Elements of Power? – What About Item Cards we NEED / Asked for??


The (new-to-be-released) GameMastery Item Cards "Elements of Power" seams like it could be a nice set of cards - (I’ll prob buy a set or two)

after viewing these message boards for a while now, the VAST majority of the posts I see are clamoring (by customers) for more mundane/common type Item Card sets.

Basically a call for Paizo to put out the following:
- Adventure Gear Deck #2 (More mundane EQUIPMENT)
- Item Pack #2 (more COMMON versions of weapons, armor, helmets, clothing, etc.)

It’s fine to put out "Specialized" or “High-Powered” sets comprised of high-powered or specific function magic items, but what happened to the mundane/common type Item Card sets everyone was asking for?

Trying to equip characters with a full set of the mundane equipment that ALL characters carry is basically very difficult at this point.
There is just not NEARLY an adequate selection of mundane/common cards... yet.

It’s great to have massive treasures of a “Dragon’s Horde” or “Elements of Power” to hand out to characters – but what happens when the characters just need BASIC equipment?

Worry about the Basics - then give us the high-end/high-powered/magic stuff.

Hell, characters are walking around town naked at this point... Not a single card to represent clothing.

Please, Paizo, help the Fighter in the party out a little... The Full Plate Armor is a complete b$%*! to walk around town in…. never mind dance at the town fair!

PAIZO – put out:
-Adventure Gear Deck #2 (More mundane EQUIPMENT)
-Item Pack #2 (more COMMON versions of weapons, armor, helmets, clothing, etc.)

Mundane/Common sets - I’ll buy 5 or 6 sets of each.

Also, It just makes good business sense.
It’s what the customers want; and DMs will buy MULTIPLE sets of the mundane/common cards.
Dms are likely to buy just one set of the High-End/Specialty/Magic sets.

Please, start cranking presses... the Fighter’s getting chilly.

Dark Archive Contributor

Dude... give us a chance. We're going to supply demand. It just takes time is all.

Don't get me wrong... I'm ALL too excited about ANY release you guys put out.
Like I had mentioned- I'm buying it - I'm buying it ALL.

It's just that you're trying to sell us 20" chrome rims for a car we don't have seats or an engine for.
I got some nice rims... but they only look so good in my garage.
It may be just my opinion (but the folks on the boards seem to have the same) the basic foundation should be developed before the bells & whistles are added.

You make it- I WILL buy it (whatever it is) ... I just would like to start from the ground up.
Most campaigns are started (and usually finished) at the lower levels- thus, the Players & DMs would use the common/mundane items with MUCH more frequency.

I'm not knocking Paizo for putting out a good product (because I'm sure it WILL be a good product).

It’s just that; as a DM, I can only give out so many Vorpal Swords and Staff of the Magis … sometimes my players just want to go into town and buy some common stuff (actually, they go into town quite often to buy stuff).

I’d definitely like Paizo to Keep up the good work, but, maybe I’m just not a "cart before the horse" kind of guy – and just my two cents -- just being honest and trying to let you guys know what a customer is looking for.

Dark Archive

JMkimba wrote:
It’s just that; as a DM, I can only give out so many Vorpal Swords and Staff of the Magis … sometimes my players just want to go into town and buy some common stuff (actually, they go into town quite often to buy stuff).

Hey man, none of the items say "vorpal sword" or "staff of the magi;" the pictures on the cards can be used to represent any number of various types of magic or mundane equipment; just because it looks more ornate or expensive than a regular longsword doesn't mean that it has to be the top-end of the magic item list. The beauty of the item cards is that they adapt to whatever purpose the DM needs them for. Relax a bit and think of them as a place holder rather than a by-the-book item-for-item list of major magic items.

Not sure I need to "relax a bit" - not really stressed.

Like I had said - I've bought them all - I'll buy whatever Item Cards Paizo produces.

The entire Gamemastery line is great, superb... one of the best in the business.
I have (and will) give nothing but praise to Paizo for the quailty of the products they produce.

I'm just saying, our group thinks it would be nice to also have some mundane/common items, equipment, weapons & armor.

We would like common looking weapons and armor to represent what characters actually possess at lower levels.

In our games, we don’t use “equipment sheet” any longer - we just use the Item Cards, so… (at least in our games) the item cards are not meant to be just "a place holder" - if that were the case, We’d just issue players a Queen of Spades to represent their Banded Armor, Hand Ax, or Commoner’s Clothing.

We use the cards to represent an actual item - what it looks like, and says on the card is what the character possess. Lower level characters usually possess more common looking equipment in our campaigns.

If you do not prefer common/mundane items that represent what the characters actually possess, that's perfect and fine - It's just; we would.

"Queen of Spades"? Whoa there...

You do need to relax a bit, if only with the italics code.

But on a serious note, if my players don't have it written on their character or equipment sheet, they don't have it in my game.

The Cards are really great accessories, but if I wanted a card game I'd just play Magic the Gathering.

