
Innocent Blood's page

27 posts. Alias of Patrick Curtin.


Ah, evilness from days past...


Anyone want to come see my collection of obsidian sacrificial knives?


Do you want to play a game?

la la la la la

Sanvoros Draben wrote:

Ahhh ... yes. I remember that now. I should start a file with all the info San has learned; I think when I get a bit of extra free time I may do just that.


I'll forward the story if you folks are done here and going to sleep.


The willow wood spear flies through the air, singing a keening song as it splits the air. Innocent Blood turns, her black eyes widening. The shaft transfixes her. She screams and drops to the ground. An explosion rocks the ground when she hits. Her undead army quails and begins to scatter.

Innocent Blood flies above the fray, ocassionally loosing a green bolt upon the Army of Life. Animal's broken bodies are thrown about, liquefying almost immediately into rancid ooze from the tainted green energy.

Innocent Blood screams, jacknifing as the disk attaches to her. She flings her hands to the sky


The entire thread shivers and the disk explodes in a thousand shards

Azuri'ith wrote:

Azuri'ith also enters the fray, wading into the undead and battering them with powerful winds.

Innocent Blood notices this new threat and shoots a green glowing bolt of energy at the elder air elemental.

Innocent Blood laughs and throws a bolt of energy at the marble, blasting him from the thread.

Away orb, your nattering annoys me ...

How am I supposed to fight something that feeds off my own power?

Innocent Blood smiles grimly

If this stone rejects my touch, perhaps I should retire to another place until I am prepared to deal with you and your clones..

She waves her hands in the air again


A howling winds engulfs the Place of Winds. When it lifts, the Army of the Damned is gone.

Innocent Blood stares at the Warden.

I seek to corrupt because it pleases me.

Innocent Blood raises her slender arms


She focuses and a huge pulse of energy runs into the ground, causing the very fabric of the thread to start to unravel. The hiss od the Interthereal Sea begins to swell as the entire thread begins to fade

The Hangman's Tree wrote:

Having joined the undead army's campaign HT presses his roots into the soil of the Place of Winds, expecting to relish in the corruption. His eyes bulge and he quickly withdraws his smoking roots.

Arrrgh! We may have a problem here Mistress.

He looks to be avoiding the ground. It's a comical view.

Innocent Blood grins and touches her hand to the ground. Rot and corruption pulse outwards from her as her tainted Board essence infects the Place of Winds

"There we are."

Smagnavast the Black wrote:

The dragon addresses Innocent Blood.

You seem to be charging in with very little strategy beyond attack and kill.
You don't appear to have any goals other than just 'kill everything and raise undead' which relies on brute strength and little finesse.
And sooner or later, you will exhaust your strength, and then what enemies you have left will turn on you.
If your allies don't betray you first and turn on you for their own purposes, that is.
At present you and your army offer me interesting possibilities. I am offering you the opportunity to surrender to me now and become my vassal.
You can settle down here in the swamp, make occasional raids against your enemies, and pay a tithe in return for my protection.

Innocent Blood laughs, a surprisingly girlish sound

Darling lizard, I have strategy enough. I just choose not to share it. I am not out to rule. I am out to pull the Green into the Black and sing as the last whispers of life rot and die.

She turns to the dragon, smiling faintly. Her black orbs bore into him

I have no allies, thus none can turn on me. I have minions, and only those I have created myself. What I DO have is this:

The pale girl gestures at a distant grove of trees. A pulse of energy races towards them, literally distorting the ground as it travels. The trees sprout fungus, withering and dying most rapidly. The skeletal trees then pull their roots up from the swamp and fall into the Army of the Damned. Dozens of skeletons emerge from where the tree's roots pulled free and also join the shambling horde.

You see, my darling lizard, I have no need of land, fealty or allies. I am Death. I have come to harvest the Green and drag it screaming into the dark realms. When I am through you shall join me as well...

Smagnavast the Black wrote:

The shadow of a black dragon circling casts itself over the company; with triple protections in place, Smagnavast dives down to hover with skillful flicks of his wings near the vampire leader of this army. He addreses her:

I gather that you're in charge here?

Innocent Blood looks up and smiles

I suppose I am. What do you require dragon?

The pale girl grins

I look forward to our next meeting with antici ..... pation.

I see your Michael Jackson reference and raise you a RHPS one.

A pale figure flits among the massive mangrove and cypress that line the narrow bayous of the swamp. As she walks bodies erupt out of the mire and begin shambling behind her. Corpses of all shapes and sizes, some quite immense, gather in a larger and larger army.

Ahhh.... It's a wonderful night for a stroll She croons, her dark leather boots floating a foot above the swamp.

The ground beneath her wavers as if it was going out of focus momentarily. Any tree she passes begins to decay. She leaves a trail of rot and fungus in her wake. Fish surface after she passes belly up, only to be pulped by the hordes of undead in her train.

The greenish form gestures and a beam of green symbols strikes Frogskin. The very fabric of the thread stutters. It is Board energy, concentrated to kill.


The young-looking vampire laughs, a fell sound that shakes the pyramid

Together? I have merely come to tell you I have outgrown my servitude! Do you think I will stay here in your compromised dwelling? When your enemies come and go as they please?

She points to the flower blooming in the corner

You cannot even stop a flower from growing in this den of failure. Enjoy your petty swamp kingdom 'father'. I go where none can follow...

The pale girl shimmers and disappears

The pale slender form of Innocent Blood appears and seats herself near Ebony Jaguar. Something has changed about the vampire, she seems suffused with a fell energy.

Father, I have tapped the power of the Board itself.

Her voice resonates along the dark chamber, rattling the very stones.

The young pale creature smiles, exposing long fangs. She waits until everyone is seated, then she addresses them

I am Innocent Blood. You are my sacrifice. Together we shall forge a weapon of puissant power...

There are a few screams and some of the altargirls attempt to run up, but are frozen with a gesture from Innocent Blood. She puts a small item on a table

Recently your friends destroyed a book of evil. In doing so they unwittingly unleashed the Primal Board Node. This small item here will allow me to tap the very energy of the threads. But it needs fuel. That's where you all come in ...

The pale girl raises her hands up to the cloudy sky


Everyone in the clubhouse vomits blood from every orifice on their body. The blood flies into the air, swirling together into a giant red liquid mass. It arrows down onto the small item on the table and whirls faster and tighter, like a small red tornado. Suddenly there is a loud gong sound, as if the heavens themselves have cracked open..


Innocent Blood is engulfed by the red tornado, which is now suffused with arc-weld-bright flashes of Board Energy.

Suddenly the blood and the small girl vanish. All that is left is several dozen bloodless corpses.

The crowd of upset patrons grows larger, but a crack of thunder coming from the cloudless skies silences them

A small figure walks out from the clubhouse. It is a young girl, with dark hair and pale eyes. She crackles with energy, and carries two slender swords at her hip

YOU WILL ALL SIT DOWN NOW! The mysterious girl booms out in a most distressing loud voice

Innocent Blood takes the jewelery and rises from her chair

It shall be as you wish, Father .. She hisses

The slender pale girl sweeps out of the Court of Skulls

The young girl hisses softly, her milky eyes fixed on the shiny gemstone.


A pale girl of fifteen dressed in black leather armor with matched slender swords belted across her slender hips appears and looks out on the carnage. She steps closer to the tall dark form.

Do we intervene my lord? The girl's voice whispers to the shadowy creature.