You don't need to know anything about Bloodborne to participate. The biggest stipulation with this game is that all characters are meant to be Hunters (not the PF class). Thematically, Hunters are individuals who have sacrificed some of their humanity to fight beasts. They wield complicated firearms and trick weapons and some practice something akin to "magic". The best characters are going to be the ones that fit into this image.
I have provided a player's handbook to help explain the setting and the Hunter's themselves a little more. Additionally, along with the character creation rules I have provided some additional resources for anyone who may interested in learning more about the setting.
Questions, comments, and feedback are welcome and appreciated. Recruitment will be open for two weeks or there abouts.
Madcaster |
Read a bit through the class document, and I have to say some options look intriguing.
I have some ideas, but a few questions first:
-Would you allow Deadly Agility or Polearm Dancer from Dreamscarred Press?
-How about Prodigous Two-Weapon Fighting also from Dreamscarred Press?
-Have you thought about feat taxes?
Edit: Almost forgot. I'm not sure I understood how works Relentless Style. Maybe I've just missed something. You don't need to load it? Does it use the same damage dice as it was before? What is the range?
GM JC Spooks |
Read a bit through the class document, and I have to say some options look intriguing.
I have some ideas, but a few questions first:
-Would you allow Deadly Agility or Polearm Dancer from Dreamscarred Press?
-How about Prodigous Two-Weapon Fighting also from Dreamscarred Press?
-Have you thought about feat taxes?Edit: Almost forgot. I'm not sure I understood how works Relentless Style. Maybe I've just missed something. You don't need to load it? Does it use the same damage dice as it was before? What is the range?
Deadly Agility, Polearm Dancer, and Prodigous Two-Weapon Figthing are all fine. We won't be using Feat Taxes this time around.
Relentless style allows you to take a trick weapon that has been modified by a few specific tricks and wield it as a double weapon. The weapon otherwise uses the same profile and statistics. So if you had a sword with the firearm trick you could use it as a double weapon to make sword attacks and pistol attacks.
Relentless Reload allows you to load ammunition into a weapon every time you make a successful melee attack.
Relentless Finisher allows you to declare a devastating attack that becomes more potent depending on how many successful attacks you made earlier.
GM JC Spooks |
Can I play one of the 'old hunters'? I was looking at how trick weapons were supposed to be designed but I couldn't figure out how to do the Threaded Cane or the Beast Cutter, which are the weapons I'd love to build for this kind of game.
Playing an Old Hunter is totally feasible (though in the context of this game they are not as "old" as they are in the proper Bloodborne). The atrocity at the Fishing Hamlet that led to the Hunters Nightmare is long past and that generation of hunter is gone with it. However, there's plenty of mystery in the setting that you can explain your presence. A "reject" from the nightmare? A truly "old hunter"?
To create the whip weapons such as the threaded cane or beast cutter I recommend looking at the Expanded Trick feat in the Player's Handbook. Specifically the Threaded Trick, which will allow you to add the qualities of a whip to your trick weapon.
Madcaster |
Are eastern weapons martial or exotic?
Also, does trick weapon retain its type or group (not sure how it's called)? For example, I have a sword that transforms into a spear or a whip. Is it still a sword, or is now a whip or a spear? Would Weapon Finesse transfer on tricked form?
Also, Deadly Agility question. Does it work like Unchained Rogue's finesse - multiplying if wielding a weapon two-handed - or just your Dex mod?
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
Yeah, I was thinking not one of the named hunters from the hunter's nightmare, but perhaps one that had 'fallen' in a different way. That being having gotten lost in a chalice dungeon for a very, very long time and getting Rip Van Winkle-ed forward a long time. He'd be much older than your average starting adventurer as far as pathfinder's concerned, but I would suspect that age doesn't bother you AS much when you're sustaining yourself on regenerative beast's blood for much of it.
I'd probably be like, maybe 5-10 years younger than Eileen was during the events of the game. Got just a bit more fight left in me, but I'm starting to feel my age.
Madcaster |
Never mind the question about trick weapon. That's me overthinking.
So I've glanced at the Bloodborne lore document, and now I have some more questions. Sorry about that many of them. :)
We're playing during the "Ashen Blood" epidemy, right? Is that before or after the Executioners slaughtered the Vilebloods in Cainhurst? Are they being hunted, not tolerated or something during this game?
GM JC Spooks |
Are eastern weapons martial or exotic?
Also, does trick weapon retain its type or group (not sure how it's called)? For example, I have a sword that transforms into a spear or a whip. Is it still a sword, or is now a whip or a spear? Would Weapon Finesse transfer on tricked form?Also, Deadly Agility question. Does it work like Unchained Rogue's finesse - multiplying if wielding a weapon two-handed - or just your Dex mod?
Eastern Weapons will retain their categories as listed on the PFSRD i.e. a Katana is a two handed martial weapon and a one-handed exotic weapon.
Based on the research I've done the consensus appears to be that Deadly Agility does not increase for two handed but does decrease in your off hand.
For the record, in case anyone else decides to ask, trick weapons retain all the features of their base weapon with the exception of any features that have been specifically altered by a trick.
GM JC Spooks |
Yeah, I was thinking not one of the named hunters from the hunter's nightmare, but perhaps one that had 'fallen' in a different way. That being having gotten lost in a chalice dungeon for a very, very long time and getting Rip Van Winkle-ed forward a long time. He'd be much older than your average starting adventurer as far as pathfinder's concerned, but I would suspect that age doesn't bother you AS much when you're sustaining yourself on regenerative beast's blood for much of it.
