Help me choose the best class choice

Rise of the Runelords

Sovereign Court

Hello there, im aboit to start the campaign and would need some advice choosing my class.
To make things shot our group has limited arcane magic and no divine spellcasting, i was wondering what would be more handy between a Witch with healing patron (to cover some condition removal) or go straight cleric.
Any advice would help.

This campaign will throw gobs and gobs of arcane stuff starting in book 3. Of the 2 choices you have offered, go Witch. Having a full arcane caster with 9th level spells should be a priority for facing the last book. Encourage someone to pick up a cleric cohort if Leadership feat is allowed or hire an npc cleric.

And by "gobs and gobs of arcane stuff" is meant: spellbooks. Lots and lots of spellbooks by the end!

By the way, there is a healer archetype (Hex Channeller?) for the Witch class in the Advanced Class Guide.

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