JM's page
70 posts (99 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 2 aliases.
Re-Booting in Case We To recruit
Ignorant Question Time:
Where do I find the REVISED Brawler?
Is it Listed Somewhere on the Paizo Site?
Thanks :)
Looking for "Old School" D&D Players.
We are a group of 30-40 year old Guys, looking to establish a gaming group with some LIKE Minded people.
Currently 3 Guys
Ages are late 30s/early 40s
All Gainfully/Professionally Employed
Last Played D&D 20-30 Years Ago
LOCATION: Orange COunty, CA
GAME DAYS: Every-Other Saturday (5pm to 11pm)
We played D&D WAY BACK when -- When it was fun, and not overly complex.
Our Game is an extremely "Rules Light" style of Play.
We DO NOT Powergame or Metagame (ie- We care about Role-Playing our Character, and care about the personality of our Character... not about a Character with Big Stats and Excessive Abilities)
Our Group is looking to add 1-2 More (Like Minded) Players to our Game.
You Might Be a Good Fit If You:
- Last Played D&D 20-30 years ago, and have not played since
- Want to "Re-Experience" playing D&D after a very long hiatus
- Are NOT Quite "Up-to-Speed" or plain just dont know the current rules/game
- Love to Laugh and have Fun
- Can Take a Joke and Give a Joke
- Are familiar with the Characters: HR Puff N Stuff, Giant Robot, The Rifleman, Speed Racer, Herman Munster, and/or James T. West/Artemus Gordon
- Shower on a Regular Basis
- Have a Vehicle
You WILL NOT Be a Good Fit If You:
- Are under the age of 25
- Live in your parents Basement
- Do Not have a Vehicle
- Cannot Name at least Five TV shows from the 1970s
- Think Showering is "Optional" or is "Excessfully Opulent"
- Know all the Game Rules and can recite them by Section and Page Number
- Attend more than 12 Gaming Conventions per year
- Are Currently Incarcerated
- Are a Multiple Felon
SO..... If you fit the bill; send me an email at thegreyhawkgame@yahoo.com
If you dont fit the bill... well; There should be a convention this weekend.
Hey James, Lisa,
Any plans to do AUDIOBOOKS for Pathfinder Novels??
With all the iPods, iPhones, Smart Phones, Mp3 devices, etc.,, out there these days,, audiobook seem to be getting quite popular!
Please make More TAVERN/INN Flip-Mats.
A new Tavern/Inn Map every month would be good.
One Tavern & One Inn per Map - Tavern on the Front / Inn on the Back.
They would sell - They would sell WELL.
Paizo would make money.
This is a no-brainer.
Hey Guys,
Just opened my most recent order (Order #981453).
I’m missing a few items:
Missing One (1) set of Dice:
Blank d12 - Bag of 10 White
I had ordered one – received zero
Missing One (1) Flip-Mat:
GameMastery Flip-Mat: River Crossing
I had ordered two – received one
Could you please send them out when you get a chance?
Hey Paizo Shot Callers-
I have asked this question before - but.... have not really been provided a response/answer.
Regarding Pathfinder Art and Cities/Locations of Golorian:
I believe most customers like to see Art in the various Adventure Paths, City Guides, etc., Especially Maps -- Maps give a nice layout/conception of the city.
Why are there very few (in any) Perspective/3-D Views of the various Cities/Locations in Paizo products?
Perspective/3-D Views should not be too difficult. You have very talented artists --- some of the best in the industry…
Check out the product below (RPGnow.com) - They have provided what looks like a very simple art rendition of a city in a Perspective/3-D View.
The Perspective/3-D View really shows how the city is laid out (elevations, ect.)
Could we please get more Perspective Views rendered/provided in the various Adventures, City Guides, etc?
Thanks for listening-
Hey Guys-
Any chance you could expedite my new Order #981453?
My last order (#987069) I never received, and I’ve been waiting for nearly two months (still not re-shipped).
I don't mind so much waiting for the last order (hopefully It should get shipped soon) --- However, I would definitely like to avoid waiting any excess period of time for my new order (Order #981453).
Please let me know what you can do to expedite the new order.
Hey Cosmo,
Still no product.
Please send out a new shipment.