I'd probably be like, maybe 5-10 years younger than Eileen was during the events of the game. Got just a bit more fight left in me, but I'm starting to feel my age.
Yeah, age doesn't mean all that much to me (I've always thought Pathfinders starting ages were silly as rules but fine as suggestions). We're at level 4 so you can definitely justify your character already having had experience with hunting.
This character sounds great!
GM JC Spooks |
Never mind the question about trick weapon. That's me overthinking.
So I've glanced at the Bloodborne lore document, and now I have some more questions. Sorry about that many of them. :)
We're playing during the "Ashen Blood" epidemy, right? Is that before or after the Executioners slaughtered the Vilebloods in Cainhurst? Are they being hunted, not tolerated or something during this game?
Questions are fine. They keep the thread bumped and increase post count which helps new people see the game.
Anyways, I'm going to say that the attack on Cainhurst by the Executioners has already taken place a generation ago by this point in the game. That doesn't preclude you from being a Vileblood. You aren't being outright hunted by any extent since most of the populace of Yharnam don't even know about the Hunters let alone the specific factions. The only people you'd have to be concerned with coming across would be members of the healing church, specifically anyone with ties to the Executioners.
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
rungok wrote:Sweeet.
Yeah, I was thinking not one of the named hunters from the hunter's nightmare, but perhaps one that had 'fallen' in a different way. That being having gotten lost in a chalice dungeon for a very, very long time and getting Rip Van Winkle-ed forward a long time. He'd be much older than your average starting adventurer as far as pathfinder's concerned, but I would suspect that age doesn't bother you AS much when you're sustaining yourself on regenerative beast's blood for much of it.
I'd probably be like, maybe 5-10 years younger than Eileen was during the events of the game. Got just a bit more fight left in me, but I'm starting to feel my age.
Yeah, age doesn't mean all that much to me (I've always thought Pathfinders starting ages were silly as rules but fine as suggestions). We're at level 4 so you can definitely justify your character already having had experience with hunting.
This character sounds great!
I will work on him tonight when I get home!
Old Hunter's Badge and the Guidance Caryl Rune, Going to be a Threaded Cane/Hunter's pistol user. Probably a pretty rounded character with a high rally potential.
Joseph Soltz |
I'll have to look more into it, but this definitely interests me!
Edit: I'm interested in a Charred Hunter, but I wanted to know a few things. Dreamscarred Press released Akashic Mysteries a while back, and much more recently, the Rajah class. Along with the Rajah, they released a handful of veils that are normally placed on allies, and a feat that lets you shape one upon yourself. I'm going to send you a PM with both the feat and the Veil I'm interested in using, but I think it could be fun to combine it with a Flamesprayer, emulating a Rosmarinus, or other elemental variants therein based on Ammunition type used.
Madcaster |
On a second thought, while Vileblood is a very interesting archetype, I don't like abilities that damage you when you use them. It fits the lore, I guess.
I think I'll do the non-archetyped Hunter either with Powder Keg badge wielding a fire hammer, or with Crow Hunter badge and dual-wielding.
Does the Increased Reach trick works as usual reach - can't use it to attack adjacent squares?
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
I still need to buy some gear, but is this a good start?
Are we able to buy magic rings and whatnot? I know we get 6k starting cash, but wasn't sure if I could buy more than just a +1 to armor or weapons.
Armand the Elder
Human hunter 4
LN Medium humanoid (human)
Init +4; Senses Perception +9
AC 22, touch 17, flat-footed 15 (+5 Armor, +4 Dex, +3 Int)
hp 44 (4d10+12+4)
Fort +4, Ref +8, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 Trick Weapon (Threaded Cane-Rapier) +9 (1d6+1 P, 18-20x2) or Trick Weapon (Threaded Cane-Whip) +9 (1d6+1 S, 18-20x2, Reach 15 ft)
Ranged Masterwork Pistol +8 (1d8 B or P, 20x4)
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 8
Base Atk +4; CMB +4; CMD 18
Feats Light Armor Proficiency, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons, Firearms, Measure Foe, Weapon Finesse, Workshop Apprentice, Toughness.
Skills Climb +7, Craft (weapons) +6, Handle Animal +4, Heal +7, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10, Knowledge (local) +7, Knowledge (nature) +8, Lore (Hunter's Workshop) +10, Perception +9, Sense Motive +7, Stealth +11, Survival +9, Swim +4
Languages Common
SQ track +2, wild empathy
Other Gear +1 Chain Shirt, +1 Trick Weapon (Rapier/Reachx2+Damage Type Slashing, Rally Trick), Old Hunter's Garb, Injection of Cure Light Woundsx10, 20 Quicksilver Bullets,
Special Abilities
Blood Ministration (1d8/1d10) Starting at 1st level, after a hunter takes damage they have the opportunity to retaliate and recover a small portion of their health. If the hunter is able to successfully damage a creature with a melee attack they recover an amount of hit points equal to their rally modifier. The hunters rally modifier is equal to 1d6, plus 1d6 for every two levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). Hit points recovered in this way cannot exceed the total damage the hunter received during the round that triggered this ability. This window of opportunity only lasts for 1 round after the hunter has received damage. The hunter can only benefit from this healing once per round.
