Eando Kline

JM's page

70 posts (99 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.

Looking for "Old School" D&D Players.
We are a group of 30-40 year old Guys, looking to establish a gaming group with some LIKE Minded people.

Currently 3 Guys
Ages are late 30s/early 40s
All Gainfully/Professionally Employed
Last Played D&D 20-30 Years Ago

LOCATION: Orange COunty, CA
GAME DAYS: Every-Other Saturday (5pm to 11pm)

We played D&D WAY BACK when -- When it was fun, and not overly complex.
Our Game is an extremely "Rules Light" style of Play.
We DO NOT Powergame or Metagame (ie- We care about Role-Playing our Character, and care about the personality of our Character... not about a Character with Big Stats and Excessive Abilities)

Our Group is looking to add 1-2 More (Like Minded) Players to our Game.


You Might Be a Good Fit If You:
- Last Played D&D 20-30 years ago, and have not played since
- Want to "Re-Experience" playing D&D after a very long hiatus
- Are NOT Quite "Up-to-Speed" or plain just dont know the current rules/game
- Love to Laugh and have Fun
- Can Take a Joke and Give a Joke
- Are familiar with the Characters: HR Puff N Stuff, Giant Robot, The Rifleman, Speed Racer, Herman Munster, and/or James T. West/Artemus Gordon
- Shower on a Regular Basis
- Have a Vehicle


You WILL NOT Be a Good Fit If You:
- Are under the age of 25
- Live in your parents Basement
- Do Not have a Vehicle
- Cannot Name at least Five TV shows from the 1970s
- Think Showering is "Optional" or is "Excessfully Opulent"
- Know all the Game Rules and can recite them by Section and Page Number
- Attend more than 12 Gaming Conventions per year
- Are Currently Incarcerated
- Are a Multiple Felon

SO..... If you fit the bill; send me an email at thegreyhawkgame@yahoo.com
If you dont fit the bill... well; There should be a convention this weekend.


Hey James, Lisa,
Any plans to do AUDIOBOOKS for Pathfinder Novels??
With all the iPods, iPhones, Smart Phones, Mp3 devices, etc.,, out there these days,, audiobook seem to be getting quite popular!


Please make More TAVERN/INN Flip-Mats.

A new Tavern/Inn Map every month would be good.
One Tavern & One Inn per Map - Tavern on the Front / Inn on the Back.
They would sell - They would sell WELL.
Paizo would make money.
This is a no-brainer.

Hey Guys,
Just opened my most recent order (Order #981453).

I’m missing a few items:

Missing One (1) set of Dice:
Blank d12 - Bag of 10 White
I had ordered one – received zero

Missing One (1) Flip-Mat:
GameMastery Flip-Mat: River Crossing
I had ordered two – received one

Could you please send them out when you get a chance?



Hey Paizo Shot Callers-
I have asked this question before - but.... have not really been provided a response/answer.

Regarding Pathfinder Art and Cities/Locations of Golorian:
I believe most customers like to see Art in the various Adventure Paths, City Guides, etc., Especially Maps -- Maps give a nice layout/conception of the city.

Why are there very few (in any) Perspective/3-D Views of the various Cities/Locations in Paizo products?

Perspective/3-D Views should not be too difficult. You have very talented artists --- some of the best in the industry…

Check out the product below (RPGnow.com) - They have provided what looks like a very simple art rendition of a city in a Perspective/3-D View.
The Perspective/3-D View really shows how the city is laid out (elevations, ect.)

Could we please get more Perspective Views rendered/provided in the various Adventures, City Guides, etc?

Thanks for listening-

Hey Guys-
Any chance you could expedite my new Order #981453?

My last order (#987069) I never received, and I’ve been waiting for nearly two months (still not re-shipped).

I don't mind so much waiting for the last order (hopefully It should get shipped soon) --- However, I would definitely like to avoid waiting any excess period of time for my new order (Order #981453).

Please let me know what you can do to expedite the new order.



Hey Guys,
Order #987069 was shipped on 8/27 - I have not yet received it.


I think we're ready for Adventure Gear #3 (ITEM CARDS).
Still LOTS of good ideas on the forums regarding all different sugestions/ideas of additional equipment.
It should be far too easy to come up with another 54 items - and should be a big seller.

So; will we see Adventure Gear #3 anytime soon?