Hey Guys,
Order #987069 was shipped on 8/27 - I have not yet received it.
I think we're ready for Adventure Gear #3 (ITEM CARDS).
Still LOTS of good ideas on the forums regarding all different sugestions/ideas of additional equipment.
It should be far too easy to come up with another 54 items - and should be a big seller.
So; will we see Adventure Gear #3 anytime soon?
Will this book have the Gods Illustrated?
(for their Avatars, etc.)
....and just because Illustrations of Gods are cool!
Can you please ship Order #957041.
I think the order is being held up by a pre-order, and I don't want the order held up.
I'd like my monthly shipment to ship regardless of pre-orders.
Shorter ears all the way.
I'm so sick of the WoW/anime/manga ears, it's not even funny.
WoW/anime/manga ears, 4e, strictly miniatures reliant, powergaming, min-maxing, rules lawyers.... how are we even calling this game Dungeons & Dragons anymore.
It's listed as unavailable - when will Paizo have them in sotck?
Rathendar wrote: Erik Mona wrote: I'm not sure I understand the question. I think the OP is trying to get a rough idea about how much of what has been seen in alpha2 is going to be accepted as 'a definite change' and no longer 'ideas to try out' perhaps? Or something similar in intent.
I'm sure a lot of folks are wondering though the final decisions are still a long time away, so i'm not sure how accurate it could be. Ya, basically along this line.
I would like to start using the Alpha Rules (as soon as V.3 comes out) in our campaign. (but I don’t really want to “play test” rules).
I just wanted to know if the Alpha 3 rules will be "slightly" changed (10%'ish change), “moderately” changed (30%'ish change) or “significantly” changed (70%’ish change) compared to the Beta rules.
- or maybe you guys just don't know at this point?
Any info would help-
How Close (content/rules wise) will Alpha 3 be to the Final Beta?
Will the Beta consist of 70%, 80%, 90% of the Alpha 3?
-- Just a "best Guess" by the Paizo Crew (Jason, Monte and company)
Order #935631 has 2 Items:
-Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer (OGL) Print Edition
-Pathfinder #9—Curse of the Crimson Throne Chapter 3: "Escape from Old Korvosa" (OGL) Print Edition
The package came in the mail today; however only 1 Item (Pathfinder #9) was in the package.
Did you guys ship the two Items separately?
If not; I need to get re-shipped: Pathfinder Chronicles Gazetteer (OGL) Print Edition
Hey Lisa,
Thanks for the drop-in :-)
I know Paizo's hands are tremendously full at the moment (and near future), and they're full because of good reason - you guys are putting out *lots* of great products!
Just know; I absolutely support Paizo, and will continue to support Paizo as long as I hold breath to game.
If the White Arrows continue on the GameMastery Maps... well I'll just have to do without... however, if Paizo chooses to remove the White Arrows - I'll for one, buy multiples of every future set.
Thanks again,
DM Jeff wrote:
When setting up an encounter there is nothing worse, than sitting around as a player while a DM clumsily tries to draw on the battlemat or lay out tiles when they're not sure where they go. -DM Jeff
#1. I completely agree.
DM Jeff wrote:
I match them and then flip them over and then use UPS shipping tape on the back to hold them together. -DM Jeff
#2. I assume most DMs would be doing this- if they're not; they just have not yet figured it out, or they are just not the “prepared” type of DM.
Players will *always* need to sit around and wait while "unprepared" DMs fiddle around with things.
Also, to aid those that don’t want to tape tiles together – Paizo should include (in the map package) an Overhead Shot of the maps *set up* - look at the Overhead Shot... set up maps quickly.
#3. I really think this is now a moot point - It seams Paizo has their hands full at the moment (even though this one should be a 10 minute decision on their end)... And I really don’t think they scroll down the forum this far.
Please Note: I fully support Paizo (with my wallet/over $100 each month-every month-faithfully), love nearly all their Paizo created products, and will continue purchasing most Paizo created products... Just not the Map Tiles -- until they remove the White Arrows.
-Take Care, and happy gaming!
I love both the suggestions (for Skills and for HP, AC and Attack).
These are great ideas, and I don’t see a problem with backwards compatibility.
I think these rules reward a "balanced" character and get rid of (or almost get rid of) the "dump stat".