Cunning Blood At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, and carrying no more than a light load, a hunter adds her Intelligence Modifier (if any) to her Armor Class. She retains this bonus even against touch attacks or when flat-footed, but loses this bonus should she be rendered helpless by any means.
Trick WeaponHunters have refined a unique means of modifying their weapons, creating incredibly versatile armaments. The “trick” in a trick weapon is that they are capable of transforming mid-battle, giving the wielder additional reach or access to a new damage type. At 1st level, a hunter can modify an existing simple or martial weapon to create a trick weapon, applying one trick from the list below. At 2nd, 8th, 14th, and 20th the hunter can apply an additional trick to a weapon.
Hunter's Badge: The Old Hunters
This hunter’s badge, crafted in the time of the first hunters, has no practical purpose, except perhaps to assist in romanticizing the past. The badge was a special privilege for hunters of the past, and should not be dishonored. It should be left in peace, unless one is truly prepared to assume the will of those gone before.
Benefit: The hunter gains the Measure Foe feat as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites. Additionally, she can use the Measure Foe feat as a move action a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier.
Rally Trick: This sentimental design boosts the hunter's ability to rally in battle. While in its tricked form, a weapon with this trick increases the size of a hunters rally modifier dice by one step. However, while wielding a weapon with the rally trick in its tricked form, the wielders bonus damage when making a visceral attack is measured in d4’s, rather than d6’s. If the wielder does not have the visceral attack class feature, the weapon's damage dice are decreased by one step while it is in its tricked form. If the wielder does not have the blood ministration class feature, she instead heals 1d6 points of damage the next time she attacks a creature that has damaged her since her last turn.
Visceral Attack Starting at 3rd level, as a standard action the hunter can make an especially gruesome and bloody attack against a vulnerable opponent. When she does this she makes a single melee attack against a target, but makes as many attack rolls as she can, based on her base attack bonus. She makes the attack rolls in order from highest bonus to lowest, as if she were making a full-attack. If any of the attack rolls hit the target, the hunters single attack is considered to have hit. For each additional successful attack roll beyond the first, the hunter increased the damage of the attack by the base damage dice of her weapon, plus an additional 1d6 for every four hunter levels she possesses. Precision damage and extra damage from weapon special abilities (such as flaming) are added with damage modifiers and are not increased by this attack. If one or more rolls are critical threats, she confirms the critical once using her highest base attack bonus -5. If she successfully confirms the critical then the entire attack is considered to have been a critical hit and the damage for the attack is multiplied as normal. In order to use this ability, the hunters target must be dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, or stunned.
Hunter's Grace 1/dayHunters are especially adept at moving in and out of combat, ducking, dodging, dashing, and rolling out of the way of their foes. At 3rd level, the hunter may make an additional 5-foot step on her turn (even if she’s already moved or taken a 5-foot step in that round). In addition, once per day as an immediate action when she is targeted by an attack (or included in the area of effect of a damaging spell or ability) she may declare a use of this ability to gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against the triggering attack. After the triggering effect is resolved, she may take an immediate 5-foot step. The hunter must declare she is using this ability before the results of the triggering attack are revealed. The hunter may use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level, plus an additional time per day for every four levels after 7th (to a maximum of five times per day at 19th level).
Caryll Rune: Guidance The rune depicts tiny beings of light, who playfully offered guidance to hunters in the midst of a hunt. They can empty a hunter of her fears, at least. The size of the hunters rally modifier dice are increased by one step. This rune can be taken a second time beginning at 7th level, increasing the size of the hunters rally modifier dice by an additional step.
Uncanny DodgeAt 4th level, a hunter gains the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow her to do so. She cannot be caught flat-footed, nor does she lose her Dex bonus to AC if the attacker is invisible. She still loses her Dexterity bonus to armor class if immobilized. A hunter with this ability can still lose her Dexterity bonus to armor class if an opponent successfully uses the feint action against her.
Workshop Apprentice Benefit(s): Select one trick from the list of those available to the bloodborne hunter under the trick weapon class feature. You can craft trick weapons using that trick. You are automatically proficient with any trick weapon you create and may transform trick weapons you create as a move action instead of a full-round action.
Special: A character with the trick weapon class feature who takes this feat increases the number of tricks they may apply to a weapon by one.
GM JC Spooks |
On a second thought, while Vileblood is a very interesting archetype, I don't like abilities that damage you when you use them. It fits the lore, I guess.
I think I'll do the non-archetyped Hunter either with Powder Keg badge wielding a fire hammer, or with Crow Hunter badge and dual-wielding.
Does the Increased Reach trick works as usual reach - can't use it to attack adjacent squares?
I respect that. You don't have to use the Cainhurst Badge but I could see why you'd want to avoid having a class feature that you weren't using.
Yes, increased reach functions like a normal reach weapon.
GM JC Spooks |
I still need to buy some gear, but is this a good start?
Are we able to buy magic rings and whatnot? I know we get 6k starting cash, but wasn't sure if I could buy more than just a +1 to armor or weapons.** spoiler omitted **...
Other magical gear is fine, though again I appreciate keeping with the theme of the campaign i.e. items that aren't outright magic but instead arcane and mysterious. A ring of protection, for example, could easily be flavored as a worn circular stone found at the bottom of a forgotten well that people believe grants divine protection.
Your statblock seems good at first glance. However, it seems that you have one to many tricks applied to your threaded cane. At your level you can apply two tricks to a weapon +1 from Workshop Apprentice. Your list shows that it has Reach twice, Damage Type Slashing, and Rally Trick for a total of 4 tricks.
