Iceman1077's page

36 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Summersnow wrote:

I'm just assuming the game plan from paizo is to stall, stall, stall some more and then JAZZ-HANDS look at the awesome new minis from Wizkids in stores now! and sweep this entire project under the rug.

A small part of my brain is afraid this is exactly what is going to happen. If the new Wizkids minis show up before there is a resolution for this, I don't know that I can put any more trust in Paizo.

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What I think would be useful is an annual compilation of the non-adventure material from the APs. The new planets, races, mmonsters, archetypes, etc. that were in the previous years APs.

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I haven't had a chance to thoroughly read all the classes yet, but the Solarion definitely makes me hope for some class specific archetypes in the future. The Solarion needs an option to focus on either Graviton or Photon, instead of having to balance the 2, and an option to use your solar weapon at range would be nice too. A multi-Solar weapon option would be interesting too.