But if you're a Powergamer, or a DM that runs a Monty Hall campaign where every PC has three or four 18's on their ability scores... I think doubling the ability bonus would cause compatibility issues.
I Don't see a map in the PDF - is there a map with this product??
Seams like a Gazetteer should contain a map...
The Slum Maps have those horrible White Arrows *all over them*
The White Arrows are not shown in the Product Photos above however - They have been removed - Why? (well... cause they make the actual product look horible)
Paizo really should show the Product how it really is (with the White Arrows).... because when folks get them in the mail and open the package... well, I for one was not happy.
I've purchased every set (several sets of each) of the GameMastery Maps (prob $300-$400 worth), and it seams like the newer ones (including the Slum Maps) are now being printed with those VERY Annoying White Arrows all over them.
The White Arrows are VERY distracting!
DMs/Gms can figure out how to put the maps together without the arrows.
If you need to show how the maps should be set up, just include (in the map package) an overhead shot of the maps *set up*.
It seams the older maps did not have the arrows, and are great! - the new ones (with the arrows) are just unusable.
I think I'm done buying these Maps until Paizo stops with the absurd White Arrows.
Sorry to be so stern, just a real waste of $$. ... and really even more than the $$ ... a real waste of an otherwise good product.
I've purchased every set (several sets of each) of the GameMastery Maps (prob $300-$400 worth), and it seams like the newer ones are now being printed with those VERY Annoying White Arrows all over them.
The White Arrows are VERY distracting!
DMs/Gms can figure out how to put the maps together without the arrows.
If you need to show how the maps should be set up, just include (in the map package) an overhead shot of the maps *set up*.
It seams the older maps did not have the arrows, and are great! - the new ones (with the arrows) are just unusable.
I think I'm done buying these Maps until Paizo stops with the absurd White Arrows.
Sorry to be so stern, just a real waste of $$. ... and really even more than the $$ ... a real waste of an otherwise good product.
JM wrote: What ever happened to the Critical Fumble Deck Tee Shirt?
Lisa had said (in a previous post - link below) that she was going to order some of those-
(bad link)
I just noticed the link I tried to create does not work.
Anyhow - So, I've attached the web address (you'll need to cut & paste into browser).
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/general/arc hives/tEESHIRTSCriticalFumbleDeckLogo&page=1#365112&source=search
I just want to make sure the Crit Fumble Deck Tee Shirt does not get forgotten.
I think, if produced, the Crit Fumble Deck Tee Shirt would outsell every other Tee Shirt on this site.
Do you guys plan to make this available in the Map Pack line?
This (along with a few other Flip-Mats) would really be nice if available in the Map Pack line of products.
This post made me check out the module again.... and does the that Jurin kid (page 4) look oddly like Eric Mona,,, or is it just me?
Also agreed -
And I also don't think every class should progress at the same level- maybe every 3 levels for Rogues, and everyone else every 4 levels.
Cool- thanks guys!
This part gives me a good insight on how to play it:
"She's pretty much put all she's got into contacting this group of PCs, and she knows if she messes it up she'll probably never get another chance to do the same..."
Desperation - I love it!
Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you’re my only hope. :-)
Lewy wrote: Anyone else agree with me that the PC classes are being powered up way too much?
Good games are about balance and I think it's being tippeed towards powergaming too much. There's too much hyper magic and power getting added, especially to wizards and clerics, but I guess the otehrs will go that way too. This needs limiting or the games balance will suffer.
Agreed 100%
3.5 is already *way* too power structured.
Is it really any surprise there are so many power-gamers and min-maxers these day... it's just becoming a Fighter vs Wizard vs Druid , (etc.) -- arms race.
Who can blame them really - when all the focus is on power, then more power, and so on, and on...
If you want to add more power/more options with splat books down the road, that's fine (and prob smart marketing) - but putting so much power in the "core" book is just too much.
Please strive to make this RPG more like a Role-Playing game and less like World of Warcraft.
Just my 2 cents.
Seriously, Weapon Groups were the best thing to come from Unearthed Arcana. Make 'em standard! There's really no good reason that a fighter from Sandpoint (for example) would know how to wield every weapon under the sun, especially since he probably hasn't even SEEN most of them.