GM JC Spooks |
If people were wishing to coordinate backstories or make joint submissions I would be fine with that. There's a benefit to this outside of just backstory. You all should have only 1 badge so you will have either one or two unique tricks besides the generic one. There's nothing preventing a hunter applying tricks to someone else's weapon, so player's creating a "hunter cell" could easily share their tricks to have stronger weapons.
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
Armand is an old hunter, and would have only recently escaped from the chalice dungeons. All his old allies are either dead or retired (which is pretty much just dead too), so he would be willing to form new bonds with other hunters. Sometimes friends are all that stands between the beast and your sanity.
Correcting the tricks issue. I thought the badge gave your weapon the trick. Sorry. I'll take one of the reach tricks out.
Madcaster |
Sybille, a Powder Keg Huntress is ready to slay some beasts.
Class: Bloodborne Hunter 4
Race: Human
Exp [fast] 6.000 / 10.000
Init +1; Senses: Perception +9, SM +7
AC: 19 =10 +5 armor, +1 dex, +3 int
Touch: 14 =10 +1 dex, +3 int
Flat-footed: 18 =10 +5 armor, +3 int
HP: 40 (4d10 +4*2 Con +4 FC)
CMD: 19 =10 +4(BAB) +1(Dex) +4(Str)
Fort: +4 =+1(class) +2(Con) +1(cloak)
Ref: +6 =+4(class) +1(Dex) +1(cloak)
Will: +6 =+4(class) +1(Wis) +1(cloak)
DR: 2/-
Speed: 30 ft.
CMB +8 =+4(BAB) +4(Str)
BAB: +4
+1 Furnace hammer (1d8, x3, B)
Standard: +9 atk, 1h:1d8+5 / 2h:1d8+7 dmg
Trick form: +9 atk, 2h:2d6+7 dmg
Furnace trick - prime the weapon as a free action, next hit deals +1d6 fire damage to the target and all adjacent creatures. Not multiplied on crit. 1/round.
Ignition trick - target an adjacent 5 ft. square with an attack (AC 10), on a hit everyone in it take 1d10 fire damage and must make DC 16 Ref save or catch fire. Crits on 20/x4. OR
Ignition trick - pull the trigger when making a melee attack, gain +2d4 fire damage to melee attack, multiplied on crit. 1/round.
PA - Trade -1 atk for +2 (+3 if 2h) dmg. Can trade up to -2 atk.
Pistol, dragon (1d6, ×4, 15 ft. cone, Misfire 1–2 (5 ft.), Capacity 1, B and P, scatter)
Standard: +5 atk, 1d6 dmg
Blood Ministration 3d6 - after you take damage, successfully damage the enemy with melee attack and recover hit points up to the maximum equal to the damage you took. The window of opportuniy is 1 round after taking damage.
Trick Weapon - move action to transform.
Visceral Attack - standard action. Make attack rolls as if making a full-attack. If any attack hits the target, Visceral Attack is successfull. Each additional hit increases damage by the weapon's base dice, +1d6 for every 4 hunter levels. Other damage sources added after and increased. If crit, then confirm once using highest BAB-5. If it's confirmed, the entire attack is crit and multiplied as normal. The target must be dazed, flat-footed, paralyzed, staggered, or stunned.
Hunter’s Grace - you may take an additional 5-ft. step. Also, 1/day as an immediate action when targeted by an attack you may add +4 dodge bonus to AC and take 5-ft. step after the triggering effect.
Uncanny Dodge - can't be caught flat-footed, don't lose AC if the attacker is invisible.
Str 18 (15, +2 race, +1 lvl)
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 16
Wis 13
Cha 8
Armored Hunter - You become proficient in the armored coat in addition to your normal proficiencies, and you treat the armored coat as light armor rather than medium armor.
Seeker - +1 on Perception checks.
1[character]: Power Attack
1[badge]: Throw Anything
1[human]: Expanded Trick
3[character]: Workshop Apprentice
8 per level =4(class) +3(int) +1(human)
+2 background per level
32+8 total
+8 Acrobatics 4 +1(dex) +3(class)
+3 Bluff 1 -1(cha) +3(class)
+8 Climb 1 +4(str) +3(class)
+3 Intimidate 1 -1(cha) +3(class)
+9 Kn. (Arcana) 3 +3(int) +3(class)
+9 Kn. (Dungeoneering) 3 +3(int) +3(class)
+9 Kn. (Local) 3 +3(int) +3(class)
+9 Kn. (Nature) 3 +3(int) +3(class)
+9 Perception 4 +1(wis) +3(class) +1(trait)
+7 Sense Motive 3 +1(wis) +3(class)
+7 Stealth 3 +1(dex) +3(class)
+7 Survival 3 +1(wis) +3(class)
+9 Craft (Weapons) 3 +3(int) +3(class)
+7 Profession (Hunter) 3 +1(wis) +3(class)
+8 Lore (Yharnam) 2 +3(int) +3(class)
*ACP -0
Languages: Yharnamite (Common?), +3 from int
Racial features:
+2 to any ability score
bonus features
1 skill point per level
Class Features:
1[bloodborne hunter]: Blood Ministration, Cunning Blood, Trick Weapon
2[bloodborne hunter]: Hunter's Badge
3[bloodborne hunter]: Visceral Attack, Hunter’s Grace 1/day, Caryll Rune
4[bloodborne hunter]: Uncanny Dodge
Hunter's Badges:
Powder Keg Hunter Badge
Benefit: The hunter gains the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites. Additionally, she adds her intelligence modifier to damage done with splash weapons, including the splash damage, if any.