Can you please ship Order #957041.
I think the order is being held up by a pre-order, and I don't want the order held up.
I'd like my monthly shipment to ship regardless of pre-orders.


How Close (content/rules wise) will Alpha 3 be to the Final Beta?
Will the Beta consist of 70%, 80%, 90% of the Alpha 3?
-- Just a "best Guess" by the Paizo Crew (Jason, Monte and company)


Order #935631 has 2 Items:
-Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer (OGL) Print Edition
-Pathfinder #9—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 3: "Escape from Old Korvosa" (OGL) Print Edition

The package came in the mail today; however only 1 Item (Pathfinder #9) was in the package.

Did you guys ship the two Items separately?
If not; I need to get re-shipped: Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer (OGL) Print Edition



I've purchased every set (several sets of each) of the GameMastery Maps (prob $300-$400 worth), and it seams like the newer ones are now being printed with those VERY Annoying White Arrows all over them.

The White Arrows are VERY distracting!

DMs/Gms can figure out how to put the maps together without the arrows.
If you need to show how the maps should be set up, just include (in the map package) an overhead shot of the maps *set up*.

It seams the older maps did not have the arrows, and are great! - the new ones (with the arrows) are just unusable.

I think I'm done buying these Maps until Paizo stops with the absurd White Arrows.

Sorry to be so stern, just a real waste of $$. ... and really even more than the $$ ... a real waste of an otherwise good product.

I know this would be down the road a bit (after the release of PRPG), but I'd like to also see an "Unearthed Arcana" (or similar supplement) for the PRPG....to add some supplemental rules.

So may people seem to use the current Unearthed Arcana in their 3.5 games -

Any thoughts?

Ok- school me on why this wouldn’t/doesn’t work (just throwin’ it out here):

Instead of characters getting multiple attacks as they increase level – they would increase their damage of each attack (damage output) per level.

Like: instead of a six level fighter getting two attacks, they would get +6 to damage (or whatever)

Each character’s damage output would increase/scale per level (not the number of attacks).
--- Or do a combo of increased damage and *more limited* multiple attacks (ie max 2 attacks) - so you can do more damage per/attack vs dragons and still quickly take care of that hoard of kobolds at higher levels.

I always thought it was weird that a 1st level fighter does 1d8 with a longsword... and a 20th level fighter does the same 1d8 (not including multiple attacks & possible strength & magic bonus)...

Plus combat with all those multiple attacks slllooowwsss things down...... a lot!

Panoramic/Cross-Section View of Korvosa

The city map to Korvosa is great (as well as the Guide to Korvosa)
The problem is:
When you look at the map of Korvosa, it looks like the city is laid out completely flat.
But the city is not flat – not by a long shot.
The city is on an island and appears (by reading the Players Guide & Guide to Korvosa) that the city is situated on some serious hilly/island terrain.

So, is there any chance we’ll see a nice Full City View in a Panoramic/Cross-Section... to get a “feeling” of the entire landscape in “3D” (for a lack of a better term)

Hope I’m making sense here (I’m tryin’)


Will Paizo be signing up for the $5K OGL Designer’s Kit from WotC?

The text below is pulled from the WotC website, just in case people are unaware of what the "OGL Designer's Kit" is-

"The first phase of the 4th Edition developer materials release will be marked by the January 2008 availability of the OGL Designer’s Kit. This kit is designed for independent publishers looking to obtain early access to 4th Edition rules in order to develop compatible products to release just after the 4th Edition launch. These publishers will pay a one-time fee of $5,000.00 USD for access to the OGL Designer’s Kit, which includes first looks at the 4th Edition rulebooks, the SRD, final galleys and more.

Developers purchasing the OGL Designer’s Kit will receive updated pre-publication versions of the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons core rules through the time of launch. They will also receive the right to publish OGL products on August 1, 2008, five months earlier than the general public.".

And according to ENWorld (via their website):
"This kit will be available within a matter of weeks, as soon as several legal logistics are complete.".

I want to ask- will Paizo make a Dungeon Magazine Compilation CD-ROM?
Kind of like the one WotC made several years ago for Dragon Magazine.

It would be a great product and I'm sure would sell right off the shelves.

So Paizo:
Do you have the license to do this?
If you do, would you do it?

That logo on the Critical Fumble Deck (blue 20-sided die in a pool of deep-red blood) is insanely cool!