I know this would be down the road a bit (after the release of PRPG), but I'd like to also see an "Unearthed Arcana" (or similar supplement) for the PRPG....to add some supplemental rules.
So may people seem to use the current Unearthed Arcana in their 3.5 games -
Any thoughts?
Hey James -
This may be a stupid question, but, I'm not getting it...
Why would she lie to the PCs?
Ok- school me on why this wouldn’t/doesn’t work (just throwin’ it out here):
Instead of characters getting multiple attacks as they increase level – they would increase their damage of each attack (damage output) per level.
Like: instead of a six level fighter getting two attacks, they would get +6 to damage (or whatever)
Each character’s damage output would increase/scale per level (not the number of attacks).
--- Or do a combo of increased damage and *more limited* multiple attacks (ie max 2 attacks) - so you can do more damage per/attack vs dragons and still quickly take care of that hoard of kobolds at higher levels.
I always thought it was weird that a 1st level fighter does 1d8 with a longsword... and a 20th level fighter does the same 1d8 (not including multiple attacks & possible strength & magic bonus)...
Plus combat with all those multiple attacks slllooowwsss things down...... a lot!
Thanks James-
The Panoramic views that have appeared so far for Korvosa (in Pathfinder, Players Guide & Guide to Korvosa) have all been really great!
But the even those shots don't show how hilly, steep the terrain is.
I guess it's because the shots have been close up and not a full city view?
I don’t think we would even need something so detailed that it would need to match the map identically – just something to show the scale and general landscape/terrain of the city/island as a whole.
A fan-made panoramic view would also be great... (cough-Lilith-cough) ;-)
Panoramic/Cross-Section View of Korvosa
The city map to Korvosa is great (as well as the Guide to Korvosa)
The problem is:
When you look at the map of Korvosa, it looks like the city is laid out completely flat.
But the city is not flat – not by a long shot.
The city is on an island and appears (by reading the Players Guide & Guide to Korvosa) that the city is situated on some serious hilly/island terrain.
So, is there any chance we’ll see a nice Full City View in a Panoramic/Cross-Section... to get a “feeling” of the entire landscape in “3D” (for a lack of a better term)
Hope I’m making sense here (I’m tryin’)
James Jacobs wrote: janxious wrote: The only thing that bothers me about this book is that there's only one picture (the one that was on the blog with the various flying nasties) that conveys more than a single street of the city. Maybe Paizo is on the cusp of announcing PathFinder Art Packs... Part of the reason there is that matching panoramic views of cities to their maps is fantastically difficult, especially since the art and the maps for cities are often done at the same time by different artists. It's the primary reason, honestly, you DON'T see many panoramic illos of cities. Ben Wootten has a particular gift, I feel, for looking at a city map an turning it into an excellent view of said city.
That said... there's also a view of the city in the Player's Guide to Korvosa, and there's a fair number more to come in Pathfinder itself. By the time Pathfinder 12's on the street, we'll have lots of Korvosa art out there. **************************************************************
Hey James (and all the Paizo crew),
I just want to chime in and say -- WOW!
The Guide to Korvosa and Pathfinder #6 are GREAT!! - I think, by far the best Pathfinder/GameMastery products to date.
The art really is some of the best I've ever seen in adventures/modules.
I do concur with the thought of seeing more of the perspective type art (like on page 3 of the Player Guide) - it really does give that sense of "feel" like your right in the middle of the city.
BTW - is the technical art term "panoramic views" for that kind of stuff?
Also, the NPC art in both Korvosa and Pathfinder #6 are really top-notch - I'm not sure who those artist are, but I'd love to see lots, and lots more of their work (especially on those NPCs).
BRAVO Paizo crew.... Job very, very well done!!
Ya, I received my map folio (the PDFs), I looked through them.
Very disappointed in the product, I also (like so many others) thought this map folio was going to be of larger map to use miniatures on (like small battle maps).
I don't think getting second copies of maps I already have (from the Adventure Path) is necessary - total waste of money, and especially a total waste of time for the Paizo staff. All the hours they put into this product, they could have dedicated elsewhere to improve other product lines.
I just hope the poster map look good (with high res)
Salama wrote: You've got mail! Sweeeettt!
I just opened it - it looks great!!!