Furnace Trick: The hunter incorporates a miniature furnace into her trick weapons. While in its tricked form, the hunter can prime the weapon as a free action once per round. The next time the weapon hits, it deals an additional 1d6 points of damage to the target and all adjacent creatures. This additional damage is not multiplied on a critical hit. This trick can be applied to a weapon multiple times, each time increasing the extra damage from this trick by 1d6. Additionally, when the hunter applies this trick to a weapon she can choose to trade any number of the weapon’s damage dice for an equivalent number and size of energy damage dice. Energy damage gained from this trick is fire damage.
Caryll Runes:
Great Lake - Gain DR 1/-, +1 for every 4 hunter levels.
+1 Furnace hammer (1d8, x3, B, 5 lbs.) - warhammer
Tricks: furnace trick, ignition trick, increased damage
+1 Armored Coat (AC+5, MDB+3, ACP-2, ASF 20%, 20 lbs.)
Hunter Blunderbuss (1d6, ×4, 15 (10) ft., Misfire 1–2 (5 ft.), Capacity 1, B and P, scatter, 3 lbs.) - dragon pistol
40 Quicksilver bullets (pellets)
Cloak of Resistance +1
A birthday gift from Ernhart. A strange cloak, adorned with various feathers. It calms Sybille and gives her confidence.
Hunter's Outfit (5 lbs.) - Traveler’s Outfit
Belt Pouch (0,5 lbs.)
Waterskin (4 lbs.)
Flask (1 lb.)
Bandolier with 8 Injection of CLW (8 lbs.?)
Bandolier with 8 Molotov Coctail (8 lbs.) - alchemist fire
Bullseye Lantern (3 lb.)
4 Lamp oil (1 lb.)
Dungeoneering Kit, Common (25 lbs.):
This bundle of essential supplies for exploring ruins and abandoned cities includes two candles, chalk, a hammer and four pitons, 50 feet of hemp rope, a hooded lantern with 5 flasks of oil, two sacks, two torches, and four tindertwigs.
Carrying Capacity: Light 0-100 lb. Medium 101-200 lb. Heavy 201-300 lb.
Current Load Carried 83,5 lb.
Money: 355 GP
As always, all kinds of thoughts appear in the head when one got nothing to do but to peer into the poorly-lit streets. Memories, for example. It’s been at least fifteen years since Ernhart picked her up. Sybille doesn’t remember much of what happened before that. Ernhart told her that a beast ripped her family in pieces, and doesn't go into details. Even now, after all this time. But she has some vague memories. One such memory is her father’s eyes - strange, blot-like pupils. Of course, after this much time with Ernhart, Sybille knows what the collapsed pupils mean. A sign of a Blood-Drunk Hunter.
A shout pulls her out from her thoughts. "Sybille, left!" Ernhart jerks his pistol to the beast jumping out of the shadows. Sybille follows the barrel only to meet with the claws of the creature. She cusses and jumps away from it, igniting her furnace hammer. She swings the weapon at the beast's head, smashing it and setting it on fire.
"That's the last one." The woman exhales and leans on the nearby wall. "Don't you think they appear too often? It was what, three or four a month? Now it's three or four a week. What's the Church saying?"
"You know what." Ernhart cleans his blade from the blood.
"Yeah, right."
Ernhart stuffs his pipe and starts walking. "Let's get back to the workshop. We need to report and check the weapons."
Sybille kicks the body and follows him.
Sybille is a woman just a bit higher than most, with wavy chestnut hair cut to the shoulder-length. Her eyes are dark green and she has light freckles on her cheekbones and nose.
![]() |
![Fire Giant King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-FireGiant4_90.jpeg)
Definitely interested!
I would like to ask if my Healing Church hunter can have connections to the Choir? Your document implies they have a connection via Celestial Emmisaries, but I was just wanting to get my ducks in a row.
I have a few other questions related to the flow of the game. What is the roleplay to combat ratio? Will we be adventuring together the entire game or splitting up for extended periods of time? And will this game bleed into the events of the first game or will it end just as the foreign hunter arrives?
Super psyched about this game!
GM JC Spooks |
Definitely interested!
I would like to ask if my Healing Church hunter can have connections to the Choir? Your document implies they have a connection via Celestial Emmisaries, but I was just wanting to get my ducks in a row.
In my mind there are two types of Healing Church hunters. Some are connected to the healing church workshop and are represented by the sword badge, and their association with Ludwig and Gehrman. These guys are traditional beast hunters with a little spin, I'd say they are best represented by an vanilla Bloodborne Hunter or a Tomb Prospector archetype.
The other branch are the Choir hunters that are far more insidious. These are the guys that are going out of their way to make contact with celestial beings and "line their skull with eyes" and they're the ones that the Church Hunter archetype and Cosmic Eye Watcher badge are meant for.
There's also subfactions like Archibald and the Spark Hunter Badge.
Ultimately, though, I want you to write the story of your hunter yourself. If you have some lore in mind that fits perfectly than go ahead an use it.
I have a few other questions related to the flow of the game. What is the roleplay to combat ratio? Will we be adventuring together the entire game or splitting up for extended periods of time? And will this game bleed into the events of the first game or will it end just as the foreign hunter arrives?