I would love to get a Tee-Shirt with that logo on it (full COLOR logo with just die and pool of blood- no text/script)
.... no text/script would be needed!! The logo/art itself would say it all!

Here's a link to the logo/art:

TOOO cool!

Would Paizo be able to produce Tee-Shirts with this logo?
Would people buy it if they did?


Hey Cosmo,
I spoke to you on the phone last week and you indicated (after removing an item holding up my order at the time - cactus) that my order would be shipped or scheduled to ship... it's still in "Pending" status.

Could you please provide me with an update on the order (Order #766904)?

Thanks bud,


Hello all,
Well... the title of my thread is “Adventure Gear 3”
So here’s the reason:
Just want to find out the interest level in other Piazo customers on the *Adventure Gear* series of Item Cards.

I ordered a few sets of the Rise of the Runelords Item Cards (just received them today)
-- and I got to say... there great! (as usual in Paizo fashion)… however, I was the *most excited* to see they included a few cards of “Mundane items/Adventure Gear” of sorts (the items cards with the blue checkered background) in the Runelord deck--- yay!

Anyhow... what I wanted to find out is:
Would people be as interested as I would, in Paizo producing a third set of Adventure Gear Item Cards?

Adventure Gear 2 is scheduled to come out in Feb 08... And I compin’ at the bit for those!

It thought it would be great to see Paizo either up the Adventure Gear 2 set to a 110 cards set (like they did with Dragon’s Trove), or set in motion a separate new set “Adventure Gear 3”.

I just love the mundane character equipment item card stuff - can’t really have enough “standard/mundane gear"...

So- what do you guys think?

Thanks for listening,


It looks like products for the Pathfinder series and Gamemastery Modules are slated through next April-
Does Paizo have any Item Card products scheduled for March,April/beyond?

Hello all,
Sorry if this has been asked/answered before (tried to find on the boards, with no luck).

I've read through the Pathfinder Player's Guide and the first two Adventure Paths, and I am having trouble visualizing the Human Ethnicities outlined in Pathfinder.

I'd like to know if there exists a crosswalk/comparison (on the boards or other) of how the Human Ethnicities in Pathfinder compare (visually) to Real-Life Ethnicities.... What do they look like? -- In terms my players can quickly visualize/identify.

Are the Chelaxians; Asian?
Are the Shoanti; Black?, Hispanic?
Are the Varisians; Arab?, European?

Or do they resemble: Greek, Hawaiian, Italian, German, Russian, Irish, Chinese, Aboriginal, Philippino, Brazilian, Swedish,... etc, etc.

The **more specific** the better
– it really helps to be able to visually identify with something you know… Real-Life comparisons.


I have a Pathfinder subscription, but it looks like the Pathfinder Chronicles are separate from the regular Pathfinder subscription.

Is Paizo going to make available a **subscription** to the Pathfinder Chronicles?

The thing I like about the regular Pathfinder Subscription is the added bonus of getting the PDF material for free.

A PDF of the Pathfinder Chronicles would be great- I could print off copies of the maps for players.

So my question is: How can I get the Pathfinder Chronicles as both Hard Copy & PDF?

I’d like to see an option to subscribe (and get the PDF for free) – It would be kind of a hassle to buy both the print copy and PDF separate.



OK - not sure I'm understanding this correctly, but does the statement below (taken from Lone Wolf Dev website- http://www.wolflair.com/index.php) indicate subscribers of Pathfinder get the Hero Lab software for Free with their Pathfinder subscription??

"Paizo Publishing®, LLC and Lone Wolf Development™ have announced that Paizo's eagerly awaited Pathfinder series of monthly Adventure Path™ modules will be fully supported by Hero Lab, the revolutionary RPG character software from Lone Wolf Development. Hero Lab users will have access to custom character types, unique items, and character art galleries featuring Pathfinder artwork. As part of an extensive partnership between the two companies, Pathfinder subscribers will also receive access to Hero Lab and the Pathfinder data files as an added benefit of their subscription. Hero Lab will support the generation of character sheets, stat blocks, and other game materials in the same format used in Pathfinder books."

..... or am I just reading the above incorrectly?

Hey Cosmo,
I wanted to check into Order #724649.
It's been a while now (over 2 weeks), but still indicates "Pending" in my account.

