
Rocketman's page

6 posts. Alias of JM.


If we're all done talking about evolution and other distractions from the actual thread topic - I'd for one, still like to know what the He!! a Varisian looks like.
I love the flavor of the different Pathfinder races - still don't know what they look like.

I think I need to revise the title of my thread.

How does "Who Has The Bigger Brain Contest" sound?
We can go with "I'm smarter than you - and I have LOADS of extra time to prove it!"
... The way some (i.e. most) threads go/evolve/end-up - does at the minimum, give me a good laugh...

Ya, VERY cool - thanks Mike,
I'll check them out and see if I get less.. or more confused.
I'm shooting for less :-)
... add the GameMastery stuff whenever you get a chance-

Thanks again- this thread has been **very** helpful :)

Lilith wrote:
Shoanti: A little bit of everything, as they're not racially grouped. (American Heinz-57 if you will.) (just indulge me here) – just to get this one clear in my mind:

A Shoanti can look like a bald; Brad Pitt, Halle Berry, Edward James Olmos, Samuel Jackson, or Demi Moore? (just using big names to relate) --- correct or I’m way off?
How about the different Tribes within the Shoanti – any racial/ethnic groupings?

Hey Mike M. –
I can absolutely/totally see where you’re coming from –
It actually **would** be very helpful (at least to me) to have a listing of Golarion ethnicities of all characters illustrated to date.
I’m pretty sure I own all the GameMastery and Pathfinder print product to date... so it might be somewhat of a task/list...
But, I’ll take you up on your offer, if it’s not too much hassle :-)

Thanks for the responses-
Some really good stuff – cultural stuff from Jodah, Mike M. outlining some skin/hair coloring-

However… not quite on point of what I am actually asking.
I think the cultural stuff is great and the brief dark hair/light skin thing is a great start-

But what do the different humans **look** like?
Who do they resemble (visually) in real-life?

For instance- The Sherriff appears black in the picture found in the Players Guide (actually sorta looks like Bo Jackson to me-gotta love Bo,, one of the best!)… so does that follow that the Sheriff’s brother is/looks Black/African’’issh?

Mike M. – just need more clarification on your post:
“Shoanti range from pale to dark skin and from pale to dark hair. Really, a mish-mash.”

Shoanti: Does this then mean; some Shoanti look Black, some look Asian, some look Caucaisian? – all with the bald heads, etc. or course..

“Chelaxians have pale skin, sharp features, and black straight hair”
I’m just confused- is this Russian, Asian …some kind of combo???

Varisians have tan skin and black wavy hair.
Still confused- Italian, Mexican… (half-n-half)?

I’m just having a real hard time visualizing…
Sorry if I’m being a pain in the a@@... I can’t be the only guy with a mental blank on this one…

Again- I'm really looking to visualize the LOOK (racially) of the humans (not the dress or culture)

Thanks again guys – let me know

Hello all,
Sorry if this has been asked/answered before (tried to find on the boards, with no luck).

I've read through the Pathfinder Player's Guide and the first two Adventure Paths, and I am having trouble visualizing the Human Ethnicities outlined in Pathfinder.

I'd like to know if there exists a crosswalk/comparison (on the boards or other) of how the Human Ethnicities in Pathfinder compare (visually) to Real-Life Ethnicities.... What do they look like? -- In terms my players can quickly visualize/identify.

Are the Chelaxians; Asian?
Are the Shoanti; Black?, Hispanic?
Are the Varisians; Arab?, European?

Or do they resemble: Greek, Hawaiian, Italian, German, Russian, Irish, Chinese, Aboriginal, Philippino, Brazilian, Swedish,... etc, etc.

The **more specific** the better
– it really helps to be able to visually identify with something you know… Real-Life comparisons.