Super psyched about this game!
Generally speaking I prefer action adventure games over intrigue and politics. I don't go to great lengths forcing players to play through mundane shopping or other downtime activities. I tend to play fast-and-loose with stuff that isn't life or death - if you want your hunter to run a public shop as a side thing then that's perfectly fine, but don't expect to have to commit to constant number-crunching and bookkeeping to do so.
I do not believe in a forced team dynamic. As I said up-thread I have no issues if the players wish to arrange themselves in "hunter cells" prior to the game beginning or after the game has already began. I will be accepting people in batches of 3-4 (6 in a group at most if necessary). If a player wants to leave the group to pursue their own agenda then that's fine, just as it's fine if they want to stay together constantly. Even limited conflict between player hunters is acceptable as long as it is not the result of OOC conflicts.
This is an original story that will take the characters through the fall of Old Yharnam. There will be new faces and a few old ones as necessary. I don't have any plans incorporating any major story elements from Bloodborne. Keep in mind, though, if there is some aspect I incorporate into the game to make it more appealing to the players then I'd love to consider it. Similarly, if there is some element of lore that I can explain to help with creation of your character than I'd be happy to do so.
GM JC Spooks |
Since they play heavily into my character's introduction to the current time, how are you handling how the Chalice dungeons are done?
I would love to spend some of my starting cash on having a chalice, incidentally. I still haven't spent all my money on gear.
As you may have noticed the Hunter's Dream is an actual class feature and capstone of the class. Which is to say, players in this campaign should not expect to visit the dream the same way that the protagonist hunter does.
This creates a problem as far as chalice dungeons go, in that we only know how they are accessed via the dream from the perspective of the protagonist hunter.
Players in this game seeking to find passage into the Pthumerian ruins should expect to have to do so directly and physically. For the most part you won't be able to rely on a chalice ritual to create a portal into whichever area you'd like. Without giving away major elements of the story I did hope to have a couple forays into the Pthumerian Labyrinth beneath Yharnam.
So possessing a "chalice" isn't immediately helpful in entering a dungeon. However, I am open to characters attempting to recreate occult rituals like those that must have been done within the Church of the Good Chalice. Doing so will be more narrative focused exploration rather than procedural-generated dungeon crawls.
![]() |
![Fire Giant King](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1130-FireGiant4_90.jpeg)
I have been a fanboy for the Soulsborne series since Demon's Souls and Bloodborne was my favorite game out of the entire series. I've watched countless lore videos, melted my brain with countless memes that feature Doll or Micolash, and have officially declared Lady Maria as S-tier waifu material. I may also have a theory on a possible Bloodborne-Dark Souls link with the Waters of the Deep, but I won't go into that here. So no need to walk me through the lore! I do like the lore breakdown you provided though. It seems like it would be great for those new to the lore.
The Choir hunter is exactly what I wanted to play. Old-school occult society vibe wrapped in pure white with some alien gods thrown in the mix is always a good time. I also did a BB cosplay run as an ascended Choir Lumenwood in the game, so I may be just a tad bit attached to the concept (I don't expect to morph into a Lumenwood in-game but still). Tangent: Kos Parasite is insane in PvP.
As for the roleplay question, I definitely wasn't intending on running a shop or anything. I was just curious as to whether we would get to explore more of the lore, interact with NPCs a bit more than the base game, and things like that.
Unrelated to this game are two things I would like to mention to you.
First, there is an unofficial Bloodborne-inspired soundtrack known as Night of the Hunt that a lot of us still in the community have enjoyed. It provides some cool ideas that you can poach for the story if you ever hit a snag and the music would make for great ambiance if you wanted to convey a general scene to PCs. YouTube link for Night of the Hunt
Second, I was actually planning on playing through Bloodborne again starting on November 5th. I plan on streaming it and will be exploring all of the different factions for online play. So if you still play and want to group up or do some hardcore PvP, I can send you my PSN ID.
rungok |
![Warmaze Master](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO90117-Warmaze_500.jpeg)
rungok wrote:Since they play heavily into my character's introduction to the current time, how are you handling how the Chalice dungeons are done?
I would love to spend some of my starting cash on having a chalice, incidentally. I still haven't spent all my money on gear.
As you may have noticed the Hunter's Dream is an actual class feature and capstone of the class. Which is to say, players in this campaign should not expect to visit the dream the same way that the protagonist hunter does.
This creates a problem as far as chalice dungeons go, in that we only know how they are accessed via the dream from the perspective of the protagonist hunter.
Players in this game seeking to find passage into the Pthumerian ruins should expect to have to do so directly and physically. For the most part you won't be able to rely on a chalice ritual to create a portal into whichever area you'd like. Without giving away major elements of the story I did hope to have a couple forays into the Pthumerian Labyrinth beneath Yharnam.
So possessing a "chalice" isn't immediately helpful in entering a dungeon. However, I am open to characters attempting to recreate occult rituals like those that must have been done within the Church of the Good Chalice. Doing so will be more narrative focused exploration rather than procedural-generated dungeon crawls.
Okay that's fine. I could have gone in there with old hunters to find a chalice, and got separated from them.
Olbod |
![Mercenary Healer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Zened_90.jpeg)
I find it hard to write about the Bloodborne universe due to the quality of the original work.
This is the character I'm entering with, he's supposed to be the same as one of the giants you can find outside the Oden chapel. As as far as I can tell there's no lore on those guys I just assume they're simply a race of giant people. I achieved this mechanically with a permanent enlarge person.