The items indicate 5-11 days to ship - but it's now even beyond the 11 days.



Will the Elements of Power Deck be available at the Paizo booth at Gencon?

Not sure if this is the right place, but...
The D1 from my order #730646 has not yet shipped. I placed the order a week ago, and I know the module is out already... did my module subscription go through, or is something hung-up in the system?


I'm Missing Dungeon #149.
I gots a strange feelin' the old postman got a little lost, and ain't even ringing once; never mind any of this ringing twice business.



The (new-to-be-released) GameMastery Item Cards "Elements of Power" seams like it could be a nice set of cards - (I’ll prob buy a set or two)

after viewing these message boards for a while now, the VAST majority of the posts I see are clamoring (by customers) for more mundane/common type Item Card sets.

Basically a call for Paizo to put out the following:
- Adventure Gear Deck #2 (More mundane EQUIPMENT)
- Item Pack #2 (more COMMON versions of weapons, armor, helmets, clothing, etc.)

It’s fine to put out "Specialized" or “High-Powered” sets comprised of high-powered or specific function magic items, but what happened to the mundane/common type Item Card sets everyone was asking for?

Trying to equip characters with a full set of the mundane equipment that ALL characters carry is basically very difficult at this point.
There is just not NEARLY an adequate selection of mundane/common cards... yet.

It’s great to have massive treasures of a “Dragon’s Horde” or “Elements of Power” to hand out to characters – but what happens when the characters just need BASIC equipment?

Worry about the Basics - then give us the high-end/high-powered/magic stuff.

Hell, characters are walking around town naked at this point... Not a single card to represent clothing.

Please, Paizo, help the Fighter in the party out a little... The Full Plate Armor is a complete b##+! to walk around town in…. never mind dance at the town fair!

PAIZO – put out:
-Adventure Gear Deck #2 (More mundane EQUIPMENT)
-Item Pack #2 (more COMMON versions of weapons, armor, helmets, clothing, etc.)

Mundane/Common sets - I’ll buy 5 or 6 sets of each.

Also, It just makes good business sense.
It’s what the customers want; and DMs will buy MULTIPLE sets of the mundane/common cards.
Dms are likely to buy just one set of the High-End/Specialty/Magic sets.

Please, start cranking presses... the Fighter’s getting chilly.

I've put in an order for a few packs of the Dragon's Trove Item Cards, however I wanted to make SURE this pack will have brand NEW artwork and not Old/Reused Artwork (like the Item Pack I product).

I’ve purchased several booster cases and several complete decks of the various/previous Item Card products, and have been VERY pleased with the products... except for the Item Pack I product :(

I was very disappointed when I ordered/received the Item Pack I cards, as I found out the cards were the EXACT same cards from the Relics of War & Heroes Hoard packs.
Essentially the Item Pack I was just a pack of duplicate cards, re-packaged from the two other series (Relics of War & Heroes Hoard packs).

Please tell me the new Dragon's Trove Item Cards will have Fresh NEW Artwork and not just a re-package/duplicates of previous cards.


Concerned customer.

A call for ADVENTURE GEAR deck #2

MORE Mundane Item Cards!!!

-Different Types of Clothing (could even dedicate a whole deck to this one)
-Cold-weather garments (fur gloves, coat, etc)
-Mundane boots, gloves, gauntlets
-Furs, Animal pelts
-Art objects
-Jewelry - broaches, bracelets, earrings, armbands, headbands
-Ornate boxes, Jewelry boxes
-Exotic books (more of them)
-MASTERWORK Thieves Tools, Disguise & Healers Kits (and other various kits)
-Mount related items- barding/armor, tack & harness, feed
-Row Boat
-Empty Flasks
-More Lanterns (Different Kinds)
-Alchemy Items
-Expensive or Meta-Magic Spell Components
-More Wine Bottles
-Exotic Ales, beers, mead, other alcohol
-DRY rations
-FRESH Rations: meats, cheeses, breads, etc.
-Spices (mundane & exotic)
-Different styles & quality of each armor type (from mundane to masterwork)
-Different Helmets (from helm caps to full helms with visors)

Make them 110 card packs!! (none of this random stuff)

PAIZO…. You make them and I’ll (and prob most others) WILL buy them!!

Current Campaign

GM Tektites PFS First Steps (First Run) (inactive)