I have a Pathfinder subscription, but it looks like the Pathfinder Chronicles are separate from the regular Pathfinder subscription. Is Paizo going to make available a **subscription** to the Pathfinder Chronicles? The thing I like about the regular Pathfinder Subscription is the added bonus of getting the PDF material for free. A PDF of the Pathfinder Chronicles would be great- I could print off copies of the maps for players. So my question is: How can I get the Pathfinder Chronicles as both Hard Copy & PDF? I’d like to see an option to subscribe (and get the PDF for free) – It would be kind of a hassle to buy both the print copy and PDF separate. Thanks, -JM
Alright Mike...
I want Paizo to expedite the release of the Adventure Gear #2 deck/set of Item Cards.
I Don't mean to nit-pick (and please I'm not really asking/looking for any negative comments from other posters). I've been eagerly waiting for the release of that specific set of Item Cards, and I'm bummed the date got pushed back. So... If you can expedite the release- I would truly be ecstatic and appreciative. If not... I guess... I'll see-um, when I see-um. Thanks for listening Mike, -JM P.S. - If anyone else feels the same... I'd sure like to hear :-)
OK - not sure I'm understanding this correctly, but does the statement below (taken from Lone Wolf Dev website- http://www.wolflair.com/index.php) indicate subscribers of Pathfinder get the Hero Lab software for Free with their Pathfinder subscription?? "Paizo Publishing®, LLC and Lone Wolf Development™ have announced that Paizo's eagerly awaited Pathfinder series of monthly Adventure Path™ modules will be fully supported by Hero Lab, the revolutionary RPG character software from Lone Wolf Development. Hero Lab users will have access to custom character types, unique items, and character art galleries featuring Pathfinder artwork. As part of an extensive partnership between the two companies, Pathfinder subscribers will also receive access to Hero Lab and the Pathfinder data files as an added benefit of their subscription. Hero Lab will support the generation of character sheets, stat blocks, and other game materials in the same format used in Pathfinder books." ..... or am I just reading the above incorrectly?
I have the same issue/problem. It seems to be a recent problem, and seems to be on Paizo's end when trying to download or open a PDF. I've tried from work (T1 line) and my home (cable line), and both are **incredibly** slow to download/open the PDFs in my Paizo account.
Also, I've downloaded other PDFs in my account from Paizo just a few weeks ago and everything was running super-fast and super-smooth at that time... just seems like a recent thing- Maybe just lots of data going through Piazo pipline at the moment??? not sure... but I do know downloads have been slow for the last week or so.
Just a bump for this tread... don't want this Adventure Gear #2 pack idea getting lost to the winds, or cobwebs at the bottom of the forums. Adventure Gear deck was by far my favorite in the series (not that the others were slackers by-any-means)… but that first set of Adventure Gear just wet the appetite. I've tried to get rid of equipment sheets altogether, but there a just too many items (mundane items) still not represented in the item card series. Here are some of the items I've collected from others on this board that I think would make up a good Adventure Gear #2 deck: EQUIPMENT (Worn)
next poster- tag your it .... who got some good idea?
BTW- Italics and punctuations are used to emphasize and convey tone in written monotone text communication. But this time I used uppercase text to change it up a bit - at your request :) ---- because, after all.... you are a consumer of this post/thread.
Like I had said - I've bought them all - I'll buy whatever Item Cards Paizo produces. The entire Gamemastery line is great, superb... one of the best in the business.
I'm just saying, our group thinks it would be nice to also have some mundane/common items, equipment, weapons & armor. We would like common looking weapons and armor to represent what characters actually possess at lower levels. In our games, we don’t use “equipment sheet” any longer - we just use the Item Cards, so… (at least in our games) the item cards are not meant to be just "a place holder" - if that were the case, We’d just issue players a Queen of Spades to represent their Banded Armor, Hand Ax, or Commoner’s Clothing. We use the cards to represent an actual item - what it looks like, and says on the card is what the character possess. Lower level characters usually possess more common looking equipment in our campaigns. If you do not prefer common/mundane items that represent what the characters actually possess, that's perfect and fine - It's just; we would.
It's just that you're trying to sell us 20" chrome rims for a car we don't have seats or an engine for.
You make it- I WILL buy it (whatever it is) ... I just would like to start from the ground up.
I'm not knocking Paizo for putting out a good product (because I'm sure it WILL be a good product). It’s just that; as a DM, I can only give out so many Vorpal Swords and Staff of the Magis … sometimes my players just want to go into town and buy some common stuff (actually, they go into town quite often to buy stuff). I’d definitely like Paizo to Keep up the good work, but, maybe I’m just not a "cart before the horse" kind of guy – and just my two cents -- just being honest and trying to let you guys know what a customer is looking for.
The (new-to-be-released) GameMastery Item Cards "Elements of Power" seams like it could be a nice set of cards - (I’ll prob buy a set or two) How---ever...
Basically a call for Paizo to put out the following:
It’s fine to put out "Specialized" or “High-Powered” sets comprised of high-powered or specific function magic items, but what happened to the mundane/common type Item Card sets everyone was asking for? Trying to equip characters with a full set of the mundane equipment that ALL characters carry is basically very difficult at this point.
It’s great to have massive treasures of a “Dragon’s Horde” or “Elements of Power” to hand out to characters – but what happens when the characters just need BASIC equipment? Worry about the Basics - then give us the high-end/high-powered/magic stuff. Hell, characters are walking around town naked at this point... Not a single card to represent clothing. Please, Paizo, help the Fighter in the party out a little... The Full Plate Armor is a complete b#~ to walk around town in…. never mind dance at the town fair! PAIZO – put out:
Mundane/Common sets - I’ll buy 5 or 6 sets of each. Also, It just makes good business sense.
Please, start cranking presses... the Fighter’s getting chilly.
I echo a few of the above posts: Armory Cache:
Curio Collection:
I really like the Item Card sets and I'm very pleased to hear the new Dragon's Trove set will be all new artwork/cards. In that case.... I think I'll be ordering a few additional sets of the Dragons Trove set. I've already ordered two sets, but I'm upping it to five! - Good sell my friend.... I'm a sucker for new artwork! You folks at Paizo, do have about the best response and customer service in the business!! Thanks again, -JM.
I've put in an order for a few packs of the Dragon's Trove Item Cards, however I wanted to make SURE this pack will have brand NEW artwork and not Old/Reused Artwork (like the Item Pack I product). I’ve purchased several booster cases and several complete decks of the various/previous Item Card products, and have been VERY pleased with the products... except for the Item Pack I product :( I was very disappointed when I ordered/received the Item Pack I cards, as I found out the cards were the EXACT same cards from the Relics of War & Heroes Hoard packs.
Please tell me the new Dragon's Trove Item Cards will have Fresh NEW Artwork and not just a re-package/duplicates of previous cards. Thanks, Concerned customer.
Kyle Baird wrote:
Hey Kyle B - How I handle issuing a multiples of things like torches, rations, arrows is:I issue one card of each; then I put a 2” x 2” removable label/sticker (from Avery) on the back of those item cards. The stickers indicate a set quantity, like 10 for food, torches, crossbow bolts, and 20 for arrows. Kind of like 10 little check boxes.
A call for ADVENTURE GEAR deck #2 MORE Mundane Item Cards!!! -Different Types of Clothing (could even dedicate a whole deck to this one)
Make them 110 card packs!! (none of this random stuff) PAIZO…. You make them and I’ll (and prob most others) WILL buy them!! |