Olbod admires the hunters, especially the old hunters as their founders. He may not use their style of fighting, but his zeal in beast hunting is unmatched.
GM JC Spooks |
I find it hard to write about the Bloodborne universe due to the quality of the original work.
This is the character I'm entering with, he's supposed to be the same as one of the giants you can find outside the Oden chapel. As as far as I can tell there's no lore on those guys I just assume they're simply a race of giant people. I achieved this mechanically with a permanent enlarge person.
Olbod admires the hunters, especially the old hunters as their founders. He may not use their style of fighting, but his zeal in beast hunting is unmatched.
If you're talking about the large men with staves and wide brim hats, popular theory is that they are either Pthumerians or Pthumerian descendants. Though, based on the art you placed in your Mythweaverss sheet you may be referring to one of the Executioners. Those guys do indeed have a murky origin, with some assuming they are associated with the Healing Church and Logarius' Executioners while others claim that their heavy armor and weapon could originate from Cainhurst castle. Personally I'd probably lean towards the former but that's an aside.
You don't seem to have a more depthful background on your character that I can see so I'll be working off just the mythweavers sheet, so indulge me a few questions:
Do you intend Olbod to be an actual Hunter or just a copycat. I ask because you say he admires the hunters which implies that he may not be one himself? With three levels of bloodborne hunter he is more a less a Hunter in the proper sense.
I see that you have Beast's Embrace written on your sheet. Am I correct in saying that Olbod is using the Blood-Addled Hunter archetype for his hunter levels? Are you using an archetype for your Fighter levels?
You have Whirlwind Attack listed as feat but you seem to be missing Combat Expertise.
Finally, how is it that you are achieving permanent enlarge person? A custom magic item of some kind? I can't tell from looking at your sheet. An application of permanency? Also, just so you're aware enlarge person would interfere with your polymorph abilities from blood-addled hunter and vice versa.
Olbod |
![Mercenary Healer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO1124-Zened_90.jpeg)
Ack, I didn't save the final draft of his character sheet. This was also not supposed to be his background, just a summery of the kind of character he is.
-Yes to him being an executioner, been a while since I played bloodborne so I mixed them and the wide brim hats up.
-Yes, he's supposed to be a blood addled hunter (Though I'm rethinking that now).
-He is an actual hunter, he just admires them. Much like how a soldier can admire a general.
-No archetype on the fighter level.
-Completely missed combat expertise for Whirl wind attack, always forget that one.
-I am achieving permanent enlarge person via a permanency'd enlarge person. It's only 2500gp so most of my wealth is going towards that and my +1 butchers axe. Though I did overlook the conflict with with the blood addled hunter abilities. Hmmmm. I'll fix stuff up and finish up his actual background by sometime tomorrow
Rednal |
![Snowcaster Sentry](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Snow_Elf_HIGHRES.jpg)
Hmm... would you allow Spheres of Might, or at least the parts that make sense for the Bloodborne universe? (Some class options seem like they'd be excellent for the game. XD It's also focused around mobile, cinematic combat - with less raw damage than full attackers - so I don't think there'd be any balance concerns.)
I can explain any parts of the system if you have questions.
GM JC Spooks |
Ack, I didn't save the final draft of his character sheet. This was also not supposed to be his background, just a summery of the kind of character he is.
________________________________________-Yes to him being an executioner, been a while since I played bloodborne so I mixed them and the wide brim hats up.
-Yes, he's supposed to be a blood addled hunter (Though I'm rethinking that now).
-He is an actual hunter, he just admires them. Much like how a soldier can admire a general.
-No archetype on the fighter level.
-Completely missed combat expertise for Whirl wind attack, always forget that one.
-I am achieving permanent enlarge person via a permanency'd enlarge person. It's only 2500gp so most of my wealth is going towards that and my +1 butchers axe. Though I did overlook the conflict with with the blood addled hunter abilities. Hmmmm. I'll fix stuff up and finish up his actual background by sometime tomorrow
Thank you for answering my questions.
The last thing I'd like to note is that this setting does not have a lot in the way of arcane magic in the traditional sense. I don't have a problem with your permanent enlarge person mechanically, but please make sure you are touching on it as part of your origins. If you want to go with a traditional route of "a wizard did it" then I'd suggest the witch of hemwick or one of her associates could make a suitable patron. Alternatively, you could also consider the Healing Church and their experiments into creating giants as part of your character origin. You can also explain it as a side effect of the rampant beasthood from your tainted blood, like the brick trolls that accompany huntsman.
If these aren't appealing over your idea then just make sure your explaining the origin/background of your race. Not a mechanical breakdown or full history, just a couple of sentences about where they live/come from and how they fit into Yharnam, etc.
GM JC Spooks |
Hmm... would you allow Spheres of Might, or at least the parts that make sense for the Bloodborne universe? (Some class options seem like they'd be excellent for the game. XD It's also focused around mobile, cinematic combat - with less raw damage than full attackers - so I don't think there'd be any balance concerns.)
I can explain any parts of the system if you have questions.
I have not personally used Spheres of Might, though I'm familiar with its magical counterpart.
I'm going to refrain from allowing everything from SoM all at once. If you could tell me what you were considering I could examine it more closely and approve it as long as I understand how it works.