My players will really dig this custom sheet!
Thanks again Salama.
Salama wrote: It's not easy to change things in pdf in Indesign. You need my indesign (.indd) file. But hey, as long as you don't share it as your own, I can give it to you =). Just give me your email address. OR you can tell me what changes you want and I can make them for you =). Ya cool - if you could send me the file, that would be great!
I'm only going to use it for our group (I wont share it outside).
My email is: thegreyhawkgame@yahoo.com.
Thanks again Salama!
Salama wrote: I made the background image with Adobe Photoshop and everything else with Adobe Indesign. Oh- very cool.
I actually just picked up InDesign this week (still learning it).
I tried to import (InDesign – “Place”) your character sheet into InDesign and make some changes (for our game's house rules), but it didn't seam to work well (but I'm still learning - so maybe I'm doing it wrong).
Is there another way to take your character sheet into InDesign and make changes, or would I need a different file type (ie not PDF)?
Thanks again,
Salama wrote: Ratbane wrote: Can someone make a character sheet with Pathfinder traits (Curse of the Crimson Throne) and a full year calender of the current year.
Thanks in advance
Wasn't sure if this is what you wanted, but in this sheet there is a small space reserved for a background trait...
Curse of the Crimson Throne-Sheet Hey Salma,
this sheet is cool.
What software program did you use to make it?
I'm a HUGE fan of the Item Cards (got multiples of every set).
My "Item Card idea":
Produce the Item Card sets MORE frequently.
My biggest (only) problem with the cards is I need to wait 4 months between sets... for me, that's just way, way, too long.
I'd like to see a set of cards once per month.
Paizo already puts out more than one module (including Adventure Path modules) once per month - I think the same could be done for Item Cards.
Item Cards seam to be a big seller... but maybe the profit margin on Item Cards is not as lucrative as the modules (I don't know) - either way though:
- If it's just as lucrative: Put out more sets, more often.
- If it's not more lucrative: Jack up the price of each deck, and put out more sets more often.
Another problem may be "the artist (Vincent) is very busy with other projects".
Well, rightfully so... Vincent prob has his plate plenty full with lots of other jobs (he's a top-notch artist - he's in high demand).
But the Item Card *art* does not need to be drawn by the same person for every set.
Different sets could be drawn by different artists (need to insure top-notch artist however - and Vincent MUST be one of them).
I really don't care how much I need to pay for the Item Cards - IMHO, $10 per set is mighty cheap. Paizo could charge me $20 per set, and I still wouldn't blink at buying multiples of each set - to me the quality of the cards would still be WELL worth it.
So that's my "Item Card Idea" - MORE Sets - MORE Often.
... at whatever cost necessary (though some might not agree to this part I'm sure :) )
Thanks for listening.
The art really appears to be superb in this module.
The Illustrations of the NPCs are great, top-of-the-line!
By far, the best art in the GameMastery series of Modules
...(not that the other Paizo artists slack by any means - they're all great).
But the way this artist illustrates the NPCs is really top-notch - this is how I like to see NPCs - and great for player handouts, visuals, etc!
Is the artist (who illustrated the NPCs) from the Dragon & Dungeon days - his art seams familiar
Anyways- Whoever the artist is that illustrated the NPCs...bravo!
Hope to see more (MUCH more) of your work in future Paizo products!
Will Paizo be signing up for the $5K OGL Designer’s Kit from WotC?
The text below is pulled from the WotC website, just in case people are unaware of what the "OGL Designer's Kit" is-
"The first phase of the 4th Edition developer materials release will be marked by the January 2008 availability of the OGL Designer’s Kit. This kit is designed for independent publishers looking to obtain early access to 4th Edition rules in order to develop compatible products to release just after the 4th Edition launch. These publishers will pay a one-time fee of $5,000.00 USD for access to the OGL Designer’s Kit, which includes first looks at the 4th Edition rulebooks, the SRD, final galleys and more.
Developers purchasing the OGL Designer’s Kit will receive updated pre-publication versions of the 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons core rules through the time of launch. They will also receive the right to publish OGL products on August 1, 2008, five months earlier than the general public.".
And according to ENWorld (via their website):
"This kit will be available within a matter of weeks, as soon as several legal logistics are complete.".