As far as a suggestion goes, I'd look into photos of replicas or movie props printed on playing card size stock. That way you get your fix (sorta) before Paizo makes a card for every item under the sun. I just think relying solely on an image on a card for your RPG experience is stifling and very limiting in terms of the true merits of the game.

Plus (and this is where I'll stop) we need to give these guys the room to do what the hell they want to do. Paizo delivers good stuff because [you get the sincere impression that] they're all gamers or gamer-friendly. The Item cards started off without consumer input, and I frankly don't mind if if stays that way if quality is consistent with their previous products.

A stand-in (no pretty pictures, alas) might be The Other Game Company's Complete Item Cards (theothergamecompany.com). With an editor, you can probably add some pictures in there too if you really wanted.

Paizo's are nicer though, I agree.

Wow... gamer/consumer input is a bad thing in your book.
Let me guess... you don't own a business?
I have a Corp business, and I personally hit the streets to find out what my customers want, not what I THINK my customers want.
Paizo is successful BECAUSE they listen to their customers (and because they have some of the best talent in the industry).

BTW- Italics and punctuations are used to emphasize and convey tone in written monotone text communication. But this time I used uppercase text to change it up a bit - at your request :) ---- because, after all.... you are a consumer of this post/thread.

JMkimba wrote:
I have a Corp business, and I personally hit the streets to find out what my customers want, not what I THINK my customers want.

Are you hittin' the streets with your head?

I've been playing devil's advocate here JM. But I AM serious about the notion that ROLE playing games are contingent upon ideas. I look to the Item Cards to INSPIRE rather than DICTATE.

And no, I don't OWN a business, I just run one.

So much sarcasm... I just can't believe you make demands for the mundane when Paizo is offering us products with more magic and style. Elements of Power sounds cool. And that's that.

If there are specific items you think are missing from the series, post them in the other thread.

As an aside, I would like to see booster packs for Adventure Gear. I don't need to spend fifty dollars for five whistles, dice, cards, etc when all I want is another lantern, bedroll, backpack, rope, or waterskin.

PS - Elements of Power will be great for Eberron or any weapons with energy effects.

Dark Archive Contributor

JMkimba wrote:
It’s just that; as a DM, I can only give out so many Vorpal Swords and Staff of the Magis … sometimes my players just want to go into town and buy some common stuff (actually, they go into town quite often to buy stuff).

Don't you fret none. Plans are in the works to provide you with what you want. :)

And to be completely fair (to us), we started with magic items because they're sexy. We didn't even know people would WANT mundane items (excuse me, "adventuring gear") until after we put out a couple sets and everyone started requesting them. But we do listen to the community, and we know you guys want more adventuring gear, so it's a pretty safe bet more is coming down the pipeline. :)

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
JMkimba wrote:

- Adventure Gear Deck #2 (More mundane EQUIPMENT)

- Item Pack #2 (more COMMON versions of weapons, armor, helmets, clothing, etc.)

I would agree that these are my priorities as well, although, yeah, I'll pretty much buy anything Paizo puts out.

sort of a side to the full thread here. does anyone know of anyone selling indevidual cards. i know there a lot of pleople who like to buy cases of boosters? i didnt see anything on ebay

ClCATRlX wrote:
sort of a side to the full thread here. does anyone know of anyone selling indevidual cards. i know there a lot of pleople who like to buy cases of boosters? i didnt see anything on ebay

I would have to agree that a singles market or at least a trading post is sorely needed.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
ClCATRlX wrote:
does anyone know of anyone selling indevidual cards.

This is the address of Derek Poppink's web site. He's a frequent poster here and really into the item cards. I've traded quite a few with him and bought some too. Good guy.

www.maxminis.com/Forums/tabid/104/forumid/54/view/topic/postid/687013/Defau lt.aspx
And these guys seem to sell singles (ignore the part where they sell Paizo stuff at a discount). I've never bought anything from them and am NOT vouching for them; I just saw the site an am passing it a long. Buyer beware.

CCG Armory

Hope this helps.

The Exchange

I vouch for Derek also. He also has a blog at http://itemcards.blogspot.com/. I actually gave him my extra cards just because I hoped he could find them homes. Sort of an island of misfit cards.

There are also some pdf cards on the pdf sites (RPGNow, Your Games Now, DriveThruRPG). One I just noticed today is "Gamescapes Story Cards". They are simple and might hold you over until Paizo gives us everything. They don't have 'equipment'; just all the weapons and some armors. Mentioning it on Paizo's Boards maybe rude but I don't think it will hurt Paizo. We will all still buy the Paizo stuff (usually in duplicate).

And on the pdf subject: one of these days I need to pick up TOGC's pdf of Complete Item Cards. That gives the statisitics for SRD gear and a lot of magic and they have blank cards for stuff you make up. They also fit in my card sleeve with my Item Cards. I have to protect my Paizo stuff!

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