Rednal |
![Snowcaster Sentry](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Snow_Elf_HIGHRES.jpg)
SoM is fairly similar to SoP in overall structure - pick talents like you pick feats, learn basic abilities before stronger ones, and so on. XD
I'm not totally solid on my character idea yet, but I'm juggling between three options at the moment.
One is an Armiger (Battlefield Tinker), which basically lets me slap weapons together and rapidly switch between them. It felt very Bloodborne-y. XD So I might have one weapon focused on disarming foes, one focused on making them bleed, and so on.
Idea #2 is some kind of Sentinel (heavy tank type), though I might go for the unarmored archetype given Bloodborne's dodge-based gameplay. This would be for protecting the rest of the party if lots of other people want to focus on damage.
Idea #3 is a Striker, which uses a 'Tension' mechanic to build up energy, then unleash it on foes. This would be mainly for the cinematic aspect of things.
Joseph Soltz |
I may have jumped into my idea in a bit of a foolhardy manner. I simply can't seem to find a way to both use a flamesprayer reasonably and use the Veil to any decent effect. I'm finding it's far too mad, especially with Str being needed in some capacity, for carrying weapons and such.
Instead, I think I'd like to utilize The Ephemeral, using the same feat, if possible, and make use of Visceral attacks on foes who have difficulty following along.
Descriptors: Title
Class: Rajah
Slot: Body
Saving Throw: none
the Ephemeral’s skin takes on a midnight blue tint. As a move action, the entitled can teleport a distance up to their speed into an unoccupied space they can see. When the entitled teleports, they create a momentary diversion, allowing them to make a Stealth check, if they’re not already using Stealth, at the usual -10 penalty. (As normal, they must get to an unobserved location to take advantage of a diversion in this way.) Finally, unlike other titles, the Ephemeral is not suppressed when it moves out of range of the veilweaver. Essence: For each point of essence invested in this veil, the maximum range of the entitled’s teleports increases by 5 feet.
Since I won't be able to bind to the body slot, anyway, I've omitted the Bind information to consolidate it just to the relevant info. I find that it's a really solid emulation of the Old Hunter Bone, myself. I've got a few more specific ideas for the character, but I figured I'd run this past you to start off and see how you like it.
Edit : On second thought, while I still want to use it, it's more of an Ancient Hunter Bone than an Old Hunter Bone. Definitely a bit of a spiced up version.
GM JC Spooks |
I may have jumped into my idea in a bit of a foolhardy manner. I simply can't seem to find a way to both use a flamesprayer reasonably and use the Veil to any decent effect. I'm finding it's far too mad, especially with Str being needed in some capacity, for carrying weapons and such.
Instead, I think I'd like to utilize The Ephemeral, using the same feat, if possible, and make use of Visceral attacks on foes who have difficulty following along.
** spoiler omitted **
Since I won't be able to bind to the body slot, anyway, I've omitted the Bind information to consolidate it just to the relevant info. I find that it's a really solid emulation of the Old Hunter Bone, myself. I've got a few more specific ideas for the character, but I figured I'd run this past you to start off and see how you like it.
Edit : On second thought, while I still want to use it, it's more of an Ancient Hunter Bone than an Old Hunter Bone. Definitely a bit of a spiced up version.
I want to make sure I am understanding this ability correctly before I make my final say.
According to the text you have posted, while this ability allows you to teleport short distances in the midst of combat, the stealth check only applies if your destination is unobserved. In this case, I assume you're looking to score viscerals by teleporting behind enemies and making a stealth check to make them flat-footed. However, based on my understanding of the rules if you've already been spotted you wouldn't be able to teleport behind the enemy and take advantage of the stealth check because those squares are observed. Does that sound right?
GM JC Spooks |
SoM is fairly similar to SoP in overall structure - pick talents like you pick feats, learn basic abilities before stronger ones, and so on. XD
I'm not totally solid on my character idea yet, but I'm juggling between three options at the moment.
One is an Armiger (Battlefield Tinker), which basically lets me slap weapons together and rapidly switch between them. It felt very Bloodborne-y. XD So I might have one weapon focused on disarming foes, one focused on making them bleed, and so on.
Idea #2 is some kind of Sentinel (heavy tank type), though I might go for the unarmored archetype given Bloodborne's dodge-based gameplay. This would be for protecting the rest of the party if lots of other people want to focus on damage.
Idea #3 is a Striker, which uses a 'Tension' mechanic to build up energy, then unleash it on foes. This would be mainly for the cinematic aspect of things.
I think the Armiger or Striker would be the best fits for this game, though I would accept a Sentinel as well.
Regardless of which you choose to move forward with I'll still be wanting to review material to make sure I understand properly how your character functions prior to the game starting. My concern is not so much balance, just want to make sure I know what to expect out of them.
Rednal |
![Snowcaster Sentry](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A15_Snow_Elf_HIGHRES.jpg)
Which is perfectly fair, and I'm happy to explain in as much detail as you'd like. XD I'm probably going to start with the Armiger. Their main role will be a mix of damage and debuffs on foes, with an emphasis on switching to match the situation.
Right now, I'm thinking about combining weapons that focus on the Duelist (bleeding), Open Hand (tripping), and maybe the Lancer sphere (to pin foes in place and let others finish them off). Still hammering out the exact details, though - this is a new book, so I'm still trying to figure out what sort of combo would make the most sense. XD
Whiskey and a Bonesaw |
There is actually an Armiger archetype that focuses on creating combination weapons, very similar to the trick weapons in the Player's Guide. It's the Battlefield Tinker.